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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1961, p. 9

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Coe ee a ee ee ie ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 23, 1961 at the 11 o'clock service for all} the womens groups of alh---- ye ery ite 6h aiik for sociation of Canada, who e new slate of officers lor) oke on how the organization 7 ; g: is 1962 will be as follows: started and the work that it Evening WA . Presi- November Meeting dent, Mrs. Stanley Lawrence: [Sart The November of Vice-president, Mrs. Robert Gal- 'Christ Church 9 'Soroptimist Club |GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Hears Talk a H | SA HOME LEAGUE 'be Mrs. Captain Ritson from On Cancer Society | The regular meeting of the/Bowmanville, who will talk on 3alvation Army Home League'a trip to Bermuda. lf | contribution was. spent. a - and books for an eig "Local women's committee: | "45 held on Tuesday afternoon, an ack.! Cana. | November 21. Pid thteeg onc eee ls gr Mrs. Major Rankin led in the opinion expressed by Mrs. 0. D.| singing of a few choruses, Mrs. Friend. Mrs. Friend was speak-| William James made the an- ling to the Soroptimist Club 0 1ouncements and prayer for the lOshawa at their monthly din-|tick members was offered by ner, and in an interesting tall:|Mrs. Lilian McNaul. : gave the members some idea of} Mrs. William James intro- the ways in which their yearly|duced guests from Whitby, Mrs. i "Maior Simpson, Mrs. Dorothy Archer and Mrs. Syvil Shep- herd. Mrs. Major Simpson led in the singing of a hymn and {Mrs. Archer read the Scripture. Mrs. Simpson led in a very in The money brought treats for patients, at home and in the thospital, and the club mem- bers were happy to learn that last year part of this Bhar Piss Roopa cigeh cya af deg as > special puzzles|teres z, the wir s » was secat. ioe ee cana Mrs. Albert Hayes, Mrs. May- ST. GEORGE'S GUILD (Mary Parker Group) The November meeting of the Mary Parker group of St. George's Memorial Church Guild was held at the home of Mrs. E. P. Bathe, Ritson road south. The minutes were read by Mrs. O. C. Richardson and the treasurer's report by Miss Mina Smith. Discussion centred mostly on jthe final arrangements for the bazaar to be held in the parish hall on Saturday, November 25. Arrangements were made for \boy. Hair cuts for hospital pati ents, 4,000 dressings a month meals for patients who must nard Nelson and Mrs. Gordon|the December meeting with a Butler. Mrs. Simpson then gave/dinner to be held at Glenholme a talk on "The House on the|School for retarded children on travel cases, to Toronto, transportation in some|Bible", the House with the sure|December 15. services, | foundation, built on the word of meeting rate ee - : Christ Memorial Church Even-|P!7) recording secretary, Mrs. ing WA was held recently with|E. V. Davies; corresponding sec-) the president, Mrs. W. J. How-|tetary, Mrs. Charles Dewhurst; | ard opening with a prayer. treasurer, Mrs. Edwin Roberts; | secretary's report was read by|PTess apg Mrs. J. R. Par- Mrs. F. A, Macllveen and Mrs.|S0"S; _Hving message secretary, Edwin Roberts gave the treas-|Mrs. Russell Dougherty; bulletin urer's report. secretary, Mrs. G. A. White; Mrs. John Houghton, educa- dorcas secretary, Mrs. B. P.| tion secretary, announced that Cook; united thankoffering sec-| she had church calendars for|tetary, Mrs. Glen Drury; educa- sale. Mrs. B. P. Cook. dorcas om secretary, Mrs. W. J. How-, secretary, attended the dorcas ard; parish council representa-| work shop at St. George's Me-|tive, Mrs. William Broadbent; morial Church. She stated that|'4 hostess, Mrs. Murdie Mac- household articles and clothing|/€0d: telephone committee, Mrs. were alwavs needed and much/: A: Macllveen, Mrs. Bruce appreciated. Jackson, Mrs. Harvey Beadle, It was stated that 'White tae ree re, BW Gift' Sunday for the Sunday School will be held on December 3. There will be a joint com- The Christmas bazaar will be held on November 29. Mrs. The Reverend W. J, Goodswan| spoke on. the Church School and! | the needs of the teaching staff! and closed the meeting with) prayer. Refreshments were served by, Mrs. Russell Dougherty, Mrs. E. A. Powell and Mrs. R. J. Broad- bent. ___| WIFE PRESERVE ~~ HISTORIC INDUSTRY | -- has had an organized! ingshapibenscd -- oo coal-m™ing industry for 300) Soles of shoes with layers of years, the longest in Europe. ' shellac. DUSTY BASEMENT FLOORS d meee _ Conerete Uarloner ------ were a few of the tasks under-/God. She spoke of the various HARVEY HUNT AUX. Harvey Beadle is to be the gen- munion service on December 3 _" eral convener. Mrs. Robert Gal- pin assisted by Mrs. Clare Mc-| Cullough and Mrs. Glen Drury taken by. the Women's Com-jrooms in the House, and what) The regular meeting of the |mittee. they represented, such as peace,| Harvey Hunt Evening Auxiliary 'hough Your Sins Be As Scar- One of the most worthwhile/Courase, faith, and prayer. was held in the Memorial Hall jet'. rar Sie ry projects of the Society was the) Mrs. Shepherd led in the sing-/0f Simcoe Street United Church.| "wyrs. ' Gordon Magee intro- ee pt mann "a Tiago 4 special Speech Rehabilitation |ing of the hymn, "My Faith} The president, Miss Gladys duced Mr. Bruce Affleck, Crown hav prran'a gi sare iiss Clinic at the Princess Margaret|Looks up to Thee'. Mrs. Simp-|Frise presided. The reports of|Attorney for Ontario, who gave ave charge of the nursery. Hospital; 123 patients who had)son closed in prayer the various secretaries werejan address on Community, Mrs. Mansell Gerrow intro- lost the larynx have been taught) Tea was served by the Cheerio given. Mrs. Ann Potter present-| Friendship duced Mrs. Walter Johnson, by the speech therapist to talk Group ed the devotional theme. Miss! The next meeting will be held president of the Oshawa with breath and tongue. One| Next week guest speaker will'Lenore Glass sang a_ solo,jon December 14 Branch of the Consumers' As-| patient so helped, a young wom- - A ak wd me cf : st A an, had gone back to teaching school, she said Rather than give gifts at Christmas time to each other the Soroptimists bring a gift for the Cancer Cupboard to their annual Christmas party Mrs Friend told the members that these gifts were used at Christ- mas. time and throughout the, year to bring cheer to shut-ins Mrs. W. H. Bestwick intro- duced the speaker, who was thanked by Miss Madeline Kelly Along with her thanks, Miss Kelly presented a cash dona- tion to Mrs. Friend to be used by the local Women's Commit- tee of The Cancer Society [owano's "ey The amazing combination concrete floor hardener and finish thot con be tiled over, Resilocrete soaks right into the pores of the concrete, Permanently ends dusting, dampproofs ond gives a beautiful, long-weoring finish. Choose from 6 decorator colors, white or cleor. Per gel. $9.85 -- gt. $2.85, GAL. 9.50 -- QT. 3.00 A PAIR OF IMPS Children of Mr. and Mrs, | children of Mr Donald Crawford, Beaupre | D. A. Crawford of avenue, are Cora-Lynn, aged Mr. and Mr Willi three, and Vernon Dale, two Cormack years old. They are the grand St Mary's CWL Council Plans Activities At November Meeting The members of St the People Council of the Cath- cation olic Women's League held their be November meeting in the; The church auditorium with Mrs. sented Frank Donald presiding ing The Reverend Norbert Gignac Mr s Bernard Jones and Mrs. opened the meeting with pray- Frank Donald will have charge er. The secretary's report was|9f the pot luck supper to be read by 'Mrs. Leonard Weeks held conjunction with the and Mrs. Ted Chenier gave December meeting. Each mem- the treasurer's report ber is asked to bring a wrap- All conveners and those gift 50 cents' for : sie exchange gifts this helped in any with the z 'Sil i x '|Christmas meeting Parish Anniversary Dinner Ries Harts were thanked for their assist-|,.~ : nny tion convener ance. The spiritual convener,) i pocniital vi Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, report eae. es ome a ed on the success of the Per- _ Spiritual petual Rosary and added that Norbert Gignac addressed the she wished more names to be Members and also expressed added to the present list his thanks and appreciation to It thal each those who assisted in any way} with the Anniversary Dinner month the names of four mem-| held in October. Father Gignac ebrs would be drawn and these discussed the phonograph rec- members would be remember-'ord 'A study of Mater ed with a short prayer by the Magistra, an _ encyclical rest of the Council. |Pope John XXIII." It was sug- Due to the absence of the/gested that this record be pur-| education convener, the presi-/chased by the Council to be dent discussed the CWL schol-| used at future meetings Tea| arship tobe awarded to the and. refreshments were served pupil attaining the highest' by the social committee at the standing in Grade XII and con-|close of the meeting and Mrs Ajax and am Me- of Haliburton --Photo by Hornsby i hth» wi~9 Siit~9 ttt + Rt tie iho Tih. steno Seen 0 Sete fete « with: tette eho woes teit.+ iit. safith: tne salto dis te j i ¢ Mary of, tinuing on to further their edu The must also member the parish scholarship will be pre the December meet- pupil f 0 ONLY 26 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS! at BUY NOW . " wm PAY NEX FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. ir in to cost of at way social ac- for help Lack isked iting Director Father was decided Custom- made SLIPCOVERS Slipcovers will be cut and pinfitted in your home. 926 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-3144 Pullover Special! 1.12 Savings BOYS' SIZES 26-34 - Hi-bulk "Or- 3 87 r lon" in popular colours; contrasting colour trims. A "sure-to-be-appre- ciated" gift. Reg. 4.99! --k- Lined Slacks! Save 26% BOYS': SIZES 6-12--smartly-tailor- ed "'corduroys" with printed flan- nelette lining; half-boxer style Lots of pockets. Reg. 3.99! 9.97 BUY ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS AT ZELLER'S "CHARGE-IT" ! SMOOTH n choice cut Gift-Special ! EASY - CARE "'Tery- lene' "SANSUEDE" flannelette of smart patterns; half-boxer full- waist, Sizes A mfor Co balloon E. Buy seat Sonforized"' w~ and Save 1.02 PYJAMA "BUY" FOR BOYS SIZES 26-30 tricot shirts in ri Boys' Underwear white and fine stripes; convertible cuffs. Sizes 14 to 16%. Buy Now and Save 1.02. Special ! "Cream Rib" SIZES S, M, L -- Short - Good-looking and hard-wearing "Sansuede"' boxer waist' "Sanforized", Only tte prir Zeller-Thrift-Priced! REG, 1.00 sleeved shirts and ankle- reinforced | ond Loundry-lov- length drawers; with double knees "WEXT YEAR: ft for "ti double seot ing, hard-wearing, action- styled ! ° ELECTRIC BLANKET ON THE PURCHASE OF FRIGIDAIRE DRYERS NOW AT Special CHRISTMAS PRICES!! FOR NICE GIFTS GIVE ACCESSORIES FOR FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES BROILERS--GRIDDLES, ETC. Special! Sleeping Bag Sa : aS ae Soe 100% High-Bulk "Or- rs lon" - styled with shawl type collar. White; ZELLER-VALUE black; colours; contras- ting trim. Sizes , M, L. "79 Gift Tie-&-Sock Set! Special 1.57 GIFT-PACKAGED "stret- SHOPPING CENTRE aad GIFT-RIGHT for the outdoor-mind- REG. 9.99 ed Man or Boy! Nylon top shell; rubberized bottom. Also opens out into a blanket 7.44 Gift-Hose For Men & Boys @ "ORLON" ANKLETS--Special! Wide WE chee" Nylon Socks and 226 STEVENSON RD. S. f male-approved colours. Elastic Tie- in matching colour. i 7 PHONE 723-2209 range of Great variety. Reg. 1.99! 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