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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 23, 1961 OLD COUNTRY SOCCER By M. MeINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent to The Times LONDON -- The Milan saga of Jimmy Greaves, former Chel- sea star is over-- at least for the time being. The 'slave auction" to bring this player back to Engiand from Italy, has resulted in a victory for Totten- ham Ilotspur. The Spurs' bid of $294,200 for the transfer of Greaves was some $5800 higher than that of his old club, Chelsea The auction for Greaves ended ARGOS AND FLOYD PATTERSON TRADE SUCCESS SECRETS Toronto Argo stars Dave | champion Floyd Patterson, at ; tough opponents. If Argos can | cember 4th, Mann (left) and Tobin Rote | his Toronto training quarters, | dispose of Hamilton Tiger- | (right) are shown chatting | They are likely exchanging cae Se weemen no with world's heavyweight | trade secrets on how to stop | on December 2nd and on De- | Patterson de- | against McNeeley, at Maple they'll bid for the Grey Cup | Leaf Gardens. fends his title in the big bout | dramatically. In a hotel room in Milan, Billy Nicholson of Spurs and Joe Mears of Chel- sea each placed a. sealed en- velope on the table, containing the final bid of their clubs for Greaves. The president of the Milan club opened the en- velopes. and found the Totten- jham bid topped that of Chelsea. So Greaves signs for Spurs, |badly in need of a goal-scoring inside forward. Still doubtful, however, is the exact date when Greaves will be able to play for Tottenham. The English League manage- ment committee is thoroughly disgusted with the whole busi- ness, and is likely to call for a full inquiry into the dealings with regard to Greaves. And it is just possible that his registration to play for the Spurs will be held up until this inquiry 1s completed, which may be a month or more from now. |The fee of $294,200 is the high- jest fee ever paid by a British feotbali club for a player. EVERTON CLIMBING Before the season began, 1 tipped Everton as one of the clubs to be well in the running for the English League cham- leaders, with Ipswich and Tot- tenhain one point behind them. 1 | Hotspurs Pay Milan $294,200 For Greaves Evertou aie playing inuch more consistent football than either Burnley or Tottenham, both of whom lost a point by drawing with Wolves and Sheffield Wed- nesday respectively. But Ips- wich continue to win, and de- feated the once fabulous Man- chester United by 4-1. The league race, however, is so tight that only seven points separate the first team from the one wich is lying in 14th place in the league. THE GAME I SAW In two games, Arsenal have jumped from second from bot- tom of the league to a tie for seventh place. Two victories were enough 'to bring them up fo that position. I went to High- bury to see their new capture ipionship. After a rather poor|from Wolves, England inter- start, they have justified myjnational half-back Eddie Clamp, faith in them. They are nowjin action against Nottingham second in the league standing,|Forest. Clamp did not exactly two points behind Burnley, the;make a spectacular debut, but he played a useful part in Arsenal's 2-1 victory by a neat ed pass to enable McLeod to score) the winning goal. Arsenal should) have had more than two goals This Arsenal team is looking much better than a few week ago. Geoffrey Strong is proving \been dropped. There a sound half-back line, two expert wingers, and in George East- ham one of England's |brilliant inside forwards. But to glamor, a top class inside left and a strong left. back are needed. Arsenal have spent something like $850,000 in the last three years for players, and are willing to spend another $250,000 if they can find the men they want for these two positions. The problem is to persuade the clubs who have them to sell at any price. DUNDEE WELL AHEAD / Dundee are consolidating their position as Scottish League leaders, now six points ahead of Kilmarnock and seven ahead of Rangers They had a fantas- tic 5-1 win over Raith Rovers At. half-time, Raith were ahead 1-0. In the second half, Dundee roared into action and scored five goals while Raith got three more. At Edinburgh, a game between Hearts and Third Lan- ark had to be abandoned at half time because of dense fog with no goals scored i a more aggressive centre for-| ward than Me! Charles, who has most. recapture the old Arsenal) SPORTS BRIEFS FOREIGNERS OUSTED ADELAIDE, Australia (AP) Darlene Hard of Montebello, Calif., and Yola Ramirez of Mexico were eliminated in the semi-finals of the women's dou- bles in the South Australian tennis tournament Wednesday. Margaret Smith and Robyn Eb- bern, both Australians, defeated them 6-2, 8-6 WILL WEAR HELMETS TORONTO (CP) -- Univer. versity of Toronto Blues will wear protective helmets this hockey season, coach Jack Kennedy said Wednesday. The helmets, made in Sweden of plastic and foam rubber, are on order and Kennedy said he hoped they would arrive in time for the first league game here Friday against Laval, defending Intercollegiate champions. REFEREES ATTEND CLINIC MONTREAL (CP) -- More than 100 Montreal district ref- erees Wednesday night attended a work clinic headed by Pat Patterson of Norval, Ont., tour: ing Eastern Canada as part of a project sponsored by the Ca- nadian Amateur Hockey Associ- ation. Vic Linquist is making a similar tour of Western Canada for the CAHA. Third-Place Team Has Never Won Grey Cup ut Argos Never Lose By JACK SULLIVAN jgames. Then they knocked out; They met first in 1937 and | with seconds remaining after a Canadian Press Sports Editor the second-place Ottawa Rough|Argonauts won that one 4-3.|strange play by Winnipeg quar-| Now that just about every|Riders in the sudden -death/They were right back at it the|ter Bob Sandberg, a standout on football filbert in the land has|semi-final and followed with a/following 'year and going into|the Bomber awarded Toronto Argonauts a'somewhat astonishing victory|the fourth quarter with Winni-} spot in the Dec. 2 Grey Cup/over Ticats. peg leading 7-6, it looked as if/erve strength to match final, the question before the ARGOS NEVER BEATEN the decision would be reversed./Eastern club if the game went house is whether a team finish-| The whole business about this|But Bombers were unlucky injinto overtime, he gambled ing third in the league standings 1961 Cup final at Toronto is| has ever made it to the East- shaping up as something akin to! West classic. The answer is no.\civil war. Listen to the experts) Of course, coach Jim Trimblejand they'll tell you the two and his Hamilton Tiger-Cats|teams who will occupy the aren't conceding anything. And|benches on Dec. are Winni- why should they, but there is|peg Blue Bombers and Argo- great gloom in the Mountain/nauts. City. If this happens, people likely Tiger-Cats wrapped up first|will storm the Canadian Na- place in the Eastern Conference /tional Exhibition Stadium gates a few weeks ago and then were|in Toronto to watch. | knocked silly 25-7.by Argonauts; The Bombers have a few) greatest day of his career. | kick with the ball on Winnipeg's In the final quarter Red/33-yard line. Centre Mel Wilson Storey got off the Argonaut| handed off to Bert Iannone on} bench and rambled 28 yards forjwhat was known as guard-! one touchdown, intercepted ajaround play and Iannone was pass and raced 40 yards for his|stopped cold. second, ran 102 yards to set up} Argos took over from there, a third and plunged 12 yards|setting the stage for Krol's kick for his own third touchdown.|which landed with the final Final score: Toronto 30 Winni-| whistle. peg 7. The Bombers returned for an- With the Second World Warjother try in 1950, the year of a --(CP Wirephoto) | team. Realizing} that Bombers hadn't the res-| the) meeting a fine player on the| everything on a third-down fake} RIG in the opener of the two-game/scores to settle with Argonauts| total - point final last Sunday;and Argos have a proud Cup at Toronto. The second gamejrecord to uphold. will be played at Hamilton Sat-| These two clubs have met over, the Teddy Morris-coached|the great mud bath at Toronto Argonauts met the Bombers in/Varsity Stadium, This was sup- 1945-46-47 and beat them by/posed to be the greatest Winni-| 35-0, 28-6 and 10-9 scores. jpeg team ever assembied with} urday. The in-and-out Argon-|six times for Earl Grey's trophy auts finished third in the 14-/and the Bombers have six goose) game schedule and, by all sane'eggs to show in the win col- reasoning, don't deserve a berthiumn. Toronto has hit the na-/ in the Grey Cup. tional final 10 times since East-) At times this year they stunk) West rivalry started in 1921 and) the joint out. They couldn't put/has won every time. For the) together two good 60 - minute|most part, Argonaut - Bomber! performances until the payoff'clashes have been thrillers. | That °47 final was one of the|pass-happy Indian Jack Jacobs best in history. Argonauts were|at quarter 5-to-1 favorites but that didn't} The players were up to their bother Bombers who led 9-7\ankles in mud and the teams with five minutes to play. Ar-|were forced to revert to the old gos drove down the frozen field|two-bucks-and - a - kick style of three times into range for sin-|play. gles by Joe Krol. Argonauts were the better The game-winning point came'mudders and won that one 13-0 Rangers Star Rookie Nearly Quit H By LAURENT CHIASSON (chard, Bernie (Boom Boom) Canadian Press Staff Writer (Geoffrion and Howe, would wind Earl Ingarfield seriously con- UP With 120 points -- 35 goals sidered giving up hockey last|and 85 assists -- if he main- summer tained his present pace The 27 - The odds, however, ured he wasn't getting any- where. He only had 15 goals in 121 games with New York Ran- gers But things have changed Placed between Andy B gate and Dean Prentice, a pair. of crafty wingers, Ingar.ield gy? ogee is 96 suddenly has emerged into a big, se 2 ne by left winger Dicki The trio itself year - old centre fig are point barrier. Geoffrion ath. peared to ha the Canadiens in 1958-59. s the most pro League so far this season is collecting scoring points--70 season. The record f most as in 18 games -- a a rate that/sists by a right winger is 49 would eclipse several marks season. Bathgate leads the way with; Bathgate nine goals and 22 assists. Ingar-|playing - gives New jagainst him. Other players have|players who cver |started strongly in recent sea- sons but tapered off towards the|ranks. He is in his 10th season| end and failed to break the 100- ap- ve a good chance silast season, but finished withia team Harvey says the Rang-|Siven to Mr. Monteith and pro- It was set/offs. e Moore of } The most assists ever accu- ductive in the National Hockey) mulated by a player was 58 by It Jean Beliveau of Montreal last deadlock. league) Howe established this mark last York Boston. The Maple Leafs and coach Doug Harvey a Black Hawks each were victims field has 11 goals, tops on the|lot of credit for his fast start. | Government Not Ready To | | Make Splurge " CALGARY (CP)--Health Min- | , y P , : A yg te a nee yourlister Monteith said Tuesday the \faults," he says "He treats us{feoe=e! government seeker dig / | nh By etd ries © make any large financial i bees. Be pagel : ola| Commitments for the develop- leftwinger, ic cha OF this few | ment of Banff-Lake Louise as d hate the| te site of the 1968 Winter Ol- : / ympics. jump to the NHL from junior|>"? paar : | Wiiat was described as the with Rangers and has 157 goals.|"first really complete estim- New York has yet to win ajate" of the costs involved in game from Detroit this season, |Playing host to the Games was ockey | ers must beat to make the play-|Vincial Secretary A. R. Patrick jat a meeting earlier in the day. In three previous outings, De-| The Canadian Olympic Asso- troit won 1-0 on home ice andiciation has chosen the Rocky 5-4 at New York. The other|Mountain resort area as its game at Detroit, ended in a 4-4/contender for the Games. The \International Olympic Commit- The Rangers also haven'titee wili make the final choice beaten front - running Montreal.jin 1963 Their eight wins have come) wr. Monteith told a press con- against Toronto, Chicago and|ference the federal government has spent $10,000 for the engin-| eering survey of possible Cana-| dian sites and will finance an/ three times. club and second best in the league, and nine assists while Prentice has six goals and 13 assists WOULD NET 273 That's a clip that would net the line a whopping 273 points over the NHL's 70 - game sched- ule. The record of 226 points Was set in 1956-57 by Detroit's Gordie Howe, Norm Ullman What's the key to Ingarfield's that's success? "When you play between pla;-;meet St. Francis Xavier Satur- ers like Bathgate and Prentice, day at Halifax in the Atlantic) loss to McGill Redmen, the X-|ago today. Winnipeg Blue it's easy." says Ingarfield mod-| Bowl. estly. 'They make all the big plays." The unit has provided the big) !ate offensive spark for the surpri ing Rangers, who tonight coul move into first place in the, Mou NHL with a win over Detroit. 5™0 The game is in New York and Sudden-death encounter it's the only one scheduled. | cide which team would Thursday night the Rangers) Marauders. ) move, on to Boston for a game against the Bruins last Saturday nties. Thursday with Detroit visiting)won't be by a large margin Chicago. Marauders Could Cause Big Switch HAMILTON (CP) -- Football losing only eight and tying one REMEMBER WHEN odin Ted Lindsay and games are won on the gridiron/quring his eight years in the, BY THE CANADIAN PRESS and not by press clippings and the attitude McMaster Marauders will have when they] Played centre for Ottawa. Coach Bobby Dawson said he,against Fort William Redskins|17-2 after two overtime periods and his staff didn't know until in the Canadian intermediate|in the third and deciding game afternoon! final. They haven't lost a sched-| of the westorn final at s-.Whether they would be playing) ule game since 1957. Their AFC) ton. athe X-Men or Mount Allison/record this year was 6-0. The Mounties were thered 45-9 Saturday in the| rio Agriculture College in 1959,|'0tal-points eastern final 56-11. the! ye Backfield coach Wes Hicks roster. Seventeen players come rejuve All other|and Dawson both feel that the from the U.S., 13 from Ontario) Toronto-Mapie Leafs, said Wed- teams also will be in action|Marauders can win but that it)and one each from Quebec and nesday .| Nova Scotia : Montreal and Toronto going to| Dawson, who retired as aj player with Hamilton Tiger- Ingarfield, Bathgate and Pren-|Cats of the Eastern Conference|yses only two in that position aeria' survey of the Banff area! before 1963 He said there are other "pre- liminary steps" necessary to! |bring the area to international 'standards but the division of jthese costs has yet to be made. Grey Cw finalists for three years running, Edmonton and] Montreal were each knocked | Except for a 21-7 exhibition|out of the playoffs four years| \Maritimes. Loney formerly \Men's last defeat was in 1958|Bombers crushed the Eskimos Edmon- Hamilton Tiger Cats swamped Montreal Alouettes St. FX, which defeated Onta- 29:1. at. Hamilton, winning the first Bowl game, and last downed Ottawa University, havetonly one Maritimer on the REFUSED LONGER PACT TORONTO (CP)--Red Kelly, nated workhorse of the he could have signed a two-year contract this fall but Loney carries five men. with preferred playing on a year-to- quarterback e x perience, but! year basis He said he will wait until the tice Have accumulated 15 more after last"season, guided the! regularly. Ray Sommerville, 20-end of the National Hockey! points than the NHL's next best/ Marauders to a second - place|year-old 180 unit -- Henri Richard, Claude/finish with a 6-1 record in the! Cornwall, is a more consistently whether giate Confer- j. Provost and Marcel Bonin of Canadiens Bathgate, 29, always consid- ered a smart right winger but! mediate | Ontario Intercolle ence champions, often overshadowed by the her- coached by Don Loney, whose! option cics of*Maurice (Rocket) Ri-'teams have wan 60 games while! long. The X-Man, Maritimes Inter- pounder from League season before deciding he'll retire dangerous runner than 160- "As long as I'm doing the pound lefthander Jock Simpson job I'll stay," he said. "I' of Ottawa. But Simpson is lik-|making good money and are ely to run for good gains off the worked at hocke: play. Both throw But , iteo." can I have other bu RR et SiS ea Dake, g ce Sie se y and enjoy your suit now ONLY! worsted flannel. REG USE OUR SOME DRM A BS PEE INE There are all sizes including talls . . srs 110! EVENT lriday and saturday In time for holiday wearing at January sale prices ... 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