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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1961, p. 1

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Commo: THOUGHT FOR TODAY Remember when girls didn't care if spinning wheels had whitewall tires or not? LL me ty tudy Group To Meet H She Oshawa Gime 7 Wy bi E ere P. 13 WEATHER REPORT Occasional rain today. Mainly idloudy with little change in temperature, Friday, winds light. Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL. 90--NO, 272 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1961 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash, TWENTY-SIX PAGES Dief o Force UN Talks On Red Colonies TORONTO (CP) Prime Minister Diefenbaker hopes to bring a discussion on Soviet colonialism before the United Nations Geueral Assem-|member states towards | bly. pendence of the remaining de- In a speech to representatives| pendent territories in of ethnic groups in the Toronto|and Asia. area Wednesday night he said:| Mr. Diefenbaker was speak- "For too long the U.S.S.R./ing to 7,000 representatives of and its satellites have been/29 ethnic groups in the Toronto permitted to take on the offen-|area, He told them that many sive against colonialism while of them had escaped from Com- concealing their own." munist tyranny to find freedom, Mr. Diefenbaker said hejand that such tyranny must hopes Canada can enlist inter-/never be allowed to reach Can- national backing to bring the ada. question before the UN. He re-- The prime minister earlier '\turned to Ottawa early today. | received a memorandum from He said he hopes the question|,y Jron-Curtain refugee group can be brought up "at the very urging him to press for UN first opportunity, so the free'i;zslementation of resolutions world can speak up. seeking ouster of. Soviet troops "We must do our part t0/from Hungary and free elec- bring about --* A & tions for that country. where so men can stand up- ; f right and face the future with a Pha Re at jtheir hearts given to preserva: O26 mlizabeth Building was al olutions in this field before the next/have focussed the attention of FIREFIGHTERS AIDED | the tive this year as the other res-,concert which included present session of the assembly/groups in native costume. inde-| DIGNITARIES ATTEND folk| dances and songs by the Ee TWO MISHAPS. 132 PEOPLE DIE Mrs. Diefenbaker, Labor Min- Africa| ister Starr, Mayor Nathan Phil-| lips of Toronto and senators and members of Parliament and the legislature also at- provincial tended. A five-year-old girl, auditorium. Mrs. Diefenbaker gave Hilda} a blue flower she was wearing} on her dress. The girl's fathe | said Hilda learned to play the piano} when she was 3% and. has at-| Exhibition's|tended the Royal Conservatory) a tool and die maker, of Music. whose parents came here from Yugo- slavia five years ago, played al song she had composed in the prime minister's honor. Pianist Hilda Irek, dressed 'in native costume, was invited by the Diefenbakers afterwards to sit hetween them in front of the } Sea Takes 80, | Air Crash, 52 ey ; BOGOTA (Reuters)--A 7,267-' RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) , 4 ton French ship sank in the|An Argentine Comet IV airliner |Caribbean off the Colombian|crashed shortly after takeoff /|coast Wednesday night and all/from Campinas airport today, ; |80 persons aboard are feared to/killing 40 passengers and 12 7, |have been killed, the Colombian|crew members, the local news Navy said here today. lagency Meridional reported. 4 The ship, L'Equateur, sank; The plane was on a flight , |about 80 miles off the eastern|/from Buenos Aires to New 7, |half of Colombia's Caribbean|York, calling at Campinas, 240 _ |coastline. miles west of Rio de Janeiro, | The airforce reported that) Jt exploded and burned min- 7 \several bodies could. be seen|utes after takeoff, the agency : |floating near the spot where the! said. | 4 | tion of freedom." 1mes Owe | For Communist Russia to |pose as the champion of hu- man liberty and the liberator of captive peoples is "ta complete NEW YORK, (AP) -- An in- ferno several storeys under- travesty of truth," he said. THINKS NOT OPPORTUNE ground killed two firemen Wed- nesday night and turned the The prime minister added porter were trapped by smoke hat he had considered propos- on the 23rd floor for more than ing such a resolution at the three hours. Through dense present UN session, but had smoke and heat firemen finally concluded that it "would not Times Tower into a huge chim- made their way aloft and led pave been opportune or effec- ney belching smoke and searing : <f § heat high above the '"Cross- roads of the World."' A crowd rivalling those of New Year's Eve swarmed into the pair to the street . Eleven firemen suffered The fire was deep in stor- the Times Square area around|age vaults beneath the building ® the 24-storey triangular build-| which used to be the headquar-| For Life Of smoke poisoning or injuries. Ho e Fading seven-level underground p ing -- a landmark known ' 'er of the New "ork Times throughout the world. WASHINGTON (CP) -- West Germany has agreed with the United States that the West should explore with Russia the possibility of opening peaceful negotiations on the Berlin crisis, but on terms which would re-| 'quire substantial modification) of Soviet Premier Khrushchev's| demands. Ending three days of private} talks in which most but not all| the 1¢ fire appa tacular blaze under control at The storage vaults are mostly 1:25 a.m. today. ti ' 5 : . those of a foreign magazine Sixty pieces of fire depart-/and 'back-number newspaper ment apparatus jammed the|firm which has a store in the iJungle-wise Dutch patrol offi |Chancelior Konrad Adenauer "1,,(called for "reasonableness" on) uae neues crocodile | the part of Khrushchev in order! Berlin Talks OK By West Germany West German Foreign Minis-| ter Dr. Gerhard Schroeder said} it had been a visit. "In all essential questions we} reached a good under- standing which will lead to the four Western partners reaching an agreed attitude," he said. While Kennedy and Adenauer s. | es to spell er in their i tikectedt tn ' oint communique just what , After a fight-of simost fivc/ihe fourth level down, and «| Rockefeller jot their differences were re-/they are willing to negotiate, got the speC-/burned through several levels.| MERAUKE (Reuters) ac ee TNE Ene Senne? Ste HOHDAING Sid Tater Huy Wogte MERA , with Russia would have to be on a narrow frong-- reduction of border tensions through a halt in prop- have ern deal such as ship went down. The plane was owned by Colombian officials said there) Aerolineas Argentina. |have been no communications) It was the third big air crash with the ship since 8:30 P-M./|this month. Eighty-one persons, 5 e |local time Wednesday night, mostly U.S, army recruits, were ; : r ~, \though the exact time of the/killed when a Constellation air- ' ' |sinking was not known. jliner crashed near Richmond, : | The sinking occurred off!Va. Nov, 8. |Cabo de la Aguja (Needle! On Nov. 1, 45 persons were |Cape) about 50 miles east of|killed when a Portuguese DC-7 Barranquilla on 'the eastern|crashed into a hillside at Re- |half of Colombia's Caribbean! cife, northern Brazil, "successfull § : ; 2 2 | coastline. | 'ee ' The L'Equateur is owned by|IN TWO MINUTES ' : a6 jthe Compagnie General Trans-| Witnesses said the plane to- / |atlantique and registered at Le|day exploded less than two min- + \Havre. jutes after taking off from the \airport. | After leaving Sao Paulo the Young Blonde 2 riviera ans Challenges: ca rae plunged into. hilly NDP Leader TERRY SHOWS RESCUE SHIP Terry Jo Duperrault, 11,| ketch Bluebelle sank last} shows a ~-- hy the oer week. She is the sole survivor | tain Theo, the ship whic! c rescued her from a raft float. | °f the tragedy, § 'making it difficult. for Or *rews to reach it. Cries Ssfiose me dre heard but the rs. to arrive found no sur- TWh. v swamps) , ' d along the southern New Guinea|'? permit a solution of the Ber coast as hope faded for the life lin issue through negotiation. The five-alarm blaze gener-|of Michael Rockefeller. Adenauer arrived back in ated dense smoke and intense) The feeling among many pa- streets, and traffic was halted! pasement. for a radius of two blocks Police headquarters mobilized 150 extra men to patrol the area. A cleaning woman and a Higher Power Rates Forseen TORONTO (CP) -- Consolida- tion of northern and southern hydro - electric systems in On tario will mean an increase in the wholesale rates of power in Southern Ontario and major de- creases in Northern Ontario, Hon. Robert Macaulay said Wednesday. Mr. Macaulay, vice -. chair- man of the Ontario Hydro-Elec- tric Power Commission and energy resources minister, ex plained in a lengthy memoran-- PORT OF dum the background to Wed-|(AP)--A nesday's announcement i he Was speech from the throne t systems will be tegrated Basing calculations on 1960 rates, Mr. Macaulay said the effects on the wholesale cost of aganda and intelligence-gather- --(AP Wirephoto) ing stunts and perhaps a re- ing in the Atlantic after the Bonn today but said nothing im- heat that poured up through the! tro] officers was that there was| mediately about the talks. building. "no chance' of the son of the New York governor being found WINDOWS BURST " B U heat Rint hundreds of OTA bah government source in ennett rges windows, s yering shatt j « it: lglass to the street, Only one|Port Moresby, capital of the Columbia Deal s . . Ratification ars t ne ininrog Australian stion of the island, Lag he eager said it was "now only a matter qulecak wine cia "© of time before the air search ix AMLOOPS (CP) -- Premier W. A. C. Bennett: of British Co- lumbia Wednesday night called Electoral Areas Declare Emergenc Visit To Liberia By Queen, Philip injured in a demonstration Mon-| searches failed to produce trace day night of Rockefeller.) power Loge no an increase of| General elections are 11 days) Young gene tae MONROVIA (Reuters)--The ti fi 77 cents a kilowatt in Southern away. Tensi 5 C g |G DY opological stud- . Quee rine: ili 2 : ions from é. ' ; , r Ontario. a decrease oars in t Sowtia of a ae Age Hg gin at morn- provincial water licence is is- b iaeg soy Piaong te Dd ea that no council] member -- not "y pharrell oe Dominican ily related to the es and eco-| W. Q. Bowman, director of northeastern Ontario and a de People's National Movement ing attempting to swim to shore Sued ._lyacht Britanni "t © royal/even Russia -- was willing to people and I ¢an prove EL bite wey Segastate | A oe welfare | prosecutions, said today: : crease of $5 in northwestern On-jand the opposition Democratic f verturned catamaran| He said work could start in|¥2° Mtannia for a one-day! sponsor such a demand. Cuba)? : P » (state. He would want to.exam-| "It seems like a good practi- § in northw rT and the opposition Democratic|from an overturn a Ppt, visit to Liberia, oldest of the|js not a member of the council. Sanchez said. ine the statistical basis of the|cal solution under the circum- But in Victoria, Water Comp- independent African states. The Cuban complaint was A Dominican in the gallery) suicide and delinquency report.|stances. But I don't think it will itroller A: F, Paget indicated at A 21-gun salute greeted the| first debated Wednesday at aj shouted in Spanish, "'It's a lie!" |It was possible that a betterjlead to magistrates cruising the a public meeting it could be royal yacht as it arrived,| stormy council session inter-/He and a companion were hus-|job of collecting statistics was highway in caravans and trying delegate Carlos duction of occupation forces in gave T. C. Douglas, New De-|into gloom over the crash of its But there would be no sccept- rent Ontario speaking tour,jafter four years of research tion rights that resulted won May Be Dropped The encounter occurred at the lmany; no withdrawal from the Douglas in which he referred in| Co rt C and probes by vessels of the e ul ase fying Germany through peace- ity Council to quietly drop the;dence of a "sinister alliance" Through it all, the big Moresby said that Gov. Nelson for ratification of the Columbia hoped to persuade the 85-year-| Dominican Republic. | an-| Republic for 31 years. homas, psychology teacher atthe attorney - general's depart- light through the smoke. boarded a Dutch trawler to C ts --_--___--_-- next Parliament. German regime through infor-\the views of the. Dominican account for the fact that the]; police cruiser to see (Messages reaching The n ; : aaI nedy, the premier said the dent went along with him. Ad-\case closed despite efforts by|and that they had been sent to| highest suicide rate in the world| Toronto held the impromptu the United States Monday. 2 é ; i : le ment of the Columbia has clari-|Cteased "'technical" relations) Cuban Ambassador Mario Knowledge of President! since their socialist programs| : : acciden Highway 401 A 4 "What's wrong with this great} meat e 'A ta e! dis tween himself, Prime Minister| West German settlement. United States as an aggressor/ACCUSES U.S. -,fort to head off new outbreaks' (The New Guinea correspond He imposed a $20 fine on Wil- by Parliament shortly, the pro- |Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo,| sanchez y Sanchez retorted that med into a small musicjafter the officer pleaded guilty WATERLOO (CP)--A young In London, the De Havilland sic cnacaaspuctplacacaulaienceeecnraa bionde psychologist Wednesday|aircraft company was plunged East and West Berlin. mocratic leader, the first taste|Comet IVa plane that took SEE NO WITHDRAWAL harge V u re | of audience criticism in his cur-|over from the ill-fated Comet I ance of any Soviet demand for| challenging his support of the|costing millions of pounds. ] I welfare state. revision of the basic occupa-} s s the Second World Wer- he tor Waterloo Lutherian University P lice C mal recognition of East Ger- following an address by Mr. 0 TUISEI : UNITED NATIONS (CP) --,charges were without founda- eth fea hited . eee ultimate Western goal of reuni-| UN delegates expect the Secur-|tion and that there was evi- complimentary terms to social] The cause of the blaze was! coastline are called off." welfare and economic planning) ee adic aly eterr y rele ™ a Tat *, , i sc i 'al t i s not immediately determined (A report reaching Port ful means. Cuban charge that the United| between Fidel Castro's forces ab = Ftc ag hg comma a Be Studied Throu Kennedy was reported to have|states threatens to invade the|and the Trujillo family' which|P@ttcularly Sweden. Times" electric sign near the| Rockefeller, who arrived on the d had held sway-in the Dominican', Miss Mary K. Lane of St.) TORONTO (CP)--Officials of top of the tower cast beams of search scene Wednesday, had/River treaty with the United/9ld German leader to acknow-| The council scheduled |T States as the first act of the ledge the reality of the East|o{her session Friday to hear) Stevenson said U.S. warships the college, challenged Mr. Dou-| ment said today they will study join the hunt ; ; 4q| 2/28 during a question period tola roadside court case conducted lasaag : - be o.|mal s iti ~ Ad 5 \ _|and planes were staying outside} SAY NO HOPE Fresh from communica-, Mal recognition but Adenauer) government in full. It was ex | : ebehen Berit wrcg! |. n ( ( tions" with U.S. President Ken-| efused to budge and the presi-| pected after that to consider the Dominican territorial 1im its! Scandinavian countries have the whether it is legal. Hague from Hollandia said r : I , A ' Gov. Rockefeller will leave for/question of 'the multi-million sage eo however, was reported|Cuba and the Soviet Union to\the Caribbean area with the|@%d have gg a marked] Magistrate R. B. Dnieper of ieatie a = ae hydro-electric @evelop-\t0. have agreed to seek in-| plow it up into a major issue. ful rise in juvenile delinquency court Saturday about 4 an. s N, rinidac The report from the capita 4 = ; : oaquin Balageur's govern- fter i ~ gota: Ge hea ae ene New Guinea Said "all fied sufficiently to permit a|With the East Germans if this|Garcia-Inchaustegui called on lie ageur's govern-! began. pie Drie i ag Re hace declared a Ave electoral hopes of finding Michael have|conference on financing - be- is a requirement of an East-\the council to condemn the itt?" she acked jOshawa while he was returning ricts ednesday in an ef-'been abandoned." ithe : gute' s . fro ' ef-- been aba Diefenbaker and Finance Min- ~~land order it ee Garcia -Inchaustegui called MAY BE UNRELATED m Peterborough of political violence. One per- t of the Dutch news agency ister Fleming ships and planes it stationed off Balageur a puppet of U.S. im-|™ : =f UR ATE mae son was killed and several were a sntay's sea and land| He said if the treaty, already |the Dominican capital when two| perialism. Mr. Douglas, facing Miss|liam H. Gray, 20, an RCAF of- 3 ' ratified by the U.S., is ratified brothers of the late dictator, pominican Lane before about 225 students|ficer from Summerside, P.E.L., Pg fo 1h ; % 'aed , replied that the situation|to failing to turn left while pass- in New) Vincial government can proceed threatened a coup. Balaguer was receiving instruc |e ee oogthee : with the scheme as soon as a Informants said, however, & instruc: she referred to wasn't necessar-|ing. Red Troops Release US. Military Train BERLIN (AP)--Soviet held up an American m Labor party. raft. many months before he could/Sleaming in the tropical sun.|rupted briefly by an outburst|tled out. |being done. cases on the spot." make a decision on the licence.|President William Tubman, ac-| from the gallery by two Domin-|~--~---- Premier Bennett said at a|COmpanied by his wife and fol-|icans who were rushed from dinner meeting of the Kam.-|!owed by Commonwealth am-!the chamber by UN guards. roops the train to proceed on its jour ilary;ney into West . Germany at train for 1449 hours today and'1:15 p.m. (7:15 a.m. EST) released it after a stowaway' 'The train resumed its inter from East Germany was turned punted journey from West Ber- lin to Frankfurt. It had been . stopped at Marienborn, Soviet checkpoint -at the border, and those aboard had only emer -|gency army rations since such overnight trains serve no meals The Army autobahn between West many and West Berlin. U.S. INVESTIGATES The army said that in ac- cordance with standing instruc- tions the train commander re- fused to allow anyone to board or leave the train. A US. officer was sent from West Berlin to investigate this morning Ger- The U.S. command in Be announced the stc i turned over by the U.S. missior quarters, who gate the holdup ¢ said 74 American and Allied troops and family members were aboard, includ ng 11 children, two to 15 years old. Also aboard were four West T German attendants and a three man East German train crew operating the locomotive that had pulled the train to the bor- der US ated that the Ru z to es tablish a precedent for search ing the U.S. military trains that regularly serve the U.S. garri- PHONE NUMBERS son in West Berlin, U.S. author- the train pass through thei: contro! point at Marienborn intc West Germany because said an East Ge was aboard. T lock when the train cc carried out standi refuse to let the Soviets search the train. The Russians finally allowed crews CITY EMERGENCY past colonialism behind the Iron Curtain before the next United Nations General As- sembly. --(CP Wirgphoto) loops Board of Trade ratifica-|bassadors, went aboard to greet! U.S. Ambassador Adlai E. the provincial government where it stands on the develop-| e e in aetna wien CONAGIAnN Brigade one of the key B.C. represent- the federal and U.S. govern- ments, said the premier was nedy on the Columbia when : : ; | they met in Seattle last week.| OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-jnest John. Neither would the : dian Infantry Brigade in Eu-| brigade hesitate to use them if nuclear war conditions, to em-| it. ploy American nuclear war-|) The U.S. has nuclear war- While the Berlin - Frankfurt : ; 4 train was stalled at Marien. General Assembly \Canada - United States agree-| throughout most of western Eu- OTTAWA (CP)--External Af-)ment on their use and control,'rope and the sources of supply} trains passed through the eae | ay " checkpoint without interference, '0 the UN General Assembly|nesday. -- gade. Thus there would be no! : Wednesday night hoping to play, The 6,500-man brigade will be! problem for the brigade to ac- comment on the Russians' stow- . ' iis : away claim and the United States back to|Christmas-time when it is; But authoritise said the situa- the disarmament bargaining joined by the 1st Honest John/tion would be far different in oe fe arate Weiner oo Mr. Green said Wednesday unit will sail for Europe Dec. 8.\the two Bomarc anti - aircraft aly ¢ perated across East he hopes resumpiton of nuclear) The Honest John artillery! missile bases in Canada. ride of the. Vommunist East can be followed by fresh nego-'a carrier for a nuclear war- would be impossible, they swid, rerman raliway system tations on the question of gen-/head. Army officers said it is to transport warheads from 4 9 ." ular overnight duty train ng Sources close to he minister] any other role. ;North Bay and La Maca z tween Berlin and Frankfurt,/said the Canadian delegation] Sources close to the cabinet} Que. POLICE 725-1133 ities in the have always| : "Or pee esisted Soviet aMemvie tcl ne form of the resumed pn war in Europe the United States Canada and the U.S. would \be| Prige Minister Diefenbaker | groups at Toronto Wednes- FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 C5i5t atten "|, The French and British forcesjtiating conference which might|would not hesitate to supply| required for storage of the way-| mphasizes a point during re- | day night. Mr. Diefenbaker vehicle convoys on the 110-mile such trains. land the United States. dian brigade for use in the Ho-|try decides to accept them. Yesentatives of 29 ethnic | bring a discussion on Soviet ' a 4 7 : tion of the treaty would show\the royal couple. |Stevenson asserted Cuba's ment of the province's power} aiives in Columbia talks with | To Have A-Arms "in communication" with Ken- | rope will be prepared, under/the military situation called for Green Back To UN heads whether or not there is alheads in stora ge dumps), born, three other U.S. military y Yifairs Minister Green returned| authoritative sources said Wed-|are close to the Canadian bri-|. The army made no official i ea ort a key role in bringing Russia|in this state of preparation by| quire them in emergency a. ains tw: at 1 { army trains between | tapie missile battery. The 300 - manjthe case of nuclear warheads for) Germany by locomotives and test ban talks, set for Nov. 28,/rocket is intended primarily as) Under war conditions. it The stalled train was the reg-| era 1s i . = % sta a S the reg- eral disarmament. too cumbersome to be used in|U.S. to the Bomarc sites lat onsisting mostly of sleeping may propose some ideas on thelsaid that in event of nuclear) Thus an agreement betwden jsearch either army trains : li sinkint Paclie- ° : HOSPITAL 723-2211 ae er army trains ot/in West Berlin also operate/be acceptable to both Russialnuclear warheads to the Cana-\heads in Canada--if this coun\, ception attended by 7,000 rep- | told the gathering he hopes to

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