20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 23, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS |16--Female Help Wanted for Toronto to. "Bathurst dis- EXPERIENCED housekeeper for faons ing Oshawa at 6.15 a.m. Tele-|ily, of five in country near' Brookli private room, TV, liberal time off Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fridey Soturday 8 to 12 2--Pe rsonal 24--Houses for Rent |25--Apts. & : Flats for Rent; 25--Apts. & Flats for for Rent FOR RENT -- three bedroom bunga- BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pri-| 1, low, $90 monthly. Three-bedroom split |Vate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen-| leve) $105 monthly. Two-bedroom apart- Sioner, abstainer, $40 monthly. "Apply! $100 monthly, 655-3610. feat, $73 monthly, Bewman.and Gibson | 8 Townline North, 725-4283. -- io o Ta en |$50 MONTHLY -- Apartment in 'village. STENOGRAPHER, r _ ¥ abd dictaphone Tatcigin Pames YO BEDROOM house at 67 William|15 minutes from Oshawa. Five-rooms, | ant peeillan; eramieves Seuntila. Wet Street West, adults preferred, self) all conveniences oil furnace, garage. Box 707, Oshawa Times stating exper-|CoMtained, oil heated. Tele p ho ne| Telephone 94, lence and full particula 725-3968. jFUR ED men Fee rooms |EXECUTIVE type home. Immedi late and bath, attractive location, TV. all |possession, three bedrooms, 40° rec.-|COnV qT st room, two fireplaces, breezeway and|725-4233, 000 'ox den, King East area. FRanklin 2-9992,/REAUTIFUL four room heated apart- ' | Cobourg. ____|ment, jarge kitchen, laundry facilities. WAITRESS "experienced, ¥ neat a appear-| 221 CELINA STREET - ~~ three. 'bed-|Separate entrance and bath. Available ance essential, Apply in person, 5 Bloor | room house, kitchen, bedroom, living 90w. Apply 320 Verdun Road after 5, street East room, $75 monthly. Available Decem-|Adults only, | You" PL ell it i fast when you list it fas ber 1. Apply 836 Simcoe Street North. |Fwo- BEDROOM 's apartment, with kit- t |chen, living room, heavy wiring, laun- Oshawa Times -- Section. Dial recreation dry tubs, continuous hot water, private ay eek ene riendly Ad Writer room, antenna, oil heating, centrally |entrance, Telephone 725-0368, _____|located. Telephone 723-2839. |LUXURY apartment for rent, living SHORT ORDER cook. Apply to Gen-| SIX rooms bun; alow, south end, bus|f0om, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen com.| osha Hotel. Telephone 723-4641. lat door, oma broadioom, $100|plete. Marina apartments, 281 Simcoe SWITCHBOARD operator for weekends. [meee Available Dec. 1, Telephone |Street South, 728-4800. | Apply stating age and experience to: | 728-339; |ONE "BE OK Box 505, Oshawa Times, Poe ROOM house, three bedrooms, |December ist. $58. TV outlet, washer,' HAIRDRESSER, experienced, on 50-50] downtown area. $75 monthly. Apply |dryer, heavy duty wiring, near shopping basis, good working conditions. Central|230 Glidden Avenue for more informa-j|centre, 728-4733. location, ground floor. All replies con-'tion, ao MONTHLY five-room duplex. FEMALE Boxer, brown, seven months coo Write Box 706, Oshawa|; |FIVE-ROOM house to rent, five miles | modern conveniences, private entrance, old, beautiful dog, reasonable. 'Tele- -- ------ north of Oshawa, $35 per month. Tele-jone mile from Raglan. Telephone 655- phone 728- 497. WAITRESS -- xperienced, i, for night|phone 'Thornhill, Avenue 5-2353 or) | 3069. é | shift, five days weekly. Apply in person' write R. F. Howden, RR 1, Maple. me SATED aoe | RE. aa .|to Wayside Snack Bar, corner Thick-|~< ed 'tock, 7 lepbene. rele fas son's Road, Highway 2. FOUR-ROOM house with three-piece newly decorated, living room broad- red sto elep! a0, 'bath, hot water, central. Immediate |loomed, stove, refrigerator, washing tame, HOUSEKEEPER to take full charge of possession. Located at 66 Lloyd Street. |f facilities and garage, 648 Christie Ave- the motherless home with children ages s, Apply 112 William Street ' West. jnue. 725-: 5810. 10, 7, 5 and 3. Live in; Room board a salary, will consider mother with child,|HOUSE for rent. Older house, newly THREE LARGE 7 Dial MO 8-3963, |decorated, clean, oi] heated, adults. | vate, acid ---- __|Abstainers, with quiet school-age chil-| Motors LADY for housekeepi v7 s position, ae dren. Phone 725 2522. ly. in, private room; high wages, ch = once weekly, Must be fond of children. | FAVE ROOM house for rent, sale, seven 'Yelephone 725-7704. ee eee 5-2729 for fur- pply 817 Centre LADY to care for child and light | floor, MO 8-8652. ane household duties while mother works,| THIRTY Muscovy ducks for sale. Also 3 days weekly. Apply 291 Mitchell) FIVE ROOM, two bedroom bungaiow,| Banty chickens. Telephone MO 8-3823 avenue. oil heating, near Ritson school, vacant,|CENTRAL, furnished, private entrance, or 728-3640 for more information. __|$75 monthly. Ernie Holmes Realtor, 204|livingro bedroom and kitchenette, {RELIABLE ralddle aged woman. to hat King Street Est 725-2363. electrically equipped, laundry facilities, 4--Market t Telephone 723 4er6 after ote' |FIVE ROOM brick bungalow, two bed-\P@'king. adults only. Apply apartment Ma ket Baske peeenoue tanerre Sree =, Fi jrooms, oil heating, laundry facilities,|1+ 254 Athol Street East. |\WINTER POTATOES, wiring, TV antenna, close to|FIVE-ROOM, second floor a ($1.30 per bag, Brooklin 655-4 pe 75 pound pose LADIES it you have 3 iree evenings a/heavy apartment, | new triplex, north-east locati ry free delivery, telephone wee! arillon Towels has an exciting) sho} ing centre. 723-3345 y r " past location, stove, af | shopping 7 5. private garage, TV aerial, heat and refrigerator, washer, dryer, immediate WINTER apples. Spys, Secords Golden : Delicious and Russets. Maybelle Or- w job for you. Phone 728-4267, m. 135; ' w i new job for you, Phone 7. 10 a. and bath. 59 a ater included, $80 monthly, 725-| possession, Telephone 725-3412 chards, 1% miles north of Whitby, on | AJAX -- four rooms 389 MONTHLY and op- mod -- |$65 MONTHLY -- four-room apartment, Highway 12. MO 8-2163 RIDERS LARGE THREE room apartment, rtment, self, 7 contained with all modern conveniences, close to shopping centre. Telephone 725-4344, |FIVE-ROOM apartment, inchides heat, sed pad dagee and private entrance, at outlet and range, Telephone | 728- 2675. " 'FOU R-ROOM apartment, un unfurnished, \private entrance, with balcony, close to Sh ng Centre. Abstainers. Telephone GOING WEST? Drive BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants |Fuel and 'Wood ROB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service. F R E E 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res., ' sy cleaned every "Round the Clock' 723-7605, burner service Automatic delivery it's "White Rose" Fue! Oil WESTERN OIL CO. 725-1212 our new and late model cars to Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg. Gas paid. Toronto Drive-Away Service Limited, 5385 Yonge Street, Toronto. BA 5-7754. ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Nov. 28th and 29th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. 3-4641 _3--Pets & Livestock LADY to give day care of baby while! mother works, five days week, Li jor out, Required for January 1 548 Oshawa Tims, |Money to Loan -- MONIES AVAILABLE To Buy Agreements, Mortgages, Invincible Investments. Telephone Z. T. SALMERS 723- 1101 LOANS To Pay All Your Bills You can Borrow $50 to $5,000 To Pay All Your Accumulated Bills. This Gives You A Fresh Start With Only One Easy | Monthly Payment, $50 - $5,000 Without Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FIMANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All-Canadian Loan Company" CLASSIFIFD AD RATES 25 words or ess Cosh Charge 723-9738, DESIRABLE second floor downtowal apartment, seli-contained, -three rooms, bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat jand water, dults only, $60. 728-8175. m partment, centri outlet, laundry facilities, completely pri- vate, $75 monthly or furnished including Telephone 728- 1203. BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview Street. Three-room apartment, private bath and entrance, heat, lights, water supplied. Ideal for new! S. 728-8111, FOUR-ROOM apartment, In apart- ment building, large stove, refriger- ator, built- , Fh sa ig laundromat, Parking. 725-3 or 68 Wayne Street, THREE coms, unfurnished, upstairs, private bath, heavy wiring in kitchen, sink, cupboards, TV outlet, very cen- tral, at bus Stop, 7 728-3818. THREE rooms and bath, stove fe and refrigerator, ideal for couple, in build- ing block. Very central. Telephone 725-4277 or 725-3911 TELEPHONE. television jaundry facile ities, private bath and entrance. Two bedrooms, closets, sink and cabinets in kitchen and living combined, adults. 313 Ritson South. FURNISHED room for rent, preferred. Telephone ther information, yeor 24-hr Furnace 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 it not paid within 7 days the Charge rote will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders. for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered at o lofer date constitute @ new original order Protessional ond Business fistings $7.50 per month tor 3 fines daily. Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each initial fetter, abbreviation, $ ond ¢ sign, figure. counts es © word, Box charge 1Sc additional, All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5S p.m, the day be- fore publication except Births, Memoriams -Cards et Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m, Deadline tor Lost end Found and Cancellations 8:30 am, Office Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshawo Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of @ny adver tisement. nor beyond the orice cherged for o single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. In the case of disoloy advertire- ments The Times will not be hela responsible for more space thar that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! advertising matter correctly but assumes no fiability of advertisement are contoined 'f any inaccuracies in ary form therein. HM. E. DEWAR : and Co., Accountants | and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On-) tario Street. € Oshawa, | Ontario _128- 2221. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and Co. Chartered Accountants 5-3527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax. WH 2-0890. YALE, and Co, Licensed Trustee King Street East, CA: F, __ Friedlander, {t Unified |FIVE - ROOM bungalow, FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER Accountants and Auditors. | in Bankruptcy, 64 Oshawa; B. L. Yale, _B. _o 'omm.» » € PA. 'Ga rdening and Supplies _ "apartment, available LOAM, $8 per load, two for $15. Sod est daily. Prompt delivery. Also gen- eral and pick-up delivery 725-58 6. &. HOPKI Ss and Company, Certl- fied Public Accountants, 172 King)' Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. trucking 64 PLAKMEYER SOD SUPPLY TOPSOIL MANURE BROOKLIN 655-3049 _ BOB ; CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond' Street West. 725-0397. Res., 723-7605. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 344 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA. G. Edmond Burrows, BA, 728-2571. Auto Parts joa "two = bedroom apartment, SQUIRREL monkey for sale, Reason for selling leaving for United States. For further information telephone 728-3281 ONE FEMALE walker deer hound, 'years old, ready to breed. Apply 21 Beatrice Street telephone 725-319 THREE fluffy kittens f weeks old. Telephone 7: \ther information, rooms and bath, pri- near school and south General Heat, hydro included.$60 month. Telephone 728-4872. all con-'THREE ROOM apartment, separate immediately. jrooms, parking, laundry facilities, TV Street North, second! outlet, All conveniences, utilities paid Simcoe and Adelaide. Adults only. 7 3% Tine -- Guaran- teed automotive parts and accessories E. R. KNOWLTON 145 King Street West, Oshawa Rs 728-1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you : gentleman 723-4278 for fur SINGLE or double rooms for ladies or gentlemen. North-west area, close to bus and hospital. Telephone 728-5037, NICELY furnished bedroom, clean home, suit central, board Telephone 3879. LARGE, two - bedroom apartment, in 251 Barristers HUMPHREY MAN. Barristers, Humphreys, QC; W. A. Hillman, East. Phones: 725-4604 or Whitby, Money to loan, LOUIS 8. HYMAN, ac, Barrister, "Soli citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage monies available, BRUC Vv. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Mortgage funds available. 3614 King Street East 728-2381. Res., YU 5-7163. GREER and "*K : citor, ete., 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. er Pay phones: J. M, Greer, BA, 8 368; Terrence V. Kelly. PA, BCL. 728-5832. Zz. T. SALMERS. | BA, Barrister, Solict- etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. 3-101; Residence 7 542 BOWMAN . DAVID L., | Barrister, tor, coe South. 725-9992. deise 728- 0264. JOSEPH P. MANGAN. , ac. > Barrister, | Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 144% ------ King Street East, Oshawa. 728-6232 Residence 7 725-3405. DONALD | BLAKE "popps and Solicitor, 26% King Street Telephone: Business 723-2201. dence 728-5373 MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No: taries. Money to loan. Henry Block, Top soil and sed. Repairing and lawn maintenance, patio and sidewalk slabs 725-6047 LOAM-GRAVEL SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL LOTS LEVELLED TRACTOR, LOADER WORK Reasonable Rates DIAL 725-2156 WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 ;, BOYCHYN and l- Solicitors; R. Boychyn, BA King Street 725-1177. Res.: MO 8-2761; 5203 in warm, refined gentleman, optional. Abstainers, 7 to 10 p.m. LIBRARIAN Our research and develop- ment division requires a ma- | ture young lady to maintain |Glynn, $65 monthly, X-ROOM, two-storey brick house, modern two-lunfurnished, lewly p Bebrehie Beg central.|bedroom apartments, in new apart-| cupboards, heated, immediate bio 5--Farmers Column TOP MONEY for dead and disabled {farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, collect. 24-Hour, seven-day service. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. | Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. ' Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. | a small engineering library. |BARNYARD manure Tele-| Excellent position for one phone Clarke 4132, i | who inquisitive and at- GROWERS WANTED: To raise one |thousand or more turkey broilers, Con to detail. Must be with Dewey Deci- tact H. H. Goode and Son Ltd., 601 Brock Street North, Whitby, MO 8-2917. x : mal System of classification, and general library routine. Must have senior matricula- tion NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next to Western. Tire 728-4401 We buy, sell, exchange used furniture, washers, TV, radios and so forth ai prices to top anyone in the city. Loans Life Insured Offices Throughout Ontario 17 SIMCOE ST, N. 725-6541 Open Wednesday Night Untii 8 p.m Until 12 Noon Other Evenings by Appointment BLACK LOAM 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO DRIVEWAY, Mortage GRAVEL, FOR SALE $8500. First mortgage FILL AND SAND : 26% King Street East, 723-4697. Resi per cent open, interest computed semi 725-5279 dence, Dial 723- 4029. annually, Telephone CO 3-2762 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and Insurance MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- tary Public Bank-of Commerce Bldg.,/ALLSTATE Auto 5 Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. K.|to 20 per cent, Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; K.|personal service Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA poe 725- 1625. 4. vats i i phi w. HOLDEN--5! King JAMES A. Mac . » Oshawa, 728-6081 and 723-3376. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| auto and casualty insurance. lie, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking| available |Instruction RUSSELL 3 J. MURPHY, BA wee LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School Barrister and Solicitor 6 King Street! | DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School acro East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971 |oatic. Friday and. Satur Masonic THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli-)Te™mrle, Centre Street 3 s A lg itll 9 PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor. gages on houses. D," W. Holden = = - evens interview only.|Street East, Oshawa. 728-6081 and the dampness from BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, | Act now, 725-1054, 3376. Solicitor, Notary Public, 364 KingigaRVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton, MORTGAGE ur basement. Rent a tele- 728-6248 Lawn A Mowers oe rot -- only $7 per week SARGEANT'S _ MEAGHER' S TABLEWARE Street East. 728-2381, Res. YU 5-2127. ltap, RAD ballet, Highland Register RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H.\now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122 GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. Bookkeeping | WE SHARPEN pala RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING C RENTALS | d i 25 j GIVE US A CALL... } wie , . 1S~ . 1g St. W 723-342 ' ? ; ' ; : Punch bowls, chafing di COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING STAN'S y TV - Radio Repairs | ice buckets, _ dinnerware, SERVICE INCOME TAX Te s + TV, RADIO. car radio repairs, lassware, tablewore COR NER KING AT BURK ST 9 RETURNS f . UR Mortgage loans available. makes. Thompson Electronics, rentals for weddings, 723-3224 Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). nniversaries 686 OSLER STREET : 725-9953 Money to Loan SAMSON reasonable prices. s Building Trades TV TOWERS [25-3 3338 _ OR Antenna Installations SICKROOM EQU!PMENT eavestroughing, chimneys, fireplaces, R sidewalks, stoops, 728-0394, Gordon May Len & Lou's T.V. Lae copy OR FOR SALE | amy 2 Ospita ed: wheel chairs, INTERIOR triz k, kitch boards, recreation rooms, rae 725- 7844 or 728- 5804 __ invalid walkers, bedsides, ete. Call Wm. Wilkins, 723-1231 sae commodes, crutches and SPECIALIZING in roofing ana repai canes, a@iso roll-away beds Also all type home remodeling. F and slenderizing machines. estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413. Phone Aia Sickroom Rentals YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- 725-1644 : neys built and repaired, gas linings in | stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-! * |12----Articles Wanted RARE « in good mates. 723-2997. coins, REMODELING houses. then cupboards, phone 723-4790 after 5 No dealers. cement w CO 3-2628. CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwork. i i ' WANTED to buy Exercycle. Must be in SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT {good condition, also reasonable price. a ag tg? wranteed, 728-065. esti R ' h M mates, Work guarantee 0, Optometrists ru. _ RADIO! ant -- < S: : = an \D like to buy new RA' SERVICES -- Mechanica} . : ¥, RICHARD BLACK, Docior of Optom- lia Britannica. Please DRAFTING | and plant iayout. Telephone 728-2566. be clopedia - etry, the examination of eyes, contact 728-0811 for more particulars. cement work, lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne CALE 728-5286 _ ~ te 191 All Work Guaranteed WANT ED BRICK, block, pairs, roofing, fall-out Evenings by appointment. 7 "H. Tuck, RO, Optometrist. 2 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SCRAP. IRON, POULTRY LECTRONICS AND FEATHER TICKS Wolters. MO 8-2294. pay accounts at downtown Deer Hides and Raw Furs Bank or 74 Burk Street 9 9 4 WHY (collect "private en- Close to Telephone for sale. is r, Solic' | Resi- tentive familiar Saturday ; | 6--Auction ' AUCTION SALE | 40 Cattle, 80 Pigs, ments. Property of ALFRED COCHRANE COLLIN'S RADIO Whitby 4 oy 150 BARTLEY DRIVE-- Barrister Fast. Resi typing on asset, Surveyors 7H. FLIM and Land Surveyors, East Imple- Write or phone ~TROLLOPE. Ontario 216 Adelaide Avenue Phone 725-6881 DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. East nsh Rag} FIRST and agreements purchased and Hennich East, 72 mortgages. Sale and sold Hen Barristers, 31 King iD8- second oe nick Street up For call -- | Tailors arranged, bought and Bolahood. anytime, 725 John A. J. Bolahood, LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) all tailoring require- ments use our experienced services for both suit and dress repairs and alterations 10 PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 (next to Bus Station) TV--Rentals- Insurance. Save six months to pay. at your home, MORTGAGES -- sold. Call Mr 6544 or 725-8333 Be Ltd. Realtor Jackson, Fast Fire, FIRST AND ranged. W Brooker, Street SECOND mortgages a Schatzmann. Mortgage 101 Dundas West, MO 8-3338 | |three bedrooms, oii heating, |ment building, all conveniences, beau ion, 728-6820. 359 Verdun Road. Street West. Adults preferred, self-co private bath and entrance, of ¢) outlet, separate entrance. North end modern bungalow, flooring throughout, and| ae trance and thre: D Telephone 725-3093. e-plece bath. \and bath, private entrance, furnished |\TWO - BEDR Oil heat, Possession to suit tenant. | ree OOM "a apartment, 4 fully MODERN four bedroom home, located | |wiring, bathroom, livingroom, bed-| MODERN four-room apartment, p pris THREE bedroom brick bungalow, re-/ THREE large room apartment, newly (Dear GM South Piant. Apply 254 Mala- Telephone 723-1214. |bath, separate entrance, refrigerator, 11-9967. parking, TV 'aerial, adults $85 month. |2¥2 Times |all conveniences, $80 month. Immedi-/ment building, bright, clean, four- art 06 ee Street West or telephone Y2 mile east of LIVE RENT FREE seven-room | Adults. 212 Stev: venson Road South, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator TORONTO, ly, Bedroom furnished if desired. Goodier, near South Genera} Motors on TWO housekeeping rooms, , furnished, Ted Auctioneer the winter, in dairy farm. State experi-|conveniences, newly decorated, hard-|LOW rental apartments, building one|*PPY 156 Agnes Street f to 106 Willi Stre West or|d. Pi 'k 28-3377 | gentleman, 'kii flab! 'i or ' i, EOS ae a meee -- y f i 728-3: man, pa : TAXIDERMIST -- deer heads mount.|FULLER Brush "Gompany 7 sande' twel person to aos jam Streeet We: rjdryer. Parking. 728-3 arking available | Telephone 723-2171 or 725- 0458 after 5. - |tifully decorated, centrally © located. | TWO-BEDROOM house at 67 Witla 728. 5282. THREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen, live nn i tained, oil heated. Telephone 725-3968. mY |EARGE, 'bright | three-room apartment,| ng room, bedroom, private bathroom, FIVE-ROOM, | tind DEMS antenna, heavy duty wiring, par bes Telephone 723-4452. . tps ing space. Apply 341 Elgin Street .| THREE-ROOM kitchen, oil heating, North Oshawa, $05 | ASEM EAT carton font an apartment, | apartment, three rooms! 4p, Highway. Parking. THREE bedroom bungalow, Whitby. jor unfurnished, warm and dry, central. | 725-6305, Close to schools. Storms and screens, | Telephone 723-9800 after six. |UPPER apartment, private entran jequipped, on Simcoe Street North, Tele- Telephone | MO 8-8379, oe kitchen, cupboards, and sink, heav; jphone 725- 6343, 9to 5 5 p.m. in sub-division near South General|room, also attic. newly decorated, $75 vate bath, cupboards in kitch ° , en, ine Motors. __ Telephone 728- 0040, | monthly. Colborne East. 728-4166, cludes heating, hot water, parking, frigerator. stove, oil heated. Close to|decorated, in quiet district, private en- ga Road EE iia rs school, transportation. Available Dec. 1. trance, reasonable rent. Telephone | THREE ROOM apartment, private SIX ROOM, newly decorated bungalow| FIVE-R apartment, unfurnished, ri ty near South GM, on bus line, jin Whitby. Telephone Willowdale, BA|self-contained, stove and refrigerator,|>"* quiet couple. Write Box 504, Osh- |SIX-ROOM house, oil heating, Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe Street North. ONE large, "clean, furnished house- duty wiring, garage, newly decorated, |THREE-ROOM apartment in apart-|*¢¢Pin& room on Jarvis Street. Apply to {ate possession. Apply 443 Bloor Sireet)hath, aerial, washer, refrigerator, |'~ | East. stove, parking, near Shopping Centre. {TWO FURNISHED housekeeping 1 rooms, on jhouse, at 160 Park Road North; three|MODERN two © bedroom apartment, end sink, Parking space: Apply 318 SATURDAY. NOV. 25 additional basement rooms, $100 month- electrically equipped, washer and dry. french Street. ? ' SALE AT 1:00 SHARP 17--Male Help Wanted parking, central. Telephone 725-8133. |Wentworth Street, Available December | bedroom and kitchen with sink and cuip- MAN or boy to help do chores for SIX-ROOM brick, Ritson South, all) 1: 725-6338 boards, private stool, parking space, ' ence and wages expected to Box 709, wood floors, oil heated, full basement;/year old, $87 monthly, modern two- | FURNISHED "bedroom in pri pri hom: 8--Hunting Oshawa Times, garage. Immediate possession. Apply in' bedroom, five rooms, free washer,/continuous hot water, suit lady = near | { " ed, $22.00. Birds and animals mount-|full-time, two part-time salesmen or pent aiscienliLoatce __\THREE room apartment, "unfurnished. | fine co bes Abstainers only. gt ed. Rugwork. Contact Richard Flewell,|Women. Three deliverymen. Phone for|FOR RENT or sale -- Modern five-|self- contained, heated, hot and cold CLIENTS' money to Joan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale purchased. NHA mortgages arranged.} Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- doch FIRST MORTGAGES -- industrial commercial projects, second RR 1, Claremont appointment, Stan Ibbott, 728-3996. {room house with garage, three bed-| water supplied, wired for heavy duty THREE large 'ance, | AVERAGE $2.50 hourly rH ti --|rooms, central. Immediate possession.jstove, parking, located at 822 King heavy wiring, bathroom, bus stop at DEER hunting, housekeeping cottages, * + cauestas oak ae ime, need Telephone 723-3256. Street East at bus stop. Available|door. Apply 782 Ritson South. Tele- $20 - $50 per week, guide cxtra, ioage > Reat appearing men, 2439 for' route | =e oa |December Ist, Telephone 725-5273. __|phone 723-3345, . accommodation $8.50 per day, outlook| Work, 8 to 16 hours weekly, Write Box | YOUNG people 'to sell _mé ta dn se ie i good. Duck hunting season now open.|710 Oshawa Times. commission. Telephone FURNISHED same rates apply. Conta:t Bob Wed, |~------------ % jnings and weekends only | SMALL APARTMEN den. RR 1 Clarendon, Ont, Mi-Jo Camp. | SEVEN room . two-family 7 3 y ! ¥ ALL FACILITIES DE*R and moose, skinned and cut, bathrooms, two kitchens, Telephone 728-4095 or 93 Agnes Street. |possession; also apartment. Suitable for Bachelor or oe Newlyweds. | 723-2925. --Arti for Rent | for win-| WW : Articles | ay - FURNISHED house, oil heat, for win Apiild Ucdads Anarinlaetl 795 King Street East |ter months, to reliable tenants. For par- TELEPHONE 723-9292 private eni and room _ in "private home, mort Wilson Road South, bus to door. Kitch- en, TV privileges. One or two girls, Telephone 728-9780. FURNISHED three - room "apartment, |private bathroom, TV outlet, suitable lfor couple, near bus line. No children, |please, Telephone 725-1384, TWO OR three rooms and bath, suitable |for couple or family. Telephone 725-6691 lafter wix. WHITBY CLASSIFIED 9 ROOM house for rent, oi] heated. Im-;| FOR RENT: & Flats for Rent | mediate possession. Apply 214 Dundas trally Street East, Whitby or telephone MO and 8-3220. |FOR RED in new home, | MO 8-5765. i 8 FOR RENT: New two bedroom apart- ment in semi-detached house. Private YOUNG MAN to train as sports department assistant. Must have at least Grade' XI1 education ond good general knowledge of sport. Ability to type an od- vantage WRITE BOX 711 OSHAWA TIMES | ONE ONLY DOMESTIC ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN _ | for television, radio, ete. for employment. in Peterboro with an authorized Depot representing C.G.E., Elec- trohome, R.C.A.. etc For- ward particulars and salary expected to BOX 808 OSHAWA TIMES DRIVER SALESMEN required for the following OSHAWA (4) WHITBY (1) AJAX (1) ~ house, two | f immediate | Purchase 725-6184 or} $10 do | Remove de-humidifier wn --~ $7 per month your Iticulars call at 29 Charles Street, Tele- phone 723 LF house, 95 vacant 350 {Street. after Nassau 725-0332; = 'oom No furnace, ix, 723-9210, ,;NEW house for rent, six rooms, three} |bedrooms, good location. Telephone 725-7886 after 6 p.m. for more particu- lars. |25--Apts. | & Flats" WANT a place to live -- rent "free? On jpaved road, near Mosport, easily 'accessible; oil heated, modern conveni- ences. For particulars, call Tim's) 'Drive-In, 725-2533. THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished or partly furnished, semi-private bath- room, heat, lights, water included, bus entrance, bath and shower, newly dec- jat door. Near North Plant. 723-4817 \orated, close to school, MO 8-5645. {$90 MONTHLY -- will lease a modern, | FoR SALE: ~~ Blectric "kettle, jspacious, two-bedroom apartment. Re-oarg, clothes horse, DeVilbis vapor. | frigerator, stove, washer and dryer izer, lady's figure skates 7, mei jsupplied. Parking, Call MO $-8349. skates 10, clock alarm radio, girl's bi- leycle. Telephone MO 8-4393. \FOR R T -- Two "yoomed -- comfort SAGUENAY FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, |@P!y furnished apartment. Kitchenette. APARTMENTS baj.|Stove and refrigerator. Suit eldert: Apply 233 Pal- iy ta atees AWitty, @F telephone 725. IM young couple, Apply 305 Perry Street, KING end PARK RO, 9 jew cee | WANTED io pat Gad a an \ % | aging ES NTED -- 1,000 pairs good used FOR RENT. y decorated two CALL 723-2563 {bedroom self - contained apartment, Street North, Whitby, MO aa Brock Modern, 2-bedroom apart- {Paved parking, laundry dryer, $85 ry» 3 ments, fridge, stove, paved porking. TV cutlet --- For _ information » Call 7 723-2563. _ L. SCHAPELOUMAN nes, all 157 5 Six room apartment, cen- located, close to school, water heat, newly decorated, ample | Parking, 307 Beech Street. MO 8-8667, furnished | room | APARTMENT for rent. 111 Dundas reasonable. Telephone street West, Whitby. Phone MA 3-5833, Bowmanville. show- ond R. C. Bint buffets, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED ers, MONIES FOR MORTGAGES 112 SIMCUE . N., OSHAWA Monies available on First PHONE 725-3568 ortgages at 79% per annum without bon Monies also available Second Mortgages Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased, M. F. SWARTZ Short-term ond Builder: Mortgages at reasonobie rate 26% King St Oshawa, On 723- 4697 stered Under i Ragistered FOR RENT: Sunny furnished bachelor apartment, linen supplied, private en- trance. Suit one or two adults, Tele- | phone MO | 8-4123. |WANTED: Young gentlemen to room and board. TV, home privileges, Tele- phone MO 8-2367. cup- floors, ironing Nursing Homes SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home. fattendance. No 2. highway Whitby and Oshawa. Call REGISTERED | adies on ground |Rest Home T.V. TOWERS -- 361 GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA. ond on RN in between 725-2330. accommodation floor at Orono 1308 |SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home. Ac- |commodation for private and semi-pr vate patients, lounge, TV. Fully licens. ed, new building modern, Visitors wel come. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Reasonable rates. Phone Newcastle 4441. for Lyntonhurst additions, verandahs Experienced. . kit- brick. condition. 'Tele for appointment Survey Estimotes. month' Telephone 728-2633. |FOR SALE: |ror t RENT $60 monthly three an | comme chair, new .condition. Tele- |room apartment, balcony, residential | |Phone MO 8-8525. tarea, newly decorated, laundry facili-| PRIVATE three bedroom, « one | year old ties, parking, close to schools, children's; NHA bungalow, good location, near all | playground. Apply 300 High Street. schools; storms and screens, complete- eS Bagi oe ly landscaped and fenced. Selling below |THREE-ROOM heated apartment, good (.(" 'Telephone MO 8-8484. jbus service, parking, $60 monthly Available December ist. Call mornings |FOR RENT: Newly decorated two bed- MO 7. room apartment, garage and garden, rox + apartment,|$75_monthly, MO 8-2180, MO 8.5078 good district, 'eaults only. $75 monthly, |FOR REN room jhydro included, Phone MO 8-2736 morn-|central location, large yard, heat, ings or evenings. jand water. $65 monthly. Telephone MO |STUDENTS! A super value, approxi- 8-440 |mately 630 sheets of letter size typing | WHIT BY, paper (news print) for only High chair, strolier, and East 10 Mortgage Act 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES --TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS --TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE CITY CARTAGE | _+o Buy A HOME ae Dressmaking - PURPOSE INVISIBL minor alterauons Low Monthly Payments edition Ency kers' call " AVAILABLE NOW-- {MODERN APARTMENTS Stove, frig., laundry facili- locker. T.V, outlet, low rental. Call MO 8-3092 or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. 5 After 5 p.m. home re- shelters. P./ Please Dominion invalids exam: Dial 725-4587 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa. Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- ped _and insured. | Phone 728-3661. Moving? CALL Must have car and be avail- |Painting and Decorating DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Woll Murals, Spray Painting 07 BYRON ST WHITBY DAYS MO 8-5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 able immediately. $2.50 per "upper duplex, "three bed- $1.00. rooms, large living room, modern kitch- |Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby,\en, tile, hardwood, downtown location, |725-1841 or 272 Ritson South, _Oshawa. ;111_ Dundas Street \V West. Gwe a: | THREE S bedroom u unfurnished apart- SKATE | EXCHANGE, good skates at jment, central location in Whitby. Apply|a tow price. Mid-town furniture, 111 |272 Ritson Road South or telephone |Brock St. Whitby MO 8-4981 {725-1841 |FOR SAL Westinghouse |DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, washer, rebuilt alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit-' sell $160, MO 8-: iazsia. our specialty, Mrs. Toms, MO| Wang a better job? It may be wailing __..|under "Help Wanted" in the Classified RENTING -- One and two | bedroom | section today. Look now apartment suites from $85. Spacious,|SepTic tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, modern range, refrigerator and drapes. | 204 Chestnut Street West, Phone MO Telephone MO 8-47 |FOR RENT: Three room apartment on |Cochrane Street, $65 monthly. Heavy) WHITBY jduty wiring, heated, built-in cupboards. |~ re Parking. Telephone MO 8-8435. lewre dry cleaning and pressing. MO FOR SALE: chesterfield and davenport suites new and used, some only $19.95. |SELF-CONTAINED : Chrome suite from $19.50, heavyduty stove 49.50, frigidaire refrigerator $49.- 95, sink stove and refrigerator like) \new. Students desk $24.95. New crib| \mattresses special only $7.99. Four| jlarge trunks with locks from $7, We | also have everything in the store re-| duced. Drop in and see us. Terms peveslene. Mid-town furniture, 111 Brock! . N. Whitby, MO 8-4981. | FOR § ined at home. TURNER bo 723-2043 - 723-3374 Telephone 723-1831 |13--Business Opportunities 18--Male or Female Help |TO PURCHASE a business or buy Wanted manage interest in a business or to si AAAI RoR NECN ORL business. General hardware, automo-| MIDDLE-AGED couple for light house- tive and sporting goods, Preferably a hold duties and babysitting in. exchange a competent|for board and small apartment. Tele- \vetired gentleman or jman with some sales ability, Telephone | Phone 725-1343, EXCELLENT LOCATION NEW 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW Vicinity of Schools $95 MONI HLY Also 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ADELAIDE AND PARK $95 MONTHLY Telephone 728-5282 Because we give -- Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY ! Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked glass and tuner cleoned, set up for best RR picture ! "MODERN GRILL| A TOWER? Bar-B-Qued Chick } TRY US Dinners, Fish >< day? Made Pies and Desserts : 9 onrenna: same day Repairs As good as new? WE DELIVER TRIO TELEVISIGN 725-3887 17) BOND EAST 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 728-6781 Well Drilling-Digging TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUTS AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK an automatie and guaranteed. Must 3889, 2 people to sell magazines. Good lea RVICE station and lunch counter for commission. Telephone 723-1990, eve- |sale, just completed, modern with stone|nings and weekends only. front, in 30 mile zone on main provin- M DDL E a E aged couple or lady to look cial highway in village, 28 miles from| after aged person, separate apartment, } Oshawa. No present connection with "4 bady ell company, Tarmaa up.10 2 enrk reference required, Telephone 723-3556. Call Sid Martyn, Snelgrove Real Estate, | | | TRADE your home, your security will 20--Room and Board |be a business of your own. Corner gro-| PP as |cery and meat store. Needs a go-getter 815 WEEKLY, two "gentlemen or girls jfo take over. Offers unlimited possibili-|willing to share single beds, TV, laun-| ities, plus four-room living quarters. For jdry. central. Telephone 725-9087. j 7 . oa ee oe "gages Recion, Tani. call Douglas L. Gower, \RooM and board for ladies sl Tis gentlemen, close to downtown, $15 j weekly, 29 Elgin Street East. 728-3643. | 1 ' Employment Wanted |NICE room or room and board, new! EXPERIENCED and reliable girl re-|home, office girls, teacher or student. | {quires house, office or store cleaning.|Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and |Has own car References if required. |5. Telephone 723-2 |Telephone 725-8736. ____ PONTIAC INN -- room 'board }GooD day care in my | home fo one able. home cooked meals, lunches pa: ¢r two children, very central. Fenced ed, have TV lounge. ». Telephone 725-007! yard, Telephone 728-5652. OME |16--Female Help Wanted a |Personal Service 'and ane 725-9736 $25 re-weaving Call ; mending, Dunkirk DRESSMAKING ladies, rates, undry, 106 Brock va South, new wash, 15 cents, Two for one alterations on wear. Reasonable and children's 728-8666 COATS hemmed, | pants "cuffed, collars turned. zippers replaced. any and aii alterations, mending, ete. Telephone 725-4189, en Turkey ome n Chips, No Bonus No Extra Charges Rebate For Repayment our - room apart- ment, in Whitby, parking space, recent- ly decorated, private entrance erd bath. Telephone MO. 34-3246. Oshawa's Finest PARK LANE APTS. BACHELOR SUITES 1 BEDROOM SUITES 2 BEDROOM SUITES ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Cor Top Boats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & _ SALES, _WHITBY FOR RENT Driving School oe LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instruc Duc! Controlled Cars Standard and Automatic Day and Evening Lessons 728-009 | \Plumbing and Heating ALL types of repairs and remodelling new and used materials. Reasonable a Estimates free. Dial 728-6931, J. Loans Life Insured SUPERIOR Discount Limited LE -- portable |$29.95; Norge space heater, $24.00; leoay and wood circulating heater, 1$12.00; goose-neck lamps, single, $3. jdouble, $6.95; heavy duty stoves, from |$10. Refrigerators from $49.95; baby| jcarriage, $14.95; kitchen cabinets from} |$12.95; Beatty automatic washer and typewriter, 5 nrold H. Stark piaeantae, heating and engineer ng. 255 Simcoe Street South ROOMS for gentlemen, board if de- sired, lunches packed, very central. Apply 296 King Street East. THE FASTEST GROWING ALL CANADIAN LOAN Rug--Upholstery Service and chair for Fuel and Wood FACTORY hardwood cuttings. | for stoves, fireplaces, phone 728- $535. FIREWOOD. ary, R000, | jor stove, nace or fireplace, Free delivery. phone CO 3-2275. PEOPLE WHO need your Services are turning to the Oshawa Times Classified Section evgryday. Tell them about you firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad Dia) 723-3492 now. Suitable furnaces. Tele ye, tv Tele € ' SATURDAY UNTIL COMPA 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 25-6541 OPEN WED. NIGHT UNTIL P.M, 12 OTHER EVENINGS APPOINTMEN 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO NOON 5 BY {Co., 10 Bond Street West Telephone 720-3064" : See ehiylah cee Jalton U 3 H 723.7212 pholster: W. WARD and old chairs re WELL DIGGING by } Get the best for less MACHINE | Upholstering, 142 Simcoe SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563---MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered re-styled. Free estimates. terial for re-covering. ing, 75 Charles Street, CHESTERFIELDS covered like new. at Modern | South, CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery, Dial 725-0311./ | | | | Call 728-6451, Free estimate. P.O. BOX 329 SALESLADY With proven selling ability. Must have outstanding per- sonality, smart appearance. Experience if possible in ladies' sportswear, References required. Full or part-time. Highest salary if you have qualifications, Write Box 601, Oshowo Times FOR THREE gentlemen, close to Gen-| eral Motors South plant, home coo jmeals, Telephone details. |ROOM and board for yr gentleman, ny nice | Best home-cooked | meals, lunches packed. Close to every-| jclean, quiet home. |where. 81 Park Road South. ked | 728-8059 for further | | { 22--Store Space & Garages! STORE 700 sq ; basement, | front, parking. 295 Simeoe Street (FRanklin 2.9992, Cobourg feet, plus fuli| rear entrafee and store South, --Elevoto Service --Pr.vate Balcony --Pauved Parking --Cortrolled Entrances Contact MR. DON HOWE Howe & Peters, Realtors 723-9692 evenings 725-7732 or jdryer, new davenport jonly, $99, Chrome suites from $14.95, jand many more bargains. Open from }9-6 and Friday until 9 p.m, MNorth, | ONE AND TWO |Furniture, 111 Brock Street North BEDROOM APTS. |Whitby, -MO 8-4981. Where Ross! | Mel ean is once again manager. $85 ad $ ] 00 |For SALE: 9-piece walnut finish dining | suite, chesterfield and chair. et or r 1 MO 6-8003. ag " mull Ng, ridges oundr FOR RENT: Three roomed apartment 'cae watt bas f private entrance, heated, accommodate; One month rent liable tenants stoves, facilities. free to re- three. One block from main corner.) MO 8-2861. 135 Byron Street South, Whithy