000 shares compared with -- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 23, 1961 23 ! * Industrial Slump "2: | Senior base metals were Platinum Company cammopr 25) FELT BRO y paced by Falconbridge and Ven- DIVIDENDS {cents, Dec. 29, record Dec. 15.) co e jtures. both at new highs of 71 | Stafford Foods Ltd., 10 cents, | JEWEL In H V Tr d and 70 respectively, ahead a Dec. 29, record Dec. 8, ELLERS SINCE 1886 ea Vy a Ing point. Gold trading was light} By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Texaco Canada Ltd., pid. $1, : and sporadic amid rising prices.| Beaver Lumber Company)y,,, 29, 1962, record Dec. 30. ' TORONTO (CP)--Industrials; Typical among losers were|Kerr - Addison rose 60 cents|Ltd., common 40 cents, Jan. 2,' Toronto General Trusts Cor-| slumped and speculatives ad- Dominion Foundries and Steel,|and Giant Yellowknife %. |1962, record Dec. 11; common poration, 40 cents, Nov. 30, re- vanced hesitantly during heavy|Guaranty Trust, B.C Telephone,| Senior western oils were up|? --, _ 2, 1962, record) cord Nov. 28. trading on the Toronto Stock/Bell Telephone, Algoma Steel,| with Home A and B Hudson's" 10, * Exchange Wednesday. Investors Syndicate A and Cal- d Cal a Fd | Bell Telephone Company of| MUTTON HUNTERS Utilities, foods and refining gary Power, all off in the %4-/24¥ and Calgary an mon-\Canada, common 55 cents, Jan.| 1+, x(cp)--Cape Breton| oils were the heaviest contribu-\to-1%4 range. lton all ahead to %,. 15, 1962, record Dec. 15. f X(CE}=Cape Preven tors to the industrial decline,| gneculatives were paced by| British American Bank Note|farmers might well keep a close Company Ltd., 50 cents extra,'watch on the autumn influx of with widespread fractiona] losses predominant. A number|#ke Dufault, ahead 52 cents to] NET EARNINGS |Rec. 15, record Nov. 29. deer hunters, mostly from the of key issues vainly attempted|10%. Fittings Ltd., Class 0 : 1 : i ; i } | . |United States. Clarence Mason, | to rally near the close by reach- On index, industrials fell .46/ By THE CANADIAN PRESS jcents, Jan. 1, 1962, record Dec. iti : BOD, | OUR ENTIRE T ing new highs in only light trad-|to 605.52 and golds rose .39 to} y Cais : 16. provincial conservation direc. ing. Sick's Breweries, a West 8910, base metals .66 to 209.21, Union Gas Company of Can-| {International Mining Corpora-|tor, said officials often found, ern Canadian firm, posted thejand western oils 1.32 to 109.70,;ada Ltd., 6 mos. ended Sept.jtion, common $1, Dec. 22, re-jsheep in the trunks of home-| largest individual rise, 344, to|their highest point since Jan-|30: 1961, $434,000; 1960, net lossicord Dec. 8. bound cars checked at the a new high of 30. uary, 1959. Volume was 5,572,-'$9,000. | South American Gold and|Canso Causeway. | Pere 4 SPECIAL! ESPECIAL /REDsWHITE Bske =jon Vite WALLETS | ,,_, Clocks avs 7 3. 1.95|ts 4.95 and 4 DIAMONDS + VEGETABLES, .. 2x25 ste oes SMOKING STEEPLE shoulder diamonds, Reg. 150.00 ....... 13" The steeple of the parish | night destroyed the 148-year- | SWEET, JUICY, RED OR WHITE-GOOD SIZE FROZEN FOOD FEATURES } 45 CARAT SOLITAIRE RING -- with 4 169" church of St. Nicholas, about | oid Roman Catholic church FRASERVALE shoulder diamonds. Reg. 345.00 ...... cand amines and | 4 mre oe FISH & CHIPS |f) {swe tes 27500"... 185 smoke, A fire Wednesday oe --(CP Wirephoto) c sol ee ee Ee 99° BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | for mcs. OS J RING, Meched Set. Reg. 158.000 OVER ¥2 CARAT MARQUISE DIAMOND RING -- BIRDS EYE if Simple 18k gold setting. Cor poration Tax | a eee uv. 5¢ GREEN PEAS | Reg. 525.00 ere Bomb Examined \|| ICEBERG LETTUCE' " 2 itavs SO* fei 53° | * * MEN'S 17-JEWEL SHOCKPROOF WATCHES -- FRESH MONTREAL (CP)--A package it might make profit on invest- FLORIDA CUCUMBERS 2 FOR | Qe BAKERY FEATURE ! beige! tomo Free expansion band. 17% of tax dynamite, defused for the|ments it had accumulated over SAVE Ux i Sedeum eg. 49.75 oe moment, was analyzed for its|the years, This, in interpretation NO. 1 MILD, SWEET FROM SPAIN ; Ia LADIES' 17-JEWEL BENRUS WATCHES 9 explosive potential at Wednes-|here of the legislation, would SPANISH ONIONS Z é Z ror 25° BROWN 'N' SERVE 3 year guarantee. Requlart --19 5 day's session of thc conference|classify it as a personal com- year g ee. Regularly 49.50 ...... af the Canadian Tax Foundation.|pany and, upder the proposed TWIN ROLLS | MEN'S yer LADIES' GENUINE BENRUS CHES The package consists of leg-|regulation, it might be difficult : : : islation, introduced in Parlia-|for it to get out of that cate-| OCEAN SPRAY Flavourtul White California Icy Fresh California PKG. ment this year but later with-/gory. Onis 25° WAT drawn for further consideration, A parent company receiving} CRANBERRIES GRAPES BROCCOLI If Regular Price SALE PRICE which would have set up new)much of its income from a sub-| definitions for personal corpora-|sidiary would be ia the game) x eas me FEATURE ! --SAVE 10c! | 39 75 NOW tions. position. This would include ex-| -LB. 25 . 23 j 2 | e The legislation, as interpreted/ploration companies who set up| PKG. s LB. s BUNCH id GATTUSO STUFFED MANZANILLA ® in the discussions here, would/separate opera'ing companies) ES -- 45 00 NOW have affected the financial sit-/for the properties they discover. JAR s 2.50 uation of large numbers of com-| The effect, it was stated, | ; panies, including some of Can-/would be to make it difficult for) | NOW ada's biggest business, in a way/such companies to accumulate) | a 26 25 that probably wasn't a \retained ons to finance ex-| BEST BUY -- SAVE 17c !--SAVE 20c ! «Mies It would also have had the ef-|pansion, It would also upset the - ! fect, in these interpretations, of)manner in which family-owned RED & Wl Hi TE -- 12c OFF PACK--3-LB, TIN 83c ! 59.50 NOW 29 75 pee A pons -- ant small|companies ---- arrangements si One PACE 118 ose remnant & shareholders liable for incomejunder which the company is able c LB. ' tax on money which they i -- when a principal] JEWEL SHORTENING 2 PKGS. MEN S AND LADIES' BENRUS not actually get; of depletinejowner dies. | the supply of money available} Throughout discussions at the) ' = WATCHES ALL y% THE REGULAR for business expansion; andjcurrent conference, speakers : BEST BUY -- SAVE 8c ! -- SWIFT'S PRICE ! ly ¢ a considerable| have urged a complete overhaul flight of capital from Canada. |of the tax system rather than : BEEF OR IRISH . Hi, Gott mite plugin of leorble. which re oe PREMIUM STEWS | * ik ing the legislation, asked all in-/sult in other loopholes being : ES ------ JEWELRY terested bodies to present their|created. opinions, and the concensus of| Charles Gavsie, Montreal law- -- 4 Wednesday's discussions pre-lyer and a former deputy min- j BEST BUY -- SAVE 5c! ALL FLAVORS -- ENVELOPE PACK sumably will be forwarded to ister, taxation, department of 4 = F CORO NECKLACE AND EARRING tawa. {national revenue, commented s ROBIN HOOD | yo or to this very com-| '"'We've got to review the S Range of CAKE MIXES EASY MIX 3 35° | SETS NOW Ya THE REGULAR plex matter, include: |whole tax picture before at- b Colours PKGS. PRICE! The ordinary company, if it/tempting to 'thwart' any part ? makes a profit, pays about halfjof it.. This causes people to put CORDUROY BEST BUY -- SAVE & ! -- GOLDEN Regular Price SALE PRICE. the profit to the government as|on their thinking caps in order 3 : 1 00 NOW : 49c corporate income tax to out-thwart the people who are Decorator a-u | The remaining half is gener-/40ing the thwarting. Let's get) CROWN CORN SYRUP : € : ally partly distributed to share-|@ Solution to the main problems) DECANTER 99 holders in the form of dividends|and these i a will fall NiRurnomeam 2.00 NOW Cc and partly retained within the|DY 'me wayside a WITH company for various corporate| SARIN TR ea csi Mata UI a 16" squore with buttoned Centre $5.00 purchase BEST BUY TT SAVE 14¢ ! gee! 8c OFF PACK 3.00 auW 1 49 purposes, such as expansion. 3 Face Trial In 0d The part distributed to share- PINK LUX LI ID holders pays a second tax in the : ; 4.00 NOW 1.99 form of the shareholder's per-/ $300 000 F d sonal income tax. The part re. ' Tall RED & WHITE FEATURES! If AURORA BOREALIS CRYSTAL SETS -- Now 1% tained within the company} qpoRONTO (CP)--" , : I )--Three men } doesn't pay a second tax unless| were committed Wednesday for | SAVE 3e! the Regular Price. il it is distributed ave shareholders in one way OF at charzes oF thet fraud anion | ALSWEET MARGARINE res, OSE y J i-stRAND -- Reg. 8.50 4s ye a "hullectie uewaver $500,000 involving more than SAVE. 6c! ; MOW 4 koue keeps his eye on these retained| Committed were Roy Robert- PREM LUNCHEON MEAT 12-02, 43¢ a we, j i Ha : iB 2-STRAND -- Reg. 11.95 55 earnings to make suye that ifjson of Montreal, president of aN NOW ... they are paid out he will get his'stadacona Mines Limited, law- SAVE 12¢¢--10¢ OFF PACK second bite, yer Andre Begin, also of Mont-| GENTLE FELS "20! cetercent 24-02. Be 4 a If 3-STRAND -- Reg 14.95 F ings The governmen: apparentlyjreal, and Charles Stuart of SIZE MAW ik i es Skike ec cae es feels that in some cases devices/North Bay FEATURE!--KRAFT are used to avoid the second) A fourth man charged with MEDIUM OLD : . } bite. This year's legislation was|the offence, lawyer, Henry CRACKER BARREL 12-02. 49° 12-oz. 59¢ 4 PS tle to toe such bowel et of bite sa not - SAVE Se!--FANCY QUALITY Pers | ) I ONE RINGS ance but, in the opinion of Wed-)mally committed. His counsel, t | nesday's speakers, it has a. Arthur Martin, said Koury YORK CREAM CORN ee Aes 37° | shrapnel effect that hits more|is recovering from an, append- TINS : JUNIOR MISS BIRTHSTONE RINGS -- 4" innocent than guilty. ectomy SAVE 10c!--LYNN VALLEY APPLE WITH STRAWBERRY---APPLE WITH RASPBERRY I For all months. Reg. 9.95 .......+++-006 In a different category from) The Crown contends the four : ' the ordinary company is a class- conspired to defraud Stadacona BLENDED JAMS -- 69¢ = " MEN'S GENUINE BLACK ONYX RINGS -- 95 ification called the "personaljof $300,000 in machinery and SWIFT'S TENDERGROWN '@ Assorted styles. Regularly 30.00 company," described as "mostly; equipment and that in one day relatively small and simple af-/(March 10, 1960) the mine com- C # I C KE N S -- MASONIC, K OF C., ODDFELLOW EMBLAMATIC irs." y's ts were reduced ' The profit of the personal com.|from '$388,000 to $68,000. IT Ss BAKING TIME ! or en oe pany is considered the personal) AUSTRALIAN GENUINE CULTURED PEARL RINGS -- Our Entire ey on it personal income 'ax, SUSpend Sentence eatin t 2Y, 29- | i siveenscasee Vo PRICE which is sometimes higher than Cut Mixed Peel, 8-oz. pka. : TO the corporate rate aevenaiez on] For Female Fagan Glace Cherries, 8-oz, rey ( 348. the incomes of the person or per- sons concerned. HAMILTON (CP) -- A woman ri * . ' F ' e a . " "0 As outlined Wednesday thisj)who used her six - year - old Supreme Walnut Pieces 7-oz cello Reet te Ova aero s LB. "s legislation would cr an acsamolice 4 the personal company category|a shop - lifting spree drew 8 CORNED BEEF BRISKET ,,.79° || | Boudoir whic In a year entenc: ag- fe 7 make eas than half their profi inate Robert Morison Weanes | GOLDEN HOUR CHRISTIE'S AUNT MARY'S | FEATURE--SAVE 10c ] 3c OFF PACK RINDLESS BACON '4b. 136 Alarm Clocks Cuff Link ag ro ae | POPPING | PREMIUM SLICED GRANULATED | OUR OWN sty | end which, under the legislation's| 4 sic ; >, Mrs. Helen Gintautus, 38, SWIFTS' PREMIUM "ABSOLUTELY NEW" provisions, are deemed to be re- OLD FASHIONED STYLE WITH THE SWEET SMOKED TASTE Luminous Dial Sterling Silver , pleaded guilty to the theft of SUGAR BLEND «lb. | : " investment -company, for| more than $75 worth of goods CORN SODAS BREAD WIENERS re. 49° ra Now 3.50 Tie Bar Sets instance, might be »wned 55-per-|"0M @ department store. FOR ECONOMY SWIFTS' PREMIUM cent by groups defined as re-| Evidence showed she moved ae s TEA BY THE PIECE ] lated, and 45 per cent by mem, |around the store with her LB. CELLO 1a. habe Fuil Weight 1d Ibs. BOLOGNA tb. 31s Reg. 4 50 Reg. 4 gS 8.95. NOW e 10.00 .... ° bers of the gen.ral public. |daughter and pointed out var- 24-02, Loaf 1-LB. BAG SWIFT'S PREMIUM fied eta personal "corporation 'autus moved on, her daughter 19° | 39: | 20: 79. 68° SKINLESS SAUSAGE ;": 49 its profits would be deemed in-jpicked up the articles and : come in the hands of its share-|dropped them into a shopping holders and liable to personal/bag F E L T B R re) % income tax, whether or not the) Magistrate Morrison said: "I e shareholders received it. feel like sending you to jail, but SPROULE'S McKENNA'S MARKET BROWN'S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET Jewellers Since 1886 A long-established retail store|because of your circumstances a : : might in one year make no pro-|and the child I will suspend sen- Corner Simcoe at Mill 948 Simcoe Street North Brooklin, Ontario Maple Grove, Ontario 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA fi¢ on its store operations, but|tence." «J e : W,