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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Nov 1961, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 23, 1961 5 NTARIO aye ee HOSPITAL STAFF HONORED ae ye Me {\AT KIWANIS CLUB WHITBY SPORTS -- PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Audley Women At Greenwood Bazaar By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY -- "he WA met at the church on Wednesday evening with several Pickering ladies as guests. Rev. M. Buttars ran a tape recording explaining the new organization "The United Womens" which was followed by a discussion. Some of the ladies attended the bazaar at Greenwood on \Saturday afternoon, when Mrs. |G. Astley opened the bazaar. Mr. George Bell, North Bat- tleford, Saskatchewan, spent a few days last week with his cousin Arch and Mrs, Bell. Mr. and Mrs. John Hallett, \Fleet, Alberta, spent the week- jend at the home of their lcousins Mr. and Mrs. George Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McHugh. and Mr. Bob McHugh visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McHugh, Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. James David son had as guests on Sunday Mrs. Davidson's brother, Cecil and Mrs. Smith of Chapleau and her sister, Mrs. Phipps and Mr. Stewart Phipps, Toron to. Mrs. Ronald Webb spent last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sydney Wonna cott, returning to Pembroke with Ron on Sunday. Flowers were placed in the church on Sunday by the family of the late Brian Churchyard who was killed one year ago in a car acvident, if Youre TIRED ALL THE TIME w "tired-out"' feeling, and may be bothered by beckaches. F jag Five Elements Help Mankind Five elements in man's make-,could we accept the idea of up, which if let grow and ma-| building private fallout shelters) ture might help solve thelor how could we think of the world's problems, were cited tc|}bomb as a deterrent to war and members of the Kiwanis Club of|not think of all the impoverish- Whitby at their weekly dinner}ed people of the world?" meeting. Rev. A. M. Butler, as-| He told Kiwanis that it was sistant pastor of the Whitby|unnecessary for him. to explain United Church, was the speaker.|the need to develop the service He called on mankind to let) motive since the purpose of the grow the love for truth; the de-|club was to do just that. sire to face life's challenges;| Fifthly, he said there is a real icompassion for one's fellow;need for mankind to develop a }man; the motive of service: and!sense of humor. |a sense of humor. "IT feel the world needs more| | On the matter of truth, Rev.|true, wholesome humor," he Butler said that "I know the|said. He noted many occasions love of truth is there but there| when a tenseness in certain situ- are temptations to submerge it.jations had been relieved be- \Illusions are sometimes hard to! cause someone appeared on the | give up. scene with a sense of humor | "I would like to see people put|that removed that tension. |themselves on the side of real-| 'I do not mean humor that lity, a trust that there is a real| highlights abnormal behaviour," living Power at work in the/he said, 'or humor 'that tends |world," he said. to degrade and we do not need "We should allow to grow humor that comes out of ven- | within us re en ae face! geance or hate. |challenges," he said. "Often we |do either one of two things: we HELP MARRIAGE expect life to be victorious or) . I think a good many mar- end in defeat If our desire is to Tages would be more successful face life's challenges, we are|if the husband and wife both had placing ourselves on the side of ---- sense of humor," he ae "We are not sure we can do FOR FELLOW MAN anything to shape our future," "Our greatest task, our great-|he said, "or whether we are est challenge," he said, "is to just going to be pushed along allow to grow within us a com-/with the rest of mankind. But passion for our fellow man."' |if we permit these five elements Man, he said, has seen his|to grow, we can play some fellow man in four categories, a/small part. in shaping that stranger, an enemy, a neighbor | world." or a brother Rev. Butler was introduced by "When we begin to love our|Kiwanis Keith Lunney and fellow man as a brother," he| thanks on behalf of the club was said, "how can we 'tolerate the|extended by president - elect mass murdeer of wars, how can|Hugh Sims. we tolerate unemployment? How} 'Stabilizati | WHITBY Stabilization Fund DAY.BY.DAY Orono Co-op Topic | | By MRS. KEN GAMSBY /|DUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORE ORONO -- The regular meet-| North and South: Mrs. Bow- jing of the Orono and District} man and Mrs. Irwin 9844; Mr. |Credit Union directorate was\and Mrs. Wells 9014; Mrs. San- |held on October 26 in the Board|derson and Mrs. Butt 90; Mr. Room of the Co-op Building,|and Mrs. Winter 87. East and | Orono. West: Mrs. Booth and Miss For- The special guest of the eve-|syth 97; Mrs. Odlum and Mrs. ning was Jim Simpson, repre |Beaton 96%; Mrs. and Miss jsentative of the Ontario Credit/Bovay 94; Mrs. Baxter and' Mrs. DEFENCE IMPROVES We wonder if Turk Broda will impose the threat- ened $2.50 per person fine after their 6-2 loss to the Whitby Mohawks here at the Community arena on Tuesday night. Broda threatened the baby Leafs with such a fine only last Friday night had they not tied the game with Brampton. The Marlies have not won in their last four starts. For the Whitby Mohawks, their impressive victory snapped a dismal two-game losing streak -- both by decisive margins in which they al- lowed 17 goals. The defence was largely at fault in an 11-3 thumping at Brampton and 6-2 here in Whitby against St. Mike's last Saturday night. The tide turned Tuesday, as this time the rearguards showed consider- able improvement, Craig Watts did not appear in his regular defensive position, but moved to the front wall alongside Brian Fletcher and Butch Dowe. Chic Car- negie was shifted back to the blueline in an attempt to settle the defence down -- and it paid off handsomely. Carnegie, when in trouble in his own end, didn't hesi- tate for a moment. If it meant shooting the puck down the ice to relieve pressure -- he did it. Bob Tripp, off to a slow start, this year and guilty of laying the pass on the wrong stick, played an inspiring third period, Tuesday setting up three of the four Whitby goals, which were the margin of victory. On Sunday after- noon, the Mohawks journey to Maple Leaf Gardens for a return match with St. Michael's College Majors. Whitby's only other appearance in the Gardens was a frightful experience at times for some of the club as they became taut around the Marlboro goal. It is hoped that this one game will be sufficient to erase all jitters of playing amidst the grandeur of MLG. gi NN club, employees bers, pictured below, received | have to work at the hospital certificates and membership | for 25 years and the class pins from Dr, Walter Weber, below is known as the 1936 | right, are Earl Hann, Robert | the hospital superintendent. | Graduating Class. Front Smith and George Newton. | To qualify for membership in | row, left to right, are: Dr. | --Oshawa Times Photo | WHITBY BOWLING NEWS CIGARET LEAGUE Triples over 550 Verna| Sandford 746, Clara Rowden 693, | \Vi Jordan 650, Pat Brown 629,) Eileen Dolby 626, Glenna Mc-| Connell 619, Isobel Mothersill| |605, Connie Denyer 599, Mar-| lgaret Taras 572, Bea Hudson| |570, Glad Wiles 565, Maryette| |Kadwell 559. | | Singles over 200 -- Eileen} |Moore 210, Glenna McConnell |226, 259, Vi Jordan 221, 278, Glenna Kirkwood 227, Verna |Sandford 278, 215, 253, Ev Moss- | {crop 217, Audrey Sharman 216, |Bea Hudson 229, Alice Bradley |226, Joan Newstead 201, Pat) 'Brown 259, Margaret Taras 233,} |Bernice Moase 203, Glad Wiles} |213, Bev Wiles 212, Connie Den-| yer 259, Marg McCoy 222, Bev |Childs 218, Eileen Dolby 223, |219, Isobel Mothersill 232, 206, |Maryette Kadwell 229, Clara Rowden 252, 251, Alice Hewis 211, 201, Kay Foster 255. Total Team Points Win- stons 29, Kools 28, Black Cats |26, Buckinghams 22, Winches- jters 21, Players 18, Exports 16, Cameos 16. 'C OFC Holds 'Election Night | | The annual general meeting of jthe Whitby Chamber of Com-} jmerce will be held this evening} jat 8.30 p.m. in King Street Pub-| |lic School auditorium. Chief item| THE QUARTER CENTURY Club of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, boosted its member- 'ship last night by six new members. At the club's an- nual banquet at the hospital T. A. Sweet, assistant superin- tendent of the hospital; Mar- gery Bailey and Mr. 0. | | Tengesdal. Back row, left to | BOWMANVILLE OPEN AT HOME TONIGHT OHA Lakeshore Intermediate home schedule tonight, hosting the Port Hope Ontarios. The Shamrocks under the watchful eye of. coach Bill Morrison have made several additions since their two pre-season encounters with the Trenton Globetrotters -- which they lost by 7-3 and 8-2 counts. Holdouts Bob Mar- jerrison, Don Masters and Lloyd Hamilton agreed to rejoin the club this season, and have held three work-outs the past few days. According to Bill Orme club publicity director, this threesome will make up the starting forward unit. Vince Vanstone, last year's regular netminder donned the pads at practice the other night, and may see some action tonight. Coach Morrison is going to start John Fowler figuring Vanstone will be a trifle out of condition to handle the entire game. Game time tonight is 8:15 These two clubs return to Port Hope on Friday night. TOWN AND COUNTRY ... A first for hockey cireles in quite some time took place at Uxbridge on Monday night. The opening tilt of the Black Hawks (Union League. Love 85%. 1961-62 OHA Lakeshore Intermediate schedule | He explained the purpose of against the Belleville Pepsis was cancelled after 20 |the Ph te cgi Fund and its) minutes of play. A bare patch was showing in one of nastroh main purpose, he said, is| the goal creases and referee Bob Simcoe took no |to guarantes the safety of the| chances on any injuries and promptly halted proceed- |members' savings. é | ings. A breakdown in ice-making machinery made If a participating Credit it impossible to flood so there was only a shallow |Uition loses its bond of assocl-\ amount of ice covering the floor, and it would be only ization Puna pera iad its as- a matter of time before the players started chipping |sets and liabilities, returns the other spots. Next Monday night the Black Hawks |members' shares, and collects will try again -- this time against Napanee Comets | the loans as they fall due. -- . . . We feel sure lacrosse fans in the Whitby area |, Oe es eee will join with us in wishing Kenny Ross, a member of wend ae futly Sie he ban. the Whitby Red Wings Junior lacrosse club, a speedy ' ' recovery. Ken is still on the critical list but it: is hoped that the Great Provider will see fit to restore bers' savings and loans. Mr. Simpson emphasized that this fine athlete and young man to normal health once more... . all surplus funds of local Credit Brooklin Church jof business will he the election| £ better, rest better, work better. Dodd's Kidney Pills now. blue box with the red band at counters, You can depend en = Fs & Hy p 's. The Whithy Chamber Of Commerce Invites all ratepayers of Whitby to a PUBLIC FORUM AT ANDERSON ST. HIGH SCHOOL Monday, Nov. 27, at 8 p.m. . » To hear candidates for Council, Schoo: Beerd end P.U.C, This will be en opportunity: te hear el! the issues in order that voters may cast their bellots intelligently. GORDON RICHARDS, President, Whitby Chember ef Commeree. | MRS. MARY McMANUS, a member of the Ontario Hospi- tall staff for the past 33 years, retired on Wednesday. Last night at the annual banquet of the hospital's Quarter Century Club Mrs. McManus was hon- ored with the presentation of a plaque, in recognition of her devoted service to the hospi- tal, by Oscar Moore the club president.. In addition, Mrs. McManus was presented with a gold watch by Fred Ing, president of the Civil Service Association of the hospital and a cheque from the staff by Hugh Baker, the hospital ad- ministrator. --Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY And DISTRICT Parents are invited to bring) MEDICAL GAIN their children to the Christian} The total of whooping cough Education Hall at 10:55 am.icaes ceported in Canada| to in 1960, com-' leach Sunday. Infants should be! O*°PP® 4 4 ; 4 \brought in baby carriages or car|Pared oe a oF : beds. Persons interested in volun- teering assistance in this new venture, may contribute play| |Unions should be invested in) of a board of directors for 1962.) Nursery Service the Credit Union League Cen- i tral. All chamber members have|By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT now been supplied with a tenta-| BROOKLIN--The officers and tive slate of officers for the elec-| members of the congregation of tions. Further nominations will) Brooklin United Church, are en- be accepted from the floor. deavoring to open a "new nurs- Nominated for president is, ery service' on Sunday, Decem- Gordon Richards, manager of|ber 3rd at 11 a.m. following the| Pens and toys. the Whitby Du Pont plant. He|dismissal of the Sunday ScMool.| Those willing to assist in any | is completing his first term as| The object, is to enable par-|way, are requested to contact! president. Two are nominated|ents who have infants and tod-|Mrs. Ray Holman, 36 Mitchell] Baptise 12 At Found In Car But United Church Acquitted Of Theft Hor the office of vice-president | lers, to attend the regular) Avenue, Meadowcrest. The Sacrament of Infant Bap-| At the County Court Generaljto inform on his companion,|Rankin. C. J. Bell has been You could WIN $100 CASH! tism was observed in the Whit-) morning, when the following|Sessions at Whitby Wednesday|Kinnear. Defence Counsel|nominated for the office of | by United Church on Sunday children were presented by their) Wallace Kinnear 37, of the Ajax|George Boychyn said that Kin-|treasurer. The secretary is ap-| parents: Hotel, Ajax, was found not|near was not found in the posi-|pointed by the board of direc-| | Catherine Fowler, daughter of |guilty on a charge of breaking,|tion of a '"'get-away" man and/tors. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fowler; Lynn| entering and theft. drew attention to the testimony; There are 15 directors to be Margaret Davidson, daughter of} It was alleged that Kinnearjof Mulhall which told of thejelected and the names of 25 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Davidson,| Was the accomplice of William|police attempt to implicate Kin-|candidates appear on the ballot. me this coupon today! Clip to a Monarch Margarine White Crown End Flap (or reasonable facsimile) and mail to: MONARCH "$100-A-DAY" CONTEST P.O. Box 516 Station '"'F" Teronto, On ATTENTION ALL CAR OWNERS! Have You Visited The ALL NEW <--s : |Mullhall of Ajax when the lat-/near as Mulhall's accomplice. Tonight is also nomination ie re ee, Of alter entered the DuPont factory! In his address to the jury/night at the town hall for candi- an of M, and Mr. and Mrs, F.|2t Ajax on April 22 and stole 34\Judge A. R. Willmott covered|dates for the municipal election beset ured Leith Johann |£2llons of paint. Mulhall re-|the salient points of the casejon Dec. 4. However, tonight's dates of Uc and Ms. p. ceived a one-year suspended|saying that in part the evidence|chamber meeting has been post- BUEHLER : *** *! sentence at Whitby for the theft.| against the accused was circum-|poned until 8.30 p.m. to allow Johann. : | PC Thomas O'Grady testified|stantial and that in law it was|members to participate in the Pamela Anne Hickey, daugh-|that he found Kinnear lying on/generally unwise to heed the|municipal nomination meeting ter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Hickey; |the front seat of a car whichlevidence 0' an accomplice un-/ first. | Sheila Joyce Elliott, daughter of/had the motor running, across|less corroborated. After an Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Elliott;/the street from the DuPont/hour's deliberation the jury Susan Joan Hayes, daughter of|plant, at 3.45 a.m. on April 22./returned a verdict of Not Guilty. it. (Please Print Ir. estern Mr. and Mrs. W. A. F. Hayes.|When asked what he was doing Joanna Ellen Dalby, daughter|there Kinnear said he was wait- of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dalby; |ing for Mulhall who had gone te Harvey Douglas Curl, son of Mr.}get bootleg liquor. and Mrs. R. Curl; Karl Gordon| ynder cross - examination Rammler, son of Mr. and Mrs./Muihall said that he was not H. Rammler; Todd Robert King,|sure that Kinnear knew his :n- son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. King.|tentions when he left the car to The sermon subject was "One| get the paint. Mulhall also said God and Father of Us All" and|that Ajax police told him that the choir sang Ringwald's Ar-|if he implicated Kinnear he rangement of J. G. Whittier's|would receive a suspended hymn "O Brother Man Fold to! sentence. Thy Heart Thy Brother'. Mrs. R. Broughton sang the solo "'The | said Lord's Prayer". that Muthall's 'were evasive as he did not wish WHITBY Ch Evening Shows at 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1:30 You'll double up laughing when you see MR. FUN ON THE RUN! > 5 = DARETKATE A WENTZ 7 --_ tw WIERD ogg 4 ') \\ it HIDE WHITE: RUTHERFORD <Q Zone = MSSDIANADORS y . q TECHNICOLOR Protecnd by IMM ROSE + Dirncted by WELVRLE SUNELSON+ writen by SK MOE od WELLE SHVEL SIN «ew Some by SHA FINE + 8 DEMA-CUPE Protection PLUS! COLOR CARTOON "FIELD & SCREAM" WINTER WONDERLAND "SADDLEMAKER'S APPRENTICE" Port Perry Hospital Aux. Plan Draw | By MRS. C. REESOR | PORT PERRY--The regular | Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck| monthly: meeting of the Wom-) answers en's Hospital Auxiliary was held at the hospital with Mrs. Laverne Martyn presiding in the absence of the president, Mrs. M. B. Dymond. | Plans are underway for the annual Doll Draw. The first prize doll this year will carry with her a fifty dollar Govern- ment bond, but the second and third prize dolls will be dress- ed the same as last year with M NAME Mi Miss Myrtle W.I. Takes Course . | ¢ | By MRS, A. Downey | MYRTLE -- Church service was well attended on Sunday with Mr. Ted Davey taking the service A turkey supper will be held in the basement of the church on Saturday, Nov. 25, at 4.30) Store name and address where Monarc! STORE NAME. ADDRESS is correct: | BETTER BECAUSE -- _m. G (b) Monarch is Vitamin A, Vitamin The Women's Institute are . having a short course 'Choosing and Using Fabrics" in Myrtle Hall, 1000 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. with Miss Dora Burk in charge. Anyone wishing to attend are invited to do so. | PERSONALS Stanley Nottingham underwent an operation last week in Osh- jawa General Hospital but is now recuperating at his home Parents with their children Mark x in square beside answer you think MONARCH MARGARINE TASTES © (@) Monarch is made from Pure Vege- table Oils fh Margarine was purchased $20 BONUS Winning entries will receive $10 Bonus if a Monarch Shortening end flap is enclosed. $10 Bonus will also be paid to winning entries ac- companied by a Monarch Oil label. (Facsimiles accepted). Winners will be announced each week in this newspaper -- and notified by mail. 10 D v.T. | Enter NOW! MONARCH MARGARINE'S "100 4 Day" CASH CONTEST! TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO.--ASSOCIATE STORE 149 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY (Next To Brewer's Retail Store) © Complete Stock of All Automobile Parts © Fast and Efficient Service For All Makes of Cars SURE. FIRE MI Mz Zz, Only 3 a 4 8 EXCHANGE 2 WHEELS FOR POPULAR CARS = LZ ill" pero twenty-five one dollar bills on who are attending Brooklin the second prize and ten one-|schoo! were at their "Open dollar bills on the third prize.|House" and met their teachers The annual convention of last week. : : | |Hospital Auxiliaries was held in| Oliver Lane is holding an |Toronto and Mrs. Ernest Holtby dag sale on his farm on| |was the local representative. | The following donations are} gratefully acknowledged:--Mrs. Mabel Turner, Carroll, Mani-| oman Catholic diocese of Hong} toba, in memory of her sister,|,- ; F : "pegs '|Kong will build a 300-bed hos-| Mrs. Minnie Real -- $100; | pita) costing $800,000 to relieve! | AIDS REFUGEES HONG KONG (AP) -- The; Perry $10; Grace. United|services for refugees from Red Catholic Women's League, Port/the acute shortage of medical Church, WA, Scugog $25. iChina, . LAST WEEK'S WINNERS 8, Burnsiac, 309 Woodbine Ave., Toronto . W. Laframboise, 1169 Rose Marie, Sudbury » Alma Bowling, Box 33, Sparta » A. Luekins, 1421 Blockwell St, Sarnia . J. Moisey, 196 Powell Ave., Ottawa » ©. Denison, 273 Centre St., Napanee MONARCH margarine tastes better because it's made only from PURE VEGETABLE OILS ! GUARANTEED UP TO 4 YEARS NEW! BRASS IMPREGNATED LINING \ay esterhn Associate DealerX---LEO McCARTHY PHONE MO 8-8791

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