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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Our success tip for today: Start at the bottom and wake up She Oshawa Cine WEATHER REPORT Cloudy today. Partly cloudy Saturday, with little change in temperature, ff; Price Not Over 1 VOL. 90--NO. 2/3 0 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1961 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash. TWENTY-TWO PAGES Warehouse Goes | Up In Flames AJAX (Staff) -- Fire destroy- ed $1,000,000 worth of valuable merchandise and a warehouse early this morning in the indus- trial section of Ajax. The 200' )x 600' wooden ware- house was the property of Ajax Warehousing Limited, rented by Charles Walker and George Lawrence, which burned like ROARING FLAMES AT WAREHOUSE FIRE Report Recommends '\Gas Cans Hold | Key To Fate F Of R k { ll matchwood and destroyed enor-| j oc ée e er mous quantities of paint, poly- egda " Tac | MERAUKE, Dutch New/¢thylene, light industry machin- Guinea (Reuters)--Two empty|@ry and four carloads of tea, gasoline. cans today held the There were six companies using key to the fate of Michael the warehouse. ; : Rockefeller, missing 23-year-old; The alarm was turned in at TORONTO (CP)--A report on|should be established under gov-| port "demonstrates the tie-in gambling prepared for the On-|ernment controls and a provin-|between New York and Ontario swift an rig ? ates Ltd. and Harvey Hubbel of Canada Ltd. Throughout the blaze were loud explosions caused by ignited polyethylene and large drums of paint. The paint drums expanded like . balloons and exploded, spraying the area with lighted fragments of matter. A 300-foot column of smoke, jilluminated with 200-foot flames |made the fire visible for miles around. "I thought the whole town was on fire," said one specta- tor who saw the blaze from tichmond Hill. Charles Walker said this morning that he did not know what could have caused the fire since all power and heating was shut off at the main switch when employees left in the eve- ning. The building was built in 1941 as part of the Defence Indus-} tries Limited ammunition plant. ; It had recently been painted and covered with a new shingle roof The fire was the second at Ajax Warehousing Limited in two years. The first fire de stroyed two warehouses owned jby the company. In January of this year Ajax suffered yet another major fire| 'when Steinberg's Supermarket} |was completely gutted. | there FIREFIGHTERS BATTLED ALL NIGHT Market Speech Leak , Sparking U.K. Storm LONDON (CP)--Prime Min- day question period to make ajday say the speech was leaked ister Macmillan will. be con-|major statement on Common-|to the U.S. state department by fronted with a series of probing|wealth consultations during/a member of the six-country questions in Parliament Tues-|Britain's negotiations to joinjcommunity formed by France, day on reports of a leak to the Finnish Chief Mayo States of a jthe Europeah economic com-|Germany, Italy and the Bene- "'secret"| munity, jlux countries. {n- that another big Canadian wheat|the new industrial plants near sale is in the offing. But he|the scene | would not say how much grain} Those companies in danger) will be involved or who will be|were: E. F. Drew Co. Ltd.; {speech made in Paris. to» the} Stories that then'J.S. had ob-| This was the statement de- The secret talks were a su- preme effort by Kekkonen to find out just what Khrushchev wants from his leaguered homeland. Alleging a threat to both coun- Confers With |six Common Market countries.|tained the text of Britain's Oct.|livered by Edward Heath, lord i | Present indications are the buying Sevco Chemicals Ltd., Camtoid| jto get the full details of the/have to be overcome if Britain jmother country's opening posi-lis to join the Common Market, : . ' .j.| Urho Kekkonen conferred in re- i i , W. L. Smith Associ-| ne minister, George Raton, thes, Oi toe ie POI Vala and a: [Prime Minister Macmillan for : ' pains today to stress that thel/a full text of Heath's speech, ' Brazil, Russians _ zisinese Mayor's Job By RICHARD BEDNARZ jhead off an anticipated parlia-|retary Duncan Sandys defended 10 statement came after Fi-!privy seal and chief of Brit- pee leader will use the Tues-/nance Minister Donald Fleming! ain's negotiating team, setting Khrushchev | jhad renewed Canada's attemptiout the problems which would In an interview, he com-|Limited, Trim Trends Ltd., Sta- ; > : 4 : waned on a statement Thurs-|Rite Pumps (Canada) a ee Soe ae = ay att é sie dedlvoots cm Mf day by Manitoba's agriculture|Cloud-Foam Co. Ltd., Tru-Art ; ipa frome in the bargaining with her} The stories followed only a : b id | ae . lfew days after Fleming asked ; | itehall sources jnounced their talks were held For Ux Yl ge ie regieal age Vi aes! "in a spirit of openmindedness, |Americans did not obtain the! Femi i ; : } : ming left London without it, mutual understanding and sin- statement from British sources. | ae in the last 10 days This, however, will not likely|Commonwealth Relations Sec. e mentary storm Tuesday. isi R WwW Relations one - ie wey Barbara Castle, a ies Te ae ~ ipa wel engine cian, ene small be-| battle for the position of May: , Of /KECret: is shaping up in Uxbridge as JANEIRO (AP) or ri, \the Labor opposition, today pro- ' 4/ vided the first of the questions) be ir ao sources dis- RIO DE "This government is. lighting jcounted the danger of leaks. Brazil renewed diplomatic rela-|one candle to God and another tions with the Soviet Union|to the devil," one deputy Thursday in a move apparently shouted intended to demonstrate its, Neves said that the renewal freedom from U.S. domination!of relations did not mean that --but it could mean trouble for Brazil--which is 95 per cent the wobbly young government Roman Catholic--is selling out of Premier Tancedo Neves. its democratic Christian ideals. After a T4-year break, For-| There has been no concession eign Minister Francisco Santi-\on the part of the Brazilian ago Dantas announced the re-'goyernment, said the president sumption of formal ties with who took office Sept. 8 with the {ussia during a tumultuous ses- promise that he would follow a sion of the Chamber of Depu-|foreign policy of "pure tradi- ties in Brasilia. Anti-Commu-| tion." nist deputies almost shouted Relations with the Soviet Un- him down ion have been a hot potato for Angry congressmen -- some Brazilian politicians since Pres- tries from West Germany, Rus- sia has demanded joint defence! talks. Such joint defence could have a tremendous impact on| Finnish independence and neu-| trality. | Kekkonen arrived in Novosi- lmile flight from Moscow. | Khrushchev is in the city as| part of a tour of agricultural) areas in central Asia. The Russian demand for de- in a note Oct. 30, invoked the 1948 Russo - Finnish mutaal de- fence pact for the first time. Russia claimed in the note that a militant West Germany result of last night's nomina-|t jtion proceedings. o the prime minister. Other} " " questions #rom: gover |They advanced the view that nment sup-|Britai i ' Challenging incumbent Mayor|porters and opponent P-|Britain was trying to establish Fred C. Beach. rest of the nominees including) those in by acclamation, have} birsk Thursday after a 2,000.|Unti) 9.00 p.m. tonight to quali- fy. Other results so far show: Reeve--John A. | acclamation. Deputy Reeve--Wilfrid Gould fence talks with Finland, made|in by acclamation. Councillors -- Ten vying Councillors. following will be up for elec-|to death early today in a wash- are S alike are/the principle that the negotia- ' jtions were purely a concern for The reports published here to- the British government. Kelland Both, is Stanley|expected to follow. along with the Prison Guard | «em Stabbed, Dies for Sc Pe KINGSTON (CP)--A Kingston |father of two children, and had If qualified, the penitentiary guard was hacked|worked at the prison for nine Ball in by tario government recommends|cial control board should be set|in organized crime, He asked son of New York Governor Nel-(2:37..a.m. by .Consts. Paul as well as other reforms of/|Liquor Control Board of Onta-|ture what he thought of the re-| 4j, searchers today concen-(of the Ajax Police Department gambling laws. rio, the committee says. port and Ws recommendations. |trateqd on spotting the cans,)who were on night patrol at the urb illegal gambling, includ-|legislature Thursday by Attor-|mocratic Party leader, said the for buoyancy in his attempt to hey said they passed by the toc gal g | n | re They k ing withdrawal of telephone|ney-General Kelso Roberts, who effect of the report was to "pull reach shore in currents) warehouse at 12.35 a.m. but all ers. jmembers will get ample oppor-|torney-general in everything he! catamaran raft shopping centre," said Const. The report, prepared by Pro-|tunity to debate the 111-page has said in the past year." Experts have calculated that! stephenson, '(when suddenly we Osgoode Hall Law School and) A copy of the report also wasjishes the attorney-general's con-| safely at the mouth of the Bil- building was ablaze." economic statistician Rolf Eng sent to Federal Justice Minister|tention that there is no organ-|anden River and left the cans "It looked like an atomic A yas 2 Wi ic-} Severa s bers| have washed up on the waist + s a warning that il-| mittee was appointed, we antic Several opposition mem na : I : eS - t wast cenbine aaa 8 "'req]|ipated there would be an ex-jrose and criticized Mr. Roberts|deep mud beaches of Frederik The Ajax Fire Departmen : > i ater nadian- society thorities in the not-too-distant!press five hours before it was south. at the cutafimnn haar' pi sii Z future,' Mr. Roberts said. tabled, and Elmer Sopha (L-- i : - --jand began spray} é "The committee is satisfied : e : : / nee stri ' rby. : ; their hand on this,"' he added in been refused a copy of it at Bi Wheat Sale eral industrial plants nearby the present illegal gambling op- wea vir i 2 ; ' " . Pickeri ir ; nae . "I'm sure they're asjreceiving it and discussing it [peli so Bi ae fire: that either domestic or foreign'. ware of the problems as we|with Mr. Roberts and Professor Departmen " criminal elements will prosper} " | Mr. Sopha asked that mem-| wiINNIPEG (CP) -- Federal|.. Prompt action by the fire- Of ws Poesia hy iy ag «1 Dhaatanemyage gf -- Ti*at least equal treatment with] jlten announced Thursday night!0f wind direction probably saved outlets John Wintermeyer said the"Ye-| members of the Fourth Estate, | T Ai f permitted to explain the report anks, ircra t The report found present} gambling laws 'extremely dif- to enforce. It cites lack of pub- ably the greatest problem in en- - 4 forcement." SANTO DOMINGO -- Tanksjof the Trujillos and their asso- this newly renamed Dominican} Reuters news agency said sey-- 'Other recommendations Republic capital and jet planesjeral persons were killed in the clude to break up mobs looting Tru-') Tanks and Vampire jet planes|!aw against gaming houses and President Joaquin Balaguerjrioters. Soldiers removed alljity that now exceed the lawful proclaimed a dusk-to-dawn cur-|weapons and bullets from gun/Prize value. ing since assassination removed'the violence on the communists. OTS of carnival games of dictator Rafael L. Trujillo's| The ransacking of properties|°"@"°e- The troops cleared the streets| this Caribbean country as a pri- ate he 2 nvicted of unlawful of the capital and patrolled/vate reserve for 31 years, came /S@™bling continuing new outbursts oflily fled into exile. Telephone Company of Canada vengeance against the Trujillos,| Among the last to leave was to refuse service to subscribers, island. ; mother, Julia Molina Trujillo.|°%@! that he "reasonably be- The city -- changed Thursday | A hostile crowd at the airport lieves" the telephone is being cient name of Santo Domingo/aboard a plane in a wheelchair © : - Pgh ems aertn sh by Congress--remained tense. (for a flight to Miami. rime with no administrative or out the night. But there were " I would operate through inquiry = radio speech Thursday night ap-! ang wublic r 4 teadting 4 streets ¢ é report, "'leaving it to few persons on the streets and pealing to Dominicans for con- : : '¢ off by troops as a warning to i lid the responsibility for legislation Ry - forts to reform the constitution. and law enforcement to with- Balaguer said the govern- 6. Making it an offence: to Balaguer proclaimed the cur- included creation of a vice-pres- publish results, prizes and win- ranged through the streets to leaders of the opposition Na-jich Sweepstakes, which are be- strike at anything that smacked'tional Civic Union yond the reach of Canadian law. : : lyears. of whom jumped to their feetjident Eurico Gaspar Dutra! posed a threat to the Soviet Un-| '0% to council on Monday, Dec. room at the maximum security) A three-pronged investigation with boos and shouts of|broke with Moscow in 1947 be-|ion through Finland because of|* _ song, |tastitution. |--by prison officials, city police 'shame'? -- contended that the|cause of Soviet newspaper at-|its activities in the Baltic area.| Charles Stewart, Mrs. Nellie) William Clement Wentworth,|and the RCMP--has begun. Communists already had ajtacks on him and Braziliah) The North Atlantic alliance|Kydd (incumbent), B. J. Simp-|42, was found at 2 a.m. by Paul| Officials of the 900-prisoner in- legal betting off the race tracksjup on the lines of the present/Mr. Roberts to tell the legisla- <9, Rockefeller Stephenson and Donald Robson It also favors tough measures} The report was tabled in the. Donald MacDonald, New De- which young Rockefeller used/time service from known bookmak-|ordered it last July. He said|the rug out from under the at- Sunday from overturned was quiet. "We drove up to the fessor J. Desmond Morton of|document The report, he said, "demol-|if Rockefeller reached shore! saw a great flash and the entire was made public Thursday Davie Fulton. "When the com-/ized crime in Ontario." in the water, they should now blast," added Const. Robson. ' : Ij ived and immediate danger" to Ca-|Change of views with federal au-|for releasing the report to the| Hendrik Island, 80 miles to the under Chief Cecil Winter. arrived : - "We're not trying to force|Sudbury), said the Liberals had the warehouse and on the sev- that there is a grave danger if : : : a Ly Shi e aiggh 3 ' reference to the federal govern-|the same time reporters were The Whitby Fire Departm eration is permitted to continue 7 | Morton Seen In Offing ifighters at the scene to 40. to such an extent as to under- : mine the yery nature of our s0-\OPPOSITION CRITICAL jbers of the legislature be given| agriculture Minister Alvin Ham |fighters coupled with a change jand Suggested Prof. Morton be to members as well. ificult and probably impossible" * Break Up Looting ii iturin moved through the streets of|ciates. WANTS ENFORCED flew overhead Thursday night! riots. 1. Stricter enforcement of the jillo-owned properties. were called out to put down the | legalization of lotteries for char- few after the most violent riot-|stores. The president blamed! 2- Stricter control of operat- iron control. owned by the Trujillos, who ran|__°- Heavier penalties for per- through the night amid fears of|as the last members of the fam.,.4° Authorization for the Bell all of whom have now fled the the late dictator's 96-year - old if notified by the attorney-gen- from Ciudad Trujillo to its an-|fel) silent as she was hoistea|U¢4 for an unlawful purpose ax ions crack zh- prosecution powers whic Explosions crackled through President Balaguer made a, ah powers, wale . set |P { those at prese charg ith| it appeared the bombs were set fidence in his government's ef- te re pee ; stand sych impartial scrutiny." MOBS STRIKE ment's reform proposals, which few after mobs Thursday night idency, were being stodied by|ners of such lotteries as the Ir- To Urge Resumed Taiks UNITED NATIONS (CP) --|Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister|great powers in reaching agree-j Amid rising hopes of disarma-| Valerian Zorin. jment and Green indicated ment progress, External Affairs} Green, speaking with corres-|Thursday night one possibility Minister Howard Green was|pondents Thursday night, said|could be to invite representation scheduled to place Canada's'some progress already can be|from Latin America, Africa and views before the United Nations'claimed during the 16th UN/Asia -- one country from each today. |General Assembly. The U.S.!geographical area. Speaking this afternoon in the and Russia have agreed on a Earlier, the Canadian delega- 103 - member political commit-|set of broad principles of dis-\tion had been thinking of heav- tee, Green was expected to armament and there are pros-\ier representation from those piump again for an early re-|pects of a resumption of test-'continents but the new version sumption of negotiations be-'ban talks in Geneva appears to be "closer to the tween East and West. NEEDS COMMITTEE thinking of the U.S. and Rus There are reports of immin-| The main obstacle the sia," Green said ent private talks between the broad disarm ament ques- "We want the negotiating United States and the Soviet\tion has been the composition'\committee tied in with the Union on the makeup of a ne-/of a committee to take up the|United Nations and an arrange- gotiating body. These were. ex-| work interrupted in June, 1960,;ment for continuous negotia- pected to start among officials| when the Communist side|tions. We also want parallel who would report to U.S. Am-| walked out of 10-nation negoti-/ work to be done on peace-keep- bassador Adlai Stevenson and!ations in Geneva ing machinery, possibly under Russia has demanded that|the UN disarmament commis- |five neutral countries be added, 'sion."' making a group of five West-| Green's speech in the commit- ern countries, five Communists |tee was expected at about the and five neutralist, The U.S./same time as a scheduled meet- firmly rejects anything smack-|ing of the 11-member Security ing of Moscow's troika which| Council, seeking once more to seeks to split the world into reach agreement on a strength- three political groups, ened mandate for the UN Congo Canada has been pondering force. Iproposals that might assist the! The Soviet Union, which has on CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 lar. John Low, without the presence of Soviet! President Juscelino Kubit- mand, whose members are/Estelle Willis, (incumbent), |charge of the prison at the time.|guard was killed there was diplomats in Rio de Janeiro and|<chek toyed with the idea of;West Germany, Norway and/Fred W. Taylor, (incumbent),|Wentworth was bleeding from|about 10 years ago. ihe inland capital. restoring relations during his| Denmark. Mrs. Leila Hvidsten, (incum-|11, wounds, : _,|. Wentworth lives at nearby e five- term that ended last bent), W. E. Bradbury, (in-|_ Warden David Maclean said/Cataraqui. He was last seen five-year | iD: ton : | January. He finally decided that Robarts Plans jcumbent), and Howard Young.|~"- William Amodeo, a prison|alive during a 12:30 a.m. check. the West in the cold war, but on thee Public School ete a an nour SOF was, suede : gees: he was he did set up commercial rela- 7 T k Look jare Lorne Andrews, Clarence} Sing en ' jtound near death. ' aaa pe | head -.1 |. 1wo bloodstained knives were| i ici i on ag a gai ag 0 a e Johnston and Gordon MacKel-|roung in a garbage pail in the| Prison officials said the 42 ano Quadros, yho suc: if qualified, willlslaying occurred. Prison offi-|S°!er, because they were jquit in a huff last August, | |be on the Uxbridge Public Util-|cers said it appeared the guard |thought to be "'compatible. plunging the nation into one of) TORONTO (CP) -- Premier'ities Commission by acclama-|had been attempting. to defend| The slain man was reported violently bucked a U.S. proposal/its gravest political crisis, set/Robarts promised today to look' tion, |himself. to have been prominent in Boy that the UN be authorized to|in motion the machinery to ex-jinto the workings of legislative) t and |help re-train and reorganize the|change envoys with Moscow|standing committees with a} . |to the washroom where Went-|raqui United Church. \vie |16-Year-Old Girl worth was found. | His funeral will be held from \terly Thursday night to its at-| gry pices Gad ok 5] - The guard was married, the!there at 2 p.m. Monday. tack on the "colonialists' it 7 | shalt Ppa : | Shot By Bandits | Says are responsible for Ka- F M D d prolonged debate in the first | |tanga province's secession ive en ea nh | oe oe ere ee DUSSELDORF (Reuters) --|/ ened legislature, as opposi-/Bandits wounded a 16-year-old| | In Plane Crash ane oat omer func- |$1,000,000 to $1,500,000 jewel . Hons -- particularly that of the|robbery, biggest gem haul in Pepe oe Ak public accounts committee--be | wast aasinn iistory They A U.s. Air Force transport car- carefully examined. were cau i i pia a aught almost immedi- buined 17 miles south of White-|,ue° (Bislature decided to ap-/ately, and police said the jew- : a See, aay Nera : as recovered. | horse, Y.T., Thursday. Five name the members of the vari-| Two Gaiman navated' cecil men died, two are missing and|gys House committees after Mr. vies nage shi three parachuted safely and customers in a fashionable | The : ik want sarely;___|Robarts' assurances that they|Koenigsalle store while the ne pilot was trying to nurse/would be given an opportunity|other two scooped valuables horse, where he had taken offjtees generally An employ S | : : cog | g ly. F ployee who set off an Loingenscll api t oma Pi cig how: The premier also promised,| alarm was fired at but not hit. § lent : edi ut did not say) 'as one who has benefited from The thugs got caught in heavy } eed this practice in the past," to|traffic when they attempted to left|continue to set a 1 p.m. target get away and one of them fired | strong enough hold in Brazil/army generals recently set up a Baltic com-|son, A. G. Tipper, Stewart Ball,/Deschamps, senior guard in|stitution said the last time a Brazil should side formally with In by acclamation if qualified|1°Ctor, Pronounced Wentworth) When the next check of the area I . | |42-prisoner dormitory: where the|™¢n in the area were kept to- \ceeded Kubitschek and then| t ommittees | All 42 prisoners have access|Scout and church work at Cata- |Congolese Army, returned bit-/once more. jview to improving their effec- jtion leaders and members de-|sir} today in pulling off rying 10 men crashed and prove a select committee to|eiry w | the crippled plane to White-jto discuss the work of commit- from cases. The two-ehgined C-119 a burst from a tommy-gun, hit- Elmendorf air force base near! for adjournment on Fridays. He here with 14 men aboard. Four notified the House that Friday|ting the girl, whose wound was left the plane at Whitehorse. jsittings would begin atidescribed as light. Motorists on the Alaska High- 10:30 a.m. as in previous years., They fled in to a small hotel way watched the plane circle) The early Friday sittings al-|and were found by police sit-| ; toward|low rural members to spend|ting at a table piled with the| * i colitis GUARD SLAIN a and then head back HOWARD GREEN | Whitehorse. lweekends at home. loot.

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