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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Nov 1961, p. 4

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love! and water plants -- Richard|many of the decisions of the IGNORED SIGNS Mi sot winced ams ptentaentnasabied COUNCIL BRIEFS Bete aes Whittington, 'a Griffin, and J.|Court are reserved until a| LONDON (CP)--A brewer has as M. MacLeod -- at an annual/policy is arrived at regarding) suggested that the new licens- salary of $4,000 with annual) acreages owned by farmers and|ing laws: should be printed in Award G raduates increments of $125 until the|by non-farmers. Chinese. Customers, he says, maximum of $4,500 is reached.| At this week's Council meeti seeing the signs in Chinese 300 APPEALS an- increase in fees from $12\hanging up in pubs would be e __|per day to $15 per day wasicurious enough to find what Court of Revision is sitting)approved for the members of they're about. ouvenir ugs to catg Hoye quo aaa the Court of Revision. more than properties. The LINE MAY BE CONFUSING By ELSASTORRY -- |Ontario Municipal Board, Mr. ABA pe ee a hl Turkey oc-| LONDON (CP)--The head of BROUGHAM -- _ Pickering|Kennedy expressed his satis- The land re-assessment this|cupies 9,257 square miles in|the firearms department at Township 150th Anniversary] faction with the financial status has disturbed many of the|Europe 285,236 square miles in|Scotiand Yard is an officer mugs, souvenirs of the celebra-| of the Township, after the study sey a d it is beli Athethea ed Blank. tion held this year, will belof a five year report by both|T°Sicents, am linden = - distributed to the graduates of|the auditors and the engineer. all the Public and Separate} The Board has approved the Schools in the Township, by|Rosebank Water Mains Exten- , |Harry Ashton, School Attend-| sion, at a cost of $173,650.00. | ance Officer, Township Council decreed on Monday night. OFFICIAL PLAN READINGS a Two readings were given to APPROVE ADDITION a by-law to adopt the Official Council approved, by resolu- Plan of the Townshi ' we p of Picker- tion, a 13-room addition to ing. Residents may speak for _|Dunbarton High School, at a a Se cost of $344,167.00. or against the provisions J The addition will include seven -- = ple dg 9g meet class rooms, four commercial|'"8 1 * thet rooms, and two laboratories. ie os ee a ls sai When completed the High| 14 9697 which have been includi h : School, including the vocational heard by.the OMB, and which FLAMES SHOOT 200 FEET HIGH FROM AJAX WAREHOUSE modate 1110 students." {Board has made several recom. ' A mendations for consideration. + Flames boil up from last | building on Fairall street. | ments fought the blaze. Offi- | warehouse contained $200,000 FIVE YEAR STUDY night's million dollar fire at | Firefighters from the Ajax, | cials today are attempting to | worth of paint. At a recent meetint of Reeve 3 NEW EMPLOYEES the Ajax Warehousing Co. | Pickering and Whitby depart- | determine the cause. The --Oshawa Times Photo |J. S. Scott and Pickering Town-| Three new employees were ship office personell with Mr.jengaged by the Works Depart- conducted by a Plumbers' Li.| J. A. Kennedy, Chairman of the! ment to maintain the new sewer @ Pickering Library |.?::i.0".2! County Home eer, the Plumbing Inspector, | Estimates Hidden #2 "="="Costs Rise Deyman Quits! KING STREET EAST by Council. The fees for examinatiors are: | By ELSA STORRY jthe Pickering Home and School| yarioe Plumber, $10, Drain| School Board BROUGHAM -- Councillor! Council. oe lContractor, $10, Journeyman| n 0 ourg : Clifford Laycox expressed the| 'Are they afraid if they pub-|pjymber, $5, and Drain Layer, | thought that voters may be|licize it too much they may)! 5 : 'unaware of what the establish-| stir up people against it?" asked|" | COBOURG -- Operation of the) COBOURG --H. R. Deyman, This criticism is not confined to ' ment of a Public Library in the'Councillor Mowbray. | An annual licence is required Counties Home for the Aged,|QC, announced his resignation|Cobourg. NOVEMBER 23 196] Township would involve, at al "The te gu a onli unit|°f $15 for the Master Plumber, /Golden Plough Lodge, for the| from Cobourg District Collegiate 7 Council meeting on Mondaylis more than one mill, believe|S1° for the Drain Contractor, first ten months of 1961 reached| Institute board, effective Dec.|SEEK FM RADIO night. Ime," said Councillor Clifford|#2-,for the Journeyman Plumber) $145,955, the report o: the board/31, to United Counties council] A formal application for the| is ' * The Councillor contended that| Laycox. jand $2. for the drain layer. jof management revealed tojin a letter on Tuesday. construction of an FM _ radio All WEST BOUND King street buses leaving the yatepayers secing the question, fe suggested that one of the|..® Person in the Township, |Counties Council, Tuesday. Increasing pressure of legal|tower and building in the North- on the ballot may immediately|school buses in Area 2 tight eee" a sauna = a Receipts from residents|business was given as the|Umberland Forest was formally east city limits, will proceed by King Street to : vl : apy| permitte gs respond by saying "yes" having! be put to some use in a Library : ; e amounted to $61,248, leaving a|cause. Mr. Deyman is Crown|made to the United Counties Keewatin, north on K ti I no idea of what it would cost! operation when it was not in| Plumbing or drain laying trade) e+ at $84,707 on which a 70 per|counsel for the counties. Council by D. B. Williamson, ib eewatin to Co borne, west them. use. Peggy Re Progr A penalty lcent government subsidy would . In pomerne Pigoms for the ~~ of Cobourg. od on Colborne to Harmony Road, South on Har- " ' ost," sai Sinet inne. gat . ai i ounti nor confe 7 occupy approxim-| Councillor M. outney "i ae ee ee said that! offence oe Pe ee nly Fe ib ak '| resenting the counties, Mr. Dey-|ately 3 acres and 4 cope with| mony Road to King street, and then by regular @ guess as to the policy of next| doubt on the part of Librarians| a4 n° Rook reget Hd eocie| The per diem rate, formerly| man, at present chairman of the| any national emergency would route West to Simcoe. year's Council." lof mobile units, even apart|°! '@ Prov! $3.04, has now been raised to|Collegiate board, said he had/be equipped with a motor-gen- +,Mr. Mowbray felt that esti-| from costs, and felt that a small _ |$4.33, based on gross expendi-| served continuously for 13 years.|¢rator on the site. The request] " mates of cost could not be|branch could be produced more| [J K Government tures. Shortly before Mr. Deyman's| Was directed to the counties' THERE WILL BE NO CHANGE IN THE ROUTE released, as much depended on! cheaply. | Madde | The report stated that two|letter of resignation was read,|Property committee. OF THE EAST BOUND KING STREET BUSES. the Library Board which next] "Why should people expect Pe rooms had been redecorated in| another letter, this one from the) The grand jury report urged year's Council! would appoint,)/hooks to be brought to their Opposition Attack |the old building at a cost of $682)Ontario School Trustees andjthat repairs be carried out to and what type of Library and) doors?" he asked. and the floor on the second floor| Ratepayers Association, asked/certain hardwood floors at the how much expenditure would be| : LONDON (Reuters) -- The'|of the old building had been tiled|Council whether it would be in| counties' jail in Cobourg. While made to establish one. PLUMBERS TO PAY FEES _[pritish government came under at a cost of $2,850. A sewer had| favor of the election rather than|the numbers in jail were below T HE P un 5 LI C Councillors agreed that the) A by-law to regulate plum-|heavy opposition attack Thurs-|been iaid to the farm house,|the appointment to collegiate/normal, there were times, the one mill levy generally|pers, master plumbers, journey-\day for allegedly keeping Com/necessitated when the septic|boards. Council will make|report said, when there was a ' estimated as the cost to the|man' plumbers, drain contrac-|monwealth countries in the dark|tank broke down, at a cost of| known its preference in the next) problem of over-crowding. taxpayer would not purchase' tors, drain layers, and appren-|about its plans for a controver-|$305. jtwo days. : Over-crowding also existed at vo co go wed org ,|tices will come into effect on,sial immigration control bill. | The board recommended that| , The letter Pigeloog at uae oe eee pe ae dy > Jouncillor Mowbray said that) January 1962, in Pickeri Labor Leader Hugh Gaitskell|the possibility of an enclosed) tion ¢ , port said that visits made to the| Dlaye -- the ogg issue onan Raggy ie iia ec accused Prime Minister Mac-|walk from the second floor of rig ge er die ce eaceagyd Linney Vets for) OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA ad not been very effectively) fyery applicant in the above|millan of not consulting with/the new building to the second)t0 Doards ral ion.|Boys at Bowmanville and Co-| publicized. It was instigated by trades, weil" be granted regis-lother Commonwealth leaders floor of the old building be in-| bourg as well as to the Golden) H. F. BALDWIN, G. F. SHREVE, a petition. signed by residents/tration if he obtains at least|sufficiently on government plans| vestigated. Approximate cost/able under government grant.|Plough Lodge, Cobourg, found) Chairman General Manager of the south part of the Town-\79 per cent standing in anjto control the influx of Com-|would be $6,000, some 60 per| Council will consider the report|these organizations to be well ship under the sponsorship ofjexamination as to his skills)monwealth citizens into Britain.|cent of which would be recover-|and bring in recommendations. | and efficiently run. Ss 4 OP Cherney's FIRST! Wall-To-Wall BROADLOOM FOR THREE ROOMS 40-02. MOTHPROOF CUSHION AND INSTALLATION LET INCLUDED LAINS, TWEEDS, TEXTURES esi a Pet So pot: Pe At One Low Price "AE Be cm ' . (Offer Based on 30 sq. yd. Area) Here is your opportunity to get the wall-to-wall luxury look at a real low price. Modern Viscose Broadioom will stand up to the hardest wear. Expertly woven for maximum softness ond resilience, easy to clean, easy to maintain and priced with mothproof cushion included. Cover 3 rooms (30 square yard area) in a sea of colour--spice, beige, turquoise, aqua or green. Have it installed now for the festive season ahead. : ie WALL-WALL INSTALLATION RUBBER WAFFLE CUSHION AND INSTALLATION INCLUDED 30 SQ. YARD AREA..\ ig AY ae ee Pe : <3 f y ; ies Epcos. B 50SQ. YARD AREA... 518.00 SBI, cee NE a ig § : Reg. 656.00 see cercenees LONG-WEARING ... EASY-TO-CLEAN... PROPYLON ... 10.95 Sq.-Yard | Sumi aecumana ] BE hy 82000 eee ce iceseesese, O4T50 12 ft. width makes it ideal for wall-to-wall installation of room-size rugs. : : Aaa ; 6' x 9" Reg. 93.00 82.80 12' x 13'6" ae iu . 'x 9' Reg. 5 . eee Tis . 274.20 ., 239.10 ROOM SIZE RUGS This broadioom twist corpet is the result of lengthy a Ni i 4 ; All Wool Heavy Quality Wilton 9' x 9 Reg. 138.60 121.05 ne ene research and experimentation to find a twist carpet es ee The more you buy the more you save -- whether it 'be a wall-to-wall 9' x 12' Reg. 183.30 159.90 12' x 15' "12, ... SALE PRICE 131 40 which has all the good qualities of carpets made of £8 4 installation or room size rug. Regular 16.40 value... Sale priced at 9, ' 2 198.75 Reg. 304.00 .. 265.00 wool or other fabrics but none of their shortcomings. ; iets sq. yard (rubber cushion included). Hurry in, select your rity Hos 228.00 . +. 6 ' 'i i 'avourite colour --- Rose Beige, Cinnamon Spice, Sand Bei and fe "6" 'x 3 x 12". --. SALE PRICE 175.20 The new Propylon fibre has exceptionally high strength Turquoise. Have it installed before Christmas. ee Reg. 214.60 .... 187.30 Reg. 363.60 ... 316.80 and weorability. A special textile process imparts the x 13'6"..... SALE PRICE 197.10 resilient crimp twist. "It is very soil resistant, non- de ue AE Ce ee 7 RRR "DUPONT 501 NYLON BROADLOOM x . pe Sid . nutmeg, cinnamon, China turquoise, green mist, ; Sat % j : $ ; +3 . Mh alt 1 % i : : A truly outstanding broadloom carpet "'buy' made for us by one 262.80 WALL-TO-WALL INSTALLATION i ee, Sse ; Pi of the top mills in the U.S. Smartly styled high-low loop mosioe BY SKILLED CARPET CRAFTSMEN ate a . hs "pattern at a low price to thrill the thriftiest-minded homemaker. Choose from 8 gorgeous colors -- turquoise, martini, palmento, x 18, ... SALE PRICE B light walnut, satin wood, spruce green, gold, honey, and you get all the big "extras" -- extra long wear . . . superior texture , Fe ; 2 : Sig retention resistance to 'shedding' and "fuzzing" . non- CALL IN TONIGHT - WE ARE OPEX 'TIL 9 P.M. PE Te ks wees, b at. we eee . . epemmmerennte SIZE 9x12)" 137.40 erne cies vay a" 12 FT. WIDTH; 8 GORGEOUS COLOURS SIZE 12° x 18° ric sph 225.00 OSHAWA + PETERBOROUGH oe INTRODUCTORY PRICE $10.95 Sq. Yd. SIZE 12' x 18? intetecor 268.80 Price .. seeces

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