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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1961, p. 7

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DAVID AND Happy young sons of Mr. | David, who is six months old, | Smart are the grandsons of Mrs. Merle and Mrs. Robert Smart, East- bourne avenue, are David Gordon and Darrell Robert. | | | 16th Scout Mothers' 'iwas held at Knox Presbyterian (emer Jo Aldwinckle, Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, November 25, 1961 Women's Editor 7 GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES 16th SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The regular meeting of the Auxiliary next Tuesday, November 28 at 8 p.m. Conveners are Mrs. Nor- man McEvers and Mrs. Alyn Elliot. There are still several books of tickets out for the draw which must be turned in Church with the President, Mrs. Larry Ostrom presiding. and Darrell, two vy DARRELL ears, Exhibition By Local Artists Receiving Favorable Comment The exhibition of painting and} sculpture by local artists, spon- sored by the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association, has attracted many viewers to the auditorium of the McLaughlin Public Library. This year's show which will remain until the end of Novem- ber, shows growing maturity among the frequent exhibitors and a freshness of approach The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Phillip Bell, and */Mrs. Kenneth Hann, treasurer, read her report. A report on the Regional Conference was} : sale was held =|before the regular meeting. *| The Auxiliary gave the 16th 4 Cub Pack a Hallowe'en Party. John Hamilton won the prize for > the best costume. A family Christmas party will be held December 14, for the Cubs and Scouts. The Auxiliary will be in charge of} the refreshments and treats. | Mrs. George Lee was pre-| sented with a past president pin. The next meeting will be held December 18 at 2 p.m. LEGION AUXILIARY Bokhara Court The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, Night Of Cards met on Tuesday with president, The Oshawa and district|Mrs, Edward Bouckley, presid- Bokhara Court, No. 22, Ladies\ing. Final plans for the bazaar of Oshawa and Mrs. Enid Proctor of Toronto. --Aldsworth Photography next Tuesday to be eligible for the fine prizes. They drawn for at 9.30 p.m. The election of officers and| executive will be held on Tues-! day, December 5, and_~ the Christmas party and exchange of gifts on December 12. This will conclude the meetings for 1961, The first business meet- ing in 1962 will be January 9 and the installation dinner, Jan- uary 16. Holy Trinity WA will be catering for this and tickets may be purchased from Mrs. will be} --Wallace R. Berry, Kingston The forthcoming marriage ; John G. Dancey, is a gradu- is announced today of Miss | ate of the Oshawa General Sheila Kathleen Dancey RT, | Hospital School of Laboratory Matthew Bell. Entertainment will be convened by Mrs. Alyn Elliot. At conclusion of Mrs. Norman McEvers as con- vener, business, {Penny Bingo was played with nie | Technologists. Her fiance, son to Mr. William Allan Watson, | of Mr. oe Mrs. William J. BA, BPHE. Miss Dantey, Watson, is a graduate of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Queen's University and is a Diane Beverley Reeson Bride Of Vernon Llewellyn Fenton King Street United Church;tario. The Rey. Dr. G. Telford was the setting for the marriage! officiated. Diane LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 held its regular meeting on Monday evening in the lodge rooms with the newly installed Officers in their respective chairs, NG Sister Margaret Gray was assisted by Vice-Grand. Sister Elda Howard who reported on the sick and advised a number of get well cards sent out. During the business session Sister Victoria MaGee reported &@ number of acknowledgments for favors received: Sister Greta Drinkle will con- vene @ euchre party in Febru- ary. Sister Estella Sims reported the spectator to a nonentity 0n Oriental Shrine of North the edge of eternity. America Incorporated, held its The satisfying arrangement of fourth annual 'night of cards' planes in pale yellows and blu-/4¢ the Shrine Club Rooms, Sim- ee a cu rf s ia Pie ON coe street north. Molly Carswell's '13th Floor a ene : and "imaee are several other; Zhe rooms were cong 2 non-objective paintings with in-/capacity. A bake sale hee s dividual appeal. previous to the opening of the The exhibit also includes still) night of cards which Mrs. O life studies in oil and water-|¥. Robson officiated. color and charcoal sketches.| Proceeds of the evening will were made. This will be held Hospital Auxiliary | Evening Chapter November. Meeting) The regular meeting of the| 4 Evening Chapter of the Wom-| Ba en's Hospital Auxiliary was held from some newcomers. There|Frances Moore has contributed|be used entirely for benevolent) recently at McLaughlin Hall. for exhibition. is something taste in this The styles range from photographic; realism, through free form to abstract and non-objective William Michaud brings great clarity to his realistic oil paint- ing 'Georgian Bay" and Greene) Mitchell of Whitby has evoked an almost three-dimensional ef- fect in the water color of "'St. John's Church", Although paint- ed in subdued greys and greens this painting displays vigor. In a freer style, Jim Bell's "Nightfall" has captured the emotion of the gathering dusk and Marie Wallace's "Old Beech Tree" has. mood as well as representation. The same ap plies to "Morning Marsh') painted by Andres Bohaker who ban tured the still, luminous/ ie Of first light. perety The steadily growing ac-| ceptance of non objective] painting is marked by portrayed by Jeri Adams "Heat} and Motion', In. 'Sea' Storm] North" by the same artist, there is depth, weight and massive power. "Event in Time" taking non-objective water-color by Alexandra Luke, reducing ' , Baan oe | HONEYMOON IN PUERTO RICO Pictured after their wed- ding recently at Northmin- ster United Church are Mr and Mrs. Charles Edward Houck. Formerly Miss Jean Eleanor Webster, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Webster of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houck of Uxbridge. The couple are living in Oshawa. --Photo by Peter Ellins Andres Bohaker an except- were: ionally fine mask in wood) wre. Roy Pearse, Mrs. J. rethe "L Gian hela 1% Sabins, Margaret Kemp, Mrs. e Lyceum Club held @ re albert McKean, Mrs, G. Tre- ception for the official opening. --" Mig C. Clary. Mrs. G aay . PP re Sead pacar O'Regan, Mrs. --, cae SS aka nae re : | Mrs. id Crawford, rs. of the art committee received. | Irs. Rolan G. Summers. ' x M. Knibb, Mrs "eesen bag shar ag il Mrs. M. Kashul, Mrs. W. C. convener was she an Mrs.' R. Leo pe as (ook, Mrs, Gerald Bent, Mrs. hostess. Miss Velma Kaiser, Norman Raike, Mrs. Jane Jobb. poured tea and the guests were Mrs. Norman _Wetherup. served by Mrs. Walter Johnson Mrs. Eric Norris, Mrs. Stan- and Mrs. Cyril Weyrich. There|ley Hart, Mrs. R. Wellman, was a good attendance(Mrs. N. Ridgely, Mrs. K. Kewin, and many of the exhibitors were Mrs. Grace Seeley, Mrs. Doug- present. : las McLaughlin, Mrs. G. Haynes. SOCIAL NOTICES the|Dancey wish to announce the number on exhibit. Turbulence| forthcoming marriage of their in a little space is expertly|qaughter, Sheila Kathleen, }ceremony is to take place on'day, is a breath-| 196, Ist Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous mair. Over 15 Yeors' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa ot the Genosha Hotel, Nov. 28 & 29. PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates MARRIAGE The marriage of Marion Eliza Fox of Oshawa, daughter of Mr. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Mr. and Mrs. John Gardener isa tia, and the late Mrs. Fox, to : q James Marven Hughes, son of William Allan Watson, son of Mrs. Wesley Hughes of Tam- Mr. and Mrs. William John worth, Ontario, and the late Mr. Watson, all of Oshawa. The }Wughes, was solemnized on Fri- November 17, in the Tuesday evening, December|parsonage of St. Paul's United 1961, at seven o'clock in|Church, Bowmanville, with the Andrew's United Church. Reverend Robert Turner officia- - ting AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mosier, 292 King Street West, will be at home to their relatives and friends on Saturday, December 2, from 2 to 4 and 7 to.9 p.m. on jthe occasion of their silver wed- \ding anniversary. PERSONALS Mrs, E. F. Cuthbertson, Mary street, was hostess to the opera jstudy group of the Lyceum }Club which met at her home on | Wednesday evening. Recordings |from La Boheme were played jand Mrs. S. V. Barlow read |passages from the book. Mrs. jE. L. Chant and Mrs, S. C, Larmer served refreshments, Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Andrews and sons, David and Richard, entertained Mrs. Fraser Smith in honor of her birthday at a dinner party at Sandalwood last Saturday. Mrs, Eva Taggart was among those who assisted at the ba- ;|zaar held recently by _ the |Remembrance Association {the Oshawa Chapter of Silver Cross Women. the Teas, birthday parties, wed- # \ding anniversaries, coming and LZ goings of guests are always of interest in this column, Write, the social }department with your items of is no ia tee telephone or visit news for which there charge. Telephone .723-3474. B. B. Fox of Truro, Nova Sco-) of everyone's|some fine clay modelling and|purposes. Those winning prizes) yrs C, R. Lunn presided. Following the secretary's re-| port given by Mrs, Roy Bunker,| treasurer's report read by Mrs.| A, P. Robson, and a brief re- port given by Mrs. Thomas Norton, corresponding secre-| tary, Mrs. G. G, Curley as con- vener of the recent show, "Flight into Fashion, reported on the success socially and financially of the project. Mrs. J. E, Rundle, accompan ied by Mrs. Lunn, attended the! October convention of the Pro-| \vincial Women's Hospital Auxil- liaries held at the Royal York) Hotel in Toronto and reported| on the discussions and lectures] jat the convention. Particular ;mention was made of the dif- |ferent projects of other hospital lauxiliaries throughout the TO OFFICIATE Mrs. Charles Langfield, twenty-five-year member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion for the auxiliary day evening. Proceeds from the bazaar assist the auxil- iary's unceasing help to serv- ice men and their families. of Beverley Reeson,! The bride, given in marriage that the | would be expect- ed to work in the Tuck at Hillsdale Manor on Friday, Feb- ruary 24, Sister Gladys Morgan and Sis- ter Elsie Greentree voiced their appreciation of cards sent to her sister and husband during their ~Aldsworth Photography member of the teaching staff | of Dr. F. J. Donevan Col- legiate Institute. The wedding is to take place in St. Andrew's United Church on Tuesday evening, December 26. 'New Lounge Wear 'Is Epitome Of Femininity More and more we're veering lounge fashions for home recent illnesses. a | Branch 43, will officially open | the annual Christmas bazaar | next Tues- | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-| by her father, wore a gown with |ward Myrle Reeson, Oshawa, to] 4° white peau de soie skirt, ap- | Vernon Llewellyn (Sonny) Fen-| pjiqued with lace and falling to j ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Llewel-| 4 chapel train. The bodice was lyn Fenton, Prince Albert, On-|of white lace with wrist-length sleeves and embroidered with seed pearls around the scooped neckline. A cap of satin em- broidered with pearls held her fingertip veil and she carried Talisman roses with white satin streamers knotted with rosebuds on a white Bible. Attending her were Bonnie Anne Hooker, Oshawa as maid of honor and Margaret - Rose Roy, Toronto, Their gowns were of moss green peau de soje with {bell-shaped skirts. They wore jmatching headdresses with cir- cular veils and carried rust and yellow chrysanthemums accent- ed with ivy. Cheryl Carpenter | was the flower girl in a frock of pale green chiffon over moss |green peau de soie with a matching bandeau. She carried }a cascade of rust and gold baby chrysanthemums, Keith Fielding, Port Perry, 4\was best man. Ushering were | Roger Reeson, Douglas Manning {and Richard Carpenter. Michael Manning was the ring bearer. ine tee Sutherland and CLUB CALENDAR Mrs. J. E. Rundle, as co-con-| | In the Fleetwood Room of the Hotel Genosha, the _ bride's mother received in a dress of beige brocade satin with match- |veners of the annual Capricorn) Capers Dance to be held at the| MONDAY Jubilee Pavilion, Wednesday,|/Southmead Park Aux {January 24, advised that tickets|pleasant Mon. Aft. Club for the dance will be available| past Matron's Club, OFS jat the December meeting and|jopk (Prince Philip Ch.) | will be available to the After-|castje Chapter Alumnae jnoon members from Mrs. G. B.113th Scout Mothers Aux. Doherty and Mrs, R. K. Miller.|Oshawa Lionettes Mrs. G. H. Jackson, sewingitqp (Golden Jubilee Ch.) convener, reported 12 bab Ylooth Scout Mothers Aux. gowns had been submitted and willing Workers | material oF eee | and) ss gowns would be available to in-|wyipcnay terested sewers. [ru ESDAY Mrs. D. A. Campbell report-|TOPS Club ed one baby outfit, eight pairs Re-Echo Lodge |children's footwarmers and 18|St. Peter's WA pairs babies' footwarmers had|SA Home League been completed for the chil-/St. Matthew's Guild dren's ward Christ Church WA It was decided to hold an an-,Candaian Legion Aux nual installation of officers' din-;Ont. Regt. Assn. Aux. ner each January. Holy Trinity WA Mrs. Lunn thanked the mem-'Jessie Panton Aux bership fer their contribution to-|Court Oshawa, IOF wards the success of the Festi-| Albert St. WA val of Gifts bazaar held recent-|Calvary Baptist YWMC |ly and advised that the Decem-\9th Scout Mothers Aux. ber 18 meeting would be a so-|King Street WA cial evening and each member|Arvilla McGregor Aux was requested to bring a 50c.\Wirst Baptist WA gift. Friendship Group The chairman, Mrs. Lunn,|Beta Sigma Phi spoke for the membership in|norcas Group extending welcome to Mrs. John|Nejjie Dearborn Grp. Lovell, a former active mem- ber vl the auxiliary, who is THURSDAY presently living in Ottawa and|,.,. AST R ane expressed regret at the loss tte oe \Mrs. E. G. Suarez and Mrs.|Christ Church Eve. Guild John Cameron who recently left! _. i to live in Toronto. |FRIDAY Refreshments were served by|Christ Church Aft. Aux. Mrs. Dean Kelly and commit-|Simcoe St. WA (Grp. 3) tee. \H and § Council ing accessories and wore a cor- sage of gold chrysanthemums. She was assisted by the bride- groom's mother, who wore a dress of rose crepe with white accessories and a corsage of white and pink carnations. Following the reception the couple left for a wedding trip touring. eastern Ontario and northern United States cities. Shia CLEVER GIFT IDEA | By ALICE BROOKS Teach the old-fashioned virtue of neatness to a child with this to wear, whether we're just watch- ing TV or playing hostess to friends. No matter how casual the occasion, there's no squelch- ing the eternal feminine yen for at-home clothes that are strictly j\Cloud Nine stuff. LACE AND RUFFLES The latest lounge wear radia- tes a gossamer mist of lace; ruffles, pouffed sleeves, much of it designed in the ingeue mood and mode. Some such styles even look as though they could be worn to parties. One, for example, has a long- waisted bodice of sudsable, filmy nylon lace with a flaring |skirt of nylon sheer over tricot. Another is a nylon tricot chem- ise which flares above the knees and has a striking bead-like ap- plique at the neckline The very popular, comfy fleeces are also being inter- preted in a romantic mood-- even when they're bright red.| One charming example is al lounge wear dress of fleece made with a beguiling flare and sporting a spate of eyelet ruffles. This is intended for wear over 4829 SIZES 14%--24%4 SMART SIDELINE By ANNE ADAMS You look so much taller and slimmer thanks to the illusion created by smart side buttoning. matching pants of fleece. Sew this step-in in soft wool: or Widely - used fabrics include|¢repe for holiday elegance. that cotton which is flattery} Printed Pattern 4829: Half itself in a peignoir designed|Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 2044, 2214, with a soft, portrait-type neck-|24%4. Size 16% requires 3 yards line ond blooming with flow-|45-inch fabric. ers that will remain colorful) Send FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in the year round. jcoins (stamps cannot be accept- Flowered corduroy takes aed) for this pattern. Please print sentimental turn, too, when it/Plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- jis styled with the new high\DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. |waistline and done in vibrant) 'Send order to ANNE ADAMS, colors and delicious patterns. ze Hag sole Times, Pattern ept., Oshawa, Ontario. METALLIC YARN ' But the most romantic lounge FALL'S 100 BEST FASHIONS appealing, old-time Mama doll. Pretty decoration for a child's bed -- pop 'jamas or nightie into slit in dress that forms pocket. ! Pattern 7053: pattern of pieces for doll, clothes; directions. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Alice Brooks, c-o The Oshawa Times Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, On- tario. Print plainly NAME, AD- For travelling the bride wore an Italian knit suit of beige and brown with matching brown ac cessories. She wore a corsage of deep orangey-pink roses. On returning, the couple will make their home in Oshawa. Attending the wedding were out of town guests from Orillia, wear of all features ruffles, laces and elegant metallic yarn that jis washable as well as non-tarn- ishing. This group is distinguished by such styles as a durable yet so dainty nylon - silk satin gown with lace and tucking and a shocking pink printed flannel Belleville, Barrie, Port Perry,|80Wn ruffled from top to hem. Courtice and Toronto. The ultimate in femininity is sotncetieae ja Spanish style, black lace bed jjacket with.a rose at the waist --separates, dresses, suits, en- sembles, all sizes, all in our new |Pattern Catalog in color. Sew jfor yourself, family. 35c. plus \le, Provincial tax. , When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse REALLY LUCKY |DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. NOTTINGHAM, England | NEVER - BEFORE VALUE! 200 yes, 200 designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroider, quilt in our. new 1962 Needle-|lived. Now he has a chance of SBE Ce ew ready now! pes winning £16,000. A Melbourne eautiful Bulkies in a comple 3 , fashion section plus bedspreads, | DOokmaker who heard linens, toys, afghans, slipcovers David's escape sent him a plus two free patterns, Send 25c, | ticket in Australia's national lot- now! Plus 1c. Provincial Tax. 'tery. feet down a mine shaft and OUT j= OF... . » » Women prefer the non-breakeble, easy-pour- ing, Pure-Pek container over old fashioned bottles. "AT THE STORE er AT YOUR Si | deal Dairy Limited QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS AVIA NTARIO DIAL 728-6241 From any direction it is Zenith's Smallest H EA KR IN G Al D Eyeglass % smatter than previous Zenith * Adjust able to your head shape ° 4-transistor performance * Choice of popular colors * Fingertip volume control, separate on off switch » Adapts to most widely used frame styles. Deferred Payments If Desired IMPERIAL OPTICAL 11 ONTARIO ST. 728-6239 rehase and frame of holes trom your own eyegines epecialiet. HEARING 4 ANNOUNCING Mr. Johnston is pleased to an- nounce that the salon, formerly known as the House of Loren, will from now on be known as Noancy-Ann Beauty Salon, and is under new manogement. It has no connection whatsoever with the 3 former owners. We will try our utmost to satisfy you ond to de- liver only the very best in work- manship, MAY WE BE OF SERVICE TO YoU DURING THE FESTIVE AHEAD? gan QUALITY PERMS STARTING AT "NANCY-ANN BEAUTY SALON 969 SIMCOE ST. N. (CP)--David Payne, 11, fell 150} t 725-2211 --designed for wear over a "hone Newee oe tor flounced gown fashioned of EVERYONE" jblack nylon over pink. | | | | THIS YEAR SEND \CHRISTMAS GREETINGS | WITH KODACOLOR PRINTS F. a ~ made by KodaR from your favor color slide or Kodacolor negetive new lower prices... wide choice of designt-- complete with envelopes. # % COLOUR Popular Slim Line Style Made from negotive, slide or color print. 25 iss BLACK & WHITE Popular Slim Line Style made from negative or print, 1 a 3.00 BU is ticeces See oe 100 iu. ce ee Prices are complete with envelopes wee enene tere 4.75 9.00 ee a 28 KING ST. E. DIAL 723-4621 Yr

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