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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1961, p. 8

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. ee worthedile| vember and the month of De- goais in mind and pursue em A by ESTRELLITA jwith enthusiasm. Don't just| ember will 'be: tray Oe ee Ei ht -Year-Old Girl dream of success! Act! You|'atian's step - up period this g For Tomorrow can accomplish big things now.|year. So be alert and put forth | Excellent influences now en- your best efforts now, since ad- Is Jealous of Brothers ' \courage all artistic and intellec-|For The Birthday pereettea gained by the end of @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, November 25, 1961 _s_|CHILD GUIDANCE THE STARS SAY pag Sos plaasies smartly.jand financial status. Late No- Day After Tomorrow You can make Monday a truly tual pursuits; also favor ro-| If Monday is your birthday,|February will greatly intone? several children, even prevail on the relatives;mance and family interests. All you should find the next three|your progress later in 1962--a speesaty the eldest, suddenly|and other adults to act more|iM all, this should be a highly months marked by excellent op-|star-studded progress if you co- changes from a co-operative, isengibly and humanely, enjoyable day. {Rortunities to improve your jobjoperate. | FILLED WITH soap nny ft ee iainine [REAL PROBLEM Z ve ee eck birthday as disobedient, sulking child at| Your big problem is to build) our horoscope indicates that, | | home and lagging at school, you|°" the strength and good traits|\here job and financial matters Accu RACY ! will want to look for the prob-|and ways of Jean, to have more) ore concerned you are cur-| s able cause fun and companionship with her) ontiy in a fine planetary cycle x Michigan mother writes ofand win more affection from New ideas, backed up by Sie | : | tie ; such a child, eight, with Cae find more effective "fort, should yield gratifying] | Know that your prescription has been filled --ategge tO gt vag he ned of dealing with the sma ee oy ee ie all you exactly as the doctor ordered - rely on us! old. matters of controlling her. If) .ins and talents and use good We always give you precise, courteous "Jean used to be easy to)She must be punished, deprive) oimon sense where your i , f : if handle and got along well with|Mer ae by gee ne 9! pocketbook is concerned, An- , = service. Ask your doctor about our. phar- : make her sit unamused for 30) sage ° i | : i ae cen and ads, verbal ier" Dut. condr.pnih oon long tes lhe macy next time he writes a prescription for , : -1962. ' | she was and how good she was) : , ' Domestic matters, romance : : ; 'ia | = OYOU. i and creative work will be under i |COMPLETELY CHANGED Try. hard to attract to your|generally good aspects during . | | WE PICK-UP AND DELIVER ALL PRESCRIPTIONS "Lately she does things she| home girls of about Jean's age.| most of the year ahead, but be ! NO EXTRA CHARGE never would have done before,|What she needs most is to feel/alert to possible periods of Pes like walking up and down her|worthy and to feel she is some- ' i Pebruar 'iat : 4 telli z 1€-'stress during February and a A bed with her shoes pings pr body, as a person in the family| March. Look for great happi- wa El if Hibs and _-- gece oth al. and in the eyes of other per- ness through social contacts be-| : eng POWRES UE RNY OLNEE CHM gone. i tween June and September. | . "Sometimes die aids wn UO 'o A child born on this day could 5 : if DRUGS (osHawa) + LIMITED E ldoesn't hear me talking to her\ ns end wil come with weeks succeed in the business and dip-| Leal ge . i|when I know she does. of hope and 'patience. lomatic fields, but may have to} Spee ' ~ 9 SIMCOE TELEPHONE Aaa feat 1 chek st (My bulletins, Celebrate Your curb a tendency toward eéxces- 3 : oe STN 'lal ae sate Nba Mets Child's Successes and Prevent- sive gambling. } 3 | . ; 723-3431 jalways has some-|; : san Aine < deni Sets | eth fale, ough ane ME, 24 Remueln,, Znuy, Al ' eats well and is healthy. addressed stamped envelope to sd M Co f . "She does average Pt at me in care of this newspaper.) = school, though her grades have mes Dain Ly Home ade n ections dropped in recent months. PARENTS' QUESTIONS ~ : ry Q. Our son, four, is beginning 4 « s * TWINS PRETTY to stutter. For a. Sweet Christmas Gift "The twins are exceptionally; A. Don't ask him to wait or pretty--even strangers stop US {o say the right word after you. Doesn't she look like a Smug,2 tablespoons lemon juice about them. No one sees Jean|Act as if all is well. little angel? Indeed she is be- 4 cup icing sugar any more--only the twins. Rela-| Read much to him. Help him cause she's filled with delici- Ad hemes' seed a cereal tives ee eet rate feel more loved and secure. ous Angel Mysteries. They're through food grinder. Alternate) worse--whic suspect 18 ¢ te ; ; Sif. unbaked cookies made of dried|them for thorough mixing. Mix|of Jean's trouble." os uae ae a, wee fruit, bite-size shredded rice|in coconut. Add pudding mix to} My reply in part: Avecaed stamped envelope ne biscuits and instant vanilla pud- corn syrup and lemon juice. As you yourselves, the rela- mae it as: of this newspaper. Stir until well blended. Pour)tives and other adults rave over - : ANGEL MYSTERIES over fruit mixture. Mix lightly. the beauty of the twins, and as %cup pitted dates Shape into l-inch balls. Let % cup seedless raisins stand one hour. Roll in icing 3 , gar. Stor ightly eov é | 4 cup dried apricots lsugar. Store in tightly covered eee' Naturally wou Wil want 10 | %4 cup broken nuts container. Yield: 4% dozen 1, * nngee dvi - : 3 cups bite-size shredded rice ing balls. F keep those twins, but without biscuits * With a ball of: styrofoam, i ss i" Z 1 can (3% -oz.) flake coconut jsome angel hair and foil it ga and more lovable child 1 package instant vanilla takes just a little time and pati- ¢ os pudding ence to convert a glass jar into) Perhaps you could restrain | : | Jean used to be raved over, the contrast now must be painful to them Jean would surely be a jan angel container. yourselves in the pride and ex- se m8 4 ' -- press over the twins. You might f Blouses Save The Day ie ooh i had han sical WIFE PRESERVER jin needlepoint. Check frequently on silver The easy-care fabrics, both frujt or flower containers; de- For On-The-Go Woman |100 per cent cottons and blends caying fruit, flowers and leaves| of Dacron with cotton, are tops produce acids which leave pit! Whether she happens to be avate skirt or slacks, a blouse can|in popularity, | marks in silver, student, a career girl or a busy |be worn for anything from house| Cotton Oxford cloth takes on! -- ' homemaker, today's on - the-go cleaning to shopping to casual new life when seen in high woman needs clothes that are entertaining at home. shades rather than in the paren- easy and that can go right along! The nicest new blouses are,ial men's wear shirting in with her--simple yet stylish fas-|neither sporty nor dressy, but white or blue. hions that are suitable for many, manage to combine the best at-| One unusual style in Oxford different activities. tributes of both. cloth features wide Tyrolean If your daily life calls for this suspenders embroidered on the type of wardrobe, we suggest! ' é _._|bouse in a deeper tone of the that you take a good look at the of fashionable colors, including/fapric color. The blouse, in latest crop of blouses. The right|Such striking shades as fuchsia,|brown or beige, for example, is oe They come in a vast number ANOTHER STYLE | Dacron and cotton is the fab- ric blend used for another blouse that goes in for floral embroi- dery on the French cuffs, plus ie DP Reed ee i|a tiny flowerette on the lapels i 2 of the rounded Italian collar. 4 ; 40L9: Baonv- ic ! ¢ > Ti] 4 ier-than- ci - i fio tig acer risrgg hares ae ai | new 1962 Envoy is so right! It has the right a peppier-than-ever Econo-Power four-cylinder Peover Rap Ponta = STYLE... the kind of prestige-building good _ engine, areally roomy trunk! Best of all, Envoy's waist and a pin-striped class oe Vay a ° : is ri ) J Gk eet cnr? on Ge MU OF looks you want in a car! Longer, lower, wider PRICE is right down among the lowest... blouse can be one of the most turquoise and burnt orange. | striking when paired with a solid , practical and versatile articles} 'There are also some unusual/ brown skirt. v\ in your everyday wardrobe.|floral prints in deep tones, in-| Embroider !s used to add When paired with the appropri-jcluding one beauty that looks,S™all touches of dress-up detail -- to an otherwise tailored blouse. : For instance, there's a solid]' <¢hs color blouse with French-cufféed, , long sleeves which features em- = ; broidery around the buttonholes | Yes, in every direction, from any angle, the all- right... with an improved Uniseal construction, long sleeves a ee ; ' Bs aay sei : > : Ghia ectaciilly eied tactnacat Spinds this year, the 1962 Envoy has the right SIZE... skimps on money but doesn't stint on value! \these blouses is that the trim- : i , , ' : : : , i |mings, embroidered or other- yo six-passenger roominess, unusual in acarinthe See this outstanding General Motors value at jwise, present no limitations on i i a their easy washability. They can dite Envoy class! And these new Envoys are BUILT _ your Envoy dealer soon! ibe laundered by hand in plenty ; Ma | i d lof suds and rinses or simply tossed in the washing machine |And they drip dry. "Seven Winds" BEAUTYREST AND || "sicen, Supreme MARSHALL REPAIRS || 1 -........... 200 AND OTHER SPRING MATTRESSES COM- PLETELY REBUILT LIKE NEW. TWO-DAY SERVICE EIDERDOWNS RE-COVERED. DAY -- 728-6451 NIGHT -- 723-4131 DRUGS ONTARIO BEDDING CO. 28 KING ST. E. 723-4621 ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES At St: Mary's of the People | Mrs. Glen Roy Flintoff and DISCOUNTS Roman Catholic Church re- | the bridegroom is the son of cently, Dianne Louise Flintoff : * became the bride of tose Mr. and Mrs. Robert Francis | on every item--oleays! Aaron Fernandez. The bride | Fernandez, all of Oshawa. D is the M is the daughter of Mr. and --Photo by Hornsby | ennis the Menace 5 ae DOLL | {| by Gantz, Retail 2.98. SUPER WECIAL |. 5... 1,51 dtullian. Mac Marsh | GILLETTE CHILDREN'S $ Blue Blad IN slits en wikia ee | mee NO WHERE D.E.A, ELSE .... Special This Week poir Ballet, Tap, Toe, Baton, Ungar Auto 2 1.00 | Pre-School, Character, Acrobatie Race Car Track LARGE SIZE SEE iT. ee x4 re --2crnd ric! Bromo Seltzer i TRY IT... FOR ) FRIDAYS nn sahg | Satie BUY IT... and NO WHERE ELSE WEEK SATURDAYS | MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED, BY VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST. E-262¢ See your local Envoy Dealer. AT THE 1038 KING W. _ (Atop Mt. Lawn Cemetery) | : ae? MASONIC TEMPLE |f...... uc praw couron. | «Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Harry Donald Limited House. You could win registered French Poodle Pup! 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA a mee " 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 725-6501 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST -- WHITBY, ONTARIO Information: 723-7253 , PHONE MO 8-3304, MO 8-3305, MO 8-3306 Be bure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TY network each Sunday. Check your local listing for ch | ond time,

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