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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1961, p. 11

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Teamsters Picketing Oshawa Auto Carriers | She Oshawa Times 77 Per Cent ae \SECOND "SECTION __ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1961 "PAGE ELEVEN F avor Strike sl as nari Local 880 of the International;funds and negotiate a pension Fumes i Brotherhood of Teamsters, Sun-|scheme at the termination of resen rop ies day night set up picket lines at) the contract currently under ne- car-hauling firms from Windsor) gotiation, if the companies' eco- j pee : . : 5 to Montreal in a dispute with) nomic conditions could stand a ; ' 4 Driver In the carriers over control of a/pension plan at that time. ii! ' . _-- u : : Aes ac u welfare plan offered by the em- The firms propose to pay $11 MEMBERS OF LOCAL 222, , yesterday, one at 1 p.m. and; said they do not anticipate a strike. Stanley Sobanski, a ) ; te ae ember of the Local 222 elec- ployers, _ _|a month per employee in the United Automobile Workers, | the second at 4 p.m. Ballot heavy vote today. Results will | member o 4 aang Fourteen trophies, won during} Stacey Trophy -- First place iS uto Teamsters officials here last) third year into a fund that would CLC, Sunday afternoon jam boxes remained open at UAW. be made known sometime | tion committee is shown above the past season, were present-/in season's points in Bluejay Monday recorded a 77 per cent! form the basis of a pension fund med the Oshawa ACnounes Hall from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday. Local unions in other _ handing out ballots to some of |.q when the Oshawa Yacht Competition. Skipper, Joe Pat- Gregory Wowna, 42, of 465 vote. in favor of striking auto to be negotiated as part of the start strike vote -shepebigger today. However, because of | Ontario municipalities con- the many members in attend- Club held its 30th annual din-'terson; crew, Brian Gower. Emerald avenue, was found gr with Local next contract. against General ' EONS. a the vast majority casting | nected with General Motors | ance yesterday ner Saturday night at the club.| McLellan Trophy -- Bluejays|dead in his auto about 10 a.m. s eastern division, WANT FUND ABOLISHED Sites ahirsoon" whoelings | votes Sunday, union officials | voted heavily in favor of a --Oshawa Times Phoot 'The event was largely attended, Race to Bowmanville. Skipper,/Sunday on Fallaise Street. More than 800 workers, in On. WAY e : eting s y, a and was most successful from'Joe Patterson;. crew, Brian'Coroner Dr. J. A. Patterson | tatio and Quebec, refused to re-| However, the employers have | T é became ir e by : ' . on behalf of the club during the Kinloch Trophy -- _ Bluejay 7 itp ye tage gts oe strike action include McCallum, cepted by Teamsters' membef. t- F , fille 5 and w to S re: NueCar te Local 222 officials said today. for pensions of $200 a month provided the program at the the importance of safety in Oxenham, Conant Trophy--Club epi yee ear and Windsor Auto Shippers; Nu-Car| wage increase of nine cents an awa Armouries, at two separate Loca] 222 officie 5 iguagy 9 rate : arrow the November meeting of the Albert boating and other activities in Championship sailed in Blue- na' Was Overcom Releasing Ltd.; Gen-Auto Ship-| hour as part of a three-year eetings called, to start strike Malcolm Smith, Local 222 and a wage boost to narrow the m s called, tart s Mi ' from 6 a oat oF pre today SEVEN-DAY WAIT MEDICAL COVERAGE 80 and 100 slides from his Jocal club in any way. in their A war. After discharge from the panies' attempt to wrest control) 'have thrown the gauntlet by Union officials said this morn 4 "i ' . every point of view. Gower. who conducted an investigation' Port for work Sunday night and -- . gether Don Morgan, club commo- Glen Rae Trophy -- Race tO req his death was ane. to set up picket lines at all car- wel are fun e oli n ers O ca 1 dore, was presented with the Bowmanville. Skipper, JohN .a;bon monoxide poisoning hauling firms in the Teamsters') favor of a eagles gu neg wd em yar Jallace Moffatt; crew, Nancy Moffatt : : : if eastern division. |a seven-man board, four Trophy gen He prin ta ts Sc hofield Barometer -- Cruis-, The deceased apparently at- whom would represent the em- e Oshawa Are member who is considered to ing Race. Skipper, George arene ak tke ae gag COMPANIES HI? ployers. * aro . ' - , ac ite ce Sirike Vote ' have put forward the best effort Smith; crew. Ruby Smith ei ; Companies hit' by current If this company offer was ac- . i : bed ommen year. Course Race. Skipper, Joe Pa ee Transport (Quebec) Ltd., Mc- ship, union officials said, it could Enjoyed E. G. Sorsoleil, of Toronto, terson; crew, Ted Howe eeeged pred cy » bg Callum Transport. Ltd. (Osh-/be used as a lever against the : / s be airma -membe Eagleson Trophy -- Novice or, awa; Russel! Transport Ltd. workers if there was. another i eit > Oshawa local's reached since negotiations be- chairman of the 40-member i : Balada peers sf 'ae ee a' l spo ) Frome . ocaipg 2 "of pie a. ed a yon oe gh con Bente Historic slides of Oshawa and Lake Yacht Racing Association, Sailors in Bluejays Skipper Sie Geel ae (Oshawa); Charlton Transport' strike threat Automobile Workers un- 10,00 ers fF i ain oy a page , ar aires Trio wa . : > stressed' Derek Kingate; crew toger, Wind Ss apps ° - (Oshawez Roadway Transport; ; i Pp day afternoon jammed the Osh- made known sometime Tuesday These include union demands songs by the Harmonaires Trio was the speaker. He ressed (Oshawa); Roadway Transt Companies have offered a a) | : oe . 7 gi ivtad Street United Church Men's this field. He distributed mate- jays skipper, Don Morgan;) Mr. Wowna was born in the pers Ltd. (Oshawa): Auto-Hall- agreement. Union demands in- rocedures against General sident said last week he gap--estimated at 40 cents an Bah nad > village of Rorzan, Poland, in away Ltd. and Maris T sport 25 or eters We Coe tid j ted at least a 97 per hour before recent United States Own Club rial illustrating the points he crew, Harvey Kirby ms 1919. He served i hi : Polist -- Aris *Tansport.| clude a 2-cent piney vie ass the Motors Me Canepa : 1 at ge n favor of a. strike negotiations -- between rates President Wilbur Down intro- had made : The Oshawa Yacht Club won 49% e ae Be e the ollsh' Teamsters officials said last basic hourly wage of $1.75 pre Baus cememec: open & at the company there and in Canada duced Tom Bouckley, the guest The speaker said that he the team race with the FBYC,. Atmy, under ere command, week, the dispute with car ship-| Mr. McAfee. in announcing UAW Hall, 44 Bond street east ae ie kd speaker, who showed between would be happy to assist the as a rifleman, during the last ners hinges around the com-|the strike said the employers ' The case is scheduled to go Also at stake are full com- ynique collection of old pictures formation of a junior club army in London, England, in of the Ontario Teamsters Wel- demanding the Teamsters give ang, Hey font oar ae the before a conciliation board pany - paid medical coverage of Oshawa. Assisting Mr. Bouck- which is under serious consid ree ur 1948, he came to Oshawa. He fare Fund,. a chartered com-| up their welfare plan." heavy vote today In View Of tne Tuesday but the board's past end improved supplementary ley was Leon Konorowski, €X- oyation married Mary Fitszpatrick in pany set up as a charitable or-' He charged the firms have re- vast majority s vote Sunday wctice has been to throw the unemployment benefits. Agree- ecutive curator of the- Henry The trophies, which were pre 1852 ganization by the Teamsters to fysed to negotiate other parts of afternoon ues back to the parties for ment on non-monetary items House Museum pats ' ' eae: Mot issu < ' sented by William Hart, 'Duke The late Mr Wowna was em- look after the welfare of its'the contract and i ot reconeraion a i te seven aya ue is oa a cee Mr. Bouckley: told "niet a Halleran, Earl Sharp, Ralph n CCl en : loyed by General Motors of membership of Dec. 4, they would terminate Intra-Corporation Council votec iz . | | | ; Seven days after the concili- made no offer on the economic his keen interest in the history conorield and Leon Rolson anada, in the South Plant. He 'Teamsters negotiators asked the present union-company con- to recommend to 0 al "unions ion board has handed down its issues of this area and some of the were as follows Three people were admitted to, Was' a member of the Greek the companies to contribute $12\ tract under contract . with General' ont. the unions are free to. Members of the St. Cathar- difficulties he has experienced)" Groots Trophy -- For second Oshawa General Hospital, Sat- Orthodox Church. He was: aiper month, per employee, to the) Talks between the two parties Motors that strike votes : nes local also voted last night in. colle g and arranging the place in season's points in Fire- aia, as the result of injuries;member of the UAWA, localiOTWF, an increase of $4 per|broke down Saturday. taken against the com : but figures were not yet avail- upwards of 700 prints and neg- |»), Competition. Skipper, Jim cyst: ined in a two car collision 222. and of the Beylordssian' month, per member, over what 'ONTINUE MENTS Oshawa ZoLonlo - s TORONTO (CP)--Members of able atives in his. collection. His Hill; crew, Gail Patterson on Bloor street east Samopomac society in Oshawa. they are now paying TO CONTINUE SHIP! Re arines, London and Windosr the Toronto and Windsor locals The U.S. settlement is 'ex- showing started with a map Of! Birns Trophy -- Old Timer seactal ie es a 36. 673 Shake-|, Surviving the deceased are; meer General Motors of Canada NO ECONOMIC PROPOSALS n the United Automobile Work- pected to set a pattern for the village at:the fare wide iow Race (Bluejays). Skipper, Red a oo vente. Gikewa: Sar his wife, and two sons, Michae] WELFARE PACKAGE Ltd. officials Pasig' '-- -- Talks between the union and ers CLC Sunday night almost UAW's negotiations with the Ca ay ped in explaining air idee ad Shobbrock; crew, Dr. Laurie haa aid chest injuries his and Robert ' _ Auto shipping' companies, GM will SS Oa ed olate company have been in progress unanimously authorized strike nadian auto industry, with Of many OF ue oernce an Oxenham fe Stella bend and host 'he Mr Wowna s resting at the Teamsters International Repre- cars ai aby s) al etary le since Sept. 12. Union leaders action' against General Motors special considerations of Cana build ngs in latel sie ae Cader Teonho First place Wile. t a yi archer Gerrow Funeral Home. The sentative Sydney McAfee said, i i y aps fe el St have charged that to date the' Products of Canada Limited dian conditions P Such hh ey Gohnes a itias in season's points in Firefly Acct: tain anh a Hate rac funeral service will be held in have made an offer of Py! wel- , whic! Ig ol : company has put no economic Returns showed 97.5 per cent' The union has contended that !!S a ng sh sf ae 1911 and Competition. Skipper, Wally hiked' pea: end concussion. the chapel, Tuesday, Nov. 28, fare package ap an a he (Pee see. sala it thokactike proposals on the bargaining of the Windsor membership and the lack in Canada of the U.S i dese rete first water! [M8 crew, Bill Dilling when their car was involved in at 1 p.m. The service will be al $9 ae ely Soa abr the iin good many GM dealers will tables and has only offered 96 per cent in Toronto favoring type social security system jus- '" 'a near ima lnuead viii Lick Trophy -- Firefly Race dn: napldeat with aime deloon conducted by Rev, Mi chael than beg ed an a oe ef eink oi kane ila ta: Kane "bits and drabs" of contract\action to back demands onjtifies higher company - paid Mains In is to Bowmanville. Skipper, Wally Macukevich, of the Beylorussian Union in their bid to wrest co a : ; much interest. Some of the older language for discussion. 'w which _agreement has not casera pee i lene te dhe 'audiaine Gane able to recall humorous incidents in ing; y, Bi by E. T. Rossi, 31, 627 Alberticy iG he T ters Welfare| their new cars picked up direct Dilling; crew, Bill Dilling St. Karelo Turowski Greek Or-|trol of the Teams Hentig Trophy--Cruising Tro- Streets thodox Church in Toronto. In-|benefits plan in company con-|from the plants. Other than |phy. Skipper, Phil Phillips;| Mrs. "McEvoy was released terment will be at the Union trolled welfare benefits. that, we don't know what will Ww 'Thi F [connection with many, of the old) crew, Hill Switzer. after treatment, and her hus- Cemetery. In addition, the auto shippers|happen and we certainly can't Children elcome eves orce bb tgs npg Turner Trophy--Second place band and daughter were report- ------ have turned down the. Teamster do any speculating now. Ship- ey Ibert ar r Larke, minister in season's points in Bluejay ed progressing favorably, Mon- demands for a pension plan for! ping our products, for the pres- of the Church, expressed grat- Competition. Skipper, Eric day morning. h. F its members, but have offered| ent time, will be 'one of those La W yer Ss Safe itude to Mr. Bouckley and was Newell: crew, ohn Neweil An estimated 41:00 damdnn ea¥°rc escue to set up benefits for back serv-| day-to-day' things," a company cprtain alt in Se auGienye Holts ino saath f ' ana : ices, in company controlled! spokesman said. an oe | en Tre Thieves broke into the office as he did. that Oshawa could was caused to the two vehicles e ae surance of Louis 8. Hyman QC, 37 King be most proud of him for under- he Alec ga gaa " . ino Work Explained - aueeaes 1. - . ig a res Only the snow was missing.; Then came the Whitby Brass street east, Saturday night and 'aking the task of compiling the t etes re ' r t ramp inv It was a clear, crisp natural|Band leading the way for the most complete pictorial history poy the accident. A large group of the members . forced open the safe. ee r ace sh- A "et m I O] winter day at the Oshawa Shop-'eight tiny reindeer pulling their ' I of this area. ee : : -- accident at the Osh- of the Oshawa Flying Club Sun- ping Centre Saturday morning!centuries old waving, white-| Police were unable to ascer-| Guests of the Men's Club were Honored At jawa | hopping pe Sunday | gay morning received a brief as thousands of rosy cheeked bearded exclusive passenger, tain whether anything was stol- the wives and friends of mem- afternoon caused an estimated : es so g a k a sle - sa al ig on the proc res 0 c I t Nic i leigt bers and also the members of 90 damage. Drivers the two . n rocedures th kiddi ; m € aughing,/Old Sain iT in igh 1M-' on as Mr. Hyman was unavail ma ve of the 0 e : : Search and Rescue Section of the Ide ge Club of Oshawa cars involved were Waldemar . : Ider mersed in a snow-white float he Golden Age . v g '. r hii seat sesuns Nine -- ~ benompatied fie two of his ever able when called by police to The Harmonaires, a trio com- Proskin, 32, 20 Elgin street east a Royal Canadian Pu te esl pamrog Ds na typ taithfil "elves" check the contents of the safe prised of Gloria Walwich, Jennie 00 VIEW and Richard Raymond Bevin |e eney MOAN Grace, at the she an- faithf V aut i . as ak 18 922 Cone a Nol Tren AF Station f nual Santa Claus Parade to get Clowns darted in and out of and office Shearer and Jack Shearer pro 16, 288 Court street, Oshawa. No Thirty alkoraft iudine 19 The membership of Loca ljing committee will seek further Metinnelihk aaa : - vided the meeting with excellent More than 100 players, injuries were reported. This ac- Le eet ue Une 2784, United Steelworkers of|negotiations with the company a glimpse of their sinha ve the parade as it moved around police reported a defective entertainment in song coaches and club. executives cident was investigated by Con- Owner operated planes, flew y batt : Sunaee prop dar nis aficy the 'counttlislion. 'boaete hero, to hear he ot a t ie en s en aioli a aa des- iock on the main door of the Al y sing song of favorite were guests at a turkey dinner, Stable D. Bullock from Oshawa to the Trenton Cakea oS per cent in favor of|report has been handed down rattle of jing e bells and the tination a _Eaton s where the office and also said there were Christmas numbers was con- served by the: Jadies of St -- Station where the local mem- strike against the R. D, 'Failing to reach an agree- customary 'Ho! Ho! Ho O'Neill Collegiate and Vocation-| come 30 keys to the building in ducted by R. Nicholson of ) Sie aes mi bers were served breakfast in 4... 8° 32° : : " Mr id, "th At about "'H-hour" minus one, al Institute Band was heralding the possession of various people. Whitby Pauls. Presbyterian ge S | fficers' Werner Co, of Canada Ltd./ment," Mr. nie seen ' scattered phrases of "Listen! |Santa's arrival with the playing a peor The devotional. period was Saturday night in the Wood Toronto tamp |the officers' mess. plant here. union executive is empowered to See a Dav ee ees Later in the briefing room strike against the Werner Co. my or cole his he Jingle Bells under the direction of Ron VieW Park clubhouse. The oc A standing room only crowd B Oh! Loo could be distinguist we a big : oad OS 7 'oa a] Ws * the Oshawa vsiitors heard a : when the legal requirements : moment for planning of. the parade could Cjark. He was assisted by Robin C@Sion was the annual dinner Club Entertained lecture on the 'organization andjassembled at the Albert street!) ove heen met and it feels a ed from the rising murmur of many of the thousands of chil- Not be anything but delighted Nicholson at the piano and Jim '0 honor' the participants in the ? eee tha n.,, Steelworkers' Hall Sunday after- : excitement of the Itit rogers \ 111. td Ss s y e - they were individually after seeing their weeks of work Scott gave a reading softball program conducted by The facilities as well as the com noon .to vote for or against lining Santa's e t Santa and given and preparation go off like z the CRA in Oshawa last sum- members were hosts recently to municauons system ot. the striking the company. About 150 the tunnel on the east side of cay b s reSc' t bargaining tables include union a Ghesothe Cont é sticks by two "elves':/ Cin kwork CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ars _ 4 group of the members of the a pia Pode hourly - rated go ag i be pet demands, pensions and g } anking the merry old gentle- It was also encouraging to SUBJECT Head table guests included West Toronto Stamp Club. The techire' Wan atved eat affected by the strike if it is\ ceneral working conditons with- ELVES HE AD PAR ADE Y ee the mass of children, usua vallenging call. to over- Park President Norman Boddy,'meeting was held in the Osh- eas : ' the Soh a sa us called in the plant. In plant general Leading t { ' I VI Bar hich will J a potential weapon of no matter how subtle, Joseph Victor, president of the awa Children's Arena. This was fi vava Oh a pai ne Union and company negotia-' working conditions includes im- vith the power of God was;Oshawa Minor Softball Asso- the 13th consecutive year the " help al ae sole tiga tors are now awaiting the ar- provements in the employees' heard at Christian Science ciation; Al Leavitt, park vice- clubs have exchanged visits. oT he vi 'alters also Hid the op- vat OF fe ded: rd transfer and seniority rights, i eaigg a Pratap bined president, Elwood Bradley, The 60 members of the two portunity to look over the new oak natin knee aliaaipiod {6 gg gener the union Scie aaeadt 'john < Wialapevex is born of pea Sern. Col La Bl clubs took part in a large auc-' Albatross aircraft recently re- negotiate an agreement since |wants to settle without a strike, cool, crisp sunny God overcometh the world: and) porhood association sp wm weigh: tion of first class material ceived by the search and rescue last April 1. The present union- but, the membership will not ' bring a near this is the victory that over- tte: Ni gS emda Pa een wae conducted by W- N:/anit and a helicopter used injcompany pact expired last June hack down from one. ect occasion to'a successful cometh the world, even our pe hse gg gee oe agg eat Affleck, of Oshawa, and A. H.' rescue work. An interesting dis- 1. : The Werner Co. labor rate is faith.' I asetad suine "asic Insley, of the visiting club, play of search and rescue, Steelworkers International/$1.79 an hour with maximum oe -- . are Lahti a Fhagries eer A buffet supper closed the equipment also held the atten- Representative Keith W. Rossjearnings for piece workers tae ' EF oe meeting tion of the visitors. said today the union negoiat-'ranging to $2.42 an hour. round girl and boy in the park ST ot strike is necessary.' Oshawa Stamp Club, Issues at stake around the ° rfulls ty i inieonn: he eae g { iropean disaster on more than one occa costumes of. tradit al green to ' a varied pro- Sion, being so well disciplined sats ; iding well Wilhout loss of color, enthusi f hristmas ¢ or generé joyment of area, The guests were intro duced by Mr. Boddy Frances Mitchell of the Pee Wee girls' team presented gifts to Joseph France and Howard Morris coaches of the Pee Wee team Mr Eagle pre sented cheques to Linda France and Donald Park who were voted the outstanding children attending the park during the summer The park executive honored the two art supervisors and Secretary Roy Cornish made presentations to Judy Sparling and Caro! Germond. Park Su-| pervisor Nina Fraczek- was pre-| sented with a gift by President Boddy Mr. Leavitt praised the work of the coaches and managers }who made the summer program possible and presented wallets to Pat Fowler, Phil. Mcl.augh- lin, Joseph France Howard Morris, Jack O'Brien, Ruddy Andrews, Fergus: Brady, Sam Shetler and Stan Brooks The feature presentation wa made by Mr. Victor who pre sented the B'Nai B'Rith Trophy vi | to Stan Brooks and Sam Shet ler co-coache 6 the { Champion Woodview Park Mid.-} gets. The members of the team each received a beautiful bench} OSHAWA ROTARIANS LEAVE TO VISIT OTTAWA pe ane | ™ "Stade. . rae man 'Hiwood Bradley " a 2 i Ss we at ae se Cae tae he ee ee ee ee, eee teen Rouisans, Avet nee ee OSHAWA YACHT CLUB SAILORS RECEIVE TROPHIES Oshawa are in Ottawa today | Eddy ( r ll. The Ost departure late § fler Al. Reed, F. J. Francis |Dey Brownlee and Jill Forre Seen here are four of, the | 20th annual dinner and trophy | G. Jacobi, chairman of the | and J. Patterson, winner of taking part in an inter ! va members will also attend ( from left are Michael -- anc ce - president Fay |ter, who sang and danced their members of the Oshawa | presentation Saturday night social committee; W. Dilling, | the McLellan Trophy. visit to the Ottawa Rotary the meeting 6f the host club Kenneth Crone, Pre rook way into the hearts of the gath-) Yacht Club who received tro- | From left are Don Morgan, wi : : phies when the club held its ' winner of the Conant Trophy; ' winner of the Carter Trophy | ~--Oshawa. Times Photo CEES Club, During the day the visi- | and tender them a reception ident Charles Lancaster, Wil- --Oshawa Times Photo jering.

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