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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 27, 1961 'UAW HOCKEY Unionaires, Merchants Sharing League Lead It seems funny that a team that is unbeaten in league play still has to share first place. Such is the case in the UAW Hockey League. Unionaires, un- beaten in seven games with a record of three wins and four ties, still have to share "top spot" with Merchants, who have lost one game. The situation arose yesterday morning when the weekly double-header was played in the Bowmanville Arena. Unionaires and Tony's Refreshments bat- tled to a 1-1 stand-off while Merchants trounced lowly Baker Vending 8-2. Unionaires have 10 points on their three wins and four draws. Merchants have four wins, a loss and two ties for their 10 points. Tony's are in third place with five points and Baker Vendors are buried in the league cellar with only one victory. UNION 1, TONY'S 1 In one of the fastest and cleanest games of the year, Unionaires and Tony's Refresh- ments battled to a 1-1 stand-off. Only three penalties were call- ed, with the Refreshments boys picking up two of them. Rookie 'Red" Woods opened the scoring in initial frame for Unionaires only to have Harvey Burke tie it up late in the sec- ond chapter. TONY'S REFRESHMENTS -- goal, Melnick; defence, West, S. Westfall, Keenan, Cockerton; forwards, Burke, Sneddon, Napiorowski, Milton, Reid, Hall and Gibson. UNIONAIRES -- goal, Cirka; defence, Legree, Collins, Tam- blyn, Harmon; forwards, Woods, Lodge, Hill, McPhee, Myles, Tran and Middleton. 1st Period 1. Union: Woods .....006 9.22 Penalties -- None. 2nd Period 2. Tony's: Burke (Sneddon, West) ..... 16.05 Penalties -- Lodge 18.00. 3rd Period Scoring -- None. Penalties -- Wallace 2.47 and Cockerton 5.22. MERCHANTS -- goal, Mor- den; defence, Currie, Gaudet, Gyurka, Smith; forwards, Mc- Nahon, J. Smith, Arnold, Sut- ton, Wright, J. Tran. BAKER VENDING -- goal, Vanstone; defence, Marshall, Woodcock, McLinton, M. Bry- ant; forwards, G. Westfall, Bird, Ford, R. Bryant, Lintner, Ban- non and Konorowski. Ist Period 1. Merchants: Arnold .... 6.09 2. Merchants: McMahon (Tran, Sutton) ....... 12.55 Penalties -- Currie 8.30, M. Bryant 8.30, Gyurka 18.05 and Bird 19.32. > 2nd Period 3. Vendor's: Bannon (Ford, Bird) ......+6- 0.30 Ajax Cagers of the Oshawa and District Basketball League notched their second - straight victory of the young season Fri- day night in Ajax, putting on one of their famous last quar- ter drives to edge Coca-Cola in a very tight tussle 66-62. Coca-Cola jumped into a slim eight-to-six first period lead in a very low scoring, close check- ing quarter. Roy Clark paced the Colas netting four points while Reg. Daze repeated this feat for the Cagers. The Refreshment squad pulled farther ahead in the second stanza, opening up their shoot- ing guns to outnet Ajax 22-14. Bob Goddard, Coke's leading scorers, fired home 10 points to lead them along with Jim Mc- Coll and Al. Etchell who divid- ed eight points while Garnie Watchorn hit for five and Gary Newitt and Daze three each to keep Ajax within striking dis- tance but trailing 30-20 at the halfway. mark. Ajax Cagers Rally To Eke Out Cokes for the winners, hooping 11 points to pace them while God- dard, McColl and Clark tried in vain to best the cokes in the game but time ran out before they could get the equalizer. HIGH SCORERS Daze, Ajax were paced to this fine victory by Ed. Bibeau, Reg. Garnet Watchorn and Gary Newitt with 19, 17, 15 and was Ajax's second victory with- out a defeat. Cokes are still after their first victory. Ajax's victory moves them into a tie for first place with the Student Engineers' Club. The three stars of the game went to Ed. Bibeau of the Cagers and Roy Clark and Bob Goddard of Cokes, AJAX -- Bibeau, 19; Dickson, 4; Newitt, 11; Watchorn, 17; Daze, 15; Cardwell. Total. 66. Fouls 18 out of 31. COKES -- Etchalls, 6; God- dard, 22; Saramac; McColl, 10; Clark, 16; Love, 8. Total 62. Fouls, 10 out of 24, Officials -- Ed. Radkowski and Dave Kelly. EXPECT MANY WRITERS heavyweight title fight between be one of the best-covered ev- ents in Canadian sports history. Bilt Miver, assistant general manager of Championship Sports Incorporated, co-promo- ter of the bout, expects about 400 journalists to be present. Be- sides Canada and the United States, requests for press ac- commodation have come from TORONTO (CP)--The Dec. 4 champion Floyd Patterson and Tom McNeeley is expected to Britain; France, Germany, Au- stralia and the West Indies. The Grey Cup football game Dec. 2 will be covered by about 175 Canadian journalists. It is expected that almost all will stay the extra couple of days to attend the fight. LIONS WIN TITLE VICTORIA (CP)--Fort G: Lions, superior in every de! ment, whipped Victoria Farmer Construction 32-9 Saturday in the second annual game for the Western Canada juvenile foot- ball championship. 11 points respectively while for Cokes, Bob Goddard topped all scorers with a 22-point effort followed by Roy Clark and Jim McColl with 16 and 10 points. CAGE COMMENT -- This) Newport, 7163. Now a U.S. national historic, 4 RL, site, the Touro synagogue at was built in hh AJAX RALLY Ajax started their comeback in the third quarter as_ they fought back to outscore the Colas 23-17. Ed. Bibeau found the range for seven points with Gary Newitt adding six and Garnie Watchorn five to bring the victors closer while Roy Clark and Beb Goddard con- tinued to score for Cokes to keep them in front 47-43 after three quarters of play. The Cagers won their game in the final stanza {as they did so many times last year when they won the title) out- lasting Cokes 23-15 in a thrill- ing comeback victory. Ed. Bibeau was the "big" shooter 4. Merchanis: McMahon (Arnold, S. Smith) ... 11.30 5. Merchants: Sutton (Tran, Wright) .....5 15.00 6. Vendors: Bird (Ford, Bannon) ...... 17.55 Penalties -- None. 3rd Period 7. Merchants: McMahon (Gaudet) - Prey 8. Merchants: McMaho: (Sutton, Currie) ....... 7.07 9. Merchants: McMahon (Arnold, Currie) : Arnold ... 14.20 Penalties -- J. Smith 4.19 and Konorowski 15.33. Officials -- Paul and Tom Wilson. MERCHANTS 8, VENDORS 2 Neil 'Butch' McMahon scored five goals in pacing Mer- chants to an easy 8-2 win over Baker Vending. McMahon, normally a defence- man, worked at centre yes- terday and responded tremend- ously in a goal - scoring way at Georgia--enjoy a myriad of seaside activities ++. ocean bathing, fishing, boating, sunning. ; Private pool. Skeet shoots. Outdoor dancing and enter Cuisine. Foscinati dations. Club-like atmosph trails. Yacht Club. Golf course. Eve: make you ehjoy your vacation, MASTER SOCK MAKERS MINOR BASKETBALL Keen Race Continues In Y's Men's League =v ms ert In the Oshawa Y's Men's; This game's second half turn \year for a single game. Riding rything te Write today. 3.45 ia Choose from Canada's widest selection of patterns In wools and wool-and-Nylon and orlon mixtures: stretchy knits, and 2-sole styles. Leaders for value and. quality, 8-6-4 POA ALE EASE Pee eA Betathe Babes Be Byetiats Kawzenuk Basketball League, there were|ed out to be the same as the| Other marksmen were Syd once again, three more close|first half, as. the Pharmacy|Atnold with a pair and Grover| and exciting games played on|gang repeated by again out-| Sutton with a single. 110. Merchants: Saturday morning. scoring the Tile men 16 to 11. | For Baker's Gordie Bannon) | High scorers in this game|and Bobby Bird tallied once. FIREFIGHTERS HOT _j|were Tarry Plancke for Provin-| eins cocina: gg se eae Tile with 11 and Stan Kole-| B li Sportshaven, and saw the Sckigee el Aaa Jean e iveau and ladder boys come up with a . | well-earned 36 to 29 victory. CKLB DOWNS CADETS W ants B ack In In the first half, led by Bill} The third and final game of| Fedorczenko, Firefighters took|the morning proved to be the " a very convincing 22-6 lead. In|best with the final score read- Hab Lin U this half due to close checking,|ing CKLB 2, St. John's Cadets e-Up on the part of the Firemen and/10. : : : erratic shooting by the Sports-| 'The first half was 'a close- acpi sepa ak van 40 crew, it proved to be no prob-| checking affair and saw a slim re abl ; rt . a Oh a ' lem to obtain such a decisive) lead of 8-5 held by the Radio rok Onaedions linia le Mont- ads. i "7 second half was a differ-| In the second half, the close- If all goes yoo cg riggers ent story altogether as the|checking continued and th ejthree 2a igures his right Sportscrew, led by Chuck)Radio lads, once again came Shh injured in a i gga Wayling and Marian Stefaniak,|out on top, outscoring St. John's|&* ge game, -- be _ made a stout bid to pull off)by a margin of 15-11. sty aga aaa eal out a victory, but due to the lead|_ High scorer for CKLB was)'W) Weis. tot built up by the Firemen in the|Larry Horne with 13 points and), 4 10). wo Said in an inter- fitst half, it was just too much/for St. John's Cadets it was) 0#0h e, he e "=. Firefight | Tea aes pig . Beliveau whose play-making igh scorers were Firefight-| "a8 : oy 'ob bed Bin Fedorczenko wh 14|including Nov. 25, are as fol- pris eight heen a "aed and for Bolahood's Sports- lows: ploy delayed Aglgai i wig aven Marian Stefaniak and : WL Pts. Has yk : ' Churek Wayling with 12 and 11/ PO $ ltencemen Bil Fels ef Spobane ved esheets 3olahood's: Sports, Comets fell on him during a PHARMACY BOYS WIN |CKLB game at Trail, B.C. Beliveau's The second game matched) Provincial Tile knee was in a cast for more Medical Pharmacy against Pro-| St. John's Cadets than a month and, although he vincial Tile, with the Medical] The schedule for this Satur-jhas been skating for about 10 boys coming up with a 33 to\day is 9.50 a.m., St. John's|days, he hasn't participated in 20 victory. |Cadets vs Medical Pharmacy;}any scrimmages yet. The first half saw the Medi-| 10.25 a.m., Bolahoods vs. CKLB; "I've been skating regularly eal boys take a 17-9 lead, with|/and 11.00 a.m., Firefighters vs|and the knee feels fine," he Stan Kolesnik potting 13 points. | Provincial Tile. igaid, RODD C8 CO Make someone gleesome-- give SHEAFFER'S Three-some This elegant, gold-plated trio in- cludes Sheaffer's new Pep Cartridge Pen that loads like a rifle with leak-proof cartridges minder" clip ballpoint that ends pocket stains forever. Just press clip to extend or retract point... Ps can't be clipped in pocket with 29S of Sheaffer's Skrip writing fluid, point extended. Also handsome Ballpoint & Pencil $5.98 matched by Sheaffer's new "Re- pencil. Choice of colours. Pen only $3.95 WHEN IT COMES TO CHRISTMAS--COME TO SHEAFFER'S! « W. A. SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY OF CANADA LTD., GODERICH, ONT, SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: BASSETTS (OSHAWA) LTD. 1 SIMCOE S, -- 723-3332 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 725-7161 In gift Boxes-- Sheaffer's Three-some, Pen, Pencil and Ballpoint--only fo] It's the dark of the night--and an unfamiliar turn lies in wait. Suddenly, at the gesture of the turn signal, the whole area is bathed in a brilliant flood of light--and the driver negotiates the corner smoothly, surely and safely. This is Cadillac's new cornering light in action. And it is yet another reason why owners tell us that the car is worth its whole price in safety. Consider, for a moment, the safeguards Illustrated above: The Four Window de Ville SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE. AT: KARN DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING EAST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4621 that attend you in this latest "'car of cars" .-- design and construction so sound that you travel the highway in a veritable fortress of glass and steel ... craftsmanship of such care that the car approaches the absolute in dependability ... performance that is so rewarding and so effortless that the driver remains fresh and alert at the wheel over even the longest day's drive ...a dual braking system that gives both front and rear wheels their own power to stop ... safety power steering .. . padded instru ment panel... three-phase rear lighting system... and many other features. If you haven't driven a 1962 Cadillac, you've been missing something special-- and you should not postpone the experience. You can buy the car just for safety, if you wish. But you'll also discover a dozen other wonderful and exciting reasons for wanting to make it yours. 'SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-7022 SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: JURY & LOVELL LTD. REXALL DRUGS OSHAWA--BOW MANVILLE--WHITBY VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER ae! NTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 725-6501 SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: SAYWELL'S LEATHER GOODS 14 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 728-8821 FOR SIXTY YEARS THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD

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