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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1961, p. 16

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2M a COR GR Cw 16 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Movember 27, 1961 =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [= Seturday 8 to 12 2--Personal 13--Business Opportunities| 13--Business Opportuniti es| 25---Apts. & Flats for Rent ;25--Apts. & Flats for Rent ) PASSENGER desires ride to Toronto,|7BADE your home, your security will THREE LARGE rooms and bath, pri- |DESIRABLE second floor downtown .|be a business of your own. Corner gro- LICENSED WESTINGHOUSE vate, near school and south Gene: meral | , ' po die Alp Breage eure = Pease ra and meat store. Needs a go-getter LAUNDROMAT STORES | Motors. Heat, hydro included.$60 month. | beth, cunscoenont ener pep heat call' 728-8397 after 6.30 p.m take over. Offers unlimited possibill:| 1 ooiecceq leadership in the |: Telephone 728-487 [and water, adul $60. 728. 8175. ae ee Se : lites, plus four-room living quarters. For 44 Pel |THREE ROOM apartment, separate ------ |RIDE wanted to Toronto, vicinity of| fui information, eall Douglas L. Gower, | coin-operated laundry field, Fin- |rooms, parking, laundry facilities, et | BEAUTIFULLY located on Grandview | Bay and Queen, Telephone 725-5316 for ancing available. Compare our iran iformation. |Realtor, 728-4651. me | complete program before you buy, |vutlet. All conveniences, utilities 'paid. |Street. Three-room apartment, private bath and ent b 5 -- SHOP the Car Market the easy way ALD CANADA, LTD., een soe Atelaite, Addis only. supplied. Ideal for newlyweds. 728 81t LET US MACHINE WASH (Berk (Ge "saaay clere anaes 2uiee on. BESHieuD ROAM, |3i0 MONTHLY and up, modem Iwo. FOUR-ROOM -- apartment, cra Ba CLASSIFIFD AD RATES YOUR WALLS, HOMES, [Bet Se cvecrunece, 'a.Ge Odees| REXDALE (TORONTO) ONT. |tedeese apartament mee mart |mest beliaiags ene aa | re } rear tm 1 y built-in cupboards, "O . n | OFFICES, etc. fication 29 now. RO 6-7255 ment building, all conveniences, beau- ator. tel F BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | 1 words or less : a Nonetet tifully decorated, centrally located. parking. 725-3938 or 68 Wayne Street. Service. Complete bookkeeping perio) LEARN TO DRIVE | We Will Lend You 23 words é re | Accountants ing School . Cash Chorge Speedy, Accurate, No Dripping. | 728-5282. 184 Bond Street West 55-0397 Res., Bea gees \THREE rooms, unfurnished, upstairs, 4 CONSECUTIVE It Pick WH 2-0121 THREE - ROOM apartment, bright | Private bath, heavy wiring in kitchen, 923-7605, " pi the School $50 00 TILL . 2.25 2.48 i Cal D rigid : 2-012 very clean, private bath and entrance, sink, cupboards, TV outlet, very cen- Bi. E. DEWAR and Co., Accountants sed dole Evie ee . . | oy Or Evening |TV antenna, heavy duty wiring, park-/tt bus stop. 728-3818, and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On- rofessional Instructors INSERTIONS 373 4.18 Free Estimates Apply 341 Elgin Street East rooms and bath, stove and > z le t | z * " » stove and pace, Beret. Seon was. Oniater: eae Dua! Controlled Cars. PAY DAY if not paid within 7 days the EASY-GLIDE REQUIRES J partment, private entr refrigerator, deal for couple, in bulld- reaped es (MONTEITH, RIEHL sad) Standard and Autometic Charge rate will apply 1 _IN TER 210R_W WALL _WASHING \einaee Robe eaproses ng d TAT or a bo pesslage oo. Ook Day and Evening Lessons € sot rotes a! only to origina: deh LPT ae sate eae 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa: Ajaz.| y 728 0091 . + + Of even longer if you | one pPercsorighsicigags Deas pb c pee Paggy Bhs newly decorated. $75)SINGLE or double rooms for ladies oF WH 2.0690 i a - need it! You can _ borrow Subsequent insertions ordered at © GOING WEST? Vv ttt ON ca acse - gentlemen. North-west area, close te YALE, FRIEDLANDER, BU ators Ww | from $50 to $5000 quickly loter date constitute © new origina: THREE large room apartment, newly bus and hospital, Telephone 728-5087, and Co Accountants and Auditors | ' A ' decorated, in quiet district, private en- y ~ m" Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, Fuel } and ood see _| ond easily... return it on |] order Drive new and lote trance, reasonable rent. Telephone | VCE UY, furnished bedroom, in warms : oe Seinen: Bs te PE ee our low. month yment Proteasional and Business listings ; ; 725-947 clean home, suit refined gentleman, King Street peel rg 'Comm. CPA.| MY. PSY $7.50 per month tor 3 lines daily tmodel cars to Vancouver, g {725-947 _|central, board optional. Abstaineri CA: F. Friedlan a oe =| | plon, See us right away, Each additiona! fine $1.60 per Calgary, Edmonton, Regino, | Telephone 725-3879. 0 INS im ompany, a i * 1 " vel 5ro o Cc fot Paste" Accountants, 172, King| Furnoce cleaned every yer. | SEABOARD month, Winnipeg. Gas paid. Toronto | For Bowmanville and Oshawa Areas, Guaranteed salary, com- bath, aerial her refrigerator, | LARGE, two - bedroom apartment, in i Mt Ae vege aati $ ona. Ri hg ralged conrad Drive-Away Service Limited, plete compony assistance, Small investment required for truck stove, parking, near Shopping Centre. poh envy er segyy gy yong od . i rn si 'igur 1 cue 1 tines 8 a mire penis. | |] word. Box charge tSe additional 5385 Yonge Street, Toronto, chossis, ete, Adults. 212 Stevenson Road South. | possession Telephone 725-3412 Accountants, 31 Simeoe Street Souths] Automatic delivery | FINANCE COMPANY 11 °"A5. "ciomified - Advertnements _BA 5-754. A ere ree toes bee. [persue Te Oshawa. FPonald ) ilson, ~ aa : four-room apartment, -- eee, ' j ft b by 5 p.m. the doy be junfurnished, refrigerator, stove, 1 : : G. Edmond Burrows, BA, 728-2571. Z " aad Rose Unified 29 Ya Simcoe St. Ss. 728-6283 | toe Scien tien Y len Births, | ~ |WRITE 10 BOX 6] 4, OSHAWA TIMES | lent inbation: 'Suit quiet gaan person |curbomsan. weed. peseh aces = * : | of Canada Limited Memoriams Cords ef Thanks which Auto Parts | "WESTERN OIL CO. /- me wii be secepled "ntl ®. 'eam ELECTROLYS S or business couple. $50 monthly inclu-| sion 728-6820. 359 Verdun R i rae : Wanted 7 Male Help Wanted [sive Apply 124 Park Road North, TIRE NOON : -- we - apartment, RENTS wasreey Tine -- Gaara 7s 1a | MONIES FOR |] Eencalanora S30 0m. "ott | sae entee_ |r wee Hele Weoted _\seniey sein qeacacel aveallak "ceases. eats Nea teed automotive parts and accessories, fre Dele 0 R teturdey 8s 12 Remove} ot sup rth es malt ; wives part-time work in'SINGLE man to work on 'airy farm et - contained, Weateds pot and cold |TV outlet, separate entrance, North end v * ba ¥ W ! i YY surgery ply - e inhi P oht @ ate NF ire r | of 7 145 King Street West, Oshawa. Gardening and Supplies MORTGAGES REGULATIONS-- Morie Murduff will be in cilnie or surgery. Reply to Box itevdy empisyinect ior right man,/ oer suphied, Wired for heayy King OL city Telephone 723-4452. : 728 8-9. Five bays to serve you. Coan are fer $18, 804| Monies available on. First The Oshowo Times will not be Oshawa, Nov. 28th and 29th hawa Times W .cht Box 616, Oshawa Times Birect Mast at bus stov, 'Availabla| THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- Se nar ty , z oa responsibie for errors in advertise |] Prone Genosna Hote: on these WIL", ' are to chil- AVERAGE $2.50 hourly, part time, need. December Ist. Telewhone 725-5273. trance and three-piece bath, Close to - cut daily. Prompt delivery. General Mortocses Gt 76 Ber anon bie a cipal : WILY, give experienced vare to chil part time e 401 taiera . Barristers es trucking and pick-up delivery. 725-5866. | "4, 9096S Of / v9 per a | Bsc cag ll apt e lad dotes for appointment dren in my own home, daily or weekly. |3 Reat appearing men, 2429 for route raimee ROOM apartment with stove {elgg Qit™ey Parking. " Telephone SOWMAN, DAVID L.. Barrister, Sollel-|---- + EE tate aR ea Bc ha without bonus nor ee ae 723-4641 Telephone 728-5861 for further particu- Wrk, 8 to 16 hours weekly, Write Box|/\N He ROOM Close to Shopping : , rrisver, © | on ny ver - 71¢ awa Tir : 8 . se 4 at tor Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi- | "Monies also availeble on anid ae eka pire pat de ars 710 Oshawa Times. Centre bus. Adults only, Ample park- Two = BEDROOM apartment, fully et) on NOn4 i. se sti ie r yg - cr98 Me mn = scureneys | Plakme er | eee er Cee tata Te uh anes 1 Soret & Livestock POSITION reayuired as housekeeper or 20--Room and Board pee elle Seder bate phone 125-6343, 9 to 8 pe aU MPHREYS BOYCHYN and HILL) Mortgages ond Agreements the advertisement in which error |) _ _|nurse companion in bette' home, w i THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, | ¥, ---- ---- Barristers, Solicitors; R. _0.| for Sale purchased, occurs. And also reserve the right || SAMOYED and Lavcacor reirlever |one or two adults, Will take full cherge. |ROOMS, of Toon and board if desived,|werm ana comfortable, hen cu. MODERN four-room apartment, pri- enkters QC; G_ 8. Boychyn, BAs| SOD SUPPLY to classify advertising according to |] puppies, registered, lasting gift for |Repls to Box 315, Oshawa Times, ia quiet home, parking. Apply 89 Osh-|boards, parking, pensioners or working Y#te bath, cupboards in kitchen, in. W. A, Hillman, LLB, 36% King Street Pp M. FP. SWARTZ ttn own classification your child, deposit will hold until ' awa Boulevard South or telephone 728-|couple, Adults, abstainers. Immediate ©/U¢¢s heating, hot water, parkin, East. Phones: Office 725-1177. Res.: TOPSOIL i i t hasiay cavertce: | Gandeas yectee EXPERIENCED practical nurse de- (oy Neiutons tas oie. near GM South Plant, Apply 254 Mala. as' hi es ae Sun tans Short-term ond Builders' in the case 0! P y hey ate nristmas, 7 9 pif cer iariadlately: dave er olahty, possession. 'elephone 7 7 ga Road, 725-4604 or MANURE | Makan ¢ asoneble || ments The Times will not be | SQUIRREL monkey for sale, tame. i .. } NICE room or room and board, new|FOUR unfurnished rooms, self-contain- -- -- sc nepreeoh e i ortgages a reasone p le fo 1 ace thar Oshawa or vicinit Apply Box 618, | THREE R proney to loan 4 ao _BROOKLIN 655- 33049 e gla i! The, octet error ||Reason for selling aving for the! ocnawa Tim home, office girls, teacher or student.'ed, private bath, heat and hydro sup- x tage ment, private LOUIS 5S. HYMAN, Qc, ~ Barris Soll rates that in which th octuo!l error ed States. For further information,| 0#!8¥# mes Ride bath, separate entrance, refrigerator, eltor ry, Al Bidg., 37 King Street East. 72 Mortgage monies 2612 King St. East occupies. The publishers endeavour ~ ag Ase Ewer gad town 8.30 and |plied, $70 monthly. Telephone 725-8948. stove, near South GM, on bus line' to reproduce al! advertising matter tsa 16--Female Help Wanted bance tHREE-ROOM furnished apartment,'Suit quiet couple, Write Box 504, Osh- available E. R. KNOWLTON Oshawa, Onterio correctly but assumes no liability } ONE FEMALE walker deer hound, 314 i arora 723-4697 telephone 728-3281 . $15 WEEKLY, two gentlemen or girls|kitchen, bedroom and living room, new-|awa Times. = peer fers of advertisement cre contained |/years ol = eady to breed Apply 21) noUusEKE EPER to take full charge of Willing to share single beds, TV, laun- decorated. Separate entrance. Good ONE large tean, Gurpiahad toe tpt he ipclggat Sera siectgaus LANDSCAPING | Registered Under Mortgage i @ny inaccuracies in ary form |/Beatrice Street or telephone 725-3190.| .otheriess home with children ages 13, dry, central. Telephone 725-9087 location. Telephone 723-3237 after 5. keeping rae, on Jarvis strest, 'Ante een = ial ™ 36% King Street East. | SERVICE | Brokers' Registered Act. |] therein. DEERHOUND -- five years; two-year-|10, 7, 5 and 3. Live in; Room board and ponTIAG INN -- room and board ayail-;/ TWO-BEDROOM ground floor "apart-| 106 William Street West or telephone tL win OO oviae : i old rabbit hound; black and tan pup. y, will consider mother with child.| ante, home cooked meals, lunches pack-|ment, heavy wiring, laundry tubs, con- |725. -B384. -- ELLY. Barrister, Bal Top soil and sod. Repairing Mortgages 195 Wecker Drive. 725-8555 Dial MO 8-3963. ed, have TV lounge. Telerhone 725-0078.|tinuons hot water, private entrance. |FiRNISHED three > room' apartment, Be it it eink beret tant and lawn maintenance, patio |----_3 : : INESS |BABBITS -- sciling out. Cross breed ¢. for housekeeping position, live ROOMS for gentlemen, board if airy welcome." Central, "Telephone \private bathroom, 'Tv outlet, suitab : 2 Residen hones: J. M.| and sidewalk slabs FIRST AND SECOND mortgages ar. NEW BU Flemish and New Zealand. Does with in, private room; high wages, char sired, lunches packed, very central,|72°-0968- for couple, near bus line, No children, oily ge ae So age ' ranged. W. Schatamann, Mortgage young ones, one month old and wu, once weekly. Must be fond of children n Apply 296' King Street East | FURNISHED three - room basement! Please. Telephone 725-1384, PA, BCI 2 725-6047 |Brooker, 101 Dundas West, MO 8.3338. | Unlisted Numbers |4i!s¢ young does and bucks in variety Telerhone 725-7704. i |apartment, newly decorated, Very cca >Ie ages FOR THREE gentlemen, close to Gen TWO OR three rooms and bath, T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici-| |GLIENTS' money to loan on first mori- of colors, Pick your choice trom $00 Init any to care for ehlid and lightleral Motors Sent plant, home eooked|@'¥, all conveniences. Private entrance ath, for couple or family. Telephone 725-6601 A ail abbits for meat y d bathroom. Telephon: 728-0933, . | igage. Mortgage and agreement of sale is stock. Also available, ra household duties while mother works,|meals. Telepsone 728-8039 for further! and bi selepnone i tor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street | North,| | ae rt VALLEY CREEK for which there is a large demand atis Gays weekly, Apply 291 Mitchelldetais, OOM apartmen Highway 12. MO 8-2163. 7 purchased. NHA mo: ges arranged. |FOUR-ROOM artment rivate oo -- cheats ee r, LOAM GRAVEL Creighton, Fraser, Drynan an Mur: | chain stores. If planning to raise rab- |; e a cota « | UNFURNISHED modern three - room josEPH P. MANGAN. QC. Barrister, - eee si . FURNITURE bits. apply 473 Ritson Road South ayes q ie _|ROOM and board for gentleman, nice|ttance, three-piece bath, heavy sno apartment, $55 monthly. Heat and Scuciter ideeny fo loan. Ofice 104 " : 145 KING WEST BOOM, board and small salary in ex-iciean, quiet home. Best home-cooked) W'"ing, heated, TV oullet, central. Im-| i740, tnsiuded. Private entrapes. Bact Sis Bi East, Oshawa. 728-6232,, SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL | FIRST MORTGAGES -- 'industrial and # 4--Market Basket pa ke for pight Housekeeping and care|meals, lunches packed. Close to every-|™ediate possession. Telephone 728-0675.|044 'a vaitable immediately. Telephone King. Biseet. Eaute me , a commercial projects, second. mort: Next to Western Tire e of one child white parents are at busi- where. 81 Park Road South, '_|LARGE THREE-room apartmen 428-2206, esidence_ SAKE DODbATBarviater| LOTS LEVELLED gages East Oahave Pl pape ge 728-4401 WINTER POTATOES. pound bag, Hess. Telephone MO 8-8253. ROOM and board in warm, quiet home,|contained with all modern conveniences, | aera wooM eee grr ONALD BLAKE f wa. 726-6081 - , ' ie aggre = = | a + a ) : j a » priv pon Aicitor 264 King Street East.| TRACTOR, LOADER WORK(| 33 3376, | We buy, sell, exchange used |$1.30 per bag. free delivery, telephone SHORT ORDER cook. Apply to Ged-\nome cooked meals. lunches packed, 108, fo Shopping Centre. 'Telephone | a4 entrance, tile floors, TV aerial. Use Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi- Reasonable Rates | furniture, wathers, TV, radios ee Ri F 5 ia osha Hotel. Telephone 723-4641, Bee privileges, laundry done, parking, |?>°4 wr =i of washing machine, $50 monthly. Tele- pg ' A J pples. Spys, Secords Golden CHBOARD tor for weekends. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue, FOUR-ROOM apartment, conveni- phone 723-4130. promi ae DIAL 725-2156 | and so forth at prices to top |RINTER apr Swit bgicrhc gated s. ~ ~ "7 a | ie Delicious and Russets. Maybelle Or- Apply stating age and experience to: ces, parking space. Close to South! eg ERE" ve NNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD) MORTGAGE _ fl ity ' 1 4 AB y |LOW rental apartments, building one Lew ARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No | 'snyene: in the city chards, 114 miles north of Whitby, ©8/ Box 505, Oshawa Times, 22--Store Space & Garages |"ererai fret koathent' Pi 2, fin year old, $87 monthly, modern two- Money to loan. Henry Block, WHITBY | EXPERIENCED ho usekeeper for fam- << 900 pauare daet, plus" £u1i|information cd id bedroom, five rooms, free- washer, 5 1g Street East, 723-4697, Resi- L ANS ITV. Rentals TURNIPS -- 75e. per bushel, hed iy of five in country near ement, rear quar ts Agger et rc ME th ---- dryer. Parking. 728-3377. chad 77 9 oa jand trimmed. Top qualit Apply 426 \crivate room, TV, liberal 2 ogee = ee yes | AVAILABLE December 1 -- | 1 -- three-room mares dence, Dis wen EXCAVATING ae Garrard Road North or telephone 7728-|t109 monthly 655-3610, front, parking, 295 Simeoe Street South, apartment, sink and cupboards, private|TWO-ROOM apartment, builtin eup- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and 40 yeors experience. . Resi- | ' 4839. postal nil FRanklis 3-9992, Cobours. bath, adults only, Apply 198° Hibbert |20@'ds, sink. Private entrance, main MURDOCH, Barristers Saiicivors, Ne- DIGGING AND dent a peheate sats y hus Purchase your de-humidifier STENOGRAPHER, accurate oe | hand 23__w rear Roane r g oe yy Celina Street or te! ry sblic ank of Commerce g-» ' Fog > t vs ¢ A en r month and dictaphone transcription erman- -- ante o nt aimee \Phone meoe Street North, 723-3448. 7. K. DITCHING iness, summer properties. BBooighs Psat fea 5--Farmers Column ent position, employee benefits, Write | nl _|FIVE-ROOM "apartment, , unfurai ished, | Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G M i $ fy Vv' ess Fro rage : way ae" sjed Box 707, Oshawa ses stating exper-'GARAGE wanted in vicinity of hospl- self-contained, stove and refrigerator, Drynan, G. L Murdoch, NHA mort- _MO 8- 4172 ran ae Ont, Mortgoge your basement. Rent a tele- dee prvi Viviane Markham, 11600, jence and full particulars al. Must accommodate new car, Tele-| parking, TV iy oe tee sete AVAILABLE NOW-- Sereen, 1 eh 4 vision =~ only $7 por Week [Gie ap hic saben LE general housework. Apply PhOe_ 725-1595 Cleve Fans 68 Siepese Stipek Fae.) MODERN) APARTMENT: JAMES A. MacDON ALD, BA. He. J. E. Horris, F, = Herrtis fee HEAD lacs aisdk picked an oral Street North or telephone|WANTED -- two bedroom, furnished Sioa, fa lie str Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- and R. C. Bint ohethy salient. 'nino tax 9.9791. 1725 apartment, self-contained, central Joca- , | ' Se bs ag lic. The Commercial B ding. 286 King PLACE LOAM | MEAGHER'S cress Soler sae oo COeS Ae '| tion. Please telephone 723-9143 after 5| FOUR"ROOM ties, locker. T.V, outlet, low West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking } 3 1! Fur Farm, |p. m. Ask for Joyce Martyn | rental. i available es GRAVEL ' SUMMERLAND 5 King St. W. 723-3425 |GROWERS WANTED: To raise one| SALESLADY | j APARTMENT Mo's 3092 RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA LLB, FILL ' SECURITIES thousand oF more turkey Drollers. Con With proven selling ability. |24--Houses for Rent Downtown location, $80 or 101 Croydon'Rd,, Apt: 3 ee ee ee ae AND SAND LIMITED TV - Radio Repairs" Brock Street North, Whitby, MO #2917. Must have outstanding per- |FIVE-ROOM 'house, good --tocation,| monthly, heot, water, newly After 5 p.m. as shawa, tario, 728-297 aes tsa A sole te | as lah 6 hd -_o ' 5 | sonality, smart appearance. elose to school and stores, Available decorated, two bedrooms, Aekoie: a THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll- 725-5279 112 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA |TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, ail eh aha Dece uber 1. Telephone J, Thiemann,| | itcon- ua ae ch Th lect 157 Experience if possible in large living room, self-con citor, and Notary Public, 26%4 King) p makes jompson Electronics, 157 AT Is 3432 after four Street East. Phone 728-1763. | HONE 725-3568 Elliott Averue. 723-9792 (Fred) { : | ladies' sportswear, References : : % a tained, stove, fridge. PARKWOOD APTS. 6 |Insuran | SR ISR sl oeaAy WATER SUPPLY) FOUR-ROOM house, near the Shopping 723-4523 After 6 | BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, valli IN H |PEOFLE WHO need your Services are | required, Full or part-time. |Centre, oil heated, three-piece bath, $73 Dial 723-4523 After 6 | Comsei ek Pack Redd po Solicitor, Notary Public, 36% Kin, ALLSTATE Auto Pane a y rt sean ursing omes |turning to the Oshawa Times Classified | PICKERIN ONT., WH 2-1397 Highest salary if you hove hly. After 6 p.m., telephone 728- | Street East. 728-2381. Res. Y' 20 ie ae ' ~~ | Section everyday, Tell them about your/24 Hour, q 2 Day 7 Dovs 6 Week! . ' A 4100 nd Saguenay, Two bedroom : nasal ener to 20 per cent, six months to pay, For| SUNNYBRAE Nursing Home. AN in|tirm with a0 inexpensive Classified Ad.|*" (2° 4 , qualifications, Write Box DO: CHILDREN 3°? : : RALPH JONES, BA, and TH = service at your home, ealllattendance. No 2 highway between Dial 723-3492 now. 500 gallon ' $5.00 FOR RENT . ters and Soli- 5 601, Oshowa Time three bedroom bunga- apartments. Apply apartment ate Barristers an | ( 'i 70 E ----., ow, $90 monthly. Three-bed plit | j ing Street East, 728-6246, |; cciiehaihias Whitby and Oshawa, Call 725-2330 _|-- - 00 ons a 7.00 | javai S10b sbbible.. Teoo: sarosmi. apart: BOTHER YOU? No. 11 or 5, Adults only, Jans available ' ; Ring Street East/aeGistERED accommodation {0 ?| 500 gailons . 9.00 EXPERIENCED ee |Oshawa, Bl and 723-3376. Fire, - | XPERIENCE 723-9776 723-2505 ED nent, $75 monthly. Bowman and Gibson ene auto and casualty { ladies on ground floor at Lyntonhurst} | MO 8-3521 Lovely luxury apartment in | Bookheoping j walty insurance [Rest 'Home. Orono 1308 ea A. V. TOWERS | 8--Hunting CASHIERS "1 CELINA STREET -- three-bed.| northwest oreo, two bed- Instruction SOUTH HAVEN Nursing 0 go'vanized, mo paint TAXIDERMIST -- deer heads mount oom house, kitchen, bedroom, living} rooms, broadloomed, fridge | room, $75 monthly. Available Decem- 1 SAGUENAY cr LOU NI LILLIAN MAE M sg School, COMModation for private and bem!-pri- ed, $22.00. Birds and animals mount W i Habib Mimces Biceak tia and stove, poved parking | L, SCHAPELOUMAN Ballet Taps, Preavoal ncreaie satens, lounge, Tv. Fuly Heese! = ENT @ LOLS _ [st Ruswork. contact tichardriewel ANTED ran shag. PY "96 Simeoe Street North.) $105.00 per manth. All APARTMENTS COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING Je. Friday and Saturday. Masonic hppa Chaar cng alid-sz0de me ty Sleremnon Apply to Manager in Person - other apartments ore rented | G R INCOME TAX fem: le, Centre Street, 723-7253. come, 4 a.m. 9 p.m, Reasonable Di ER bunting, houpekeocina, cadaees PPly onag son, FiVE - ROOM bungalow, recre € ; KING ond PARK RD. er ' | Fe __..- |rates, Phone Newcastle 4441 3 og SS toate as ae ' 00 antenna, oi! heating, ntrally to adults rk PRIVATE teacher, student : ANTENNAS oe poe Weem, Aamo cue, sates! . Bagsin's Food Market: liccatee weaves tans CALL 723-2563 figiillr cys nodation $8.50 per. day, outlook Coll Modern, 2-bedroom apart- 686 OSLER STREET ie cs ae By. rervine SO ' Optom-etri sts Tt 2S 5804 or 725-7844 good. Duck bunting season Ajox Shopping Centre ms bungalow, south end, ments, inidgs, stove, paied bus ---- kite same_ rates Contant Be ----/at door, oi] heated broadloom, $100 imi HARVEY iwda? "ACADEMY. Baton, /F. RICHAED BLACK, Doctor of Optom-|~ den. RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp 4 per ae Guide Realty Limited porking. TV outlet -- For information Calj 723-2563. - Available Dec. 1. Telephone tap, RAD batlet, Highland Register etry, the examination of eyes, contact} Be mor ® 7 c' | ? now, 424 King Street West, 725-6122. lenses. 136 Simcoe North at Colborne. ! AV: TOWERS Telephone. 724-105 or wig aewle "ae INSURE YOUR 723-1 121 Building Trades Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. Agnes Stree FIVE-ROOM house to rent, five miles| -- ; a 361 GIBBONS ST. ------ ed orth of ya, $35 nonth, Tele- itu TEPER bolding Tepaina, toon, |LOWN Mowers ____ | Tack, RO, Opiomeirist, Please Mey oB-BIBO 11--Articles for Rent" MERRY none Rage = Pegg es dean avestrous r fireplaces, | oe Miesig yg at pk gg dl acca " o vrite Howden, RR 1, Maple KS, Stooy 9 rdon May.| WE SHARPEN AN N Coral ioe a Lo Terms. Open evening , |FOUR-ROOM ho vith three-pi sree a igen age ALMOST nal Ib nob a © ee OSHAWA T._V. SARGEANT'S CHRISTMAS bain, Sok Water: central Sammamtele ards, recreation rooms, tile floors : 9 and Decorating } isa Sie TABLEWARE possession Located at 66 Lloyd Street. ee Call Wins Wilkinn ae we GIVE US A CALL... Pain Apply 112 William Street West : ites 'TED: \F t y hed bachelor > eager, pe ra , ond Estimotes Earn Christmas WANTED: Young gentlemen to woes lee read Sunny _-- poMercggieod ar ECIALIZING in rootit Fepaire Ss i A N S DODD & SOUTER RENTALS 24--Houses for Rent and board. TV, home privileges. Tele-| apartment, linen supplie vate en : : mone sellin phone MO 8-2367 trance. Suit one or two adults. Tele a larr CORNER KING AT BURK STS, | PAINTING & DECORATING Tee WHY Punch bowls, chafing dishes y 9 og tee elle FOUR local chin leaner. Chim-| | Be Oe | A SEVEN large rooms re-decorated| oR SALE -- 30" "Findlay electrie |! CONTRACTORS ice buckets, dinnerware, | AVON'S. Nationally .|inroughout, of furnace, attached #n- tange, excellent condition, Telephone|FOR RENT -- one bedroom, Would heys built and repaired, gas linings in-| 723-3224 > A d . ; e, large lot. Harmony Road North, |,ap%¢>. .£% suit gentleman, ceritral. MO 8-0649. reg j= eget A por a F Ceenenping couse we give os eh ite : advertised gift eb ee al mtr andthe PARTMENTS and houses for rent,|® ROOM house for rent, oi] heated, Im: ates. 723 il AT all { A A ut ile wnclaitn hoy APAR E mat i lMehey Sa Lace Gyr tex Full Wall Murals, Real Service Fost ent show sets Call Ve8TOREY brick house, recreation| ¢%9 and up, immediate possession ean|mediate possession. Apply 214 Dundas RE MODELING houses, ons, kit-{ y % _ be Spray Painting SAME DAY! rs oF , buffets, | seen, ol] heating, garage, tmmediate'},. arranged, Call W. Schatzmann, Street East, Whitby or telephone MO chen cupboards, veranda 107 BYRON ST, 5$ WHITBY e prices ssion, near schools and bus stop.|poaitor, Brock Building, MO 8-3338; | 8-3220. cement work Experienced U - " | | DAYS Pelept 728-328 ings, MO 8-3253 FOR SALE: Good choice of nursery DAYS MO 8.5231 SAVE MONEY ! 725-8466 evenings, ei eS Se ee digas 2nd and 3rd NIGHTS 725-7426 Exnarieties "725- 3338 4 IVE-ROOM bungalow and garage, oll! FURNISHED bachelor apartment, $55) grown Christmas trees, Scotch pine and ing, a 1 fle r coveri Fre t <) 2 /£)- 6 : ATISEIED | furnace, heavy wiring, near 00l_and | ,onthly, living room, small bedroom, S2ruce. Apply 814 Byron Street North, ; H 17--Male Help Want bus, central. 66 Emma Street. Tele-|,jichen and bath; utilities paid; cen-|Whitby. Free delivery, SRAPvING SERVICES eee: MORTGA f ES Personal Service DRIVE IN and SAVE 12 "Articles Wanted ea e. OO ick van tiss tral; parking space. Telephone MO!APARTMENT, for Tent. 11 Dundae and plant iayout. Telephone 728-3566 } NANO tus ify oan pe RARE coins, in good condition. Tele-|* y to help do chores for go or re ie hous: ew! Street West, thy. one 3 -$833, ~ mt G PIANO tuning. Anywhere in' Oshawa, Tubes checked, glass and phone 723-4790 after 8 for appointment, 'he winter, in dairy farm. State exver| Rashtine ek or kaa Gee and district. Quality workmanship. Tel-| tuner cleaned, set up for best ; lle, fecorated, clean, oi! heated, adults L three room apartment for rent, | Bowmanvil In é 5. er $ © dealers nee and wages expected to Hox 709, 0° parr '| SMAL roor PAINT NOW PAY LATER --TO PAY ALL tphone 725-2329. nicture | A sch lOmnaiwa Times ainers, with quiet Age chil-) seis contained, ground floor. Vacant De-|FOR RENT -- Two roomed comfort- WOULD like to buy new edition Ency - dren, Phone 723 9 _ ae cember 1. Telephone MO 8-3914. ably furnished apartment. Kitchenette. clopedia Britannica. Please call} FIVE ROOM brick bungalow, two bed tag t on Stove and refrigerator. Suit elderly 728-081 } bric , two bed-| POR RENT: Three room apartmen ' RAINBOW YOUR BILLS MODERN GRILL OWER Tag Cnc seen e ONE ONLY FIVE BOOM brick Sunssiow, Gvo, Sod-lFOR RENT: Thres room apartment of Sltre, a0 Totieereeey Deny aoe WANTED -- set of army officer's khaki| heavy wiring, TV antenna, close to MO 8-447( . i , to! du ring, heated, built-in cupboards; PAINTERS --TO PAY OFF A Ore ey serge, An good condition. Biss 4-42 shopping centre, 729-3345. arking. 'Telephone MO 8-8435 WANTED -- 1,00 parking 0 pairs good Dir s, Fis hic do Telephone 728-0516. after 5. meee " pean at skates, Midtown Furniture, 111 Eanes MORTGAGE ee here ee | Mee me day? | DOMESTIC Givnn, #88 monthly, | hORedt noma," easonable. Telephone| Street North, Whitby, MO 6.495 : ag 4 2s new? . MO 8-5765. VATE bedroom, one year ol Poyment Fr $ WE DELIVER Ty ANTED ELECTRON IC lect eye sciwo-stores brick house, i - as [ , good location, near all PHONE 723-7 7067 TO BUY A HOME 725-3887 id TELEVISION Bd IRON. POULTRY TECHN ICIAN Vele hone. 723-3 "ot 725-0458 after ee cs atirectively decorated two schools; storms and screens, complete _ - Nhe 2 ee 3s At U ly landscaped and fenced. Selling below --FOR ANY . 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH EATHER T i FIVE-ROOM, "modern: bungalow, oak paved parking, laundry | dryer, $85) WHITBY F ost, Telephone MO 8-8484 yt | television, radic t flooring throughout, tiled bath and|monthly, Telephone 728-2633, |e eee Se deceaidd We bed: pi crates ct Je nd Row Fur , nin' kitchen, olf heating, North Oshawa, $85 ; r bebpe ans PURPOSE Plumbing and Heatin | mies , . * | for employment in Peterboro eer "Suinobonn 925.5083 FOR RENT $60 monthly taree and tour:| room apartment, garage and garden, EXCAVATING s 3 collect) with an authorized Depot : : es room apartment, paler: ndey facili. |875 monthly. MO 8-2180, MO 8-5078. TUR ER fas : A MODERN four bedroom home, located: area, newly decorated, laundry facili-/7*° a URN representing C.G.E., Elec= |i," suaivision. near, "South. General ties, parking, close to schools, children's|FOR RENT: Four room apartment, 723-2043 - 723-3374 trohome R.C et Motors. Telephone 728-0040 playground. Apply 300 High Street. central location, large yard, heat, light o particul 7 eo te n ter. $65 monthly. Telephone MO ------ {| » WO particulars. and sc THREE bedroom brick bungalow, re-/THREE-ROOM heated apartment, 008] sre hitalep a hind 2 core jase i ities! expected to frigerator, stove, oll heated. Close to|stove, bus service, parking, mont : pee = = No Bonus Phone 725-3321. Harold H. Stark 13-- Business Opportunities chool, transportation, Available Dec. 1, ly. Available December 1. 1100 Brock|SKATE E EXCHANGE, - good ska oa MO 8-4 ] 72 Ltd., SERVICE station.and lunch counter for BOX 808 Telephone 729-1214 South, MO 8-5107 a tow prite. Mid-town furniture, Plumbing, heating and engineer 1 isskcsan ar yr eee N. Whitby MO 8-4981. No Extra Charges tng. "258 Simeoe Street South sale, just completed, modern with stone YOUNG peopie to sell magarines. Good|FOR RENT one bedroom apartment, Brock St : Samees front, in 30 mile zone on main provin c ¢ Pi FT Telephone 723-1990 . good district, adults only. $75 monthly,/FOR SALE Westinghouse sutomatie Cartage SES Rebate F Seg Uphoutery Service cial highway lage, 28 melee: fem __ OSHAWA TIMES Anke Ged Weskeohy saly eve \ivdro included, Phone MO 8-2736 morn-| washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Must JOHN'S MOVING and Storage. Oshawa or ------ Oshawa. No n ection wii lings evenings. sell. $100. . ith Reasonab! Fully eaeip STERFIELDS re-upholstered and any oll company. Terms up to 20 years.| , NEW house for rent, six rooms, three) =. bes pn | Soler aerenaertcet hoe ged baer gy dig hc Repayment Pentel wees estimates. See our ma- Call Sid Martyn, Snelgrove Real Estate. | CAREERS bedrooms, | xood location. 'Telephone STUDENTS! A super value, approxi |SEPTIC tanks cleaned Walter Word, ale har ae drs terial for re-covering. Dalton heeled NO MORE TV ~ FOR 725-7086 after 6 p.m. for more particu-/mately 630 sheets of conghed irre ney hestnut Stree 'es' ' jing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7 72 . Here paper (news prin r Es aire Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby,| - Loans Life Insured \GHESTERFIELDS and old 'chairs re, REPAIR BILLS! GROCERY BUSINESS ey |WHITBY Coin Laundry, 106 | Brock ) r G FIVK-ROOM house, heavy duty wiring, |/})?undas Street West j jcovered like new. Get the best for less| Oshawa Area OUN MEN sureecenen Deine | meniae. - Semeciats wea bedroom unfurnishe lccis te Oey Comte oat suming Mo | at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe BUY A NEW SET NOW WITH 4 ' possession, eentral location, Telephone z OV | } Q 4 S| IPERIOR South. Call 728-6451, Free estimate | $13,500 \ IN THE ALL types of i id remodelliig, - CINIC . Low Monthly jnew and Bel rapaite ane "eae DIGGING AND Pp } rates. Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. J DITCHING ayments Foley ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies x betel MIE DEOMI OE Ploleietsletetetetetatate' SOO IO xx LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED | 728-0675, ment, central location in Whitby. Apply |s-9074. : | SOR "ae 72 Ritson Road South or telephone | ------ re CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered| | #$100- | CANADIAN ARMY |qaNncock ROAD, new fiveroom brick seen [Seka CONTAINED Soe "tom spare CALL Discount Limited _ Psd shlong ie el "ideal ee ok Seer | Hane ae aie ser ante aceniine oe DRESSMAKING, suits, coals, dresses, ly decorated, - private entrance and CITY CA RTAGE . Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery, | Seg nen pA If you are between the age |Miither i. Tindall Real Estate, 725-0499 alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit- bath. Telephone MO 2-3246 THE FASTEST GROW |Co., 10 B 1 iy an owing a substontiol pales: tings oer' specialty, 'Bra. Toms,' MO ALL CAMROSE ee ee f Hl Ratige » | of 17 and 23 and single, |tHREx-KEDROOM bungalow, Whitby, |p s52 saGTTERE 725-2621 en He aphielig sat full information on [een © sean ian ond Gees a ATTENTION HUNTERS COMPANY urveyors j fF r t ; ge t INTOrMATION OM {on teat. Possession to sult tenant. FOR SALE? chesterfield and davenpest) ; < Gar 7 DOONEY ~ i! equipped ; >xciting career ortuni- [Telephone MO 8-837 ultes new and used, some only $19.95.|| We rent: Canoes, op S| e : DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN Ontario, hie se aatat? exciting Career oppe sees vi Chrome suite from' $19.50, heavyduty| Boots Shot Guns, Decoys, IMCOE ST, N Land Surveyor, Commercial Blue-print- tak with the : 49.50, frigidaire refrigerator $49.-| ' 725-6541 jew 2h are Breet, ass gi ase on store and 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent pe'. ink stove and refrigerator like| Cabin Trailers, also Power H. FLIM 4 TROLLOPE taric : k : 'sparta w,. Students desk $24.95. New crib| Tools, Gorden ond Lawn J etic Fogg nol ie are 5-room aera Stock ot CANADIAN ARMY ONE BEDROOM apartment, a mattresses' special. caly 07.90, Your Equipment: MO 8-3226 OPEN -- ite GHT UNTIL | Ph. ee ' jenue invoice. For confidential in- December Ist. $58. TV outlet, wash lccae teach alte locks from wh Wel quipment: at one 725-6881 spection of stotements, etc., \Vj i R t + iry er a wiring, near ning also have everything in the store re- WILDE RENTAL Reasonable cATuAEAY | Un 12 NOON |- BREACH G Oshawa Time "Help THE BANK OF Mr. Smith or Mr. Millen of \Visit your Army Recruiter at |centre. 728-47 td, Drop in and see as. Terme SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY = . NTiL 12 NOO! ented" ads puts you in touch with ' yah HEATED two = bedroom apartment, ble. Mid-town furniture, 111 Broce! 2 : - Nib 0 3 : Har Millen Real Estat : Sarma ee ; 4 ~ ------ COATS hemmed, pants cutied, collars OTHER EVEN! NGS BY oda agyn mh neler Be pad NOVA SCOTIA é! en Real Estate | OSHAWA ARMOURY 5: decorated, living room broad- St. N. Whitby, MO 8-4981. 723-2492. turned. zippers replaced. any and. all APPOINTNV ENT : offer to them today. Dial 728-1679 red, ove, refrigerat »_ washing von SALE: § piece walnut finish dining! FOR RENT alterations, mending, etc. Telephone 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO between 11 A.M. and3 P.M. | a * suite, chesterfield and chair. Telephone| 725-4189, b ue. 725-5810. MO 8-803 ALTERATIONS and re-modelling by Mortgages \Tailors Well Drilling-Digging : EY - Radio Repairs on TUESDAY and. Thursday BACHELOR apartment, furnished, pr- REET | ONE AND TWO expert dressmaker. Have your dresses ate, in quiet home, heated. Suit pen- ak GA Tia ae 3 ey f each k ahmer, statin 360 mney. A R Ee BEDROOM APTS. ice ee" cage ee eemeea!| LEN PULLAN W. WARD SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT| of each wee ance, bstaner, $10, monthly APPD FOR REN --DAY OR NIGHT! : SE RO Tie i tools, i enone £0 Lk (ENGLISH TAILOR) WELL DIGGING by T.V. and RADIO! or write four room heated apait- a oe es actus $85 - $100 and sec rt . Bale PSH Ree Se saith 77s , ment, tchen, laundry facilities oat, bo . Fuel and Wood _ wun | SETCements nod morse Hen. # 7 nd requ MACHINE i eres ye nila pods ® AR R IN Separate entrance and bath. Avatlabl For Sole - Scotch Pine Be ; i FIREWOOD, dry. good, for stove, fur nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King 1s } . SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE CALL 728- 5286 MY RECRUIT NG nthe . Bigg peggy | In modem building, stoves, Apply 220 Verdun Road after 3 Christmos Trees 4 sund focilit Dace or fireplace. Free delivery. 'Tele-|Street East. 723-7232 OFFICE Adults fr sec uec lar ainbata aay Sper nga pet ak Bonar Rey / * | ; Or th vent fr 9 Dhone CO AON Rae |MORTGAGES -- arranged. bought end. dr tee LUXURY apartment for rent, living pleas RENTAL ne ent free to re- FACTOR ardwood cutt cs. Suitable sold. "all Mr. Boighood. anytime, 725. 2 « Ac Piaee pans vs 7 ¢ | e room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen co: R\ E liable cnts dor stoves, fireplaces, turns Tele: 64d 72580a, Jehn A. J. Belabood, | 1 PRINCE ST. -- 726-5311 204 CHESTNUT ST., WEST OSHAWA | 27 St. Clair Ave., East ss pecrece, Eathiacas, Mises bes RVICE & SALES | a tae aa ne (next to Bus Stotion) | "P.O. BOX 329 ELECTRONICS | TORONTO 7, Ontario |Site Saree" sperms oe WHITBY MO 8-3226 MO 8-359) and clterotions A ¢ 4

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