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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 27, 1961 AFTER FATAL FIRE Mrs. Loma Sigures, 55, her daughter, Beverly Ann, 6, and Ste. Marie, Ont., where three | Mrs. Sigures's mother, Mrs. persons lost their lives in a | Helena James. Alfred Sigures fire early Sunday. Dead are | carried Beverly Ann to safe- Unidentified woman carries | articles from home at Sault UK. Move Seen Canadian Victory afsion to give Commonwealth) talks in Paris and London, wel- governments copies of its sec-|comed the decision ret 'presentation to European; "It is very gratifying indeed," Common Market negotiators is}he said, adding that he was being hailed in government cir-) awaiting formal word of when cles hire as a moral victory for the information will arrive in Canada Ottawa It also is taken as further. pS evidence that one of the big YIELDS TO PROTESTS rifts between Ottawa and Lon-. London reports said Prime don on the Common Market is Minister Macmillan decided to rapidly being patched up, at release the secret document be- least outwardly. cause of the parliamentary The announcement in London Storm over persistent reports Saturday came less than a week !ast week that it had already after Finance Minister Flem-' been "leaked" to other govern- essful bid to obtain a ments, the secret Oct. 10 state Canada had originally re- ment by Edward Heath, Brit-/ceived a summary of part of ain's lord privy seal, at the|the Heath statement. Britain opening of Paris talks on_the|was reported to feel the nego- British bid to enter the Com-jtiations are confidential and mon Market. cannot be disclosed in their en- Mr. Fleming, who returned to) tirety. 8 . ee oe But Mr. Fleming during his talks in London insisted that Canada and the other Common- wealth nations have a right t ing's suc copy of Find Seven Bodies In Plane Wreckage be fully informed on the details of Britain's application to enter WHITEHORSE, Y.T. (CP)--j| might have severe effects on RCMP confirmed Saturday that, Commonwealth trade with Brit- seven bodies have been found in| ain. "We are not in a position to the wreckage of a United States assess the position of the Brit- Air Force C-119 aircraft that ish governme ithout full ac- crashed 17 miles south of here cess to the he. said in Thursday following a fire and| London explosion Three of the 10 men reported PUMPKIN VARIETY to be aboard the cargo plane, Early American settlers used managed to parachute to safety pumpkins for soup, stew, pud- and were picked up within ding, bread and griddle cakes, hours by the RCMP and taken as well as the favorite pumpkin to hospital here pie text," AN FRANCISCO 50 65 Pu se) cee MILDER IN WEST, COLDER H WEATHER FORECAST Mild Weather Comes To End Synopsis: The unseasonably'tor mild weather of the last couple days, has come to an end Souther Ontario. Temper § were sffil near 40 this morning, northern but cold northerly winds il Clow drop temperatures steadily dur- S$ 1 ng the day. Considerable snow squalls accompanied the cold outbreak Partly cloud through Northern Ontario. F. in quent snowflu and Tuesday. Winds 20 to 30 today light on Southern Georgian Bay, Lake Huron regio' y and much colder today end. : ht and Tues- erly 20 today Niagara 4|British Take Serious View Of Speech Leak i { i LONDON (CP) -- The British|in a front-page editorial, says government today was reported|the leak can be a useful device to be taking a serious view of a\if used with responsibility. leak to the United States of} 'But when secret documents Britain's opening statement in| are disclosed, not to give legiti- the Common Market negotia- mate news to the public but de- tions. liberately to damage interna- Prime Minister Macmillan's| tional relations, there is nothing government faced a major par-|to be said for it." liamentary storm over its han-| The Financial Times suggests dling of Commonwealth consul-/more trouble would arise tations as a result of the inci-|with Commonwealth govern- dent. : ments once they have digested But the concern goes far be-|the full text. This could provide yond the cut and thrust of de-|the ammunition they need to bate. Scme sources suggest that/protest British attempts to the weekend sequence of events draw closer to Europe. provided evidence that some| "This serious view of the pos- one close to the Common Mar-|sible consequences ... is in ket negotiations is opposed to line with the importance which Britain's entry in the trade the government has attached all bloc. along to maintaining the confi- One result of the leak was a dential character of the negotia- foreign office announcement' tions," the newspaper says. that the text of the speech; "To secure Commonwealth iward Heath, the minister in all settlement should be a prac- lcharge of the Brussels talks,|ticable diplomatic proposition. was to be made available to) "But if the representatives of Commonwealth countries, prob-| special Commonwealth business ably today. interests are going to be kept The view that the leak may informed continuously of Brit- jhave been a deliberate attempt ish proposals which will affect to complicate negotiations was their own particular preducts, suggested by two national news- there are going to be continu- papers today. ous protests from Common- WOULD CLOUD STATUS wealth capitals and continuous | The Financial Times reports | Pressure on the British govern- ment to admit. defeat." given by Lord Privy Seal Ed- acceptance of some final over-|~ ernme:t showed more trust in, the C>mmonwealth for whom,} as wei as about whom, they are negotiating.' | . This view was echoed by The, : \Daily Sketch, which calls for 'the full publication of the Paris} speech. The paper says the rea- | Sons given for the maintenance of secrecy "seemed flimsy at the time." } | "Now they have been shown up as completely false. What is secret from the Commonwealth |premiers--and from the people} lof Britain--seems to be com-| mon knowledge in the United' States." The decision to supply texts of the speech to Commonwealth} members was made when a |political storm blew up here over a report that the United States had managed to secure full copy of it. Fights Way Back To | Normal Life By J. C. GRAHAM AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) HUNTERS FIND BODY Albert George Agueci, 39, of Toronto, Canada, whose body was beaten and burned was found by hunters in Pen- land, he is learning to walk field, N.Y. Agueci was linked to a narcotic ring. --(AP Wirephoto) 'NEED MONEY? , |Legislator Raps | Cosmetic Surgery | LONDON (AP) -- A British jlegislator- Sunday demanded 4 jgovernment action to stop quack surgeons operating on 4| women who want to improve jtheir looks. } Labor MP Leo Abse charged |that some women have been *™\permanently disfigured in their /jattempts to get- noses straight- ened or busts uplifted. Get a low cost Ist or 2nd Homeowners Mortgage Loan. BORROW $1800 OR MORE TAKE 5 YEARS TO REPAY NO BONUS NO HIDDEN COSTS Oshawa residents for o private No- cost interview call operator and osk for ZE 76340 (ro toll charges), Other area residents call Guelph TA 29062 collect. Barfried Enterprises LTD. MEMBER ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS' ASSOCIATION 1h deme CHRISTMAS 2 MRS. D. MITCHELL _ with precise radioactive equip- ja feeling that if interests op- |posed to British membership in the community can successfully disclose Britain's bargain- ing position in subsequent states of the talks 'the pros- ty but when he left to tele- phone for help his daughter rushed back upstairs to her mother and was asphyxiated. --(CP. Wirephoto) Radioactive Pellet Still very much less certain than it jhas been." The Conservative Daily Mail, CAIRO (Reuters)--Diplomats}| today awaited the next move by the United Ar@b Republic following its accusation that France planned an _ assassina- tion attempt against President Gamal Abdel Nasser. The government Sunday night issued a statement saying nine persons -- including four mem-) bers of an official French mis- sion--were arrested at dawn Saturday on charges of plotting to spy on the U.A.R. and as- sassinate Nasser The statement said the French government "drew up a Pollard plan to carry out an attempt to was assassinate President Nasser oA It said France sent an intelli- gence officer -- a "well-known expert at assassination" -- to Egypt "under the screen of at- tending the recent Arab pefo- jleum congress at Alexandria." Cairo newspapers carried pho- tostat copies of what was de- sctibed as a confession by one} of the four French officials, a man named Bellivier, alleging that they were studying the pos- sibility of an Israeli attack against the UAR to facilitate a coup, The officials were members of a French mission posted to the UAR, to deal with French assets in Egypt Diplomatic relations between the two countries were broken off at the time of the 1956 An- glo-French Suez invasion and the Swiss Embassy has since represented France here ASKS INTERVENE The French foreign ministry, informed of the arrests through the Swiss embassy, announced in Paris that it had asked the Swiss foreign office to intervene TORONTO (CP)--The direc- tor of Metropolitan Toronto's Emergency Measures Organiza- tion said Sunday night evidence collected during the weekend in- dicates a radioactive pellet lost) two weeks ago is lying unde- tected in one of two buildings. Earlier, EMO officials feared the tiny pellet, only one-tenth of an inch long, was loose on the city streets. The pellet, if kept close.to a person's skin for six hours, would cause a burn If swallowed, it might have fa- tal effects EMO Director said the pellet probably left somewhere on the second floor of a police station in sub- urban Etobicoke, where EMO and Metro police' officers par- ticipated in a training exercise Nov. 13 using geiger counters. The pellet was one of 10 taken to the police station for the ex- ercise. Its loss was first noticed following the exercise, leading EMO officials to believe it was at either the police station or the EMO warehouse where the pellets are normally kept. Mr. Pollard said he nas asked federal EMO authorities to send a team of experts from Ottawa John ment to scour the two build- ings He also announced plans for a board of inquiry, which will start hearings Thursday to de- termine whether the pellets were properly handled 3 Die During Football Game TORONTO (CP) At lest two men died of heart attacks, one here and one at Hudson, Que., while watching a telecast Saturday of the final playoff game of the Eastern Football Conference. In addition, a Ha- milton woman died at the sta- dium At Hudson, Jack Mackell, 46. father of former National Hockey League player Fleming Mackell, collapsed and died, while in Toronto Harold A. Liv- ingston, a retired construction company executive, succumbed Mr. Livingston an avid foot- ball fan, had been prevented by a weak heart from attending football games for two 3 He collapsed following the last hectic minute's play tion time in which Hamilton Ti- ger-Cat quarterback Bernie Fa loney ran the length of the field for a touchdown play that was called back by the referees. His last words were: "Look at that Faloney run!" HATTERAS ERE Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Tuesday: Windsor 20 St. Thomas . London Kitchener ... Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough . eo te te 43 te te oe BHOHRDHKRHM » pect of a settlement would be) Arrest Frenchmen a 1, eel In Assassin Plot vas iaaog Sub-Lieutenant Peter Mulgrew, OPPOSING VIEWS who was carried helpless from Views opposed to these were near the top of one of the expressed during the weekend! highest peaks in the Himalayas, by Labor party leader Hughiis" courageously fighting his Gaitskell, w'o is to launch an)way back to health. Although attack on the government in the|he has had both legs ampu- Commons. a tated, he is determined to re- "It is high time told @ turn to normal life. Cardiff audience, "that ihe gov- Mulgrew, 34, a naval radio Leases expert, has had an adventurous career. In 1957, he was chosen for Sir Edmund Hillary's south polar expedition. He was one) of the group that stormed its way to the pole in converted |farm tractors. He showed such qualities that Hillary made him one of his) he first choices for the expedition|~ reais pd BO atbeiadlg ten hg he led last year to the Hima- i ener layas. This in spite of the fact The French ministry said the ¢ya¢ Mulgrew had done little officials were sent to Egypt) mountaineering Looming an agreement With!' Once in the Himalayas, how- the UAR for the implementa- ayer he showed himself as tion of an international conven-| puch at home in the mountains tion" and the UAR governments. he had been in the polar had formally recognized their wastes, He was a member of ep rage ayaa ithe final assault team selected The UAR statement identified tg attack 27,790 foot Mount Ma- the other arrested persons as a yajy without oxygen, but near French lawyer, a Greek jour-'the summit suffered a blood nalist, an Italian journalist and ciot in the lung and collapsed. a Nall lt The rescue of a_ climber It said the mission set up a from such an altitude had "network for spying," smug-/peyer been accomplished be- gled money from the country/fore, But after a heroic effort, and printed pamphlets "using) members of the expedition machines owned by the Swiss)managed to bring him down embassy." the mountain, more dead than Investigations of the plot were alive. started 18 months ago and were) During the ordeal Mulgrew continuing, the statement said. |had become seriously frostbit- es ten. He spent a long period in hospital in Nepal, where ali his | toes and the first joints of three) |fingers and a thumb were am- | putated Sir Edmund flew back with him to New Zealand, where months in naval hospital fol- lowed. Frostbite had struck so deeply that it eventually proved | necessary to amputate both legs below the knee. In addi- tion, he was operated on for a chest infection. : After months more in hospi-| tal, Mulgrew was fitted for ar-} tificial lowed to go home. Now at Three In Family Killed In Crash FARNHAM, Que. (CP) Three members of the same family were killed Sunday in a two-car collision near their home in this community, 35 miles southeast of Montreal. Charles Denis, 49, his son Gerald, 22, and daughter Jean- ette. 7, died when their car col- lided head-on with another. Five other members of the legs and has been al- - again. His courage has brought wide ; a admiration throughout New Mail Order Store Zealand. Prime Minister Holy- NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) oake expressed the country's|\Damage was estimated at $20,- feeling when he visited him/|000 in a fire that swept through and presented him with a cher-|the Simpson-Sears mail-order rywood walking stick as a mark/store on downtown Queen Street of. appreciation of his fight) Sunday night. back to health. $20,000 Damage In The blaze apparently started, Meanwhile, the navy has as-jin an apartment above the store) sured Mulgrew that it can stilljin the two-storey structure. The use his services. It says it is offices of a dentist and an ac- anxious not to lose his special-|countant on the same floor were ized knowledge in certain fields damaged. of electronics ~ Mulgrew is still convalescing but hopes to be back at work by Christmas. Queen Makes Visit To Sierra Leone BO, Sierra Leone (Reuters)-- Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Premier Sir Milton Margai arrived here by air today from Freetown for a three-day visit to Sierra Leone's interior. Elizabeth wiN visit schools and diamond and iron mining sites and meet chiefs of this West African Commonwealth country before returning to Freetown Wednesday A guard of honor of the Sierra Leone army was on hand at the airport for the Queen's arrival. Also present was British Gov ernor-General Sir Maurice Dor- man. Bo is 83 miles from Free- town. You cartyo ALL-OUT If you Feel ALL-IN' Today's tense living, overwork, worry, may affect normal kidney action. If kidneys slow down impurities remain in the system. Then backache and that "tired" feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to normal action. You feel better--rest better--work better--play better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. You can depend on Dodd's. SLICED SKINLESS BROKEN WIENERS POT ROAST LEAN, TENDER LEAN, PORK LEAN, MINCED BEEF BOOK EARLY! Overseas Excursions at Attractive Rates DONALD Travel Service 300 Dundas St. E., Whitby Oshawe, Whitby, Brooklin MO 8-3304 Breakfast Bacon BONELESS SHOULDER CLUB STEAKS BUTT CHOPS ye SENSATIONAL MEAT VALUES TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY! 39: 29: 29: aD: 49: 39 family were taken to hospital for treatment Brown's Bay, a suburb of Auck- FUEL & HEATING IS OUR BUSINESS LH: Ten' BARTON Len" is in the order ond dis- patching department for coal and oil, He will handle your order with core and dispatch FOR TOP QUALITY FUEL OIL AND te to Trenton Killaloe ... Muskoka .. North Bay ho bp 89 b> ae Son uw MORTGAGE MONEY Ist Mortgage funds cvailable from Trus: & Insurance Com- ponies. No bonus or finder's fee @ 2nd MORTGAGE AVAILABLE @ WILL BUY 2nd MORT- GAGES SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 KING W. -- 723-2265 MONIES THE Cliff Mills 48-Hour Special CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ' 230 KING STREET WEST 1960 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP Cc Power hitewolls, Dyncflow Radio Power Dises. New cor $2495 725-6651 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! of doing business in Oshawa. xk k xk Felt Bros. Jewellers Will be closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in preparation for their LAST SENSATIONAL SALE of their 75 year history READ WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY'S OSHAWA TIMES FOR STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT ! DOORS WILL OPEN FRI., DEG. ist, 1961 AT 12 P.M. SHARP '

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