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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1961, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 27, 1961 3 |CAPSULE NEWS Irish Outlaws Blow Up Jeep FIRST FOR INDIA NEW DELHI (AP) -- Prime Minister Nehru Sunday form- ally named the first Indian-built transport plane--a twin-engined turboprop Avro 748. It was named after the first Indian air} : force chief, the late Subroto Mu-| kherji, who died last year. SET SHEARING MARK WELLINGTON, N.Z. (Reut-| 7 ers)--A 29-year-old shearer, C. A. Bosher, sheared 606 lambs at the rate of one every 50 sec- onds to set a world record and win almost $550 in bets Satur- day. The previous record for a normal nine-hour day was 544 lambs. FEAR OUTBREAKS SALISBURY (AP)--A series of strikes by Negro workers at one of Southern Rhodesia's key} ' industrial centres brought fears Sunday of fresh outbreaks of ra- cial violence. Authorities): charged the strikes are politic-| 7 ally inspired and that most of the workers do not know why they are striking. ENDS BOYCOTT BELFAST (Reuters) -- Three Northern Ireland policemen were injured Sunday when a jeep in which they were travel- ling along the border near the Irish Republic was blown up by a raiding force of the outlawed Irish Republican Army. Three of the policemen re-) ceived facial injuries but the fourth was unharmed. QUEER DEER ALBERNI, B.C. (CP) -- A hunter wearing a white alum- inum hat and a red checkered jacket was accidentally shot here Saturday by another hun- ter who mistook him for a deer. Dead is Ted Brooks, about 30, of Alberni. He was shot in the chest by a .303 - calibre rifle fired from about 170 feet, RCMP said. No charges have been laid. MILLION DOLLAR AJAX WAREHOUSE FIRE STILL | SMOULDERS | Friday morning has not been determined. --Oshawa Times Photo. LOSS IS $1,000,000 | DAYTON, Ohio (AP)--Three \buildings were destroyed and a fourth damaged Saturday in the second $1,000,000 fire at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base in four days. Five firefighters| were hurt. In the previous fire) in last Wednesday a fireman was killed and another still is missing. A baseman said offici- als were checking the possibil- | Report Show | ss | | Big Change ity of arson or sabotage. | CHURCHES _ oe a a -- Iwo | In Roads | neoro, pe Roge po ie Brooks, Len Clement and Ken|near the CPR railroad station, A ini i nsuc Buttery sang several vocal se-/Sunday afternoon. No details) COBOURG -- United Counties] Seren, a seaday in lections. are available, but police are|road expenditures for the first two Augusta white churches. Each of the three students) reported to have questioned anj10 months of 1961 have reached|pey Roosevelt Green Jr., 21, gave talks in which they told|Oshawa youth in connection/a gross total of $1,032,305, coun-|.4q Paul Thompkins, 22, stu- of their trips to New York and|with the offence. The in-|ties engineer George L. Totten dents at Paine College, first of their impressions of the de-| vestigation is continuing. told counties council on its final tried to enter the First Baptist! liberations during their visit to , oe day of the year at Cobourg. The|¢ sher denied them the United Nations. LETTERS PATENT government will subsidize $691,- pe meee and they left with- A certificate was presented to} The current issue of The/700 of that amount. out argument. Crossing the Miss Monica Connolly, a student| Mr. Doyle by the noble grand Ontario Gazette carries the in-| Mr. Totten said the year had) street, Green and Thompkins at Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate| Rebekah Lodge No. 3 andjformation that letters patent of|been one of cOnsolidation. The} sought to enter St. John's Meth-| Institute: Howard Swartz, ane Vice Grand of Sunshine Re-| incorporation have been granted|road commission had attempted) gqist Church. Again they were student at O'Neill Collegiate and| bekah Lodge, No. 222. The cer-|to the Rotary Club of Oshawa to clean up many long standing) rebuffed. Vocational Institute, and Rich- tificate to Miss Connolly was) Charitable Fund and The Spirit-\claims for compensation and ard Doyle, a student at Central SAYS RUSK CONSIDERED iH AND TWO OF HIS HELPERS day. Joan Miller, left, RR 1, | Central Collegiate Institute, Oshawa, a student of Port | distributed candy to the chil- Perry High School and Carole | dren as they met Santa. Kabelman, of 146 Verdun road, a student of Oshawa Smoke and small pockets of | the million dollar Ajax Ware- flame could still be seen Sat- | house fire. Firefighters con- smoking piles of paint tins, tea and machinery. Origin of the SANTA Santa Claus and two of his | UNITED NATIONS (AP) faithful helpers prepare to Russia is ending its long boy-| Meet thousands of excited cott of the United Nations com-| Children lined up at the Osh- mittee on the peaceful uses of} 2Wa Shopping Centre, Satur- SLAYER GETS LIFE ou foment O4 Accident Victims aces" 2= During Past Weekend Saturday he will be. present when the committee meets to- Saturday was sentenced to life imprisonment after a jury By THE CANADIAN PRESS |(0), Nova Scotia 1 (0), Saskat-|day night of burns received in a found him guilty of the revolver| 'This survey does not include |chewan 1 (1), Prince Edward|hunting cabin fire at Mongoose murder of Reginald Lapointe/natural deaths, industrial acci-|Island 0. |Lake, 75 miles north of Sault last June. "That's not bad,"|dents or known suicides. | Ontario dead: iSte. Marie; said Lefrancois after hearing) Traffic fatalities were lighter} Mrs. Martin Doyle, drowned| sentence. The charge was noN-|inis weckend, but the category|in the Irvine River just north|$ DIE IN FIRE capital murder. remained the most lethal in alof Guelph, Friday night, when quent Pree tad i a u survey of accidental deaths con-|her car failed to negotiate a) : delta te pier coe Chasen -- Pos ducted by the Canadian Press.|turn and plunged over the river/Mrs. Figure's mother, Mrs. He- Rravili i io| The survey, taken from 6 p.m. |bank; lena James, 77, who died when mer Brazilian president / Janio : AT bs | f fi ltheir home at Sault Ste. Marie Quadros said Sunday he will re- local times Friday to Midnight} Lloyd Alexander Doan, 48, of| : urday afternoon at the site of | tinued to play water over the | fire which broke out early | | Students Tell Of Visit To UN Corinthian Lodge, No. 61, In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows,| the Rebekah Lodges of Oshawa) and the Cancer, Poliomyelitis! and the Tuberculosis Committee held a reception Friday night for three outstanding Oshawa secondary school students who} were sent to the United Nations in New York. Bro. A. Phillips was chairman of the committee.| In addition to the students, CITY AND DISTRICT PROBE ASSAULT During the evening a quartet,, A 13-year-old girl was re- composed of Elmer Down, Ken! ported to have been assaulted --Oshawa Times Photo day, even thoygh he opposes the meeting. F. R. BLACK O.D. OPTOMETRIST Contact Lens Consultation or Eye Examination BY APPOINTMENT . . . PHONE 723-4191 136 SIMCOE ST, N., OSHAWA a Larger amounts end many other plons to suit your budget $50 to $5000 without endorsers or bankable security SUPERIOR FINANCE "The Fastest Growing, All. Penal Loon Company" SUPERIOR FINANCE LTD. 17 SIMCOE N. 725-6541 Open Wednesday night untli 8 Seturday until noon Other evenings by appiontment 17 Offices in Ontario RUMMAGE SALE ir For The Finest In. +. FURNITURE RE-FINISHING CALL (COLLECT)... TRU-GRAIN LTD. HO 1-3692-TORONTO PARADE re or. HOMES For A ¢ «5 e FREE ESTIMATE e ON YOUR BEDROOM, DINING ROOM OR PIANO and hen house, Asking $2,500 down, bolance on one open mortgage. Close to Golf course REDUCED $1,000 FOR QUICK SALE Owner leaving city forces sale of this well-buil! 21/-storey 8- room brick home with gorage. Home is comprised of main floor; 14 x 11 kitchen, 20 x 11 living roorn, separate dining room 14 x 11; 2nd floor: 3 bedrooms; 3rd floor: 2 bedrooms. Exceilent lot 55 x 158, nicely landscaped with tall hedge and shade trees, Located only 1 block from King St. E. List price $12,950.00. chairman of the CP and Tjof Oshawa. NEAR COMPLETION ; ; ; burned early Sunday; of the students, Mayor Christine| Committee. Bro. G. Freeman,|---- oe The road program, laid out in) of State Dean Rusk is under|turn to Brazil as a private ci- EST Sunday revealed an over-|St, Marys, killed in a two-car J y Thomas and T D. Thomas, hi presented the certificate to Mr I Te OE ae eee ion | trae oy Dee 96a os 7 / ic ; i 'his shotgun accidentally dis- puty Grand Master N. Attwood|""Q) ait of the Odd Fellows Pastor S$ pros! paving of a half mile of|<on Rockefeller of New York in|saying he had been "beaten by|™ishaps. Jarvis Francis Burke, 28, of| 8 y s Sahces vs jroad 25, : . i Ps = gor eg of Whitby! snd Rebekahs, Bro. Keeler |planned to complete this small|the New York Herald Tribunelin Australia on a world tour. jported by fire. Four were in|when his car crashed into a 0 ae ee po yey og pos day project at the same time that)<ays. Rusk expressed surprise} Ontario, three of these in onejety island in Metropolitan Tor-| 5 agg ic a ag A ive me at Bictkiin, weet oo A . | the development road from Mor-| at the report. | FINDS SKELETON |home in Sault Ste. Marie. onto; [Gay Right Of injuries Teceive , , |are looking forward to sending t | . |in 1962, ~~ | GIVES INTERVIEW TO RED|A hunter in. woods near hisjities, one each in Manitoba and|Peterborough killed Satur day|® 15 mites west of London. members and friends attended} Mayor Thomas thanked the 1S Cc During 1961, the commission| }yANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP)|home Saturday, came upon ajBritish Columbia, and four|when his car collided head-on) e Bro. Don Keeler presided and) lodge members on behalf of the 5 4 : | lin which h idi y welcomed the visitors. He also| City for sending the students to 000 yards of gravel for re-|clysive interview Saturday to| skeleton of a man police believe|causes. In Ontario Nova Scotia,|three miles west of Peterbor-|\" Walch he was riding over- : base A wd chk ~ ; : : | \Perth start of the United Pilgrimage| When the bus carrying the|Christian Reformed Church Of|county roads; seal coated 35|paper Izvestia, who said they) A nearly empty can of what ap- saa Daniel Stonefish, 71, struck| ; Youth Tour in 1955 and its de-| students from other centres|Oshawa during the weekend re-|miles; paved seven miles; | fouched on many. world prob-| peared to be cyanide rested he- PROVINCIAL FIGURES _ lby a car on Highway 4 near| velopment. He said the move-|stopped in Oshawa to pick up/joiced with their minister, al (pear and gravelled 13.5 miles|jems, including Berlin. The in-| side the skeleton. Police said he Individual provincial figures\; beth, five miles south of States but the three guests of/ors were shown through the/memorated the fact that he) stalling bridges and culverts at/pej, son-inlaw of Soviet Pre- closed the lid and drank the|Ontario 12 (7), Quebec 9 (8), . but tiene first' Oshawalcity hall by Bro. A. Phillips. |was ordained a minister to the|a cost of $80,000; completed| mir Khrushchev. poison. He was identified as|New Brunswick 3 (3), Manitoba|,,2°m Sencer. Siecle Eee | , since last Jan. 21. jAlberta 2 (1), Newfoundland 1 |during the trip. The evening| 1p the course of his ministry, | Pleted fencing on development) SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP)-- | hall. Oshawa 101088, where he soon} Gal: |chin, Scotland, accused of be-/ PARIS (Reuters) -- Four} BINGO lbecame both loved and respec- FIVE-YEAR PLAN ling involved in a shortage of| French officials, members of an) + s | : s J | , ive serious consideration to the|Royal Bank of Canada branch| arrested in Cairo Thursday) V Lod ST. GERTRUDE'S Soviet Having to the. cansa 2 God Bingtons.1§ min-| isits ge LINDSAY -- Port Perry will|MNpYempZ@)0M 144099" road construction. |to police Saturday. istry announced Sunday night.| lay an exhibition hockey game VanHarmelen were) "1 fee] that the time is right! A French foreign ministry; The Grand Master of the/P'3 yg EVERY MONDAY. NIGHT | . ey _. 11 PANIC, DROWN 'ioe Bony anniversary. Saturday, Nov. 25,)We shall never be in a better). CARTAGENA, Colombia (AP)/rests has been received here| --_ America, Rev. la here Dec. 1 and a return game) = | ( | |Ashmore was a very welcome GOOD PRIZES Middle East leasion for celebrating. A fi | lighted match on a gasoline can visitor at the November meet-|four days later. jcas 8. ine| velopment roads than at pres-| gasou | ; By RUKMINI DEVI jan elaborated program in| ent. Such aid will not however,| aboard a launch ferrying 30 T b M pig eo | At a meeting held at Oshawa : | : ¥ | Hy «sane Handicraft Gift Shoppe | BOMBAY (CP) -- Experts in participated was presented. we are prepared to help our-|Ccrew could throw the flaming 0. acco en | The distinguished visitor was|in the Intermediate "A" Lake- |Communist affairs in India be- ieties extended their best i ; ,|sengers panicked and jumped) A d Di Master McNevin and gave ajteams from Napanee, Belleville, Variety of Gifts for your lieve the Soviet Union is having/wishes. The fact that Mr. Vaxtcos Palani beg sae y ote ae coey| overboard. Eleven of them were} tten inner | most 'interesting address. Trenton, Port Hope, Bowman- $ f \ k | z | | The degree was exemplified in 50 2 shopping list The recent shake-up in the *h w i All of Lindsay's games will be or weeks Pp jof the church was seen in the} Mr. Totten reported that the} IT'S UP TO RUSSIA ers and their wives from alll Gegree team and a short busi- say's & | 1626 SIMCOE N. mittee of the Soviet Communist associates of agencies like Ro- : servi j seinel ; Tozer said A schedule will be eas party is being cited in this con-itary Club hn whose pti ny ron adh hye veri American delegates, arriving/attended the annual dinner) pro R, J, Andrews presided|drawn up next week. ' : Fpghalors - for the resumption of three-/meeting of the Durham and) and welcomed the grand master. sacigctanet dle deat 4 aed is a be x hg rg best wishes) replacement. There are now in| amnhasized Sunday that the|Tobacco Growers' Association! of the chapter for the fine Bagghaw bas agreed [0 'sponsor 8 ' Signito the Rev. and Mrs. : : : 4 of Soviet set-backs in the area.|melen in expressing the hope ie 9 i | : : : TONIGHT -- 8 P.M Mos-/that they both may be a blessing! Zeneca "Of the tris od mileage, 60| 820°: Sir Michael Wright, the; More than 270 shared prizes) Lunch was served to the large| ! . lem name and central Asian|to their congregation for years|> . che » ©"| acting British delegate, declined|totalling more than $10,000 do-| sathering which enjoyed the ETTING ____RED BARN perhaps the most important, in} On behalf of the Ministerial wg (ie ers have any new proposal tell-|facturers. ue NIGHTS Association of Wry. Rev G.ltues for the fist 0 month of ine Russians' court." "lyon war George Desteyere, WONDERLAND OF was entrusted with the task of/woations. Several ministers of subsidy projects including de-| MAY POSTPONE TRIAL chairman of the Ontario Flue 1:30 P.M econ St a age to the Mos omg also expressed their! 654. maintenance, $110,851; new|sumption of the Adolf Eich Board, who spoke on the diffi Fora to ae A oe Before Their Time | ; hg eget est wishes. struc 5,590: iscel-| i A s gd tae s ns TUES., NOV. 28 ante fed x Mr. construction, $465,590; miscel-|mann trial may have to be/-oosed tobacco producing} in the Classified Section. It Hen pond ceed Ig agg ot . inov succeeded to an extentina, served several congre- pairs, 'supplies, $44,699; new/plete translations of the tribu- rights. Mr. De Meyere was in- Seco anu td nak itching urination) Backache, Bladder arents Committee A - . be 4 . ts : : ir | Pains due to Kid 4 Bladd' ue pel icuact dane a ---- so far, Oshawa has . large place|cejyable from municipalities, day. Dec. 11 is the date tenta- and thanked by P. G. Newell] ticular Peetion. tm aoe oases Hew improved yi,{in his heart and he has been| 158.496: machinery cost of op-|tively set for reconvening the : ; ping list . . . and tells you | Svitne reliet as en antiseptic in acid impact in Egypt, Iraq -and Centreton, was chairman. where to stretch your holi- te Ae is. ogypt, 1 8nd the upbuilding of His Kingdom. | 939,905, less credits, total ex-| decision, expected to cover 300|. Association secretary H. K. | ton. Get. rer! from druggist today. | REG'T. ASSOC A ' It is hoped that in cig 91,700.) pages. Check the Gift Spotter r So 22 ° A 7 s pas | mors that Mukhitdinov was be-|_ 4. om thi | ; z }guiding hand is seen, the Rev. had exhibited at the Orono} A ing groomed by Khrushchev for 8 N El ti UNITED NATIONS (CP) --|Fair and he urged that more| holiday needs. THURSDAY, NOV. 30 | cow. Middle East newspapers|i0US agencies may serve for 0 ec 10n ping Wai te eh ddirslyt #4 ' . Pires Py : a\years to come to the good of} 7 P.M |spoke of him warmly and 8 At Beaverton | week on the seating of Commu- | Felgisas tenders ity. After the program, pastor| {nist China that is expected to TEA ROOM Then 'the reverse started. and guests enjoyed refreshments; bate is expected to start Thurs "ay i : auxiliary in the basement of the! year, day or Friday. Informed dele- policy in the Middle East has) church J re Diabetic Association Packt hot d Reeve Jon Meee. {| Will keep their seats this year. | Earlier this year there was) ; {But they see a chance of the are holding a a sharp debate between Mos-| |this week and last got quali-| Ley lfications clinched acclamation : | name-calling. Work on the As-| ) poet Bey ae eee oe 42% MORTGAGE IN McLAUGHLIN HALL wan high dam is about a year| BIRTHDAYS board and hydro commission. | Lovely 5-room brick bungalow located in the Cadillac Ave. NOVEMBER 30 | behind schedule and the Egypt-| Acclamations are as_ follows: scoped end decorated. ° Monthly "poyment including texes " if . 31, wner leaving city. | with the Russians for the delay| = a Fi cap | rem Kenzie, Howard Hill, Archie, The speaker will be lin funnelling much-needed aid! "¢nts of Oshawa and district | Veale, 'and newcomer W. J. Gil- Jf SREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER. Brick bungalow -- 3 years old in spotless condition, all large Dr. W. G. Grant : : SUSINESS MENS LUNCH rooms, beautifully decorated, Tiled bath, etc, Hedged and The subject: | The split between Egypt and| birthdays today: school board --George Bowen, | Webs du lelole doten Insulin Re-action | Syria and the consequent break-| Wendy Harris, RR 1, |Owen Bullock, Dr. K. G. Jar-| | GRANDVIEW ST. SOUTH 3) A Pa A A R | public has been hailed by | 1 acre of land with a variety of fruit trees, 11/.-storey 6-roomed Syria's Communists. This is} pt Bis Reynard, 323 | ri Phone fas) + a PTH KeRy B e ry ser NOVEMBER 28th The Soviet Union also has | K j . P.M, | Sh FILL THEM AT | ; / |noble grand of Corinthian Lodge, tizen in three months' time. |all total of 34 accident victims--jcollision near Stratford early sa-| Fred Chamberlain, 20, of @il- for Oshawa Riding: District De-|2 ; lAn exception is the construction! jeaders to oppose Governor Nel- ae tig wartz. | : at Warkworth. It is) his bid for re-election next year,|the forces of reaction," arrived) There were five deaths re-|Kirkfield, killed Saturday night|Charged as he climbed a fence. Deputy Grand) voiced a F | y ppreciation to the three; Warden R. Balton and Mrs.| speakers and said the lodges| onor y | its ' |ganston is completed sometime} FRANKLINVILLE, N.J. (AP)| There were two hunting fatal-| Gordon Grant Hardy, 48, of|!" 8 two-car crash on Highway guests. Approximately 100 lodge| more students next year. | approved the application of 25,-| president Kennedy gave an ex-\hand - hewn coffin holding the|deaths through --_unclassified|with a truck on Highway, killed Saturday when the car read a pamphlet explaining the| the United Nations. The congregation of Hebron! surfacing; primed 90 miles of|the editor of the Soviet news-|killed himself in weird fashion.|Quebec and Alberta. ough; turned on Highway 7 near ment is widespread in the United| the Oshawa delegates the visit-/John VanHarmelen, who com-|of road, graded three miles, in-| teryiewer was Alexei T. Adzhu-jevidently got in the coffin, with traffic deaths bracketed:|r (naon, Ont., Saturday night; Mn to participate. During the evening Howard| Christina Reformed denom-| pavement on development road} | J S,8 COMING EVENTS | closed with lunch in the banquet| mr VanHarmelen was called to| "08d 4, Morganston and 5, Ken-| Peter Smith Watson, 30, of Be-| ARRESTS MISSION Crand Master Plan Exhibition : adoption of a five-year plan for|in nearby Santos, surrendered| night, the French foreign. min-| B d Ti I At the same time Mr. an 690 KING EAST AT a n e 1961, marked the double oc-| position to receive aid for de-|A 15-year-old boy dropped a) with 'surprise and emotion." will be staged at Port Perry) Several committees and soc-| selves. We are now in an excel-| can overboard a number of pas-| lintroduced by Past County|shore League which comprises TUSE., NOV. 28, 8-10 p.m. presidium of the central com- > y tri ee . 'r W ' : four points. Manager John) attendance of many friends and) modern garage at Cobourg willl GpNeVA (AP)--British and|parts of the United Counties! ness mecting was held. / a | costs only 47c WOODVIEW 4 is . : * " t x VanHar-/the counties 330 miles of county) vox+ move is up to the Rus-lat the Legion Hall. a el he team EXTRA BUSES background, was a key official,!t) come A breakdown of road expendi ling reporters: 'The ball is now| Guest speaker for the occa- selling the Soviet brand of| neighboring Christian Reformed velopment roads 4 and 5, $143,-| JERUSALEM (AP) Re- GIFT IDEAS culty of granting farmers in-| There is nothing that can make you Under auspices 17th Brownie % s pies 'a that not only impressed his gations in his period of office) machinery, $28,413: accounts re-|nal's verdict, sources said Sun- } Cramps, Strong, Cloudy Urine, or Rheu- 2 well) ticular person on your shop- tals. He mad 3j of Newcastle. Glen 'Atkins, | jern capitals. He made a sizable! ctrectively used by the Lord in eration, $80,600; gross total, $1,-/court for announcement of its Ueine ROG 57 Semeite; DOH Teer east LADIES' AUXILIARY, ONT, At ti th . Long of Port Hope said this was} at one me tere were Tisiot celebration in which a' ee veryd: fill all yi DEBATE RED CHINA yea Coe ee O NGE TEMPLE a high: ministerial post in Mos- VanHarmelen through the var- ctwihers take tk taki yout.| ads into a historic debate this ae pr. came even from some both congregation and commun- IFTS, HOME BAKING, ; : ; i BEAVERTON -- There will !@st three weeks. The China de- In the last 18 months, Soviet| Which were served by the ladies|be no election in Beaverton this Oshawa and District | , gates believe the Nationalists | encountered a series of defeats.) Cror (as | acclaimed on nomination nigh MEETING 0 a er a cal CELEBRATING | |Communists' being seated next for seats on councill, school area, Living room modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, nicely land- at 8:00 p.m ians are known to be annoyed) Congratulations and best (council --incumbents A. C. Mc-| GOOD FOOD $11,900 FULL PRICE |to the crucial project. who are celebrating their |iecnie' a former village reeve; | fenced lot with shrubs and trees. Low down payment, balance lup of the United Arab Re-| Hampton; Shawn Essex. 65 |gine and Don McCaskell; Com- | HOTEL LANCASTER home. Large living room, full dining room, 3 large bedrooms, }again held to be symptomatic) LEGION HALL | of a cooling off in the relations Phone 723-3474. jnot been faring well in Iraq. | a MEDICAL PHARMACY How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and em- barrass by slipping, dropping or wob- presented by Bro. Weatherley,|ual Assembly of the Bahai's many were settled. Collegiate Institute, the parents} NEW. YORK. (AP)--Secretary Quadros, who quit last August|24 of them killed in highway |turday; |tus, killed Saturday night when Richard Walsh, 27, missing|3 (2), British Columbia 3 (2),| Swartz showed pictures he took/ination 25 years ago. 4 to Morganston, 6 miles; com- BRITON SURRENDERS lted for his zeal and dedication| Mr. Totten urged council to|more than $1,000,000 from the! official mission to Egypt, were Hockey Contests AUDITORIUM : celebrating their silver wedding|t) embark on such a program. | spokesman said news of the ar-|Grand Orange Lodge of British|with the Lindsay Intermediates ing of the Royal Scarlet Chapter) i OPEN HOUSE Canadian Press Corresp nt which all the church groups had) he forthcoming unless we show| Passengers Saturday. Before the last week Lindsay was entered UNTIL PAYDAY? a bad time in the Middle East.|Harmelen is also noted outside "ti ne apatn | drowned. ville, Port Perry and Uxbridge. | poner on Revere: | COBOURG -- Tobacco grow-an impressive manner by the Sandalwood Restaurant nection. The dropping of Nured-!sentativ: | pes ; It ounced th Bruce | sentatives had taken the oppor-'be required will be equipment power nuclear test ban talks,|Northumberland Flue Cured|He also expressed the thanks was annou at NOS. 31-57 Mukhitdinov, with his miles are obsolete for present-|t9 cay if the two Western pow-|nated by merchants and manu-| meeting to the full. strategy in the Middle East. He|pezelman offered his con if grat- Makes Many Feel Old C.R.A. -- GIBB ST. Cured Tobacco Marketing In the initial stages Mukhit- } Te A ; Tae an extent onan VanHarmelen janeous, salaries, wages, re-| postponed until January to com- gives you ideas galore to | Ub Nihts too frequent, burning and troduced by Achiel De Schepper| CYSTEX usually gives quick, joyful day shopping dollars too. the second year the association} $86.00 monthly including toxes. Second avenue and Mar- | mission (one vacancy). | ye modern kitchen, Hot water heating with oil. Double garage CENTRE ST., OSHAWA | between the Kremlin and Nas- |; At the height of Mukhitdinov's| Royal .Canadian Legion, | influence, it appeared that Iraq) Branch 43 would go behind the Iron Cur-| Fancy Work, Socks and Nov- AFTER 5:30 CALL Bill MeFeeters 725-1726 Our Representative will Visit Oshawa on tain. Today, Iraqi Communists elties, Aprons, Children's are on the defensive. | Wear, "Touch ond Take" Country Store, Home Baking, ond Candy Booths Tea Room. Draw for Cedar Chest end Contents, end other prizes, ' with his diplomatic failures. Many Arab statesmen have! recently assailed the Soviet re- | | sumption of nuclear tests. Observers think Mukhitdi- nov's replacement indicates that the Kremlin is displeased | \ 4 bling when you eat, laugh or talk? Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. This alkaline (non-acid) powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No gummy, So0o0ey, pasty taste or feeling. Does not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH today at drug counters everywhere. Henry Stinson 725-0243 "Pzescription Centre of Oshawa" Russ Reeve 725-4840 300 KING ST. WEST PHONE MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. 728-6277 @ FREE CAR DELIVERY FROM9 A.M. TO9P.M. © Don Stradeski 728-8423 DAYTIME 723-2265 SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED 360 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-2265 Thursday, Nov. 30th FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE $ A a

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