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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1961, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Novembér 28, 1961 SPORT OUTDOORS -- By Jack Sords SQUIRRELS Father WHO OFTEN GET Aly AUDIENCE WITH THE STAY-AT- HOMERS, ARE A FAVORITE OF : I ' HUNTERS THIS TIME I 5 OO OF THE YEAR. HERE ARE AFEW ONT Teas VANCOUVER (CP)--Father Dave Bauer says junior hockey players should be allowed to enjoy the game without the win-at-any-cost pressures and long, arduous schedules im- posed by sponsoring profes- sional clubs The 37-year-old priest who last year coached Toronto St. Michael's College Majors to the Memorial Cup said these pres- sures cause players to acquire a reverse set of values. Referring particularly to the top junior leagues, he said the conditions rob many young men lof the opportunity to get aca- demic and vocational training, 'impact on our youth in Canada, } Says Junior Hockey Professional some of his thoughts on junior, "If the player perfects these hockey, he said the game, ifjtechniques which are so pro- played according to the rules,|ductive of great team spirit, he is an artistic sport throug 4s acquired a tremendous self- which a youth, properly di-jdiscipline within the framework rected, can acquire tremendous/of enjoyment in his endeavor.' self-discipline while still having | ORE STUDY TIME a lot of fun. "sag ' his kind of coaching didn't DEMANDS OF PROS so much of the boy's phy- But if this benefit was to be al energy and time that he realized; excessive professional-|ad none left for study ism would have to be removed| Father Bauer said he would from Junior A hockey. like to seé junior hockey played a fi et wh ay ii Small towns across the coun- Because hockey has such an try, with schedules short enough to allow players time for edu- cation and with regulations to prevent stocking teams with players from across the land. that those in| charge would think long and hard about the manner in which it is conducted." it would seem D ave BR qu er a Mary's Blank | St. Mary's extended their un-| The only noticeable change in|\gate was six points ahead of Bucyk, Boston beaten streak to three games,|the National Hockey League's Montreal's Claude Provost) -- $13 |Rangers, leading the league at;}McKenney, Boston 913 jthe start of the week, was lead-/Richard, Montreal ling it at the end with a total;Kélly, Toronto 1 i NHL BIG SEVEN CYO Holy Cross in CYO Pée-Wee dction, Sunday | li night, as they squeaked by Holy end play was a negative one-- vost cut the margin to three,! NE Cross 1-0. Although St. Mary's Gordie Howe dropped ont. Al |had a definite edge in play, the scrappy Holy Cross fonea oe #ame Sunday when De- goal-tending 9° \troit lost to Chicago 4-1, y Danny Beatty, held them off the! well but got no ; -- by the stout scoresheet until laté in the final period. St. Mary's goal came'- when Tony Flontek rifled in) Dermott O'Brién's rebound. St. Gertrude's scored three} unanswered second period goals, | to down St. John's 5-2. St. Ger-| trude's took an early 2-0 lead,} only to have John Hay hit for two goals, to put the Whitby crew back in the game. St. Ger- trude's then put the game out of reach with their last period outburst. Greg Bryant led the St. Gertrude's attack with two goals, with Bob Kennedy, Gord Moore, and David O'Reilly each) collecting one each. The two representatives from (By THE CANADIAN PRESS | of 33 points, on 10 goals and a|Mohns, Boston 8 13 jleagtie-leading 23 assists. Bath-|Prentice, New York 8 13 5 16 HOCKEY PLAYER DIES W HAVEN, Conn. (AP) 7 - year - old high school j|hockey player collapsed whilé | G A Pts.! practising Friday and died be Bathgate, New York 10 23 33 |fore reaching hospital. The vie ports Geoffrion, Montreat #18 34 (High "Schou, tppasenty "ou 7 veoffrion, Montrea i chool, apparent! Andy Bathgate of New York Ingarfield, New Yorkil 11 22 el a heart aiteek. _-- St of top scorers after week-\when the week began, but Pro-| The leaders: Howe, who played his 1,000th| "You can produce good skills! gt, Gregory's, the Lions and the and great players without a lotitjpers, clashed in the final! of games Howie Morenz, Doug}; me of the night. When the Harvey,- Ted Lindsay, Gord) final buzzer had sounded, neith Howe, Syl Apps, Maurice Ri-jer team determined which was chard -- they all offer proof of} superior, as they fought to a 1-1 ithis They were nurtured on'tie. The teams played scoreless very short schedules hockey until the final five min- The junior player should bejutes, when Philip Pultz of the protected in some way from ex-'Tigers scored what looked to be cessive professional interfér-\the winning goal. The Lions ence until he had reached a|then turned on the pressure and ve where he could make a notched the score a minute mature decision on his future, |later, with Dave Mosier doing "Allowed time to develop his;the honors. education along with his game, an Tee Gee 4 NAME RALLY ORGANIZER BELL the young player and his par- ents could then decide intelli- TORONTO (CP) Mames gently whether it was best for) Gunn, president of the Canadian society, himself and the game! Automobile Sport Club, was for him to go on to univer-|named organizer for the second sity, follow some other vocation; annual running of. the Trans or turn to professional hockey.""Canada Rally Sunday. APAIR t D TO RENOVE STRIPS. OF CLOTH ON WHICH THEY SLEPT, HANG THEM ON A LIMB To Al, THEN RETURN THEM TO THE NEST WHEN THE SUN WENT DOWN. IOF SNOW WONT STOP THE SQUIRREL FROM FINDING ITs © BH, KING FRATORES preDtcATE, the. ... and a Happier New Year, too, with an extension phone... Christmas-wrapped by Bell! It means year-round, step-saving convenience. To order = for relatives or friends (or even yourself!) just give us a call = today! neé the the for lean sheet OLD COUNTRY SOCCER LONDON (Reuters)--Results|Charlton 0 Huddersfield 2 of Saturday's Old Country soc-|Leeds 4 Walsall 1 tches Iiverpoo! 5 Swansea 0 Norwich 3 Derby 2 Rotherham 4 Southampton 2 Stoke 3 Newcastle 1 Sunderland 2 Luton 2 Exhibition Matches Bradford 3 Stockport 1 Accrington 1 Portsmouth 2 Bournemouth 2 Notts 1 Swindon 4 Exeter City 0 Southend 1 Colchester 2 inquirt cer m Football Association Cup Second Round 3arnsiey 1 Carlis! Bridgwater T Bristol City 8 Dartford Cheste ld 2 Oldham 2 Oxfor St Stirling 1 Vauxhall Victor De Luxe Sedan, ... LASTING VALUE In background, Vauxhall Vietor Super Sedan ...GREATER COMFORT f lnceezee s Tontrose leaving many no alternative bu : | to pursue a professional hockey} Under complete pro spono} career. jship, major junior teams were Father Bauer, now teaching|Stocked with the best young at St Mark's Roman Catholic players from across the coun- College at the University of try. Financially, it became: es- lBritish Columbia, has severed|Sential to have long schedules i ith simi enarvitinamies =| hie ties "with hockey at least |2nd win-at-any-price attitudes, for this year: ; The schedules were so time- f ake " ' o state|consuming that players had to OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Askéd by @ reporter ¢ jneglect academic education. The emphasis on winning re- ba jsulied in disproportionate con Trish Stun Soccer Hopes, |_SPORTS BRIEPS eam on otpniat tion ' " v and neglect of finer skills, de- MITEFF RETIRES jvelopment of which helped pre- NEW YORK (AP) -- Argen-|duce strength of character in Hold England j 0 ]-] Draw ian Alex Miteff, 26, once a lead-liie individual. heavyweight contender,! Father Bauer said he believes : . ' has quit the ring and taken alin paying more attention to the By?M. McINTYRE HOOD | Grummett Nottingham For- joh with a television and movieltechniques af finesse and les: Bpecis? Lontion; England jest); Angus (Burnley, capt.)/nroducer. He suffered a deep,|tg the board - thumping bodily! Correspondent jand Jones (Middlesbrough), |iong cut requiring 16 stitches in| contact fy ime lery (Fulham), Labonelipeing o ith "N Seoktdee Anon ary ie os ' van 4 , uM TW N€liosing on a fourth-round techni- AI N -- A fighting Irish)\(Everton) and Moore (West\eaj knockout to Ray Batey, 2 bg ene pier Mt by oe peel i ; ge (B ti joo comparative novice, 10 days ago! ain Danny Blanchflower, dealt}Byrne (Crystal Palace), Farm-| ang Jost {ive of seven fights in : eenerng Hon to gr yal er 'Tere F Hi -- ihe last year es of making a strong show-|and Le Flem (Nottingham For . | ing ds the World Cup seriés un-| est) . WILL REMAIN IMPARTIAL | tirely 'rebuilt. 'The irish team| CREAVES CANNOT PLAY | HYANNIS PORT. Mass. (2F)/ : ; " io| .Jimmy Greaves will not be|President Kennedy will a at iginan od be we cnet of he able to play for Tottenham atthe Army-Navy football game) five regular first division Play-)i.act until after Dec. 3, and then|in Philadelphia Dec. 2, the; ers, four men who play on the! ony if the English Leagué ac-|White House announced Friday. | reserve sides of their OWN cepts his r ation. On thati/He will sit on the Army side teams, an amateur and a soar date the Leag Management during the first half of the) keeper dn his first season aS 4 Committee is to hold an investi- game, then shift to the Navy professional. Yet the yd Eng gation of all the dealings be-|side | land could do was to draw 1:1, tween Greaves, Chelsea, Milan | and with a little bit more luck,| - ipea tp 3 fee nai TRIBE SELLS CATCHER a ag and Tottenham. The committee BE SELL the Irish team could have won./a:sciocsed that it had received) CLEVELAND (AP) -- Valmy| AS.a strictly impartial observ. certain information which justi-- Thomas, 32 - year - old relief} er at this crucial match, I could fied a complete inquiry. The catcher, was sold by Cleveland) not help chuckling at the dis- pooipan ation Shas alsolIndians Friday to Jacksonvillé,| comfiture of the sports writers held up ¢ ion new member of the Interna-/ for the national press of Eng-| i coins co thi titional League. Thomas, drafted ted with Spurs, land. They had all predicted) - + ouided voung y the Indians from Rochester] that Ireland would be snowed) oy 43 of International League a ndér, that the English for-|0" {he under, a at fe vestig $ year ago, played in 31 games eras asans, rr a great har-| _ if Cleveland last sé¢dson and vi goals; and one even went) atted .209 8 far as to Say that this inter national, in view of the weak-| néé¢ of the Irish team, was just! a waste of time. After the game they were glum as they tried to figure out excuses for the lamentable showing of the English team PUNCH HAS GONE Nine of the English play were members of England's 2 conquering team of last year The missing two were Jimmy Greaves, still involved in trouble over his return to English foot-| yy ols 2 ball, and Bobby Smith, of Tot-|y,.. ae tenham, who has completely "d 1 Watfo lost the form which made him ithport 4 Mar d United 4 Millwall 3 England's star centre last year. Rochdale 1 Wrexha SCOTTISH LEAGUE No solution has yet been found) siqershot 2 Brentford Division I to ae the geod ge 2 9h Ashford T 0 Queen's Aberdeen 0 Celtic 9 at inside right and centre for-| Chester 0 Morecambe 1 Airdrieonians 2 Falkirk 3 ward. Two new boys were triedicoventry City 1 King's 2 Dundee U 2 Rangers 3 th Palace and Crawford of 1p.\crere Alex. 1 Po Hibernian 1 Dundee 3 wid! Pp \ r wrnoc nfe ne swith Town, Neither of them ey c Work ate K arn} k 2 a rmline 2 could provide the goal-scoring Leen ol 74 » ae ey parc r tet ly munch which has deserted the Northampton 3 Ketterin 0 taith 0 Hearts 1 English side Shrewsbury 3 Brierley Hill Johnstone 0 St. Mirren 3 England's record in home in- Torquay 1 Peterborough 4 Thd Lanark 2 Motherwell 1 terfidtionals this season has been| Weymouth 1 Newport 6 ne Division ll @ dtaw with Wales and now on ENGLISH LEAGUE broath 2 Ayr U2 with Ireland. Scotland tops the Division I Clyde 4 Hast Fife 1 fable with wins over both these|Aston Villa 2 Man City 1 Ce denbeath vs, Queens Pk ppd countries, and even a draw at/Blackburn 0 Fulham 2 I . Albion 2 | Hampden Park next Apri! will Blackpool 1 She daw3 Hamilton 3 Dumbarton 1 wake the Scots the champions Cardiff 9 Ipswich 3 M e 2 Berwick 1 the home countries. But on'Chelsea 4 West. Bromwich 1 Morton 3 F ee 0 the form shown so far, Scotland Man United 1 Burnley 4 Queen of § 2 Alloa #hould come out on top and se- Notts F 0 Bolton 1 tenhousemuir 0 Stranraer 1 an, + aby Fd le season's Sheffield 3 Birmingham 1 IRISH LEAGUE sad failure at Wembley. Ireland Tottenham 1 Leicester 2 City Cu and Wales are both out of the West Ham 3 Everton 1 Bangor 0 nintemink P running for the title, and the wolverhampton 2 Arsenal 3 Cliftonville 1 Portadown 2 - best England could do would be Division it Derry City 4 Distillery 4 to py ye ry and share the Iriehton © Preston 6 Glenavon 0 Crusaders 9 1 ee treme Xe Bristol RO Middlesbrough 2 (Glentoran 1 Ards 9 it vere ' Bury 1 Plymouth 1 Linfield 6 Coleraine 0 it. England will be giving some of its younger prospects a good | tryout in an wtnder-23_ inter- national game with Holland. Al though there are only two new @€aps in the team, there are} ethers who are on the verge of} claiming full international! honors and earning the World Cup trip to Chile. The two new-} ; comers are goalkeeper Peter| Grummett and outside left Dick Le Flem, both from Nottingham} Forést. The full side, which in cludes some young players al- ready favored for the Chile trip, is as follows Victor's lively Power-Thrift4 engine has been redesigned to give you greater power output, with a boosted com- pression ratio, Couple this with the reduced weight of the new Victor--almost 100 pounds lighter than previous Victors--and you'll see why this nimble, economical power plant can move you along effortlessly at highway cruising speeds all day. '62 Victor's Clean Line of Good Design brings you a completely new body-chassis--a single unit of welded steel designed for enduring strength. This unitized body- chassis receives six-Stage chemical anti-rust treatment, and is finished with a new, extra long lasting cellulose /. synthetic enamel. And Victor's classic good looks won't 'date,' will still hold their value at trade-in time! tos : £3 Going home for Christmas? Mage Get tickets and reservations now Plan a dependable train journey. Ask about low week-end fares, group.coach rates, gift travel tickets. Complete redesigning makes the Victor even more coms fortable for '62--with more hiproom, more shoulderroom, d rear. Vv "s wt more c n . ; ¥ lowered to make cornering surer and steadier. Allinall, thenew Victor's designed forcomfort! more headroom both fre base is extended to give y sntre of aravit PHONE -793.4329 ee adian National a Good driving starts with good design~and how well these new Victors keep the promise of lively performance and pleasant motoring implied by their low and lovely lines, their sweeping design-because good design is more than skin deep. In the '62 Victor,every component has been designed for performance and economy-example: in this year's Victor, lubrication points are reduced from 19 to 4, and, after initial 2,000 mile lubrication, chassis lubrication is required only every 12,000 miles! Undoubt- edly, the '62 Victor is a car of rare merit. Drive it very soon. to you...at your VAUXHALL Vauxhal dealer's today! THE TOMMY AMBROSE SHOW" on the CBC TY network on Friday evenings. Check local listings for channel and time, WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO 89-61 Veuxhall Victor Eetate Wagon Discover for yourself what the ° > The British C Clean Line of Good Design means built ond backed by General Motors 4-day treatment $135 One ORNL capsule brings you 12 hours of continuous relief from stuffy nose, weepy eyes, and sinus pressure. f and see THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED \266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 723-4364

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