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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Nov 1961, p. 3

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TO BE HONORED AT OCVI a COMMENCEMENT b | 1 ali PATRICIA WARD MARY THOMAS CLAIRE EN VANDERHEYDEN TIERNEY r *'awarded to students who have} ty HOWARD SWARTZ bits Rei DAVID MACLEOD STELLA KATHERI SCHELL ijnifred Willmot. i i 4 MARGOT MORRIS RONALD DANCEY ARNOTT Pupils Present certificates of the Ontario Den- Fine Recital tal Assistants Association at 8 students of piano, violin, voice;Blue, Stephanie Salmers; Lulla- ceremony in the Royal York and ballet were presented in'by, Marilyn Bryant; Intrata, Hotel Thursday. recital Saturday evening. The/ Marilyn MacDonald. Miss Linda Strange and Miss occasion was the first of three; Grade Il Singing -- Slumber Sendra Clarke received the cer-|Tecitals presented annually by|Song, Joan Stapleton. -- iff duating from the Oshawa and District Branch Grade II Piano--Sailor Tune, Ge sg le A sitane Study| the Ontario Registered|Louise Gilkes; Minuet in G, Course, sponsored by the Acad-|Music Teachers' Association. ay Phage rag a emy of Dentistry last winter,|The recital was held in the con-| a0 e a ene -- Ballade, Mrs. Loretta Parry and Mrs.|cert hall of the McLaughlin ah sei ee chadnaed Sally Davies received 'the cer-|Public Library. A large and), i El b Fe > oe He sit s tificate in honor of many years|appreciative audience was pres- a " eae. ik bee h ope of service as dental assistants.|ent to hear and encourage these ¥ Bs Sei. Sa uth oung; Rondo, Carolyn Ratelle young performers. ie ; Ae - 4 these Grade VI Singing -- Cherry It is hoped that all ini ; A , inves ; Musicians will continue to study a Sweet Ann Sings, president of the Royal College|their instruments so that they|""Grade VI Piano Rondo, of Dental Surgeons. The RCDS may take their places in the\naviq Brishan:; Way Down is the provincial licencing au-|World of music as teachers Of{south Jane Manning; Toccatina, thority with regards to the spears aa Prvucte © ORiiatt Guy, 7 organists and choir masters.| Grade VII Piano -- Prelude in Dental profession Perhaps some will study for a G.P ~ err ees : ? 7 , Peter Groper; Vespers, Chris- The event took place during|bachelor of music degree at the| +}, espers, Chris the annual winter clinic of the universities and return to teach), Academy of Dentistry in the music in the high school. , Royal York Hotel. Mrs. Charles Naylor The certificate qualifies the, chairman for the evening. ment Musical Op. 94 No. 6 women to wear a royal blue) Following is the program: Larry Johnson: Solfegiette, band around their white caps Grade II Piano -- Hornpipe.'Geoffrey Woods: Rondo Op. 59. and also to wear a special pin Peter McLaughlin; Lavender's\No, 1, Carol Weir; Presto. COMING EVENTS ett Grade IX Piano -- Invention Two Part No. 14, Mary Muckle; Whims Op. 12 No. 4 FERNHILL Bingo. tonight at the Ava-/RUMMAGE Sale (also toys) lon at 7.30 p.m. 20 games $6 and $10..CRA, Friday. December 1, Seven $40 jackpots. Door prizes Auspices Oshawa Lionettes Marie Watson. Grade X Piano -- Allemande JR. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Gavotte, Musette, Fred Gra- BINGO ham The recital concluded with THURS., NOV. 30 - 8 P.M. two groups of dances by the 20 games at $20; 5 games pupils of the Harvey Dance Academy. Taking part in at $30; 1 $150 jjackpot; 2 $250 jackpots "Waltz of the Flowers" were Noreen Arnold, Mary Lynn Lee and Sandra Scott. Those taking part in the "'Danse Ballet" were Debbie Douglas, Kathy Kiraly, NUMBERS 53-55 $1.00 admission gives 1 card and prizes Dental Assistants Get Certificates Four Oshawa women received The presentation was made by) | Dr. A. H. Leckie, of Hamilton,| Joan Smith Grade VIII Piano -- Sonata in was|G, Barbara Breckenridge: Mo- at 30 the P.m. 1 Oshawa and District Diabetic Association are holding a MEETING McLAUGHLIN HALL NOVEMBER 30 at 8:00 p.m will be Grant |Lynda Geinsberger and Erno Tiemes. The speaker Dr. W. G The subject Insulin Re-action ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AT PARISH HALL OF CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (MARY AND HILLCROFT STS.) ON WED. NOV. 29, 2:30 P.M.| Under Auspices of Women's Organizations CHRISTMAS BAZAAR CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH FRIDAY, DEC. Ist AT 2:30 P.M Home baking, fancy work, aprons, etc. Chicken-pattie tea. Afternoon 50c. Supper 736. you chance on door BATHE PARK. BINGO Wed., Nov. 29 7:45 P.M.--SHARP ! 20 Regular Games 4 Jackpots Share-The-Wealth BATHE PARK CLUBHOUSE EULALIE STREET KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, NOV. 28th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Sydney McAfee, |International \Teamsters international repre- sentative, Monday afternoon idenied reports that strikebound jeastern division car - hauling .jfirms offered to pay $11 |month per employee at the end of the third year of a company proposed three-year contract, that would form the basis of a jpension fund to be negotiated jas part of the next contract. | More than 800 Teamsters in Ontario and Quebec Sunday night refused to report for work jand set up picket lines around Jackpots Nos. 55 and 54 all car-haulin porsyagt i | - g firms in the TEAM 3 |Local 880 eastern division, in JUBILEE PAVILION a dispute over the Teamsters' en Welfare 7nd OPEN MEETING ie Mele ld the con panies' offer was to set aside $2 a month per employee at the OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT HOME AND SCHOOL COUNCIL jend of the first. year, $4 a jmonth at the end of the second year and $5 a month at the TO DISCUSS THE TEACHING OF ORAL FRENCH IN. THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS end of the third year. The firms proposal was that FRIDAY, DEC. 1, ]961 E. A. LOVELL SCHOOL 8 P.M. Local Brotherhood 880, of monies be set aside in a fund and accordingly credited to the employees. This fund would be a good start for a pension iprogram and it would have funds available to pick up past services, Mr. McAfee said The International Representa- |tive said the strike was called lin potest of the companies') : |the fifth annual Commencement | 4 \8 \English Composition, e Gardynik; Rondo Op. 20 No. F Union Positio Is Clarified aic | | Wayne Conner, Peter Corrigan,,with the plaque for the Student! Wayne Coughlin, Marilyn Cow-|Council President, donated by} ie, Shirley Crawford, Robert|the school principal, J. H. Crosier, Dolina Cummings,|@psey- 2 > | Donna ' Dalles, Reginald or" Crcative Wiiine was Reina Gite oan eee to the following: Win- Bruce Dobie, Douglas Dorsett nifred age real if dhete ; * Int iate usan Robert Douglas, Frances Dunn, rors aang ' + Patricia Ellis, Lars Eriksson,) The Ajax and Pickering Gen- Donald Fairley. jeral Hospital Women's Auxil- Papago tog Heather Bhd mh racing' d Pe $100 was won man, Judi reeman, Teddy|by Shirley Andrew. Galloway, Darleen Gibson, Gale| GRADE 13 AWARDS Gibson, Marleen Gibson, Joy 'The girl student with the high- Gleeson, Janice Godfrey, David) est academic standing in Grade Grisley, Laura Hackney,/13 was Winnifred Willmott and gg? ge byl e the boy with the highest ace. en, vames u ' 'demic standing was Richar Hunter, Judith King, Leonard) Kirby, . | Kirby, Christine Koppens,| Following are the individual) Nancy Lawson, Karen Mann,|Grade 13 subject award win-| Ajax Grade 13 Grads Honored With Prizes AJAX (Staff) -- Almost $5,000 in scholarships and bursaries were awarded to six Grade 13 'students on Friday evening at \Exercises of Ajax High School. There were 18 honor gradu- ates, 34 secondary school diploma winners and 110 inter- mediate certificate winners hon- ored before a capacity filled uditorium in the school. The guest speaker for the eve- ning was Prof. G. Tatham, MA, |Ph.D., Dean of Men of York \University who presented the jhonor graduates with their diplomas. | The Secondary School Honor Graduation Diplomas ar | | | fsuccessfully completed, in ac-| : uy vith the regulations 4 et ihe? Ontario De-|Marcia Marcella, Rhoda Mar-|ners: : partment of Education, the|riott, Roger Marsh, Donna Mar-| English --Winnifred Willmott, leourses of study for Grade 13 in|tin, Catherine Massicotte, Paul|/History -- James Breckenridge; | , : English|Massicotte, Judith McCartney,| Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry Pied ' sanere (vames McGivern, Judith Mc-| and French -- Derek Watchorn; | Literature and six other papers. Gregor, Janice McMabpn,|Triessometry -- Mantred Pape: | HONOR GRADUATES |George Meek, Amanda Meese,|Botany and Zoology -- Edward) Honor graduates were as fol- Jean Milburn, Dennis Morrison,|Duncan; Physics -- David Rap- lows: James Barry, | | Edmund Gary O'Hara, Alvina O'Riley,|sey; Latin -- Richard Kirby. | Duncan, David Fletcher, Rich-;5usan Parker. -- ce | GRADE 12 AWARDS ard Gillard, Bruce Hall, Gary| Harold Prentice, Keith Puck-| The boy with the highest aca- Hill, Brian Hogan, Marie Hux-|Tin, Roy Puckrin, Edward Ran-| demic standing in Grade 12 was ter, Richard Kirby, William/cier, Judith Randall, Jane/Carl Bignell and the girl with) Koppens, Manfred Pape, David|Ravey, Beverley Rayner, Davidithe highest academic standing) Rapsey, James Shearer, Robert Reid, Joycelyn Reid, Paul/was Sharon Bilcox. Each was) Smyth, Brian Thompson, Derek|Robert, Robert Robertson,| presented with plaques. | Watchorn, Mary Wheeler, Win-|Susan Rohertson, Gerald Robin-| Following are the Grade 12 , son, Kay Robinson, Barbara) individual subject plaque win-| Rogers, Janet Ross, Janis| ners: |Ryzek, Mary Simmons, Carol| Yatin, History, French --} Smith, Leone Smith, Cobie/sharon Bilcox; Science | and school to the following Grade 13 Soetens, Nellie Soetens, Colin|\tathematics -- Carl Bignell; students: | Stone, Helen Stone, Graham | Physical Education -- Eric Kar-| William Koppens -- Dominion|romkins, Carole Thompson,|stulovich and Andrea Walker; | Provincial Bursary of $300;|Hando Told, Margaret Tonkin.|Music, Stuart Greer, Adelaide) ames Shearer "Dominion|/Kenneth . Valiquette, Michael! Francey and Glenda Varty; Art| Provincial Bursary of $500 and|Wearing, Michael' Wiggin,|Graham Hunt; Commercial] a Canadian Legion Bursary of Christine Winter, Ann Witchlow, | Subjects -- Carl Moore and In-| $400: Derek Watchorn -- Ontario|J@mes Wright, Ronald Wright] dustrial Arts -- Jerome Paris. | Schslarship of $400 and a Do-|and Eric Yendall. |GRADE 11 AWARDS minion Provincial Bursary of| SPECIAL AWARDS | The plaques for the students $500: Winnifred Willmot -- On-| Three students were awarded|with the highest academic tario Scholarship of $400, IODE|"Ontario Scholar' certificates| standing in Grade 11 were pre- Bursary of $200 and a Univer-|for obtaining an average of at| sented to Faye Collins and Pat- it Bursary of $200: Brian/|least 80 percent on eight papers|rick Colgan Hogan -- Canadian Legion Bur-|of Grade 13 examinations, in-/ GRADE 10 AWARDS sary of $400: Richard Kirby --/cCluding Pnglish Literature, writ-| The plaque for the student Dominion Provincial Bursary of|ten in 1961, | with the highest academic stand- $400, Ontario Scholarship of $500|_ They were: Richard Kirby,jing in Grade 10 was awarded and a St. Michael's College Ad-|Derek Watchorn and Winnifred|to Ann Witchlow. mission Scholarship of $628. Willmott. The plaque for the _ Student A total of 34 students were, The cup for the All-Round) with the highest academic stand- awarded Secondary SchoolGirl, donated by the Student|in Latin went to Gerald Robin- | Graduati siomad ¢| Council, was awarded to Winni-| son. : ee ie teed Wie |GRADE 9 AWARDS This diploma is awarded to a Derek Watchorn was present-| Michael Kent was presented student who has completed suc- ed with the cup for the All-| with the plaque for the student \cessfully, 'n accordance with the, Round Boy, also donated by the|with the highest academic lregulations prescribed by the, Student council. standing in Grade 9. Department of Education for all; The Valedictorian Plaque was Plaques .were «presented to of Ontario, the courses of study| Presented to Richard Kirby andj Judy Bush, Linda Brooklin and \for Grades 11 and 12 in English, | donated by Kelvin Thompson|Penelope Hustler for attaining | The following bursaries, schol- arships and awards were made by organizations outside of the | | | | a of Guy FUNERAL OF | ANDREW RUSSELL BURNS Memorial services were held |from the Armstrong Funeral to| MRS. HARRY HOGENBOOM |Home, Monday, Nov. 27, at 2! 8, 9! In poor health for the past/p.m., for Andrew Russell Burns, | and 10 who successfully com-|year Mrs. Harry Hogenboom,|who died at Oshawa General pleted the courses of study, for) Tyler road, RR 1, Oshawa, died| Hospital, Friday, Nov. 24. their grades on'the recommen-| at the Oshawa General Hospi-| Rev. A. E. Larke, minister of} jcatin of the principal andita) this morning. She was in/Albert Street United Church, | taff. her 55th year. | | INTERMEDIATE WINNERS A daughter of John Smeets| BACKACHE? Following are the students)@nd the late Mrs. Smeets, the] @ who received their intermediate deceased was the former Ger-| ] oartificates: trude Smeets. She was born} eo hot mes Anthony Aldridge, Rand Arm-|Sept. 20, 1907, at Kerkrave, For relief from | backache or that tired-out feeling | s Edependon-- | : nics > ; Company, Ltd. of Ajax. \the highest academic standing lig Rats bya Pome pata ane Perack Gadd was presented| in Grade 9 Home Economics. GENERAL COURSE GRADS | Following are the students who were awarded the general OBITUARIES course graduation diplomas: oar a eee ae MRS. WILLIAM R. CANN |daughter, Miss Jean Thrower of Nicole Boucher, Jennifer Brown | ,2he death occurred suddenly|Toronto; one stepson, Rev. Nl 20ucher, Jennifer brown, y Bae J Robert Cassan, Marilyn Daniels, | 2! the Toronto Western Hospi-|Cattan, of Toronto, and Judith Ellis, Margaret Elrick,|'@! on Monday, Nov. 27, of|brother, George Robinson, Eric Foskett, Adelaide Francey,|Clara Grace Tremaine, widow| Montreal. Terence Gadd, Jo-Anne Gallo-jof the late Dr. William R.| The funeral service will be way, Jo Ann Gorman, William/ Cann. jheld at the W. C. Town Funeral 'Gowans, Stuart Greer, Graham| Mrs. Cann was a staff mem-|qome, Whitby Wednesday Hunt, Rosemary Hunter, Erio|ber of the Central Registry of) Noy. 29, at 1.30 p.m. with the Karstulovich, Lydia Kononow,)Graduate Nurses in Toronto. |Rey. J. McLeod and Rev. E James McCartney, Mac-| The funeral service will be/Hodgson officiating. Interment Naughton, William Miller, Carl)held at the Ross Craig Funeral|will be in Groveside Cemetery Moore, Larry Paquet, Jerome) Home, 1357 Queen street west,|Brooklin. : aris, Ann Rees, Ronald Sloan,| Toronto, at 7.30 p.m. Wednes-| 'rederick Stewart Sandra Stew day, Nov. 29. Interment will be Secondary School Intermediate THUSSEES ROPER: Certificates were awarded 110 students of Grades 7, strong, Steven Ashley, Carof|/Holand, and was married at Ashton, Linda Barrett, Kathryn|Anthoven, Holland, Dec. 24, Barry. Arthur Bourgeois, bara Brennan, Thomas Bre | Judith Buksa, John Caldwell,|. \Dawn Carleton, Carol Carr \Carolyn Carrigan, David | Chomey, James Chomey, Mar-| 'garet Clay, Ronald Cochrane,| Canada for eight years a resident of Oshawa for \five years, Mrs. Hogenboom was a member of St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. Besides her husband and her \father, she is survived by three | daughters, Mrs. F. Belghem }(Anna), of Oshawa; Mrs. W. |Huskens (Gerda), of Kinsale} n */eroned THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 28, 1961 3 Civil Defence | Control Debate | OTTAWA (CP) -- Federal- provincial disagreement over who has control in event of a nuclear attack on Canada re- mained unresolved Monday at the close of a cabinet - level meeting on civil defence. The question of who would have the last word--the provin- cial premier or a federal com- missioner--in a province hit by nuclear bombs and missiles was among the touchiest discussed in the closed meeting. Quebec Attorney General Georges E. Lapalme said that under present arrangements the federal commissioner would have full charge of the province in wartime, "And he may be anybody. He may be a federal civil servant." Defence Minister Harkness said that the 'areas of author- ity are not defined with suffici- ent clarity." This, said Mr. Harkness, would have to be studied fur- her. | | AID FOR TOURISTS Motoring tourists visiting the Republic of Ireland may drive with the driving licence of their jown country, | CITY AND DISTRICT MAYOR ON RADIO Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas delivered the first in a series of radio addresses to the citizens of Oshawa _ over CKLB last night. Her Worship will speak twice each month. In her address last night she invited citizens to send in ques- tions of public interest. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending Nov. 25: ad- missions 241; births (male) 24, (female) 16; discharges 242: newborn discharges (male) 30, (female) 32; major surgery 56; minor surgery 92; eye; ear, nose and throat 43; treatments and examinations 122; casts 13; physiotherapy treatments 434. BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED Rotarians B. S. Edmondson and Reg. Aker were honored | | Fire In Shavings Quickly Quelled "SEVEN WINDS" BUBBING BATH 6-oz, i | | | | Suspend Sentence 28 KING ST. £. 723-4621 In Theft Case An Oshawa youth was given suspended sentence for two years in a theft charge in| Oshawa Magistrate's Court, | Monday. | Christopher Murray MacPher- son, 16, appeared for sentence on a charge of stealing $2 from jthe Dairy Queen on Simcoe} \street. He was on suspended jsentence for the same offence lat the time the theft occurred. | Magistrate F. S. Ebbs said) |there seemed to be lack of| 'parental supervision and order- led the lad to réport to his pro- \bation officer twice each month| and to be off the streets by 10.30 p.m. daily. | i Plan Teen Dance | At Bathe Park | It was announced at the No-| vember meeting of the Bathe | Park Neighborhood Association | fee preparations will soon be} jmade for a skating rink in the \park, The association learned the} een club is having a chap-} dance and party on) at this week's Rotary Club Fire broke out in a wood) wood working shop at the Osh-| VISITORS AT ROTARY The Oshawa Fire Department)/Monday, included William) from a blower used to force] a1 of Oshawa: Dr. Roy Beck-| | the fire was quickly brought id. of Whitby. face of a high ice-cold wind. | | = A family gathering tonight at jhonor City Tax Collector Clar- MEATS at BUEHLER'S PORK HOCKS 4 -.1.00 2»: 1,00 luncheon on the celebration this| shavings shed adjacent to the| awa Missionary College; Mon-| Visitors at the Oshawa Rotary) stated the fire is believed to| Woodcock, Douglas Courtney,| the 'shavings into the shed. | of Montveal and 'Hotannne under control. by the fire fight- jthe home of his father, A. F. jence Cox on his birthday. On Sale! Wed. Only! BY THE BOLOGNA +: 4 «1. SLICED BREAKFAST 29° week of their birthdays. day afternoon luncheon, in Hotel, Genosha on have been caused by a spark) w. Breadcut and Ken Tipney,| lett, No damage was reported and) sutherland and Hugh Macdon- ers who had to work in the} GUEST OF HONOR |Cox, Elgin street east, will) MEATY PIECE SKINLESS 31,00 SLICED PORK LIVER Dec. 26. The park bingo parties are being moved from the Dnipro; Hall to the Bathe Park Club- | house due to unsatisfactory| | attendance. conducted the services. Inter- ment followed in Utica Ceme- jtery Pallbearers were R. Corner, |W. Bitrof, R. Corbman, L.| | Huntington, E. Leask and R.! Byam. Cliff Mills 48-Hour Special -- 1960 BUICK 2-DOOR HARDTOP Dynaflow, Custom Radio, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Whitewalls, Wheel Discs. New car condition. '2495 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651 -- jand Miss Mary Hogenboom, of | | Oshawa and a son, Joseph, of} | Oshawa. | Also surviving are three sis-| attempt to wrest control of the|ters and a brother in Holland Ontario Teamsters Welfare|and seven grandchildren. Fund, a chartered company set| The remains will be at the up by the union to take care;Armstrong Funeral Home for of its membership welfare bene-| high requiem mass in St. Greg fits. OTWF is operated as alory's Church at 10.a.m. Thurs- ritable institution and has a day, Nov. 30. Rt. Rev. Monsig-| ine - member rank and file|nor p Dwyer will sing Atel board of directors and Maan: int t will bet charter members. eee ene were oe o Gregory's Cemetery. He said, in announcing the | strike Sunday night the em-/MRS. THOMAS E. THROWER ployers had thrown the gauntlet; After a prolonged illness, Mrs. by demanding the Teamsters|Bessie Maq Thrower, 407 Kent up -their welfare plan.'street, Whitby, died at the Osh- Talks between the two parties!awa General Hospital, Sunday. broke down Friday. Nov. 26. She was in her 72nd According to the union'year. spokesman, employers said if; The former Bessie May Robin- economic conditions warrant it,;son, she was born in Mountain would probably negotiate/Township and married the late a pension plan in three years.,Thomas Edmund Thrower in at the end of the contract under} 1933 at Toronto. negotiation when talks broke} An active church worker, she down. was a member of the Whitby However, he said, there is no|BaPtist Church, the ladies aid guarantee that a pension plan|of that church and was active would be inaugurated by the/also in church work for the companies in another threc|!emple Baptist Church, Toronto years. He said last year had and a member of 'the Whitby been one of the most profitable|@4rden Club. years on record for the auto} She' is survived by a step- shippite industry and Veen FD mic conditions do not warrant:day afternoon, picket captains a pension scheme now, these completed their shift rosters companies will never be 'able and continued lining their men to afford one, for duty around strikebound At strike headquarters yester- Oshawa shipping yards. give i HEAR AND SEE IN PERSON ... GEORGE VANDEMAN wasuineton, o.c. OF College Park Seventh-Day A message that's forceful -- Dynamic -- Unforgettable ! One of T.V.'s Outstanding Religious Telecasters a new Departure m in Religious "Tt Is Written": i: ONE NIGHT ONLY! Tuesday, Nov. 28 7:30 P.M. Adventist Church 1164 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA

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