1Q THE OSHAWA 7IMES, Wednesday, Novembe. 29, 1961 237 Youngsters In Port Perry Minor Hockey By MRS, CHAS. H. REESOR PORT PERRY -- 'The Minor Hockey Club of Port Perry is quite an active group at the Community Memorial. Arena and every Saturday the rafters ring with excitement and joy as the children gather to receive instructions in hockey from the men of the community who willingly give of their time and assistance. There are 237 youngsters reg- istered this year with the total number of teams being 18. The total number of players in the House League amount to 146 and the total number of All- Star Players reach an all-time high of 91. The House League this year is arranged a little differently and the "Tykes" have been added to accommodate the larg- er number of boys. The House League is made up of: Tykes with four teams with 13 players on each team; Atoms and Pee Wees with four teams with 11 players per team; Ban- tams and Midgets with three teams and 12 players on each team, plus one team of Ban- tams from Blackstock with 14 players on the team. The All-Star teams are made up of: Atoms, with 15 players per team; Pee Wees, two teams with 15 players per team; Mid- gets, 15 players; Juveniles, 14 players. The. hockey schedule. at the moment for the Atom All-Stars is on Friday evening from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. Saturday morning hockey -- midgets and Bantams, 8.00 to 9.30 a.m.; Atoms 10.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.; Tykes, age 6, 7, 8, 11-30 to 12.30. Young Peoples . Group Bowls At Markham By MRS. M. ANNIS BROUGHAM -- The Young People's Group of Brougham United Church enjoyed an eve- ning of bowling at the Markham Plaza Lanes on Friday evening, November 17 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell and boys visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ellicott of Ux- bridge on Sunday | Mr. and Mrs. M. Ellicott and Mr. and Mrs. A. Ellicott visited the Royal Winter Fair on Fri- day, November 17. This was the 33rd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ellicott. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Todd of Goodwood visited with her fa- ther, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Beer on Sunday. Mrs. Ruth Hay is progressing satisfactorily after her opera- tion in the Toronto General Hospital. She expects to be home this week. Donations Climb In Port Perry BETTY CROCKER PIE CRUST AND CAKE MIXES ROSE BRAND MARGARINE NABISCO SHREDDIES SOFT RITE BICK'S SWEET NECTAR (15c OFF DEAL) ANN PAGE CHILI SAUCE More Meat Specials! Schnelder's 12 to 2-ib Squares BOLOGNA :43. Fancy Quality, Sliced PORK LIVER «29. Fancy Quality CHICKEN GIBLETS +19. Vac Pac, Rings Minor Hockey By MRS. CHARLES REESOR PORT PERRY -- The Minor Hockey Campaign for funds was met with a good response and the management is grateful for the assistance. The following donations are acknowledged: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, $10; Rebekah Lodge, $10; IOOF Oddfellows' Lodge, $10; Blue Ray Chapter, Eastern Star, $25; Canadian Legion, No. 419, $50; United Church Service Club, $10; Catholic Women's League, $10; Honeydale's Wom- en's Institute, $25; Local 222 UAW, $50; Prince Albert WA, $10; Fidelity Lodge, $25; Cana- dian H. W. Gossard Co., Ltd., $25; J. J. Gibson, $10; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lake, $20; Mersco 5c. to $1.00 Store, $10; Tripp Construction Co. Ltd. $25; Presbyterian Ladies' Aid, $25 and Canadian Tire Store, $20 Donations of equipment, Ted Jackson, one set of sweaters; Ontario Athletic Commissioner, one set of goal equipment and four dozen hockey sticks Paper Drive Planned By Brougham Cubs By MRS. M. ANNIS BROUGHAM -- The members of Brougham Women's Mission- ary Society met on Thursday, November 16 at the home of Mrs. Howard Plaxton CUB PAPER DRIVE The first Brock - Pickering Cub and Scout troup will be hav- ing another paper drive on De- cember 2. The boys ask that all house- holders please save and have their papers ready The Group Committee decided to hold a dance on December 23 in Brougham Hall. This is to help defray the expenses of the troops. SMALL CENOTAPH BOLTON CENTRE, Que. (CP) A small cenotaph in honor of three local men who died in two world warg has been erected with funds collected in a house- to-house campaign. The monu- ment was unveiled by Mrs. S Cousens and Mrs. E. Fuller, who lost sons in the Second World War, and Mrs. G.: True, whose father was killed in the First World War, POLISH SAUSAGE «65: BEEF SUET +25: PIMENTO LOAF «53: PORK SAUSAGE «49. TOILET TISSUE «2-23: MIXED PICKLES »:.:.4.9 A&P TEA BAGS +074: At A&P you will find all advertised items priced and sold at the... . advertised price . . . never higher ! Reg. pkg 39c--SAVE 90 y ae. Reg. 2 !bs 49e---SAVE 3¢ Aisi 9 5c Reg. pkg 330--SAVE 20 16-0z pkg 31 ¢ Reg. pkg 27e---SAVE 4c KEIFFER DESSERT Reg. 2 tins 39e--SAVE 6e IONA PEARS 3253: KRAFT CRACKER BARREL Reg. 63c--SAVE 4e OLD CHEESE 5% FOR SALADS AND COOKING Reg. btl 91c--SAVE 4e MAZOLA OIL 87: RAP RITE Reg. roll 3ic--SAVE 20 WAX PAPER 100-ft roll 29: FOIL WRAP "59. DIGESTIVE, SHORTCAKE, NICE BISCUITS vex mean Qeeinedh LIDO BISCUITS Reg. pkg 690---SAVE 100 FAMILY MIX 59: Reg. jar 58c--SAVE 4e 18" wide SPECIAL! Reg. bt! 250---SAVE 20 11-fl-oz bottle 2 3 ¢ i i i i i i a Jane Parker Famous FRUIT CAKE » 1%4-LB PIECE | 3-LB RING 5-LB SLAB 139 2.69 4.29 SEA SEALD COD FILLETS 16-0z pkg VIE BOKAR COFFEE SALE 1-Ib bag 3-Ib bag RIB PORTION x _ TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 TO 3/4-LB 3 TO %A-LB .39: | 49. TENDERLOIN tat tom » 55: Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless SIDE BACON Boneless, Trimmed ree P A&P Handles Only Canada's Finest Government Graded and Inspected Meats PORK LOIN SALE RIB HALF LOIN lh 45. CENTRE CUTS « ciors 59, BEEF TONGUES 65:| 1.89 SAVE 4< SAVE 10¢ SREB ERE RRR the regular low price on the Jumbo 10-oz. jar of the Offer fore FREESHE ST ' limited time 5 ane: only! INSTANT COFFEE & $ MONEY CAN BUY! No coupons necessary! Nothing to mail in! Just buy AsP Instant Coffee 10-oz. Jar rb 39 and save... instantly! THIS WEEK FEATURING CHERRY PIE ~49. Reg. 9c -- SAVE 10¢ OVEN FRESH PIE -- AS ONLY Sane Parken CAN BAKE IT! STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE! Fruit & Vegetable Specials at AzP! GRAPEFRUIT = 10°39: No. 1 Grade, Excellent for Juice or Eating, Fancy Grade 5-lb cello bag 49. ORANGES vatencia JANE PARKER ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE "AQ. Reg. 59¢ -- SAVE 100 Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Cold Storage Stock (None Better) APPLES MaNTOSH -- srceiotss 2 Qe SMALL ONIONS »s«-35. nave 49 dane Parker Sliced BREAD Jane Parker GLAZED DONUTS Jane Parker DINNER ROLLS dane Parker Cocoanut BAR COOKIES' Jane Parker Vanilla MACAROON CUPS CRACKED WHEAT Reg, loaf 210--SAVE 7e 2 24-02 loaves 3 Be Reg. pkg 490--SAVE 60 pkg of 12 43: Reg, pkg 19e--SAVE 5e 2 vkasoft2 3 Be Reg. pkg 29e--SAVE 4o 10-02 pkg 2 5c 7-02 pkg 29: Imported, Green, Sweet, No, 1 Grade POTATOES «csc. PEPPERS 4.25: CORN 6-39 DATES croretoris AQ Super Markets A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY Florida Imported, New Crop, Fancy Grade, Yellow California, Fresh, No. 1 Grade All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Sat., Dec. 2nd, 1961 More Savings at A«P! Australian Sultana Reg. pkg 58ce--SAVE 4e WASCO RAISINS **+49. POPPING CORN »+:25: vio 2.AY Hot Shot (Glycol Base) ANTI FREEZE Frozen Food Features! Wheatley Reg. pkg 37e--SAVE 5c FISH STICKS =--- 2:0 69 ONION RINGS 2--»»59: A«P CORN zibnolybae My Se o KRAFT © CHEEZ WHIZ mee for dozens of Fast CHEESE TREATS COME SEE, COME SAVE DURING "THANK varmemnesr YOU WEEK' ail TRS