& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 29, 1961 facouts, Mrs. William ong eg brought a report from;room of the church at 1 p.m.,, president expressed the appre- GROUPS CLUBS Al J XILIARIES sén, for cubs, Mrs. Harry Wil-|the group committee. There will/when a pot luck luncheon will|ciation of the group to Mrs. y liams, Mrs, Linton Farrow, and|be a paper drive on December|be served; an exchange of gifts Cleverdon for opening her home Mrs. Stanley Hicks. \9. The pot luck supper has/and the election of officers for S pening More material is to be bought|been changed to Tuesday, De-|1962. The nominating commit-|for the meeting. for scarfs for Cubs. It was de-|cember 5, tee comprises Mrs, A. R. Gar- cided r~t to have a December| Refreshemtns were served by|rett and Mrs. James McCansh. | meeting. \Mrs. Stanley Painter's Six. It was unanimously agreed School Association. lattendance banner. Mrs. Sargant and Mrs. Har- that the Guild be ib} ra 5: : , | CHRIST CHURCH AFT. GUILD e Gu responsible a | The minutes were read by| Plans were made to have ajrison served lunch. | Shee HD Claverdon open-|for the purchase of storm win- d party and a committee set ; ER up to take care of the arrange-| 18st SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. |ed her home in the Park Lane|dows for the loungeoroom. Sargeant's Rental " om During the meeting, the mem- 725-3338 1 long, thin loaf French bread|ments. It was decided to dis- The November meeting was | spextments for tie mesting last Memorial| bers completed sewing articles Soft butter (not melted) |Pense with both the executive an open one with both fathers|Wednesday of the Afternoon Soft butter and finalized plans for the % cup chopped stuffed olives|and regular meetings in Decem- and mothers attending. Mrs. Guild of Christ bazaar. to be held on Wednes- OSHAWA AJAX WEST HILL f it Frank Gravelle, president, pre-Church. __ (buy the economical jar of) Capt. icbert Sledslewski. and sided. Mrs, Gordon Varnum led' The president, Mrs. George acing day, November 29 at 2.30 p.m. in the parish hall. | THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA BEAUTYREST AND MARSHALL REPAIRS AND OTHER SPRING MATTRESSES COM- PLETELY REBUILT LIKE NEW. -TWO-DAY SERVICE, whiadenst a ee AY -- 728-64 NIGHT -- 723-4131 ONTARIO BEDDING CO. | MITCHELL'S CORNERS H-S |Mrs. Arthur Peeling, and the Mrs. Henry Alstein presided |treasurer's report by Mrs. Mil- at the recent meeting of|ton Fountain. Mr. John Copp's Mitchell's Corners Home andijclass, Grades 5 and 6, won the LET'S HAVE A PARTY Rent Dishes, Cutlery, Punch Bowls, Etc., from ! ' {members were welcomed, Mrs. (or 1 large onion, chopped)|Oshawa Fire Department, gave The yen ba turned over\ Joseph Fetchison and Mrs. up chopped sweet pickles|@ talk on Fire Prevention, along --_ peg -- a Robert Weir eee q |with a film on the same sub- ssisted by Cubs from "A" : rer ygr a a pe and "B" packs led in a sing, 10 +: Mheraragard . del | Salt and pepper if yim. | The speakers were introduced|S0ng. Edward Mack played two Man, 1 tan, ee Soe | i y Fletcher, presided. Two ew green onions, finely sliced Mr. Donald Heard, from the gil cole date 4 ; 3 Mrs. Gordon Summers and} Mrs, I. R. Currie assisted Mrs.| Cleverdon as tea hostesses. The | OPEN AL-ANON | | | | : i Tai » cil Report was read by Mrs. | Saute mushrooms in butter 6)by Mrs. R. J. Lewis and than a 'Brave Tadlon March isetchieon, ry jto 8 minutes, until cooked. jed by Mrs. Arthur Sleeman. Films were shown of church On December 3 at the 11.00 " Cut French loaf carefully in)15th SCOUT MOTHERS AUX.|parades, field days and picnics.|0'clock service the Guild mem- de, wae half, lengthwise, and with a fork! The regular meeting of the|An amusing skit was presented|bers will joiri with the other bd é lremove all the inside part and|45th Scout Mother's Auxiliary|by Scouts Michael Banks, Wil-. Women's organizatio.s in cor-| porate communion. | a "5 MEETING Anyone who feels they |! have a Problem Drinker in |) the home come... COME! | UNION HALL] Wednesday, Nov. 29 | 8:30 Specials: Thursday, Friday, Saturday PUMPKIN PIE tocr 49° HOME MADE COOKIES 4,,,.79¢ REGULAR TOP GRADE FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large vareity. When you need | "HOME-NURSING" | Call a V.0.N. Nurse | 725-2211 | "Home-Nursing Care fer EVERYONE" : ' i ee of? "A f PATAFLA, STUFFED FRENCH LOA jrub to crumbs. Spread soft| was held at Albert Street United|liam Crouter, Wilson Mapple-; The next meeting, December | . 3 . | : Christmas was made to the Cub \chopped olives, onions, pickles) Reports were given by the|packs and the Scouts by Mrs. of get-togethers with friends and\and fine for snacktime, too.|be moist enough to cohere, but)Street Church for the och an Pee eg Mlcengh dette is of the good conversation and|Friends on reducing diets will/not wet. tion of fancy cups and saucers. : eee what to serve _when it's your'the day before the party, then turn to entertain all you'll have to do is slice wrap them together in waxed|new officers as follows: _ paper (leaving ends of the paper President, Mrs. Ray Harrison: open) and place in refrigerator.|vice president, Mrs. Leonard Let stand several hours or over-|Fowler; secretary, Mrs. Wilfred butter over the inside of the Church. Mrs. Ray Harrison pre-|beck, Randy Love, Robert! crusty broad shell. jsided. Roll call showed 9)Williamson and Ted Arnold. 13, will be held in the lounge nir uce a ate 0 ata a To crumbs add cooked mush-|members present and two new| presentation of cheques for lrooms and liquid in pan,|members. | F T 7 P. rly S Ip land tomatoes. Mix well, andjsecretary Mrs. Arthur Sargant,/nejbert Kirkpatri } Or da asty a u rise jseason to taste. If necessaryjand treasurer Mrs. A. G. Sud-| John Gola -- = Most homemakers look for-|for serving to mixed company|add a little melted butter tojdard. A letter of thanks was) ward to December as a time at a meee or cocktail party, |moisten. Crumb mixture should\read from the WA of Albert| Mrs. George Floody read the tempting tid-bits that accom-|bless you for serving something) Now, pack the mixture into| Mrs. Edward Simmons, pation: els age a ee pany such get-togethers. As the like this that has more filling/the two halves of the crust,|president of council installed the)" 5" ""'*: "PIOP" AI festive season approaches, the! and less bread than sandwiches search is on for new ideas ofjhave. Plan to prepare patafla Patafla, Mediterranean in ori-|and serve. night, before serving. Cut slices|Hubbard; treasurer, Mrs. gin, consists of a crusty loaf PATAFLA about % inch thick and cutiCharles Cowle; sick conv. and stuffed with a gay and gustable|2 filling. It is particularly suitable pints (1 pound) mushrooms, |each slice in half (where crust |press reported, Mrs. Arthur) sliced 'has been previously cut). 'Sargant; phone convener, for) BUEHL DISCOUNT PRICES! ° CONTINUES Meat Specials! On Sale THURS., FRI., SAT. norarast BACON 21.00 BREAKFAST BONELESS C Ib. STEAK! nrounp steax 49: and ROAST RUMP ROAST 4g- Boneless POT ROAST PORK SHOULDER 'vi nor 49° 79: COTTAGE ROLLS" Tender WING STEAK MILK-FED VEAL BACON ROASTS @ LEG = RUMP SQUARES uw. 29° @ SIRLOIN u. 59¢ SLICED CUBED VEAL OR BEEF LIVER u. O9F SHOULDER CHOPS FRESH 69° LB. BEEF HEARTS LOIN and u. 29° RIB CHOPS COMPARE AT S5c! -- HEREFORD 12-0Z. Corned Beef COMPARE AT 57c! -- FANCY (14's) Sockeye Salmon Ib. COMPARE AT 53c! -- SUNSPUN 24-0Z, Salad Dressing 49: HEADLINES IN OUR LOOK WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY! (4-Ibs.) Bologna (By-Piece) (3-Ibs.) WIENERS (4-Ibs.) SAUSAGE MEAT Buy 4-Ibs. for 1.00 and get 4-Ibs. FREE ! (2-Ibs.) Shoulder Pork Chops (2-Ibs.) Sliced Side Pork (3-Ibs) Veal Patties (4-Ibs.) Pork Liver, Sliced or Piece (4--1-Ib. Pkgs.) Schneider's Shortening 00 Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 4D gay as, QQ. FREEZER SPECIAL | SIDE OF BEEF Cut and Wrapped COMPARE AT 73c! LARGE SIZE @ BABY POWDER COMPARE AT 75c!--CARAVAN @® BLUE BLADES COMPARE AT 67c! -- 9: Price! EACH a eee eae MILD CURED, 1-LB. PKG. RINDLESS c Bacon » O/° | Bologna 4» : TASTY--SKINLESS C Sausages* 39 COMPARE AT 2 for 39c PRODUCE DEPARTMENT KLEENEX ror-up 49 COMPARE AT 2 for 37c @ Mushroom @ Consomme @ 49 FRESH IMPORTED Broccoli ma. 25. APPLE SAUCE COMPARE AT 55c !-----5-LB. BAG COMPARE AT 33c i SAVE-ALL WEX PAPER WALKER'S SALTINES 2 «49. COMPARE AT 2 FOR 29c !-- COMPARE AT 2 FOR 27c !--AYLMER TEA BAGS VEGETABLE SOUP =. 4. =: 49. 4 rx 4Y. @ BRYLCREEM @ PLAYING CARDS @® CREST GIANT MEATY, WITH OR WITHOUT t+) 1] K PURE PORK, MILD SEASONED -- ; 5 Wieners 3™°L NIBLETS CORN SELECTED CAMPBELL Chicken Noodle GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR COMPARE AT 29c !----KELLOGG'S COMPARE AT 2 FOR 33c -- RICH BROWN CLARK'S WHITE CROSS TISSUE 4 COMPARE AT 2 FOR 29c !--AMERICA DRY $] COMPARE AT 31c !--MISS CANADA sad Pag: 49. BLUEBERRIES y J 49 BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOOD -- Mix 'Em or Match 'Em Green Peas e Whole Kernel Corn e Spinach SPROULE'S UPER SAVE corner or KING a1 RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA 15-0Z, TINS COMPARE AT 75¢!--JOHNSON'S LARGE SIZE COMPARE AT 69c!l--10 PACK GILLETTE SUPER Discount RESSING -- POR FRESH, TASTY, BY-THE-PIECE S TRAY PACK COMPARE AT 2 for 63c Bananas 2 » 29. SOUPS COMPARE AT 2 for 35c BRIGHT'S "K" or CORN FLAKES 2 «=49. COMPARE AT 57¢!--200 FOOT ROLL CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 4°: 49. COMPARE AT 59c !--SUPER SAVE GINGER ALE ANY OF THE ABOVE FOR ONLY... 12-02. PKGS. LAST WEEK'S WINNERS OF 6 BROILER TURKEYS! MRS. A. SMITH, 421 Ritson Rd. N., Oshowe "IRENE MULLEN, 193 Bloor St., Oshawa MRS, E. BROOKS, 620 Richmond St. E., Oshawa LORNE CURRY, 589 Richmond St E., Oshawa MRS, W. PIPHER, 142 Patricia Ave., Oshawa MRS. M, MacDONALD, 446 Athol St. East, Oshawa unt