Monday, November 27 with 12 members present. They discussed the forming of the United Church Women. It was decided to buy a Christ- 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, December 2, 1961 cee District Delegate Outlines Trip To We-Need-You Club Discuss New Merge (Enniskillen CGLT. Evening WA j | 4 ¢ ae NEEDLEPOINT DOCTOR Dr. Walter F. Copp, a Lon- don, Ont., physician, took first | ptize in the petit-point needle- ers, contained 72,000 stitches and took 400 hours to com- plete. new design which contains 75 Dr. Copp works on a work class at the Canadian |colors and has so far occupied National Exhibition, His win- | ning entry, a bouquet of flow- | 273 hours. colors and has so far occupied --(CP) Photo Plaque Show At Burketon Church MRS. A. R. HUBBARD jwhen we had Mr. and Mrs. BURKETON -- Mr. and Mrs.|Binstead of Claremont was our Crosier visited Mrs. W. S. Tay- M L. R. Argue attended a Union| special guests meeting in Peterborough on Saturday. a few days with Mr. Hoskins. Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Larmer| Oshawa, I. usc attended the Avery and English'ald, Toronto, were Sunday|in the chancery division has leaders A number of CGIT girls and ¢ vesper| ry Mr. Lloyd Sling erland,/service at King Street United) Niagara - on - hte - Lake, spent}Church in Oshawa on Sunda Chester! evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. William MacDon- attended the Fred Harding wedding in Lindsay on Saturday) guests of Mrs. Greta Bailey. 'evening. The CGIT will meet in the|matic drills used on building) At Church Service By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFINjited her parents Mr. and Mrs. ENNISKILLEN -- Mr. and/A. L. Wearn, recently. Mrs. George Irwin and Rodney, | Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reid, Master Jamie Robson, were|Harold, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs, Sunday callers at Ernest Irwin's| Allan Warren and Randy, To- Mrs. Milton Justus and Tommy/ronton, Miss Joyce Reid, Ajax, Smith's, Bobcaygeon. 'were weekend and Sunday vis- Miss Nancy Wood, Gates|itors at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mills, Ohio, spent a few days) Reid's. with her grandparents Mr. and| Eight members of our CGIT, Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and|group and leader aitended the ' |Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin,/annual Oshawa Presbytery Ves- yl /Toronto, were Sunday visitors|per Service in King St. United Port Perry WI By MRS, CHARLES REESOR) PORT PERRY -- The Honey-| dale Women's Institute held the -- meeting in the Parish all, We were pleased to welcome Mrs, Cavanagh of the Sowerby Institute, near Sault Ste, Marie. The District Delegate, Mrs, Wm. Moase, gave a resume of the Central Area Convention, held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, November 1-3rd. Mrs, Earl Bryant gave a brief account of the presentation of the Honeydale prizes in Home Economics, at the High School Commencement held in Novem- ber. The winners were Miss Iva Kiezebrink and Miss Marion Couch. A letter of appreciation was read from a_ sister WI in England, thanking the Honey- dale Branch, for the gift of a cup and saucer, and a silver teaspoon, which was sent to their WI recently. In conjunction with 4H club work, Mrs. Allen Martyn and Mrs. Jim Carnochan spent two days in Toronto recently, guests of the Department of Agricul- ture. Activities included attending the Royal Winter Fair, and a jwih their parents. Church, on Sunday evening. Our Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry,|local CGIT Vesper and Candle Mrs. Allan Werry,/lighting Service will be Dec. 17. Sandra, Sharon and James vis-| Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dalton, ted with Mr. and Mrs. E. A.|/Ottawa; Mr. E.: Dalton, East Werry recently. |Templeton, Quebss, were week- Miss Lorna Wearn, nurse atjend visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Branson Hospital, Toronto, vis-iO. C, Ashton's. 'White Gift | Audley Pupil White Gift Audley Pupils | Receive Ajax School Honors M anchester MRS. FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY S the com- mencement exercises at Ajax By MRS. W. CROSIER High School on Friday yal MANCHESTER -- On Thurs-|David Rapsey received his sec- day afternoon, Dec. 7, the/ondary school honor graduation Manchester Woman's Associa-\diploma (Grade 13). David is tion will meet in the schooljattending York University, To- room of the. church for its| ronto. Christmas party. There will be} The following received their an exchange of gifts. ;secondary school intermediate Sunday, Dec. 3, will be White| Certificates (Grade 10): Marilyn Gift Sunday at church here, |Cowie, Renne Desautels, Keith Sympathy is extended to the|Puckrin, Roy Puckrin, and family of the late George Till,|Helen Stone. : Greenbank. | The ng "-- eo its annual i . |meeting this Saturday evening Mrs. Jo. Bain was in Toronto)'. "the school, in the form of a last Wednesday. |box social. -| Mrs. Grant Christie and Mrs.| Friends of Mr. Lorne Saun- ! ders are pleased. to hear that he |lor, Stouffville, last Wednesday. |i; making a rapid recovery Anyone holding tickets on thelafter suffering - two slight ospital Aux money dolls'strokes on November 18. should turn them in by Dec. 7.| Sympathy of this community sR is extended to the family of Mr. Ev. Bryant who passed away on Friday last. Also to the family of Mr. I. lissued an order silencing pneu-| McLean of Greenwood who died {suddenly on Saturday evening. JUDGE ORDERS SILENCE "| LONDON -- Mr. Justice Cross Mr. Archie Wineyard, Toron-|church hall on Tuesday eve-|projects on a city site. An in-| to, was a weekend guest of Mr./ning at 7 p.m., Dec. 5. and Mrs. Russell Fowler. family, Tweed, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus| demonstration Ashton. | Our church was fairly well attended on Sunday morning Woodward In As Bowmanville Legion Prexy By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- Branch) 178 of the Royal Canadian Leg-| fon held their election of officers) on Sunday afternoon at the Leg- fon Hall. President James Woodward was re-elected presi- dent for 1962. | Zone Commander Ab Mavin presided for the election. | Other officers will be: first vice-president, Edward Sheehan; second vice-president Glen Vir- tue; secretary, Ronaki Richards; | treasurer, George Thrasher; | chaplain, John Living; sergeant- at-arms Jack Knight. The trus- tees were elected by acclama- tion: Douglas Walton, Kent Fer- guson, Peter Bathgate, Don Cameron, Arthur Sheehan, James Firth, Dan Dudley and) Ernest Perfect. | Sunday Change| In Brooklin Nursery Service By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN -- The new Nurs- ery service will-commence next Sunday morning following the dismissal of Sunday School. Parents with infants desirous of attending the 11 a.m. worship at Brooklin United Church are requested to bring their chil- aren to the Christian Education Hall at 10.55 a.m. where ar- rangements will be made for their care during service. BAZAAR AND TEA The Womar's Association of| Brooklin United Church will hold its annual Bazaar and Afternoon Tea, on Saturday, December 2 at 2.30 p.m. in the Christian Education Hall. ' Mrs. J. H. McKinley will offi- ciate at opening ceremony. Pro-| ceeds will be used for the work) of the church. | Orono Baptism -- For 1] Children By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- Last Sunday morn-} ing at the Orono United Church, | eleven children were baptised. | Rev. Basil E. Long performed! the act of faith in this service | The babies were: Alan Eliott) Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Charles Armstrong; Barbara} Ann Gustar, Kathleen Marie) Gustar and Thomas William| George Gustar children of Mr and Mrs. Bruce Gustar. | Kathie Marie Lycett, daughter) of Mr. and Mrs. Kay Lycette; | Edward Richard Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morton; Matthew Perry Robinson, son/ of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robin-| son; Diane Marie Shetler, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shetler; Chrisina Antonia Stars- bergen, daughter of Mr. and| Mrs. Starsbergen; Nicholas Fer- dinant VanSegglen, son of Mr. and Mrs. VanSeggelen; Janice Kim Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wood. jjunction was granted when com-| ANCIENT AREA On Wednesday evening at 8|plaints said the noise of the| Przemysl in southeast Poland, | Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and/p:m., Dec. 6, in the church hall,|drills made life intolerable and historic were Sunday the CGIT is sponsoring a plaque|work impossible in adjoining of-|have been founded as early as trading centre, may 'fice blocks. the' 8th century. |the Town and Country. : | The December meeting will |be held Thursday, December 7th 4-H Leader's Luncheon held at) | at p.m. in the Anglican Parish Hall, Mrs, Jim Carno- chan's group in charge. SAVING WOOD SEOUL, South Korea (Reut- ers)--In its campaign to pre- serve the nation's forests the government of South Korea has ordered a halt in production o' chopsticks and railroad ties. | |] PREPARE YOURSELF NOW | FOR AN UNLIMITED FUTURE IN BUSINESS } WINTER TERM BEGINS | JAN. 2nd, 1962 || Eight Day School Courses _ from which to choose: Clerk Typist, |] Stenographic, Special Grade Junior Secretarial, Private \f arial, Junior Accountant, _ Senior tion. OPEN ALL YEAR: itudent's may start any Mondey. FREE LITERATURE AVAILABLE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Howard WN? Willson, Principal || 10 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 725-3375 Holds Meeting By MAY E. BROWN _GREENWCOD The Eve- ning Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Wm. §. Pegg on Wednesday. Following the worship period, the min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved. Other re- ports were given including one TO ATTEMPT RECORD LONDON (Reuters) -- Don- ald Campbell, holder of the world water speed record, an- nounced Wednesday he will make an attempt on the land record in Australia next May in his rebuilt Bluebird. He will make the attempt on the 19- mile-long salt bed of Lake Eyre, south Australia. PICK TOP MARE NEW YORK (AP)--Six-year- old Airmans Guide, overcoming ailments in the last two years which would have sidelined many a horse, Wednesday was named the champion handicap filly and mare of 1961 by the Thoroughbred Racing Associa- tion's board of selection. This year she won seven of her 10 starts, earning $239,551. By MRS. HARRY. FREEMAN MAPLE GROVE -- The Maple Grove Home and School Associa- tion held a tea and bazaar at recently held in Albert Street/the Maple Grove school on Nov. United Church in Oshawa. oy Plans were discussed for hav- @ We-Need-You-Circle neld ing an evening of slides to be their November meeting at the of the Presbytery WA meeting, mas gift for Mrs. Cunningham who is still a patient in Bowman- ville Hospital . HEAT-RESISTANT To measure temperatures as given by David Pegg. The host- home of Mrs. Neil Brownel on are used. high as 3,600 degrees, thermo- couples made of iridium alloys ess cerved a dainty lunch at the close of the meeting. The Provisional Committees of the Mt. Zion, Kinsale, Green- wood Women's Associations and the Greenwond Circuit WMS Auxiliary met in the Greenwood Church on Tuesday afternoon with Rev. T H. Fleetham as chairman. Plans were discussed for the new United Church Women's Organization, which will be inaugurated in January, 1962. They hope to tact all Spent HEAR... CONVERTED PRIEST REV. HENRY G. ADAMS EX-MONK (formerly Fr. Halarion of Basilian order) 12 yeors in @ Monastery --- NOW -- Director of the licel Mission of C the women in the three com- munities and give them the opportunity to become a part of this new organization. The Afternoon Women's Asso- ciation met at the church on [Thursday afternoon, After the worship service, plans were jmade for the annual bazaar to jbe held on Saturday, Nov. 18, jin the church Sunday School jroom. A small quilt was also priests Sunday, 480 RITSON ROAD SOUTH d Monks and Priests, Editor, December 3rd 11:00 A.M.--UKRANIAN 7:00 P.M.--ENGLISH Ritson Road Baptist Church OSHAWA, ONTARIO quilted in the afternoon. | Housewives of Oshawa Is Your Home Equipped With ADEQUATE lh 68 To Handle ALL THE NEW ELECTRICAL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES You'd Like To Inste! ? ? Overload Danger! Do electrical fuses blow out often? This can only mean your home has inadequate wiring. Don't put up with this danger ! You Can Make Changes and Additions in Your House Wiring and Pay For it in Easy Instal- ments on Your Hydro Bill! ! Simply call your Electrical Contractor listed here and ask him to write up a contract (On a form he will supply) for the work you need, for changes and additions to wiring. He will send the contract to the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission who will ap- prove the financing .. . and the job then proceeds. electrical bill. All this is d er, or tiresome waiting. When the wiring. changes and additions are com- pleted, the elecirical contractor will be paid imme- diately and you simply pay the Oshawa Public Utili- ties Commission the small charge shown on your lone with no fuss, no both- CALL ANY OF THESE OSHAWA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS TODAY! ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC DUSUREALT, FRED HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC PARKER ELECTRIC TOWNSEND ELECTRIC Ph: Ph: Ph: Ph; Ph: 723-9363 725-1354 723-2248 728-8621 723-2343 COOK'S ELECTRIC EASTERN ELECTRIC SHARP ELECTRIC STIRE, LEN TOZER ELECTRIC Ph: Ph: Ph: Ph: Ph: 725-6109 723-4691 728-8214 125-2657 728-4611 MODERN LIVING ... ts LIVING ELECTRICALLY !! Oshawa Public Utilities Commission -HENRY F, BALD IN, Chairman GEORGE F. SHREVE, General Manager VE How many times have we walked to church In the snow together ... and in I don't think we "ve ever stayed home on a Sunday because the rain... and in all kinds of weather? we were afraid we might get our feet wet. To me, this would be like answering a make it unless the sun were shining. The Church, after all is God's House, and in it I've always felt that I was both a member of the household, and an invited guest. dinner invitation by saying you couldn't the building of ct THE CHURCH FOR ALL ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values, Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can sur- vive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They aie: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to In this House, you and I have found not only a deeper under- standing of each other, but the ability to be tolerant of faults, to forgive and forget smaller angers, and -- most important of all -- to resolve to try again tomorrow. And this is but a small part of all the Church has given us, and of all that it stands ready to give everyone, everywhere. go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Day Sunday Monday ~ Tuesday 'Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Book Luke Isaiah Romans Romans Galatians Galatians Ephesians Chapter = Veres 15-24 19 3-13 14-21 15 610 13-22 Copyright 1961, Keister Ady. Service, Inc., Strasburg, Va. THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King St. E. LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING 725-1044 758 Mary St. TAYLOR SERVICE STATION 728-2622 461 Park Road South A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 725-1764 1016 King St. E. NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING 725-3715 52 Wayne Ave. ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE 723-7242 Courtice MA 3-3553 Bowmanville N. H. EDGAR & SON LTD. PAINT AND WALLPAPER 723-7351 34 King West DIXON'S The Robert Dixon Co. Limited FUEL OIL--OIL BURNERS--SERVICE 313 Albert St. Phone 723-4663 A. HEFFERING'S ESSO 725-9892 No, 2 Hwy. & Thickson's Rd. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 723-7822 67 King St. W. HARRY A. DICKISON BUILDING CONTRACTOR 238 Edward St. 725-8213 L starrogih BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby MATT GIMPELJ UPHOLSTERY CO. Reupholstering & Remodelling 77 Celina St. 728-5342 BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 725-4704 463 Ritson Rd. N, MASTER FEEDS 54 Church St, 723-2229 HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 728-6221 534 Ritson Rd, $. JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res. MO 8-5285 . Store: MO 8-3324 124 Dundas W., Whitby WHITBY CLEANERS 150 Colborne St. E., Whitby MO 8-2345 OSHAWA NATURAL STONE Natural Stone Veneer for Home Remodelling 728-1022 163 King West OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL 725-0232 877 King St. E ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities