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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Dec 1961, p. 22

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{following their car accident last! week, Mr. Wm. Bunting of St. Wil-| liams visited in town one day last week. Mrs, Chas Hunter, Lakefield, pent a recent weekend with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Cowan. Professor and Mrs. Thompson/| of Princeton, New Jersey,} Orono Church Plans Pageant By MRS. KEN GAMSBY A buffet supper was served visited on Sunday with Mr. and ORONO -- The Orono Unitedjio fifty-five of the immediate \y+< Arnold Wallace. Professor Church Sunday School are to/relatives and friends. and Mrs. Thompson were former present a Pageant "The Four The bride's matron of honor, ;cidents of Orono Paths to Bethlehem" on Satur- Mrs. Austin Turner, Neweastle,, 4 number from the Orono day evening, December 23rd at) sister of the bride of 25 years Badminton Club attended a Bad-) 7.30 o'clock in the sanctuary of|ago and also the best man, Mr.|minton Clinic held in Peterbo- the church. Delbert Hallowell of Toronto rough on Sunday afternoon The early part of the program) were present Two car loads of Rebekah's will be in charge of Mrs. D.| The Dining room table was yjsited Beehive Lodge, Bowman- Powell with the Kindergarten de- tastefully decorated: with white yijie, on the occasion of their partment, some 4 strong, and|mums, silver candelabra's with 49¢h birthday. Miss Marilyn Cobbledick, the|tall white and silver tapers, - Primary wpper inet with about pe ge Wiggs son pom REDS OPPRESS CHURCH same number rated "ler ml inte SATANIC Mae cars for the Pageant which was made by the bride's UNITED NATIONS (AP) will be trained and conducted sister, Mrs. Chas. Hunter, Lake- The United Nations special rep- by our Organist and Choirmas- field resentative on Hungary charged ter Mr. Hayek ; sik pero beige pagent Monday that the country's com- ! 4 effort is being put address when a gilt 0 ¥ J nO For Becton in ig aay of silver was presented by munist sbi casas 04s ; stepping up of vocal training, speech train- Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. its campaign. against the Ro- ing, costuming and lighting. Dooley man Catholic Church, In a re- | A carving set, to match the port to the General Assembly, MAKE DECORATIONS \silyer-ware was then presented Sir Leslie Munro of New Zea- The making of Christmas de-'yn behalf of the couple's three land said that in the last yearjing area as the present dump corations held the interest of|children, who were with them there have been mass arrests 0 would not continue for too many some 40 members of the Orono|on this very happy occasion, priests and laymen connected more years Mission Band on Monday after- potty Ann (Mrs. James Hut- with the church in Hungary ' The Village could find itself noon of last week. The members |chinson) Mary Lou and Douglas, - - ------ --------------___--_------ designed the decorations using'aiso the one and only grand- bristol board, wax and crepe child, Scott Hutchinson, all of| papers Toronto It is expected that the Leskard) irs, Arthur Dooley, nee Olive Mission Band will be the guests Cowan, is the daughter of Mrs. of the Orono group in the near! Cowan, Orono, and the late Mr. future, which will be an event! \ijjiam Cowan. looked forward to Guests were present from To- A happy event took place last ;onto, Lakefield, Bowmanville, weekend when Mr. and Mrs. Orono and Newcastle. Arthur. Dooley, Toronto, cele- brated their twenty-fifth Wed-|/ PERSONALS ding Anniversary at the home Miss Arlene Neal has returned of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence;home from Bowmanville Hospi- Hooey. tal, also Mr. Hartwell Lowery, FORMED IN 1936 Bay Yacht Club Has Award Night By MRS. E. FERTILE phy and Ross Fertile received FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- The a trophy for placing second Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club). Ran Playford also received annual banquet was held atithe Corby trophy for Annual Andrew's Restaurant recently. |Competition at Oshawa Yacht Trophies went to Tom Simpson |Club and this trophy was pre- who was first in the June series\sented by Art Bryant of Osh- of Blue Jay races and Tom! awa, : : | Tomblin, Jr, second. The Labatt Trophy was won this year by Ron Playford with Miss Maureen McCleery as crew Miss McCleery received a trophy also for best crew mem- ber. A miniature of the Labatt trophy was presented to John Herda, who won the 1960 series Michael McInerney placed sec- Orono Si By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- About eighteen attended the annual nomination meeting held in the Orono Com- munity Centre when the four were nominated recently. R. C. Forrester first reported and reviewed the financial state- ment of the Village in which a balance of $340 is expected to exist at the end of the year In the receipts $815 was shown for fire attendance fees and agreements with some 115 resi- dents outside the Village. Garbage receipts were up over last year and a_ small ™ surplus is expected in this de- partment The sum of $1709.22 was re- ceived by the Trustees through the winter works program, im- proving the street lighting system in the Village which was fast becoming antiquated He also felt that the Board should be seeking a new dump- The guest speaker for the evening was Eric Blenkarn Sr. Mr. Blenkarn was one of the original members of the French- amn's Bay Yacht Club when it was formed in 1936. It during the winter of 1936-37 that a group of would-be sailors got together and decided to build) ond in the summer series, and/2 fleet of Moths. | Len Canham third. These were depression years} The Pickering Township Tro-\and it was difficult to scrape! phy was presented to Pat up enough money for a boat-\@ Shewan by Reeve Sherman building project. Scott. The Roger Conant trophy! They now have a fleet of was won by Doug Robinson for approximately 30 Blue Jays and open class racing. several more are being built @ This trophy was presented by this winter. Mr. Blenkarn also| § Roger Conant and received by spoke on "How sailing began" John Herda for Doug Robinson|and went back to the times of! @ GIFTS OF EVERY KIND Everything needed for taking good pictures. Movie ca Projector Mill Rate Delays dewalks in an embarrasing position if it was without a disposal area. | He pointed to the possibility) of Highwzy 115 being a four- lane highway and felt that if this is to be, that the Village should be seeking an improve- ment of its entrances and one} |which -would tie in with future | development He pointed out that the En- gineers had felt that the Village should expand east of the High-) way and if this was so an under or over-pass could service this Village He said that the Trustees had made a move to finding out what could be done if the high- way is to be developed to four lanes, SET TAX LEVY The chairman of the present Board said that it had always {been mentioned that industry was desirable in connection with the water system at the south of the Village, tree removal and 'also for repairs to the Fire Hall jroof. for, for. the Orono Communit jtaxlevy for 1961 will amount to | $6225.21, |The water system cost at A $600 grant has been applied) the Village would have to go] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 6, 1961 2] | head with water as is was be- Centre, stated R. Forrester. The} coming more and more a neces-| pang ; ge @iong with Incorporation if|some hints in the art of photog- sity in the Village. the people wanted tein closing! raphy. ser OUTLINES HYDRO WORK | he stated he had found the year! The meeting is open to every- Mr. Gordon Simpson, chair-; most interesting. one and there will be no charge: man of the Orono Hydro for the) Mr. W. J. Riddell asked the!for this first meeting. past year, reported on the work Trustees what was to be done) Presently there are ten inter- carried out by' Hydro during!to sidewalks near the Masonic'ested in the forming of a ¢elub |this period. Hall and along Mill Street)phut more are needed to make it This work included: iuiproved north of Main Street. a success. service on Main St. South and R. C, Forrester stated that)... » aii wa ail goat Duchess Se ariees * the Trustees had made applica- ag ba oh Pageant st! 4 The: chaitman stated that this) CMpnormer.R 1 +41 0 810 Sheldon or winters Wark ase anoS inc ba balan SE he \Park; improvement andjto do $1000 in construction ofnot include the holding of the amount does not come out 'of transiormet: addition to Main Siew aiks for 1962 and felt that)Santa Ciaus parade this year as St. North; new service instal- these two pieces of walk would has been for the past four years, the general fund of the Village. |. A total amount of $3508.04 was! jations and improvements to'be considered. This, however, does not mean paid out this year for work power custo mers; approx- if that Santa is not coming to in the Community Centre with imately $600 in hot water in- Orono. It is quite possible that the largest payment being the stajjations and alterations on he may arrive by helicopter, if installation of a new heating jill Street such a machine can be hired to plant for the entire building. J. L. Lowery then addressed deliver him in the village. The sum of $213.70 had been, the meeting stating that he was 1: in ates entininl paid out for painting the lines} not opposed to water in the Camera Club Santa i gil egg yng i on the main street for parking.| Village but that he had been Sir ie : Saturday, Dec. 16, Plans are R. Forrester stated that the opposed to the manner in which} By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ajo underway and if successful budget had been held as set|the water question had been} ORONO -- The Camera Club he will remain in Orono for the out at the first of the year. He handled by the Board. will hold a meeting this Wed-|week following ready to greet said that sidewalk construction! He reported that a number nesday, Dec. 6. The meeting wil!l|the children. had been set aside for the year|of the streets in the Village had open at 8.00 o'clock and is to _ in order to keep from raising! been chipstoned during the year|be held in the upstairs room of the mill rate. and that parking lines had been|the Orono Community Centre. H. M. Mercer spoke briefly| painted on the Main Street. This) Mr, Ted Tozer of the Oshawe) _* to. the meeting stating that as|Jatter project, he felt, was ajCamera Club will address thi:|Gilbert, American architect long as he felt the Village was| worthwhile one jfirst meeting outlining the activ-| who died in 1934, is New progressing he would not rur| -He said he was not pushing|ities of such an organization anc| York's Woolworth building, pi- for election. He also said thatl Incorporation, he said he would'no doubt will come forth with|oneer skyseraper. In theexpenditures, an amount of $1868.50 was shown for the first year payment for) test drilling for water in 1960. the south of the Village amounted to $6841.23 wich is paid for by those who receive benefit. Orono Meeting NOTED ARCHITECT Among the works of Cass meras, s, etc. who is at present in Arizona. the earliest sailing vessels The Herb Usher Inter Club Other guests of honor were trophy was presented to Oshawa Pickering Township Reeve Sher- Yacht Club by H. Usher, Sr.man ott and Mrs. Scott George McCleery won the "Hard Councillor Ross Deakin and Mrs Luck" trophy. Ron Playford, Deakin and guests from Ash- winner of the Frostbite Series bridges Bay, Oshawa and Fair- won the Aubrey E. Ireland tro- port Yacht Clubs Capture the wonders of Christmas with SYLVANIA FLASHBULBS with even a simple box camera and Sylvania M-2 flashbulbs you'll get memor- able Christmas snapshots. These miniature-size bulbs are ideal Saini for close-up portraits and are fully colour-corrected for use with Indoor-type colour film. Be sure you have plenty of film and Sylvania M-2 flashbulbs on hand for the holidays. M-2's are made and guaranteed by Sylvania... the leading light to better photography, nen Give cartons of 1 FSVANANIN »¢ av ylvania Going your way with LOW-COST TCA ECONOMY FARES Toronto - Winnipeg $94 ECONOMY RETURN ome as gifts ... or for your own table! CADBURY'S MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES , The sweetest gift of all! Assorted delicious centres with extra-thick coating of famous Cadbury chocolate Setar pesca et ta See your travel agent, or write TCA at: 130 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ont. TRANS:CANADA AIR LINES V2 pound 80c¢ 1 pound 1,50 for Smokers... Popular brands of CIGARETTES, CIGARS ond TOBACCOS are always welcomed. Come in to place your order now, FISHER LIGHTER in the new Easy- Grip shape ..... ZIPPO Storm Lighter RONSON Varaflame Lighters BOOK YOUR FLIGHTS THROUGH Howard Travel Bureau AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE WH 2-6690 : A Looking for BABY GIFTS? Check our selection first. SHAVING BRUSHES $1.98, $2.98, 3.98 up LEATHER BILLFOLDS $1.79 to $10.00 for MEN... Old Spice After Shave Lotion -- refreshing, stimulating $1.00, $1.50, $2.25 Pro-Electric Shave i 91.29 Shaving Mug with Soap ... 2061550 PHILISHAVE SPEEDSHAVER -- Special . $19.95 PHILISHAVE SPEED-FLEX -- Special ........... jaletinsi . $27.95 SCHICK "COMPACT" SHAVER with removable head .. $12.95 MAGNI-LITE MIRROR $5.95 HAIR BRUSHES Keystone Military Brush $1.49 Keystone Club Brushes with genuine boar bristles $4.95 $5.95 ADDIS TRAVEL SET .. $1.59 GILLETTE GIFTS 195 Adjustable. Razor and 6 Super Blue Blades in conven- FONE COSO .eccccccoseeeess .. $1.95 New FOAMY Shave Cream 79c SUPER BLUE BLADES: Gift carton of 'two dispensers of ¥5 blades each .... $2.00 Super Smooth Shave Jather cream in a 6% ounce pressure can, $1.25 $3.00 SET Gift-boxed Shaving Mug and After Shave Lotion. $2.25 SET Lather Shdving Cream and After Shave Lotion in gift box. OTHER SETS $1.50: to $6.75 We just couldn't show all our lovely gifts. Please drop in... . we'll be glad to help you with your selection. , AESE Bt, . yf ar : a ea ) Wap 5 A beautiful dresser set will make a treasured gift for a lady. See our fine selection «oe from $4.98 to $19.95 SHEAFFER'S Skovipsert CARTRIDGE FOUNTAIN @ Smart, compact design. @ Loads like @ rifle with cartridges of Skrip ink, @ In gift box with 2 cartridges. (A) Desert Flower Toilet Water with smartly-styled Atomizer (B) Friendship Garden Charmer Set -- miniatures of toilet water, talcum, body sachet and bubble bath (C) Tweed Cologne -- 3, 6 oz. .......... $2.00, $3.00 (D) Rosebud Soap -- box of 3 cakes ......-n000-. O9€ (E) Portable Electric Hoir Dryer -- the fast, convenient way to dry her hair. Large hood, long hose; .quiet operation vee just $14.95 (F) Cutex: Manicure Set (G) Guerlain Set containing Shajimar Perfume and Cologne (H) Lady Schick Patrician Shaver -- safe, smooth. White only ......... SHEAFFER Pen & Pencil in gift box Paper-Mate Pens Skip-Free 33 ........ $1.29 Holiday" .......s20000 $1.95 CAPRI Iif ...... <sesseey SRP LADY CAPRI ........ $2.95 CAPRI MARK IV luxurious gold-colour $3.50 -- ~f4 (0) ao $9.95 $14.95 Typhoon .......... $2.95 Pioneer BOOK THROUGH Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. oh OSHAWA 723-944) Medico Filter Dr. Plumb ; Kaywoodie .........,.... $7. 4 i BOOK THROUGH ... Donald Travel Service 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY MO 8-3304 JAMIESON'S 241 KING ST. EAST 28 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 KARN'S 723-4621 Corisinias Ghanls Box of LAW 1204 WECKER DRIVE 725-3525 POWELL'S 35/2 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-4734 McCORDICK 360 WILSON RD. $, 725-8711 MITCHELL'S 9 SIMCOE ST. N, 723-3431 \ | | & 54 SUMS $1.19 OTHER BOXES ...... 39c to $1.98

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