26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale THREE unfurnished or partly furnish- BOL IP brick, older nome, Set on two ed rooms, sult working couple orjacres treed lawn, Two baths, oil heat, girls. Share bath with one adult, cen-'fully modernized, Creek, double garage, | tral. Abstainers. Telephone 728-0863 barn. Near school, church, store, on after six. paved road, nine miles north"ef Whitby. LARGE brigi bt furnished bedroom, re $17, 500 with with _one-t -third dov down. 655-3712, fined business lady preferred. Home privileges if desired. Near bus in pri- vate home. Write to Box 215, Oshawa Times. NICELY furnished bedroom in warm,| clean home, suit refined gentleman,/ central, board optional. Abstainers. Telephone 725-3879. FURNISHED bedroom in private home, near King and Ritson, suit lady. Continuous hot water, parking avail-) able, $5 weekly. Abstainers only. 31) Rowe Street. | FURNISHED large bedroom, suit "two gentlemen willing to share, single beds, | und floor, central, five minutes to 'our Corners. Apply 23 Drew Street. | TWO furnished housekeeping rooms,/ bedoom and kitchen with refrigerator] BEAU VALLEY -- POSSESSION AT ONCE Lost one for 1961 in this most desired location. Still time to enjoy Christmas in this beautiful 6-room bun- galow located at 680 Jas- mine Crescent in Beau Valley. This bungalow com- pletely decorated and fully londscoped: Specially priced at $16,500, asking $2,900 down. For complete infor- mation, please cal. Mr. Stine son, evenings, 725-0243. Daytime Schofield-Aker Lim- ited, 723-2265. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 Lloyd Corson President Dick Young . Vice-President Lucas Peacock, Sec.-Treasurer and sink. Apply 313 French Street or| telephone 723- 7468, ONE large, clean, furnished house-| keeping room on Jarvis Street. Apply to|-- 106 apa, Street West or telephone! 725-838: wanoue Tes room for gentleman, | with a without kitchen privileges, clo: General Motors, bus. 105 Ritson North. 725-1300. ONE furnished room and one unfur- nished room, ladies only, meals ar- ranged or use of kitchen, abstainers. 106 Elgin East, Telephone 723-1925 BED-SITTING room for girl, bath, broadioom, cooking privileges,| everything supplied. In better home,/ near hospital, Telephone 725-3093. 27--Real Estate for Sale GOOD income home for sale, extra value, near schools, excellent location | please call MO 8-5765. private | If you have $1,000 this du- plexed home is the answer to high payments, Upper ea apartment is rented for DOUGLAS ~ $55.00 leaving lower 4-room opt. for you. Separate baths, GOWER | kitchens, and hydro services. New forced air oil furnace. REALTOR It's yours for $10,900 by 204 oy ND ST. W. calling Guide Realty now. -A651 SPECIAL QUICK SALES ASKING $5,500 27--Real Estate For Sale |29---Automobiles for Sale | TWO rooms, upstairs, one down stairs, 760 PONTIAC convertible V8, white with | three-piece bath, laundry facilities, use|Ted trim. Will finance. $2,695. Tele- | kitchen, clean and warm. PS ascent ERS couple, girls, ee Apply 67 Sec-/'s9 PONTIAC Laurentian, two - door | ond Avenue. |sedan, automatic, low mileage. white | FOR SALE or rent, five room pase and green, radio, new whitewall tires, rr bungalow, near Shopping Centre, 6 per vo i aera condition, 723 4029. cent NHA mortgage. Low down pay-| 1955 PONTIAC, two door hardtop, | ment, 725-75 7573. preteen radio, discs, good conditi REAL STEAL! new 3 bedroom bun-|;-~ galow, owner transferred, very, | low in price, down payment and month- ly payments. Call, to inspect, Art Wein- berger, Wilson Real Estate, 725-6588, evenings 723-7244. PLYMOUTH, Savoy sedan, a, V8) motor, beautiful running car. Priced to| \sell, $695, Van Heusen Motors opposite | |brewery on King. '66 PONTIAC tudor hardtop, six cylin-| A eS j | LIVE FOR $30 MONTHLY | WA. der, with radio, reduced for this sale.| ~ i '* lrecat beam os eels Ouistanding ss. with | Only $795. Van Heusen Motors, opposite | |trees. $13,500. Terms. John Sandy |0Fewery on King. ee |725-8010. John Bosco, Realtor, 31 King | $195. YOUR choice of 54 Ford, '53 Street East. \Chev., '59 Isetta, °53 Pontiac. Van TRADE -- $9,000, three-bedroom brick|Heusen Motors, opposite brewery on lbungalow, seven years old, near South King, 2 |General Motors for larger home./$595 GIVES you choice of '55 Chev. sta- Newt Hodgson, 728-6408, Joseph Bosco, '|tion wagon, '55 Pontiac coach, *58 Chev. Cit Spotter Chuck Full of Wonderful Things 16 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS z Entertainment Gifts For Him Gifts For The Family Auto Gifts FOR THE MOTORIST Why not give a Gift Wrapped Membership in the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Only $15.00 728-8334 -- 725-7422 J 4 PIANIST and banzo player - Dance and sing along with us. Parties, weddings, etc, Telephone 655-4505. LOCAL ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE FORK PARTIES, DANCES, | Realtor, 725-9870. |delivery. Van Heusen Motors, |QUALITY and beauty are the keynotes Orewery on King, in this tremendous value. Six-room bun-|*s6 CHEV. deluxe coach, tutone, yellow galow with fireplace, four-room base- jand gold, runs better than some new/| ment apartment, two baths; garage, 0n/| models. Only $795, Van Heusen Motors, very attractive lot, Whitby area. K.| opposite brewery on King. | pia MO 68-4606. Joseph Bosco, |,-4~CugysLER Windsor sedan, auto. eahor. matic and radio, low mileage, just like NEW house for sale, 5 room brick, 424' new, Only $1695. Van Heusen Motors, Park Road North, $12,000, terms, Phone jopposite | brewery on King. 1 Arete |'55 TUTONE Pontiac coach, very good SINGLP or ~Touble furnished condition, winterized, new brakes and Jadies or gentlemen, use of kitchen and)pattery, good motor, body and tires. | washing machine, central location, Tele-|Custom push-button radio. Priced right | phone 725-8150. \for quick sale. After 6.30 or "room, Christmas Fowl 4 BANQUETS, IF YOU WANT THE BEST IN FRESH - KILLED TURKEYS CALL MA 3-5049 W. E. LYMER Highwoy 2 at Maple Grove CALL 725-7867 Christmas-New Year's ARTIES SING ALONG WITH SIM LASH AND HIS TRIO Instrumentalists and ui 4 Vocalist, of |$500 DOWN. Four room bungalow Jn ex-/284 Trent Street, Oshawa. (Park Road |cell nt condition, complete with oil | Adelaide). s, storm windows, TV aerial.| Shi id be seen! Call Bob Stevenson at) 726-6286. S. D. Hym n Realtor. | ce = l$45 TO 8245 $10,900 for brick home. ~ Cadillac near | Pontiac, King, 6% per cent. Bill Millar, 728-5123, | |Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor. | MODERN six-room, storey "and half stucco house, Jarge lot, attached ga- close to Shopping Plaza, school " best offer. SS ir choice of '53 2 Ford, "52 Pontiac automatic, 0 'Pontiac, *51 Pontiac, '50 Chev. or '47 Chev, First come, first served, Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motor Sales Lid., 512 Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. bus. Asking price $9,800. Apply 57's1,295 TO $1,505 buys your choice of | Thor nas Street. |SING LE rooms. > also. furnished "pachelor japartment, hot water; close to Genera |Motors and bus. Apply 105 Ritson North. |725- 1300. |'58 Chevy Biscayne four door sedan or *S8 Pontiac four door sedan or '58 Ford Ijtudor sedan, These cars are in im- maculate condition, winterized, ready to go. Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Street Order Your Christmas Fowl from LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special Rates for quets, ape Alleys. 117 Bloc St. CHRISTMAS FOWL Capons and Turkeys Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG Ban- Ls 4722 5 bit f, Banquets, Weddings. 1 ¥ Telephone today, 725-8762 y Comedy. Dances, ENJOY YOUR PARTY OR BANQUET AT THE CADILLAC HOTEL Select Dotes Still Open. Reserve Now. 725-3743 d NEW YEAR'S RS ? 4 FREE ! SUBURBAN GOAL COAT with the purchase of any SUIT PRICED AS LOW AS $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT, NO DOWN PAYMENT, DUNN'S 36 KING E. (Downtown) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Gifts For The Family BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS Gift Certificates FROM $4.98 UP DAVIDSON'S § 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 Holiday Dining is HOME MADE PASTRIES ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY AT SANDALWOOD THIS YEAR No party too small -- 20-120, Phone for Res- ervations, 725-9111 BRING HER TO -- Modern Grill A SPECIALTY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 6, 1961 EE ee ee | 'CHRISTMAS Only 16 Shopping Days Until FULL PRICE sea ---- 4-rooms, For this compact home on a loor St. quiet street, close to bus ond $7,000 -- 4 rooms, shopping. Oil heat, newly Hancock Rd decorated. Immediate pos- $7,600 -- 5 rooms session Street BRAND NEW $7,600 -- 4 rooms Rug brick ingham Ave. carport, on Central Park $8,500 -- 4 rooms, Ajax Blvd. North, spacious plan on nice lot, immediate pos- $8,900 -- 5 rooms. Gibb St session, N.H.A, mortgage. $9,600 -- 6 rooms. Jarvis Street Asking only $14,500 $9,600 -- 6 hubert St |FUNCTIONAL, beautiful and solid to hest degree is the impression of ma Homes, by Wallis Construc- 1. Now under construction on Fern- hill and Rosmere Streets See the finest homes in range. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870. 37 ACRES market garden jand, ~tnelud- ing five-room home with double attach- led garage, barn, driving shed with com- plete line of equipment, four acres of raspberries, schools, shopping and paved road at your door, Open for all d will accept trade. Call Souter ewer, Rewior, 728-4651,| "51 PONTIAC sedan, fair condition, $95; - " also one 45 gallon drum, $5, Telephone |PRIVATE SALE - bedroom | 795.5955 low with Hollywood kitchen area. Fully decorated and landawaved. Close to all schools, with excellent bus service. Spotless condi tion. Telephone 728-8835. Please no agents North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. % TON pick-up, '52 International, Ideal truck for some one. Only $245. Looks and runs good. Cash, trade or terms. s Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock reet North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. 56 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop, power steering, power brakes and other extras. Good condition, Cheap. 258 Burk Street after 6 p.m. '53 GMC % ton panei, A-1 con tion. $250 or best offer. Telephone 725-1053 HOT TURKEY AND BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN DINNERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ONLY $1.50 A PLATE WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH Holiday Food LITZ Oshawa Shopping Centre DANCE Sponsored by , C.R.A. SQUARE DANCE 4 CLUB ¥ ROSSLAND ROAD WEST 4 DIAL 725-6837 TURKEYS FRESHLY KILLED Young, Tender, Tasty Delivered Oven-Ready Year-Round Supply. Special Prices -- Churches, Bonquets Courtice Turkey Ranch 728-5392 hristmas Trees A-1 PRUNED -- SCOTCH PINE PHONE ELGIN BUDD ORONO 8-R-3 CHRISTMAS TREES PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PIN -- SPRUCE OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Location -- Simcoe St. Al Preston Sunoco Stn, Free Delivery 728-6366 l-acre Hee ee, SKATES NEW and USED. A com- plete line of C.C.M. and BAUER Skates, Trade-ins ac- cepted. Skates sharpened by experts. VICTOR'S 38 BOND W. -- 723-3141 acai EE l-acre, y oe Old. Tyme and Modern Novelties - Lunch - Prizes Saturday, Dec. 30th, 8:30 -? $2.50 PER PERSON 728-8334 Clarke 4 Christmas A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES Is @ year- round gift and a daily reminder of good- will for your friends and relatives who are away _ from home. THE CIRCULATION DEPT. KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-3474 Will be pleased to act upon your instructions. Buck- bungalow with Give The Gift of Better Health Niagara Cyclo-Massage Home Therapy Equipment Service or Rentals 725-7927 Write 316 Wilson S., Oshawa FOR YOUR Christmas Party :Little Buckaroo Ranch FULL COURSE HOT TURKEY BANQUET SI. 50 A PLATE HALL. RENTAL for party or dance extra RESERVATIONS CALL 725-2737 ; Gifts for Children Cee re 61 PONTIAC deluxe four-door. Beauti- ful Honduras maroon, like new, 8,000 miles. Will trade and finance. Sacri- fice, 723-7970. "59 PONTIAC, four door sedan, refinish- ed like new. $1,595. Barlow Motors, 428 |King Street West. |58 PONTIAC deluxe coach, low mile- jage. Special. $1,295. Barlow Motors, 428 King Street West. 1954 METEOR, brown, good condition. Priced for quick sale. Can be financed Telephone 728- '5911 |" PONTIAC. "convectibla, Ver |matic, white wails, wheel discs, |price $3, 195. Will finance. 723-2674, 1's Austin "Priced cor quick sale "at |Fina Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street } South '35 FORD barre) carburetor, }sion, excellent condition, ment or take over payments. Apply 295 |Sharbot or 728-6760 after 5 eta tt ed Aas tek Watch for Model Home this week-end. Central = Park Bivd. North 4 }9 Fest- rooms BUY-LEASE Pay rent at the same time be buying your own home. Six-room bungalow. All ser- vices at your doorstep. For complete information, call-- 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. EVENINGS Mr. McMullen Mrs. Hondson 725-0104 728-5075 $300 DOWN 6% MORTGAGE Solid brick, decorated, alum- inum storms and screens. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 725-1186 | EVENINGS . | Mr. McMullen Mrs. Handson 725-0104 728-5075 Check these homes os low as Sales, $500 down ond monthly payments to suit your budget Coll 728-4651 Vic Hulatt Sally Wallace Doug Gower Mary Clarke BEST BUY IN TOWN 795 MASSON ST. | $22,500.00 - LOW DOWN PAYMENT | Inspection Invited --. Cail | Charles Smith, 728-8254 Loreen Kellett, 723-3770 | John Field, 723-2874 Herry Millen, 723-2524 For full particulars call 723-1121 Compare Litz quality and prices. LITZ DELICATESSEN 728-1111 VIANNA For the Finest Selection of: COLD MEATS SMOKED FISH, HERRINGS GERMAN CAKES, PASTRIES VIANNA DELICATESSEN 543 RITSON RD. S. 728-3281 OPEN EVENINGS Phyllis lrene Jubb, Roy Flintoff, Brown, Don Smith, Jean Peacock, Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. We list Photo Co-op. re auto- full SCOTTY'S BARGAINS PING PONG TABLES Compiete top and base, $23.75 Millwork & Building SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291 Ad on 4s 44 add Customline, Tudor, four- standard transmis- Cash settle- eee TOYLAND y Bicycles, tricycles, pedal cars, w doll carriages, sleighs, tobog- gans, Meccano sets, Dinky toys, w@ Hockey equipment. VICTOR'S 38 BOND W.--723-3141 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 NAGY MOTOR SALES Mercedes Benz wnt Studebaker, D.K.W. | N.S.U. Sales and Service 484 KING ST. W. LAB ONT WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cars, 725-0331 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 30--Automobiles Wanted | AKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181, N. Holiday Transportation FOR A LOVELY GIFT Call At PARKVIEW STORE 98 OLIVE AVE. Religious Articles, Nativity Sets, Bibles, etc, THE IDEAL GIFT Footwear, Slippers, Luggage, Hosiery. Use our convenient Lay-A-Way Plan BURNS SHOES KING AND SIMCOE WATCHES SAVE 20% TO 50% All Leading Makes, For Men, Women, Children HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS ieee SHOPFING CENTRE 723-7133 20 SIMCOE S. _725- 8443 -- The Safe Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi : PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES FLOWERS From Our Greenhouses POTTED PLANTS GIFT CERTIFICATES VAN BELLE GARDENS BOWMANVILLE Free Delivery MA 3-5757 A-1 SCOTCH PINE HAND PRUNED ALL SIZES 2,000 TREES YOUR CHOICE $2.00 OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3222 NURSERY GROWN PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SPRUCE and BALSAM IN LARGE: TABLE AND APARTMENT. SIZE A.W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST. EAST OPEN EVENINGS 725-1764 PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES ALL SIZES FREE DELIVERY WHOLESALE & RETAIL C. E. HARDSAND 728- "6656 'CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned--Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All Sizes--whclesale prices. FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST g SET YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES NOW Nicely -- Scotch, and Red Pine All Sizes From 50c -- $1.00 HOWARD MILLSON CO 3-2607 4 Christmas Ideas FOR TOP QUALITY APPLES FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Bushel and half bushels, At Lowest Prices. TRY US PALLOCK ORCHARDS Growers for 35 years @ One Mile North Whitby -- Highway 12 East Side Statues, Christmas Joy For Rosary, Girl or Boy BICYCLES C.C.M.--RALEIGH SKATES, C.C.M.--BAUER Layaway Deposits Let us be Santa, Christmas Eve delivery service. Seven mile radius. WILSON'S CYCLE and SALE 106 Colborne St. East, Whitby MO 8-3746 © Gifts For Her Harry Millen Real Estote 728-1679 METCALF Real Estate Limited | 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 | sbelaahai LIVING alow, Christmas Flowers LOCKE'S FLORISTS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PLANTS AND FLOWERS CALL 728-6555 FLOWERS AND PLANTS FROM REED'S FLORISTS Artificial Centerpieces, Door Knockers, Holly Wreaths, Winter Wreaths R: B. REED & SONS FLORISTS -- OSHAWA DOWNTOWN 10% KING ST, W. DRIVE-IN SHOP 163 BLOOR ST. W. HOLLY PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS FULL OF RED BERRIES LIVING PLANTS 5 TO 10 INCHES Beautiful living Christmas gifts. Keep indoors for winter, Plant outdoors next spring. Improved var- ieties. Complete instruction for care $3.50 each ---'3 for $10.00 postpaid. Specialized Growers Association Ltd. 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-3501 NO. 2 HIGHWAY WHITBY ONTARIO Hobbies Hobbies THE ROYAL COIN and STAMP STORE NOW LOCATED AT 12 PRINCE STREET 728-3221 (next to Grey Coach Terminal) Sao cd edema see News TOI dR A a i GENTLEMAN'S FARM| This property has just about everything. Beautifully dec- orated house entirely mod- Lovely large rooms, windows, panelled room wder room, , oil heated 157 rolling land. trout stream, Inspection by if Most attractive ing room, 3 « ond mirror dishwasher | Ak 8 ed c washer-dryer, $15,000 with y tgage Balance on | mor PRINCE ST decorated, aluminum storms, zed rooms. Close downtown, $9, 500 with cs low as Christmas Flowers Permanent Waves Complete 5.95 Say it with flowers this CHRISTMAS! JOHN BURTINSKY'S FLORISTS will wire them for you CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS TABLE CENTRES FANCY PLANTERS We service WHITBY, OSHAWA and District daily. MO. 8-3334 124 DUNDAS WEST well Z 4 Cee ee eS PS EDWARD'S BEAUTY PARLOUR 5 CELINA ST. 723-7633 & -- y Thrill Her With Lovely FRAGRANCES Attractively Gift Pockaged © TEE sofa Rean 418) Model Display Homes ¥ Yardley's -- Red Roses, Lotus, of award-winning designs and Bond Street Per- fumes, from $3. Down Payment $1195 --Spray Mist $2.50. BALANCE ONE N.HLA. POWELL'S DRUG STORE MORTGAGE Southwood Park Town of Ajax 35% Simeoe N.__725-4734 Diamond (Southwood) Homes CHRISTMAS & Ltd MUSIC PEOPLE'S GO-TOGETHER CLOTHING STORE RECORD PLAYERS bo Best selection, style and best R.C.A. Victor Portable. 4 speeds, $24.95, $29.95, 4 quality, for thet man you $39.95. Automatic Port- y desire, able, 4. speeds, $54.95. hel PY bei 4 peeds, $84.95 up. a iadtericn leothe Y SPORTSCOATS 4 SWEATERS 4 SHIRTS In imitation leather, Lug- gage type Cases, assorted 4 s GLOVES, TIES, HATS, "People's for Gifts' colors, 36 Simcoe N. |_723:3612 MEAGHER'S ENJOY 5 King St, W. 723-3425 A Gifts For Him CHRISTMAS MUSIC HI-Fl's GIVE HIM A WARM CHRISTMAS Sweaters from $7.95 up. Cardigans. Pullovers, Shags, » Bulkies All colors All sizes. Electrohome, 1962, Stereo models, famous Dielcroft Cabinets in Fruitwood, Mahogany or Walnut. $329.00 up SAM _ ROTISH Convenient Terms. MEN"S WEAR ¢ We Finance Our Own Sales 17 King St E. 725-2433 IDEAL GIFTS MEAGHER'S £5 King St. 723-3425 GO KART ENGINES CEN EE "PETER FEDDEMA Realtor Telephone MA 3-3644 Hwy. No. 2, 1 Mile East Bowmanville Ristow & Olsen REALTORS OOKLIN FARM acre dair e Mago, 725-9191 nee tt Ell iott 723- 9290 _ Y ; Light a Christmas Tree in the "window of your own home this Christmas, $1500 DOWN of 1 this 5-room bungalow m King pant | located on room 'with | | | OS RRS QU OK vir So Meee! ze . bedroorns, Stradeski, € tcher good- e $10,900.00, Coll Mr. 728-8423 WHITBY- SSE << Bt 4a )LD--$800.00 DOWN -- TO | BR MORTGAGE 100 transferred form, twenty- ilk cows, hay, cooler, milkers, all implements. ff Highway No, 12, price' $38,000 with terms. COMMUTER'S FARM 86 acres creek, ten miles from Oshawa on paved sad, + Four-bedroom home g and city con- d at $22,- 000 with reasonable terms. HIGHWAY FARM Three- 45 acras with miles from city S bedroom brick byngalow, | barns d painted and in good condition. Listed for quick sale ot $18,500 with rea- sonable 'terms INFORMATION ON THESE AND OTHER COUNTRY PROPERTIES, CALL Howard Forder, Farm Representative Daytime 728-5107 Evenings 728-2155 nscientious en- | 19 Athol St. W. Oshawa on your behalf to sell 3 your property for H |28--Real Estate Wanted |WANTE D tg to2 acres "ot land, reason. 'ably close to schools Suitable for a six- room house and large garden. Reply to Box 629, Oshawa Times, |29--Automobiles for Sale |1960 Morris 830, Must sell to the highest | joffer, Telephone MO 8-5497 after 4 p.m.| 1956 PONTIAC Po Lovely 6-room br forces sale Street. Close t Owner CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPOTCASH PAID FOR le MORTGAGE ted in the Cad Se ee eee w lo y payment, including toxes, $56.31. nings 725-1726. DAYTIME 723-2265 SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED 360 KING ST. W., OSHAWA pS AG Ak ttt, dot in decorated. leaving city. J with pits th 44d AAA AG 4 8 a a SS eS five ee Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid _ off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs _ Realtor ARE YOU AFRAID to sell your home se you do not know today's values; because you are not you will receiv » honest appraisal; thet you might not onal, conse us service; or -be- cause you cre ior with the procedure and are reluc- tant to enquire ee eae RE a Te OR -- as Then coli J J en We guorontee deavor by al! our s the top market dollar, A SS When Christmas Shopping for Stamp Albums, Coins Stemps - Coin Folders and other accessories, be sure to see our wide selection. WANTED - COINS OF CANADA Previous to 1900. Also 1925 and 1926 Nickels. Canadian Cents from 1922-1926. Highes AAS At A ts We are urgently in need of 2 and three-bedroom homes in the lower price brockets for buyers on our waiting list. We are elmost sold out of these homes and con promise you action. Call anytime for service. Our stoff of court eous, COnsciéntious salesmen are ready to serve you day or night. REMEMBER -- YOU ARE IN GOOD HANDS WITH SHERIFF 25 ONTARIO STREET DIAL 728-1673 Member Oshawa ond District Reo! Estate Board, | AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? Complete Service PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Coutts, Hallmark, Toothills, other exclusive lines WICK PRINTING LTD. 1700 Simcoe North 728-5119 PABARURBRBHDDT ae AT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 SIMCOE N. 728-9711 B44 hk 8 ed 4d POWER MOWERS SNOW BLOWERS 74 BARRIE AVE, 728-2791 glide coach, new| od conditior ae Meadc ow Ro lephone 723-7946 [mim exras 58 Parisienne. V8 hardtop,| t prices paid for these items. FOOT SELES ad or t "al We also purchase old stamp collections, medals, badges, curios, early books, documents and maps of Ontario County. Ltt eto 4 kts a 18 Ne with extras, two tone, spotless condi- i tion, $1,495. Telephone 728-0569. (Continued on Page 28) ns NOW! Residents of Hampton, Bowmanville, Brooklin and Whitby for | DIRECT LINE WANT AD SERVICE Call OSHAWA 723-3492