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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1961, p. 14

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Growth Through Bible Study ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON rst «| Paul's Teaching Tee SE SN See eee 116-21; 24:25-27; ; Il Timothy 1:5-6; 3:10--4:5. Christ." Christ's death was no|prefigured in the sacrifices and aetna tile CN SO)! Pee avid ; accident. He had to die if we|foretold by the prophets. This ip I | were to be saved. He must rise'Gospel still upsets sinners. gage U set 1S World again or His victory over sin|Some confess their sins, be- would be incomplete for death/lieve on Christ and are glad. fn ' CLA ' is the result of sin. Jesus is|Some resist and are hardened By RB. BARCLAY WARREN eM A ye age _ the Messiah, promised in Eden,jon their way to destruction. Envious unbelievers at Thes- Bei loni id ing P |" leave the city. salonica, said concerning Paul) |, Hphesus; "many 'that. be and his company, "These that|ijeveq came, and confessed] WESTMOUNT HARMONY have turned the world upside|their deeds. Many of them also down are come hither also."|which used curious arts brought UNITED CHURCH UNITED CHURCH Acts 17:6. Looking over the re-|their books together, and burn- Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D. cord, the Gospel which Paul|®4 them before all men; and FLOYD ST, AT GIBBONS a ee ! ; _|they counted the price of them,|] morie Taylor, A.R.C.T., RMT. oe ee RC 1. ACM. gga did do some upset. and" found if its. thousand Srounat piss eral tasseae Organist and Choirmaster : ' ae? pieces of silver." The union of|} REV. FRANK H. PAR, B.A, | > 10:00 A.M. ; : i ' ; 3 "hy imothy from prison, Paul tells Timothy that the Bible is} In Cyprus, the _deputy be-|* eter te : SUNDAY SCHOOL The importance of studying the Bible After, His, resurecttth the two dis: urging him to continue to be a good the only true bulwark against such|tieved, whereas Elymas, | the|sivsceulthe, "oped, on eset menrne wp bog is indicated by the Son of Go +A : 0 E : mini 1 en though deceivers and against being discour-|sorcerer, who sought to turn : : say | ; be self when He begins His Ministry in grep near Ay get ge ae etek bom 'tale faith, aged by the paucity of other believers.|the deputy from the faith, was ae, i on | MORNING WORSHIP ji] KINDERGARTEN CLASS pono paaueees, Tome te on its prophecy in the Bible--Luke giving heed to deceitful spirits and --II Timothy 3:14-17. smitten with blindness for a Nursery Core during, this service, 11:00 A.M. nits teaielre eeophecy take 416-31 94:95-27 doctrines of demons.--I Timothy 4. GOLDEN TEXT: Psalms 119:11. |season. In Antioch some be-|"ant the silver shrines of the C.G.I.T. Vesper Service || MORNING WORSHIP ills Isa y-- 16-21, abil lieved and were glad and glori- =-- Diana. Paul left Ephe- 7 p.m, this evening | A HEARTY WELCOME TO, ALL i irls' i fied the Lord. Oth ised BIBLE LESSON : Evening Aux. 39 Relative le pect cong kl sel got parseceian _ eieelea Pout Yes, the truth that Paul |manuel" with Gail White sing-|and Barnabas. preached upset the world. 1 tt cer gitdtiaih 'ifr eet rt '" Ps Final Meetin ling the verses = a. solo with} In org these pgp | apc poe poi nk akan "0 pirat Aidehalie : |the rest of the choir joining injescaped a stoning. In Lystra, ; : Bible Provides g At Brougha jthe chorus. {first the people sought to wor-|Satan to liberty through Christ. D cember 14 | The canvassers for the 'Ajax-\ship them because of the mir-/Some bitterly opposed these PENTECOST AL CHURCH B e T e e R s |Pickering Sear gre yee Lat ye acle of healing. Later, Paul/Messengers and raised a riot. PASTOR: REV, G. A. CARROLL PHONE 728-2426 I ] By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN 'ing throughout the distric Sjwas stoned and drawn out of| Paul's scriptural message : GA, \. asic eac Ing plc GROVE -- Mrs. W. eunion |week, the city and left for dead. relies upset the world was, By N. SPEER JONES _jing to those who would oppose Prouse and Mr. Charlie Prouse, B: MRS. M. ANNIS | ne ie oe ae hae ag Mol bg or get Rhee ps ope a -- 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL If the ereat struggle in the this word (3: 10-13). \Starkville, recently visited Mrs.| BROUGHAM -- On Saturday dave at the Heat ot the Saas arias 7 ee aaeuiltee Amt oul ave a. Paco world today is between Commu-| In his other letter to Timothy,|Robert Jaryie. evening, Nov. 25, a family gath-| Mrs, George Perry is towltnem. The Salles ae Gantt aatck iceaih cade fag - 11:00 A.M.--REV. C, WARD nism and Christianity, between|Paul preaches the importance of} Mr, and Mrs. T. Dickson and|&tins Was held at the home of} . 4 : | : i |home after spending a month 7: Mean! belief in state and belief in God,|the Bible as a defense against|Karn visited the former's sis-MT: 20d Mrs. Robert Miller. It) alescing at the home of a :00 P.M.--SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SERVICE ha apace ia : jconv it is clear that the most impor-|those who would lead men away |ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and\"28 4 Surprise party for Mrs. ephew in St. Thomas. "hrict} reife i Miller's mother, Mrs. Howard REV. © WARD tant study we Christians have)from the faith. Mrs Arthur Staplienaon. Ome 1 ' yard) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ? ; = is that of God's word, the Bible.. His exhortation "4 hay oy kee On Sundae, si ea in honor of her 70th Accomplished Musicion and Artist There are many great books Bible meant not only to read | See ii : a 'ene FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST --many great Christian books-- in private, but to read it in pub-| _Mr. and Mrs. Lye Boladway,| Thirty-nine members of: the} TENOR AND BARITONE Branch 2f The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, which outline philosophies for lic, as was the custom in those|Unionville, visited their niece|family were present. r in Boston, Massachusetts, good living or point out the|days and is still in some sects|and nephew, Mr, and Mrs. C. Mrs. M. Mathews attended h SOLOISTS REQUIRED SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 AM. tragedies of sin. No other book, today. Christ Himself used this|Russell, and family, on Sun-/commencement _ exercises of however, can "bring us under! practice of public reading of the| day. Agincourt Collegiate, where her; IMMEDIATELY | SUNDAY SERVICE - 11 A.M. Bc hr and Site. Hoatahee andi: Miss Linda Crocker, gave GOLDEN TEXT the Valedictory address. ' SUBJECT: family have returned home af-| wr. Isaac Carr has been visit- FOR ST. ANDREW'S "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" ter spending three weeks withling friends and relatives in UNITED CHURCH against Thee."--Psalms 119:11, j his parents and relatives In} Brougham prior to leaving ofr CHOIR READING ROOM HOURS |Guysburough, Nova Scotia. hag Pag ak poe ol . To lead their respective sec- ---- Mogg 2:00 Pye 4:30 p.m. -onvicti of sin," as Wilbur|Bible by laymen to proclaim} Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills at-| Mrs. Lioyd Greig 1s convales-} sions, Apply in writing, stating onday 7: p.m, to 9: p.m, pee agp ell (in '*Peloubet's|Himself, as we see in Lukejtended the wedding of their|cing at home following surgery) qualifications and salary ex- EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS Select Notes," p. 410). Nor can|4:16-21, nephew, Edward Jennings, and|i" the Scarboro General cise pected to J. R. CARSON, any other perform as well three' Jy that passage Christ begins|Dorothy Duffield on Friday|t | Chairman of Music Committee, al. other functions: teaching (fi, ministry in Nazareth, the/evening Dec. 1, at Campbell- ggg eo Suhseon anantl 176 Bedford, Oshawa. doctrine), correcting US IN OUT)town where he was brought up, Ville. ers "ead ' : ; | the weekend with Miss Margaret} evil ways and pointing out the'). ooing to the syna ogue.| : ee ee i FREE METHODIST CHURCH way to right living. (See Tim- by. going to the synag Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shunk, Miller. There he is offered the Scrip-/Master Ronald Shunk, Port; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell| othy 3:16). A ; Hee ; ' sg z | 17 Erie St. Dial 725-3872 Rev, W. A, McMillan, Pastor y tures, as any good Jew would|Perry; Miss Marie Shunk, To-|and boys visited with Mr. and! In this same verse is the no-\be, to read aloud the day's les-\ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roger|Mrs. Alex Jones in Toronto on ' 9:00 A.M.--'The Light Ang Life Hour" -- 900 on your tation that all scripture is "in- son. /Till, and baby Wayne, Green-|Sunday. What's your Radio Dial, spired by" or "inspired of' God.| In this reading He fulfills the|bank, Masters Bruce and Ches-| } N Br | 10:00 A.M.--Sunday Schoo! fo ages. Edward J. Young feels ("Pelou- win werd of oi reap bgt eed siggy '. gs ty Mrs. ? idea of 11:00 A.M.--REV. R, C. McCALLUM. (Lorne Park College) 1. i is is 8tesation realizes 1 1€/Bruce Lark, oronto, were R id i bet's," pp. 440-410) IAet Sale 18 Ooreese, tee "the ovte sf all nlariny Gttars sith tie. and BLOOR ST. J 7:00: P.M.--The Family Gospe! Hour an 'incorrect translation. os sheen geo peri! ggroon' pe Mrs. C. Mills and family. MISSION bed see 9 ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLAND RD. W. The original Greek word is)Him'" and "all spoke we The Evening Auxiliary are | l y/ 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL *theopneustos," meaning liter-| Him. | rie re 1G10n: . ides a ies jholding their final meeting on Base Line Schoo! 11:00 A.M.--WORSHIP SERVICE ; ally "'God-breathed." Professor| It is significant that Christ be-| Dec. 14. Bicer St. East et Harmony Re. eas sill bd walcorid. at ail. Hiben. datslons: Young points out that such con- gins His ministry in this way,} structions are usually passive,|pointing out at the very start 1 | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH REV. WARREN G. DICKSON, B.A., MINISTER Mr. R, K, Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster "Thy word have I laid up in my heart, that I might not sin 10 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL. A Class for all ages, 1] A.M.-"SANCTIFY THEM QVohn 17:7) Everybody Welcome. St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV. JOHN R. LENG, M.C., B.A., B.D., D.D: Organist and Choirmoster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M,.--JOINT EVENING WORSHIP WITH SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH IN ST, ANDREW'S CHAPEL so that the passage would not|the verity of the Bible. LISTEN TO 11:00 A.M. | Unitarianism is a way of life, mean that God imbued man's) 4: the end of His ministry He] THE FAMILY BIBLE MORNING WORSHIP life of vigorous thought, work with His Spirit, but that) again returns to the Bible, plac- HOUR constructive activity, of He Himself literally breathed itl ing its importance equal to His F OV a 2:00 P.M. | generous service--not a religion KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH forth through the Holy Ghost. jown. When He joins the two dis- geet SUNDAY. SCHOOL Of inheeited cncads, revered 611 KING ST. WEST The remainder of the passage|ciples after His resurrection, He) 5:30 TO 6:00 P.M. i ss saints, or holy books. : Paul' does not dwell only on this glor-) oad ; ey ev. J. M. MacKnight--Pastor from Paul's second letter to his glor-| CKLB DIAL 1350 alr oa ey Nia Rev. J. M. MacKnight--Past ; ' 'horta-jious event, but on the fact that : Unitarianism is not an easy : ' ce filing ol devel tolthe Scriptures had proclaimed it You are cordially invited to |} 725-1661 Residence Church 728-5371 religion. It demands that people God (1:5, 6), and to preach His|before, and teaches the disciples these Services where a warm || ae cuit their belieds for word (5:1-5), as well as a warn- further in their interpretation. || welcome awaits you. 7:00 P.M. © bs | | themselves, and then live those | -- a rg te | Ting tis ie nobly and _ "SO GREAT A SALVATION" GIBBONS STREET BAPTIST |) one oes ot co ec | eMectively rather than on the SPECIAL VOCAL ARRANGEMENTS--PIANO--ORGAN Thickson Rd, id s th | preparation for an ' " Pastor A. G: E. Mitchell |) church! ae cig GRACE | after-existence. A Service for the Entire Family Church of the ack to Go jour'"" Ean Mevery, Sundey 3 pare. KL. | LUTHERAN If you have given up "old time" 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL | religion, Unitarianism has th For T. i 725-031 MISSIONARY SILAS FOX tate ese © CRU | ee ee Recently returned from Christian Service in INDIA, 10:00 A.M |] Cromwel) Ave. & Highway 401 : M-- UNITARIAN SUPERVISED NURSERY -- TINY TOTS CHURCH IN BOTH SERVICES ot MR. CLARENCE BISHOP H Rev. Carl A. Kartechener F-STR A All Regular Sunday Services -- Dec. 10 i FELLOWSHIP AMPLE OFF-STREET PARKING . icles 48 ee 6 :00 P.M. | ile THE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM Ph ap eugy OE 2 age aia af hag hpi MR. CLARENCE BISHOP | SUNDAY SERVICES oat | on G New Yeor's Sundoy, Jan, 7 --- A. H. Wiener i vat EARLY SERVICE 9:30 A.M, | VISITORS WELCOME SECOND SERVICE 11 A.M. |} Guest Speaker: | 9:30 A.M. MRS. W. El SUNDAY SCHOOL [TRAVELLING IN AFRICA WITH SIMCOE ST, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH "THIS 1S THE LIFE" | Discussion -and Fellowship Hour FARST BAPTIST REGULARLY ON to Follow. 245 Simcoe St. S. TELEVISION | Sunday School -- 11 a.m. a i= NE 'a Pastor; REV. R. A. BOMBAY CHURCH 4 sat HORTOP at GLENWOOD SUNDAY Rey. N. Frank Swackhommer, B.A, visit in Nace euaptomtanseaal TO SERVE GOD! BAHA'IS BELIEVE 11:00 A.M. ~ 7:00 P.M. 11 AM.--THE WORD THAT CAME FROM GOD SATURDAY -- 6 P.M : BIBLE COLLEGE DAY THINGS CONGREGATION DINNER : ae 7 P.M. hg ie Gl SUNDAY That which the Lord hath ordained as the sovereign ae Cites eld Nundary oh 1h en. 11 A.M = remedy and mightiest instrument for the healing of all Family. Bible School at 9:45 DOEIN Esa MEETING the world is the union of all its peoples in one universal EVANGELISTIC RALLY Cause, one common Faith. The Minister will preach at both Services. .M.--Senior, Intermediate and Junior Sunday School. .M.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Sunday School, Albert Street United Church REV. ALBERT E. LARKE, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir Leader 11:00 A.M.--PUBLIC WORSHIP The Minister will preach Reception of New Members 9:45 A.M.--Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors, ees 10:45 A.M.--Beginners, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Primary Oe eeu tig Street United Ghurch Rev. George Telford, M.A., B.D., D.0., Minister in Cnarge Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist YOUTH DEPARTMENT BABY CRECHE, NURSERY AND 10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M.--'OUR ATTITUDES" The Sacrament of Infant Baptism Carol Anthem: "In the Bleak Midwinter' (Holst) Soloist: Mr. Fred Densham Carol Anthem: 'All My Heart this Night Rejoices" The President of E.P.B.C., The (Ebeling) i | REV. Cc. B. SMITH ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH And o Student Singing Group will be in charge of the Services. } Tues., 7:30 p.m. -- C.A. Youth Group. Wed, 7:30 p.m. -- Prayer and Praise YOU ARE INVITED! | 2 P.M Sunday School and Bible Closses TUESDAY, 2:30 P.M. | NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH THE HOME LEAGUE A PUBLIC MEETING (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) | | MINISTER -- REV, H. A, MELLOW, B.A. Salvation Army Band serenading i} bo Army cand sete ORGANIST ---- 'MR. J. R. ROBERTSON, A.R.C.T. PRON es BREE Will be held next week at the | ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 9:45 A.M.--Family Sunday School Young 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship cesta' GENOSHA HOTEL (Corvair Room) | Christmas "We WER' Programme ee | . SUNDAY, DEC. 17th 3:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS wnat Pano SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10th -- ADVENT I! 11:00 A.M. PROGRAM a ws MRS. PEGGY ROSS of Scarboro, Ont. | 9:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION te WHITE GIFT SUNDAY M d Mrs. M. Rankin *| will s on the subject: 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER -- REV. D, WILSON ! " " CHNEREN OF AML Altes 68 ie F ORT Corgn Officers at | 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER -- REV. C, CROSS | PONE 1 Gove | SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CENTRE -AND BAGOT STREETS REV. CLINTON D. CROSS, B.A.L.Th -- 725-2386 SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 A.M. Session in the lower hall of the church 11:00 A.M. session 3, 4, 5 years old in lower hall of church 6, 7, 8 years old -- Dr. S, J, Phillips School, WED. NIGHT, €:00 PM. -- MID-WEEK FELLOWSHIP | 133 Simcoe South "THE ONENESS OF RELIGION" $06 ai ta eae scene as CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN. H. D. CLEVERDON -- PHONE 725-5795 8:00 A.M, -- 11:00 A.M. -- 7:00 P.M, Catvary Baprist THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA HOLY TRINITY CHURCH SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A, Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M, NE On ee hat NOX ee LUKE'S. St. PAUL'S Pr oe EL SUNY CaRVAIN aT McA ne i i CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS ! ai COURT ie ieee STREETS, AND BLOCK EAST OF ALBERT | . & o F , H Postor: REV, W. NIVEN AITKEN ST. NORTH Meetir rt- | _ KING ST, E. & WILSON ADVENT It \Four flocks. trom King) able church come, ot Nigigon | Rtv AP Allan BA TC. Hl 9:00 A.M--HOLY COMMUNION 9:45 A.M. -- BIBLE SCHOOL The Rev. Robert 8. Milroy, MA., cia fe rg as beaten. Pen-4014 11:00 A.M.--HOLY EUCHARIST CELEBRANT -- 11:00 A.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE (disagne : prccliprcmgte ans Mr. Frank Walter, ES REV. C.D, CROSS |} 11:00 AM.--WHITE GIFT SERVICE 7:00 P.M aia. MEMORIZATION Mr. David Jenkins, Musical Director REV. KENNETH J, MATTHEWS Organist and Choir Mester 700 P.M.--! | PR R WITH DEDICATION OF GIFTS FOR ON CKLB THE WONDER OF THE INCARNATION 9:45 -- CHURCH SCHOOL 9:15 A.M. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WORLD NEEDS Wed., 7:45 -- Annual Church Meeting -- Part | AND BIBLE CLASSES 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL WILSON RO. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. BROADCAST OVER CKLB Fri, 7:30--Sunday School Christmas Programme 11 AM SABBATH SCHOOL 2 Morning Services of Worship INCUMBENT: THE REV, R, A. SHARP -- 725-7064 Minas oat ee : : SERVICES AT 8:00 A.M. -- 11:00 A.M, -- 7:00 P.M. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL WORSHIP Sat. 8:00 <-- Mr yo hd bes ogo fences "THE TRUTH THAT 10:30 a.m, 11:45 a.m, SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. -- NURSERY FACILITIES AT 11:00 A.M HURTS APRA? BE patil WITH THE CONGREGATION : ws 11 AM ; (All Departments meet at 10:30 a.m.) HILLSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH HOLY BAPTISM AT ST, MARK'S CHURCH | 7. P.M. "SILVANUS--A FIRST SERVICE. STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE, Miss Evelyn Gay will tell the Christmas Story 1351 CEDAR STREET "CHALLENGED TO - NURSERY Ke AT BOTH REV. A. WOOLCOCK -- 728-3055 | Minister's Meditation: "The Amazing Gift of Wonder 9.45 AM 11:00 A.M THE BEST" FAITHFUL, BROTHER 8:00 A.M. -- 11:00 A.M, -- 7:00 P.M, f li SUNDAY. SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP 7 P.M. 9:30 AM. -- CHURCH SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--dJoint Service in St. Andrew's Chapel Preocher: PASTOR &. WINTER A Hearty Welcome Awaits Yeu All Cordially Invited YOUNG PEOPLES Nursery Facilities et 11:00 A.M. Service Dr. John Leng will preach, =.

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