27--Real Estate For Sale ea ero Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, December 9, 1961 17 Two ms, upstairs, one down stairs, Toroogines bath, laundry facilities, use Kitehen, clean and warm. Married couple, girls, gentlemen. Apply 67 Sec- ond Avenue REAL searangh Boel 3 bedroom bun- owner transferred, very, very in price. Mon payment and month- y payments, Call, to inspect, Art Wein- berger, vin J Real Estate, 725-6588, WEW HOUSE for sale, five-room brick, 424 Park aa bs sac $12,000. Terms. GOOD income double house, two bath- rooms, hardwood floors, heavy wiring, ew ofl furnace, central. Immediate pos- session, $500 down payment, MA 3.2433. Your Lost Brgy are ~eturned fm a burry you use Oshawa Times Classified a ade to tell finders where to Pag By you. Dial /23-3492 first you 30--Automobiles Wanted [pa Articies for Sale LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD cars for reckion iuighest prices paid. 725-1181. AK want! BABY SETS knitted and crocheted, all types of knitting, bulky knit sweat- ers, ete Telephone 725-2426. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 31--Automobile Repairs FOR RENT OR SALE 4-BEDROOM Situated on Grandivew, at- toched garage, recreation room, two bathrooms. Posses- sion within 2 weeks. Ask for Bill Millor at 728-5123 or 725-2557. AUTOMA! IC TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? Complete Service T AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 SIMCOE N, 728-9711 LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA LTD. REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST. N. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER COZY BUNGALOW QUIET RESIDENTIAL AREA Very oppealing in every re- spect, living and dining room meodernly deccrated, pleasant size kitchen, fenced-in back- yord with trees, paved drive with curbs. low down payment to responsible party. Immediate possession by Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728- LIVE RENT FREE Three income homes to choose from. Stevenson Road, Fairwell Avenue, Thomas Street. Down pay- ments as low as $700.00. Be satisfied. Call Bill Millar 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor, 728-5123 PEDWELL REAL ESTATE HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- ELECTRIC water tank, white kitchen sink, good ¢ondition, Italian fur coat, light grey, never worn, size 18, Tele- phone 728-7825. LLOYD convertible baby carriage, pink and white, also mattress, in <xcellent condition. Telephone 725-4175. GE television, $59; Encyclo; Brit- annica $50; Encyclopedia Canadiana, 37 volumes in attractive bookease, $230 new, sacrifice $100; Remington 30.06 rifle with 4-power scope, $100. 728-4062. WINE and cider barrels. . Solid oak. All sizes. Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church. CHRISTMAS Gilt Spotter Chuck Full of Wonderful Things 13 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Christmas Trees Gifts For Her 2 (Gifts For The Family Christmas Fow! \F YOU WANT THE fan EEE cial pee ee a re CHROME chairs $3.88; also 5-piece chrome sets $29; large selection Lane cedar chests $49; mattresses $16.88; continental beds, spring filled $38; desks $18.88. Tremendous savings. Ed, PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 Wilson's Discount Furniture, 20 Church | Street. | BLACK Hudson seal coat, good condi- tion, size 14. Telephone 728- 0470. ALL kinds of printing, wedding invita- tions our specialty. Telephone 723-4670 125 Acres on No. 2 High- way, all workable, bank barn 40' x 100', steel implement shed, frame house in good condition, This is one of the better farms, first time offer- ed. 100 Acres, 90 acres cultiv- ated, good frame house, HILLCREST SUNOCO For ALL your motoring needs 1 mile east of Oshawa, No. 2 highway. Open nightly till "725-4811 bank barn, double-deck pig and hen house, only $10,000 Easy payments. Several small farms. 3 bedroom ranch house, oil furnace, 4-piece bathroom, one acre of land, close to Newtonville. A bargain, $8,500. Low down payment. HAROLD C. PEDWELL Roal Estate and Mortgage Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 Salesman John Heatlie 101 Simcoe Street North Newcastle 4511 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED LLOYD CORSON ...- DICK YOUNG .. LUCAS PEACOCK .... MODEL Central Park Blvd. Leck at these features. 1050 kitchen, windows with screens, se eerewrees President Vice President Sec. Treosurer HOME North--$12,950 sq. ft., clay brick, hollywood ceramic tile bathroom, mohogany trim, - Panoramic All services prepaid. Open This Week End Only. For Full Particulars Call 723-1121 trene Brown, Peacock. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p-m. Don Smith, Phyllis Jubb, Roy Flintoff, 32--Articles for Sale ACCORDION, Hohner, two row, in A-l condition, Apply 70 Wilson Road South or telephone 723-1894. Visit our new Streomlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, Chinu 'una Glassware, Notions, and Kitchenware, GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Rood South, Oshawa Open to 10 p.m, daily T.V. TOWERS 40-ft. structure with alle channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year, TRIO TELEVISION __171 Bond St. Eost, 728-6781_ REPOSSESSIONS Hi-Fi sets, tape recorders and TV. sets. Top quality, brand new or slightly used. Several models to choose from. Priced. reasonably for quick sale. Contact MR. RIVELIS at 17 Simcoe St. N. ' Jean We list Photo Co-op, 28--Real Estate Wanted WANTED % to 2 acres of land, reason- ably close to schools, Suitable for a six- room house and large garden. Reply to Box 629, Oshawa Times. 29--Automobiles for Scale *S? OLDSMOBILE two-tone, radio, heat- | er, power brakes. One owner car, good! condition. Will accept reasonable offer. Telephone 725-9202, 8 to 5. 29--Automobiies for Sale *60 PONTIAC convertible V8, white with red trim. Will finance, $2,695. Tele- phone 725-2958. '@1 PONTIAC, , 6, Stratochief four- door, automatic, 4,200 miles, extras. Make offer. Private sale. Telephone 725-8762. $595 GIVES you choice of '55 Chev. sta- tion wagon, '55 Pontiac coach, '53 Chev. 'delivery. Van Heusen Motors, 725-6541 ECONOMY SPECIAL 4" TEMPERED PEG BOARD 4 x 8 SHEETS REG. 6.98 SPECIAL - $4.48 W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY 701 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY MO 8-2379 a 1 SPACEHEATER, like new. Used only | one season, Large size. Telephone 725-8373 for more information. BERKEL meat slicer, , heavy duty elec- tric, cost $600, sacrifice; °53 Plymouth sedan; 9 x 9 tent; sleeping bags. Tele-| phone 728-6891. | BEST IN FRESH - KILLED TURKEYS TALL MA 3-5049 W. E. LYMER Highway 2 at Maple Grove Order Your Christmos Fowl from LITZ ar pad PLAN Special Rates 5 quets, Bowling Alleys. 117 Bloor St. E. 723-4722 Ban- range, Crosley' Shelvador refrigerator, 10 cu. ft., golf clubs, nine registered irons, new wringer washer, MO 8-5206. GIRL'S bicycle, standard si girl's coat, in good condition. Park Road North. we TWO dry pop coolers in good condi- tion, mn, Telephone 723-4245, DISCOUNT frices, everything in the MOFFAT deluxe 30" also piy 170 CHRISTMAS FOWL Capons and Turkeys Dressed and Delivered FRANK HOAG ROSSLAND ROAD WEST DIAL 725-6837 store reduced, excellent selection of Christmas gifts. Hassocks $2.9°: card tables, $2.99; cedar chests, $49; pat form rockers, $29; kindergarten sets, | $8.88; arborite desks, $18.88; recliner | chairs, $38; table lamps from $3.88. Visit our store now! Ed Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Strect. | REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, 9) cubic feet, with door storage, $80 or best offer, Spanish guitar with case $60 or best of Call anytime 728- 4452. | if YOU OFFER instruction in any field -- tell people about it everyday with a low cost Oshawa Times Classi- fied Ad, Dial 723-3492. TYPING paper on sale, white newsprint. buy in bulk tots and save, 4% tb pkg $100, 8 Ib pkg. $200 Circulation Department. Oshawa times LADY'S mouton coat, brown, like new; Persian Lamb trimed coat, both s'ze 14; man's overcoat, large size; also | suits, like new; also household fur- niture. Call 723-3317. LADY'S black winter coat, size 14, as good as new, reasonable; also black party dress, 14. Telephone 723-1274. ricture tube. Will sacrifice. Telephone 728-1276. DEWALT radial arm saw, five months old, has extra attachments, planer and guard. Telephone 728-4509. JOYCYCLES and ard kinds, like new. Reasonable p-ices from $3.00 up. 16% Bond Street East. DRAPES 18) x 95, cream with flowered pattern of blue and gold; drapes 270x95 beige with flowered pattern, brown, gold, rumpkin. 728. 6070, 170 HYBRID rock "pullets, 5, Peel "strain, | ready to lay. Telephone 655- 3446, BEAUTIES! Christmas trees, all prun- ed, Scotch sine and spruce, J. R. Fowler; 192 Verdun Road, Oshawa. CLASS 18 CHRISTMAS trees, es, pruned Scotch ] pine, €rst cutting. Everett Stapleton, tele- phone 3. R 4, Orono. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- vision, $18 Simcoe Street North. Your color' TV store. brewery on King. *53 GM one ton truck, suitable for serv- fee station, complete wits bumper and "86 CHEY. deluxe coach, tutone, yellow and gold, runs better than some new hiteh. Telephone 725-5402. 'SS PLYMOUTH four door Seay nea 'white station models. Only $795. Van Heusen Motors, opposite brewery o on _King. walls, radio, heater, Good|SPEOIAL °53 Pontiac in 4 'g00d condit'on, . Owner moving to Unit- good tires, body and moter. ed States. 'Telephone 728-5941. $250 or best offer. Telephone 725-1053. "61 PONTIAC, convertible, V8, auto- matic, white walls, wheel discs, full price $3,195. Will finance, 723-2674, "Sy Austin. Priced cor yuck sale da Service Station, 62/ Simcoe Str ro jneed money, 33 GMC ¥% ton panei, A-1l con -tion. MO 8-5071. winterized, good heater, $150. Take trade, '35 FORD Customline, Tudor, four- barre] carburetor, standard transmis- sion, excellent condition. Cash settle- ment or take over payments. Apply 295 PA baa t or 728-6760 after 5. ways your choice of 83 Chev,, '52 Ford, '52 Pontiac 345 TO §: ntia ar ToroNe Pontiac coach, very good) condition, winterized, new brakes and| battery, good motor, body and tires. | Custom push-button radio. priced right for quick sale. After 6.30 or weekends,! 284 Trent Street, Oshawa, (Park Road. Adelaide), '39 CHRYSLER Windsor ce cedan, auto- matie and radio, low mileage, just like new. Only $1695. Van Heusen Motors, opposite brewery on King. % TON pick-up, '52 International. Ideal truck for some one, Only $245. Looks i954 and runs good, Cash, trade or terms. | Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Street North, Whitby. MO 8-801. *86 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop, power steering, power brakes and other extras. Good condition. Cheap. 258 Burk Street after 6 p.m. $198. YOUR choice of °54 Ford, '53 Chev., *59 Isetta, °53 Pontiac. Van Heusen Motors, . opposite brewery on King. Brock "$2 HILLMAN, good condition, best offer. Telephone 725-6705 or apply 38 William Street East. *36 PONTIAC tudor "hardtop, "six cy cylin-! der, with radio, reduced for this sale. Only $795. Van Heusen Motors, o>posite brewery 1 on King. si], PLYMOUTH, Savoy sedan, \ motor, beautiful running car. Priced to| sell. $695. Van Heusen Motors opposite} brewery on King. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 NAGY MOTOR SALES Mercedes Benz Studebaker, D.K.W. N.S.U. Sales and Service 484 KING ST. W. 728-5175 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a goo ot Used assortment ors, 725-0331 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE *49 Pontiac, '51 Pontiac, *50 Chev. or °47 Chev. First come, first served. Cach, trade or terms at Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 86-8091. \$1,395 TO $1,595 buys your choice of 5 8 Chevy Biscayne four door sedan or "38 Pontiac four door sedan or '58 Ford tudor sedan. These cars are in im- maculate condition, winterized, ready to go. Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Street |North, | Whitby. MO' 8-8001. 1956 METEOR four door hardtop, V-8, automatic, Victoria. Excellent condition, Telephone MO 8-8088 after 7 p.m. '35. CHYV. coach, mechanically perfect and clean, best 'offer accepted, Tele- phone 725-0473. 1956 PONTIAC power glide coach, new tires. Car in good condition. 190 Meadow Road or telephone 723-7946. PRIVATE, °58 Parisienne V8 hardtop, with extras, two tone, spotless condi- ton, $ $1,495. Telephone 728-0569. '60 CHEVROLET 6, automatic trans- mission, like new, radio, heater, turn jSignals, two-tone metallic grey. No dealers rs please. 728-4658. 55 FORD Prefect, road "shape, gre green, Asking $185, 74 Garrard Road or tele. hone 728-4198. 1953 CHEV, BelAir, "power "glide, Aa condition, snow tires, winterized. Tele- phone MO 8-3409. VERY good condition, 1953 Vanguard, Price $230. Call at any time, 723-9901, 30 PLYMOUTH, sell cheap for cash. Telephone WH 2-4855 after 5.30 p.m. *56 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe "with radio, guaranteed. One owner. Trade and finance. . Telephone 728- 5179, "49 GMC 3 ton stake truck, good con- dition, low mileage on present motor, $445 or best cash offer. Apply 67 Oshawa Blvd. North, 725-3609. 69 AUSTIN Healey Sprite, sixteen thousand miles, radio, take over pay- mente, $56.40 or sell. Telephone AT 4-4829. 30--Automobiles Wantcd $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. 449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 723-9421 BUY A NEW SINGER SEWING MACHINE FOR CHRISTMAS $5 Deprsit Will Hoid Until Christmas New $59.50 Up, Singer Sewing Machine 14-16 Ontario Street | 725-5443 SELLING furriture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc, For top cash offer contact 19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131. ONE Boy Scout uniform, size 12; one| Cub uniform, size 10. Telephone! 728-9874. FOR sale or exchange, 2 slightly used snow tires and tubes 670 x 15 and one wheel to fit Chevrolet 1949 to 1954 in- elusive. All for $29. Or will exchange tubes, Telephone 725-4330. ROLL-top desk and chair set, child's, excelent condition, $16. Telephone 723-3170. GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS RANGES AND WASHERS SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Vick's Vapo Rub .... 49¢ 127 and 620 Films, Ea. 44¢ Neilson's Ice Cream. Reg. 39c. On Sale "ave Player's Cigarettes (25's) Cartons $3.03 with Purchase. We carry complete line of Christmas Cards and Wrap- Ping. 438 RITSON RD, SOUTH (Next tc Coin Laundry) Open Every Night Until 10 o'clock All parts and service. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 FREE TUMBLER WITH $3 GASOLINE at the HILLTOP a. Ober 10 oy. anion (Continued on Page 18) Lumber 728 FOR EVERY BUILDING NEED FREE ESTIMATES MOST COMPETITIVE PRICES CALL THE -4688 McCULLOUGH LUMBER SIMCOE N. -- JUST SOUTH OF TAUNTON RD. "YOU CAN COUNT ON OUR SERVICE" Number Hobbies Hobbies (next to Grey C sure to see our wide selecti Previous to 1900. Also 1925 Cents from 1922-1926. We also purchase old stamp THE ROYAL COIN and STAMP STORE NOW LOCATED AT 12 PRINCE STREET When Christmas Shopping for Stamp Albums, Coins Stemps - Coin Folders and other accessories, be WANTED -- COINS OF CANADA Highest prices paid for these items. curios, carly books, documents and maps of Ontario County, 728-3221 coach Terminal) ion. and 1926 Nickels. Canadian letter size, |} 21" TV console, reconditioned, with new |$ jointer, | Bicycles, all sizes q for a new pair of standard tires and| TURKEYS FRESHLY KILLED Young, Tender, Tasty Delivered Oven-Ready Year-Round Supply. Special Prices -- Churches, Banquets Courtice Turkey Ranch 728-5392 AVOID LAST MINUTE DISAPPOINTMENT ORDER YOUR it CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR TURKEY NOW There's like 4 y Wy 4 4 of no turkey a t; and tenderness. You may poy / q little more, but you get the best when you buy a Townline j Turkey Rench turkey. Freshly killed, dressed and delivered anywhere in Oshawa, TOWNLINE i» TURKEY RANCH 725-4233 Christmas Trees NUMEER ONE Scotch pine, spruce ard balsam, plantation stock. Nicely pruncd, 302 Oshawa Bivd, South, 723-2281. Free delivery. CHRISTMAS TREES # PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PIN: -- SPRUCE j OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Location -- Simcoe St. N. | Al Preston Sunoco Stn, \¥ Free Delivery 728-6366 PRUNED \§ CHRISTMAS TREES FLOWERS From Our Greenhouses POTTED PLANTS GIFT CERTIFICATES VAN BELLE GARDENS BOWMANVILLE ! Free Delivery MA 3-5757 A-1 SCOTCH PINE HAND PRUNED ALL SIZES 2,000 TREES YOUR CHOICE $1.94 PLUS TAX OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE 1259 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3222 CO Ete sins NURSERY GROWN PROFESSIONALLY PRUNED SCOTCH PINE SPRUCE and BALSAM IN LARGE, TABLE AND APARTMENT SIZE A.W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING ST, EAST OPEN EVENINGS 725-1764 PRUNED CHRISTMAS TREES ALL SIZES FREE DELIVERY WHOLESALE & RETAIL C. E. HARDSAND 728-6656 CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned--Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All Sizes--wholesale prices. FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST SET YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES NOW Nicely Pruned Spruce, Scotch, and Red Pine All Sizes From 50c -- $1.00 HOWARD MILLSON MERE SS eS SSO SS a collections, medals, badges, CO 3-2607 freshly killed turkey for flavor J & A-t PRUNED SCOTCH PINE PHONE ELGIN BUDD ORONO 8-R-3 CHRISTMAS TREES Spruce, Balsam, Scotch Pine 00 UP Commercial size 17 foot JACK'S BAR 180 ADELAIDE EAST COLLECT AT 178 ADELAIDE EAST Entertainment PIANIST and banro ptayer - Dance and sing along with us. Parties, weddings, etc. Telephone 655-4505. Those who hear SIM LASH and his Trio Ask for repeat engagements. Parties dances, receptions, banquets. Music makes the party. LOCAL ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE FOK PARTIES, DANCES, BANQUETS, CALL 725-7867 ENJOY YOUR PARTY OR BANQUET AT THE CADILLAC HOTEL Select Dates Still Open. Reserve Now. 725-3743 NEW YEAR'S ie ea Spcnsored bi C.R.A. 4% DANCE CLUB Old Tyme and Modern Novelties - Lunch - Prizes Saturday Dec. 30th, 8:30 -? $2.50 PER PERSON 728-8334 FOR YOUR »Christmas Party ?Little Buckaroo Ranch FULL COURSE HOT TURKEY BANQUET §$1.50 A PLATE HALL RENTAL for party or dance extra RESERVATIONS CALL 725-2737 Gifts for Children TOYLAND Bicycles, tricycles, pedal cars, doll carriages, sleighs, Hockey equipment. VICTOR'S 38 BOND W.--723-3141 Christmas Joy For Girl or Boy BICYCLES C.C.M.--RALEIGH SKATES, C.C.M.--BAUER Layaway Deposits Let us be Santa, Christmas Eve delivery service. Seven mile radius. WILSON'S CYCLE and SALE 106 Colborne St. East, Whitby MO 8-3746 Gifts For Her Complete line of dresses, party dresses, suits, coats; carcoats, blouses, slims. All latest colors and fashions for her at Christmas. Use your credit. Open a charge account. Special Offer: Nylons, seam- less, 3 pair for $1.00 with any purchase or 49c pair anytime. MORRISON'S 48 SIMCOE ST. N. Opposite the Armouries "Oshawa"s newest and smartest Ladies wear Store" 725-6312 CHRISTMAS & MUSIC GO-TOGETHER RECORD PLAYERS R.C.A, Victor Portabie 4 speeds, $24.95, $29.95, $39.95, Automatic Porte able, 4 speeds, $54.95, Stereo Automatic, 4 speeds, $84.95 up. In imitation leather, Lug- gage type Cases, assorted colors. MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W. 723-3425 tobog- 4, gans, Meccano sets, Dinky toys, sweaters, ¥ oe) a Thrill Her With Lovely FRAGRANCES Attractively Gift Pockaged Tussey's -- Cologne $1.25-$3 -- Dusting Powder $1.75 Yaidley's -- Red Roses, Lotus, and Bond Street Per- fumes. from $3. --Spray Mist $2.50. POWELL'S DRUG STORE i 35% Simcoe N. 725-4734 Gifts For Him FREE |! SUBURBAN GOAL COAT with the purchase of any SUIT PRICED AS LOW AS $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT. NO DOWN PAYMENT, DUNN'S # 36 KiNG E. (Downtown) E OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Give HIM A WARM CHRISTMAS Sweateis from $7.95 up. +Cardigans Pullovers, Shags, /Bulkies Al! colors All sizes. SAM _ ROTISH MEN'S WEAR 17 Kina St E. 725-2433 IDEAL GIFTS GO KART ENGINES POWER MOWERS SNOW BLOWERS 74 BARRIE AVE, 728-2791 ' Gifts For The Family SKATES NEW and USED, A com- plete line of C.C.M. and 7 BAUER Skates, Trade-ins ac- cepted, Skates sharpened by experts. VICTOR'S ¥ 38 BOND W. -- 723-3141 Give The Gift of Better Health Niagara Cyclo-Massage Home Therapy Equipment Service or Rentals 725-7927 Write 316 Wilson S., Oshawa SCOTTY'S BARGAINS PING PONG TABLES Compiete tcp and base, $23.75 Millwork & Building SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291 Sales, FOR A LOVELY GIFT Call At PARKVIEW STORE 98 OLIVE AVE. {Religious Articles, + Nativity Sets, Bibles, ! etc, Statues, Rosary, » THE IDEAL GIFT 2 i Footwear, Slippers, Luggage, Hosiery. Use our convenient S. Lay-A-Way Plan. BURNS SHOES KING AND SIMCOE WATCHES SAVE 20% TO 50% All Leading Makes, ? For Men, Women, Children HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS OSHAWA SHOPFING CENTRE 723-7133 a 20 SIMCOE S. 725-8443 ENJOY CHRISTMAS MUSIC HI-Fl's Electrohome, 1962, Stereo medels, famous Dielcraft Cabinets in Fruitwood, Mahogany or Wolnut. $329.00 up Convenient Terms, We Finance Our Own Sales MEAGHER'S 5 King St. West 723-3425 Y Permanent Waves Complete 5.95 EDWARD'S BEAUTY PARLOUR 5 CELINA ST. 723-7633 BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS Gift Certificates FROM $4.98 UP DAVIDSON'S 31 Simcoe North 725-3312 {BEX BLANKETS 70 x 90, Reg. 6.95, for $5.69 pr. ~ WOOL BLANKETS 7 Reg, $10.95 for $8.95 > CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $7.95 VELVET DRESSES Sizes 2-3x, Reg. $4.98 for $2.98 NYLON DRESS $1.75 Up CRINOLINES $1.69 Modern Draperies Discount Prices M&C Dry Goods 74 _74 Celina strech 733-78 7827 Light a Christmas Tree in the window of your own home this Christmas, Model Display lomes of award-winning designs Down Payment $1195 BALANCE ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE les » Diamond (Southwood) Ltd ; Southwood Park Town of Ajax Homes To make this a Christmas to remember always-- turn to the Gift Spotter now for excellent values in outstanding gifts. A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES @ year- round gift ond a daily reminder of good- will for your Yjends ond relatives who are owoy from home. THE CIRCULATION DEPT. KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA 723-3474 Will be pleased to act upon your instructions. Holiday Food LITZ Oshawa Shopping Centre Compare Litz quality ond prices. LITZ DELICATESSEN VIANNA For the Finest Selection of: CCLD MEATS SMOKED FISH, HERRINGS PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE / Best selection, style and best ; quality, for thet man you ; desire, i SPORTSCOATS SWEATERS GLOVES, TIES, HATS, "People's for Gifts' 36 Simcoe N. 723-3612 SHIRTS GERMAN CAKES, PASTRIES VIANNA ° DELICATESSEN 543 RITSON RD. S. 728-3281 OPEN EVENINGS FOR TOP QUALITY APPLES FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Bushel and half bushels, At Lowest Prices, TRY US ' Holiday Dining PALLOCK ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY AT SANDALWOOD THIS YEAR No party too small -- 20-120. Phone for Res- ervations, 725-9111 BRING HER TO -- Modern Grill ' HOME MADE PASTRIES A SPECIALTY HOT TURKEY AND DINNERS WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS ONLY $1.50 A PLATE WE DELIVER 725-3887 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH ; Christmas Flowers LOCKE'S FLORISTS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PLANTS AND FLOWERS CALL 728-6555 Say it with flowers this CHRISTMAS! JOHN BURTINSKY'S FLORISTS will wire them for you CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS TABLE CENTRES FANCY PLANTERS ' We service WHITBY, OSHAWA and District daily. MO 8-3334 124 DUNDAS WEST BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN © ORCHARDS Growers for 35 ycars One Mile North Whitby -- Highway 12 East Side Holiday Transportation The Sate Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi Auto Gifts FOR THE MOTORIST Why not give a Gift gy oe. ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE Only $15.00 728-8334 -- 725-7422 Christmas Ideas PERSONALIZED 7 CHRISTMAS CARDS ' Coutts, Hallmark, Toothills, 3 other exclusive lines. WICK PRINTING LTD, 1700 Simcoe North 728-5119 : Christmas Flowers FLOWERS AND PLANTS FROM REED'S FLORISTS Artificial Centerpieces, Door Knockers, Holly Wreaths, Winter Wreaths R: B. REED & SONS FLORISTS -- OSHAWA DOWNTOWN 10% KING ST, W, DRIVE-IN SHOP 163 BLOOR ST. W. HOLLY PLANTS LIVING winter, Plant outdoors n 1206 DUNDAS ST. E. NO. 2 HIGHWAY ieties. Complete' instructi FOR CHRISTMAS FULL OF RED BERRIES PLANTS 5 TO 10 INCHES Beautiful living Christmas gifts. Keep indoors for ext spring. Improved var- ion for care $3.50 each -- 3 for $10.00 postpaid. Specialized Growers Association Ltd. MO 8-3501 WHITBY ONTARIC NOW! Residents of Hampton, Bowmanville, Brocklin and Whitby for DIRECT LINE WANT AD SERVICE Call OSHAWA 723-3492