18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Saturday, December 9, 1961 (Continued from Page 17) BIRTHS 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale pas FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guaran-\ONE Domestic automatic zig-zag sew- --_ = ee ond Tis are bare ie tee, $2.25 per week, no down payment.|ing machine, aek, Ponsote, all satca Deborah Lynn, 7 lbs. 13 ozs., born on, Package deal, $130. Telephone 725-4729. per Peg ob Prag eet iquor cabinet, December 7, 1961, at Oshawa General) MECCANO number 7 set for sale, plus pena satan Sod Hospital. A wee sister for Wayne,|reversible clockwork motor. Interesting,|JOE Weider weight lifting set bar-bells Karen and Bobby. Many thanks to constructive. Good condition, only $15)49d dumb-bells, like new. Originally. Dr. Anderson and the staff of 4A. |complete. 725-6179. $46.95, sacrifice $25. Dunbarton 839-2709. re|SKATES, girl's, white, figure, size 1;|'59 WRI in A-1 condition, Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity 'This Week. 1961 This Week-------~ 1961 High Low Close Ch'ge High Low Stock Sales igh Low Clise Ch'ge High Low 55 58 35% Bail S 5% pr 440 $24% 24% 24% + % 10%--% 19% % inff bf 13 «61% «6+1 1%+% 15% il TORONTQ WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Press Decines outnumberel advances by 502 to 288 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues un- changed totaed 148. 8 $15% 15 cume for the week was 19,198,408, down from 225 32 «27 the previous week's 32,034,058, Tota saes for the 200 $53 «452 year to date are 662,488,356. Quotations in cents pk} uness marked $. 7 WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press --_This Week-------- High Low Cose Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS $26% 23% 26% +3% $33% 32 .334+% ----This Week--_---- Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low 00 4 HM +h 37500 18% 15% 164-1% 2 $909 25% GB 2 2 2000 $16% 16% 16%--1% 115147 30% 27) «(27 26975 Stock 23 WK Goldale 75 «73 3F Mining ie soldray 308 «200 Granby Calalta 2 7 8B lh He DB : Stock Guar Tr 5 $56 «55 $11% 10 Bata + Britalta s -9 C and D Grandroy randuc 3 +2 «653 13%+% 13% 10 7 ™% 6% mp 8 = 8: = '59 WRINGER washer, IVANOFF Alek and Frances ai fy 4 u man's CCM tube, size 7. Both brand| With automatic pump, new rollers on happy to announce the birth of their| fp daughter (6 Ibs., 7 ozs.) at Oshawa 9560. nevér used. Reasonable. MO) Wringer, $50. Telephone 726-0122 General Hospital on Tuesday, Decem- |" --_ gs I. |RCA 17" portable television, 3 months ber 5, 1961, A sister for Nicki and Bar-/MODEL railroad equipment. Bargain|°ld; 3 brush floor Polisher, Arrow, all bara. Many thanks to Dr, Halam-|prices, Perfect Christmas gifts. Owner|chrome, new. Sacrifice! 723-2786. 400 +10 500 % 54% 57% +3 57% 37 147. 147 --128 «161 9% 48% 49% -- 49% $17% 17 17% +% 17% SE 6% 6% + 6% $37% 35% 35% --1% 38% $49% 49% 49%--% 49% 1961 High Low 16% Stock Dom_ Bridge BC Pow Saes 46369 41045 Andres. |fect condition. Telephone 725-4678, WAITE -- Fred and Evelyn (nee| KNITTING machine, all steel, like new Bould) are proud to announce the birth) sis or best offer. Lady's fur coat, size, Pants; of their son, Philip Paul, on Friday.|ig, worn a few times, $50. T | 725-0537 |tion, cheap for quick sale. | was train enthusiast. Equipment in per-|GAS stove, white enamel, good condi- Elderly gentleman's brown and tan sult, 2 pairs grey wool car coat, size 42. December 8, 1961, at Oshawa General 793.3296. Hospital. A brother for Susan, Diane FILTER Queen 3 ont fem, eee fy Dr STEN: eral trade-in allowance, Free demon-|triple dresser, General A BAPPY occasion -- The birth of) Stration. Telephone 728-4683. your child. To tell the good news to/ELECTRIC razor friends and neighbors The Oshawa Times is as near as your teléphone 'and Service, lib-\and bookcase headboards, service, Sunbeam, | seyen p.m. chick, P Row. | |TWIN beds with Dunlopillo mattresses matching) Electric auto-| matic washer and dryer, matched pair, one year old, Telephone 723-2054 after son, etc. Cords, cutting heads in stock, ELMER Wilbur, Hampton, Ontario, The day of birth, just telephone RA/Moeagher's, 5 King Street West. jbuys and sells used televisions, chester- 723.3492. The rate is only $1.50. DEATHS CALFORD, Walter John In Oshawa General i changed. Apply Bond Street East. WE buy and sell and exchange used | ware, mirrors, hand sleighs, e furniture or anything you have. "The|motors, tools. Everything is priced 1 on Friday, South. 723-1671. City Trading Post", 446 Simcoe Street save you dollars, Call Elmer; CO 3-229 pret fields, dining, bedroom and kitchen fur- SKATES, new and used, sold and ex-|niture, ranges, oil heaters, refrigera- Drayton Cycle, 204/tors, washers, antiques, electric irons, llamps, sewing machines, dishes, cook- electric to 4, PEOPLE WHO need your Services are December 8, 1961, Walter John Calford,| USED parts and repairs for all makes |turning to the Oshawa Times Classified beloved husband of Evelyn Murray and/of wringer type washers, % hp motors. | Section everyaay. Tell them about your' dear father of Harold of Oshawa and(|35 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash. |firm with an inexpensive Classified Ad. Mrs, Louis Moores (Betty) of Courtice,|ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp-| Dial 723-3492 now. see in his 73rd year. The late Mr. Calford|ton, CO 3-2241 |WE buy and sell used furniture, is resting at the MclIntosa-Anderson Funeral Home. Service in the chapel 728-4873. Monday, December 11 at 2 p.m. Inter- oe $25 each. Telephone South, TWO small Coleman space heaters |Call Superior Resale, 140 Simcoe Street seek Uns | Comers, "CP SIONG Ore asked not to call at the Funeral Home| EVENING party dresses, many differ-/34--Lost & Found until Saturday evening.) ent shades, like new, sizes 16 to 18, various prices. Telephone Bowmanville HESS, Ellen Entered int t in the famil PE pect acta ntere into resi in e family resi-| ~---- = - _ dence, 101 Lauder Road, Oshawa, on| MARCONE table model television, 17 YOUR service Saturday, December 9, 1961, Ellen|'nch excellent working condition. Tele- Beatty, widow of Perey D. Hess and|Phone 728-7443, : mother of Mrs. George Burns (Hazel), ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, |Dial 723-3492 today Peterborough, Thomas of California,/No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates jow commercial rates. John and Robert of eres in her free. 723-498! 63rd year. Resting at the Armstrong 7 >oEy ---- Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial | TYPE SRS for service in the chapel Monday, Decem- ber 11, at 3.15 p.m. Interment Oshawa .: SPRSUSER AS " Union Cemetery. (The casket will ze-/WE pay highest prices in the city for right, main closed.) (In lieu pf flowerssona- used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture LOS tions to the Cancer Fund will be ap- Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. preciated.) LADY'S piano accordion Camerano, 12 |L. merano, 120) Poad LA ROCQUE, Elizabeth Filen ition. priced at $275. Telephone MO 7.t- At the family residence, 112 Barrie |%3762. Ae : Avenue, on Saturday, December 9, 1961,;TYPEWRITERS, cash registers, add- Elizabeth Ellen Hawkins, beloved wife ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill Ham- of the late Joseph H. La Rocque and /ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. loving mother of Mrs. G. Cuibertson,! oy7ny -- om ai Deseronto, Charles Pilling, Mrs. Diners atts ees epee Te ae MO 8-5484 Fryer, Toronto, Mrs. 8. Church, Whit-\teed rebuilt qachines. Wetimatss tres by, Archie Davey, St. Catharines, Mrs. /Rentais Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv K. 'Essery, Mrs. C. Nickerson, John|i.. 799.9591 anytime pee ¥ Davey, Joseph La Rocque, Oshawa arid} ----"_--_ : the late Kenneth Davey. The late Mrs.|COMBINATION high-fi La Rocque is resting at the Mclntosh.|cord player, RCA Vi Anderson Funeral Home. Service in|s00d condition, $225. dog, wearing Pickering Tag. business will ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin color with beige collar. Answers Generous reward 8 after 6 or 723-4233 before 6. Whitby. teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543 radio and re. tor, mahogany in elephone 728-5920. able, good condition. Apply Road South. LOST -- registered brown boxer, male $10.00 Reward, Tele-hone . 723-3065, Oshawa. prosper with a daily ad in "Business Services' in the Oshawa Times Classified Section to learn about the -- _.|¥OUR MAY be sorry if you try to do dents. Guaran-|it yourself. Check 'Business Services" tee standards at low prices. Bill Ham-|in the Oshawa Times Classified Section to find reliable people to do the job Female Boxer pup, light sand to Killick. In vicinity of Quebec and Park Telephone : Sandy-brown, two-year-old Pek- dog, in the vicinity of Westview Anyone having seen or picked up this dog, please telephone B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, cote tele- SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason 763 -Ritson Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Mon-|qwynin cor day, December 11, at 3.30 p.m. Inter-|freg poh psa ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. \Cleve Fi Nelson \oLD 'Prompt service, | Chair, table rentals. 35--Legal 412 Simcoe North. Saco et HURT ae WHINFIELD, | Entered into rest in the family resi-| handgun. dence, 380 Athol Street East, Oshawa, | 725-8183. | Friday, December 8, 1961, Nelson) Se ag eee | Whinfield, beloved husband 'of Annie|fen nie, im Tea eaee gmale and one Mae Harper and father of Mrs. Alec./\aie of Susie and Boots Telephone | Wilson (Peggy) and Carol, in his 67th)795 coq, joots, Telephone PARLIMENTARY NOTICE year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral| - Home, Oshawa, with memorial service|CIGARETS carton $3.09; butter 64c <tl PRIVATE BILLS Also old shells. Telephone OF ONTARIO in the chapel, Monday, December 11, at}Gem margarine 4 Ibs, $1; bread, 2/ Interment Mount Lawn Ceme-|loaves 37c. Savings galore, shop daily. | Glecoff's Supermarket, Ritson Roard South, Oshawa Open every night till 10.| LADY'S black Hudson Seal coat in good) condition, best offer. Apply 303 Byron} pei North, Whitby. Telephone MO} 2 p.m. tery, Oshawa. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price Notice is hereby given that the last day for depositing Private Bills with Clerk of the Legislative Assembly free of penalty has been: extended so da RET St RDO % | to Tuesday, January 16th, 8' MEAT counter, used refrigerators 1962 and ranges, new hot water tanks, new) yet within reach of all. |ritination Thor dish washers wink nod clothes washer. Home Appliances Osh- 728-6226 awa Limited, 390 KING STREET WEST lost -- Will person who got dark per. GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-|Sian cat through or at the pound last| morial, For placement contact funeral|Friday or Saturday contact 723-7609. | director or phone 725-2327. | Urgent. Under special treatment, IN MEMORIAM DEARBORN -- In loving memory of a dear father, Norman E. Dearborn, who passed away December 10, 1946; and a dear mother, Lillian Catherine, who passed away December 14, 1946. Gone but not forgotten, --Lovingly remembered by son Allan and daughter . in - law Alice and! RODERICK LEWIS, Q.C. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Toronto, {| December 7th, 1961. 35--Legal ' IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF: The Registry Act 1960 R.S.0., Chapter 348, Section 92; AND IN THE MATTER OF: An application' by wanted, shotgun, rifle or LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (Continued on Page 8) 34930 33476 Phantom 33430 Sorth U $35% 35% $12% 12% $10% 9% 10 204500 18 35% + % 122. +% --% OILs 14% 146 --1 189500 45 39 45 +5 89700 15R 10 153 142 9 7 67310 Am Ledne 66332 Witsey Back Bay L_ Dufaut bf 1257850 707020 0 Peeress 1264450 46 3 39% 29 30 --9 1100 740 | 765 399025 135 110 127 +4 380690 67 44 55 +6 3 +% 145 +3 7 --%k MINES 30 --6 --260 Industrials Abitibi Abitibi pr Acad-Atl Acad-Atl A Alta Dist Alta Dist vt Alta Dis W Alta Gas Alta Gas pr 7945, 7800 Alta Gas w 9577 $1 Alta Nat Alg Cen 4625 $2. Al¢ Con w $11 $48% Algoma Algon Algon wts Alumini Alum 1 pr Alum 2 pr Analog Analog w Ang Pulp pr Anthes I a Anthes B Anthes B pr Argus Argus 250 pr Arg 260 pr Atlan Ace Atlas Steel A St Wire C 6948 Auto Elec 375 Auto Fab B 285 Bank Mont 6206 Bank NS B Bath Pow Bath Pow A Beatty B B Beay Bell Bowater Bowat 5% Bow Bowater Bowes 50 B il 10298 3 ght 450 BA Oil 34930 § BC Forest 13360 BC Pack A 100 BC Pack B 225 BC Phone Brockville Brooke p Brown Bruck A Bruck B Build Prod Burlington 3urns Burrard A 409 $109 Alt aGas B pr 465 $108% 107 1648 $20 12% % 3 +% --25 105 105 --I5 36% 374 -- % 108% 109 107% --1% ™% 16 16% 1956 3%_ 22% 10% 4756 3 21% 54% +1% 644+% 32 29% 10% 5% 8% 27 me § 110 6 36% 295% 15 16%4 16% 52% $6%4 $28% CBAL B wts Cdn Can A Cdn Celan C Cel $1 pr > Cel 175 pr Chem 2935 11% Inland C pr Inland Gas Inland G pr $24% 24 Inind G wts i Bronze pr Int Util Int Util pr Intprov 125 4485 1512 160 Intprov 59 wt 120 Intpr Dis Inter PL I Stl Pipe Inv Syn Inv Syn A 1420 5179 29465 125 $6: 4600 Troq Glass pr 125 Jamaica PS Jefferson Jeff B wts Jock C Jock C pr 565 17040 28900 9190 730 Jock C B pr 505 Jock C wts Kelly D A Kelly wts Labatt Lafarge Lafarge A Lafarge wts Lakeland LO Cem Lauf F 125 Lambton L Laura_ Sec Laur Fin A Levy Levy pr CoA A wis Co B Co pr Gro Maxwell McCabe MEPC Metro Stor Met Stor pr 810 Mex LP Mid Pac Mid-West Milt Brick Molson A Molson B Molson pr Mon Foods Mon Knit Mont Loco Mint Trst Moore Vat Drug 4000 915 2075 6179 100 100 200 5950 8800 3 pr 635 885 $ 16328 5880 70 11657 4763 15499 747 850% 50% 25$165 165 150 $32% 32% %%% 500 9 9) 90 3270 $18% 18% 75 $29% 228% 15899 $18% 18% 395 $35 34% 4138 $17% 17 33. 11% 200 36%4c 37 250 «6250 7955 $22%e . + 106% 109 +2% 110 200 +10 +1% 200 $11% 11% ll*-- % 100 375 375 375 6572 190 185 2070 2371 2004 300 N Nat Drug pr N St Car Nat Trust Neon Nia Nia Wire Wire B NGas Pow Phone Ner NW Util pr Ocean Cem Ont Loan Oshawa A Phone w 2655 15244 $21 20% 171 $110 105 265 $13% 13% 1340 $13% 13% 660 $12 13 8423 $20% 20% 188 $33% 33% 6970 $9% 8% 9 609 510 600 706 $81% 81% 81% Ot 8 1210 8 335 2999 Overland pr 200 Page-Hers Parker Pbina Penmans 6262 525 Penmang pr PC Jewel Phantom Pow Corp Premium Pres Elect Q N Gas Reichold Reitman Reitman Robertson Roe AV Can 10536 9% Roe AV pr Rolland A Rothmans Royal Bank 3% 33430 SI0E 9% 10 1732 $62 2150 64600 $26 4388 = $6% $514 51% 51% 200 180 200 il 100 195 200 5420 6617 5 +% +70 --2 11% llhk--% Royal Oak A 800 300 Va 5% 820 «220 83% chy Gr Plains Home Oil A Home Oil B HB OG Jump Pnd LI Pete 89700 22911 16500 6272 Nirthid Okalta Pac Pete L to 42750 64S % % 20000 3% 15% 225 27 17 Pac Pete wts 4340 950 Palliser Pamoil Permo Peruv Oils Petrol Phillips Place -s Ponder Prairie Oil Provo Gas Quonto Ranger Rocky Pete 61914 Sapphire Sarcee Secur Free South U Spooner Stanwel 10566 Tidal Trans Can Triad Oil U Canso vt Un Olls Wayne Wespac W Cdn OG W Cdn OG w 950 Wsburne 15000 Wstates 32977 W Decalta 37183 W Lease 1785 Windfall 17072 Yan Can 24500 4235 Curb SW Pete 200 8550 7717 Dathousie Abacus 16099 Acad Uran 305525 Advocate 2550 Agnico 65330 Amal Rare 26767 Anacon 20384 Anglo Hur 6660 Atlin-Ruf Aumacho Aumaque Aunor Bankeno Bankfield Ba +1% + Sanbe8ebed siz 3 93 14% 670 7 i} 01 3% + Ss --10 40 274 +15 470 «325 865 3 3 +% 10 613 +% 210 218 --6 s 41964 $13% 12% 13% 0 «6D 750 33 Tt 72 49 37 59 335 118 630 7 4 17% 17 151 151 A 4 16 595 127 41 53 940 and B 12% 13 1% 12 575 (575 16 13% 760 12% % 10432 $18%4 1846 18% + %s 18% 910 8000 16 1S 1h 1H HM OM 4utuSSSe4 2 e nah Tm! S3.eksekesek meer | Magnet 4400 6000 10186 ce Maneast U Man Bar 7 3s Bh oS a7 @B $13% 12% 134+ % 13% 7 %" 7 +% 10 4 73 #71 «4% «642 77 162 135 «4150 4+10 «180 00-25% 25 25 4 121 108 112 --2 Mm ll WM = Nat Expl Nealon New Alger Ne t4s7% M%--1 7% 72 1 BS *SSrenuk SIBaF2Veroo8ss a es PS ghsieu Normetal 6619 282 Norpax 14200 15 N Coldstrm 11484 72 Northgate 78434 44 N Golderst 9682 N Rank 27600 es ane NESezeSe the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for an order clesing up the southerly 48 feet of the north-south lane l¥ing immediately west of lots 9 and 10, Plan 17 in the City of Oshawa. grandchildren. | 60 «660 240 «250 5 % %---1 3% 60 7 12% 12% 12% + Ot 8 Obaska 5 O'Brien paratite 12502 4 A : Royalite pr 550 44 23% 2% hie Bee 4 : Russell 1366 $11% 10T 10% -- % > Curt W StL Cem A 1105 $14% 14% 14% Dredge 2 r StL. Corp 129 $22% 22% 224-- % Falrtee A St. Cp Apr _ 155 $103% 103 1035 + % . Pairbks B 77 \ 4 St Maurice £200 8 8 8 --3 A ) p O | N nf M E N 7 : pied 1 or "50 bet 53% Salada-S 25487 $19% 17 17% --Iir f : Salada wts 5310 $12x990' 10% --2 A ; 370 315 3 Se 320 Selkirk A 1200$544 5% Su-- % UPON THE APPLICATION of the Council of The Cor- ; Sec B 2150 Seven Arts 9117 39% 9% 94> % Saawin A "500° $27, 2844 24 poration of the City of Oshawa, | do hereby appoint Friday the > Husky 18421 "ontind A 22nd day of December, 1961, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. at ee = tee s ie is eg ae > ame 2% my Chambers in the Court House at Whitby, Ontario, as the > Imp Bk C Sicks 450 $31 30% 3% +% 31 time and place for hearing an application by The Corporation > Ind Gas TRIBUTE of the City of Oshawa for an order closing up the southerly TO YOUR 48 feet of the north-south lone lying immediately west of lots LOVED ONES Nothing is more befitting or o grecter tribute to the memory ot the loved ones Siverwd A 2194 $14 13% +% M Siiverwd B 255 $144 144 M4%+2% 12 ; 28 9 and 10, Plan 17: who have passed on to that hourne from which no Simpsons 8150 $28% 27% traveller returns, than a SKD Mig 200 $5% Slater ind 870 $19%4 memorial verse ot Christmas time, > Chem wts 3285 pe deg A wts 11150 75 Can 18480 255 Norvalie 9975 10 Nova Beau 3800 66 judul 1025 SMITH -- In loving memory of my) dear husband, Francis E. Smith, who; passed away December 10, 1951, | Gone but not forgotten. In loving memory, by his wife Bertha. 5 =+% 60 --1 10 134 --2 635 --15 - Bubs...2, 086 dn Loco > Mare Cdn Oi) pr CPR ose Somville pr Statford St Pav Stedman Steel Can Steinberg A Stuart Oil S Propane Suptest ord Switson Cdn Pet pr Cdn Salt C Silica Cdn Tire Cin Tire A Cc Ut r AND)! DO hereby direct that notice of this application be given by publishing a copy of this appointment in The Oshawa Times, a newspaper published in the City of Oshawa, at least 10 days before the date set for the hearing and by mailing a copy of this appointment by prepaid first class mail to the owners of property abutting the southerly 48 feet of the north-south lane lying immediately west of 9 and 10, Plan 17 to be closed up as shown on the assessment roll of the City of Oshawa and at the addresses shown on such roll at least 10 days before the date set for the hearing. Cockshutt 13% 139% -- % 5245 $15% 14% 15% +1% 9366 $78% 77% 78%D % 1010 $25 24%_e +h 100 $24 24 "4 825 $16% 15% 15U + % 950 $l4¥%a 14% 14% 9400 145 140 140 Tuaz 12200 7% 6% © 2750 $28% 27 9000 66 55 55 14090 750 700 720 61 BL Cdn Astoria Cc Dyno € Malart 0 uM Cc N Inca 96156 15% 13 Cc Nwest 52100 16 12 Candore 14166 14% 12 Can-Erin 61515 2 24 Captain 31500 11 8% 10 Cariboo 2400 132 123 130 Cassiar 10369 $124 11% 11% -- % Cayzor 400 45 39 39 --8 Cent Pate 10525 --10 --%* ore --10¢ Lid VN Gas pr Westng Chat-Gai Chrysler Coca-D Tamblyn pr 40 0 --h Texaco C 927 $60% 59% 594-- % Thorncliffe 2110 $74 6h 6ia-- % TordDom Bk c6338 $72 70% It is u beautiful gesture of Fa apres aoe ee ove and devotion to the memory ci a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter or son , . . Cr those beyond the immediaie family circle, a foithfur friend or kin, 150 137 140 9 8 8 In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriam notice ot Christmas, The Classified Department ot The Oshawa Times will publish Special Memorial tribute in the CHRISTMAS EVE EDITION To ensure that your message Ooppecrs at this time, call before Wednesday, December 20th, if more convenient to you, use the mail to send your copy to The Times. TELEPHONE 723-3492 CARD OF THANKS BRYANT -- I would like to express my sincere thanks to all mv relatives.| friends and neighbors, ladies' afternoon| Aux., for flowers, gifts and cards dur- ing my stay in Ajax Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and staff, Rev. Mr, Butters, Dr. Atkinson, Dr. Tomlinson. --Mrs. Fern Bryant, 27% 27% 193% 19% --3% +h 8% ll +2 4 4 165 (165 --5 18 $ 3 3000 $24% 142) $30% 30 9 WM 0 --$ 300 .$6U 6% b6%--% 25 $5542 55% 55% 5596 $9 8% 8%--% 1200 455 440 445 --5S 2850 125 100 120 +10 8688 $60% 58% 59 --I1 650 365 345 350 --I15 8 670) 300 275 280 +15 1746 $894 % %M%+h 137 $32% 32% 32% 150 140 140 140 --15 60 +7 2965 60 19% 2% + % 9% 9% C Halliwell C Marben 2700 2 C Marcus 59115 215 185 Con M 23% 20 17980 255 163 225 +45 C Migul 6095 127 20500 =5 44% 4%4--% C Morrison 5 C Mosher Con Negus Con Nichol C Northland Venlamatic Vuican Wainwr Walk GW Wat Equip Webb Knp Westeel West C Brew W Copper W Cop wts Weston A Wstn p 44 Wstn pr 6 109 109 West A wts $12% 11% 1%+ % Wood Alex 00 400 400 400 WC Trans $17% 17 li*%--* WC Trans vt 6188 $16 15 Wood JA 819 $34% 34 Woodwa A 4495 $18 7 Wdwd A wts 1055 715 660 Zenith 5670 285 276 Curb Ang Cdn 5 $384 38% 384 AnglodNfld 1769 $1042 10% 10% + % Cb Sug c 4701 $2 My 3 +% *C Bronze 100 $19% 19E 19% -- % CG Inv 535 $40 40 C Paper 7356 2 D Glass 495 --45 450 3 D Glass pr 100 33% 334 --% 41% D Oileioth 1285 102% 102% -- % 104% Hayes 105 13% 1 Int Pap 770 * 75 Lob Inc 210 $13% 13% 134+ % MacLaren A 57) $23% 23% 23% MO Paper 700 $27 6B B+ % Sangamo $10% 10% 10% $8% 8 Thd CG Iny 2200 ne 30 $334 33% 34+ % 16500 8% 7% 8 --% 16050 176 171 173 --2 28000 18% 16% 164 --1% Sylvanite 330 34+] 9205 $20 = Taurcanis 46 +1 Teck-H Temag 4 to K Wash pr 100 $16% 16% 16% Match 525 $33 32% 33 +1 2840 $13 11% 125% +1 2560 $13% 13% 13Y + % 6305 $16 154% 15% + % 7256 $29% 27% 29 +1% 2300 $54 485 500 --25 225 $51% 50% 514 + % 75 $29% 29% 29%+ % 2715 38% 8% 84+ % 25743 «79 62 73° «+1 1925 $20% 2) 2 --% 500 $122%4 120% 122% +26%4 355 $166 i160 160 --6R 930 $12% 12 12% -- %& 1290 $27 25% 26% + % 10 $94 94 4 6 b 319% y Eddy -- 10% 8 17500 8% 7% 7% 1 9170 595 570 580 --15 wisi Fam Fed Farms Fed Grain Fed Gr pr Fibre Fleet Mfg Fleetwood Ford US Ford com Foundtn Fraser Freiman pr Frosst A Fruesauf 10 --1 1h --2% 43 40 --5 3 lk 13 +1% 14883. 8 7 a --1 7016 21 2 2 2541 605 575 580 + 10 }200 -- U Asbestos U Minda Un Keno Un Fort Upp Can Va Ventures Vent debs lLh&--% Zellers lla + % 7 7650 249 245 245 7015 186 175 176 --Husband and family. Oils A and B 10% 10 10 --% 4 42 42 28% 28% --1% LOWNIE -- We wish to extend our} sincere thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and floral tributes received from neighbors, relatives and friends, during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. William Lownie. We especially wish to thank the Rev, J, K, Moffat for} 19 is conseting words and the Mcintosh. G Wep Gas nderson Funeral Home for their kind - "8 ; gad VE: 2aa7 : and efficient management of the serv- i pia Fen NEY & Woe ow 450 4 ry , Judge of The County Court of the G 5 reening The Lownie Family County of Ontario, Greyhnd 2 DATED AT WHITBY THIS 8th DAY OF DECEMBER, Col Cell 8355 420 Tor Star pr 35 363% 1961 Comb Ent 870 $13 7 Fin A 2965 $59% Con Baks 430 | $9% z a se vaae so " ye Con Bidg 15335 $131 2 Fin wts 20 $19% J. de N. KENNEDY" Gon Bldg p 11460 $8 7% ' Tr Can PL 31122 $26% Judge of The County Court of the Con Bidg wt 28408 480 365 460 _! 'Trans-Mt 21540 $14 County of Ontario, Con Gas 21195 $22% 21% 2i% + % Trans PPL 31122 $26% CRORES ARe ee ie eas Con Gas A 50$107 107 107 + % Ah po on ioed Fis. Con Gas B 25 $107% 107% 107% + %4 Jnion Oil +4 IN THE CCUNTY COURT OF THE Corby vt 985 $1 18M 1A -- LM de ge fie Corby B 125 $18 18 18 Jn Ace 2 pr 4 Coniagas COUNTY OF ONT. Cosmos 529 $12% 12% 12% + % Un Gas 11874 $22% "4 OF ONTARIO Coronation 19735 $11% 10 11% 41% Un Gas pr 56 2 coker IN THE MATTER OF: The Registry Act 1960 Ck te moa U cop Ar 30. 30. $0 PEED secnger ga R.S.0., Chapter 348, Section 92; Crown Trust 55 $60. 60 U Corp B S Ga ' Crush Int $8% 8 0% 53 U Corp pr Cont Gad AND_IN THE MATTER OF: An application by oe ap BRE eh cot ey as Ue oa € Discovery the Council of The Corporation of the City of D Coal pr "150 400" 0" Vanier ew ten Oshawa for an order closing up that part of C Gen ins 130 $145 145 Venez pr Dieppe Avenue between Normandy Street and ag pert 4 eS) 4 : a point 459 feet 6 inches east of Normandy Doin Soot a oi 50 tian fetes ug that part of Dean Avenue ti on Aon sil 11% 11¥ tween Normandy Street and a point 459 feet See ee ree Sie i AS 6 inches east of mandy Street, and for closing Den Ter pr ae Mati ae Bae up that part of Normandy Street between High- ome 'Text 4414 316% 15% wi salt s % over 259. $10% 10% ny snip St ond a point 540 feet 11 'in Dover oe 435 $10 9% , ches north of the north limit of Highway Number Dow Brew 45 $51% 51% 51% +1% 401 all as shown on Registered Plans 167 and Du Pont 5401 $29% 23% 2%--% 258 for the City of Oshawa. Teg Re UPON THE APPLICATION of the Council of The Cor- poration of the City of Oshawa, | do hereby appoint Friday the 22nd day of December 1961, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a.m. at my Chambers in the Court House at Whitby, Ontario as the time and place for hearing an application by The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for on order closing up point 459 feet 6 inches east of Normandy Street, for closing up thot part of Dean Avenue between Normandy 3treet ond a point 459 feet 6 inches east of Normandy Street, and for closing up that part of Normandy Street between Highway Number 401 and a point 540 feet 11 inches north of the north limit of Porgy triage -- We wish to acknow!- Highway Number 401 all as shown on Registered Plans 167 ii leep appreciation the kind-| nes, sympathy ead' incey 'wousteat and 258 for the City of Oshawa. vee" hs oral tributes extended by our relatives, ik d : friends and neighbors at the passing of AND | DO hereby direct that notice of this application GP DRill 410 65 5 +5 oor Beeved wife and mother, Clare| be given by publishing a copy of this appointment in The me ee ee 30 ie a s. We espec ri } 7 oS Wa, Major Mauiis' he Gite nan er Oshawa Times, a newspaper published in the City of Oshawa, 2670 $10% 10% strong Funeral Home for all kind sery.| °! least 10 days before the date set for the hearing and by brite $00 Sim AI ices. mailing a copy of this appointment by prepaid first class mail by 'ue sie to the owners of property abutting the portions of Dieppe 1150 $6% 6% Avenue, Dean Avenue and Normandy Street to be closed up, P. 8083. $19 as shown on the assessment roll of the City of Oshawa and at i hae Tak as He the addresses shown on such roll at least 10 days before the 635 $9 date set for the hearing. iN Gas 35 $47 DATED AT WHITBY THIS Ist DAY OF DECEMBER, 61. Acme Gas AP Cons All. Rox Alminex Am Leduc Amurex Anchor Anglo Am Asamera 15170 Bailey S A 26117 Bailey 8 pr 1895 Q 3700 2365 Francoeur Frobisher Gaitwin Geco Mines Genex Gnt Masct Giant YK Glacier Glenn Uran 51160 13 8 Yuki 5 5 9400 «68 7 a+' 181 16% 16% 15 20652 $255 23% 25% +2% 37500 18 «3612 «13 4 oe es Ly 2100 63 62 62 --4 3410 830 810 810 --5 830. ©1735 $11% 10% 10%--% 315 $23% 22% om --% 29% ety 5790 «15 "4 614 1 1825 250 210 210 --27 265 19 12120 «7 5% RA ---l% 00 4944 4545 48 6 ' GW Coal B Ld +50e 2025 450 400 450 +4) 270 3500 $16% 164 16% + % 17% 1%