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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1961, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, December 11, 1967 |WALKER'S TROPHY Wally Butler's Rink Wins Mixed Bonspiel 11:00 O'CLOCK DRAW First Gome Edith Gearing, Tab. Gearing, Eileen Coppin, Bob Coppin, skip... SPORTS CALENDAR i TODAY'S GAMES | | HOCKEY | OHA Lakeshore Intermediate) League -- Port Hope at Ux-| bridge, 8.30 p.m. and Bowman-|| ville at Napanee, 8.30 p.m. || Oshawa Minor Assoc. -- Ban- || tam League -- Police Assoc. vs |Houdaille Industries at 5.00) |P.m.; Duplate vs Canadian Tire, |) at 6.00 p.m; Coca-Cola vs} | Local 1817, at 7.00 p.m.; Civitan vs Local 2784, at 8.00 p.m. and|) 5:Segog Cleaners vs _ B'Nai|! |B'Rith, at 9.00 p.m. All games|/ at Oshawa Children's Arena. | GAMES FOR TUESDAY Dorothy Disney, | HOCKEY | ae an | OHA Metro Junior "A" Ed. Disney, |League --- Toronto Marlboros/; skip 4.,vs Whitby Mohawks, at Whitby |Arena, 8.30 p.m.; Brampton at}) Following are results: 9:00 O'CLOCK DRAW First Gome Doreen Williams, Ruth Clemens, Ken Williams, Pete Simmons, a Ev, Granik, Merlee Lawrence, Electa McLaughlin, Bert Granik, Rev, J. Pereyma, (Ross Luke, skip skip 5.'Mar. Tribble, Eileen Goulding, Helen Glover, Vern McLaughlin, Richard Vesey, John Howson, skip 12; fffie Hezzelwood, May Ridgely, Audrey Kitchen, Paul Michael, Bill Ridgely, Rex Cox, skip W skip Dorrie Cox, Orma Andrews, Elspie Furey, Fred Kitchen, Ruddy Andrews, Gord, Furey, skip Brenda Calhoun, Stell, Sutton, Jean Crawford, Al. Preston, Matt. Sutton, Larry Heffering, skip skip Marg, Jacobi, Mern. Kinton, Thelma Kemp, Hol. Butler, Roly Kinton, Ed. Branton, skip Jean Edwards, Merle McConnell, Jacqui Patte, Edwards, Frank Kellar, Bop, Patte, skip 4. Ermal Holland, Eva King, Bil Holland, S. King, skip Peg, Sawyer, Roy Sawyer, skip Bert. Vickery, Ralph Vickery, Helen Brock, Dr.' John Brock, skip Dorothy Sager, Garnet Sager, Belva Cain, Dr, A. Harding, skip Norma Bentley, The Oshawa Curling Club's\too k24 to win their second the complete! first "local" mixed bonspiel of|game on an extra end. the season was held on Satur. OTHER WINNERS day with a full entry of 32 % inl icipati { | As a special innovation, four rinks participating with The sets of prizes were awarded in Walker Trophy, premier award| ; for this new event, being up for|the two-win groups . 7 competition, along with a spe-|draw. These abe hes i. le cial set of prizes. Rinks were|tinks skipped | > 'i ig ; aa limited to two skips, one man|Preyma, 8; 'Ab' 0 ath an and one lady skip, plus two 16 aggregate; Don Crothers, 6, other players of any category. jand 15 aggregate and fg Wally Butler's rink, which|Black, 6 and 14 aggregate, a included Ethel Butler, Hugh|in the nine o'clock draw. In 'and Mabel Gilchrist, emerged|the 11.00 a.m. group, high two- as the first winners of the)Win prizes went to the rinks | Ihandsome new trophy, chalking|Skipped by Bob Mercer, 13; Bill ilup three wins in the 11.90 Holland, 12; Elgin Munday, il o'clock draw, for a total scoreand Vern McLaughlin, 10 plus of 14-plus-3. An unusual six|* ; é count on the final end of the| One-win prizes went to the first game, got the Butler four-|rinks skipped by Matt Sutton, some off to a flying start with|with a score of 5 in the early a big plus and this proved the|draw and to Larry Marshall's deciding factor in the finaljrink, who had a 7 for their one accounting. win in the late section. '| Runners-up were Eileen| The Walker Trophy, present- i|Goulding, Rich Vesey, Effiejed to the club for annual mixed 4\Hezzelwood and Paul Michael. bonspiel competition, by the skip. This rink amassed a total Walker Distilleries, was official- of 10 with three wins in the|ly presented, along with four 9.00 o'clock draw. As a matter engraved silver trays, to skip j\ of fact, they had 10 for their, Wally Butler and the members first two wins. In their third of his winning rink, by Larry game, skip Michael made a Heffering, district representa sensational raise take-out shot,|tive for the company. to score a four against Al Pres-| Ken Conlin, chairman of the ton's rink and tie the score,|mixca bonspiels committee, offi-\). C. Pereyma, 9; Frank Kellar, Chas. Peacock, 9; then Michael and his mates|ciated as master of ceremo-|8. Granik, 8(W); L, Edwards, 8{(L). Wally Butler, 7; : A Paul Michael, 7; Don. Crothers, Fred, Kitchen, 12; won out on the extra end jnies for the presentation of the |i) pidgiey a: Rey Sewer, tary Mernall, 9: Other three - game winners/prizes, thanked the sponsors of Dr. Brock, "8 Matt. Sutton, Norm, Allen, 9(W); ~ were Doreen Williams, Ken Wil- the trophy and also the club/A!. Preston, Jim Ewart, Elgin Munday, 9; liams. Ev. Granik and Bert members for the splendid sup- g ie Les. McGee, Frank Black, i Robins, Dr. Harding, | ' \Granik, skip, who had a total)port accorded the first event of ai stb sib ; od Ss Sa OoZe j i lof six, on three close wins, one|its kind at the local club. Other } a tie game, in the early draw|members of the committee, who and in the late division, the|assisted in the presentation of rink of Laura Robson, Gord|the prizes and shared in the |MacMillan, Molly Jenkin and/praises voiced for the well-run Norm Allen, skip, scored three|event, were Fred Kitchen, Alex wins for a total of 8--and they!Wilson and Ed. Disney. There was no shortage of|Woodcock, Rorabeck, M. Bry-|Lynn Middleton, "Red" Woods goals in the UAW Hockey/ant; forwards, Bannon, Bird, and Al Myles got the others. League weekly double - header/Ford, Price, Westfall, Lintner,, UNIONAIRES -- goal, Cirka; yesterday morning at the Bow- Konorowski and R. Bryant. defence, LeGree, Collins, Tam- manville Arena. A total of 24 Ist Period blyn, Lodge; forwards, Harmon, goals were scored as Tony's Re- 1. Tony's: Burke Woods, Hill, McPhee, Myles, E freshments bombed hapless (Sneddon) ....sesee« 55 Tran, and Middleton. Baker Vending 10-2 while the! 2. Tony's: Burke MERCHANTS -- goal, Mor- two top teams, Unionaires and (West, Sneddon) 1.20, den; defence, McMahon, Currie, Merchants battled to a 6-6 draw.) 3. Tony's: Gibson Gaduet, Gyurka; forwards, S The tie by Unionaires kept (Milton, Napiorowski) 15.10 Smith, Arnold, J. Tran, Wright their unbeaten streak alive at|.4, Raker's: Bannon and J. Smith. nine games and kept them one (Bird, Ford) Ist Period point ahead of Merchantsinthe Penalty -- Rorabeck 15.10. 1. Merchants: J. Tran battle for first place. Victory for 2nd Period (S. Smith, Currie) .... Tony's over' Baker's' con- 5. Tony's: Burke Merchants: S. Smith solidated their hold on third (West, Gibson) (J. Tran, Wright) .... place. ' 3. Union: Harmon ..... a TONY'S 10, BAKERS 2 4, Union: Middleton The line of Jackie Sneddon, (E. Tran, Tamblyn) .. Harvey Burke and Keith West Merchants: Currie went on a scoring rampage col- (McMahon) lecting 15 points, including Union: Woods seven goals as Tony's Refresh- (McPhee) ments trounced Baker Vending Penalty -- Gyurka 12.40. 10-2 2nd Period 7. Union: McPhee (Woods) 8. Union: Myles (Middleton) 5.37 Penalties -- Gaudet 19.06 an Hill 19.58, 3rd Period 9. Merchants: McMahon (Arnold) .,. ees Merchants: Arnold (McMahon) Merchants (Arnold) 12. Union: McPhee (Myles, Middleton) Jean Dingley, Bert Dingley, Marion Campbell, Geo, Campbell, skip os Jean Conlin, Bob. Schoenau, Maible Boudreau, Chas. Peacock, skip 3. 9; 4; Len skip } Beo. Crothers, R, Websier, Louise Rose Don Crothers, skip Doris Jamieson, Dave Jamieson, Hilda Black, Frank Black, skip Edith Ewart, Tom Murphy Oliwen Rolson, Jim Ewart, skip beth Kemp. Ralph Bemis, Mayme Taylor Les. McGee, Bard. Tresise, George Tresise, 2 Phyl. Fordham, Bo». Mercer, skip Ethel Butler, 3, Hugn Gilchrist, Manel Gilchrist, Wally Butler, skip 16; Laura Robson, 6. Gord. McMillen, Moliy Jenkin, Norra, Allen, skip y gtio$ ay eo ah | le WINS HIS FIRST MAJOR GOLF PURSE George Knudson of Toronto | putt to win the $20,000 Coral | his final round for a 273 total > is shown above getting a con- | Gables Open Golf Tourna- | in the 72-hole match. It was gratulations hug from his | ment, yesterday. Knudson | Knudson's first major golf wife, after he made the final | stroked a five-under-par 66 in ! victory. 1961 BUICK LA SABRE Sedan, Power Steering and Brakes. Radio, Dynaflow. New Condition. $2845 1959 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan. A one- owner mode! with. custom tadio, low mileage. (A96460) $1495 1959 VAUXHALL Super sedan with custont tadio. (A95906) $1095 1958 VOLKSWAGEN With custom radio. In ~ excellent shape. (208527), $895 1958 HILLMAN MINX Reconditioned and ready to go. (24769). $595 1958 NASH e Metropolitan 1; 10 Second Butler, 8; Campbell, 8; Gome Hol Second Gome Geo 8 8 Third Bill Holland, 11; Bob. Mercer, 13; Elgin Munday, 13; Vv. McLaughlin, 9; Wally Butler, 12; Art Rowden, 10; Norm. Allen, 9 Bill Miller, 9; Third J, C. Pereyma, 11; Bert Granik, W P. Michael, 7(W Ab. Robins, 8; Matt. Sutton, 10; Len. Edwards, 8 D. Crothers, 7(W); Frank Black, 6: Game Dr. Brock, Les. McGee, Al. Preston, 7( Bill Ridgley, 3 Frank Kellar, 5 Dr. Harding, 6. Jim Ewart, 7(L Roy Sawyer, 5. 9 9 L 3 5. 5. 7 9. 5. 4 6 Toss Out Win Tillsonburg Livvies AsBothTeams FlauntRules (Dis United Hockey League presi- dent Jim Richards wiped out Helen Marshall, | Ken. ahs | Unionville, 8.30 p.m. | tbe f | Oshawa Minor Assoc.--(Ban- || skip 6.\tam League) -- Local 205 vs; Phyl. McAlpine, | Norm. McAlpiné, |» m.; (Midget League) -- Fire- Art Rowden, \fighters vs Kinsmen, at 9.30 skip 5..p.m. Both games at Oshawa Ev. Langmaid, Betty Lofthouse, | OHA Little Big Five Junior| Doug. Lenemald, "C" League -- Allison at Stouff-| skip . 6 ville, 8.30 p.m. | Bob. Skitch, n. Miller, Hl nit Millen, Oshawa Industrial League -- . 5. Coca-Colas vs Student Engi- trene Gunn, neers, at Simcoe Hall, 9.00 p.m. Leon Gunn, veivia Dorothy Munday, | skip Bob open, a C h S li Art. den, 3. "i seer Gzechs plit Bob. Mercer, - PRAGUE (Reuters) -- Port id, 2. Bill ohana. 9L).|Arthur Bearcats beat the Cze- Game Sunday night after losing 3-2 to i pace "the team Saturday night, Before 8,000 fans in Ostrava Larry Marshall, i Fred. Kitchen, Ed. Disney, .. much better performance, the sagt ? -|Czechoslovak news agency Ce- ; pengmers, *\teke. reported, igoal lead in the first period.| |The Czechs scored their goal) beg minutes into the third pe- Larry Marshall, Westmount Kiwanis, at 8.30 Lene Burkhart, Children's Arena. H Gord, Lofthouse, Doreen Skitch, | | BASKETBALL skip .. Elgin Munday, ai B earcats And V. McLaughlin, Bill Milter, ' choslovak B hockey team 3-1 Chas. Peacock, '\Sunday, the Canadians gave a Hal. Butler, The Bearcats took a three-) riod. Ceteka said the game was "tough," with the Russian and \Swiss referees handing out pen- e alties to eight Canadians and a eir Class ss | In Saturday's game at Par- dubice, Kilma of the Czech Plumbers 4-3 victory last Wed- The second half saw a contin- by over a foot, they passed and|squad mege pot egg period's nesday night, disqualifying the of power, Tillsonburg Living- uation of the Livvies scoring) worked the ball well and never) y goal, Pune : 2.95 offenders for having broken the stones doubled the score on the prowess. In the second period, Ernie Bob Gardner continu-|quit trying. Had they put out| : : rules set up by the executive. (Oshawa Hawks 102-51, Saturday|ed to score well as did Barry|the same effort in their paitlie Maer Uasaoa tele whl ee Pitta gl pt ang og -- night, before a capacity crowd Howson (late of Western Uni-\three games against Hamilton|assists from Rudy Migay, for-| ; Cue Hall also came S dee the at Oshawa's Donevan Collegiate versity) and big John McKibbon,|and St. Catharines they would)/Mer National Leaguer who was) gymn. Hawks did not wilt and con-|have won all three games quite|~"imstated as an amateur, and 7.25,ban, for flaunting the rules. Loe Gino Antoniazzi. But Michalec| They used a player who was| The Livvies, with tuu muchjtinued to move and pass the balljhandily. They are just starting|made it 2-1 before the aad » 10.28 - included in =~ oe lists height, speed and an all-star|well. Reilly and Cheski hit ajto jell as a unit and should pro-/ended that were certified on Novy. 18,/lineup were just too much for|hot streak late in the game end|vide some nifty basketball fr: : i i last signing date for the league.|the Oshawa club, who neverthe-|kept the local fans aanne. here on. ' Has Mos peregon pe yg | In the second game, Elec-|less, never stopped trying and)/Tom Olinyk, playing his first) They will be at home again/Al Jorgenson at 2:20 with an tricians defeated Public Utilities)turned in their best effort of the game of the season, provided|Thursday, in a rematch withlassist from Ken Harris as Port 7-4 in a well-played contest that) year, only to be soundly trounc-| several beautiful defensive man-| Peterborough Jets at Donevan|Arthur carried the play to the saw most of the scoring per-jed by what appears to be thejoeuvers to stop Tillsonburg/Collegiate at 8:15 p.m The last|Czechs. But Michalec scored formed in the first period, when|best club in Canada. Manager'scores on his taller opponents.|time they met, the game was|again to give the hosts the win. the winners took a 4-3 edge. Alf Shrubb who has been with|Oshawa lost both Gary Vaughan |called when the officials could] Port Arthur coach Lee Fogo- The PUC pucksters tired in|the Livingstones for the past! and Brent Oldfield, on fouls latejnot control either club, midway|lin, while disappointed over the the second half and three more ten years, says this is the best/in the game but the slack WaS|through the second half With|loss, said he was encouraged by goals by the Electricians sewed team they have ever had andjtaken up by Kelly, Andrejicka,|competent officials on hand|the fact that his squad was get- up the verdict, with PUC only they definitely proved it Satur-/Reynolds and Kolodize. |Thursday, it should be a good|ting stronger at the end of the able to reply once, iday night. : . game. He also said he saved a The final few minutes provid-|game. Goal-scorers for the winners') Hawks scored the openinged some excitement witn the) ASHAWA HAWKS -- Andre-|S°me of the better players of were Closs and Prusinski with pasket and then had to trail the|Livvies trying to hit the century|jicka, Oldfield 7, Cheskie 15,|8¢ 19-player squad of which 93 !wo apiece, Jim Richards, Ken|emainder of the game. By half/mark before the Oshawans|Lyons 2, Reynolds 1, Kelly 140MY 14 are allowed to dress. Connors and Colvin one apiece. };; . ; ; ike _ ; " 19.33 Holmes, Goderidge, Fegan anh time Tillsonburg had built up an|could hit 50. The Hawks got|Kolodzie 4, Reilly 11, Olinyk 4,| Showing an awesome display Zz 14.45 5. : y's: West (Reid) . . Tony's: Sneddon (Burke, West) Penalties -- R. Bryant 8.45 and M. Bryant 9.20. 3rd Period Tony's: Sneddon Baker's: Ford (R. Bryant, Price) ... Tony's: Gibson (Milton, Napiorowski) Tony's: Reid (Burke) Penalty -- Cockerton 3.07. UNION 6, MERCHANTS 6 In a real see-saw tilt, Union- aires and Merchants battled to a 6-6 draw. 10, {I 6. e 9. Burke, the trio's pivot, fired 10. three goals and added three as- sists. Sneddon scored three also and had a pair of assists while West notched one goal and three assists. Other marksmen for the winners were Elmo Gibson, with two and Joe Reid, a single. For Baker Vending, Gordie Bannon and Harold Ford were the goal-getters. Veteran "Sambo" Smith TONY'S RFRESHMENTS paced the Merchants with two goal, Melnick; defence, Cocker-|goals. Singles went to John ton, Hall, Reid; forwards, Gib- Tran, Glen Currie, Neil Mce- son, Milton, Napiorowski, Sned- Mahon and Syd Arnold 11. 6.13 12 7.03 11, S$. Smith don, Burke and West BAKER VENDING Scibner; defence, goal, Marshall,! City-Wide Cop Win; | For Unionaires, Doug McPhee triggered two goals including the tying marker. Bob Harmon, Take Over 3rd Oshawa King's continued their unbeaten trail in the Oshawa Major Hockey League last night at the Bowmanville Arena, bombing their nearest rivals, Oshawa A's, 5-1. The victory gave the Refresh- ments boys a commanding six- Hard working Terry Peters|tor, Brodie, Scero, A. Myles and claimed the lone Generals' goal. JUVENILE GENERALS goal, Braiden; defence, Linton, \Bradley, Cover; forwards, King, | J.| Peters, Armstrong, Furey, Mac- Matthews, Watt, Lutton, Zabudsky each tallied once for the losers. This Wednesday night, Plumb- ers meet the Electricians in the opener, followed by City Hall vs PUC. Penalty -- Gaudet (2) 10.35 Officials -- Charlie March and Don Wilson. GOLF STAR WEDS | MONTREAL (CP)--Golf star John Evans of Waterloo, Ont., lat St. Matthias Church in sub- urban Westmount Saturday. The pert 24-year won the Canadian Women' Open title the last two years. Place 5 McLellan, Ist Period 1, King's: Lawson (Tureski) 2. King's: Nicholisheon (Middleton, Tran) .... 10.10 King's: Price BOAT PARADE QUEBEC (CP)--The 100th an- niversary of the Quebec Yacht 3. old: Montrealer) insurmountable 50-24 lead their offensive prowess showed/all and Bob Gardner combined! to perfection. on several slick plays to put the Speedy playing-coach Jim Ma- Livvies over the 100, with a final loney scored 12 big points and|score of 102-51. several of these came with| High scorers for the Living- Brent Oldfield draped all over|stones were Bobby Gardner With jhim. He just couldn't be stop-|23 and Jim Maloney with 15.) ped. Doug Marshall had 11, sinking) Bobby Gardner, still the bigja single field goal and 9-of-12) Judy Darling was married to scorer for the Livvies notched|foul shots. Barry Howson added} __° 14 first half points. But it was|10. The Hawks held high scor-| the fine play of big 6'8' Donjing Gene Rizak to eight points, | \Jones, who set up half the|which is quite a feat in itself. | lscores and blocked most of the} The Hawks top scorers nal Oshawa shots, that impressed|Cheski with 15 and Reilly with most of the fans 11, Oldfield hit for seven and The Oshawa crew, on_ the| Vaughan six. other hand, moved the ball well) In foul shooting Tillsonburg) jand controlled their own back-|had a big edge sinking 24-0f-39] as|their 50 alright but Doug Marsh-/ Vaughan 6 and Newey. Total 51. TILLSONBURG Rizak 8, Howson 10, Fabi 2, Maloney 15, B. Gardner 23, Jones 8, Martin 8, A. Gardner 9, Marshall 11, and McKibbon 8. Total 102. Officials: Jim Brady and Tim Nelson, Oshawa; Scorers: B. Eagleson and J. Tymoshik, Osh- SCHMAUTZ JOINS BISONS BUFFALO (AP) -- Cliff Schmautz, right winger from Sault Ste. Marie Thunderbirds of the Eastern Professional Hockey League, joined Buffalo Bisons of the American League Sunday. Schmautz scored 33 goals for the Thunderbirds last season and replaced Bob Courcy who was sent down last week. GIVE A XMAS Looking for a clean way out? BOOK OF... Hardtop with radia. (B7424) 1958 PONTIAG 4-aoor sedan with custom radio, (B7638) $1195 1955 PONTIAG 4-door sedan with donald, Gibbons, Nelson and T.! Club was celebrated with a pa-jvoard for most of the game, | attempts to the Oshawa club's F rade of boats--cabin cruisers,|thanks to some slick defensive) 7..for-15. sailboats, outboards--down the|work by Oldfield, John Newey St. Lawrence River and around|and Carl Cheski. Cheski scored|PLAYED WELL CAR WASH TICKETS AUTO MAGIC WASH LTD. 116 BOND STREET WEST 725-0322 custom radio. Spotless. (B10744). $595 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN Powerglide, radio. Hi- Performance, V-8 engine. (A91529), $109 1954 Sedan with dynaflow end radio. (E34036). point bulge over A's. eters. tere. | (Middleton, Wills) .... 13.19 In the first game of the twin. CITY-WIDE goal, Camp- A's: Scero (Myles) .., 19.19 4 The Most Sensible Christmas Gift CAR SEAT BELTS | HUNTSVILLE -- Oshawa Ju-'shooting and stout goaltending venile Generals dropped their)/by Johnny Wright in the Gaels') second game in as many nights|cage proved the difference. jon Saturday, losing a 44 deci-| Generals outshot Huntsville 32- 19.06, points spree during the week- {end and vaulted into a tie for j night previous by Alliston Hor-| nets in their scheduled OHA) er, Gerhart, Brown, Mark le,| Thompson, Ireland and Mc- For safe driving all the year around $295 FOR THE BEST CHOICE... CHOOSE FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION AT KING'S 5 -- A'S 1 jfourth place with Detroit's Gor-|Little, Big Five tilt at Alliston. |Colman. bill, City-Wide Answering broke beil; defence, Delves, Roberts,; Penalties McGarry 3.31, ; ee a two-way tie for third place|@laspell, Tripp; forwards, But- and Rowbottom 14.46. the Isle of Orleans. More than|six points.in the opening half) Even though the score was) with their second consecutive ler. Burke ,Bishop, Wright, Mac- 2nd Period 50 flag - decorated craft took|while Oldfield and Fred Reilly|high and Oshawa were soundly / victory downing Juvenile Gen- Lean, Napiorowski, Smith and; 5. King's: Lawson part. had five apiece. beaten, it must be pointed out} erals 3-1. The loss for the Gen- ®. Myles. (S. Westfall, Gray) ... 7.19 juin ey paved vane erals was their fifth-in-a-row pone " oe Penalties -- Price 1.56, Wright s game. Outheighted, sometimes} and dropped them into the cel-| +> © fide: Burke 2) 3.19, Rowbottom 9.45, Ed- | ee 4 ASLO lar for the first time this year. a et rare : 19.30 wards 11.09 and Garrard 15.00. Ss awa uvenl es enalty -- Bishop 15.05. 3rd Period CITY-WIDE 3, GENERALS 1 2nd Period 6. King's: Middleton Sparked by Harvey Burke's 2. Generals: T. Peters (Tran) 8.08 two-goal performance, City-Wide} (Nelson) Penalty -- G. Wesffall 7.48. | eaten ae Ss Answering Service tripped up| 3. C-Wide: Delves ....... 5.50! Officials Charlie March Juvenile Generals 3-1 in a hard-| Penalties -- Burke 5.35, T.|Lionel Wilson, Paul Kawzenuk fought game. Bob Delves was/Peters 7.59, Burke 12.48, Linton,and Mel Suddard. : jd ee and scored|12.48, Bradley 15.45, Bishop (2) eventual winner on a fine /17.54. ] solo effort, breaking the 1-1 tie.| 3rd Perio : ---------| 4. C-Wide: cone . NHL BIG SEVEN exnibiti S Guat dee 4 1 UNTSVILI | s | Macl 5 exhibition Ontario Minor Hock- TS ULE GAELS -- goal, Maris And Mantle PN so neg Rey By THE CANADIAN PRESS ey Association juvenile "A'\Wright, defence, Snowden, | |Wright 6.46, T. Peters 10.03'| Big Frank Mahovlich of Tor-| fixture at Huntsville Arena.|Smith; forwards, Eadie, Mc- Named Co-Winners Delves 13.31, and Butler (2) | one Maple Leafs went on a\Generals were bombed 4-2 the| Manus, Lowe; alternates, Coop-| leon NEW YORK (AP) -- Roger ~ Maris and Mickey Mantle, the 4 P "Yankees home run twins who| Oshawa King's scored their, die Howe in the National] Gaels fired two markers in} Ist Period broke records with their exploits|eighth win in nine games, de-| Hockey League individual scor-|the opening 20 minutes andj 1, Huntsville: Thompson last season, set another when|feating Oshawa A's 5-1. In the|!"8 Tace. were the better team on_ the (Eadie) they were named Saturday aslother game, King's battled| Mahovlich, in 12th spot before| period. Davey Thompson fired! 2. Huntsville: McManus ap joint winners of the Sid Mer-|A's to a tie and are still un-| Weekend games, scored one the first of two goals with) (Eadie) 17.43) person wer Player of the Year award.|beaten in nine league games. |84! and helped set up five|Andy Matthews, Generals' left-| Penalties -- Matthews 2.18,| It was the first time in the| Gary Lawson sparked the|thers as Maple Leafs won|winger, sitting out a slashing)Snowden 6.38 and Peters 18:10. $1-year history of the trophy of-|King's onslaught with two goals, | twice. He now has 28 points on| penalty. Darci McNanus upped 2nd Period 0.95 2 for 25.00 fered by the New York chapter\Lynn Middleton, Dan Pri j12 goals and 16 assists, the! the count 2-0 in the period. 3. Huntsville: of the Baseball Writers Associ-|Dave Nicholisheon fired Single-| 4me figares as Howe. nthe eee Chapeet 8, Ween) ation that the 'honor has been|tons. Pas ---- of New York | ig goals. Ken Eadie! 4. Oshawa: Furey shared. Sonny Scero spoi : Me}.| Rangers picked up one assist|who had assists on the Gaels' (Macdonald, Armst'g) 19.30 Waite received tha award tilnioc's bla Ge' Batol coating and remained at the top with 11|first two, hit the score sheet] Penalties -- Peters 3.10, 1957. It's a first for Maris. ithe A's orphan ble tag goals and 26 assists for 37 with the period only 57 seconds 3rd Period The two hit 115 homers be-| KING'S -- goal Melnick: a points. old. Barry Furey counted Osh- oY Cihawa: Furey ? 5 awa's first tally at 19.30. Furey (Macdonald) ..... ceevs Aeadl INCLUDING INSTALLATION tween them in leading the New\fence, Tureski, Price, Cole, ee A Pts.'scored again making it 3-2 and| 6. Oshawa: Nelson roo coniane America oe, raphy xs gtr 8.) 37 |Ronnie Nelson put the teams on| __ (unassisted) J | OTOR ' , Gray, Tran, Middleton, 32 |even terms at 3-3 on a fine| 7. Huntsville: Thompson | | 29 | solo effort. 16.1 | King 8.36, Mc-|f- | G. Westfall, Wills and Nichol-| Geoffrion,. Montreal 10 i "4 (unassisted) GREAT DAM isheon. Howe, Detroit 12 28 At 16.15 Dave Thompson; Penalties -- eaten 98 353 King West, Oshawa 723-9311 Eadie G 11 17 Bathgate, New York Provost, Montreal After five years' work, the) A'S -- goal, Cirka; defence,|Mahovlich, Toronto 12 scored his second to break ; ; 4 og Meat : oe ld j 2 $s o break the;Lewnan 9.12 and Watt 9.12. pading jhan dam at Baghdad,|McGarry, Hughes, Edwards,|Ingarfield, New York 13 27 \tie. Oshawa swarmed all over] Officials -- Denny Young and raq, w#& completed at an an-|Olesnuk; forwards, Romanuk, Kelly, Toronto 11 26 |Huntsville in the last three|Hugh Devine, both of Hunts- nounced cost of $72,000,000. iGarrard, Rowbottom, MacAllis-'McKenney, Boston 11 26 lminutes of play, however wild] ville. ih Simcoe St. North, Oshawa 728-5912 140 BOND WEST 725-6507

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