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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1961, p. 2

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2 'Tre OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 11, 1961 STUDENT KILLED IN FIRE ween A general view early Sun- | girls' private school, killing day as flames swept through | Claire Langford, 17, student dormitory of Rogers Hall, a | Minister Claims [Warns Against i") viene |to Sudbury arena, site of the \rally. INCO Employees Hold Steelworkers Cards |vide the know + how needed to deal with modern developments in industry. SUDBURY (CP)--An organ-;workers for help "for you, the izer claimed Sunday night that| workers of Sudbury, to get back the United Steelworkers of!in where you can hold your} America (CLC) have unionjhead up," "You are working for a very cards signed by more than half} He read a message from| prosperous monopoly,"' he said, the International Nickel Com-|Steelworkers President David|"and should be leading the way pany employees now repre-|J. McDonald who wished the|for all the workers in Canada sented by the International Un-|Inco workers well in their cam-|in wages and working condi- ion of Mine, Mill and Smelter|paign "to restore self-govern-|tions." : Workers (Ind ). jment and re-enter the legitim-| A letter from Claude Jodoin, The organizer, Terry Man-|ate labor movement." |president of the Canadian La- cini, was speaking to nearly; Mr. Mahoney denounced left-|bor Congress, expressed hope 3,000 INCO employees present|wing tendencies within the|/the Sudbury workers would fol- at an orderly Steelworkers'|Mine-Mill leadership. He said| low the lead of Inco workers at rally. ihe union was "not an organi-|Port Colborne, who last week He said that on Nov. 28, when|zation whose main purpose in| voted to be represented by the Steelworkers filed an applica-'life is to serve the interest of| Steelworkers. tion with the Ontario Labor Re-| the members. It is a propa-) Mr, Jodoin said he was con- lations Board for certification! ganda machine." fident the pre-hearing vote at as INCO bargaining agents, the} He said his union would pro-| Sudbury would produce an over- percentage was slightly below; | 5 ry |whelming majority for the "T am happy to say that 225| KISSES IN CAR osses | Steelworkers cards are now in my posse Lynn Williams, Steelworkers sion," he said, "That makes it ITALIAN CRIME area superviser in the Niagara over 50 per cent." : ROME (AP)--Italy's high- Peninsula, said Mine - Mill had The quiet meeting was in con- boasted they would 'take Port Onn Colborne by storm." trast to a rally Sept. 10 which] est court has reversed itself | "After three days," he said, was disrupted by supporters of} and now says it is a crime ("this crew (of organizers) was the national office of the Mine-} for a couple to kiss in an au- | under orders to stay in their ho- Mill union. With a few excep-| tomobile even if the windows | tel rooms, because the Steel- tions, all those admitted Sun-| are frosted over and no one | workers were clobbering them day night were required to pro-! can see inside in the pubs." | -- Lage righ the ee up The Italian penal code out- | ---- | with the union at the entrance! Jaws public kissing. - | Innumerable persons have Agreement With | been arrested on charges of i" | obscene behavior because po- | Paper Tentative lice caught them kissing in | parked cars. Several appealed | MILWAUKEE (AP)--A _ ten- falive agreement was an- ocal 598, Another indication| ©" the grounds a kiss in a : we sympathies of the Local] ¢at is 'not public. nounced Sunday night by fed-| 598 executive lie came in a| ,, Several months ago the jeral mediators in the 26 -day) speech by William Mahoney,| COUT ruled in one case that |strike of the Milwaukee Jour-| ( 31,| @ kiss in a car is all right if |nal by 57 members of the Mail-| | tne car has blinds or if its Jers ynion. windows are frosted over. But | POIRIER ON HAND Among those present was Ray |Poirier, treasurer of Mine-Mill Nobel Prize Awarded To 'Five People OSLO, Norway (Reuters) -- Nobel prizes were awarded Sunday to a former South Af- rican chief wearing his native costume and four American scientists. African nationalist Albert Lu- thuli, his costume including a leopardskin hat and a necklace of animal teeth, received the in- signia of the 'Nobel Peace Prize for 1960 at a ceremony here. The gathering also saw the Swedish ambassador accept the 1961 Peace Prize diploma and medal awarded posthum- ously to Sweden's Dag Ham- marskjold, the late secretary- general of the United Nations. A 'concurrent ceremony 275 miles away in' Stockholm, Swe- den, featured the award of No- bel Science Prizes to the Amer+ icans and the prize for litera- ture to Yugoslav novelist Ivo Andric, 6: The Americans were Profes- sor Georg Von Besky of Harv- ard University, the medicine prize for research in the phys- ical mechanism of the ear; Pro- fessor Melvin Calvin of the Uni- versity of California, the chem- istry prize for research on Car- bon dioxide assimilation in |plants; Professor Robert Hofs- ' jtaedter of Stanford University HEADS ELECTION CAMPAIGN --sn¢ Frofessor dott Mocs uer of the California Institute of Walter L. Gordon of Toronto | eral nomination in Toronto |Technology, sharing the phys- chairs the Liberal party's | Davenport, headed the 1955.57 |!S Prize for gamma radiation Federal . election campaign | Hivel Commiaded on CM committee, formed Sunday. | i ada's Economic Prospects. BOLT KILLS TRIO Mr. Gordon, who recently an- | nounced he will seek the Lib- | --CP Wirephoto KINGSTON, Jamaica (Reut- Red China Honest Soviet Control PETROPOLIS, Brazil (AP)--|-- Mr. Mahoney said the Locall 598 executive came to the Steel-} if a person could see into the car, the court ruled, the kiss- ing was illegal. However. in a | | Joseph Piconke of the federal |mediation and conciliation serv- jice said The Journal, an even-| ing paper which has continued) Shotgun Blast They removed the man and told him to go home. He returned ers)--A 35-year-old woman, her 18-months-old son and a man were killed Wednesday when The editor and publisher of an} VERMILION, Alta. (CP)--Ag-;tle has gone up and cattle prices Indian newspaper told a Moral) riculture Minister Alvin Hamil-|will remain steady in their pre- Re-Armament conference here} ton says Communist China is|sent range. Saturday all of India will be} . . lost to communism if the state} Slide With anxious to establish a reputa-/ of Kerala goes to the Reds, A JFK's Policy lightning struck a home at St. Ann's, located on the northern coast of this Caribbean island. AVAILABLE WED. AND FRI. later with a shotgun but ran out moments later when Chief Baird arrived. He fired a shot) as Constable Jason Field) decision made known Satur- day the court said any kissing in a car is illegal. Hoffa Won't ito publish, and the Mailers ' . "agreed in principle' and that| Rips Chief S T L \joined the chief. rouser eg | Police tracked him three| some contract language re- ined to be worked out. 4 eR d miles over snow-covered ground) CAMPBELLFORD (CP)--Po-|pefore they cornered him on| tion of not breaking its word.| SEES BRIGAT PICTURE -- Mr. Hamilton told a public| Mr. Hamilton painted a bringt K. M. Cherian, of the' news-| {paper Malayan Manorama of| meeting in this farming town regal: 3 sales see and 100 miles east of Edmonton Sat-|demand for beef. He said the),- : ; urday night that so far the Chi-|improving wheat picture was|Xerala, spoke at one of the fi- nese government has met-every|due to the new policy of credit nal sessions 0: the conference, payment for Canadian wheat|Sales, primarily to China but which has attracted delegates when due. also to Poland and Czechoslo- from 35 countries. He said he believes the cni| "Ne ee li ae a ae are Ge nese government will continue| e Canadian government hadjism, India is lost an ndia 'Alleged Abductor Shot Six Times -- COLDWATER, Ont. (CP)--| Willis Reynolds, a farmer who) BAL HARBOUR, Fla. (AP)-- James Hoffa said Sunday his Teamsters union will not go} jalong with President Kennedy's | wage restraint policy. | Hoffa said his union intends For Private Rentals CAPACITY 837 RED BARN 725-0022 725-3093 ; ; . n lice Chief Samuel Baird es-|the rooftop. They did not retumn| caped injury Saturday night)pnis fire, | when a shotgun blast ripped his} F trcuser leg as he fought with al Campbellford is about 2 nian whh held Hint and five| mules east of Peterborough. other policemen at bay for two A EAS naa hours. | to do so because the Communist| decided on an aggressive sales iS lost, China and Russia will|to ignore the president's call to|Harl Nash, 40, described by ajlives about one - quarter mile} Hing a iwodi 7 : administration in China is de-|policy of agricultural products|°V¢!™" the world," Cherianjorganized labor to hold down/Toronto woman as one of three|from the house where Nash I, ia pe Neh aici hd nadie termined to keep a bargain. in an effort to tip the scales to S#!4. lits demands in collective bar-|men who abducted her last/body was found, told police alfred. cae i seg bea bd go The minister urged Western|help the farmer stand on his| He asked the delegates to/gaining to help keep the U.S.|week, was found dead in aj|woman appeared at his home| tat nd tee ithe W Canada to increase production|own feet. make Kerala the base of Moral|economy in balance. |Georgian Bay area farmhouse |about mid - day Saturday andjte perdi Ss from of wheat and beef cattle, add-| Sales had slipped into high Re-Armament, which seeks to) Both Kennedy and Labor Sec- during the weekend, his body/asked to use his telephone to Police bt pail sina to obnne ing that price of Canadian} e : combat communism through|retary Arthur Goldberg have riddled by, six bullets. -- call police. how Th fired Chief wheat "could well" increase in|8°4% With the new type of op-\what it calls a "superior ideol-|made appeals in speeches to Provincing police said Mrs.| He said she was clad only ins a : e gal i as C ee price by 25 cents a bushel andj eration of large scale sales of ogy" which fosters honesty as|{he AFL-CIO convention here to|Hileen Marenall, 40, of Toronto, slacks, a light sweater and san- ned 'a ow rg it e sa Ps also that the price of beef cat-'wheat on credit. lone of its key points. lkeep wage gains within the|phoned them Saturday to report/dals. She apparently had been) vip . hibe as Pigile A be . ~lover-all increase in productivity that Nash had been killed and) walking through deep snow that/° oy Samp el or policemen Ito avoid inflation. "ithat she was free. fell in the area Friday and her|and three provincial constables were! Hoffa's Teamsters, exiled| A provincial police detail, act-|hand was cut. i |sebdued aa age cad 4\from the AFL-CIO on corruption ing on a tip from Metropolitan; Two other men are being, "eorge - ey, 39, was later i charges have been holding sep-| Poronto police, travelled to the}sought by police on charges of charged with assaulting Mrs. Slarate unioh meetings here.|{@%mhouse, six miles south ofjarmed robbery and kidnapping. | Lemuel Cooper, his mother-in- 4 Hoffa said Goldbe rg partic- Victoria Harbor, on Georgian| Mrs. Marshall had been due} law. ' : 'ilularly "has no right to come|B@Y: They found the body ofjto be a witness in court Friday| Police were called to Mrs 4 uh d tell lab /Nash, a resident of the Toronto|in connection with an assault|Cooper's residence when she ' it val. baconia' labor how suburb of Willowdale, who -had)charge against Nash. She had|complained of being assaulted see | "We won't go along with it." been shot by a revolver. |suffered a broken jaw_ in at eile aR Pegs 28 YS By St ihe said. "We're not going tol Mrs. Marshall, who was ab-'fight. rg arog 2 an real SHAKESPEARE SHRINE _ OOF freeze wages--and that's what ducted from the Toronto home| had been living together three! The Folger Shakespeare Li- * Sithis amounts to. We won't nave of her invalid sister Thursday, years. : brary at Washington, D.C., is dlany part of it." was questioned by police for; Police said Mrs. Marshall had|constructed on the design of the 4| Hoffa also took ft y|tour hours, then released, been forced to sign a cheque traditional Elisabeth playhouse.| | Riso took olfence atl INQUEST PLANNED for $1,200 before being taken|---- ; stent Goldberg's comment to the)" ' pace artner|from Toronto to the farmhouse. u 'tor Lawrence G AFL-CIO convention that he| Inspector Lawrence The cheque had been cashed. was sure th derati of the OPP's criminal investi- e federation would hand Sunday thal Wilson & Burrows CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS announce that as of Monday, Decombor 11th, 1961 their offices will be located at 114 King Stract fast, Oshawa TELEPHONE 728-7554 uae syoniY '| 4) | f ' gation branc Oe the eaten eae Custer e inquest into Nash's death BIG AIRLINE __ | Hoffa, who has been trying to will be held 'as soon a swe) Canadian Pacific Airlines 'lget his union accepted back|Can have it." Until then, how-|started in 1942 with amalgama- '\into the m&in body of organ-|&Ve?: he could not release any|tion of 10 independent air serv- Alized labor, said Goldberg "had |4etails of what Mrs. Nash toldjices in western and northern no right to take sides--his job) Police. Panana: A\is to represent all the workers,|___ '\including Teamsters. He ought | [fasse® Ms nose out of our mus] FUEL & HEATING IS OUR BUSINESS DEATHS M. J. "Merlin" SUNNY IN WEST, CLOUDY IN EAST GILROY | White River regions, North Bay,, By THE CANADIAN PRESS WEATHER FORECAST |Sudbury: Mostly cloudy and| Toronto--William John Dean, Merlin hos been with the com- te lcooler with a few light snow-|56, mining consultant and for- pany for nearly 15 years. He is @ ooler Today | flurries today. Partly cloudy to-|mer explorations manager for qualified electrician. He installs 4 |iness Tuesday likely followed by| Stratford--Dr. Hugh Welling- forecasts night but with increasing cloud-| Kennco Mines. and services our oil burner con- continuous light snow late in the|ton Johnston, 78, former medi- Official trols. day or toward evening. Westerly| cal director at the Algoma Steel FOR TOP QUALITY winds 15 to 25 today becoming| Corporation in Sault Ste. Marie. Toronto at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: A storm centre light tonight. | i FUEL OlL Coch-| . moving eastward from southern Windsor, London: Partly cloudy Northern White River, rer | F and cooler today. Overcast with ane regions: Partly cloudy with) . AND WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING, COME TO Quebec this morning has brought cooler air to all local- occasional light snow tonight, | 4 few very light snowflurries to-| K 5 becoming more continuous on|44Y. Clear and cold tonight and| SH EAFFERS partly cloudy with little change) i fae The Best in Heatin Service ities in the province. Extremely g 4 cold air on the Prairies and Tuesday and likely mixed with or changing to freezing rain, iM temperature Tuesday. North- westerly winds near 15 becom- . J movies middle western states will move : into Northern Ontario causing! Westerly winds near 15 today becoming easterly 15 to 25 ing light tonight. Tuesday. | Forecast Temperatures . re-| Low tonight, High Tuesday sub zero temperatures tonight. 2 However, a massive cloud for- mation associated with an as Niagara, -|_ 4 : Windsor 3] 32 yet ill-organized storm in Texas gions, Hamilton, Toronto: |' ut Partly cloudy and cooler today. |5t- Thomas . and New Mexico will combine with the moderating influence of A reminder from Sheaffer's... only 11 ie SR rece ATT EMSS shopping days' = ~ till Christmas {Algoma, Timagaml, southern Sheaffer's Imperial While Dot gold-plated "Re minder" clip ballpoint. In handsome presenta- tion box--$7.50. With matching pencil--$1 4.96. stains because it can't be clipped into the socket with the pointextended ! Wouldn't you be pleased if someone gave you a "Reminder" clip ball- point this Christmas? Sheaffer's new Reminder" clip ballpoint is the perfect gift. There's no button on top. You extend and retract the point simply by sliding your thumb up and down the clip. It says "NO" to pocket issued in W. A. Sheatier Pen Co, of Canada Ltd., Goderich, Ontarie, Lake iq i K-106Z "KEYSTONE | ZO0M-LENS MOVIE PROJECTOR Ontario SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: JURY & LOVELL LTD. REXALL DRUGS OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY PHONE 723-4663 Serving the Public For More Than Fifty Years SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: SAYWELL'S LEATHER GOODS 14 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 728-8821 Snow Tuesday likely becoming London ose mixed with or changing to Mitchener . the Great Lakes to keep to-' erly Tuesday. St. Catharines nights temperatures in Southern) Northern Lake Huron, Georg-| Toronto This storm is expected to de-|Occasional snow squalls near|Killaloe .. velop into a well organized|Lake Huron and Georgian BAA Muskoka . central Ontario with a snowfall|afternoon. Westerly winds 15 to/Eariton ... ' on Tuesday. |25 today, becoming easterly Kapuskasing .. Clair, Lake Erie, freezing rain. Westerly winds|Wingham . 15 to 25 today becoming east-| Hamilton Ontario near norma! for this|ian Bay regions: Cloudy and/Peterborough . date. cooler with snowflurries today.|Trenton . early winter storm tonight, and|Overcast Tuesday with steady|North Bay . threatens much of southern andilight snow commencing in the Sudbury .. Lake St. | Tuesday. White River .. southern Lake Huron regions,' Haliburton, Sault Ste. Marie,\S.S. Marie ... SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: BASSETT'S (OSHAWA) LTD. Truly as Canadian as its name! 1 SIMCOE $. -- 723-3332 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- 725-7161 CANADIAN O1 rent ; mite 6 MAKERS OF WHITE ROSE GASOLINES e MOTOR OILS 1959 BUICK HARDTOP, Custom radio, dyne- flow, whitewalls, wheel discs, clean as @ pin. $1795 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651 SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: KARN DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING EAST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4621 SHEAFFER PENS AVAILABLE AT: BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-7022

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