Members of the Junior | and mantels. With the aid of rie wy all totaal bore ; F ; eft to right, are: ristine Garden Club held their an | se of holly, Christmas Wetherup, who won first nual Christmas Show at the | tree branches, decorative prize for her centrepiece; Children's Arena Saturday | balls, candies, angels and | Susan Simkin, and Janice night. Highlight of the show | great imagination on the part | Grewar, first prize-winner in was a competition in the de- | of the young members, good | the mantelpiece class. sign of centrepieces for tables | festive designs were turned --Oshawa Times Photo OBITUARIES the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral |Home. Interment was in Mount MRS. ARTHUR J. PIERSON jengineering from the University| Lawn Cemetery. Mrs. Arthur J. Pierson, 276|)0f Toronto in 1921, Mr. Shortt) Saguenay street, formerly of|WaS a member of the Ontario) MRS. HENRY LAWRENCE Thornton's road south, died at|Society of Professional Engin- LYONS the Oshawa General Hospitaljeers, and of St. George's Ang-| The death occurred at the early Sunday, Dec. 10. Mrs.jlican Church. : \family residence, 18 Westmore- Pierson, who was in her 78th| Service Promotion Manager|land avenue, Oshawa, Sunday, year, had been in failing health with General Motors of Canada,|Dec. 10, of Mabel Peever Dale, for the last year. |Limited, the deceased entered/peloved wife of Henry Lawr- The former Edith Ann Lowe,|the employ of the company at/ence Lyons, The deceased, who the deceased was born at Bar-|Oshawa and later served at To-|was in her 67th year, had not row-on-Furness, England, Dec.|ronto, Montreal, Moncton andipeen in good health for three 11, 1883. Shé was a daughter of|London, Ont., .before returning) years, the late Henry and Susan Lowe.|to Oshawa. : _| A daughter of the late Wil- Coming to Oshawa as a young) Mr. Shortt is survived by his|iiam- and Elizabeth Peever, the woman, she was married here wife, the former Olive Hancock/qeceased was born in Ren- Oct. 1, 1913. A member of and two daughters, Mrs. (Dr-.)|trew County May 31, 1895.. A King Street United Church, Mrs.|Bruce Gordon (Margaret), Of| resident of Oshawa for 27 years Pierson was also a member of|Kingston and Mrs. David Baird) che was a member of Calvary the Thornton's Corners woman's pag niga of vegan \Baptist Church. association and the Thornton's) so surviving are a sister,| " Corners Home and School Asso-(Mrs. A. Millard (Muriel), of Cal ier re reeeorn ciation. Her main interests|Sary; two brothers, J. Perclronard Dale, in 1933 were her home and her family.|Shortt, of Newcastle and William Besides her haihand or Predeceased by her husband,|J. Shortt, of Toronto and two survived .by two daughters na CER os Ste 'Ricjard Wingrove Made ters, Mrs. Clyde Hein (Isobel),| Mr. Shortt ts resting at the|/ine), of Brantford and Mrs. Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Gordon|MclIntosh - Anderson Funeral guts ey' Coulter (Gwen), of Reeson (Grace), Mrs. Lawrence|Home for service in St. George's| Ondo", Ont., and three sons, McConkey (Audrey) and Mrs.|Anglican Church at 1:30 Samoa Dale, Denzil Dale and James Laurie (Margaret), all of|Tuesday, Dec. 12. Rev C. p,| William Lyons. Oshawa and a son, Robert A,|Cross will conduct the services.| Also surviving are two sis- Pierson, of Oshawa. \Interment will be in St. Phillip's|ters, Mrs. Jack Graff (Mary) Also surviving are three sis-/Anglican Church Cemetery,|°f Oshawa and Orville Peever, ters, Mrs. George Parsons,| Weston. jof Arnprior and four grand- |3.30 p.m., Rev. C. D. Cross |officiated. The body rested at Kevin and Ivan |killed instantly early Saturday Fairport Beach | Girl Killed ~ | A Fairport' Beach girl was) night when the car in which she was a passenger flipped into a ditch and landed on top of her. Dead is Yvonne Merci daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ros- aire Mercier, of Victory. drive. In the Toronto General Hospi- tal with serious head injuries is Bernard James Latimer, 21, of Lakeview drive, Fairport Beach, said by police to have been the driver of the car. He was first taken to the Ajax-Pickering Gen- eral Hospital andyon Sunday was removed to Tordnto for further treatment. Another passenger in the car, Raymond Anstie, 23, of Locust Hill, is in the Ajax - Pickering General Hospital being treated) for facial lacerations. | Pickering Township Police,| who investigated, said that the accident occurred on Highway 2 near White's Sideroad shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday. It is be- lieved the car was proceeding east when it left the road and rolled into the north ditch, coming to rest on its roof. -- Arriving on the scene, police found the two men, unconscious, er! ed | Mi. "PICKET CO bg Beng: epg | 'The Picket Committee of | day night. Tom egy oe and placed them in a cruiser 0) 7, 222, UAW-CIO ts | former editor of the Osha- be taken to Ajax hospital.| tags piled ft ' pat worker, is shown in cap. Shortly after they started out,| the shift roster for striking | Union workers jammed strike one of the men regained con-| members at the strike head- | headquarters Sunday night to sciousness enough to ask about quarters on Bond street Sun- | report for duty when it be- MMITTEE IN ACTION THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 11, 1961 14 Killed In Traftic Kecidents By THE CANADIAN PRESS During the first weekend since a nation - wide safe - driving week, almost a score of Cana- dians. lost their lives in acci- dents. Fourteen of the 19 persons re- ported dead in a Canadian Press survey from 6 p.m. local times Friday to midnight Sunday were killed in traffic accidents. There were two deaths by fire, one in Nova Scotia, the other in Ontario, and 'a fatal carbon monoxide poisoning in Alberta. No accidental deaths were re- ported in Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and Saskatch- ewan. Ontario led the traffic toll with five deaths followed '¢' Quebec with four, New Bruns- wick and Alberta with two each and Manitoba with one. The survey does not include natural deaths, industrial acci- dents or know suicides. Ontario dead: Herbert Houghlin, 78, whose body was found in the burned out ruins of his frame house at 3 Blairton, 30 miles north of Pet- erborough, Friday night; Joseph Gerald Couvieau, 17, who died Fricay night after his car went out of control on a country road near Arnprior and crashed into a ditch; John Francis Leithc, 60 and his wife Barbara, 47, of the Hillsburgh district, killed Fri- day night in a three - car col- lision six miles north of Guelfth; James Stewart Jones, 19, of the Port Burwell district, who died in hospital Saturday after falling off his motorcycle when he swerved to avoid a dog; Yvonne Mercier, 15, of Fair- port Beach, killed Saturday night when the car in which she was a passenger rolled on High- way 2 just east of Metropolitan Toronto. MORTGAGE MONEY Ist Mortg funds from Trus: & Insurance Com- panies. No bonus or finder's fee. taht @ 2nd MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE e bee BUY 2nd MORT- > GA SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 KING W. -- 723-2265 came apparent that a settle- ment would not be reached | before the midnight dead- | line. Placards were issued | pickets Monday morning. --Oshawa Times Photo te A-Blast Valuable Despite Gas Leak cruiser still on the accident scene and it was found then i BY ALTON BLAKESLEE tween the "'signature" of an Cuban Stewardess | CARLSBAD, N.M. (AP)--Sci-|earthquake and a secret nuclear that the girl was pinned under the wreckage. A tow-truck raised the car and her body was removed. Sgt. John Pugh investigated. a wc ahd aR RE eS . jentists counted blessings of underground bomb test. Held In Halifax {knowledge from the U.S. under-| The blast apparently turned ground atomic bomb explosion chamber room into a leaky HALIFAX (CP) -- A 34-year-|Sunday despite the escape of a boilder, said Dr. Phillip Ran- old Cubana Airlines stewardess! cloud of radioactive gas. dolph, deputy technical director was held in immigration offices} They reported 70 - per - cent of project Gnome. : : efter leaving a Cuban planejsuccess in getting data on ma- The leak sent radioactive Saturday night at the Halifax)jor scientific programs. gasses MP the mine shaft, a international airport. And they judged the steam- white steam turning into an in- She was taken into protective,ing radioactive cloud hadn't visible but quickly fading cloud custody after she was reported|hurt anybody or anything, al- vf radioactive gas. A filter in to have told an RCMP officer|though its unexpected fallout the shaft head apparently she wanted political asylum. partially blockaded nearly 300 ee holage cag Immigration officials, who did| observers. K -- og 4 gages net. release the stewardess'| The five kiloton atomic device (cats Bal id gas Cable name, would neither confirm|was detonated %4 mile under-|2Way shbaly Paid y ig ogee nor deny a report that a second|ground. It was in a chamber|2'eas. Dut for more an three stewardess was held back from|at the end of a guttonhook tun- hours ing f rte goose gr direct leaving the plane by the crew.|nel dug 1,100 feet through salt road to Carlsbad until radioac- It was learned the woman had|rock from a vertical mine shaft, IVEY oan _ died requested a visa to the United| A main objective was to learn) own, ty was ve ie States to join her family in/what happens when a nuclear ere caught between blockade Miami, blast, equivalent to 5,000 tons. dah tuts ree : | The plane, en route to Prague, of TNT, occures in salt rock.|, a ig! est ra "ar Pe, \Czechoslovakia, from Havana,|Scientists hoped it might form patna nee Saeed nath i. =i |stopped 77 minutes to refuel. |. cavity party full of moltenjentgens (thousandths of a roen- \salt and steam and wanted to|tsen) an hour and declining, |see if enough steam could be isaid AEC's Dr. Gordon Dunn- Barrie, and Mrs. Eva Prouse, of/brought up to operate turnbines| ing. He said a person could live Brooklin, and nine grandchil-jand generate electricity. th dren. | 'The earth shock produced ajand get a total dose of only Mrs. Maynard is resting at the|moderate earthquake in Carls-\75 milli - roentgens. Cresmount Funeral Home, 322\pad, 23 miles away, where a Fennel avenue east, Mount/waitress saw '"'an itty - bitty) Hamilton. The service was held/Santa Clause shaking on a drug} Monday, Dec. 11, at 2 p.m. In-store counter." It didn't harm) terment will be Tuesday, Dec.|the Carlsbad Caverns, 34 miles| 12, at 3 p.m_in Groveside Cem-| west, or potash mines, kept em-| etery, Brooklin. ipty of people when the blast! detonated at 2 p.m. EST. | FUNERAL OF Seismic measurements may] MRS. ROBERT CUTHBERTSON help show the difference be-| The funeral service for Mrs.| | Roebrt Cuthbertson, who died) at Oshawa Wednesday, Dec. 6, | entgens, not milli.- roentgens. New Development In Ships Hassle HALIFAX .(CP)--New devel- opments appéArea*Sunday in a three-year legal hassle over seven Cuban ships as one of the ships set out in tow for Cuba. 10 Army Personnel e rest of his life in the carlsunday, Dec. 10. The Golden! | oen A thor-|«phe Lord bless thee, and keep oughly safe lifetime exposure tOltnee: the Lord make his face radiation has been set at 35 ro-| nine upon thee, and be gra- | CITY AND | DISTRICT NOT SAME MAN | Anthony Freeman, 702) Stone street, who was remand-| ed on an assault charge in Osh- awa Magistrate's Court Friday, | is not the same G. J. (Tony)| Freeman, chairman of the} \Local 222, UAW election com:| mittee. The latter Mr. Freeman said he has been asked several times if he is the man refer- ired to in the story and re- iquested that it be made known that he is not. EUCHRE WINNERS | The following were the win- |ners at the euchre held last} Wednesday at Harman Park. Mrs, Wassell, 109; F. Goodman, 105; Robert Lewis, 99; M. Good- jman, 91. Low score, Chris) |Holt, 57. Grant O'Reilly was] the winner of the door prize. | SENSATIONAL MEAT VALUES TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY! Breakfast Bacon 39 29 SKINLESS Ib C WIENERS LEAN RIB STEW LEAN, TENDER CLUB STEAKS LEAN, TENDER RIB STEAKS | LEAN, MINCED | BEEF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ' SUBJECT | The comforting and assuring imessage of the Beatitudes |(Matthew 5) was featured at iChristian Science services on 1 |Text was from Numbers (6): cious unto thee: the Lord li up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." | SHOW You Care Enough To Give The Very Finest Oshawa; Mrs. John Martin, To-| |children. ronto and Mrs. Charles Robin-| son, London, Ont.; Two brothers, | George Lowe, Toronto and Jack Lowe, Whitby and 11 grandchild- ren. Mrs. Pierson was predeceased by a sister, Mrs. John Carter, of} Toronto and a brother, William Lowe, who was killed in action in France during the First World War The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 2:30 p.m.| Tuesday, Dec. 12. Rev. George Telford will conduct the service. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Cancer Fund would be appreciated. J. ERIC B. SHORTT Following a lengthy illness the death occurred at the Osh- awa General Hospital Sunday, Dec. 10, of J. Eric B. Shortt, of 843 Bessborough drive, Oshawa A son of the late James Shortt and Ellen Leake, the deceased was born in Toronto. A resident of Oshawa for 34 years, Mr Shortt was married in St John's Anglican Church, Toronto A graduate in mechanical COMING EVENTS IN the Classified Section every day 'til Christmas, The grandest of holiday helpers quickly gives you ideas. for each person you want to remember. List the gifts, the stores . then start the most pleasant shopping tour you've ever made! Bl NGO. : | | |was held at the MclIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home at 8 p:m. Friday, Dec. 8. Rev. Dr. J. MRS. JOHN McCUE Reev. W. N. Aitken, pastor of The death occurred at the| Calvary Baptist Church, will Oshawa General Hospital Sun-jconduct the memorial service on ging ogee Mrs. --- ar Pw "a a Home sue, of 3 shawa Boulevard/a p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13. south. The deceased, who was| Interment will be 4 Oshawa in her 68th year, had been in|/Cemetery. failing health for the past year.) The former Linda Mollison, | MR. DAVID FALLOW The pallbearers were David the deceased was a daughter of} David Fallow, formerly of 521|/Hall, Hugh Hall, Robert Lov- the late James C. and Elizabeth|/Palace street, Whitby, died atjett, Ian Filshie, Ralph Thorne a se hingag* bene = born in Sp ag -- Hospital,|and Mort. Guthrie. undee, Scotland. Coming to)Monday, Dec. ll. Canada 32 years ago, she had|_ Surviving are his wife, Cora) FUNERAL OF lived in Whitby and-Oshawa for Doddridge, two daughters, Mrs.| THOMAS S. BROTHERWOOD the last 14 years. K. Elliott (Sheila) and Mrs. H.! The funeral _ service Mrs. McCue, who was a mem- Rammler (Joyce) and a son,|~homas §. Brotherwood, ber of the Presbyterian Church, re A Ml) Whitby. Columbus, who died at was married in King Street)" a Ton * et the Oshawa General Hospital Wed- United Church in 1947. Whitby The oe ati he ininesday, Dec. 6, was held at Besides her husband y. Service wi pe I\the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral survived by a sister, Mrs. S, orga Wednesday, Dec. 13,] Home at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. Byres, of Dundee, Scotland and "oi Goch Contec: eeu : : ee ck be| lin: The service will be conduct-|_ Rev. R. H. Love, minister of held at the McIntosh-Anderson ed Dy Bev. 3. Smith, a i ica: ' e 4 ' s Members of the Eastern Star|ducted the services. Interment Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Wed-todge No, 72, of the Independ-|was in Oshawa Union Ceme- nesday, Dec. 13, followed by in-/ent Order of Odd Fellows, will|tery. se iggy oad -- yon sro "¢: a service Tuesday, Dec. 12, The pallbearers were Robers ister 'of St. Paul's Presbyterian ed Simpson given neil hie Church, will conduct the serv- MRS. ALBERTA L. MAYNARD Macks and Matihew Agar. ices. Mrs. Feffie Alberta Laurene| . ; hati aed |Maynard, formerly of 368 East conducted the service. ment was in Ayr Cemetery at 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 9. she is | Brown, Injured In Crash | CORNWALL (CP)--Ten army . Leng, minister|,ersonnel from Cornwall and ajships in 1958, were freed in mid-| of St. Andrew's United Church, |Toronto man were injured here|September_ by Inter-|Sunday night when an army|Court of Canada. panel truck went out of control The ships, bound by a law) suit and rusting in Halifax har-| or since Cuba bought them) from Canadian National Steam- A GIFT FROM the Exchequer, and slid into a car in the op-| rosite lane. Officer Cadet George O'Dair, 18, is in critical condition in Cornwall hospital with facial in- \juries and a fractured right wrist. Also in hospital are Pte. iNorman McLeod, 22; Pte. Owen |Labelle, 18; Pte. Gerald Du- |pui 19, and Pte. William Ae |e Five other army personnel jand Campbell Leighton Rind- ifleich, 24, of Toronto, driver of| ithe other car, were treated at hospital and released. F. R. BLACK O.D. OPTOMETRIST Contact Lens Consultation or. Eye Examination BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-4191 136 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA DON'T * LUCKY « SURE List with Lloyd then Call your Mover Gift wrap him in the luxury of a comfortable, handsome lounging robe. A wonderful variety of styles, materials and mon-pleasing colours to select from. Priced from Winner of Oshawe & District Real Estate Boord Sales Award for 2 Consecutive Years. LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtors 101 Simcoe N. -- 728-5123 MRS. JOSEPH H. LA ROCQUE I4th street, Mount Hamilton, Mrs. Joseph H. La Rocque|died at the Hamilton General! died at her home, 112 Barrie| Hospital on Friday, Dec. 8, in avenue, Oshawa, early Satur-|her 72nd year. } day, Dec. 9. She had been in | She was the wife of the late failing health for the past two| Mr. Barker Maynard, of Hamil-| poeta Ny ton, and was the former Effie Born at Red Hill, Garey. eevee tne Recspews | England, Dec. 18, 1874, she} win Le WO S008, caiia'to Canada 60 years ago tiheoge and Clifford, two daugh-! " s, Mrs. W. ice) | and lived at Enterprise before aaa - me ers heripy! moving to Oshawa 42 years) (Laurene), all of Hamilton, two ago. sisters, Mrs. Pearl Morrison, of ST. GERTRUDE'S | The former Elizabeth Ellen |Hawkins, she was a charter) Attend The Gigantic AUCTION Warm, comfortable broadcloths and flannelettes tailored by Tooke, Forsythe. You can really be choosy with the wide selection of styles, materials and handsome available at Black's: All sizes shades now AUDITORIUM rey ; jmember of Holy Trinity Angli- EVERY MONDAY NIGHT [can church and an active 690 ep Rall AT jchurch worker until ill health) GOOD PRIZES |prevented her from carrying on.} b 2 ______ |She was also a member of the ecause KINSMEN BINGO |°shawa Golden Age Club. | YOU LACK A TRADE? | Predeceased by her husban TUESDAY, DEC. 12th | 1961, she is sur-|¥°¥ ¢0n train at home in your spare FREE ADMISSION eae ae ae following time for @ good paying position in any EXTRA BUSES : } rela-|of the following fields, tives: 4 Jackpots Nos. 57 and 50 EAM | Mrs. G. Culbertson, Des-| Diese! TEAM jeronto; Charles Pilling, and) Drefting JUBILEE PAVILION WOODVIEW |Mrs. D. Fryer of Toronto; Mrs. | automotive COMMUNITY CENTRE . HANDS TIED Salesmanship Electrical Engineering Contracting & Building Blue Print Reading also Hiah School Do not let age, 9 SALE Being Held At... FELT Bros. Jewellers 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA DAILY **s:"* 12 P.M. SHARP S. Church of Whitby; A. Dav-\A ley, St. Catharines; Mrs, K,|Methematies BINGO NOS. 53-59 three sisters, two of whom live|¢"""" OUR 64th YEAR """% ) | ADMISSION STUBS NOW jdren also survive. |Essery, John Davey, M. C |Nickerson and Joseph La Roc- a Orevions f que, of Oshawa. There are glsc|tael coupon teaayt" wag ast sae TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. in the United States and one in|{ AMERICAN SCHOOL EXTRA BUSES England. | one wanes St., Deseronte, 242 interio RED BARN In addition, many grandchil-|; Piease forward complete informa- BEING COLLECTED FOR Funeral service was held|{ 156-page book. DRAW ON 10 TURKEYS TO jin Holy Trinity Anglican) -- BE DRAWN DEC, 18th, _ |Church, Monday, Dec. ll, ats tion on training checked, and free AT é 2 SALES DAILY - 12 P.M. -- 7 P.M. FRE BEAUTIFUL GIFTS GIVEN AWAY AT EACH AUCTION SESSION! from THE BANK A Toronto-Dominion Christmas Gift Order is a wonderful way of expressing your warmth! With each order you receive a specially designed cheque plus acard and envelope to extend your own good wishes. It's such a convenient way to gift-shop, too. You may buy them at any branch of The Bank, in any amounts you desire. See your own nearest Toronto-Dominion branch for full particulars. in stock. A-E. 12.50 Priced 3 95 from .. We NOTE: Both robes ond pyjamas available for the young lad. Sizes 8 to 16. You'll like our selection. All items gift packaged in Black's Distinctive Gold Box, Sure to please SS from BLACK'S are really appreciated. "The House of Style For Men and Boys" BLACK'S Men's Wear Ltd. 74 Simcoe N. 723-3611 Open 9 till 9 -- Mon. thru. Fri. Set, till TORONTO-DOMINION Where people make the difference