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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1961, p. 15

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4 BRITISH BRIEFS Checks Uncover Vehicle Defects By M. McINTYRE HOOD Race! to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- More than half of the vehicles which have been stopped for roadside checks since September have failed to pass the tests. Of 4,303 vehicles stopped 2,236 were found to be unroadworthy. Of 516 trucks in the seven to 10 vear old class De- fects in steering, brakes and lights were responsible for most tested, 390 failed to pass. of the failures. RECRUITING JUMPS LONDON -- The defence min- istry reports that army recruit- ing in October was the highest in any month since 1953. During the month, 4,612 recruits joined the force, bringing the other ranks in the army up to 145,174. With over 20,000 officers, this has. brought the army up to its ' 1962 target figure of 165,000. A ALIMIT FOR TENANTS GREATER YARMOUTH -- Housing Committee has decided that no one earning more than $58 a week should go on the waiting The chairman said that anyone with an income of that amount should be able to take care of his own Greater Yarmouth's list. for council houses. housing problems. MARKET REPLACES CHURCH LUTON, Bedfordshire -- A 100-year old church and site in the middle of Luton is to be used for one of Britain's most The church and site, originally cost- ing $6,000, have been sold for $275,000. The supermarket will modern supermarkets. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING occupy two floors, with two floors of offices above. HEAVIEST TURKEY TARVIN, Cheshire -- The heaviest turkey award in the National Poultry Show went to an entry by Hugh Arnold,' of Hockenhill Estates, Tarvin. The bird weighed 53 pounds, nine ounces. This is the third year in which Mr. Arnold has won this competition. CHANGE HOME PORT SOUTHAMPTON -- The Cun- ard Line has decided not to use London as a winter terminal for two of its liners this year. The sister ships, Saxonia and Ivernia which have come to London in recent winters, are to use South- ampton instead for their service to and from Canada. NURSES' HOLIDAYS LONDON An_ additional week's holidays has been ap- proved for most of Britain's 200,000 nurses, the minister of health has announced. Hospital authorities are asked to ensure that this has no adverse effects on the care of patients. Higher grades of nurses will receive six weeks' holidays and other grades five weeks. BUILDING BANNER ROMFORD, Essex All major house and factor building is being banned in Romford and most of Hornchurch for four years -- to protect health. The town's sewage disposal works is already overloaded, and there will be no more major eg until a new plant to be built at a cost of $6,500,000 is completed. SELF-BUILT HOMES BELHUS, Essex -- The Bel- hus Tenants' Association is 32--Articles for Sale CIGARETTES carton $3.09, Butter # cent lb. Tulip 'Margarine 4 Ibs. Bread, 2 loaves .37 cents, Savings ga- lore, shop daily -- Glecoff's Super. Ritson Road South, Oshawa. market, Open every night "till 10. E) MER Wilbur, fields, niture, ranges, tors, washers, antiques, electric trons, dishes, cook- ware, mirrors, hand sleighs, electric motors, tools. Everything is priced to save you dollars. Call Elmer, CO 3-2294. lamps, sewing machines, Hampton, Ontario, buys anc sells used televisions, chester. dining, bedroom and kitchen fur- oil heaters, refrigera- ELECTRIC Piven service, Sunbeam, lick, P e, Ronson, etc, Cords, cutting heads in Meagher's, § King Street West. stock. MUSKRAT back fur coat, worn twice, size 18, cost price $400. Will sell rea- sonable. Telephone 725-1928. sponsoring a self-build housing group on an LCC estate, in an effort to relieve the plight of homeless young couples. Young people can join the group and take advantage of a_ council offer to allow self-build groups to erect houses on council prop- erty. NEW CANADIAN GAME LONDON Canadians in London are playing a new game. "Take me to the Sir John A. MacDonald Building," they tell a taxi - driver. "Now where would that be?"' asks the cabby. "Grosvenor Square," is the an- swer. "Never heard of it," says the taxi-driver. At this point the GIRLS' better dresses dresses, size 11-13, some once; also ladies' silks, ehiffons, ete. ® very egy) tg children's blouses, ete., dresses, skirts, ska' 5-6. Telephone fes-2iee. BILL HAMILTON, Ashburn, Brooklin, Now Hamilton Office Equipment. 137 » Whitby, Visit our store Brock South, goon, GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices, vag A Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe Street color store. TYPING paper on sale, white newsprint, buy in gave. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ciréulation Dept., Oshawa Times. letter -- bulk lots Ib. pkg. $2.00. SKATES, new and used, sold and a changed. Apply Drayton Cycle, Bond Street East. CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car radio, lowest prices in town. Try Do- minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. SNOW tires, two 670 x 15; one 650 x 16, one 600 x 16 both regular. One under dash radio. Telephone 725-5055. USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton. CO 3-2241. WEST auto- matic, Appearance like new. Port 985-7926. recently completely serviced. Perry, AFTER Christmas sale: 165 Simcoe Street South. 728-2391. Elna sewing machines, new and used, from $20 up. PORTABLE sewing machine, o'clock. almost new, $49.50, Telephone 728-2976 after 6 REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, with 50 pound freezer, one year old; McClary rangette with oven control; 21" television (Mar- Telephone refrigerator, reconditioned; coni); also Moffat range. 728-7910. and party/Canadian relents. "All right, the Gceneens. laos. bg of new, sizes 8,|though it has been taken over old American Embassy." Al- and renamed by the Canadian government, the old name per- sists. AGED ROCK 'N' ROLLER BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Suffolk -- Suffolk oldest rock 'n' roll our |!an, William Knight, of Lynford, near Bury St. Edmunds, is hav- ing a rest. He broke a bone in sORONTO (CP) =~ Improving economic trends of 1961 can be expected to continue into and probably through 1962, A. J. Milner, president of the Invest- ment Dealers' Association of Canada, says in a year - end statement. "Continuance of a serious un- employment problem, combined with the likelihood of a federal election, suggest that monetary policy may continue to be ex- pansionary and that the empha- sis on fiscal policy will be on the expenditure side. "These policies should. rein- force economic trends and en- gender a growth of five to six per cent in the Gross National Product next year" (compared with this year's estimated growth of about two per cent). M1. Milner, president of Mills, Spence and Co. Ltd., said the rapidly increasing concentration of population in the 10-to-19-year age group suggests that con- sumer spending will be of grow- ing importance over the next few years. But as most houses were purchased by the 25-to-49- year group housing would not likeiy be dynamic in the period immediately ahead. INTLREST RATES UP "Capital spending by industry and government during the last few years has been approxi- mately constant, Improving con- ditions in 1962 could induce a modest increase. "Demand for funds by indus- try and government in Canada, superimposed on the likelihood of aigher interest rates in the United States, suggest a firming tendency is likely to occur in our interest rate structure as 1962 progresses." Canada continues to maintain a good relationship with foreign invesiors and to provide a sound ment, Mr. Milner said. "Many expressions containing nationdlistic overtones, together with the British Columbia gov- ernment's expropriation of the B.° Electric Company wihou arbitration, have shaken but not shattered f or ei gn confidence. The healthy rise in self - criti- cism is fostering a broad reap- praisai of Canada's position and tors' BUDGET EFFECTS The baby budget of last De- DANCE Right now you're invited for a FREE dance lesson and a get-acquainted party at your local ARTHUR MURRAY Studio -- so you can see for yourself how quickly you learn to dance and gain new popu- larity and fun. Consult your phone book for the nearest ARTHUR MURRAY licensed studio. end/his ankle at a recent i and-had to go to hospital, Mr. Knight is 83. ART WORKS ON HIRE LEEDS -- Art lovers can now scheme which costs each sub- scriber $2.90 a year. The pic- tures can be taken home and kept for a month, after which they have to be returned and a new one can be borrowed for the next month. Eighty sub- scribers took home paintings on the day the scheme started, CAKE FOR PENSIONERS LONDON -- A 150-pound cake decorated with kangaroos was presented to the Chelsea Pen- sioners for Christmas by the Agent - General for Queensland, Each state of Australia takes it in turn to provide this cake for NORTHERN Electric Gainaday troner, in good order. Reasonably priced. Tele. phone 728-6286. ONE four burner stove in good condition; turned down, 723-7831. Domestic electric also Lionel electric train set. No reasonable offer the 7 Ts in the Royal Hos- |pital at Chelsea. ANCIENT DEED BOUGHT LONDON -- A document sign- ed by William the Conqueror 34----Lost & Found LOST: GM service ring on Saturday, Gibbon December 23. Return to 113 Street or Telephone 723-7510. Reward. LOST: Two gold bracelets, one fine chain, one heavier linked, both with safety chains, lost at the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, December 21, Generous re- ward. Telephone 723-4215. has been bought by the British Museum for $29,000. It is a piece of vellum called the Charter of Walaren Fitzranulf, written be- tween 1066 and 1076, It is. one of the earliest references to property in London -- a house on Wood Street, Cheapside. 35--Legal I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, December 30, 1961, with- -- Clarence Joseph Baird, 109 Park Road South, out my written consent. Oshawa, Ontario. PARENTS WIN DAY LONDON One hundred angry parents who marched to the transport ministry have won their fight to prevent a crossing THE COPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE thot the coun- cil of the Coroporation of the City of Oshawa at its meet- ing to be held on Tuesday the 2nd day of January, 1962, intends to pass a by- law to stop up and close thot part of Dunkirk Avenue be- tween Normandy Street and a point four. hundred and seventy-four ond forty-four hundreds feet (474.44') east of Normandy Street. AND TAKE NOTICE thot ot . the said meeting the Coun- cil shall hear in person or by its counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims thot his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1961, "L. R, BARRAND" from claiming more lives. A subway is now to be built on the Al2 Colchester Road near Romford where a young boy was killed recently. Meanwhile, the ministry is to improve lighting and warning signs. LONG WAIT FOR SCHOOL WITHERIDGE, Devon -- A village that has waited 20 years for a new school has now been told that it may not open for another 10 years, Devon County Council bought a field in 1941 for a school at Witheridge. The new delay is blamed on the govern- ment's curb on spending. FALLOUT NO HAZARD DENVER (AP) Fallout fron. all past nuclear tests in- cluding Russia's latest series shouid increase by up to 10 per cent the natural background ra- diation to which man is always exposed, a U.S. Atomic Energy Commission scientist said Fnursday. But Dr. Wright Langham, one of the AEC's chiei biology researchers, said the health hazard in terms of| borrow pictures from Leeds' Art| Gallery under a lending library| DANCE TONIGHT Old Time--Modern RED BARN ADMISSION--$1.00 Economic Prospects Bright, Expert Says cember had presented measures to aiscourage foreign borrowing, and the June budget '"'made a direct assault on the exchange value oi Canadian dollar and intexest-fates." "The reduced value of the dol- lar is already tending to in- crease exports and reduce im- ports. The interest-rate policy, assisted by a rapidly expanding moncy supply, has reduced the spread between Canadian and U §. interest rates and thereby tended to discourage foreign in- vesting in Canada. These poli- cies, if they can be maintained, can greatly assist Canada in making the required adjust- ments.'" vn Britain's proposed entry into the European Common Market, Mr. Milner said that in the long run a stronger, grow- ing Europe should provide an exjyanding market for Canada's resources, but in the short run "there seems little doubt that if Britain enters the market se- rioug additional problems will have to be faced by many Cana- dian authorities." THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, December 30, 1961 15 MENNONITE PART The Mennonite church, a Pro- FINALLY JOINED PIONEER BANK First bank established in the! Maritime Provinces, the Hali- fax Banking Company was founded as a joint-stock com- pany 'in 1825. and stable climate for invest- | should be encouraging to inves-|: A OANA W wif ine fe ish Coley ie Seti a ee ee seraad" Loe alary in Suit;jonme > yours citer the rst zerland, baptised members in Canada in 1951, alee AT THE POLISH NATIONAL HALL 168 BANTING AVENUE Featuring: "J don't mind a simple little scarecrow--bu should be reported to the aSPCAT" M. Zaleskis' Orchestra @ DOOR PRIZES @HATS @HORNS ®@ BALLOONS ADMISSION: LADIES $1.50 -- GENTS $2.00 EVERYBODY WELCOME DANCING SATURDAY, DEC. 30 For Reservations PHONE MO. 8-3191 DANCING 9 - 12 3.00 PER COUPLE NEW YEAR'S EVE ONLY! SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, DECEMBER 31st DOORS OPEN 11:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS 11:30 P.M. NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING DEC. 31-9 P.M. TILL ? HATS--HORNS--BALLOONS--NOISEMAKERS $5.00 Per Couple RED BARN Phone 725-0022 725-3093 "TWICE AS MUCH FUN POR HALF-AS MUCH MONEY" Gable Man i m the John Huston production Ease the Misfits MONDAY "DOG OF FLANDERS" plus "PROUD REBEL" MARILYN OnrOE Clift "HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! We.appreciate your patronage during the past year ond await to serve you during 1962. TODAY - SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY CRAB VALIGHAR ADDED. THRILLER J JANETTE SCOTT big Pg Sensation Have ton with FRANKIE "JET STORM" anti Hit Paratle with >" 4 Top Pop Gon gs! STANLEY BAKER MAI ZETTERLING See ELVIS sing and dance THE ROCK-A-HULA TWiST! 4 A 4 am § 4 . THE LA DY 4 SQUARE DOORS OPEN BILTMORE sunvay -- 1:30. STARTIN Ge HOLLY GOLIGHTLY...the most hilarious heroine who ever tumpled the pages of a best- seller: is on the screen as only FEATURE SUNDAY: 2:10 - 4:25 6:40 - 8:55 MAKE UP A PARTY AND BUY YOUR TICKETS TODAY! $1.25| -<2 rae MERRY HOLIDAY DINNERS START HERE Fer Goodness Cteak! "COME-AND-GET-IT. 'FLAVOUR iN SEATS ALL New Year's Ball DNIPRO HALL 681 EDITH STREET Sunday, Dec. 31st OPEN AT 10:00 P.M, DANCING 'TIL 3 A.M. ART TYMOSHYK and His Orchestra LUNCHES e $5.00 PER COUPLE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT DOOR HEPBURN' F: could play her... serving @ new kind of charming, fresh and glittering fun' in "BREAKFAST 7 TIFFANY' / (A JUROW-SHEPHERD PRODUCTION "EEcHNIcoLoR' Cts PPADS shat "Rail Rodents" NEW COLOR CARTOON world population, is es | insignificant. TODAY ONLY (ADULT) BOB- HOPE "Bachelor in Paradise' LANA TURNER MICKEY ROONEY FEATURE MONDAY: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 7:30 - 9:35 | Tore NEW YEAR'S DAY SHOW OPENS 1 P.M. AT THE GENOSHA FILET MIGNON PORTERHOUSE T-BONE ¢ SIRLOIN SEARED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL TASTE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE RA. 93-4641 ESERVE NO OR YOUR NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER auana paris blues blues Q 10 Penson , 4 (fre OF oct ot ee SUNDAY PLAZA MONDAY - TUESDAY

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