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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1961, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 30, 1961 ]7 7 - TELEVISION LOG ty See oa oss ek be 1 PIOWT EVEN THINK OUR PLIGHT 1$ NOT AN BHVIABLE ONE, CHUB-TV Chennel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel) 6~Toronto| 4~Captain «toe ee ir se Co WuR-TV Channel 2~Buffalo WBEN-TV Channe! 4~Buftalo| " rey 1M by SacFrom Taney Boots . ; ate sown fed a ee eee te toes 9:00 A.M. Be: : einee aad denies , " eee sa : ' ' FRIENDLY 48 LEAG CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie Saee = ag ine é hate wileasee" es OM. U--Ropeve With Capt A SATURDAY EV 9:00 A.M. 8:00 >." 4--Popeye's Playhouse | ¢ me Guiding Light | 9-The Hideaway 6:00 P.M 1:00 P.M. Stee tees Gaecitzens" For rts AM. M. | é<Diptomatie Passport § zens' Forum ° .M. 3 iplomatic Passpo. $-Within Four Walls S pomee eluspouse 5--Wisdom fet gy no Semaeey Time 2~Your Church 4--Amateur Hour--Ted ni Pe 4 O'clock Movie 4_Wrestling ane a A --rairg 11---Words and Musie | ¢--Meet Tne Millers +5 ¢ .M. a m 2 6:30 P.M. 2--Faith of Israel 5:30 P.M. 2--Mid-day Matinee t--Father Knows Best 9:30 A.M. $--Great Hymns of All | 3~Yankee Doodle Time 1:30 P. 943-News: Weather: | 7_paith For Today Time 10:00 A.M. 9--Playhouse ¢-UN' Review 5--Jet Jackson a ge) gage 11--Hobby Time 7--Divorce Hearing 6--Almanac ' : . ; Y Rockettes 21, 6:45 cM. 4--Uncle Jerry Talent | 5--Chet Huntley 9--Boys' and Girls' 5--Educational Special | 5~Here's Hollywood 3 Slow Stafters 7. 745 ©.M. Contest 4--GE College Bowl Hi 4--The Worl turns 4--Edge Of Night Total : Super Jets 22172, Stare S-Punch and Johnny 3---Movie 52--Say When 1:45 P.M. 3--Almanac ets 22165, Fireballs 22013, Sixers 21653, gee sports yey ory Place | Resor | peda | as Pl rds ait ona Show starere Sin" 9--Faraway Places '00! 3 vi. Ha ani low Starters - Sim Coleman Show) 5" christian Science | 6--Disney Presents 10:30 A.M. Password 6-5-4-3.9--Rose Bowl isiiicakos we 4--Lamp rit Feet i Rest a paler 9--Free ae Easy 2:00 P.M. Game UAWA LEAGUE a H .M. 4--The entury 7--Our iss Brooks 9~The Flintstones ae edicts AS Parade | Divorce Court $2--Play Your dunch | 9--huet® piesse EVENING 7--Matty's Funday prage tA 4-1 Love Lu Funnies 2--Lets Have A Hobby 6:15 P.M. 1 '00 ey 6--Chez Halene 5:0) P.M 00. i Sadi urray Show Mi, ~ " : PaaS maataie, 10:30 A.M. O-Tricks of Se Trade | nob McLean 'Pavers {1--Family Theatre ey: Ps = ~ 354; Mystery score, 4--U of B. Roundtable | 9 youth and Religion nm eM, i 7--Popeye j ch. 4 ' 5 ? » Dz A le 7:30 P.M. 5--Junior Science 9--Hart of the Matter 2:15 P.M. ? pe i ig <a (ah? , 4 urner, U. Caron, J. Westra and B, S--Route 66 4--Uncle Jerry's Club | 7. 4--Video Village 6--Nursery School 5--Kukla C 5 trutt. 7--Roaring Twenties 2--Cartoon Playhouse 3--Romper Room 4--The Cotton Bowl 4--Florida Holiday a) id \ " y s Group 2: High Triple, P. Lyzon 8313 6--Dr. Kildare 10:45 A.M. ter Ed 11:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M, Golf &- ( + 3 | |B. pe % HAD ° 7 High Single, W. Duffield 953; Mystery 5--Ben Casey 5--Christophers 7~Yours For A Song |tl--Jane Gray Show H = f scores, E. Miszak, D. Davis, B. Gillie scRobin ery lliu AM 3 .M. 5-4.2--Tournament of i--Seven Keys 5 : f > ' LATE {| land, C. Rout, S. Stovin, J. Hill, C. Mer " li--The Real McCoys Roses Parade 3--Open House : z % Cabe and R. McGregor. nae Fee. | So ARuee Oe, cae | boreal 12:00 \OUN 5-2--Loretta Young John : ' i ae Group 3: High Triple, A. Buller 8353 ed sores te the ts Le tacehal aoueek balay iad entre 'Theatre % A Wi " Migh Single, L. Clarke 317; Mystery 11--Jamboree Church | 6-3--Hazel Friends 4--House Party 4--CH, 4 } ] < ! ' scores, D. Kelichen, D. Garrison, L. 3--Have Gun Will pee ri gece | $2--The Bullwinkle o--Freo and Baer 3:00 P.M, m Whe : 'Tindall, G. Godfrey, R. Rak, D. Mae- Tr Me Pa 2--The Big Rascals | Show /--Camoufiage 11--Romper Room i "eters Pomel, ar 'a rg tore b. ivi lic. 4M. 4--Lassie 5-2--Truth or 7 Queen Fo: A Day | : . 3 f NOTE ext wee! foiah th Nabe ida | 7--The Holy Mass 7:30 P.M. Consequences 6-3---Man From Interpol | 9--Man From Cochise =. 3 : B " pe Br roystre Py ea' Bir po void a! Ly ie " \ ==8 2 . an | 5--Dan: Is My 11l--Sunset Strip . 3 . ad hos SS: 5 } 7 Nat eR ih lial Gasiness . » Donna Reeo xy ae t yours a happy. New Year. 5--Ssannon | 2--Men of Annapolis 7--Follow The Sun CROSSWORD ie . R . pees ' 4--The Defenders | 12:00 Noon 6-3--Parade i : . nt - : Po ea\: s . '3--Peter Gunn 1--Biology -- McMaster| 52--Walt Disney -- fd te. \ ", er § 2--Tall Man University orld of Color oe. ¢ 4 { . 2 y 9:00 P.M | 9-Bravo Theatre 4--Dennis [he Menace ys » bs ore | 7 3 ACROSS 5. Gives . 7--Lawrence Welk 7--Playhouse Seven 8:00 P.M livas : . © | 6--Let's Speak English| ¢.4.3--E4 Sulli 1, Mineral sparingly IGIOIWNI iF P ] A hon | 5--Felix The Cat show springs 6, Two- ; we C08 18 ; opu ar gain 9:30 P.M. gies Sloe peaeeerias F ertecey 5. Put. off wheeled IS} Popey saps hy 10, Lake: Scot. vehicle (collog.) JPLITITEISI . -- RTT f y CJFENHAGEN (Reuters) -- : RIA VII \ Y NV Disks y . SSERT. Leng soldier pipes, a Danish ch 4 bi ake Show | 7_; 5-8--Make Room For 2- Deb te . 7D repr BUZ SAWYER MUNL ay 9--Jack Benny Show 3--Popeye and Pals 4 4--Have Gun Will 2--West Point 8:30 P.M. 11, Japanese (Ind.) 23. One any 2 i T THINK = KIN contribution to the cult of to- HEAR "THU! Travel 12:15 P.M. ig P eponld "A" Hockey gateway 7. Skill H oi -l in . Slash Bese" teaaspat| a $a--Car 54 12, Odd: Scot. 8. Recline ac GOs Woe bacco, have regained popularity S--Boxing ip Bowl |1--Comment and 9:00 P.M, 13. Purpose 9. The "Rail eICUDIEMMIEKICIAI here in a new setting. damned fowl | Conviction 11--News 15. Abounding Splitter" - SIEINOIMm | INISIEIT] A favorite for years with vi tourists who visit Denmark, the pipes have become incréas- 6-3 neh 17. Cerium (poss.) 25, Skele- 4--Gunsmoke | $- Bowlin: rene® | 7--Bus Stop (sym.) 14. Tightens, ton Yesterday's Answer ingly popular among Danes in recent months. The pipe-smok- 10:15 P.M. 4--New Soutes of the | 5-2--Bonanza ing, comfort-loving Danes say ag 4 MICKEY MOUSE 9--Johnny Esaw Show-- | Weather: Sports 9--Things We See 4--Candid Camera 6-3--Juliette Year | 4-GE Theatre | 18. A roster as piece 10) FM. | 2~Children's Classics 4:3 P.M. | 19. "Hoot muscles 27. Re- 34. Snug Ve Gane 12:45 P.M. \kl--Zane Grey Theatre | --" 16. Electrified served retreat Z lue Angels 4--Stori f the Year | 4--Jack Benny Shi 20. . Wint 36. Near: Rb oer. / Werk lo oe ea gg uiigrteaiggia kis fait ripe Pare S the soldier pipe--just over four 1:00 P.M. | 10:00 P.M. 23. Son: Fr. 19. Star in illnesses cot. y -- I OTS, r Svorte | 6-3--Good Life Theatre |ll--Debut This Week 24. The Cetus 32. Girl's name 37. African \ Senn oe feet six inches long--is ideal €3--King Whyte Show | 4--Sports Stories of the | 9--Andy Griffith's Show "Odyssey" 20,V-shaped 33, Egyptian ante- EN Qa OK jo for watching TV as well as a Year 7--Adventures In j Gate an ' ~ nS asi ' P) tive addition 1 Ot 30 P.M | Paradise and "Iliad blocks god (var.) lope 5 d Os ecorative 4 %--Country Hoedown |, _, Hh M. 6-3--Clos 25. Carried \ BS Vi; Tne user rests the -hand- 11-7-6-4-3--News; --Forwar 5--Show of the Week 26. Dagger 213 6 {7 Wt 4 3 a a: : Bim Ses DN painted porcelain bow! between PE oxee ight scoot 7-- Touchdown lendar | 2 -Theatre °62 ip : me his feet, so that emi Wi: -.M. ee 10:30 P.M -Girl(slang) = |! piece just reaches ps. 3--Football : -M. ; U-News, Weather: | (The Pied Piper of |l1--Twenty Questions 29. Shell for There is no smoke in the eyes, 1--Late Show Hamlin ee we ioe cream no aistractions and no muscu- 6--Night Metro 2:00 P.M. | &What's My Line ae laeay. lar effort. ae +e eee 11:00 P.M. Si Natives oc Ls , -- 'yhe smoker can't light the 11:30 P.M. 9--Junior A Hockey wie ota hh " Odessa . "Mf 'THESE NEW, GQUEAKY GHOEG }| |... HAVEN' TANY O' THAT in MY MICE AN'E BOTH } long » stemmed pipe. Yester- 1--Late Show 7--Our sa See Sports: Weather a5. Not REMIND Mise CHEESE AT HOME. LIKE SO WELL J oll year's rolled P ang = be live suers 2: .M. fi | :oal from the fire, has been re- ane 11:15 P.M. married y om . E-giaitight Theatre | S_yunlor SAY Hockey TLate Show 38. Domesti- Ww : Sages) |) [placed by a dutiful mateh- 12:00 P.M. 5--Football Be oe hl. cate : wee ' R wielding wife. Pa |4--Film Featurette tau tanbere 39, Particles | y 1 L \ j : For bachelors, a shorter pipe, 6--Midnight Zone 3:00 P.M. 3--Movie of time WY) i, A a j : about 18 inches long, has been 1:00 A.M. | a College a--News 40, God of love my Y ae VOY wp SS developed. t1--Late 'News | «tet Freedom Ring |, , 11:30 PM. + Bay ae 5 mM Vic "The long pipe is purely Dan- é Late Show . To rave %: f sa t ag uy ish," declared Joergen Jensen, | 3:30 P.M, 9--News: Sports Final DOWN ,. ~~ a n 7--AFL Football 6--Time To Remember Z aoe 4 arewe " a pipe lover and collector. "The | 4:00 P.M. SoNew Yerrs Grok yarn kh : CMe EEN ae A porcelain. bowl cannot burn 8:15 A.M. |\1--Ree Room "tags ae & bikin onent é %, ¢ < pa | through, and many soldier 2--Christian Science [ S-AMARH and Night | 2--Award Theatre tana" i - G Le e . = pipes are still in use after al 3:30 A.M, Peet: i | 11:45 P.M. : . 6 f ---- 4 . \ Any ~ more than 200 years of hard S--Tales of the Texas 4:30 P.M. | Special Late Show 4. Ireland's , : - - Seta | | smoking." eres ne and | riny, Talent Time oe 13:15 P.M. bl USES CHEAP TOBACCO % : New: jayhou: a rt a ee het Se sarees inch in diameter -- need not frighten smokers with visions ' pies ce From The of astronomic tobacco bills. A cheap tobacco is made spec- ially for the long pipe. ( 'LI F . MI L LS A tradition which faded dur- ing the First World War, the pipes were once practically the only 'must' for a man joining e the army. The new fecruit's hes atl first call, after enlistment, was on to the local pipe-maker. For sd bowl oer. some chose the WE DONT DENY DAT MADAM pe "AN DIS POOLROOM IS ~( STAN' BACK, PAPPY Jig i l | Seat et aiite, era: ee ae o BUT DIS POOLROOM HAS GONNA HONOR ITS PACT )\ DEAR ff= YO'MIGHT , DAUGHTER TALKING TO THE SHERIER | if AT GUNPOINT . . "t |the recruit himself in uniform. GUARANTEED FLEEGLE. TH | WIT' FLEEGLE,EVEN IF WE 4 GIT HIT BY FLYIN' POOL: FATHER SHOULD HAVE BEEN BACK HOURS AGON|| PP a iui 5 So firmly did the custom be- FLEEGLE IS PRIVACY OF ITS BACK ROOM, HAFTA BEAT YORE BRAINS } PLAYERS' 8UT | DIDN'T REALLY UNTIL 1H ' 4 hy ' f come established that when the FOR SOITAIN -s'uoDEr/- ~ OUT, WIT' CUESTICKS /" HORSE RETURNED >= i : Danish Royal Guards cele- wae Be WORRY POIPOSES /! ALONE A | ) lee Ty brated their jubilee some years Ne , gpa ; ys ' \ ayo with a parade, the ser- ~ fe )) 5 geants - major marched along swinging their soldier pipes. With the end of the first war, the long pipes were relegated to museums and attics, col- lected by a fe enthusiasts, or sold to tourists. THE LONE RANGER West Berlin's Cultural Goal BERLIN (Reyters) -- West Berlin hopes to become a cen- tre of European culture and education to counteract its loss of importance as the show- wincow of the Western world since the closure of its borders with East Berlin. Ar ambitious program launched by Professor Joachim Tibertius, the city councillor for culture and education, will in- clude the development of uni- versities, theatres, opera houses and broadcasting. The aim of the project, Ti- bertius says, is to give students from abroad '"'the opportunity GY f to study here and see for them- II SIMPLY WANTED TO WALK. ue : j...7@@ |selves the tragic reality of the /AND...WELL, I WALKED HERE. : / 1T13..,? (le pw divided city, the place where ne wr 3 bE ; ' fet | eky the battle is waged between / Z| ; i ; Z : : East and West, between slavery and ireedom." Mayor Willy Brandt has given his support. : "As West Berlin can no longer be a shop-window for my jellow countrymen in the { ps Aaa ' East," he says, "it must be 1 BECAUSE YOU'RE CONSUMED ¥ E made a show-window of our WITH CURIOSITY ABOUT THE : will to survive." . "DARK UGLY THING "THAT ; rn NT mar so? ITA | SALLY'S SALLIES MUGGS AND SKEETER YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT-= FINE THING-WHEN THE : ' r : NIGHTFALL / AND MAY I pI DON'T OBLIVER MAIL MAILS ARE HELD UP BYA ; Ca ' HAVE ITP DURING MY SF | Batoney SANDwich AND Wy Ne PROM CROWNING » Nor Pack CHIEF LUNCH HOUR A DILL PICKLE / ; Y Y APTER 1 WAS GHOT BLACK HAWK... L CARVED A BULLET ; WANTED 70 SETTLE OUT OF ME AND WITH THE WHITE NEVER BATTED AN EYE : MAN DON'T YOU HAVE ANY MAIL FOR ME, MR. BEASLEY ? 1961, King Femteres Sy miceie, int, World rights reserved, LARRY BRANNON

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