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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1961, p. 7

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ALL ON THE THRESHOLD OF ANOTHER YEAR HOLIDAY PERSONALS the Reverend and Mrs. N. F. Swackhammer, Carnegie ave- nue, ents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Blasko, \Albert street. Mr; and Mrs. Ernest Wright, Jarvis. street, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cole in De- troit, Michigan, for the New Year weekend. New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs® James B. Thompson, Mary street, will be Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tam- blyn and family, Markham, and Mrs. Grace Boultbee and Miss| Connie Boultbee, Toronto. Miss Marilyn Salmon, Toron- to, is spending the New Year with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hotston Edward Salmon, Hortop street, and Dianne of Picton are spend- ing Christmas and New Year holidays . with Mrs. Hotston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Rowe street. ' oy ati Norman Camp- ell, and children, Jane and Mr, and Mrs. Hayward Mur-|Alan, Don Mills; and Mr. and doch, Simcoe street north, will/Mrs. J, C. Pratt and Mr. John have as their New Year's guests| Pratt, Whitby, will be New Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Green and/Year"s guests of Mr. T. D. family, from Sarnia. Thomas MLA and Mayor Chris- tine Thomas, Harris street. ee The following nurses from Oshawa General Hospital whose homes are in England, are looking forward to a holi- day in New York City over the weekend: the Misses Margaret Kenyon, Margaret Hitchen, Elinor Cahill, Margaret Sinclair, New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Farrow, Christie avenue will be AC2 Carl Moen Calgary, og Yvonne Malcolm and Andrey|AC2 Paul Farrow, who are sta- Chambers. Miss Margaret Len-jtioned at the RCAF base at festy will be in Ottawa with her|Clinton. family. | Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Baldwin, Masson street, have returned from a visit with their son, Mr. Norman Baldwin and Mrs. Bald- jwin and family, Glens Falls, |New York, Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Sum- mers, Montreal, will be New Year's guests of Mrs. Summers' sister, Mrs. D. T. Wilson and Mr, Wilson, Mary 'street north. The following junior students of the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing will be going home for New Year: Miss Shir- ley Andrew, Ajax; Miss Betty Boudreau, Cobourg; Miss Val- eriee Brecht, Coboconk; Miss Carolyn Hannaford, Orillia; Miss Shirley Hicks, Picton; Miss Judith Hiscocks, Fenelon Falls; Miss Edith Jackson, Coe Hill; Miss. Mary Jean Jamieson, Oril- \lia and Balsam; Miss Carol]; McMinn, Cobourg; Miss Sandr; Morrison, Haliburton; Miss Jean Ormiston, Bowmanville. Miss Annie Duffy, Mrs. Marie Turney and Mrs. Joy Binns, all of Oshawa General Hospital| staff, will be spending the holi- day weekend in New York, Pic- ton and Montreal, respectively. Mr. and Mrs, D. W. Cordy and daughters, Janis and Les- ley Ann of Agincourt will be New Year's guests of Mrs. Cordy's parents, Mr. and Mrs.! Miss Doret Levy is flying to W. G. Jackson, Herbert avenue.|New York and Mrs. Gloria |Gough is flying to Washington lfor the New Year holidays. They are both nurses on 2D at} Oshawa _ General. Hospital.) Nurses from 2A on vacation) LODGES AND are Miss M. Young in Brooklyn. | Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Red- path and Mrs. Charles Jibb, Mary street, will be New Year's guests at the home of Mrs. Harold Noble and Mr. Wallace Bell, Baltimore. Mrs. C, J. Philips-Lunenberg of 'The Hague, Holland, arrived just before Christmas to spend the festive season with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Awe Mrs. Peter Wilson, RR 1, Osh- awa, and grandchildren of Mr, and Mrs James Smart and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wilson, all of Oshawa. ~--Photo by Hornsby CELEBRATING his _ first birthday tomorrow is Peter Junior Wilson pictured with his sister, Debra Karen, aged five. Peter Junior and Debra are the chi:dren of Mr. and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. | Cecil O, Pascoe, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Hewett, Oshawa, and great-grand- chigren of Mrs, C. W. Hewett, Oshawa, JEFFREY TODD and Jodi Jean are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Clemence A. Hewett, Palace street, Oshawa. Jef- frey will celebrate his first birthday tomorrow and Jodi is three and a half. They are the aransmmerennsY 1 --Photo by Hornsby Ontario Temple. The birth cake was cut by Sister Ada Gil- lard. Each member was remem- bered with a Christmas gift by her Pythian Pal, Sister Mae Feasby; Grand Sen-| ior alternate, Sister Ada Gil- When need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "NemeevERYONE Mrs. Andrew Ruis, Ferguson!N.Y.; ae ogg o> © and| SOCIETIES a lle TO te IN TORONTO street, Brooklin. Mrs. Philips-/Miss D. nderson, bo' iat | Lunenberg will be returning/Montreal, and Miss M. Mc-| COURT CHARLENE L1750 | | on Wednesday, January 3.|Namata at Willowdale, The regular meeting of Court/ vate epi siapsesis a RR |catine tite held recent in| qQariod recently at S| Mr ad Mrs James Copeland Miss Oiga Blasko, St: Jo-| Miss Jane Swackhammer,|the Orange Temple Court was! Church were Mr. the bridegroom is the son of seph's Hospital ,Toronto, will|Montreal will spend the Newjofficially opened by president,| Raymond Mozewsky. The | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mozew- spend New Year's with her par-/Year's holiday with her parents ae hy vad sig ag | bride, the former Mise' Hilda sky of Oshawa. ister Margaret Smith report-) « . ; pint ' ; : : ed flowers sent to members alia Copeland, is the daughter of Photo by Mary's Studio Cc tti W ll R t uickl jhave been ill and thank-you] u Ings 1 00 7 jcards were read by recording) secretary, Sister Zelda Mac-| } eed h |Millan. |lard; Grand Junior representa. [In a Miniature Greenhouse --*airi chartene's aay at ng tive, Sister May Rutter, Grand | [ee Uy ag | Cuttings of egy plants oh Ph a they may be potted up ce pacha eth tenunnar Saker te ' eat oun: . . ; aye } > installing mene Sy See Some of the plants to try are|Matthews, Doris Yourth and|fficer, Sister Jean _ Fitches; them is saturated with moisture, } p s 'y Zelda MacMillan Degree Staff captain, Sister Iva say horticulturalists with the|Philodendron, Impatiens, Geran- Dehw telee war won by' St.| Cl. | Ontario Department of Agricul-jiums, Coleus, Wandering Jew,| tit It? Dalby ¥Y 8!S-|"Mystery prize was won by ture. This cuts down on the loss ace a Evergreen, Oleander, A Christmas party in the form|Sister Kay Elliott. of water from leaves and oa saat caudtin may be used/f 2 potluck supper and ex.| Meeting closed in usual ritual- them to carry on until enoug ith P ha Ati Violet (Change of gifts was held afterjistic form, after which Christ- roots are formed to supply their w S SEeRCan a? ste ksonm VOM Tri the meaiDD. |mas refreshments were served. needs. . and Snakeplant. =" \It was also the 42nd birthday of To get this sort of ogg et | uh gi hiner gl acd ' | try a miniature greenhouse Ge 4 | e an ers, Ontario a box about 4 inches deep and ot Home Decorating eee it recently at} SAVE ON YOUR convenient size. ore ahou | [ 3 ost| six % inch holes in the -- Takes Turn freye Bed ape ve Z| to allow water to escape. ow a Bs | you need niece of gs, «fr Toward Elegance |Gne'aud Satan tases] MILK PURCHASES olay ox red gta Ws eh By ELEANOR ROSS _|der and Manager Lucille Clark! ASK a aia eth for the sides, THe. trend to opulence in/presented the Union Jack. Milk costs less if you buy 12 inches high for home fashions has become very ' These have to fit closely togeth-| .vident. Even Early American the economical half-gal- er on th? inside of the box, so furnishings are beginning to lon size. Skim « Homo or 8 ginning i measure trem carefully. When|«borrow" from stately tradi- Guernsey Gold. "At the Minutes and correspondence were read by the secretary, =, Sister Kay Elliott. Treasurer's allt a geet ag report was given by Sister SON OF Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Sciuk, Mary street, Philip Michael is one year old tomorrow. Philip is. the grandson of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Sciuk, | is Daniel Joseph Gerard, son | all of Oshawa. sia Roy Shaw | measuring for the end walls, don't forget to allow for glass thickness, as they will fit be- tween the 2 side pieces. When the side and end pieces are fit- ONE YEAR OLD tomorrow | Daniel is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dumais and great grandson of Mrs, Dom- inic Dorian, all of Penetang. | of Mr. and Mrs. David Du- ~Photo by Hornsby | mais (nee Josephine Heffer- Special Guests at Yule Dinner Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE Tue Golden Jubilee Chapter, ja 1OVE, held its December meet-| President, Mrs. W. R. Morrison, ing at Adelaide House, in the|in which she extended holiday foim of a Christmas dinner./g Se ted in the box, the soil will help| to hold them in place. | Bind the exposed edges of the glass with adhesive tape, and put on the "'roof". ; If you want something simp- ler, an ordinary flower pot with a large glass jar placed upside down over it, will give good re-| sults, For rooting media you can use| letier from the Provincial reetings to the chapter, and tional styles to create a more formal look and it is considered the essence of chic to add a few well-chosen antique pieces to a room otherwise furnished in the contemporary vein. What we all seek to do is to avoid the clutter that marked rooms in the Victorian era--all the little tabies, fringed lamp- shades, bric-a-brac and cozy corner groupings that once were considered the hallmark of a well-furnished home. There was plenty of domestic help in those days to keep the clutter clean! Now we want charm and stressed that the main work of the order was to. help preserve peace, Special guests at the meeting were Mrs. K. Creighton, honorary regent, Mrs. Michael Jo Aldwinckle, Wemen Women' s Editor Dial 723-3474 [he corresponding secretary, Starr, honorary vice - regent, M.s. M. Campbell, read Mrs Alfred Austin, regent of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 30, 1961 7 correspondence which had been lreceived. Mrs. H. W. Neil gave the treasurer's report. Educa- jtiona) secretary, Mrs. John Vi- the Prince Phillip Chapter and Mrs. J. W. Piatti, treasurer of the Prince Phillip Chapter. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Mis. Austin spoke briefly on benalf of her chapter and read & poem about IODE which was both humorous and witty. Mrs. Creighton said how pleased she was to be present and stressed the importance of the members| working together and thus suc-|work done by members during|Hugh Watson, regional director --_ in ee many a rave the year, |for Y's Menettes, and Mrs, Rob- Ts arr also expresse! er : ; ; i ert Clarke, both from the Belle- gt ate at being able to schtae tes : 7a Rgy vainoon 4 ville Club. e present. ' ; 'edy| A card table was presented Mis. Edward Bind, sorniiios ich "the chapter i Woodview Park Club house. , ' regent, | "3 ir, Rave a brief review of the wor assisting. |It was decided to send Christ- mas gifts to mental patients. done during.t , whi : adie shouae Ge oo. Mrs. Bind then thanked the\Mrs| Graham Nelson and Mrs ap impressive amount to be ac hospitalit complished. Mrs. Bind also read rie ity convener, Mrs. W-/Robert Goddard reported on . Freeborn, for arranging the/their visit to the Tuck Shop at First Baptist WA Christmas dinner. She aiso! ' i i pH: ~,|the Ontario Hospital at Whitby. thanked Mrs. D. G. Langmaid) yyy, Hugh Watson, assisted Names Officers The monthly meeting of the who had kindly invited the/py Mrs, Robert Clarke, install- meinbers to her home for aleq the new officers of the Osh- sociai evening after the meeting.!awa club and spoke of money- rk Bind extended her per-|raising projects and gave some WA of First Baptist Church was pies -- pgp >seand holiday! good ideas. held in the home of Mrs, Edgar)" iene The meeting was then turned Anderson. The president, Mrs, Walter Nickerson, opened the meeting with a poem and offered pray- over to Mrs. Graham Nelson er. The devotional period was CLUB CALENDAR for a social evening. in charge of Mrs. Richard The next meeting will be held Britton. at the home of Mrs, Robert \Brandt, January 10, The treasurer and secretary and flower convener all gave the yearly reports, proving that 1961 had been very successful. The nominating committee, Mrs. Sidney Canfield and Mrs. Jolin Darcy, brought in the re- port and the officers for the New Year are as follows: Pres- ident, Mrs. Ralph Hopson; vice- president, Mrs_ Richard Brit- ton; treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Barrow; secretary, Mrs. Walter Wellman; devotional, Mrs. Gor- don Besse; sick and shut-ins vis. iting, Mrs. J. Darcy and Mrs. E. Pearson; flowers convener, Mrs. Arthur Howard; group vash, reported that Christmas| Y'S MENETTE'S CLUB parcels and candy had been sent) The Christmas meeting of.the to the adopted schools. Oshawa Y's Menette's club was Services at home and abroad|held at the home of Mrs. Robert secretary, Mrs, L. V. Walker,|Goddard. The president, Mrs TUESDAY Dr. C. F, Cannon H-S Assn. TOFS Club iSA Home League | Soroptimist Club | Christ Church WA WCTU UAW No. 27 Duke of Edinburgh H-S Kinette Club Ever Ready Class Centre St. (West Grp.) Alice Jackson Aux. |Kn¢x Presbyterian WA Victoria Lodge, LTB llth Group Committee Daughters of England St. Peter's WA Holy Cross W.A. (nward Group The Afternoon Auxiliary, Ar villa McGregor Auxiliary and |Laurie Cormack Auxiliary held a supper meeting as a family group in church after which Mrs. A. H_ Dancey presided members of each group. Mrs. George Edwards, presi- jdent of the Laurie Cormack | Auxiliary, presided for the wor- |ship service. opening with |Miss Margaret Cormack read jthe Christmas story from St. Luke's gospei. Mrs. George had an attractive display of|Clem. Hewett, welcomed Mrs.) KNOX PRESBYTERIAN crps,| for the meeting, welcoming all) poem, The Road to Bethlehem. | sharp sand, a 50-50 mixture of peat moss and sand, vermiculite or perlite. Pack it firmly, make a hole for the cutting and firm it in} place. Little watering will be needed, but remove the covering for a few minutes every day to allow some ventilation. As soon Edwards concluded with medi- |tation and prayer. | The secretaries of the three jauxiliaries gave their annual }reports. A film was much enjoyed on | British Guiana Tempo. Mrs, Jo- seph Kerr was pianist for the | meeting. ELEANOR HOY GROUP The final meeting of Eleanor Hoy Group of Cedar |Dale United Church was held in the form of a Christmas pot \luck supper at the home of |Mrs. Frank Bright. Mrs. Alfred Barassin said grace, Gifts were exchanged by the members and games were played Miss Betty Bright showed slides of a re- {cent trip through the United States and Florida and also provided a very interesting run- ning commentary of the various scenes. A very humcrous skit entitled "A Christmas Bazaar' was | presented by the following mem- bers: Mrs, Norman Hall, Mrs. Fred Pesarchuk, Mrs. Ear] Hoy and Mrs. Claire Gunter. Mrs. George Thomson pre- jsented Mrs. Frank Bright with a gift on behalf of those pres- ent for her hospitality and all joined in singing some wel] known Christmas carols, JESSIE PANTON AUX. The last meeting of the Jessie |Panton Missionary Auxiliary of |St_ Andrew's United Church was jheld recently. Mrs. R. W. '| Martyn, the president, presided. Mrs. A. T. Cain showed pic- jtures of Bella Bella, B.C., where |she visited this summer. | The worship service, "The Legend of the Three Chests," jw%s conducted by Miss Grace the| jas the cuttings have 1 to 2 inch | Surprise Party And Presentation Marks Anniversary A surprise party attended by about 70 relatives and friends was held at the Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby, recently in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynard of Oshawa who were celebrat- ing their silver wedding anni- versary. The bride and bridegroom of 25 years ago were presented with a corsage and boutonniere on entering the hall, Dancing was enjoyed and a buffet was served later in the evening. At the cutting of the cake, Mr. to the coupie and presented them with a gift and a sum of money. The bride's mother gave her daughter a lace table- cloth which she had corcheted. The former Ethel Logeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Logeman, Sr:, was married to Mr. Henry Reynard on Decem- ber 18, 1936, at Whitby United Church. The couple have two daughters, Mrs. Wallace Larmer (Joan) and Mrs. Doug- las McNaughton (Bonnie) and one granddaughter, Patti Larmer. Guests were present from Bowmanville, Cobourg, Whitby, Kenmore, New York, and Kan- sas City, Missouri. diiner with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- ell Wicks and Mr. and Mrs. Dewsy* Tutton proposed a toast) beauty, but it must be func- tional, The trend toward the formal is certainly evident in the home- jsewing yardage being shown jand selling well. | These new- fabrics--designed |primarily for curtains and dra- peries--have for more sophisti- cation than ever before. Even provincial prints have retreated from the too-cute look and go in for neat, small patterns, many of which resemble needle- | point or crewel work. | The stately Regency look is |favored, even when adapted to cotton prints suitable for use in informal settings. Silk-look fab- rics -- actually synthetics with wonderful easy-care features-- are being stressed to add to the opulent look. FAVORED COLORS | The color spectrum stars ori- ental and gem tones, Persian {and jade greens, magenta, spice red and French blue. Multi-co- lor prints are still very much in favor, with lavender leading the parade in mixtures with tur- quoise and several shades of green -- a lovely, harmonious | combination | In some cases, a particular fabric is available with "mates" such as co-ordinated wall cover- ings, bedspreads and sheers. These do not necessarily exactly match, but rather blend to give a professiona: decorator 100k. When you decorate or do over a room, draw on your sewing ability. You'! be pleased at what can be accomplished with these co-ordinates and the right trimmings. Fabrics and match-ups are all easy to care for. There is such variety in tru'y washable mater- ials, whether of cotton or of syn- thetic fibers or blends, that the shopper is sure to find a style, color and pattern to her taste that is easy to keep looking freshly colorful. SALAD TOUCH A simple garnish--dry, edible jand used sparingly--gives a fin- Chris. Aitchison. Sister Iva Cliff presided for nomination of offi-| cers as follows: Most Excellent Chief, Sister Kay Large; Excel-| lent Senior, Sister Anne Holt; Excellent Junior, Sister Alice Short;. Manager, Lucille Clark; secretary, Kay Elliott; treasur-| er, Chris. Aitchison; guard, Sister Edith Taylor; protector, | Sister Mary Hurst; pianist, Sis- ter Emmaline Henderson; | Grand Senior representative,' Store Or At Your Door". ,on c a ; i WY he UTCHA BEBABIBEBIBIBIBABIBABAZIBABIBSBIBABIBABABABABABEBABABABABM 9} a8 a 5] Upon the exodus of the old and the inauguration of The New Year We wish you well for 1962 BEBABEBEBEBABEBIBABABABEBEABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABas leaders, Mrs. Walter Nickerson, Mrs. Edgar Alward, Mrs. Ron- ald Collins; press reporter, Mrs. Edwin Pearson A Christmas program in the charge of Mrs. George Hall was well planned, and an exchange of gifts was held. The presi- dent thanked the group for its co-operation for the last three 1 2 WEDNESDAY Nor.hminster WA Lend-A-Hand Club Queen Mary Lodge All Doubles' Club Rundle Park Aux. Harmony WA 0th Group Committee nd Group Committee years of which she has filled/Albert Street WMS the position o president The hostess served refresh- ments assisted by her daughter,|T Mrs. Donald Rice. |50- Ukrainian P and BW Aux. 'HURSDAY 50 Club {5th Group Committee |Anderson, assisted by. Mrs. M.|Hatry Snow in charge. After dinner films were shown|ishead appearance to any salad. to the children by Mr. James| seem 2 3. Gordon, and Santa Claus arrived - not buying another pity Chapter, OES D Wyman, Miss Katie Wotten,| St. George's Eve. WA Miss Nellie Scorgie and Mrs. Haypy Doubles' Club Wilham Bear eae be tist WMS Mrs. F. A. Getz reviewed the Sisenhe ttreak WMS. third chapter of the study book, pm : "Siguals for the Sixties'. Christ Church Eve. Guild y ie George's Aft. WA \e'Wal Gee =e _ |Chatienger Group /King Street WMS FRIENDLY COUPLES The Friendly Couples Club of A'beic . Street United Church held its December meeting re- icently as a family Christmas and presented gifts. ing ./. . waiting for Mr. Robert Bent presented a/ lovely poinsettia to the ay Thursday, Jan. 4th for Nesbitt's Open Store erend and Mrs. A. E, Larke on behalf of the club. | The club was reminded of the) |New Year's Eve dance to be! held Saturday evening in the]l Clearance Sale. church hall with tickets avail- able from Mr. and Mrs. Robert| Love, Mother ent, FRIDAY Christ Church Aft. Aux. _|Suncoe Street WA (Grp. 3) A BIRKS SHOPPING CENTRE , IBIBABABABABABABABABABABABABaBaBasa FBABABABACISABEBEBABABABABABABaBaBaBaBaBaBEBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBAB ABABABaBABABABABABABABABABABaBABABABaBaBaBEas IBABABIBIBIBABABABABABABABABABABABABABABaBAL q OSHAWA 3B Et icv] | vf and . | & JABABABEA 3 BIBEIBABABABIBABA

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