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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jan 1962, p. 16

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Final Dance Held At Orono School By MRS. KEN GAMSBY their ability by creating these ORONO -- The annual Oronojfigures and objects with large High School dance was held eets of white paper and only a the Orono Town Hall on Friday|few markings. evening. This dance, which over' Raindrops made of narrow the past 27 years has gained|strips of black crepe paper with prominence as the dance of the intermittent clamps of tinfoil) year, was the final Christmas dropped in the entrance door dance of the Orono High School.|and in the front of the stage. The new Clarke High Schoo!,) The music for the dance was midway between Orono and provided by the Cavalliers of Newcastle, will replace the|Oshawa. 5 Orono School when the spring} During intermission, lunch term ends. was served in the basement of The students' council, whojthe hall which was also gaily sponsor the dance, provided an|decorated. Lunch of sandwiches, enjoyable evening for what was cake and coffee was served buf- known as. "The Last Silver|fet style. Individual tables were Ball", Attendance was far|jset up for the occasion, each above that of former years and/being centred with a centre- dancing space at times was at|piece. a premium. During the course of the eve- the hall has|fing Willis Barraball, president enter aes ol the major|of the Student's Council of the high'ights of the dance. school welcomed those attend- The decorations gave the halljing the dance and thanked a ballroom effect providing ajeveryone for their support dur- pleasing atmosphere for theling the past 27 years in which dance. The emphasis was placed|the dance had been held. at the back of the hall, under' the balcony, where the walls were lined with tinsel on which Maxwell School was placed. colorful stars and decorations. Christmas balls ® ? also were suspended from the Children Hold ceiling of the balcony. Streamers were hung above Ch + Pp the dancers in the main gears ristmas arty of the hall. Ornamental trees and other objects in a pale blue FR gla .. og were placed about the hall add events marked the closing of the ing greatly to the theme of the Christmas. term at Maxwell decorations, Heights School. Reindeers, angels and carol-| o, 'Thursday afternoon Miss ers enhanced the windows and Judy Evans' room of Grades 1 here again the students showed/,54 9 children entertained the rest of the school with a pro- gram of songs and recitations. Camera Club On Friday morning the school gathered around the Christmas Plans Orono Meeting By MBS. KEN GAMSBY tree for a special service. The Christmas story was told by Rev. C. k. Nelson with il- lustrations on a flannelgraph, assisted by Linda Hopkins and Bob Gray. Portions of scripture were read by Susan Patte, Dorothy Hoskin, Anne Bishop, Michael ORONO -- The Orono Camera|Hurst, Peter Brooks and Earl Club are to hold a night of en-| Churchill. : tertainment and everyone is in- Mrs. A. Sinclair's room pre- vitea to attend at no charge The evening will feature color: ed slides of the Acadia Nationa .jsented a Nativity play. Miss .) Ruth Cousens' room sang 'Wind 1|Through the Olive Trees" and Park. Nature study and under-|"I Hear Them", and gave two water photography will be|Choral readings. shown Instead of exchanging pres- fircse slides will be shown by|jents, the children placed gifts Ted Tozer of the Oshawa Cam-junder the tree for two needy era Club. families. In the afternoon the 'The showing is to be held on presents were delivered by Mr. Weanesday, Jan. 3 at 8.00 p.m. in the Orono Community Centre. BADMINTON INTEREST Nelson and the boys of Grade 8. At Kedron Public School the four rooms held separate Christ- mas parties on Friday after- 'he Orono Badminton Club is|noon. A collection was taken, thie year meeting with greater|which was given to Rev. C. R. success than previously experi- Nelson for his Christmas wel- encca. More residents' of the fare work. Kedron Boys Portray TV Variety Show By MRS. R. 8S. BISHOP KEDRON -- The Sunday School Christmas Concert for the older children and their par- ents, held at Kedron United Church just before Christmas, was the highlight of the year's activities. The primary boys' class, led by Mrs. William Woodward, Mrs. Nelson Wright and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, sang_ two! songs, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Away in a Manger. Mrs. William Rosnak's primary class of girls presented a Christmas song and a choral reading. The Junior girls of Mrs. Stan- ley Ogle's class, costumed as the members of a wedding party sang The Bells are Ringing. A surgical operation was per- formed with gusto by the boys of the intermediate class taught by Mr. Ronald Werry and Mr. Brian Lee. Jack Francis, the Superintendent of the Sunday School was their victim. Although Mr. Francis admit- ted that "it took a lot out of him" to lose so many parts of his anatomy, he was able to continue as chairman of the eve- ning. VARIETY TV SHOW Mr. William Werry's Junior boys added another dimension to their skit by presenting a variety television show on a giant TV set. The class of Junior girls, led by Mrs. Bryce Reeves presented an outdoor scene. As they put the finishing touches to two) snowmen they sang Frosty the Snowman and White Christmas. The Young Peoples' boys and girls classes combined to pre- sent The Littlest Christmas Tree under the direction of Mrs. Harry Rose and Mrs. Charles Thomas. The cast included Linda Bremner as narrator, Karen Pascoe as the littlest tree, Marie Maidman and Bonnie Dale as the larger trees, and Barbara Rose, Sharon Wilbur, Marlene Wood and Yvonne Hicks as members of the family who decided to decorate the small tree for an outdoor Christ- mas tree. Mrs. Charles Thomas and Miss June Davis were the ac- companists for the evening. Santa Claus stopped by to dis- tribute the gifts to the children. Rev. Ronald Love closed the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jenuery 2, 1962 15 > evening with a few words. P 34, Plunder 35. Book of O14 Testament 36. Costly 38.To mature 42, Sun god 813 Y;, 12 O rank 43: Girl's name 44, College. " ---- leavenly body . TO SEND SURE paella ER LTHING/ ae ' MICKEY MOUSE «WITH 'TH' AIR. FULL O" WONDERFUL AROMAS FROM GRANDMA'S yess tee/ " Pp ow THAT'S JUST TH' TROUBLE, MR. OTIS / a \ GHE'6 BAKIN' FOR HER area are taking advantage of the sport and as a rule Wed- nesday evening at the Orono , Community Centre has about 15 taking part. Junior members have their opportunity on Friday evenings vhen birds and rackets are a available for use. Instruction is als« given on this occasion as is aiso available on Wednesday evcnings. Ite Orono Club expects to en- tertain a neighboring club in the neat future when inter-club play anu a social evening will be the order of the evening. SANA PAYS VISIT During the past week Santa has greeted over six hundred chiaren. On the opening day and evening on Saturday, Dec. 16 pe was visited by 350 young- sters from Orono and surround- ing area. During the following week he met a further two hun- drea and fifty. Santa was at his Orono location every afternoon and evening from Dec. 16 to Dee. 23. The presence of Santa in Crono during the week was sponsored by the Orono Cham- ber of Commerce. . . - From The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ETINGS ras MESS O' . ES . EE TTT : --s hag y Vegi q, ii : BLZZEEZZ= A STAND UP TO HIM-- FACE. wel BACK TRAIL £ Z He] ~ oo = | = s |g : "'TAINT SAFE FO'YO' e AW-H-HE WHERED Af poo, YOU GET THE LITTLE ) 4' euy WHITE MOUSE? yinio parses ENTERS CARRY BACK ARCADIA, Calif. (AP)-- Owner-trainer Jack Price ad- vised Santa Anita Park racing officials that Carry Back, the 1961 Kentucky Derby winner and the top U.S. three-year-old, will be flown here in mid-Jan- uary for the $100,000 added Santa Anita Maturity Jan. 27. SALLY'S SALLIES Y'SEE, HE APPRECIATES WHAT A LUCKY LITTLE ry MOUSE HE IS... i hha ar, Adah &! DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER SS RUT | you mean He Kite an You 5 ROGET PELION aN ME LOUD AND INDIANS, AND: WAS A.Asce Aad CLEAR. HE WAS ) (. ie JULIET JONES REALLY, I'M TERRIBLY SORRY FOR ALL THE TROUBLE I'VE PUT YOU TO The Boy Who Floated Over Niagara Falls Though dare-devils have tried IT WAS NO TROUBLE } [IT GAve ME THE CHANCE TO), AT ALL.MADAM== 4 | TAKE MY FIRST-OF-THE- YEAR INVENTORY, WHILE WAS WAITING ON YOU LARRY BRANNON Get your Reader's Digest today -- 40 articles of lasting interest, Bluse long book condenestion,

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