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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1962, p. 19

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een ae eee ee ae ee ee i Aili le et Rede Be Oe i od ra COPNOL ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 3, 1962 19/8 Seaerr er FF Freee eae ee ee ee ee a Juveniles Tie In Stouffville ICE FISHING IS POPULAR BUT A COLD SPORT Residents of this district, including the Oshawa enthu- siasts, enjoy ice-fishing on Lake Simcoe but it's no sport for sissies. Joe Groulx, left, and Mervin Spiece, both of ff Brantford, beat the cold when they went fishing on Lake Erie, with a stove and a ply- wood windbreak, to enable them to stay on the ice five hours and collect two bas+ See ee rere eee We STOUFFVILLE--Oshawa Ju- venile Generals and Stouffville Clippers battled to a 3-3 draw in their Ontario Hockey Asso- ciation Central Junior "C" lea- gue game, played last night in the Stouffville Arena. The Motor City crew led twice during stages of the game 2-1 at the completion of two periods and 3-1 early in the fi- nal twenty mnuites, but the home town Clippers bounced back scoring twice within two minutes to gain the tie. Grant Foreman opened the scoring for Stouffville in the first period, with just 18 sec- onds gone. Terry Peters, Osh- awa's hard-driving centre, and Bob Soloman, up for a five- game trial with the team, put Oshawa ahead midway through the second period. Barry Furey gave the visit- ors what seemed to be the in- surance marker, only to have Wayne Pennina and John Rox- bourgh fire two unanswered goals to gain the 3-3 tiee. JUVENILE GENERALS: -- goal, Braiden; defense, Koles- Furey, Macdonald, Gibbons, J. Peters, T. Peters and Soloman. STOUFFVILLE CLIPPERS:-- goal, Jackson; defense, Stover, Felsby, McMullin, McKee; for- wards, MacLean, Pennina, Boyd, Beckett, "Roxbourgh, Foreman, Sugden and Gaston. Referee -- Jim McWayne; Linesman, Carl Kemp. FIRST PERIOD 1. Stouffville: Foreman (Roxbourgh) ......... 0:18 Penalties -- B. Peters 4:18, Beckett 4.48 and MacLean 17:00. SECOND PERIOD 2. Oshawa: T. Peters (J. Peters) .'...cccee 8:06 3. Oshawa: Soloman (TE. Peters) cece cesccs 10:08 Penalties--Sugden 7:54, THIRD PERIOD 4. Oshawa: Furey (Linton) 5. Stouffville: Pennina (Boyd, Sugden) ..... 6. Stouffville: Roxbourgh (Felsby) ..ccccccccces 8: Penalties -- Felsby 0.32, Lin- ton 3:51, Soloman 10:00, Arm- strong 13:02, Sugden 13.11, Sto- 2:35 7:00 8:48 nik, Linton, Lutton, Cover; for- wards, Armstrong, Watt, King, ver 15:57 and 16:57, kets of perch. Simcoe, similar tactics are employed but some of the veterans use their own fish- ing huts, complete with stove and even a sleeping bunk. Up on Lake Babe Pratt Figures Today's Players Lack Respect For Coaches VANCOUVER (CP) -- Babe, i ¢ } Pratt was wondering why some|othc: than Montreal Canadiens|of Detroit Red Wings. coaches of current NHL teams h ckey players these days rebel{and Toronto. aga:nst their coaches. "Maybe television is the cul- prit," he suggested. "Could be it's breeding too many prima doutias who are more concerned with acting the part than play- ing the game. "The players of my era would never think of questioning the daisions of the Smythes, Selkes, Patricks and Rosses. "We roared, we rollicked, but we always had respect." Piatt, a National! Hockey League defenceman with New RIDICULED PIKE One name that came up was that of Red Sullivan wha as Ranger captain told a re wriier that Pike, then New Riek jcoach, "could not light a fire in ja furnace, let alone fire up a |hockey club." "For this statement," Pratt sa.d, 'the Rangers made Sulli- |van a player-coach of their No. }1 farm team in Kitchener, Ont., |handiing young players. It will be interesting to see how Sulli- yan handles players like Sulli- York Rangers, Toronto Maple|van when they have something Leafs and Boston Bruins fom 1935 to 1947, made the ments in a weekly hocker col- umu he writes for the 'vouve: Province. Ye said he'd met with former Raagers Alf Pike, Clint Smith and Neil Colville and while re- calling the old days got to talk- ing about the problems of fo say to the press about the _om-|¢*sch." Pratt recalled another inci- dent, " ... Dutch Hiller talked back to Lester Patrick in Det- roit after a game New York lost, Lester left the dressing rocm, returned five minutes late: with the statement: 'Mr. |Hiler, you are now the property NCT SO GENIAL Pratt said that when Detroit |Red Wings start to look bad, | the not so genial GM, Jack |Adams, takes over from coach |Syd Abel and steps on a few of |the malcontents." "'Sya Abel tells a story about his rookie defenceman Howie {Young, who takes far too many lcheap penalties. "In the last few minutes of a close game with Montreal, Det- roit leading 2-1, the Red Wing deience was very weary, "Abel cautioned the rookie Young, who had been riding the bench all night, to get out there, but piease, don't take any pen- alties. Young promised. | "¥ufteen seconds later, Young jhad a two-minute penalty for tripping, five minutes for brawl- ing and a 10-minute misconduct. "It s needless to say, Montreal won 3-2." Sterling's Edge Seagram's Squad The Sterling Button and Pleat- ing bowlers completed the 1961 season with a win over Sea- gram's, edging them for the odd game by a 3-2 score. Although Sterlings were on the short end of total pin fall, they nevertheless managed to win three - out - of - the - five games from their opponents. to a very bad start in their first game winding up with a score of 963 against Seagrams 1,201. For Sterlings Orval Brown was the only one who could do anything, bowling a 251 and for Seagrams it was Moody. 262, Reilly 248 and Cun- liffe 243. The second game was nip and tuck right down to the last bowler on each team with Ster- lings putting on that extra spurt in the tenth frame and coming out victorious with a score of 1,153 against 1,124. For Ster- lings it was Mike Paulo 268 and Orval Brown 256 and for Seagrams it was Reilly 322 and Pechaluk 233 In the third game Sterlings again came up with one of their poor games and just simply could not do anything, winding up with a 968 against Seagrams, who also were floundering but who managed to bowl 1,118. For Sterlings, Herb Donaldson was the only one who bowled over 200, finishing with a 213, and for Seagrams it was Pechaluk 246 and Moody 232. Again in the fourth game, 10-PIN ACTION Isabelle Cyr, George Reid Roll Week's Best Triples This week's top bowlers were Isabelle Cyr and George Reid. Isabelle came up with a won- derful 529 triple in the Eastway Mixed League to earn the honor. Shirley Shelenkoff, of the same league, rates special mention losing out by only two pins. Shirley had two real nice games of 206 and 215, then fell to a 106. George had his best week of the season, averaging 601 in the three leagues in which he bowls. His best effort came in the Lander-Stark Classic, a fine 618 score. He carries a composite average of 180, and rates among the best ten-pin bowlers in the district. OSHAWA MIXED LEAGUE This league begins a new sec- tion and as we also enter a New Year, we wish to take this opportunity to wish everyone the very best and good bowling in 1962. c Morrison's BA with 76 points,)still undecided, and will be and Doug's Barber Shop, with/settled at a future executive 38,174 pins, earned playoff| meeting. : berths at the conclusion of the) Isabelle Cyr, Shirley Shelen- first section. Congratulations. /|koff and George Reid were this High Scores -- Harold Babcock 530,/week's top bowlers, ending the John Webster 528, Danny Thomson 525,| ear in fine style. Bill Hood 519, Harry Joyce 516, Fred |¥' yie. Snow 508 and Ray Beaugrand 503. | Results -- Auto-Magic-Carwash » |Sabyan Motor Sales 0; Aces 7, Coll- Ladies -- Jeanette Courtiure 495, Bea | peel's 0; Leftovers 7, Cook's Body Shop Allen 486, Ede Ryan 476, Dot Clements | 9; Stickpins 7, Johns' Garage 0; East. 458, Helen Reynolds 456, Zana Mand-| way, Lanes 5, The Dilly's 2; 300's 5, zuick 453, Brenda Bracey 451, Grace|vcHupecl's 2; Spooks 4, Doreen's Gang Murphy 449, Mary Kraglin 438. Eilleen|3, Russ' City Service 4, Hyman Real Collins 429, Doris Dyck 427 and Betty potate 3, Thomson 38. : High Scores -- G. Reid 596 (201, 203), Team Standings -- Doug's Barber)p, Baxter 539, F. Wallace $33, G. Shop 7, Screwballs 7, Satan's Angels 7,/Turner 499, G. Coppin 496, N. Differ 496, Don Howe Real Estate 5, Jim Dandies)» pnijjips 494, B. McHugh 491, J. 5, Carl's Barber Shop 5, Courtice Champs 5, Henderson Block 5, Scugog Cleaners 2, Modern Grill 2, Morrison's B-A 2, Val-Mae Beauty Salon 2, Flint. stones 2, Big Six 0, Raymore Ltd. 0 and Don Down Flyers 0. Leading Averages -- Mike DiCesaro 177 and Ede Ryan 149. EASTWAY MIXED LEAGUE Congratulations to Auto-Magic Carwash, who won the first sec- tion with 69 points, edging out the Spooks by one point. The re- maining playoff positions are |Wallace 487, K. Gunn 487 (213). | Women -- I. Cyr 5: ley 171, R. O'Reilly 170 and ©. Andor 170. EASTWAY MEN'S. MAJOR The second place Slapsticks recorded the only shutout this week blanking the last place Washouts four to nothing. The Bombers scored three points from the leading Corvettes while Nathan Sunoco did like- wise to the WaHoos. High Scores -- G. Reid 590 (202, 203), B. Borrowdale 565 (202, 213), C. Ando: 559 (212, 213), M. DiCesaro Sr. 549, B. Katocs 543, D. Clark 537 (200), H. Joyce 534, J. Waldinsperger 530 (205), F. Sobil 524, W. Richards 516, B. Mc- Cullough 516 and W. Scott 513. yr 529, 8. 527 (206, 215), D. Vann 460, M. Mother- jsill 459, J. Gyurka 447, F, Bouckley 438, M. Peake 438, M. Taylor 435, B. Differ 430, | Team Standings -- Auto-Magic-Car- wash 69, Spooks 68, Cook's Body Shop 66, Sabyan Motor Sales 60, Stickpins 60, 300's 59, Leftovers 55, McHupeel's 54, Russ' City Service 54, Hyman Real Estate 47, Eastway Lanes 46, Aces 45, Doreen's Gang 42, John's Garage 42, \Collpeel's 41, The Dilly's 32. Leading Averages -- George Reid 182, George Turner 174, John Houlding 169, |Gord McCormack 164, Doug Cole 164 and B. 163. Passes Up Hockey For Figure-Skates .VANCOUVER (CP) -- Doug Ma. tin, 22, of New Westminster, B.c , has chosen a professional figure skating career over a chance to become a_ profes- siviiai hockey player. Martin; a native of Montreal, has signed to travel with the Ice Capades as a part of the show's Ice Cadet male chorus linc. {wo years ago Martin was - tabbeo as a good prospect for pro hockey after scoring 32 points while playing for Mel- vile Millionaires of the Saskat- chewan Junior League. But he had a change of heart following that season. Martin decided hockey wasn't for him|* and he turned to professional skating. Ice Gapades were in Los Angeles last August and Mar- ty, om a hunch and the per- suasion of several friends with the show, flew to California for an audition. ie showed he had the ability to make good with the show and tramed for eight weeks under the guidance of Aja Zanova, a star performer and twice a woria champion. 'Ther. Martin returned to New Westminister to wait for his chence to join the show, It) ca:me the last week in Novem- ber when the Ice Capades ar- rived here and Martin was asn¢d to report. ale didn't get a starting spot in the show right away, but was worked into new numbers before Ice Capades left for Vic- toria, and later Squaw Valley, faut. Martin's explanation of his vhoice to be a figure skater was basec on travel. "I love to skate and travel. Vd get plenty of experience Skatng in hockey, but I wouldn't travel too far." Women -- Onda Gunn 165, Doris Vann 157, I. Cyr 151, Betty Grant 150, Mavis Taylor 150, Janet Peel 149, Mary Cole 148 and Fairley Bouckley 148. EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE Hi-Lites -- Black's scored this week's only shut-out to move into first place all alone with 22 points . . . Parker Electric and Cadillac Hotel are tied in second place and trail by 3. . . aver- age leader, Joe Spencer, rolled a dandy 601 triple to solidify his position . . seven consecutive strikes in a great 233 game, the night's top single. Results -- Black's Men's Wear 4, Blue Boys 0; Parker Electric 3, Cadillac Hotel 1; Mackie's Van and Storage 3, Houdaille Industries 1; Dumont Alum- inum 3, Crazy Eights 1; Robinson |Motors 3. Subway Lunch 1; Arts Vend- ling 3, Goch Supertest 1: Progress |Brand Clothes 3, McLaughlin Fuels 1; | Jokers 2, Les. Eveniss Sales 2. | High Scores -- J. Spencer 601 (219), R, Milne 585 (202), J. Duggan 564 (233), H. Wood 556 (200), B. Katocs 556 (202), J. Tyson 543, J. Denholm 542, J. La- mont 541 (200), J. Brady 540 (213), F. Zarowny 539 (219), R. Bouckley 538 and R. Clark 537 (204), Team Standings -- Black's Men's Wear 22, Parker Eiectric 19, Cadillac Hotel 19, Arts Vending 17, Les Eveniss Sales 1%, Progress Brand Clothes 16, Goch Supertest 16, Dumont Aluminum 16, McLaughlin Fuels 15, Mackie's Van and Storage 15, Robinson Motors 14, Jokers 11, Crazy Eights 8, Houdaille Industries 7, Subway Lunch 6, Blue Boys 6. Leading Averages -- J. Spencer 176, H. Baboock 174, R. Milne 172, B, Wors- . Jim Duggan fired! Goote: Team -- Corvettes 50%, Slapsticks 41, Nathan Sunoco 35, Bomb. ers 324%, WaHoos 18, Washouts 15. Leading Averages -- M. DiCesaro Sr. 180, G. Reid 179, W. Scott 177, J.. Wal- dinsperger 177, M. DiCesaro Jr. 176, F. Sobil 175 and B. Borrowdale 175. LADIES' CLASSIC LEAGUE The Terriers moved into first place by edging the Poodles three points to one, with Bere- nice Differ best for the winners and Mary Cole for the losers. The Dachshunds slipped back into second place after being blanked by the Danes, who were led by Judy Baxter and Mary Mothersill. The two bottom teams, Goof- ers and Boxers, divided their four points. High Scores -- B. Differ 448 (186), M. Cole 448 (198), I. ° Baxter 439, M. Mothersill 433 (172), J. George 426, H. Neal 423 (166) and D. Coulter 405. Team Standings -- Terriers 31, Dachshunds 30, Danes 28%, Poodles 26, Ts 22, Boxers 19%. Leading Averages -- Mary Cole 150, Isabelle Cyr 146, Mary Mothersill 145, Dora DiCesaro 145, Doris Vann 143, cay Bouckley 141-and Norma Magee LANDER-STARK CLASSIC CAPSULES: This week marks the half-way point in our sched- Sterlings, as usual, got away)" Sterlings came back and it was again one of those nip-and- tuck games with the game be- ing decided in the tenth frame with Sterlings again edging Sea- grams with 1,155 against 1,129. For Sterlings, it was Orval Brown 251, Ballam 243 and Ron Swartz 232. For Seagrams it bing Reilly 258 and Fordham 45. The fifth was another close one, right down again to the lasi bowlers and again Ster- ling's had that extra to finish with 1,138 against Seagram's 1,098. For Sterling's, it was Paulo's 285 that was really re- sponsible for the win, as he came up with a five-bagger in the iast frames, followed by Herb Donaldson 238 and for Seagram's it was Moody 255 and Reilly 252. Totals on the day--Seagrams 5,670, Sterling's 5,377. With three weeks left for the balance of this series, it looks as if McGuinness are going to win in a walk, as they now have 23 points, six points in front of Sterling's and Stan Jarvis Insurance, who each have 17 points. However, as second spot is very important, all the teams will be battling for the second spot. Next week's action takes place at Knob Hill, when Ster- ling's take on the Knob Hill SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES HOCKEY Oshawa Minor Assoc.: (Mid- get League) -- Local 222 vs Lions, at 6.30 p.m.; Kiwanis vs Kinsmen, at 7.30 p.m. and Rotary vs Firefighters, at 8.30 p.m. All games at Oshawa Chil- dren's Arena. GAMES FOR THURSDAY HOCREY Oshawa Minor Assoc.: (Juve- nile League) -- Tony's Refresh- ments vs Oshawa Dairy, at 8.30 p.m. and Hayden Macdonald's vs Beaton's Dairy, at 9.30 p.m. VHA Little Big Five Junior "C" League -- Stouffville at Newmarket, 8.30 p.m. OHA Lakeshore Intermediate League -- Bowmanville at Ux- bridge, 8.30 p.m. BASKETBALL : ixhibition Game -- Trenton Wilsons vs Oshawa Hawks, at Oshawa Donevan Collegiate, 8.15. p.m. REACH SEMI-FINALS MIAMI BEACH (AP) -- The United States squeezed past a fired - up French team two matches to one Tuesday to en- ter the semi-finals of the Orange Cup junior tennis international matches. Joining the U.S. in the semi - finals were Australia, South Africa and Italy. ule ... George Reid, Jim La- mont and Bill Joyce' hit 600 or better finishing the year with exceptionally good bowling .. . The last place Hawks came up with the only shutout of the night . . . The Jets moved into 'la first place tie with the Royals. High Scores -- George Reid 618 (233), Jim Lamont 601 (224), Bill Joyce 600 (226), Ron Milne 586 (205, 202), John Waldinsperger 577 (233), Jim Thomson 563 (223), Bill Welsh 562 (202), Doug Keeler 561 (215), Jim Denholm 554 (202) and George Brabin 552. Results -- Hawks 3, Flyers 0; Colts 2, Regen Chiefs 2, Lions 1; Jets 2, Royals 1; Falcons 2, Eagles 1. Team Jets, Royals, Re- Eagles, Falcons, Leading Averages -- George Reid 185' Mike DiCesaro 182, Doug Keeler 181 and Ralph O'Reilly 180. 723-4512 "a THE ONLY THROUGH RAIL SERVICE OVERNIGHT 10 CHICAGO NO CHANGE EN ROUTE Travel relaxed--arrive refreshed For information phone 723-4122 CANADIAN NATIONAL i ® 2 8 a a | * | Macdonald | 4 ® 2 S a * MOIS ONS PPO GD PPPS COW IOS CDSG TE z Fenian gg iP clemson ory me PUIG PS ero Oe . DOMINION TIRE STORES OMASH THE eee 'DISCOUNTER' (re Cash Bonus Coupons Needed! B q SAVE ON THE spoT OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT TODAY! Free Mounting - No Extras SAVE 25% Dominion Royal WINTERIDE The snow tire with the deepest, heaviest, quietest tread _on the road today! NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED. SAVE 35% TAKE-OFF TIRES DRIVEN LESS THAN 100 MILES -- taken off new cars changed over to whitewalls or premium tires . . guoronteed . . . most popular makes: Goodyear, Firestone, Goodrich, Dulops. 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