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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1962, p. 23

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27--Real Estate for Sale 30--Automebiles Wanted BEAUTY SALON, large parlor, fully equipped, including stock, five dryers, $500 down, east location. Call L. 8. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723-9810, $11,900. This could be it. North shopping ». finished 4 monthly, principal, interest re Call Mr, ma 725-6544, John © ROOMS. Brick, with garage, good $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-800) down town location, oj] heat, Bil Realty (Oshawa) Limited F FOR BRENT -- Commercial property on Silver Street in Bowmanville, for- merly a blacksmith shop. MA 3-339. CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 LIVE FOR $30.00 Siecnerpmenre Repetry HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, . 67 KING ST. W. Child Smarter Than Any Beast EDMONTON (CP) -- A five- year-old child is far more intelli- gent than the brightest animal. This was shown by a test at the University of Alberta to compare the learning abilities of monkeys, cats, marmosets, white rats and five-year-old hu- mans, Dr. R. C. Miles of the psychol- ogy department said the "imme- diate memory test" is given with a box-like structure divided in two by a sliding screen parti- tion, |. The animal or child to be tested is put in one half and in the ther there are holes sunk in the wooden floor. In one of these holes is put the bait, which varies according to the partici- ant. The dividing screen is raised so the subject can see the bait in the hole. Steel bars prevent By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP)--The rank of midshipman has disappeared from the Roya! Canadian Navy, breaking a 650-year-old tradi- iton assumed from the Royal Navy. The midshipman of modern times was a youth in his late teens or early 20s, promoted from naval cadet while attend- ing college and with about. four years of study and training ahead of him before he could be promoted to sub-lieutenant. He could be recognized by his dress; The same as for any naval officer except for the ab- sence of gold oraid on the sleeve and with distinctive white patches on his collar. Rank Disappears From R.C. Navy em y Official Plans For Ottawa's Development OTTAWA (CP) -- An official blueprint for the orderly devel- opment of Ottawa during the next 20 years was made public Tuesday by civic authorities, Known as the official plan of] land use and roads, it envis- ages that Ottawa of the future will probably be a huge city with towering buildings, high- speed freeways, vast areas of green space und perhaps at least one uptown subway. The plan sets forth general principles for the guidance of both the city and private land developers. These principles will be the basis of future detailed planning which, in turn, will be the basis of urban renewal. Four public meetings will be held this month for discussion of the plan and to hear any objec- the uniform of a warrant of- ficer with three buttons on the sleeve. It was alleged the but- tons were put there to make it more difficult for the midship- man to use his sleeve as a handkerchief. Today's chief petty officers have inherited the buttons but not the nickname. In some eras, "midships- men' were among the principal officers in a ship, They were listed among the top four, when "pillage shares" (prize money) were being distributed. Canada's first midshipmen began training in 1909 with the transport department in the old CGS Canada -- one year before there was an RCN, From 1922 until the Second World War Canadian midship- to Britain To Reject Guatemala Claim pla: mal claim to British Honduras-- coupled with a public offer to discuss a solution of the cen- tury-old territorial dispute. British offer to talk is intended Miguel Ydigoras break diplomatic ties with Brit- ain and to expel all British na- tionals unless the Guatemalan claim to British Honduras is recognized, refrained from m: mal comment on Ydigoras' warnings. PEP GOES gle ERE SUE Cre » sci ign "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenvery 3, 1962 23 Ice, Snow Keep Stranglehold Over Britain LONDON (AP)---Ice and snow maintained a stranglehold over most of Britain today despite Lv weathermen's promise of # iw. For the third day in a row transport progress towards a settlement, British officials say actually an offer to negotiate was made by; London two months ago and it! stili has not been picked up by Guatemala. IS SOURCE OF DISPUTE the British Honduras, a colony of less than 9,000 square miles with a multi-racial population 90,000, has been a source of pute with its neighbor te the west since 1859 at least. Guatemala is not the only country claiming the timber- sugar-citrus producing colony on the eastern seaboard of Cen- tral America. Mexico, to the north, tacitly accepts British sovereignty but has insisted that entitled to take over By ARTHUR GAVSHON LONDON (AP) -- Britain is another sharp infor- ection of Guatemala's Informed sources said counter threats by President Fuentes to Thousands of miles of high- way still were coated with hard- packed ice on which motor vé- hicles slithered in cautious con- voys. office has ing any for- So far the forei But informants ex- MONTHLY 723-7822 the subject from grabbing the| In the sailing vessels of the tions from the public, It pressed the belief that the Guat-|!t will if you have $1,000, this duplexed home is the on- swer to high payments. Upper apartment is rented for $55.00. Lower 4-room apt. for you. Separate baths, kitchens ord hydro service. New forced air oil furnace. It's yours for $10,900 by food at once. The screen Ts lowered and then raised again to reveal a row of wooden blocks, one of which covers the bait hole. This time the subject is free to search for the food. The subject's rating depends on how long it takes to AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ROUBLE? Complete Service --ot-- AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1300s, the midshipman was a deckhand, taking his place amidships. The first RCN sailors to lose their lives. in action were four midshipmen who fought at Cor- onel in HMS Good Hope in the opening weeks of the First men were almost wholly trained by the: Royal Navy. This was later to help cause the post- war "incidents" which led to "Canadianization" of the RCN. Now naval cadets will-be pro- moted directly to acting sub- lieutenant t then go before board of pi | and city council before cipal affairs department. tawa and district will even- emalan leader has revived the territorial issue in order to di- vert attention from domestic difficulties. ' Ydigoras said he would take the drastic step of breaking with muni The plan envisages that Ot- ubmitted to the Ontario part of the country if there is any change of ownership. Shipwrecked British seamen in 1638 were the first to settle what today is British Honduras. Pirates and loggers later fre- ually become a metropolitan|Britain because of the lack of quented the wild coast. the hazards. FEAR BURST PIPES 1038 SIMCOE N, find the bait. World War. area with a population of about The switchgear on railroad again al- tracks jammed tight most as soon as crews had turned their backs. In some places fog added te 1,000,000. It proposes the future construction of three cross-town freeways, 27 arterial roads and 16 new bridges. Under the plan 17 districts would be reserved for housing and small servicing business, with a large ~~ 4 gy western sectior of the city res- erved for future industrial de-}/ WASHINGTON (AP)--One of velopment. 'IRobert F. Kennedy's biggest E |satisfactions in his first year as Red China To Buy 728-9711 32--Articles for Sale calling Guide Realty now. $11,900 FULL PRICE 5-room bungalow on Hortop in excellent condition, Nice lot with double garage. Dr. Miles said a child nearly always finds the candy immedi- ately even if there are 10 holes vestige gpd sy tha Quiting "ani|t0 choose from, A cat has dif- ificulty going beyond three cutting equipment with double regu-| borg vy py pes - type hydraulic | choices, Dene ae Be enna? 2 steel tos! "rhe children rate first by a ft. Frigidaire refrigerator, office desk,|long lead, and they are followed washing machine, furniture. Apply 306 " re Highland, i jby rhesus monkey s, then squir. funn saree Ga On ----------|rel monkeys. CIGARETTES carton $3.09. Butter .65 i i cent Ib. Tulip Margarine ¢ Ibs. $1.| Dr. Miles said mtg Pee mo Bread, 2 loaves .37 cents, Savings ga.| Were given @ similar test, ey lore, shop daily -- Glecoff's Super-| probably would be able to choose market, Ritson Road South, Oshawa, v DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS St. Petersburg, Fla.--Robert Alexander Cecil Henry, 77, a key figure in the development of Canada's rail, air and water communications. Middletown, N.Y.--Kurt Selig- mann, 61, Swiss-born surrealist painter who held one - man shows in most of the world's NICKNAMED SNOTTY "Snotty" was one of the nick- names applied to midshipmen. In 1748, midshipmen were given Saskatchewan's Early Resident Was Mosasaur Kennedy Likes To Hit Crime Bankroll interstate operations in: Trans- porting gambling material--in- antiquated plumbing systems whose now frozen water pipes were expected to gush forth a flood when melting time ar- rives. Heavy snowfalls in wes cluding numbers slips, travel for rnin hag oe Ss on criminal purposes and carrying weapons interstate after convic- icongy went out of avalanche anger. also had tion of a felony. > a France For full porticulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Don Smith, Phyllis Jubb, Irene Brown, Roy Flintoff, Jeon Peacock, Lloyd Corson, attorney - general came from "hitting the bigtime operators Dick "Young, Lucas Peacock. We List Photo Co-op, Schofield-Aker Limited 360 King St. West 723-2265 Reg. Aker--Pres. Bill McFeeters--Vice-Pres, OWNER TRANSFERRED From this aottrattive 5-room bungalow, fully landscaped, fenced back yard. Aluminum storms' and screens, T.V. tower. Early possession, $13,900 with low down pay- ment. For further informa tion, please coll Les Hall, evenings, 728-5513. $1,500 DOWN Price hos been reduced on this. 5-room bungalow, lo- cated on Wilson Rd. S., just 3 blocks from King. Large livi room with natural fireplace. Extra large kit- chen, 3 good-size bedrooms. Recreation room. List price $10,900. For further details, ¢all Don Stradeski, evenings, 728-8423. List Co-op Through This Office, Member of Oshowa ond District Real Estate Board. Open every night 'till 10. | the right hole from about 80. BABY SETS knittea and crocheted, | all types of knitting, bulky knit sweat: | ers, ete. Telephone 725-2428. party | wnt fies fat" Dorion Silent sass hae gs toes: Qn Letter Copy once; also ladies' party dresses, lace, QUEBEC (CP)--State Secre- | silks, chiffons, ete., like new, sizes 8,| 9, very reasonable; children's blouses, | dresses, skirts, skates, coats, ete., sizes 5-6. Telephone 723-2798. BILL HAMILTON, Ashburn, Brookiin, Now Hamilton Office Equipment. 137 Brock South, Whitby. Visit our store j}day to comment on newspaper reports concerning a copy of a | 1958 letter signed '*Noel Dorion" |thanking members of the for- quor Police force mpaign services. soon, GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at repreoabie prices. Parkway Tele-| mer Quebec Li ion, imeoe Street North. Your! { . Sater 5. seen' for election ca TYPING paper on sale, letter size,| " 7 white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and In Quebec Crown prosecutor saye. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00.| Jean Bienvenue said neither he Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. |nor Crown authorities at Que- SKATES, new, and used, sold and ex-/bec City are interested in chanced, Apply, Drayton Cycle, 204! letter, terested he 01 ast, f : VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, h iy pg ingnee og said he parts, attachments, brushes, guaran-| ad seen SuCcn a Copy but when teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free.|the prosecution case was made Paes oye ee cleaner Repair Serv-|Jast summer against three for- » anytime, eee CUSTOM (in. the dash) transistor a | eae ee Police accused of! radio, lowest prices in town. Try Do-| rau the : document was not minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West.| used as evidence. USED parts and repairs for all makes| 'I did not produce this docu- |tary Noel Dorion declined Tues-| REGINA .(CP)--Some of Sas- katchewan's earliest residents were roving predators with powerful tails and paddle-shaped feet. They swam in a vast sea which covered much of the \North American continent and }most of Saskatchewan. Cup-and- \ball vertebrae made them flex- jible of body and they captured slippery prey with sharp, two- jinch teeth set in jaws that lopened sideways as well as up jand down, They ate quickly, jswallowing their food whole or |bolting it in great chunks. | The museum of natural his- jtory here identifies them as |mosasaurs -- marine contempo- raries of the dinosaur--and dur- ing the last two summers the museum has removed the re- mains of two of them from the shaly basin of the South Saskat- chewan River dam. Bruce McCorquodale, museum |/paleontologist, says remains of of wringer type washers, % hp motors,;ment because it is r $5 to $e, guaranteed reconditioned wash-/ 1. nurden the evidence with ma- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- r ton. CO 3-2241, terial not useful to the case," REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, with 30| he aa pound freezer, one year old; McClary; Mr. Dorion was the victorious ren contre a a ision ata | Progressive Conservative candi- also Moffat range. Telephone/date in Bellechasse riding in . ___|1958. None of the evidence linked Cleve Fon, tia Sine cane rentals. work of the police. - - Jacques Marquis ef organ Call Bupering Hecate sao amature. *¢: liver for Mr. Dorion, said Tues- South, 728-4873. day the Quebec Liquor Police 28--Real Estate Wanted EXCELLENT prospects for you to sell unnecessary worry or inconvenience. Let us talk it Over -- no obligations. For appointment Please call W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or Whitby, MO 8-5765, anytime. FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guaran-| was never asked to come into Suess a ce' Pelsonees fio eha: Bellechasse County during the ia Gas Matec Does Ga eas re 1958 federal election campaign. "If some of the police were in used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture! 50 Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. \the riding at the time, we had pul kK Pesan to do with it," said Mr. HAWAIIAN electric guitar Kay") in Marquis. Telephone 723-7596. 29--Automobiles for Sale | very good condition, plus amplifier, al- SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-/32----Articles for Sale frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, 1963 PONTIAC coach, mechanically in good shape, good tires. Apply 585 Fern- "hill Blvd. after 5 p.m. 1938 CHEVROLET Belair, two door, most new. Would make a lovely gift. ELECTRIC stoves, etc. For top cash offer contaet razor 19 Prince Street. Phone 728-1131, chick, P WE buy and selj used furniture, etc.|¢t® Cords, cutting heads in stock. Call Superior Resale, -140 Simcoe Street|Measher's, 5 King Street West. South, 728-4873. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- service, Sunbeam, » Ronson, six cylinder, radio, snow tires. Telephone 723-1882. "51 CONSUL sedan, starting good in cold weather, price $115 or nearest offer; also under dash car radio, 6 volt, price $15. Telephone 725-5055. 3195. YOUR choice: '54 Ford, °53 Pon- tiac, '53 Buick. Year end sale clear- ance. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 161 CHEVROLET Impala hardtop,| gray with red interior, radio, white- walls. Telephone 728-9282 after 6 p.m. 995. YOUR choice: '52 Pontiac sedan, 31 Plymouth, °52 Pontiac coach, °52 Chevrolet. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 'St METEOR Rideau hardtop, auto- matic transmission, new tires, radio, safety seat belts, only $1,095. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on King "4 PONTIAC sedan, radio, $743. Im- 1 interior, condition, good tires. Motors. 723-4494. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED. CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) '723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. Ted Campin OLD guns wanted. Will pay $100 for|teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, _tele- brass framed lever action rifle, andj vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, top prices for other lever action rifles, |) ~~~ 08 and hand guns. Telephone 728-5574. |FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- pate icant hacen ten eral trade-in all . 22 WRINGER washing machine, Westing- ad cf aad age } stration, Teleph: 728-4683. house, in good shape; Spanish electric | -- : bec rn at guitar, like new. Telephone 728-6148. [20 WATT Elco Hi-Fidelity amplifier Model HF 20 with pre-amplifier, equal- VALLEY CREEK izer, and control section. $50. 725-7736. FURNITURE GUN (old) wanted, rifle, shotgun, re- 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire volver or pistol or will trade 12 gauge 728-4401 Remington pump gun. Telephone We buy, sell exchange used 725-8183. NORTHERN Electric Gainaday ironer, furniture, washer, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top in good order. Reasonably priced. Tele. anyone in the city. T.V. TOWERS ONE four burner Domestic electric 40-ft, structure with oll- stove in good condition; also Lionel electric train set, No reasonable offer channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1} year. turned down. 723-7831. TRIO TELEVISION GENERAL Electric heavy duty range, apartment size, oven timer and light. Like new. Telephone 723-7542, MOVING to California, must sell five rooms of furniture including refrigera- tor, stove, television, beds, tables; good condition, Telephone 728-8532. |SIMPLICITY washing machine, reason- able, good condition. Apply 763 Ritson Road South. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service;|Mr. Dorion personally with the|Pé' free estimates. }both m rs and dinosaurs 0! major art capitals; of gunshot wounds, Farmington, Conn.--Sir Wil- liam Lawrie Welsh, 70, retired RAF air marshal who was one of the earliest pilots to fly a plane from a British ship, Montreal -- Dr. P. Idlefonse Cote, 73, expert in industrial medicine and a governor of No- tre Dame Hospital in Montreal. Myrtle Beach, §.C.--John J. Riley, 66, veteran Democratic congressman from South Caro- lina; of a heart attack. Istanbul, Turkey -- Tevfik Il- eri, close collaborator of ex- ecuted former premier Adnan Grain From France more than 1,000,000 tons of bar ley and corn to Communist China over the next three years, a French ecunomic ministry of- ficial said Tuesday. tween the Red Chinese and a private firm were not disclosed, but a French official said China will pay for the grain with con- vertible currency. He did not specify. Chnia also has been buying grain from Canada and Austra- lia. of organized crime in their bank- roll," he said today. The bankroll, he emphasized in an interview, consists of re- ceipts from gambling. In a year-end report to Pres- ident Kennedy, the attorney- general cited enactment of new anti-racketeering legislation and the creation of an intelligence unit within the department's criminal division as major de- velopments in the fight against crime, One of the new laws makes it a felony to transmit bets by interstate wire. Kennedy said this forced the majority of lead- PARIS (AP)--France will sell Terms of the agreement be- Because of crop failures, Menderes; while under sentence of life imprisonment. Brussels--Joseph I, 60, un- crowned gipsy king considered by his followers in Belgium to be head of all east European gipsies, Dallas, Tex.--Methodist Bis- hop Hiram A. Boaz, 95, a farm boy who became the founder of Southern Methodist University. A private fund-raising campaign has been launched to construct a concert hali to be dedicated to the late prima donna Tamaki Miura. The diminutive soprano, known as the original "Madame Butterfly," died in 1946 aged 62. ing race wire services--basic to the operation of gambling syndi- HONOR SINGER cates--to close down. The criminal division's intelli- heavy snow and ice. About 1,000 gence, said Kennedy, is pooling the information of 25 federal in- cars and trucks were blocked yestigative agencies on about rig 700 of the top racketeers and their associates. As a result of the new legis- lation, the attorney-general re- quickly iced over. In Paris, the temperature as near freezing but the sun was bright. ported, syndicated gambling on football games last season and on numbers dropped "'to a frac- tion of what it has been." Kennedy described last week's conviction of 11 defendants in SANTA CARRIES ON LONDON (CP) -- George New York as "the deepest pen- ing etration the federal government has ever made in the illegal in- ternational traffic of drugs." The dope ring manufactured heroin in France and exported it from Italy into Canada and FUJI-YOSHIDA, Japan (AP)! rhe other new legislation bans the United States. turkeys jes that made up the 30 Taylor is press spokesman the Ontario government here. Press raftle and he's still giving and assorted loot. |have been found in deposits |what was the shallow, muddy North American sea . between 70,000,000 and 130,000,000 years ago. Both creatures became ex- tinct for unknown reasons at about the time this sea disap- ared, The latest mosasaur finds, one of them from a 25-foot long reptile, are being. carefully | mounted by the museum. Sailing Relics' Final Voyages VANCOUVER (CP)--Two bai- tered relics of the days of sail have logged their final voyages. Deterioration below the water- line ended the sailing days of steel-hulled windjammers that 30 years ago plied the seas as the Riversdale, a full - rigged ship, and the Blairmore, a Brit- ish barque. in the 1930s when they were stripped of their masts, rigging and sails, then pressed into serv- ice as log and chip barges on the British Columbia coast. In the last few years the Riversdale has been part of the barge fleet of Crown Zellerbach, towed back and forth between Ocean Falls and a sawmill near |New Westminster. The Blair- ;more has been sunk in the har- |bor at Royston where she will serve as a breakwater. Both ships were built in Scot- land in the 1890s. The Blairmore capsized in 1897 in Mission Bay near San Francisco but was sal- vaged and put back to sea as the Abbey Palmer. Her next owner named her Star of Eng- land and for decades she ran be- 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 =< | ant & Peand LOST -- Unemployed lady's brown wallet containing sum of money and important papers. Lost on Friday, December 29, between the Royal Bank on Bond Street and the A. and P. Store. Reward. Phone 725-2184, Visit our new Streamlined Drugette Department -- Dry Goods, Children's Clothing, China and Glassware, jtween San Francisco and Bristol |Bay, Alaska. She was towed to Victoria in 1936 to begin her life as a barge. Her ship's bell was presented The beginning of the end came P By SIMSON NAJOVITS MONTREAL (CP) -- June Mack is a 10-year veteran of radio and television at 17. She has been hostess for the lest eight months on the weekly Like Young show on the pri- vately owned Montreal TV sta- tion CFCF-TV. June is also writer, producer and hostess of a. nightly radio version of the show: on CFCF. The hour-long television show has a live audience of about 200 high school students and fea- tures. dancing to rock 'n' roll records, interviews, fashion tips and school sports and news re- orts. Other accomplishments in- clude commercial modelling, acting in movie shorts, appear- ances in a variety of radio dramas from Hansel and Gretel to Little Women, a chair as solo flutist with the Montreal Junior Symphony Orchestra and theatre repertory work, But despite all the activity, she's determined to continue with her education. Last fall she began a foreign- language course at Loyola Col- lege. She also takes an evening German course at Sir George Williams University and alto- gether spends 20 hours a week at school, paying for her tuition from the money she earns as an actress. PARENTS INSISTED "There is nothing more im- portant for a teen - ager today than going to school--at least high school," June said in an in- terview. i 10-Year Veteran Of TV At Age 17 was against me. I see now how right they were." runs an antique shop. in Winterhaven, months and returned to Canada with a poor impression of Amer- ican "education. off with 94 per cent. But when I came back to Westmount I found school difficult." eight as a panelist on the weekly Small Fry Frolics, a CBC show from Montreal for children. She appeared on the show regularly for two years. DATES ARE RARE Time, a CBC-TV show on which she once had to "eat hot dogs till I was sick." big-time actress. "I would like to go to Hollywood and see what's there, but I think I can be a good actress anywhere. When my chance comes I'm go- ing to jump at it.' nette acted her first adult role as the lead in Loyola College's production, Of Mice and Men. time for dating. "I don't feel m missing anything though. I used to go out a lot but now I accept a date only about once every two months, I want to con- centrate on my career now, but I do hope to get married and June was born in New York City and moved to the Montreal suburb of Westmount when she was a few weeks old. Her father s a retired stock broker who When You Need A BUSINESS SERVICE Use the handy lived Five years ago she for 18 Fla., "T hardly studied and walked June started on radio at age At 12 she was featured on Fun Her ambition is to become @ Recently the attractive bru- Her busy career leaves little Auto Parts Air Conditioning . Dressmaking Driving Schools Plumbing & Heating Building & Supplies Carpentry Eavestroughing Electrical Work Lawn Mowers offered The Oshawa Times Classified Business Service HERE ARE OF THE SERVICES OFFERED Pla Pai reference guide Radio & TV Service Rental Service Roofing Septic Tank Service Heating Specialists Fuel Landscaping Surveying daily in Columns A FEW stering nting & Decorating Notions, and. Kitchenware. GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa Open to 10 p.m. daily |wearing chain with licence 631. jward. Telephone 725-5575. LOST -- Small dark brown, white on throat, Re- part Pekingese female dog, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. 723-9421 VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S, -- 728-0921 _ WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a good assortment of Used Cors. 125-0331 30--Automobiles Wanted | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid 725-1181 THERE'S more family fun ahead when you own a boat. Find the one for you the easy way Turn to "Boats for Sale" im the Oshawa Classified Section now. wearing collar. Answers to the name of jeward. Tele- "Mamie". Children's pet. R phone 725-3204. FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less. 80% groceries sup- plied, all well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Life-time- worronty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Call now for i i to find reliable people to do right, 35--Legal in 1955 to All Saints' Church near Victoria and a framed pic- ture of her when she was Star "My parents stepped in twice to make me finish high school. At the time I thought they were have children." of England hangs in the vestry. all wrong and the whole world MERRY MENAGERIE Blonde Skater Found Stabbed CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP)--A I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, December 30, 1961, with- out my written consent, Joseph Baird, Oshawa, { WILL not responsible debts contracted in my name one on or after this date, January 3, 1962, without my written consent. -- Clarence 09 Park Road South, Ontario, be for any by any- --R. J. Dingman, 1128 Cloverdale. YOUR MAY be sorry {f you try to do it yourself. Check "Business Services" n the Oshawa Times Classified Section the job demonstration -- no obliga- tion. Zenith 9-6100. 32--Articles for Sale DO IT AVAILA BUILDING NOW FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE BLE AT McCULLOUGH SUPPLIES 728-4688 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (WEST SIDE) | "s F vd hss nail Hi Distributed by King Features Syndi: \ Ss By Walt Disney ni A petite blonde ice skating in- structor was stabbed seriously here Tuesday apparently while resisting a sexual assault which came after a late party in her apartment, Officers said the return of a Canadian hockey player, Andre Drolet, may have saved the life of Penny Moore, 21 - year - old Greensboro College student who was an ice - skating instructor] for the Christmas holidays. She was reported in satisfactory condition after surgery. Police identified Joel Lee Saye, 2%, a neighbor of the wounded girl, as the assailant. He was named in warrants charging first - degree burg- lary, punishable by death, and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Police said they thought he might have fled the state. Four persons attended the party, police said, gut Saye was a / \ (¥ | '--o oot i l Ii -- "I want you to meet my mother-in-law, my father- in-law, my bride and her | not one of them. 'He had lived inext door to Miss Moore for jabout two weeks but they were not dowry!" acquainted, they a: Monuments Movers & Storage Mattresses Nursing Homes LIST YOUR SERVICE NOW In This Profitable Classification. Put Your Name in Print, Where Thousands of Prospects Will Read It Daily. Get Your Share Of The Profits!. Phone 723-3492 Use The OSHAWA TIMES BUSINESS SERVICE CLASSIFIED ADS Typwriters . Washer Repairs Welding Upholstering

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