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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1962, p. 5

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eee WHITBY And DISTRIC "i, THE FIRST OFFICIAL ACT | of the 1962-63 Whitby Town Council on Tuesday morning was Mayor Stanley Martin taking his oath of office. Inaugural Meeting Opens Council Of '62 Whitby town council, with three new faces, began a two- year term on Tuesday morning with an inaugural meeting in which all members of council commented on the year to come. A business meeting of council was held in the evening. Following scripture and prayer by Rev: -W McClure, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Mayor Stanley Martin delivered his inaugural address, indicating his expectations of the year to come. His Worship's address ap- peared in Tuesday's pages. Reeve Everett Quantrill, the first of council to respond, di- rected his attention primarily to reading the county system of govern-! ment, since he will be one of the town's representatives on) the Ontario County Council. He said that each year it is} Above, town clerk John R. Frost, left, administers the oath to His Worship at the | opening of the inaugural meet- ing. Later, Mayor Martin out- | lined his plans for the coming | and less say in the happenings of that council." ASKS COST SURVEY Reeve: Quantrill said that Whitby council must press for a survey of the exact cost to the town of belonging in the county and the exact cost of being sep- arated from the county. Deputy-reeve George Brooks, in his first public address since taking that office, said that he felt that he was starting muni-| cipal work all over: again be-| cause of the new office. He also mentioned the role as| a member of the county council and said that while he did. not know what was wrong, he did feel that there is something) wrong with the county system of} government and he intended to} do something about it. Councillor George Bevan, in his first address as a member of council, said that -he felt as a jalso re-elected, said that he was| were in Ajax they broke into 18 In Whitby Magistrate's Court on Tuesday a charge of drunk driving against an Oshawa man was reduced to impaired driv- ing by His Worship Robert Dnieper. Kendall Gordon, Damant, 28, of 45 Buckingham avenue, Osh- awa, pleaded not guilty to the charge, levied by Pickering |Township police, but was fined $200 and costs or 30 days. In .giving evidence for the Crown, Const. Charles Daniels of the Pickering Township Police Department said that on Sunday, Dec. 17, shortly after 4 p.m. he was directing traffic| around 2 car accident at the) intersection of Highway No. 2) and Harwood avenue. He stated that as he was) motioning west-bound traffic to pass around one of the vehicles} involved in the accident, a car} stopped and then proceeded} "slowly" by. As the car came} along side, continued Const.) Daniels, its driver, whom he identified as the accused per- son before the court, asked him |jwhal was the matter. The offi- cer said that he smelled alcohol) on the accused's breath and so} he instructed him to pull onto} ithe soft shoulder and stop. | Upon questioning the accused,| said Const. Daniels, he ob-| 'served that his eyes glassy, his speech slurred and |his tie was undone. "In my opinion the man was cated," stated the officer. Const. Peter Nichols year ard members of council responded. In the evening, the first business meeting of the new council was held. --Oshawa Times Photo f the Two Ajax youths who police charged stole three cars in three municipalities and who broke jinto two Ajax homes in the his first address as a councillor,|early hours of New Year's Day, said that he concurred with the|were found guilty by Magistrate program for the year outlined/Robert Dnieper in Whitby Mag- by Mayor Martin. He will befistrate's Court on Tuesday of| chairman of sanitation of wel-jauto theft and break, enter and fare. thefr charges. Councillor Desmond Newman, Phillip Gibson, 18, of 9 Cedar also newly elected, reminded/street, Ajax, and Jack Leve- ratepayers that "their responsi-|ridge, 17, of 25 Tudor street, bility does not end on election| Ajax, both pleaded guilty to the} day". He said that he would be|cha)ges and were remanded two available to them at any time) weeks in custody for sentencing. to hear any reasonable request.| Sgt Thomas Chambers of the Councillor Joyce Burns, re-|Ajax Police Department said elected, and again chairman of|that 1n the early hours of Jan. a | property and town parks, |1 a car was stolen by the ac- pledged to do her best for the|ousea youths from the driveway town. She said that with C0-\of 34 Beech street, Ajax, which operation, most problems can|was later found abandoned on} have a satisfactory solution. Highway 401 at Thickson's road.| Councillor William Davidson,| }7¢ said that while the youths | nS|Elgin street, Ajax and stole two 81NE\botiies of liquor, a butane light- inspired by Mayor Martin most interesting and challen, inaugural address. Success, he} becoming more and.more ap- parent that the southern areas|new member of council that he of this county must press for|was fortunate in having more representation by population orjexperienced members, such as by assessment. He said that cur-|the Mayor, Reeve, Deputy- rently there are 39 votes in that/reeve and other re-elected mem- council yet the southern portion,|/bers of council on hand for which represents by far the| guidance. He pledged his full co- largest population and assess-|operation with all members of ment, has only 13 votes. jcouncil to work for the general said, is only the result of good| management. He said that he| felt that His Worship's objec ives would all be reached in due course. NEW COMMITTEES | The only motion received at| the inaugural meeting was the! naming of committees for the) coming year, The reeve and| deputy -'reeve are each vice-| er and a gold bracelet. From there they broke into 27 Dur- €lham street, Ajax, and stole two} t-nottles of liquor, a diamond} ring, and two watches, he said. t |Reduce Charge, -- Levy $200 Fine. same police department said that when he asked the accused to walk to the cruiser he had difficulty in doing so, but re- quired no assistance. He said that when they were in the cruiser the accused had difficulty in producing his cre- dentials, smelled strongly of alcohol and was unaware that a one-dollar bill was sticking out of his top pocket even after he was told of this. A one-dollar bill was later found in the cruiser and handed to Damant, said Const. Nichols. HAD TWO PINTS In presenting the defence, Counsel Harry Rose of Toronto, called the accused's mother to the stand who stated that her son had two pints vi beer be- fore going out ..1 the day in question but that he had too much to dri='- at a partly the night previous. Damont said in court that he was suffering from a hangover at. the time but was not intoxi- cated. Magistrate Robert Dnieper said that he believed all of the witnesses in the.case but that the Crown's evidence fell short of an intoxication conviction. "I do not believe that Damant was intoxicated,' 'said His Wor- ship, "but I am convinced that were he was an impaired driver at! the time." His Worship so ruled in pass- ney Bruce Affleck prosecuted, Pair Await Sentence = Sse In 3-Town Crime Wave Relatives Total value of the stolen prop- erty was $450, said Sgt. Cham- bers, and all was recovered ex- cept the liquor. Entry was gain- jed santo the homes by smashing the door window panes and un- locking the doors Chief Howard Nickling of the Pickering Village Police Depart- ment told the court that at 8.00 a.m. on the same morning a car was reported stolen from the driveway of 110 Church street, Pickering. Yolice statements read in icourt from the Oshawa Police} Department told the court that Jan. vouths stole a car from the driveway of 131 Stevenson road north, Oshawa. His Worship learned that this car was driven to Toronto by the youths and later abandoned in Ajax, where they were arrested. Magistrate Dnieper expressed concern that the ignition keys of| the three stolen cars had all been leff in the cars. Gibson and Leveridge' were remanded in custody for sen- tencing on Jan. 16. Enniskillen Scene Traded Places Going 40 mph, Jailed 9 Months A 20-year-old Ajax youth, who drove a car while under sus- pension ana switched places with a passenger when police gave chase, was Tuesday jailed for nine months by Magistrate Robert Dnieper in Whitby Police Court Hans Bras of 48 Windsor srteet, Ajax, pleaded guilty to charges of driving while under suspension and careless driv- ng. Const. Lawrence Watson of the Pickering Village Police Department said that on Dec. 4 at 11.25 p.m. he saw Bras driy- ing west on Highway No.' 2 through Pickering Village and realized that he was suspended Pu Lh eae ads oe EE oe THE OSHAWA TIMES, s Aa a ge AR "Pe et eben pert Wednesday, January % 1962 from driving. | As he gave chase, the officer) continued, he saw Bras switch) places with a front seat passen-| ger in the car while it 'was| i travelling at 40 mph. The car | stopped outside a Pickering) |restaurant and both occupants | entered. Const. Watson said that when he questioned Bras he would not) § say whether o1 not he drove the car, The d not sway on |the highw: when the two) jyouths anged places, he! | added. | | Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck| }informed His Worship that it} |was Bras' fifth under suspen- jsion conviction and second) eareless driving conviction. "This is blatant defiance of intoxi-|ing judgment and levied a fine|the law which should not be jof $200 and costs. Crown Attor-) tolerated," he said. I Magistrate Dnieper ruled that) ithe accused should serve six months for driving while under suspension and three additional) months for the careless driving To Cedar Creek During Holidays | By G. KILPATRICK CEDAR CREEK -- Charles} Parm came home from Toronto) last Saturday for a 10-day visit with his son, Sam. Mr. and Mrs, Ron Larocque| and Larry visited Mr. and -Mrs.| |Ron Radcliffe recently at) | Caesarea. | William Blain was a patient| |in Oshawa General Hospital last| | week and came home on Satur-| | day. | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cum-/ mings and family visited rela-| tives at Orangeville on Satur-| day and Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith and) \Teddy of Oshawa visited Mr.| {and Mrs. Ron Larocque and | Larry on Sunday afternoon. | Miss Germain Trepanier brother Raymond, \friends, all of Toronto, | Sundry evening visitors | Mr. whd Mrs. Victor Larocque | | and and were | her and family. George Kiipatrick was a din- ner guest of Mr. Richard and Miss Flossie Spencer on Christ: }mas Day. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Blain and Mr. and Mrs John Greenwood and family were Christmas Day with} BUYS FIRST LICENCE A Shown here with his new 1962 car Richard a Whitby taxi business. Heard may have established something of a record on of | Tuesday morning when he licence plates is Heard, owner Mr. |} GAIN | was first in the town of Whitby to receive his plates as this is the tenth year in a row that this has happened, Enniskillen Treat By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN -- The annual Christmas concert was present- ed by the pupils of the Public School under the direction of their teachers, Mrs. Waite and Miss House. From cleverly designed and printed pastel green programs which were distributed by the ushers, Misses Susan Wearn and Janet Robson, the. audi- ence was able to follow a vari- ety of 20 numbers. Home Sweet Home, written by Janet Robson. Santa arrived to the delight of the small fry and distributed the candy treat provided by the Sunday School for each girl and boy. CHURCH FILLED Christmas Sunday morning church service was well attend- ed when the congregation re- ceived an inspiring message from Mr. Crawford. Pianists for the choral num-| CAROL SERENADE bers were Misses Susan' Wearn,| CGIT and several other young Marilyn Yellowlees, Janet Rob-|people as.carol singers s¥re- son, and Maureen McNair. Inaded the village homes on Selections seen were a Wel-\Christmas Eve. Proceeds are come by Malcolm Simpson and|for M, and M. Fund. Ross Leadbeater; special carols by the Senior Room choir; an|MISSION BAND PARTY operetta, Let Earth Receive,| On Saturday afternoon, Dec. with actors and actresses from|16, the Mission Band children, both class rooms; a play, The|leaders and several mothers Blind Beggar, with Robert Sle-/were guests of Mrs. R.. Stenger mon as the Blind Bartimaeus;|for their annual Christmas vocal solo by Lockie McNair|party. FINE. INSTRUMENTS TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. (CP) french cellist Guy Fallot and the Turkish violinist Ayla Erdu- ran at a recital here used in- struments more than two cen- tures old. Mr. Fallot's cella was made in Italy in 1712, and Miss Erduran played a Stradie varius violin made in 1710, | 'for auto insurance Wm. H, (Bill) Middleton " STATE FARM LIFE (unsyRANCE COMPANY, | & iCanadion Head Office--Torento, Ont and duets by Jim Robson and Bob Thompson, Richard and) Stephen Wallace. | Heather Griffin in her bright| red dance costume added the| jseasonal touch of color when January Sale \she did a pretty tap dance. | Rhythm Band selections were played by the Jr. Room orches- tra and choir with Billy Reid as band leader, A monologue by Janet Rob- son and a play, A Nursery FREE!! 4 NEW NYLON TIRES He said that the southern por-jbenefit of Whitby and its citi- Scouts of Me. and fare. flees F berth and daughters at Stouff- | ville. Mrs. Jack Herod, Weston, Mrs.| Charles and Sam Parm ach PE Twelve Daye at Chricaaas Lorne Griffin, Blackstock, were esr ge sg Rot toe. and|in which Reinhart Bahr waa the Monday callers at J. and R. daughters in Oshawa. comedian. at Enniskillen recently. Griffin's. : Gilbert Mills of Hamilton, Two other seasonal numbers The CGIT group was in| Rev. Harold Stainton, Cour-| spent the weekend with his aunt, |by the Jr.\ Room choir were charge of the service with Miss|tice, called on his brother,|Mrs. Victor tarocque and fam-|Where Do You Live, |Shirley Avery at the Hammond] ajjen atc Me and Ms, |Claus, and Christmas lorgan, playing Christmas|,,,', ° 8. 4." "Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris|Along. ¢ : | carols. Ashton's. |were Christmas Day guests of| Barnacle Bill the Sailor by) |The two senior members of| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jack-|Mr. and Mrs. Atwood MacRae|Sandra Werry and Mark Simp-| __|the group were leaders of the|son and Stanley, Toronto, visit- on and family in Oshawa. json pleased the audience. No| J i] ] W k 0 s ed Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston. service. George Kilpatrick visited Mr.|program is complete without| Miss Cheryl Rowan intro-|) mr, and Mrs. Joe McGill d A 7 eep his remarks to him-| D seen the officer stated, at this rivin : its|Zens. chairmen of three committees) tion has long ago reached a Councillor Paul Coath, begin-|and the mayor is an ex-officio| peak ---- -- county| ning his third year on couacil,|member of all six committees. pron ee: the gor areas,|forecast a busy few months for; Committee chairmen are reuragh cole pki increase} .ouncil and particularly for him-|Councillor William Davidson, re cag neg sti Fade = sel as chairman of finance. |applications and bylaws; Coun-| e are- payin c cillor Joye ' y and| year to the -cuinty,"" said the|CONCURS WITH PROGRAM parks: Councillor Par Conte Reeve, "and are getting less' Councillor Harold Slichter, in/finance and subdivision; Coun- ~~ |cillor Desmond Newman, pro- Suspend Sentence wie For Obstructing streets; Councillor Harold Slich- iter, sanitation and welfare. Russell Allan Millburn, 18,|\to k RR 1, Whitty, was given a|self, Of Vesper Service By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN The an- jnual Vesper, Candlelighting and |White Gift services were held Rhyme Novelty, was shown. Two numbers causing much hilarity were: Poor Old Lady PLUS A NEW BATTERY WITH EVERY CAR FROM 1955 UP For Quality By Far... BUY a Bill Whittick Car 40 USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM NO Down Payment, LONG Terms Balance Arranged To Suit Your Budget FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE SEE: some part in outer-space which| and Mrs. Grant Kilpatrick in was provided for by a play,| Oshawa on Boxing Day. Leonard Greenwood was home from Stouffville on Tuesday. uced each of the three move-|Port Credit, were with Mr. and ments in the service and in the/Mrs, R. Virtue. | . ; scripture and prayer litany. Miss Lois Ashton presented the Mr. -- Mrs. D. B. Kay, To- AUTHORS 'ILL PAID' SAINT JOHN, NB. (CP) -- two-year suspended sentence at Whitby Police Court Tuesday. Millburn was charged with ob- structing a police officer. PC Kenneth Edwards of the |Point PC Edwards arrived. | leave when asked as he was expecting some friends to come and give him a ride home at Millburn said that he did not T g Charge At.Whitby Magistrate's Court |Tuesday, Bruce Victor Lockie, |20, of 493 Floyd street, Oshawa | Was given a seven-day jail sen |tence by Magistrate Robert story, The Messenger. Seven intermediate dramatized a Christmas fan-| 'ltasy with Miss Laura Bowman| "las archangel and Misses Mary} girls ronto, and Mrs, Ross Sharp and family, Mr. and Mrs, A. Sharp were Saturday supper guests at Ivan' Sharp's. Nove list Nicholas Monsarrat said Tuesday Canadian authors ure among the least appreciated in the world, they are compar- ativeiy ill - paid and considered 3 Men Convicted 'In Armed Holdup | Whitby Police forcé said that|that moment. Before passing he was called to the Whitby|sentence Magistrate Robert Arena on Friday, Dec. 29, as|Dnieper said he was going to there appeared to be trouble| give the accused some advice. brewing. On arrival at the| After attributnig the lack of re- arena, Edwards said that he! spect for authority to a general) found the acc who appear-|decline in standards in recent) ed sober, talking to PC Rich-| years, His Worship said that ard Sandford. The officer con-| Millburn should stay away from) tinued that the accused was/his buddies as they would only making objectionable remarks! get him into trouble. about the Whitby Police force. | Telling the accused that he When told to leave the arena|had to stay away from the teen by PC Edwards the accused/dance and could not associate said that he "would not and|with those with.a record or did not have to." The officer, known to the police, Magistrate also said that he told the Dnieper placed the accused on aceused to keep away from the| probation. Another of the terms teen-town dance which was/is, he said, that you be at then in progress. home by 10 p.m." PC Sandford said that Mill| "If you are going to behave burn used abusive language/like a child you are going to when there were people in the be treated as one," said His vicinity. The accused was told! Worship. WHITBY EVENING SHOWS AT 7:00 - 8:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 Dnieper. Lockie pleaded guilty to a charge of driv while intoxicated. Cpl. James Barter |Whitby Police Force not | ing} of the testified] that on Dec. 16 at 2.45 a.m. the! accused drove through a_ red traffic light at Whitby's Four Corners, The constable said that when he gave chase to the |Yeo, Maureen McNair, Carole} Begley, Shirley Avery, Betty Wright, and Marie Draper as angels. Misses Maureen McNair, Muriel Griffin, Betty Jane Werry, and Susan Wearn had individual parts during candlelighting. Misses Leona Ferguson, Mur- Killer Dogs Rabies Tested PORT ARIHUR (CP) -- Ra- the/bies tests are to be made here! on the carcasses of two stray dogs, part of a pack that at- | RICHMOND HILL, Ont. (CP) |Three men were convicted |Tuesday of an armed robbery in lwhich jewelry worth nearly |$3,000, two rifles, a shotgun and liquor were stolen. Alan M. Kinsella, 20, of Rich- vale, Richard J. Davidson, 23, jand Thomas L, Davidson, 21, iboth of Toronto but not related, accused in a police cruiserjiel Griffin, Betty Jane Werry|tacked and killed Deborah June|were remanded to Jan. 9 for along Dundas _ street west, speeds of 100 mph were reach- ed. After the chase, Cpl. Barter and Doreen Trewin received the offering. Two anthems were rendered, day the tests apparently are ajin Richards, 6, Sunday. Provincial police said Tues- sentence. They were charged with fore- g their way at gunpoint Dec. continued, Lockie was appre-/Brightest and Best of the Suns| Precautionary measure only.i9g into the home of Cyril H. 'and Euclid streets. PC Edwards of the Whitby) Police force, who was also in| the police car, confirmed Cpl. Barter's testimony and said/ that. Lockie was intoxicated| when caught. At the police} | Station, the accused was most! |upset, the Constable said. He |was in a rage and Was also ;crying. It appeared that the |charges did not register with | | Midwinter. In the latter number, Misses Maureen McNair, Kathryn Sle- mon, Lois Ashton and Mary Yeo formed a two-part quartette) and a duet was sung by Misses} Two men authorized by police} Kathryn Slemon and Mary Yeo. The White Gifts were donated by the congregation and two heaping cartons are to be for- | strays are rabies carriers. Meanwhile in Auden, 200 miles northeast of here, the hunt con- tinued for the strays which ripped the girl to death. to carry firearms had shot seven of the anima!'s and a few more were still at large. Authority to carry firearmsito jwarded by Mr. Hobbs to the|was needed because Auden, altnan engineering. medicine or hended at the corner of Mary|of the Morning and In the Bieak/There is no indication that the|Greeniand, 70, a retired geolog- list, in Markham Township. The men bound Mr. Greenland and |his housekeeper and made off |with the stolen goods. They jwere arrested the next day. TEACHING LEADS MONTREAL (CP) -- Teach- ling has become more attractive McGill University students by many as "'only a trifle more important than the street- sweeper." Mr. Monsarrat, au- thor of The Cruel Sea, was in- terviewed here on his arrival frum Tiberpool.. Canada, being a predominantly outdoor nation, is a very bad reading country. It tagged behind even areas of Africa. 146 BROCK ST. N. gPo CORNER 103 - BYRON STREET SOUTH - KEVIN O'CONNOR or DAVE SMART OPENS A.M. -- ? Before You Buy Give Bill A Try! Bill Whittick Motors WHITBY WHITBY -- 105 PHONE MO 8-4741 RTSMAN' ¥ PRICE SALE | tiny wood-cutting centre oper-|dentistry, The 1961 enrolment ated by Abitihn Power and Pa-jreport showed teaching at- per Company, is in a game pre-|1ractea 603 students, 157 more| serve where guns are prohib-|tha: the previous year, while) pre-|; F ' Cox ited. \there were fewer in engineer- | | the ) >, senior citizens at the Golden bP pesca dee Edwards! piough Home at Cobourg. Lockie said that he had been pERSONALS erenking some beer, 1% pints, Enniskillen community and also said that he did not go sented Mr. and Mrs. Ed. NYLON JACKETS Complete with hood. Quilt lining. Reg. 24.95. NOW TROPICAL FISH NEONS, BLACK MOLLIES, ZEBRAS, FANCY GUPPIES, PEARL DANIOS, GIANT Start The New Year Off with TERRY-THOMAS ATHENE SEYLER HATTIE JACQUES MINE MINK PLUS SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE TWO BEARS" with Jane Wyatt - Eddie Albert The Management And Staff Extend To One And All "A HAPPY NEW YEAR" iy } | through a red light or travel at more than 40 mph. He stated that he was upset at the station because his mother would worry if he was in trouble. Telling the Crown Attorney that "'as the accused is only 20!roronto, were recent. visitors at! years of age a mild sentence will be sufficent to straighten him out," Magistrate then imposed the sentence seven-day LONG RUN ENDS MEXICO CITY (AP)--A three-| man gang arrested by the Mex- ican government secret service here admitted stealing more than 5,000 wallets during a quarter of a century operation in Mexico City. ! Dnieper|_ and family with the gift of a bridge set on their recent de- parture from the community. They are now residing in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp's. Mrs. Lila Flewelling, Toronto, More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Here 1s a pleasant way to overcome loose plate discomfort. FASTEETH, an improved powder, sprinkled on upper and lower plates holds them firmer so that they. feel more com- fortable. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non- acid). Does not,sour. Checks "plate | odor breath" t FASTEETH eeant at drug coun everywhere. Funeral for the Richards girl ay be here al 3 p.m. EST to- day. |ing, medicine and dentistry than .DANIOS, BLACK TETRAS, year ago. Total enrol is |9.2n4 Family Monuments AOTR\ oF 4 Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 el Created To DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhanging Full 'Well Murals ELECTRIC SOLDERING IRONS Will carry up to 500 watts. Reg. 12.95 NOW ELECTRIC HOCKEY GAMES 6.97 Reg. 3.99 97° ALL MEN'S AND BOYS' HOCKEY EQUIPMENT w 042 OFF Paint-By-Number Sets LARGE USED SKATES 1.97 PLUS YOUR EXCHANGE

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