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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1962, p. 8

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A MERRY GROUP at the | dance included Mr. Ted Rob- son, Mrs. Floyd Russell, Mr. Oshawa Curling Club's dinner "Oshawa Curling Club, Guests Celebrate Arrival of 1962 Russell, Mr. Jack Perry, Mrs. Ted Robson and Mrs. Jack Perry, who blinked when the gee ee TN a re ee ee a" fa a Ss te camera flashed, --Oshawa Tires Photo Circle Members Hold a Party © One of the smattest events in{MIr. and Mrs, Verne McLaugh-| The Daughters of Isabella) "town on New Year's Eve wasilin, Mr. and Mrs. S. Clark;/gathered for a party recently, in "the dinner and dance at Osh- 'awa Curling Club. Around 10)/Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sutton, | "».m., members and guests/Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Balsdon,'was the Rev. John Myers, who/sponse to his theatre with a beef|Mr. and.Mrs. William Jack. assembled for a roast "dinner which was followed by) edancing to Jack Shearer's Sorchestra. = Among those attending were|@'d Mrs. *Mr. Oscvit Parker, chairman of|and Mrs, H. A. Lawrence, Mr. «the social committee and Mrs./and Mrs. and Mrs, others. = Parker. : e Mz. and Mrs. L. Harrison, "Mr. and Mrs. J. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Saunders, |st. Gregory's auditorium. | Special guest for the evening) lgave a short talk on the true! V1. and Mrs. R. E. Cox, Mr.|Christmas spirit. Mr,| The members and their guests Mr,\enioyed many games, with \prizes awarded to the winners. | The winners of the various George Bates, of the circle, was sent to a needy family. The evening closed with the singing of carols. ADDED INDUCEMENT MONTREAL (CP)--One box office manager drew eager re- novel idea, says Mrs. Claude Beaubien, founder and director of the International Theatre here. He offered programs printed on blue silk, which Vemeon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 3, 1962 PERSONALS feas, birthday parties, wed- ding anniversaries, coming and goiug of guests are always of intercst in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social department with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone 723-3474, | Mrs. Margaret Dodd, Euclid streot,. Whitby, spent New Year's Day with the Misses Ethel and Alice Dodd at Port Perry. Miss Betty Dodd who had been visiting with the Misses Dodd, returned home |wich her mother after a happy hoiiday, Mrs. George Bell of Port Perry entertained at a Christ- mas party for the Misses Addie and Mamie McLaren, Miss Audrey Kent and _ the Misses Alice, Ethel and Betty Dade. My. and Mrs. L. W. Martin, Oshowa, Mr. and Mrs. R Found, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. G. Found, Whitby; Mr. John fisher, Port Credit; and Mr. Brad Calkins, Detroit, Michi- gan, were dinner guests of Mr. ana Mrs, Edgar Allman, Kenil- woith avenue, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gunther, Richmond street east, have re- turned to Oshawa after a two- week visit with their daughter, Mrs. Norman Kritsch in Sud- bury. Mrs. Kritsch and family retuined with them and they were joined by their son, Dr. W. ©, Gunther, a_ research scientist with the University of Valparaiso for a few days' visit and @ joyous Christmas. Miss Barbara McClelland, Reg. N., who is studying nursing administration at the University of Western Ontario, spent the Christmas and New Year holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClelland, Central Park Boulevard North. Founda, Marguerite and Doug- could be used as handkerchiefs. ias, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. J.! Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winacott and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wilson Bruce Bradley, Mr-/4..ws were: fancy aprons, Mrs. W. Brenner, and/wanda Jankowski; Yule log, Mrs. Doris Meringer; mystery *and Mrs. G. H. Campbell, Mr. "and Mrs. L. Hooper, Mr. and «Mrs. G. Goulding, Mr. and Mrs. ®P. Michael, Mr. and Mrs. G. «Byers, Mr. and Mrs. F. Young, SMr. R. Luke, Mrs. W. Tribble, Mr. and Mrs. K. Wickens. = Mr and Mrs. A. 8. Mepstead, = Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whitting- wfon, Mr. Charles H. Peacock, *Mr. and Mrs. Gerry McBeth, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chenier, Mr. fard Mrs. J. D. Copeland, Miss «» Maigaret Parker, Mr. William ™ Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Phipps, | "Mr and Mrs. Robert Schoenau, «Mr. and Mrs. John E. Barton, "Mr. and Mrs. James Kemp, Mr.| sand Mrs. A. J. Renwick, Mr.) * aid Mrs. A. L. Gunn, Mr. and| "Mrs E D. Anderson, Mr.| & Michael Fair, Miss Jeannie} » Kellar, Mr. Wayne Patterson, | Miss Gail Schoenau, Mr. Jack « Hammond, Miss Gladys Frise, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Hill, Mr. and! *» Mrs. Robert Freeman. | Mr and Mrs. Dean McLaugh | "lin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rus- » sell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard *Saywell, Mr. and Mrs. Bert) » Granik, Mr. and Mrs. George "Warden, Miss Cheryl Hawes,| » Mr. Edward Gibson. | = Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc-| © Alpine, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas | Clemens, Dr. and Mrs. Ray} Savijarvi, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.| » Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard) ~ Edwards, Mr. Dare Young,| » Miss Grace Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davey, | and Mrs, Roland Kinton, and Mrs. Johh Nicholls, and Mrs. James Baxter,| and Mrs. John Rickard, | and Mrs, F. L. Whitting-| Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogers, | » Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dervent, | . Mr. Douglas. Scott, Mr. and) * Mrs. A. Lupton, Mr. N. Allan, . Mrs. R. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. | = N. Ward, Mrs. A. Gimblett, Mr.| « D. Livingston. Mr and Mrs. F. C. Piper,| ~ ' Mr. © Mr. © Mr. © Mr. = Mr. ton, estate | | Two housewives of this north-| ern Nova Scotia community) each got their quota of five beaver pelts trapping season. Mrs. Charle: Crosby and Mrs. Dorothy Ston burgh, Crosby on his trapline last year,| decided to try it by themselves) this year. prize, Mrs. Walena Smith; ham- MEN per of groceries, Mrs. Margaret) hi bagged Forestall; doll, Mrs. William) MERIGOMISH, N.S. (CP)--\votzal, Refreshments were served by | {Mrs. Margaret Forestall and her committee. Lucky cup win-| sners were: Mrs. Irene Brady, e.|Mrs, Pauline Jaskolski. Mrs. Elaine Page, Mrs. Mary Douglas! and Mrs. Catherine Callahan. A hamper of food, clothing land toys, filled by the members ee | during the fall who went with Mr. PLATTE TTDI EE TEE ANNUAL JANUARY OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 9 PM. were pleasantly surprised during the Christmas Wlidays hen Mr. Oscar "Phiiups of Nova Scotia visited them, Mr. Phillips is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Winacott and Mrs. Wilson. It was his first visit to Oshawa in 30 years, Those present at a cocktail party held recently in the Park Lane: Apartments were friends of Miss Mary Jane Love and rae! oe ian girwrsorr v Reynolds and Joshua, Mr. John Love; Mr. Larry Lemon, Miss Virginia Piper, Mr. John Piper, Miss Isobel Thexton, Miss Audrey Gay, Mr. Ian Forbes, Mr, James Fegan, Mr. Edward Roberts, Present from out-of-town were: Mr. and Mrs. William Rich and Marcel, fangs 4 Mr. Steve Fralick, nes erry; Mr. Ian Parish, ax. Miss Marie Smykal, They were: Mr, and Mrs, David Mce- Cullough,- Mr. and Mrs, Jack Burke, Mr. and Mrs, Robert NEEDED VITAMINS Citrus fruits and juices are excellent sources of vitamin C. oie vas ig ee Ee ea gh le KY - we eee pe HOUSEHOLD HINT Chocolate and coca stains vhould. be soaked immediately in cold water. Hot water tends to see the stain. j GOOD HUNTER PARKSVILLE, B.C. (CP)-- Edith Robinson, an ardent sportswoman, has become the first woman in history of the Parksville fish and game club to win the season's trophy for the biggest deer. The report of the award however didn't give the size of her trophy. vn anausniemnnenar eH Two MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS © BROWN, BEIGE, Pe sipiislillath CLEARANCE THURS.,-FRI., -SAT. JANUARY 4, 5 AND 6 STOREWIDE ... DRASTIC REDUCTIONS TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING MERCHANDISE ALL SALES FINAL YOUNG MODERNS 38 KING STREET EAST 723-7428 (DOWNTOWN OSHAWA) MO 8-5022 135 Brock St.S. Whitby GREEN TWEED 6 ft.x 9 ft. Reg. 24.99 JANUARY SPECIAL ON ROOM-SIZE RUGS © VISCOSE BACKED WITH FOAM RUBBER oe 19,88 6 ft. x 12 ft. Reg. 46.99 "KOALA" foam rubber backed room-size rugs in handsome and_ hard-weari Viscose'. Check ng these added extras: moth-proof, colour-fast, non- ravel ends, no underpadding necessary. BUY NOW! CHARGE IT! NO DOWN PAYMENT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S$. PHONE 723-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON'S RD. S. PHONE 723-2209 Sizes 4 to 11, Regular 9.99 Reg. 7.99 or 2 prs. 11.00 ALL COLOURED (Red, Blue, Green, & ILLUSION HEELS Reg. 9.99 ] Shoe Widths AAAA to B, Now 7.90 or 2 prs. for 15.00 Jet Heels | Flats Reg. 5.99 NOW 5.90 Sale 4.50 or 2 Prs. 8.00 EXTRA SPECIAL NOW ONLY 3.90 Or 2 prs. for $10.00 Rose, ete.) eee" UVERSHOES REDUCED All Slippers 30% P.S. ... Samples Just received, Spring Sample Shoes. $6.90 -- 2 for $12.00 Size 4 only. FASHION SHOES 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2491 } | seereeese tes CCTRSTESCATE SHRP VERO KALCO RSH HELE TERE RAED ES 3-SIZE DOILIES By ALICE BROOKS Doubly useful! Lacy doily ac- "cents TV or table smartly --| protects top from scratches. Oval shape in spiderweb de- sign--elegant setting for flow- ers, fruits. Pattern 7047: croch- et directions 17 x 34-inch doily, 17 x 25 and 15 x 23 in No. 30. | Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot "b accepted) to Alice Brooks, "c/o The Oshawa Times Needle- | craft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. © Print plainly -NAME, AD-| * DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. NEVER-BEFORE VALUE! | « 200 yes, 200 designs to knit,| © crochet, sew, weave, embroider, quilt in our new 1962 Needle- craft Catalog -- ready now! See Beautiful Bulkies in a complete "fashion section plus bedspreads, linens, toys, afghans, slipcovers| "plus 2 free patterns. Send 25c now! a. ie Provincial tax. 7 "KENWOOD" HUDSON BAY" WOOL BLANKETS A fine quality This is our once a yeor clearance of the famous name blankets. Included ore regular. stock and discontinued color and styles. and check. 5 1/3 off. 20% OFF REGULAR CLIPPED MOHAIR COATING--SUITING of luxurious textured and colours of plum, brown, aqua, and green in plain 3.99 YARD mohair and wool fabric Dress 6" wide. Reg. 5.98. Lining etc. 20% OFF ALL FABRICS Suitings Goods Coatings Broadcloths is Sheetings REGULAR LADIES' Blouses--Shirts Sweaters--Scarves Slips--Pyjamas Gowns Hosiery----Gloves Umbrellos Foundation Garments 20% OFF REGULAR LADIES' UNIFORMS Present stocks of famous brands from "White Sister" "Uniform Registered" "White Cross" Reg. 3.98 to 15.98 20% OFF Sale, 3.19 to 12.79 LADIES' All of our wool: fine leathers o GLOVES--MITTS and unlined styles. 20% OFF REGULAR & CHILDRENS' ls, nylon Chomoisette, and re included in both lined READY-TO-HANG DRAPERIES Hundreds of poirs to choose from in width suitoble for windows up to 16 ft. wide and 54" to 95" long. prices start at 20% TO 50% OFF REGULAR (our regulor BATHROOM SETS Matching shower and window curtains. Discontinued patterns and colors, Sale Ya PRICE 3.48. stock sets 20% off regular) BEDSPREADS Our stock of Heirloom, Hobnail, Chenille White and colors. 20% OFF REGULAR Hundreds of 1 Homespun colors and patterns. Regular values to $8.95 $3.99 UP 30% OFF DRAPERY REMNANTS prices marked for sale clearance. to 15 yard ends, all TO 75% REGULAR WARD'S DISCOUNT SALE STARTING 9 DAYS OF BARGAINS 20% OFF OUR ENTIRE ST REGULAR PRICED OcK AND 30% to 75% ON SPECIAL SALE ITEMS THIS PLEASE NO LAY-AWAYS, EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS DURING SALE DISCOUNT SALE ENDS JANUARY 13th -- 6:00 P.M, SIMCOE AND ATHOL STREET PHONE 725-115) CITY-WIDE FREE DELIVERY Mittens--Sc CHILDREN'S Dresses--Blouses Shirts--Overalls Sweaters Shawls--Bedding 20% OFF REGULAR carves SEWING NOTIONS Famous Brands Knitting Wool Knitting Needles Elastic, Ribbons 20% OFF REGULAR (Note; Your present lay-away wool may be taken out at these discount prices.) CHILDREN'S Snow Suits Bunting Bogs Coat: Sets Sizes 1 year to 3X. Vs OFF REGULAR ~ HOUSEHOLD LINENS Table Cloths of Linen, Lace and Rayon Tea Towels Hand Towels Embroidered Pillow Cases Towel Sets, etc. 20% OFF REGULAR Tea Sets

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