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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1962, p. 9

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ANN LANDERS Business and Pleasure Combined |ite' sinsuise"Commitee, re] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Jenuery 4, 1962 9 ported a generous response, use in anti-pollution demonstra-| tious by an oil company. Freshman Advised To Write Own Essay Dear Ann Landers: I'm a freshman at a very tough school (University of Nebraska). The head of our journalism depart- ment thinks you are pretty good. This gave me an idea. I have to turn in a paper for a humanities course It can deal with any phase of human prob- lems. Since this is right up your! alley it occurred to me that you could be a great help. (After all, you say you're interested in helping people.) The materia! you have right at your fingertips is terrific be- cause it comes directly from the people with the problems. This beats anything I could find in the library. Be a pal and jot down about 1,500 words on the problems most people write about. It doesn't have to be in finished form. I will work it over and add some of my own thoughts. Thanks a lot. -- WITHHOLD NAME Dear Withhold: Your offer was the best one of the day. All I had to do is jot down 1,500 words and.it doesn't even have to be a finished essay--just a few random thought which you will "work over." Lucky me. Look, Buster, I wrote my own essays and term papers when I was in college and you can write yours. Haul your freight over to the khrary and get to work. WANTS INHERITANCE Dear Ann Landers: My wid- owed sister came to me for ad- vice because I am her older brother. Her 19-year-old son wants to get married. He flunked everything last year and had to change schools. The girl he wants to mary is 17 and she acts like 12. The boy wants 'his mother to _2so loan him $2,000 to get married on and then give him $600 a month. He azreed to pay her back in 1970, when he comes into his share of his father's es- tate. The boy has sold her on the idea that all he wants is an ad- vance on what legally belongs' to him. He says he's not askiag for HER money, he just wants his--a few yeurs sooner, She's a nervous person and the pressure is. getting too much for her. What do you say?-- BROTHER Dear Brother: I say NO. When the boy's father set up his will he knew what he was doing. If this mother agrees to the boy's preposterous plan she will expedite what probably will be a disastrous marriage. NEVER ASKS HER OUT At B& PW Club's Year-End Meet issists'a trust sam Women's Club for House, Followi Gladys" Hi dinner, very spirited The final meeting of the Osh-;members particularly felt that of elderly ladies living alone, awa Business and Professional|they had given them an oppor- the year|tunity to become much better|ment convener, and her com-|Gander no longer is a one-in-|teen new hybrid seed corn va- 1961 took the form of a dinner|acquainted with their fe110w)mittee who were in charge of|dustry town dependent on traf-jrieties, 11 more than last year,| and social evening at Adelaide|members, presided over ajstimulating. Misses Audfey|her committee, short business meeting. Reports of the findings offence Hawkes had been host the three groups with which the 'i club had been divided at the|Mildred Price, previous meeting for the pur- pose of discussing and determ- ining the correct handling of f a number of mythical problems|was devoted to social activi faced, were given. All groups thought-|Christmas music. provoking. It was found, too,|was provided by an exchange that the gatherings had beenjof gil most enjoyable socially and new!for Christmas Cheer was taken. and NEWS IN BRIEF TRAFFIC CENTRE CORNER BROOK, Nfld. (CP) of money for each of a Miss Beth Ford, entertain- dinner arrangements and deco-/fic through the big Gander air-| nave The concensus was that this|rations, Lawlor, Jenne Pringle and Flo esses to the groups and Mis:|year's activities. Mrs. _ Grace Heard and Miss Rose Hawkes} = HOUSEHOLD HINT SHIP LIVE SALMON meporied their RNs, Sand, mud and grit from wet) COLDBROOK, N.S. (CP)-- The remainder of the evenins) 1.4.5 or overshoes are especial-|Ancsthetized salmon are being lable. preereanel Be Trafaigar, Ont. They are for|usual. NEW HYBRIDS CHATHAM, Ont. (CP)--Eigh-) and Miss Mildre d|port to keep it going, says E. P i sgn: gatas President|novel project had been most)Price, program convener, and|Hanley, manager of "Pes Amott. 1962 production by the Ontario were thanked]/can Airways at Gander. "The|©ora committee. The recommen- dy the president for providingjecunomy of Gander is not de-|dation came after long tests, such a delightful close to the|clinimg, but it is changing," he|but the committee advised that said. compiete data was not avai- WATER LEVEL DOWN "4 prego ag gg ey (CP) AL é shipped live in plastic bags|J.ow water level in the gara with which any club might belties. Mrs. Mabel Joyce presid- ly ard on most resilient' floot|rijj¢q with water and oxygen|River this winter has resulted J ed at the piano for carol singing|coverings. Door mats that catch/fro.n the federal fisheries hatch-|in fewer diving waterfowl and found that the discussionsjand also played as a piano solo} oj) effectively will help to re-|ery here to an aquarium at/more surface feeding birds than) aroused great interest and werela very beautiful medley of|du-e damage. | fts. The usual collection Dear Ann Landers: I have known a: certain man for five years. He's 30 and I am 28. He has taken me out dozens of times but every date was ar- ranged by someone else. We are paired together by hostesses, relatives and friends. I've in- vited him to several affairs when I have had tickets, or hosted a party. It seems that everyone thinks of us as a "couple" but him. No I am not in love with him, but I could be--with a little en- couragement. What really both- ers me is that in the five years we've been dating, I've had to face up to the fact that he has never once taken the initiative to ask me out. And I'll bet he hasn't spent a total of $10 on me in the five years either.) What do you think of this relation- ship?--CONVENIENT Dear Convenient: Fine, if you want to go through life dating,| giving parties and buying tick-| ets. He's just the guy who will let you do it. HOUSEHOLD HINT Svuffing turkey, chicken or canon should be a last-minute procedure, for bread stuffings| shcuid not be held between mix-| ing and cooking, even in the refrigerator. Mix stuffing just befcre roasting. y 20<T0 40x OFF | ON ALL MERCHANDISE - COATS -SUITS -DRESSES -SPORTSWEAR STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE AT KAYES SPORTSWEAR 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU It's truly "money - saving" time et Glazier's! Tomor- row, et 9 o.m. GLAZIER'S stort their tre- mendous "'mid-winter" Clearance sale bring- ing you exceptional savings on their complete line of winter stock. 68 SIMCOE STREET N. 57 KING STREET W. BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE Come early for the best selections ! LADIES' SKIRTS HE'S ON YOUR PAYROLL NOT THE NEWSPAPER'S day. him for serving you. joy the full profit he has earned ! YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in business to serve you and the many other customers+ on his newspaper route, quickly and dependably each HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payment each collection day. Thus, he is on your "payroll", not ours, and appreci- ates beng paid promptly -- so that he can pay his own paper bill and en- THE OSHAWA TIMES ¥ of better lines thet normally sold up to 9.98. Plains, checks and novelty patterns. Sizes 10 to 20, SALE 2.99 LADIES' FUR-TRIMMED COATS Coots with Mink or Persian Lamb (na- ture! lamb) trim in this season's smarter cloths, Popular shades of green, beige, black, ta, grey, quoi Royal blue, red . . . and other novelty shades, | All sizes including holf sizes. Reg. to 89.98, 54 98 je 44.98 SALE Reg. to 69.98, ' eeeccecs LADIES' SHOES Clearance of casucl end dress shoes with velues from 3.98 te 7.98, 99° ~ 2.99 LADIES' Sweaters Pullover and Cardigon styles in a wide range ef colors. Wool, Orion, Nylon and some Ban-Lon, Values from 6.98 to 9.98. 2.99 ano 4.99 MEN'S ~ Flannelette SHIRTS A good choice of plaids that are designed to please the mon, Sizes $-M-L ond Xt, SPECIAL 1.00 BOYS' Flannelette SHIRTS The smart weer for boys. Populer ploids. Sizes 4 to 14, SPECIAL 69° LADIES' UNTRIMMED COATS in all this mast d fabri and most populer shades. All sizes includ- ing half sizes. SALE rerrr er 39.98 a. 29.98 SPECIAL RACK OF LADIES' COATS ine ~ of - a= kin 'oats. 15.00 Come early for the best buys. Reg. to 49.98. LADIES' BETTER DRESSES We're clearing our entire line of this season's better dresses. You'll really meorvel et the savings . .. prices that soy "Buy Two"! Values to 14.98 SALE Values to 21. SALE 1.99 RACK Clearing Ladies' Dresses . . , Blouses and Children's Dresses and Tunics, all et one give-away price. GIRLS' WINTER COATS & COAT: SETS Trembendous savings are yours when you shop Glazier's for truly greot buys in Girls' coats, Sixes 2 to 6X, 8 to 12 and 10 to 16 teen. \, PRICE ALL REDUCED BOYS' UP TO WINTER CAR COATS A fine selection to choose from,, Mostly with separated hoods. Sizes 3 to 6X and y S. - to 18, Values to 12.98 Values to. 14.98 : SALE eseceseee, 8198 SALE Values to 16.98 9 rs] eeeesees . Above is just a 1 of the ¢ di you. Don't miss this sale . . . benefits of this Savings event. MANY MANY MORE BARGAINS ON DISPLAY. come early to make sure you reap OPEN EVERY WED. AFTERNOON -- FRI. TILL 9 P.M. ® BUDGET TERMS @ FREE PARKING Your Credit is good at GLAZIER'S Family Allowance & Payroll Cheques Gladly Cashed LAZIER' 498 SIMCOE SOUTH (Across from South Simcoe School) UDGET TERMS SN FREE PARKING Semi savings GLAZIER'S offers SALE STARTS FRIDAY 9 A.M, LADIES' RAYON Choice of elastic or cuff leg. hite er colors, Reg. 496: pair, SPECIAL 3 21.00 LADIES' snug end werm, too. Don't miss these values. 2498, Sole 13698 Values to 18.98. Sale MEN'S WORK PANTS Clearing better lines of 3.98 and 4.98, Sizes 39 to 4: 2, SALE MEN'S PULLOVER & CARDIGAN Sweaters Wool, Orion, Ban-Lon . . in rt BY ADAM Clearing broken = sizes end ranges with values to 6.98, SALE CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED HERE INTERNATIONAL _GLECOFF Supermarket 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA OPEN TO 10 P.M. DAILY SPECIALS for THURS., FRI., SAT. JANUARY 4-5-6 BUTTER FIRST|GRADE EGGS "os 439 BREAD "2 w= 37° CIGARETTES 22! curox 3.09 Be MEMys BONELESS BEEF POT ROAST LEAN, BONELESS, SWEET PICKLED u. 49° COTTAGE ROLLS «49° PORK HOCKS 4.1.00 uv. 65° CHOICE, RED PORK ROAST ma, 49° SWIFT'S PREMIUM PRODUCE Une" CRISPY, LARGE 2 ron 3S" POTATOES KING'S CHOICE 2 har 45¢ POTATOES AYLMER a 1.00 CORN RED ROBIN, SLICED 'i 1.00 FRUIT COCKTAIL MEATIES ** ** NOW Phs, 20° FISH & CHIPS 2 ker 35° CHOICE HALIBUT STEAKS KOTEX 48's = Reg. 1.96 iiinin on 1 69 Lather Shaving Cream sprciat 2 tor 59° WE: ACCEPT WELFARE VOUCHERS PURR, WHOLE FISH GIANT SIZE, REG. 1.49 FEATURED THIS WEEK Ai Reduced Prices FREE Delivery on Orders of $10.00 Or Over PORK SHOULDERS ». 43° SWIFT'S PREMIUM Cooked Meat Chubs 2 +o 49° LOVELY GREEN GRAPEFRUIT 10:0 49° LW SEREETT TOMATOES 2 2c 37¢ PEAS & CARROTS = 1.00 PINEAPPLE 5 100 CAT FOOD © FROZEN FOODS GALORE @ BIRDS EYE, REGULAR or CRINKLE a 69¢ LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC joy, 1.25 TOWELS SHOP & SAVE at GLECOFF'S LEAN, BUTT u. 55° MiID-WINTER . w NEW CABLAGE 3 2. 29° ONTARIO ss ae OOF SEEDLESS RAISINS rus. 478 CULVERHOUSE, CHOICE WHITE CARROT rm 1.00 GARDEN PATCH, WHOLE KERNEL PORK & BEANS 7h 1.00 AYLMER "ine 1.00 DR, BALLARD'S FRASERVALE "hee, 59° FRENCH FRIES © SPECIALS IN OUR DRUGETTE DEPT. © LIFEBUOY, LARGE TUBE, REG, 2 FOR 90c « We Cash Pay and Pension Cheques OPEN® EVERY NIGHT TO 10 P.Mé

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