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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jan 1962, p. 15

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OSHAWA'S NEW CURLING RINK OPENED stone to officially open the new Oshawa Golf and Curling Club, last night) while several CLUB PRESIDENT Dr. | "Charlie" Mcliveen is shown above "throwing" the first last night's official opening ceremonies. Club president Dr. C. E. Mcllveen (centre) is flanked by John J. Wilkin- son, contractor for the hand- some new building; L. M. READY TO OPEN their new six-sheet curling quarters, officers and committee heads of the Oshawa Golf and Curl- ing Club are shown above, at Big Turnout On Hand At Official Opening jhimself and the club directorsjlearn the game. A draw sheet, | Bob Cleroux More than two hundred en- thusiastic club members along|and officers, as well as the with a few interested citizens,|building committee members, were on hand last night to wit-|extreme satisfaction at seeing ness the official opening of the|the fruits of their efforts final- new Oshawa Golf and Curling|ly harvested. He warmly wel- Club. comed the large turnout of While the first sod was only|Club members and interested turned in September and the) citizens. "More than any of you club's lounge, dining room and members present, we of your locker room facilities are not}cOmmittee are extremely yet completed, the clean-cut six, happy that this night has ar- sheets of excellent curling ice|Tived and that our new club is were ready '0 accommodate the| opened," he said. : keen veteran curlers of the, On behalf of games commit- club and the hundred or more|tee chairman "Army" Arm- equally keen beginners. jstrong, unable to be present, Dr. C. E. "Charlie" Mcliveen,|president Mcliveen announced club president, in a brief speech|that three nights this week prior to delivering the firs t|would be devoted to tuition and stone to officially open thel instructing of those not familiar club, expressed on behalf of'with curling but anxious to Kinsmen Midgets On Goal Rampag Local 222 may be unbeaten|"muscles" in trouncing Kiwanis and untied in the Oshawa Minor 13-2, Hockey Association Midget) Bobby Waters was the League but Kinsmen, who have big gunner with scoring four been in the league cellar untiljtimes. Gary Kitchen and Ron last night, are the talk of the/Cullen three goals. eight-team loop. Singles were registered by Kinsmen collected 13 goals|Larry Corneal, Tommy Werry lp emg ee a Aap, re en A SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES HOCKEY Oshawa Minor Assoc.: (Juve- ments vs Oshawa Dairy, at 8.3! p.m. and Hayden Macdonald's vs Beaton's Dairy, at 9.30 p.m, OHA Little Big Five Junior "C" League -- Stouffville at Newmarket, 8.30 p.m. OHA Lakeshore Inter League -- Bowmanville at Ux-) bridge, 8.30 p.m. | BASKETBALL | Exhibition Game -- Trenton) Wilsons vs Oshawa Hawks, at Oshawa Donevan Collegiate, 8.15 p.m. GAMES FOR FRIDAY HOCKEY | OHA Junior "A" Metro League -- Brampton Seven-Ups vs St. Michael's College Majors, at St. Mike's, 8.30 p.m. OHA Little Big Five Junior "C" League -- Alliston at Ux- bridge, 8.30 p.m. OHA Lakeshore Intermediate League -- Belleville at Trenton, 8.30 p.m. BASKETBALL Oshawa and District Indus- trial League -- Majors vs Ajax, at Ajax, 6.30 p.m. diate! | hundred club members and interested citizens watched Keystoners Score Over Coca Colas Tuesday met at , i bn $ de . in an Oshawa Indus nile League) -- Tony's Refresh-|Basketball League fixture, Sim- coe Hall Keystones broke a two- game losing streak and handed Coca-Cola. Refreshments their sixth setback in-a-row, taking a convincing 90-47 victory. Buffalo Bills Get Two Marine Stars BUFFALO (AP) -- Buffalo Bitls of the American Football League Wednesday signed quar- tereack Manchester Wheeler and halfback Dave Cloutier, both of the University of Maine. Neither was selected in the AFC draft. Cloutier was the 18th draft choice of Dallas Cowboys of the National League. final quarter running in 30) points to Cokes 13. HIGH SCORERS Keystoners were led to their one-sided victory by their lead- ing point-scorer, Roy Clarke, with a fine 21-point effort fol- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Jenuery 4, 1962 95 Bruce Kidd Will Run At Boston Meet TORONTO (CP)--Track star Bivce Kidd, voted Canada's out- | KEYSTONERS STRIKE FAST Simcoe Hall jumped into an eigni-point lead in the op i stanza outscoring Cokes 15-7. Bill Jepma and' Roy Clarke paced the Hall while Bob God- dard hooped five out of their team's total to lead the Refresh- ment squad. and 15 points apiece. KEYSTONERS -- Brady, 15; cliffe, 8; Winter, 12; Boivin, 15; lowed by Jim Brady, Marcel Boivin, Bill Jepma and' Bob Winter with 15, 15, 13 and 12 points respectively while for Coca-Cola, Bob Goddard and Bob Souch were tops with 16 Clarke, 21; Jepma, 13; Tunni- out-of-17. 5; Goddard, 16; Souch, 15; of 10, Tim Nelson. Rowden, 6. Total, 90; fouls, 10- COKES--Graham, 5; Shields, Babe, 6. Total, 47; fouls, 5-out- Officials -- Ed. Kolodzie and standing athlete in 1961, will ead Toronto's contingent of run- ners at the Knights of Columbus Bostcn meet Jan. 13. Also on the combined six-man University of Toronto and East York track team will be Bill Crothers, who ran the contin- gent's fastest indoor 500 yards last winter. He will compete at Boston in the 1,000 yard event. Tcammate George Shepherd is slated to run in the 600-yard event. A mile relay team composed of Doug Gilbert, Stan Worsfold, Crethers and an as yet un- named runner will complete Toronto's K of C entries. Kidd, who was chosen a ada's top athlete of the year after he set the North American three-mile record in 1961, will compete in the two-mile event. RESERVOIR COMPLETED MELFORT, Sask. (CP)--Sas- katchewan's only reinforced concrete water reservoir was completed here recently. It has a 709,000-gallon capacity, mea- surcs 78 feet, seven inches in diameter and is 36 feet high. poured in the second quarter coming Both teams points in the with the Keystoners out on top 22-16. | Keystoners increased their \lead in the third period coming Jout to outhustle Cokes 23-11. Bob Winter broke into the score sheet in this stanza hooping seven points with Tunnicliffe, |Jepma and Brady helping the jeause also while Goddard and \Babe carried the Refreshment team. Simcoe Hall wrapped up the game in fine fashion in the proceedings. TROUBLE WITH ALOUETTES MONTREAL (CP) -- Two members of the Montreal Alou- ettes' harassed front office quit Wednesday and the Canadian Foctball League club issued a hurried denial that there was a hassle or that a top-level aus- tery program is under way. Club President M. E. (Ted) F | Workman said the pair resigned yoluaiarily and there was no malice on the part of any of - the parties. Bui speculation was still ram- pant thal there had either been a falling-out or the club had de- cided to pare down front office personnel and cut costs in the light of last season's $100,000 loss. : Doug Johnston, 38, treasurer and business manager, and Ken Brown, 35, director of develop- ment, were the two who turned in their resignations, both to take effect within a month or two. GOES TO TV 'The Wyoming - born Brown said he plans to join television station WESH in Daytona, Fia., and Orlando, Fla. Johnston, a Mouttealer, was unavailable for comment. But a statement is- sued by the club said he will remain associated with the Workman family business inter- ests Brown, onetime radio station menager in Ocala, Fla., came tu the Als two seasons ago when Perry Moss was hired as head coach and general manager. Johnston joined the club after the Workman grabbed up a con- "Jimmie" Souch, committee member; Dr. Gordon E. Hare, chairman of ice com- mittee and Donald D. Storie, committee member. --Oshawa Times Photos for a mixed curling session this| \Saturday night, was. complete} \ly filled within minutes. President Charlie commend- jed all building committee mem- |bers and especially ice commit-| Defends Title As Warm-Up MUNTREAL (CP) -- Mont- \tee chairman Dr, Gordon Hare|real's tough Bob Cleroux will] land the club's ice-maker "Joe"|defend his Canadian heavy- |Roberts for their hard and ex-|weighi boxing title against Ce- leellent work of the last fewjcil 'xray of Halifax in Hull, idays in having the ice surface Que., Jan. 22 as a warm-up for land. rings completely paintedja match with an undetermined and ready for play. outside opponent, it was an- Members of the Oshawa Golf|nounccd Wednesday. jand Country Club, also experi- Promoter Howard Darwin of enced members of The Oshawa|Hull said he hopes to have Curling Club, acted as specialjArchie Moore, part holder of linstructors with a dozen groups|the world light-heavyweight ti- /occupying. each end of the six/tle, as a guest for the 12-round |sheets of ice Following a half-|Cleroux-Gray bout. | jhour instruction period, experi-/ Gray is the Eastern Canada mental curling was enjoyed by|titlenolder and holds the No. 2) the large group of brand new/natienal ranking. | but enthusiastic recruits of Osh-| 'fc Montrealer knocked him| |awa's newest sporting club. out in the second round of a) Regular club curling, for the|scheduled 10-rounder here Aug.| women members of the club, /31, 1959. |will commence next week. | Bachman also said he has) Toronto Argos champion Henry Cooper, Tony) Hugnes of Cleveland and George} Two Of Staff Members Fly From Larks' Nest jtrofling 70 per cent interest in }1955 for a reported $250,000. | No successors were named |Workman said: | "Vhat's something that will jhave to be straightened out la- ter" Meanwhile Moss and chief jscout J. 1. Albrecht were in Tus- caloosa, Ala., to sound out Uni- versity of Alabama quarterback Pat Tramell as Alouette mate- via' for next season. NOT PAYING $20,000 They talked earlier with Sandy Stephens, the Rose Bowl star trom the University of Min- nesota. It was reported that Stephens had been offered $20,000. But Workman squelched the figure, saying paying an untried rookie that much would have an ad- verse effect on the team regu- jlars Offence and particularly the |quarterback slot was an enigma jfor Montreal last year. The club, despite having perhaps the best defence in Canadian pro football, finished last in the CFL's eastern division. The coaching staff processed 13 quarterback candidates in a vain bid to find an adequate re- placement for Sam :Etcheverry. INSURES HIMSELF TO RAISE FUNDS LONDON (AP)---A British golf professional is selling shares on himself to finance a far eastern golf tour. Reg Knight, 45, a club pro at nearby Wanstead, has put up 200 ($560) of his own money and asked club mem- bers to take out shares in 5 and 10 units to raise the rest of a needed 600 ($1,680). He has set a prize money target of 25,000 ($70,000) fo. his campaign in the Philippines, Malaya, Hong Kong and Japan. He hopes to pay his shareholders a gooo dividend. SIZE 670 x NOW ONLY YOU'LL ENJOY DEALING WITH 15 -- WAS $26.50 $19.95 WITH TRADE 'S J09WIS THINK... .. and you'll buy OUBURBANITES (Only Goodyear Makes Suburbanites) GET GOING, KEEP GOING this winter with Suburbenites by Goodyear. Slush, mud or deep snow ere no problem for Canado's first winter tires. Get Suburbanites with the finest all-purpose traction treed ever created. Buy them from us today end save on NEW, LOWER PRICES, f As Part of @ new and modern programme the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE |} Now mokes evailable to its femi- |] nine students the service of THE DORATHY NEIL. SCHOOL OF CHARM (formerly of London, Ont.) Special Porss : MAKE UP ; ETIQUETTE FIGURE CONTROL Register now at The Oshawa Busi- ness College For Specialized Busi- ness Training. Day School Classes--enrell eny Mentey _ Liars | Classes -- 'uesday and Thursdey Special Classes for Housewives -- Shiftworkers Teenage Typing for pupils from Grades 6, 7, 8 ENQUIRE NOW OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE NOW at BATTERY DEAD? GOODYEAR A brand new one-for the price of 2 or 3 tows. 725-3375 N. OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 10 SIMCOE ST. Logan of Boise, Idaho. three opponents in mind i 'Sign Two More | Cleroux following the Gray fight They are British Empire} TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) -- Two 'Arizona State University line- HEAT CUSHION TRACTION SAFETY | ALL WINTER LONG BOOSTER WRECKING AJAX HOTEL USED 2 x 8's and 2 x 4's BEAMS -- All Sizes and Lengths DOORS -- From $2.00 and Up %4" x 2" Hardwood Flooring suitable for rec rooms and cottages -- 2c per lin. foot. PHONE WH 2-0931 Electric auto cushion thot plugs into cigarette lighter socket. Heats like magic, completely safe. 12 volt (red border). more than they've scored in six|and Peter Caplin. For Kiwanis| men--guard Jesse Bradford and previous games, to bomb Ki-/Doug Greenwood and John tackle Larry Reaves -- signed wanis 13-3. Victory lifted the Adams blinked the 'red light".| contracts Tuesday with Toronto) Kin boys into a fifth place tie) KINSMEN -- goal, Brazink;|Argonauts of the Eastern Foot-| ir sg Sade ra cil. defence, Cole, Townsend; for-|ball Conference. | ocal 222 made it seven WINS| wards, Studley, Greenwood, Sal- yes, a 220 - seni without defeat, outscoring Lions ter; alternates, Adams, Taylor, jie hadark: gay glayeal 5-2 while in the night cap, of/Brown, Gray, Martin and Bill-\three years with Arizona State. the triple-header, Rotary regis-/ingham. Bradford was a four-year let- Pe EE et ote Be a pha Perso -- goal, Dervent; iterman for the Sun Devils The ighters. efence, Hornsby, Corneal; for-| 199. if., seni As a result of the action, Local| wards, Cullen, Kitchen, Waters; ae road Se Cont. annie ' 222 are on top spot with 14/alternates, Waldie, Sills, Caplin,/ence honors as an offensive points followed by Legion with pick, Brownell and Werry. pega a ie . 11 and Lions 9. LOCAL 222, 5 -- LIONS 2 ROTARY 6 -- FIREMEN 2 Bob Cameron collected two, Paced by Martin Suddard's goals in leading Local 222 to an|two goal effort Rotary trimmed easy 5-2 win over Lions. Other|Firefighters 6-2. Other goalget- marksmen for the winners were ters were Les Moore, Larry Phil Solomon, Joey Waite ee Denny. Chernik: and| Davey Luke. For Lions Teddy|Doug Kerr | Tilling and Dave Cameron fired; For Firefighters, Billy Hayes singles. tallied twice. LOCAL 222 -- goal, Moore;; ROTARY -- goal, Fields; de-| defence, Bower, G. Dionne; for-jfence, Barr, Suddard; forwards, | wards, Cameron, Soloman, Grif-|Brooks, Moore, Whitsitt; alter-| fin; alternates, Stroud, Dick, J. nates, Roach, Domonkos, Sud-| Dionne, Waite, Bradley, Ewart,|dard, Abbott, Chernik, Marchut} Stone, Calford, Graham and/and Cockerton. fi Luke. FIREFIGHTERS -- goal, Mc-| LIONS goal, Lupel; de-|Cabe; defence, Percosta, Bow-| fence, Robinson, Neate; for-|man; forwards, Martin, Mc-| wards, Chappel, White, Weldon; |Cevers, Korbak; alternates, Gil-| alternates, Reid, Burke, Jeffer-jlette, Hayes, Nichol, Patcheson,| son, Keenan, Kidd, Tilling, Cam-|Foreman, Stauffer and Roaj- eron, O'Connor and Strynatka. 'kovic. KINSMEN, 13'-- KIWANIS, 2 Officials Kinsmen turned in the scoring|Stan Westfall. * 9.95| | CABLES Reg. 14.95 Get A Pair No more scraping off Today ous You'll Need Them! the ice. Reg. 1.35. At This Price ALWAYS HANDY TO HAVE Over 93% owned in Canada! . 2.43 CANADIAN OIL ' SYEAR cOmMmMPpPANY mites y WHITE ROSE SERVICE STORE GASOLINES e MOTOR OILS. "More People Ride On Goodyear Tires Than On Any Other Kind" 162 KING 'ST. E. 2 ites to asera vie Mi 725-5512 or 725-5391 Carl Kemp aes

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