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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jan 1962, p. 11

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\ | son at the Oshawa Ski Oshawa Ski Club Has Season In Full Swing Last weekend officially touch ed off a brand new skiing sea- Club. Conditions were reported as "fair to poor' and admittedly could have been better. Even so, a total of over 300 skiers came out, skied, and returned home over exercised but happy. All four tows were in opera- . é 3 tion at intervals throughout the , | holiday weekend, and all the , . main runs were skied, thanks a APPROX ats Fa to the excellent snow packing job done by the club bombar- dier. After last weekend's exper- ience, it's a safe bet that the snow packing services of this ' : ' piece of equipment will be ap- a | plied at every opportunity. i, TRAINING PROGRAM The first chartered bus of the oe ' : season left Dr. S. J. Phillips : 7 | Public School on Saturday os | morning, bound for the club, ay ' with a full load of 46 Pee Wees and Juniors. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Ernie Gomme, Director of Junior Activities. Ernie, as head of the Junior Program, spent Saturday teach- ing the children the proper use of the tows. In coming weekends, with the aid of senior members, the chil- dren will be taught the basic fundamentals of safe skiing. Judging by the energy and en- thusiasm_ displayed by -- the youngsters the "fair to poor" report might well have been changed to read "excellent for children under 12." The club pro shop, managed by Norm Short, has moved its temporary headquarters from Rossland road west to a per- manent location right at the club. Norm 'will be on hand to serve members with a com- plete line of ski equipment, every weekend from now on. The tows will operate again this weekend. Fair skiing is re- ported with two-to-three inches of packed snow on the main runs, 2 . " : Two Pee Wee and Junior & ' an ee me | buses will run this Saturday § : ; : morning. The first bus leaves Memorial Park at 9.15 a.m. 3 i. it ia : The second bus leaves Dr. S. J. , Soeeemeateai 3 i ace ee | Phillips Public School at 9.30 S : f a.m. Both buses will return at 1.00 p.m. Two adult buses are also char- tered for this weekend. The Sat- urday adult bus leaves Dr, S, J.| ing is by no means limited to Phillips Public School at 11.00/ adults. The Oshawa Ski Club has organized a Junior De- * | bis Ox velopment program, with free | Pee Wee members instruction for pee wee and | right) Nancy junior -- skiing enthusiasts. | Bruce Langmaid, 3 and Paul Shown above are three of the | Morris, 3. "THE POPULARITY of ski- Langmaid, 5; a.m. The second adult bus| leaves Sunday from the same place at 10.00 a.m. and both buses will return at 4.00 p.m. above. are as they 'were re-'evening. If a considerable call 728-3471 Snow conditions mentionediported at 11.00 p.m. Thursday change in the weather occurs,|port Firemen And Footes Chalk Up Big Wins In two Civil Service League; In the second period, the'10th - goal for the Firefighters games at Bowmanville Arena/police looked like they might'to complete the scoring in the for a revised re- 'Pit Martin And | Andre Boudrias ied For Lead TORONTO (CP)--Pit Martin of Hamilton Red Wings and Andre Boudrias of Montreal Ca- m lo (left-to- tue spoke at a meeting of the DOUBLEHEADER Three Juvenile Goalies Hawks Finally Find ~ Turn In Shutout Chores Their Scoring Power She shew in the Oshawa Minor |Bracy; forwards, Gow, Leach, | Jockey Association Juvenile /Elliett; alternates, Pinch, Sib-| Oshawa Hawks, showing aj/Tom Olinyk hit well from thejtry out their strength. Sunday McNamee, tremendous oifence for the first}corners and both Lyons and when they go to Welland, to McGraw |time this season, ran roughshod/Reilly had good success from) ay the tough Jantzi Meteors, seague weekly twin-bill last/lock, Willoughby, argat at the Children's Arena,|Baruoski, Godridge, jover Trenton Wgons last night|outside. It was one of those) F ' and downed them 84-53, as they nights when all. the marbles) Who are now running ahead of the Niagara District League. A total of three whitewash jobs|and Leaming. was posted as the goalies hung! Ist Period the "Indian sign' over the for-| 1. Tony's: Solomon resumed their exhibition basket-| seemed to fit into place. wards | _ (Wilson, Peters) ..... ball schedule at Oshawa's Done- Hawks' monting was prued| Next Thursday the Hawks en- van gym. It was the second-|best effort of the season as they tertain last year's t 'ati straight win for the Hawks, both| hit a fine percentage of their : . ees a All Onta = Five players champion Hamilton Quigleys, finished in double figures with here at the Donevan gym. So in the opener, Tony's Re-| enalties -- Peters 7.20. fresiiments turned in a strong pe 2nd Period } Ks u effeit, blanking Oshawa Dairy | coe cal see against the hapless Trenton|field goal tries. 6-0, while Hayden Macdonald's] *- 40ny Ss: vohnson crew. ; : and Benton's Dalry partie' toa (Lloyd) . The game was rarely in doubt Fred Reilly tops with 15. Kolod-|by this timc next week, they scoreless draw. Pcralties -- Shoddy .... 3.55 from the early moments on. 2i¢, Cheski, and Tom Olinyk will have had a good chance to The games tighten up the; _, 3rd Period Oshawa opened up a 9-1 leadjhad 12 and Oldfield hit for 10. assess their 'strength for, OBA four-team league, with Hayden| 3. Tony's: Solomon with some nifty. shooting and|!or Trenton, Bob Burleigh was) playdowns. Ma: aonald still setting the pace} _ (Wilson, Peters) ..... fine court play. Eid Kolodzie and| tops with 17 followed by George) OSHAWA HAWKS --- Andre- with 10 points followed by Osh-| 5. Tony's: Peters Tom Olinyk 'did the work up|Bambers with 13 and Bill Bor-|jicka 2, Oldfield 10, Cheski 12, awa Dairy with 8. (Soloman) front, while Fred Reilly, who/den with 100 Gunn 9, Lyons 4, Reynolds 8, i 6 'iony's: Kemp worked for the first time from 1n foul shooting Trenton notch-|Kojodzie 12 Reilly 15, and TONY'S 6--OSHAWA DAIRY 0} -- (Wilson) a guard spot, and nifty Jack ¢d 13 for 25 and Oshawa hit on} Ojinyk 12, Total 84 Bobby Soloman picked up two} Penalties _-- McNamee Lyons. set up the plays. Garney,9 of 23 attempts. TRENTON WILSONS -- Bur- gous and added an assist injaud McNamee 9.50 Gunn and Carl Cheski, who al-| py a8 'FERENCE|leigh 17, Borden 10, Crews, leading Tony's Refreshments to] MAC'S 0 -- BEATON'S 0 ternated at the centre spot, had Oe doe ee eae Whitely 7, Burke 5, Jeffery 1, their 6-0 win over Oshawa Dairy. good control off permet Lae was quite evident in their Bambers 13 and Stinson, Total al ee a askie win as every man_ scored at 53. ; Gucenté ane: Connid A "n least once and all posed poten-| . Officials -- J. Brady and L, vueen's ace, could co much tial threats each time they were| Kelly, Oshawa: Scorers: T, Sate PBeaton's Dairy and Hayden Soloman's three points moved) Macdonald battled to a 0-0 draw| against the front running Osh-|4, the floor, The addition|amak and B, Wrubel, Oshawa. awe CleW, of Tom Olinyk and Garney Gunn| ne the Vendors' winger into a 'tie|in .he final fixture. Don Gutsole for iinst place in the individual of Mac's and Bob Russell post- scoring derby. jed the shutouts. 1eddy Lutton of Hayden Mac-; &EATON'S DAIRY goal, doraid is the other player, with|Ruszell; defence, Linton, Bran- At halftime the Hawks were has given the Oshawa club & each boy having 13 points|ton; forwards, Bradley, Koles- out in front 41-23 and had things height advantage they have ap.ece. : nik, MacDonald; alternates, pretty much their own way. ever had ove other clubs and The Oshawa express kept roll-/the work of Fred Reilly, who ing in the second half, as every teamed with Andrejicka and Peters and Bob Kemp. Gord Pouiaage. player scored at least once.|Jack Lyons, as a guard for the Wilson added three assists. Bill) KAYDEN MACDONALD Cheski and Gunn started to open first time, made the Oshawans bons. Armstrong, Elliott; alter- ter stanza. Brent Oldfield and) They'll get a good chance to nates, Supryka, Norton, Lutton, Seeren aR LO SUR 6 CY ERC TG REO BERNE 7 One Gificials -- Bob Burr and Paul Lawzenuk. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 5, 1962 ]] goaltenders stole the| Harmon; defence, Cheeseman, 11.00 14 3.1 7.30 6.01 NEW WINTER TIME TABLE Effective January 7, 1962 SERVICE BETWEEN OSHAWA TORONTO REMAINS UNCHANGED STANDARD TIME fence, Wilson, Lloyd; forwards, Soioman, Cover, Peters; alter- nates, Kemp, Wallace, Johnson, P. wing, W. King, Nickle, Shod- dy, Smith and Plews. OSHAWA DAIRY -- goal, Peoples Clothing Beaten By Jarvis | People's Clothing meeting L.{Jarvis 1,167. This game was | Sees Elbow Now | Offensive Weapon itis' wii 2 serra, mah with only two men in relief,| Club. whom do you pull and replace? | Although each bowler gave : : : The third g sli has become a formidable offen-| possible to do this (spearing) the best he could the pins cpr dal i sive weapon" in football, a doc-|without suffering concussion on Page -\Jarvi . ed the tor told United States collegelevery tackle when the head is| Would a Cone . Panag 1 Ons. Nothing i bo and high school athletic offici-\driven into the ball, the chest|/@wa © ier were bowling at|right for the Oshawans as Jar-| als Wednesday. or up under the chin, both it|teams of tid ; fs " | Dr. Allan J. Ryan of Meriden,|and the neck are subjected to/Ace. it seemed as though they|Vis again trounced them in the ais i iffi ; als ; fourth game 1,230 to 1,023. : pares! : la severe and »ces sary Were having difficulffes also as b A, Mie On, said erent not rain," me S.C e 8 Say few teams managed to break} At this point things looked) the injuey" 'probleuk ite pera Ye said gang-tackling, where|'h® 6.000 mark for five games. |pretty rough for People's. Jar- four or five defenders try to| The first game and the last "onli oa ney rDev ree digl spd Telephone, ZAI-ERTs land on the ball carrier simul./Were the only two games that/five-point win, but one of Peo-| ' wg % : A ; | 'ional Alliance Football Or-\tuneously, also causes risk of Were Close. The first game was ple's bowlers was determined WHITBY praeledh si in the ninth frame, not to let this happen as L.| zation, made up of groups|:njury. -- pen "BA coming up with ali Trattnor rolled a nice 365 game,| Harry Donald Ltd. } 300 Dundas St. East eer as ~~ 'black marks to defeat People's|to give the last game to Peo- ick Me taut elephone - Expect All-Star Other marksmen were Doug!Wait, Mason, Mitchael, Furey, Pasroe, Dave Johnson, Terry| Mitchell, Sawyer, Nelson and Braiden scored the shutout. geal, Gutsole; defence, Chap- yp the centre and netted 17/look, once more, like a cham- mun, Wilkins; forwards, Gib-) points from this spot in the lat-|pionship club. Buecunler, Macdonald, Cotie, Mc- Donald, Porteous and Anderson. ST. LOUIS (AP)--"The elbow;present helmets have made it Tickets and Information et OSHAWA Bus Terminal, 18 Prince St. representing small colleges, ju- nier colleges and high schools. Thc text of his speech was made available to the press in advance of delivery. 1.193 to 1,139. The second game|Ple's by 19 pins, 1,271 to 1,252. | Was quite a lot down for Peo- Team totals for the day were/ ple's as they rolled only 988 to ae Mag 6,145, People's Clothing} : 5,504. Individual scores were: S. Dr. Ryan, a member of the American Medica] Association's committee on the medical as- pects of sports, said the chang- ing style of football has "in- creased the injury potential." He said two practices are "be- ing introduced by certain coaches who like to see the play} a liitie more rugged but per- han: are not aware of the ex- tent to which the injury poten- tlai is increased." These prac- ' Tuesday nadiens were tied with 54 tices were spearing and gang-! points, well ahead of the rest of tackling. | the pack, in the Ontario Hockey| Dr Ryan said: 'While the after i a oe ee get back into the game, espe-'game. one with the Police Assoc. in|¢ially when McHugh on a play FOOTES - DAIRYMEN Association junior A scoring Bert Johnson led Foote's Tow- -- jumor A scoring|-- previous games, whipped the|with Reid, tipped the ar vate taday : Police 10-1, in an entirely one-|Robinson in the Firefighters' ing to a 6-2. victory over) * aah sided affair, while in the other\cage at 3.35. the Dairymen with his three) League records, inctuding REMEMBER WHEN . .. game played, Foot's Towing in-| This was short-lived, however, goals and two assists while)2&mes of Tuesday, showed Mai-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS creased their lead to two points|as Gibson from Hickey and|Thompson, Huard and Mapes|tin with 28 goals and 26 assists) first game in the newly- by defeating Dairymen 6-2. |Knight, got that one back atjwere the other 'scorers for|@%d Boudrias with 21 goals and organized National Hockey As- FIREFIGHTERS - POLICE /4.20, from which time on, they|Footes. Dairymen's goals were|*? assists sociation was played at Mont- Hickey opened the scoring for|really began to dominate the 'both scored by McAvoy Closest to the Firefighters from Garrard!play rig ae item an pair was at the 45-second mark of the| They scored again at 13.55 _CIVIL SERVICE NOTES -- Hamilton first period. The Police then|with Hickey's second goal from|jThe stars in the Firefighters- made a fine showing for about|Hooper and Lyon. Then Knight Police game were Garrard for)assists. Behind him was Regean dian Hockey Association, was the next ten minutes, until at/unassisted at 18.50 made it 6-1.|first, Hooper second, and! Richer of Montreal with 48 and enlarged 12 days later when the the 13.35 mark when Garrard|They weren't through yet. Gar- Hickey was chosen third, all Ray Cullen and Phil Esposito,| pick of the CHA teams merged scored from Hooper to make it/rard scored twice in succession|Firemen. . . . In the Foote's- both of St. Catharinés Teepees| with it, The present National! 2-0 for the Firefighters. At 14.55)at 20.10 and 22.30, then» Hig-|Dairymen game, Foote's John- with 43 Hockey League was formed in Myles scored from Hooper to|gins at 23.15 and with just 25/son was picked for first.) Pop regulars in the nets were 1917. make the score 3-0 at the end'seconds to play, .Myles from/Foote's Thompson, second, and George Holmes of Montreal ~~ -- | of the first period. Gibson and Batten, scored the Dairymen's McAvoy for third. | with a 2.75 average and Buddy teammates Rod Seiling and| peas W LT GF GA Pts. Blom of Hamilton with a 3.25,Gary Jarrett of Toronto Marl-} the front-running Lowell McDonald of| Canadiens defeated Cobalt Sil- with a total of 47/ver Wings 7-0 The NHA, oper- gained through 25 goals and 22 ating in opp«sition to the Cana- AFL Tilt To Be Rerial Battle | SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) -- Sunaay's American F 00 t ball League all-star game will be an aerial battle, quarterback Jack Kemp .of San Diego Chargers says Kemp will share hurling du- ties for the Western Division al'-stars. with Cotton Davidson of Dallas Texans. "We'll loosen them up. with our fine runners,"' Kemp said Weanesday. "But the ball will be .n the air a lot because of the gieat receivers we have as iargets."" The targets, says: coach Sid Gillman, will be speedy Lionel YESTERDAY'S | STARS Chicago Black Hawks goaler Glenn Hall, whose superb. goal- tending for an outplayed team salvaged a 1-1 tie for Chicago against Detroi Dave Kocourek of San Diego. Keeping the ball in the air for the Eastern Division all- stars of coach Wally Lemm will be George Blanda of Houston Oilers and Al Dorow of New York Titans. They'll be aiming at Gino Cavpelletti of Boston Patriots and Charles Hennigan of Hous: | Himes 593 for 30; R. Nesbitt 809 for 33; R. Jay 767 for 37: E. Brown 1,105 for 50; O. Pidwer- becki 552 for 27; L. Trattnor| "he hg 30 and D, Henning 977 or 43, Snappy Muffler Service! Supplied and installed. 35 - 56 Chevrolet. FREE estimate on all makes Class A" Mechanic 6.95 "Selling or Buying?... STEW is worth trying" ANY MAKE--ANY MODEL-- NEW OR USED! 700 miles, new warranty, '62 Pontiac $2795 Taylior of Denver Broncos and real 52 years ago today, when) 1 ton. 34" x 2" Hardwood WRECKING AJAX HOTEL USED 2 x 8's and 2 x 4's BEAMS -- All Sizes and Lengths DOORS -- From $2.00 and Up rec rooms and cottages -- 2c per lin. foot. Foote's 7 3 1302815 'average. In 20 games Holmes'boros and Bob Seagar of Bramp-| Carway Trundlers Firefighters 5 3 Dairymen 5 Police has scored two shutouts. the Metro league is Gary Smith PHONE WH 2-0931 Flooring suitable for radio, disks, whitewolls. Automatic, radio, refinished. "56 Meteor 595 "54 Ford 5295 '54 Vauxhall. 5245 No Down Payment to Responsible Adult ! Cash for Your Car, Leins paid off ! STEWART MOTOR SALES 822 KING ST. WEST--CALL 725-1667 ANYTIME Customline, radio, very clean cor. New brokes end muffler. Economy plus. Tied for top scoring spot injof St. Michaels with a 2.66 av- Teachers : 6 \the Metro OHA junior loop are! erage. 251 2112 \has allowed only 55 goals and {on with 26 each. Top goalie in Edge Tuxedo Boys {ne Carway boys were at,27%, 227, 259, 250, 231 for 1,246 herie to Tuxedo Junction at/for 50 frames; McMaster 98, Buyview Bowl and if this is|240, 211, 289, 269 for 1,107 for 46 any indication, they may be in|framcs; Cassells 115, 310, 184, fo: better things in 1962. Car- 266, 26 for 1,101 for 44 frames; way took three points from one|H'ckey 270, for 13 frames and oi tne better teams in their sec-/Murphy 15 for two frames. for tion a total of 6,234. fhe first game was a battle, 'cr Tuxedo, it was Vesik 251,| rigiit down to the last ball with 295, 233, 345, 264 for 1,388, Wil- Carway winning 1,259 to 1,248.\cox 108, 292, 234, 201, 324 for For Carway, it was G. Olliffe 1,159 for 46 frames; Grieve 210, 295, D. Reynolds 279 and J./305, 213, 82, 235 for 1,126 for 45 Brown 262 and for Tuxedo it) rames; Marsh 330, 2J0, 99, 227, wes G. Marsh 330, and A. Vesik 95 tor 961 for 41 frames; Hriv- 5, who carried the load nok 916 for 40 frames, and last, ihe second game went to'the veteran Rusty Starr, who Tuxcdo with 1,331 to 1,212..For had 713 for 28 frames in relief, Tusedo, it was J. Grieve 306, A. |for a total of 6,263 for Tuxedo. "Watts so CY' NHL BIG SEVEN fer Carway, it was J. Cassells 310, E. McMaster 240 and D. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gordie Howe and Stan Mikita Reynolds 231, but the opposition each earned an assist during! was too heavy. Thursday's 1-1 tie between their! Tne third game saw _ both) teams slip a bit but Carway| teams. They were the only mem- bers of the National Hockey faded to lose 1,043 to 1,200 for Tuaedo.. Tuxedo's Lou Hrivnok hed 250, Wilcox 234 and Vesik S68 ond Nevaeh: Fag Brown League's top seven scorers to " Catway cane' striki _|improve their positions b: PHIRINg | DACK sowe' of Dottuit hak 18 goals the tourth game to even things gid 84 acciahe ae 4? points He My Hib LB for Tuxedo acco ating Now Vor : age 8 Andy Bathgate by nine. points. Mikita's assist gave him sole |possession of third place, one up on Montreal's Claude Pro- with a 345 game, and for Car- ost. The Chicago forward has way it was E. McMaster 289, Ollif.c 289, and Cassells 266 who 1 goals and 28 assists for 39 points. | carried the mail. The leaders: win going away with a 1,416 to 1,257. J. Brown, who has been having single pin trouble, had a G powertul 391 game and E, Wil- Bathgate, New York 16 3 cox solled 324 for Tuxedo Howe, Detroit Individual scores were: for) Mikita, Chicago Ca way, Brown 262, 204, 250, Provost, Montreal 210. 381 for 1,317 for 50 frames;| Mahovlich, Toronto Olhfte 295, 231, 64, 289, 299 for|McKenney, Boston 1,178 for 45 frames; Reynolds|/Bucyk, Boston The fifth game saw anal 15 19 3 ? 15 19 3 025 good an ' d st

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