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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jan 1962, p. 14

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Ee EPP TH Hy, 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Jenuery 5, 1962 BIRTHS FERGUSON -- Flying Officer and Mrs, J. Wilson Ferguson are happy to |Trading Good, [Metis Education 'Proving Problem + ¥4| Kenclurt =} | TORONTO (CP)--Trading on, EDMONTON (CP)--A culture|white and Indian blood not liv- oe eeee : : {2 |slaughter steers was fairly good) /@8 and an inherent. inferiority ing on a reservation. Today's Toronto Stock Market. Listings TORONTO 11 AMM STOCKS | 1 Net Net | Steady Prices 1h Net | 1 Net n By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge' Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ee; Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Bales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) Toronto. Stock E Jan. 5 i pr 150 $12% 12% 12% + Y% Salaa-S 535 $18 17% 18 + %4/Quonto / 17 17) «17.--- %]L Dufault 2910 670 +10 | Sage ao ge a a fo | ockyar po egg pal etter ag ar ar a acoA Gy Bog Ft tg 4 : |Secur Free S15 515 515 La --1 | |South U 18 rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change lsife Gr pr 50 $29% 29% 2994 4 %4|Silvrw A $13%4 13% 13% Glen, fy ag 2 SEE 8 pelle from previous board-lot closing sale. | Fieetwoo 150 $2244 22% 22% -- %4/ Simpsons $29%4 2934 29% | 200 $284 Southam 3: $31M% 31% f 3 8 1962, at the Saguenay General Hospital, | | Frase " 3634--- Ye (Staff 465 | 465-465 ' 9 32 32 ) Ai : Arvida, Quebec. | INDUSTRIALS | Ree ae 25 --1g/Steman $15 14% 1 ; i 900 185 180. 185 43 |Masen --2 |at steady prices at the Ontario|Complex are the key problems) , pousE DISTRUST tia iid anemia awe s | b gare Bteel Can 80% 81 \ ; 5415 Malartic Public Stockyards this week facing teachers in Alberta's un-, Text books picturing blonde AMES A. NT; s e si te 4 * s : 300 | ' Phe } 1 yard : | 5 ne 2 name for your child should] Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge|GS W or 9 $91% $ com Zz , 300 300 ayne 2445 % Heifers, yearlings, cows andjPrecedented move to educate --% 275 «4275 «275 200 805 800 800 °o Sales te 31 a.m.; 993,000. 16. 16 940 «6950 ETO Et ' : a GL Paper 725 $18% | Wstates 413 415 - + V 7 Was We Bee sees Smee. ams) Abit: be 31034 24 24 GL Pow w all7s 725 700 W Decalta 110 + *lorices strong to higher. Vealllic school classes. petiv of hcagers 39 Tt ick bag A 4 r e . children, he said. makes the : a nn "or gi cand Calf prices were lower. Hog and} Metis comprise 75 per cent ac Oshawa Times nnounce-| Agnew-S 18 3 7 Trans-Mt 6345 $15 3 OY . ' k rent. Just call our Classified! Alta Dist 600 Gane Be ae sig : tin' Gas 820 $2: hus' divaa 4 lb 73 Phos at : ficult and is one reason Albert publish a Birth Notice in thel att Aneto 'mated at about 7,400 head,|vision which covers half the|;, Ch-operatine with: othe ves ba i on sli Imp Oil 738 852% 52% Un Ou 2] jabout 1,600 more than last week|physical area of the province.|,. Bext edition. Just dial RA 3-3492 | AltaGas w Tap Tob 200 $17% 17% 173 Vnomatic 720 TA Acct Afr 4 5 era a physica i 9 | At! C Cop Nor-Acme --3% lth tually. t ; y : , Hf ' s A e@ same opportunity to come hi Alum 3 {tales Gp 1 wee Ae "a ea air ae from Western Canada were only|in contact with books, newspa- one ee ee, ee Alan E tea Ruane) aus ee ae ~? |24 cattle and 70 calves. There : iA | J West C w 383 4 O'Br Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-/Bank Mont E jist URI ao ee Paps ts 444 24 O'Leary 1000 18 = 15 cdl rane tee ' eral Hospital on Thursday, January 4,|/Bank NS § #34 + {it Ut pr 120 551 ; 'nicely Whee Borulac ' 2 24% Opemiska 250 670 665 665 Slaughter cattle: Clivice steers\27°"_,i@ Southern districts forltion--i they attended school at : ve |26.50-27.50 with sales to"%8 and|sool, Said L. R- Gue, super-laji_in mission schools. 9 3 b 5 | Ank 315 315 «315 . of George, of Oshawa and Donald of|BA Oil 744 $ 37% -- | Int Stl P 300 185 Buff Ank Pamiur 1018 78 78 78 Belleville, in his 62nd year. Resting at|BC Forest 4 12% 1254 Inv Syn A 75 $61 Camp Chib 30 740 +15 1000 680 680 630 ae : : | fee Sie sa Ba ire common 17 - 21; good heifers), Mr. Gue bing in an ego! ince were brought under the ju- Monday, January 8, at 2 p.m. Inter-|Brockville 9% + YjJockey C : 1 Tae Preston 490 600 600 600 22,50-24: choice 24.50-25 with ajThursday is produces what|,icdiction of the ert ; ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Oshawa. Buil Pro 3644 +1. | Kelvinatoi 100 $10% Can-Erin gg ORE < Hee ea fig + risdiction of the Alberta Public _ y {Lafarge A /AP Cons s900 42 41 4 Chib M . ry : " i ¥y : OR {Cal 0 25%e Mi Latarge A. Alminex 2500 240 238 238 fen take Quemont z12 ss PeersF er fed yearlings 28-29 with sales|tering Grade 1 about 14% Yearsiprosecution and loss of family ; . Seen Y 30; good 24-27; good cows|behind their counterparts in allowance benefits. : 4 i iggateha Rix Athab ' | : Calalt 2900 29 1 tc Call ' ' 3. 1962, Joseph Nash, beloved husband|ro Celan 29 0 0 (fev'Co A 2130 $10 Calvert 1000 8 -lGg "Amew |San Ant of Kate Luckhurst, and dear father of| pre ode 10% 10% - C Oil Ls 102 Con MS paid oa) Py A 741 500 dium 16-17; repro ty eet English when they enter school. under the mission system, both of Oshawa, in his 72nd year. Mr.|© Frbks B : 5 3 CS Pete 26740 390 5 CG Mogul 3050 34 33 34 +2 Jners and cutters 11-14.50: good|few have ever seen a book and!... 'tale nat Nash is resting at the McIntos C Gas In w een ove , + school officials said. Last fall 2 3 MB PR 475 $14 {Cn Dev 2125 410 400 Cop-Man i i . iG f t i- urday, January 6 at 11 a.m. Interment|(, 12 Gas il Mass-F 400 $13% 13% 13: |C Ex Gas 4100 165 165 | Copran ines 4b tb aes cg GCE 16-18 self-image is much lower 3 bed edn set ie Vale Veneers: y i Replacement cattle: Go o0-d'that of the Negro in th : ' Deeds GID! i -| 1 | Mi-West 100 185 185 Davex 500 im 4 Dicknoa 5 5 pried har nroeenat Pacer pigy oleae SOE * Molson A 300 alia 30%4 | Dynamic 500 48 48 Dome ro Be wd a " Metis are persons of mixed ine supervision raised attend. corp a 84 a3 ae piste rhe | ~~ lance to 90 per cent. |Coch-D A 1 1 13 13 Mon Foos 275 me 1 bc) Po ericearto eehex Fc Pe - ; Sana ! ie . Moor Home A Gnt Maset Trin Chib 2000 16 16 'alves: e vealers 36-3 . rita pe aD + %4/U Mining 10000 18 18 ae gin on bea aga g ra The U.S. Federal Bureau of| NET EARNINGS CHAPEL Cons Blg 100 4'-- %|NO NGas LI Pete 1500 Heaway 0 5 : 33° (42 y 200 185, 33-36; raedium 2832; com- Investigation nad 154,000,000 fin- . . 'ons = 4 s % + Nor Ph Meal 1900 25 Heath 5 | Ventures 5 * & i Kindness beyond. price {Cons Bis pr 700 Page are 2534 -- %|Violam 1500 73 Coronation 725 Okalta rayed Hu-Pam 1 16 | Willroy ie Be heavy sows 20.75-22.45;. light/dyweight 2150 with an odd top) Hiram Walker Gooderham {Crush Int 225 LL cl ele ant Nickel er a rite eee sows gaining a $2 premium;jto 22; heavy and medium 17-19/and Worts Ltd., 3 mos. ended . y -- % Reitman Pamoil 2450 1 q Iso g 92 q + Curb ee ee Sines Wee. 15 eee = i4|Roe AV C Permo 4020 Jacobus 36 Bulole common and/a share; 1960, $8,427,638, 98 : 1 4 ! \ : lDom Stires 160 $13% 13% 13% --%|Royal Bank 360 $83%4 Place 2500 Kerr A 950 950 Sheep and lambs: Good han-/fat sheep 3-7, cents. LOCKE'S FLORIST |Dom Tar 2131 9% 19% Royalite 35919 13 Poner 2500 ar fl f f for salt | Du Pont 225 29% + % St. Maurice 800 110 110 Provo Gas 300 220 ora requirements r 1 zh Ae ¥ sissedlaanidhiposantaben wins -- occasions. CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | | I oe d ti F ld BREMNER -- In loving memory of| By RUSSELL ELMAN ;papers prepared for the Mont-{of total costs, local support of whi ed away J ; ji 4 aka p me ~onsidera- sata aaa aca dig just issued says Canadians dur-| 'Education costs will continue|taxes still formed a considera You were ine kind "Sta tainer ° {double their spending on edu- education is expected to widen|KEEP LOCAL SUPPORT "The Canadian tradition piso eb gti aE Bae Joyees| ments, possibly aided by fed-\the quality of its performance, | would support the view that lo- wis j eral grants, picking up an in-,and to serve a growing propor-|ca} control of schools is too im- dearest dad and granddad, Alexander as Atv cmbide pa z ; . Bremner, who passed away January 5,, By 1970, for every dollar of McCordic writes. aside as a consequence of a veut aa our *°F/9.6 cents will be spent on ed-jcreased cost of education was ing education," the report says. McCordic, op tele ea ae ee ireport on financing education. |almost 100 per cent since the| been made to equalize the edu- 2 isecond World War to 4,000,000.|cational financial load among God called you home to His garden|. | He takes only the best. : di t-|doubled from $153,50 to $300;|Problem was complicated by a issed and ever remembered|@CONOMy and imposes a moun' { 5 300; ue a A 7 ve vb gy capita expenditures had|the traditional resistance to any Net |GMC z18 $58% 58 1G 4 {WCOG 39 ; ; i haired, blue-eyed childre: ni be a real pleasure and others willl Abitibi 645 $40% 40% 40% Gooyear 30 ies OG bulls were in broad demand at|Metis children in regular pub- , yi n plant your child as quickly as possible! Acad-Atl 1305 $13% 12% 12% -- %\24, ° 50% 501 4 GNG 280 pr 215 $50% 50% 5016 T Fi 0% 40 | Barr se omewa Times Birth, Ansoraen AcnAlL, BF SEB FiRie 108, 10 +1. IGN cae Bw 200 330° 350 | 330 E y : ;on(teacher's task of winning Metis a : lamb prices were lower. of the public school population) (niidren's confidence more dif- Department, give the facts, in-|AitaDis vt 1000 195 5 195 --S lee carp | 100 $1734 17% U Corp B 2270 Cattle receipts were esti-jin the vast northland school di- cluding the name, and we will/Aita Gas 1945 4 jHur Erie 700 $58 %4\Un Steel 725 |Angto hur 1 N Mylama Ansil 5 5 New Rouyn ine i v , . ces in attempts to have pub- Alta Nat 5 $33%4 33 A rile 430 'and about 1,600 more than the) « co thi relic i A ; In Ace 445 $33% 33% 33% Vulean s : These children do not have}}js ' Algoma "ac wie 43. $204 202 204 + (Walk GW 410 Lahr NEAeE same week in 1961, Receipts lished textbooks with Indian and DEATHS : sat = \Inlan G pr Weston B 3400 3300 250 250 250 ipers, radio, television and mo- ; i; ; CHEESMAN, George |1 Bronze pr West ¢ 207 Bicop i100 2 42° "yy |were no exports off the market |Pore which' help. prepare: chil- Until Dec. 31, 1960, Metis Black Bay to the United States. : ' é children received their educa- 1962, George Cheesman, beloved hus-|Bell Phone 370 $5734 57%s 57% |Interprov 300 $7 ea ds fA reer |Orehan 3000 225 223 225 4 band of Maude Underwood, and father|/Bowater pr 7100 51% + \%/ Inter PL 235 $84 ipo oe is --10 | Osisko 1500 61 61 61 ~-1 | : "'intendent of schools for the di- ' a few fancy steers up to 28.40; elaton Last year schools throughout the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa,|BC Pow 15% + YjIroq G pr 100 $11% © Tung 210 (eecnb ey We ree ee good 25-26: medium 22-24.50;)" 7 the northern half of the prov- with memorial service in the chapel|BC Phone ; 51% -- %4| Jefferson 135 $9 $5414 54% 5444 - ; --? | biacer zt0 $2814 28% 281% wa cake beni = Yl tow tna 5 30: ium|teachers call a "cultural lag," ; 4 7 a M4 w fancies to 2530; medium} ®) (Schools Act. Attendance was (Friends. are asked not to call at the|Burlington 17% |Labatt 175 915% OILS Careiet Que Lab x00 5 5) 5 row u ; ne ane aig s s Act. / ' funeral home before Saturday eventig.)|® 9A ;Laterge boa aes! Qunston 300 15 15 15 20-22; commons 1519; choice|Which places Metis children en- compulsory under threat of ; ic . Asamera 500 109 109 109 Coniagas ( 9 «Sg 99 Sudden: his tat dence, 318/Cn Brew 58%4 -- Y|Lau F A ; ; 150 925 925 925 e Be 1, Rio Algom 0 y Cobart tieel, co Wotlasetage January/Cn Can A 100 $13% 1354 13% | Lau F 200 p fais amo 9 © a cr ye ae 17.50-18 with sales to 18.50; good|Populated southern centres. Attendance reluctantly rose to 7 ; Sferv cow. g e J te ahi sta . 7 ; 25 250 250 ick ah w i ae Ca E 13 $22% peer HES [Sherritt 1810 480 light heifery cows 19.50, me-| No Metis children understand'g9 per cent from 60 per cent Kathleen (Mrs, F. Rose) and James, |© Drege - ~ 2B 1B me Le ' 21% 217 ; 3200 103 99 IG Mosher tis |heavy bologna bulls 19.50-20.50/the group h | ivisi . i reet |CG Sec A Loeb M |C Chieftn 13200 103 99 10 7M +15 | Heavy g av. @ group has been downtrodden o 7 Funeral Home, 152 King Street|© A ' 5 $2314 23% 23 C Delh 300 425 420 425 North 2 . ra 4 "the northland school division a rage ger Fea chapee on san |C Husky 4|MacLeos A 225 $2314 elhi *: \C North) 173 --2 | with odd ton to 21; common andito such an extent their social! © Mare 14| Met Stores 400 S$9%% Cent: Del 3950 745 740 Coulee ie = is ie south- » 5 : Q LP pr 25. $12% 12%6 12 C Mic Mae 1300 400 Denison Teck-H 5300 162 160 160 g ee es ssh teaching, improved standards ¢n Oil Wy] Mex LP pr &5 912% 126 126 acta * | Temag 12000 105 105 105 steer stockers 22-25 with stockiern states, he said. and ce condition and bet- vt 2 \calves up to 27.50; common,| e : director or phone 725-2327. pS Eg el bees poe . aes eg See pr 22 380 380 aie Tormont 99376 43 40 + ie aga and stock heifers; ----_--___--_ | ¢ 14 Trib: 5500 (47 4614 4 | " ., GERROW FUNERAL ie 20 5 VAST COLLECTION = Home B 5 Giant YK Conuits | Dr " "4 4 ' 7 ae pes !Con Baks 250 $11 y % N St Car HB OIG 927 Gunnar cd pd bd ' t ion boners 17-21 {gerprints in its files in 1960. " 7 5 >age-Her iC Oils 820 Hollinger ; 4 bees } ; ; reer Con Blg w 1700 00 +20 | Page-Hers tell ele i Waite A 63 840 840 Hogs: Grade A 26.00-27.70; | By THE CANADIAN PRES; yet within reach of all. |Con Gas 310 $22 : North! ag Hu Bay lWilter "goo les. 188 8 d | , ESS 728-6226 {Dist S N G 7 3 : Pac Pete w 40 Irish Cop 130 125 Wr Harg 400 100 100 i ) Dist feag 386 pbaldy ; 92 stags 17.50 on a dressed weight, with commons down to 14; good|Nov. 30: 1961, $8,981,003, $1.04 | Dosco 710 1% 11! Rothman 100 $11% Phillips 1000 Jaye Expl 16 basis. light sheep 8-10; Funeral arrangements and | Dom Text 200 16% + %|Royalite pr 265 $1i% Prairie Oil 200 270 OSHAWA SHOPPING | S ed 'Soaring Cost F orseen our dear dad, and granddad, Alex.| OTTAWA (CP) -- A forecast real meeting. education through real estate icmp acer i a tg ing the next 10 years willito increase so long as public|ble sum. Your loved ones would never forget. jcation with provincial govern-\its range of services, to raise BREMNER -- In loving memory of @ creasing share of the tab. tion of our population," Mr./portant a principle to be cast 1961 jpersonal income, an estimated) The largest factor in the in- change in the method of financ- Gur hearts were broken when we sawjucation, nearly double the 1960!a phenomenal rise in schoo] en-| Mr. -- commenting you suffering so. \figure of 5.4 cents, says a newjrolment, which had jumped by)that virtually no effort has yet But you knew that it was all in vain. | The cost of education, it adds of rest. jis rising at a much faster rate} The cost per pupil of average|{ne. Salt ot tts sete Pa It's true what they say, dear Dad, {than the growth of the nationaljdaily attendance had almost|@esifability of federal aid. Ihe by son James, daughter-in.law Alfreida,|ing financial burden on many|per : : and granddaughters, Lynda, Janet,/ municipalities across the coun-|swollen from $27 to $60; andjform of federal control. in : * | } pore ames fag jeross ee ee ee eeralthengh it would appear BREMNER -- In loving memory of 8) «Education officials and the| The main problem in the) hat there; Pidale selec dear father and grandfather, Alexander | ; : wiyears ahead, the survey says,|that there is an inclination now, Bremner, who passed away January 3,/public they serve have, it is how this money can beleven a readiness, for some MT Nave only your memory, dear|see™s, Deen #0 engrossed in) sod. Doubt is expressed ag(fotm of federal aid, it will be . more immediate tasks that few) T@lsed. s s Te remember my whole life through.|have recognized the magnitude|t0 the advisability of loading/necessary either to change the ' But the sweetness will linger forever lof this problem." much of the increase upon mu-|View of those who are opposed As I treasure the image of you. : Inicipal real estate taxes, tradi-|t0 federal aid or to devise some =Lovingly remembered by daughter) The 59-page report was COM-\1/002) source of school funds, |™anner by which the funds may Destee, ontalaw: Harold: aed grent-/niled by William J. McCordic,|'., : 've woula|be distributed which is not in- children, ried i The only alternative would , x05 jexecutive' secretary, Metropoli-\. Beas F consistent with the strong com- x : | involve an increase in the pres-!<"' : BREMNER -- In loving memory of altan Toronto school board, for) ont rovincial share of educa- mitment in some areas to pro- dear husband, Alexander Bremner, whoithe Canadian Conference on Ed-| P ' vincial authority." J 5, 1 : : i nnint chats { pgs ine ly 'ret abs Away jucation next March 4-8, It is the} ton or that the provincial share nko Geotail canes i i 7 |shouid be accompanied by some eee dh ot Dlg il getty jeighth at Ripe: scvance study | sort of equalization grants from} VIOTORLA (cP Te JP)--Three com- apo 3s i ithe federal government having] : --Sadly missed by his wife, Janet, | jregard to the respective abili-;munity hospitals of 200 beds GLEDHILL -- In loving memory «| Tobacco Board ties of the provinces to finance'cach and a 100-bed "'cottage our dear brother, George Gledhill, who| education." {hospital" for alcoholics are ur- dear son, Ronald, who passed away passed away January 5, 1960. Clai Fi Although provincial support)zeatiy needed here, the Victoria January 3, 1953. --Ever remembered by the Family. jof elementary and secondary |branch of the Canadian Mental Using R There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. sing eserves Remembrance keeps him The only light, full-strength beer ever brewed in Canada! CROSSON -- In loving memory of a education had been gradually|!lcasth Association said in a Sadly missed and lovingly remember-! increasing to the point where it|brief to the provincial govern-! ed by mother, sister and brothers. leeenes pee', Cured Grow | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT now averages about 45 per cent!:nent CARD OF. THANKS Thursday that imperial teat te. ° bacco Company, which last F t GASCOYNE, Ernest Fredrick -- We, year bought more than half the C el e wish to thank our many. frtends, sete otal - uging u ur r t ; crop, has tives, and neighbors for their kind ex- area tobacco c op, ha + sistance, and the average schol- pressions of sympathy and bautiful floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev. Fleetman and Doctors Grant, Stoc' and Hull. Also many thanks to Murray and Lucille Robinson for their special kindness. Family of E. F. Gascoyne. BAUMGARTNER -- I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and gifts during my illness. Special thanks to Father Myers, Doctor Volimer and the nurses of 1F. --Gertrude Baumgartner. Report Urging Financial Aid For Students OTTAWA (CP)--Financial as- sistance for university students must be more freely available to prevent mourting fees from becoming a factor in selection for admission, a new educa- tional report says. The report, prepared by Wil- liam J. MeCordic, secretary, Metropolitan Toronto school board, for the Canadian Conference on Education March 4-8, says the question of stu- dent aid "'is still far from sa- tisfactory."' ; Less than one-third of the fuil- time students at Canadian uni- versities received financial as- executive | been using reserve stocks of this tobacco to. force down prices of the 1961 crop. | Aided By Fact | The 1961 crop is being sold! 1 e Cc S jat 's three i aX- " Sa Sama & lates pean the! By FORBES RHUDE jord of a corporation's past, not | daily offering i; cnened down by Canadian Press Business Editor|a guide to its future. The best the buying companies The many forecasts that mark/0f earnings statements may D. B. Kearney, general man-| the new year are compounded Prove nothing but that the com- |ager of Imperial Leaf, said re-|P@ttly of ficures and partly of/Pany still has momentum from lceglly poor eradlig and impro-|2" assessment of , people and|What has gone before. It does | jevents, with the addition of a/not always give a true picture r pricing w y respon- : ' shows |Sible for the sd get Mi llarge portion of common sense|¢ven of the past. ga hes ogi how ; f been spent, _|and probably a strong h of Much money has Jaa a ope tert Mr. Kear i i eR - A e ithe capital has bee' sed." meyere said tobacco companies) A forecast based on figures) Mr. Randall is ales archi: are using the grading and pric-|alone would be vulnerable in-|... ing complaint in the way they|deed, because business figares| tive Lat Hew Atego age iid jused complaints about MH-30|are mostly a record of the past.|i themselves. He cece. such fev years ago -- to reduce the! The figures have, of course,/things as organization charts |Value of the growers' tobacco..an important place. The fact! committees and surveys as use- MH-30 is a chemical that re-'that we sold so much newsprint! fy] instruments if properly used j|Moves superfiuous growth from last year, for instance, tells us but not if they replace top-level | tobacco plants. It now has been that there was a market for that! decision and judgment ; | banned. if {much newsprint, and it would) ' Mr. Demeyere said the to-jbe very unlikely that such a HOW TO USE CHARTS bacco grades were established|market would disappear over-- 'When men turned to the or- in 1957 under a provincial act' night. ganizational chart for broad in- and have since been supervised However, our real prospect "ications of where responsibility by government inspectors. for selling newsprint lies with| lies, so that confusion may be "Since the last two crops, to-lthe men who make and sell jt,)@¥oided among personnel, its arship or bursary was equal to about one-half the cost of tui-| tion. | "Unless student aid is more "eely available, rising tuition ges will become a factor in rtion for admission and the mm will be the worse for it." e study, released Thurs- says enrolment is increas- t a "staggering rate' and 79 may more than double; 4000 from 108,000 full-time ' rvey notes increasing} and federal support education in re- Holiday Holiday's fast-growing popularity proves that most people want the light flavour that only full-strength Holiday offers! Never has a beer caught on so fast with so many. : Join the trend to the light brew that really tastes different. Try Holiday yourself. LIGHT ~ NOW AVAILABLE ALL YEAR 'ROUND! BREW talling 342,586,110 pounds, were) with + 4 iff situation| force is positive. But when men promptly and readily purchased oar ae her aden tal into the habit of using it to it is hard to conceive that gov-lwith the fact that more and|@Void a task, of saying a pleased ernment inspectors, after four|more people in the world want|"0t me!' to themselves when years' experience, would thisito read the printed word and/ they consult it, then its force is year fail in their duty of see-|are becoming able to do it aca- Negative." ing that tobacco was properly! demically and financially Of "the current passion for} and consistently graded." } { }committees"' he says: FIGURES MISLEAD "They exist to help the boss Clarence B. Randall, retired)make up his mind but they DIVIDENDS tpresident of Inland Steel Com-|should never be asked to do it | pany of the United States, in his|for him. In deliberations of any By THE CANADIAN PRESS beseeennintngl Paget cone of rip pie there rib sure to be ; : ; Manag ; comments on several courses of action under cn cee Ld. how misleading 'figures can be|study, any one of which could beams. Feb. 18, cecord Jah 20.|sygre | 8 Oey: ee ee ee Paenel, Topult, The A1s comet eities Tad., class! "To forecast the future af alin the gray zone, not in. the April 2: recora Feb *}company by studying its finan-|black and white. : {cial statements only, without in-| "When this is true it becomes timate knowledge of the per-|far more important to get on cent years but in some cases) sonal capacity of those who con-' with the job tian it is to continue this was given with great dif-|stitute the management, is like, the debate in the hope of choos- ficulty because of the lack of prophesying the weather with-|ing the absolute best. It takes their resources and the urgency! out knowing which way the wind!a wise man to sense this and a of other demands on the publiclis blowing. | Strong one to end the discussion purse. "The balance sheet is the reo-'and act." earners sate em Seemenmeremetnie STIR

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