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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jan 1962, p. 1

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? Oshawa THOUGHT FOR TODAY The only sure way of doubling your money is to fold it and put it in your pocket. a enior Separate School Planned Oshawa Cines --Page 9- WEATHER REPORT Cloudy and milder today. Cloudy and colder with snowflurries to- night and Saturday. VOL. 91--NO. 4 She Price 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Mai Ottawa and for payment ll Post Office Department, of Postage in Cash. SIXTEEN PAGES Pi Z . WHITBY (Staff) -- Slippery! Be Hurt 4 People . sheared off an eight inch tree] ; roads, a student taking a driv- and gouged another tree. One| : Long Brewing For Indonesian Clash 1ORT MORESBY (Reuters)|The Hague before sovereignty The clash of claims between|wa: handed over it was The Netherlands and Indonesia|agrced that a joint Dutch - In- over West New Guinea--West|donesian commis sion should Irian to Indonesians--has been|"investigate the status of New brewing for more than a de-|Guifiea" and report within a cade. Cal It was due to be settled as ONE OF THREE SIMULTANEOUS ACCIDENTS ing lesson and a-curious motor- list are believéd to have com- bined to produce three separate of the tanks fell off and came| ® to rest on its left side in the} ai south ditch -- facing west. NEW VIOLENCE ERUPTS IN ALGERIAN RAMPAGE | Tear-Gas Used To Quell Riots ;| ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Fresh| Neither the truck driver nor| : but almost simultaneous acci- li the occupant of the smashed| dents on Highway 401 this morn-} ing, about 500 feet east of the Pickering-Whitby townline. A westbound car, believed to have been driven by a girl tak- ing a driving lesson, skidded out of control and smashed into a tree on the north shoulder. Z : TWO IN HOSPITAL donesia. The new republic was' Jn Oshawa General Hospital jiviaed into 10 provinces. are Patricia Hayden, , 23, of On Aug. 5, 1956, Indonesia an-/Scarboro, with a possible frac- anounced that it no longer would|tured skull; Ralph Stanmore, 38 Period recognize, and would refuse tojalso of Scarboro, believed to be/bound gravel truck went out of} hovers over car in the east bound lane was/* ~ hurt. Back in the westbound lane, 2) ; gasoline tractor-trailer put ¢ its. brakes, went into a skid, ON| Fame veering over to the median strip} and back to the north shoulder where it came to rest. ON HIGHWAY 12 Two Whitby Works Depart- ment men were slightly injured this morning when their south- Rasen HELICOPT Navy helicopter three stranded ABs pay any debts to The Nether-|the driving instructor, with pos-/control on Highway 12, shot! ice fishermen who had been long ago as Dec. 27, 1950, but ithat time as 3,661,000,000 guild- ers (nearly $1,000,000,000). \FAIL TO AGREE But the commission failed to leg injuries. : : At the same time, in the east- never was, say reports in this capiial of neighboring Austral- agrec. The Netherlands retained indonesia is a far - flung is- bound lane, a car slowed down jfour' foot fence and landed up- side down. The arcident occurred south ian New Guinea. jsovereignty over West New Gui- ; nea. PP aipaoey 5 ggg re The Netherlands transferred} Guinea for 300 years. But its../S°V°"elgnty of the Dutch East ciaim has been actively dis. 104s following uprisings by puted by Indonesia since the| 'he Indonesians in 1945 and Duich government transferred|": the Dutch East Indies to Indon- esia- at the end of December,| 1849 D At-@ conference between The} Netherlands and leaders of what is now Indonesia -- at 3 Die, 40 Injured vzom the early part of the 17 century, much of the In-| donesian archipelago was under| utch colonial rule. Then, after the Second World| |War, and in spite of some Ja-| jpavese occupation, sporadic jfighting broke out between the Indonesians and the Dutch |Austfalia and partly by the y iv ging Dapi Sartage of! ple, most of whom live on 3| belonging to Capital Car major islands in the archipel-|Ottawa, jackknifed. The rear of a = % : the trailer, loaded with sonny . tis Lai Sine foot tanks, whipped around and cae ir ae ge gg smashed the rear of the slowing by the Malay Peninsula, in the} . north by the Philippines, in the|SHMARS OFF TREE east by the Island of New Gui-| The trailer continued to spin, nea ---- administered partly by Netherlands --- and in the south land country of 83,000, peo-|and a following tractor-trailer,|o¢ the fourth concession. Injured were the driver, Glenn |laiuds. It gave its net debt at!sible fractured skull and severe/across the highway, jumped a} trapped on drifting ice floe ER RESCUE a in Lake Erie Thursday after- noon, . Fourteen fishermen were rescued by two heli- copters. (AP Wirephoto) Robbery |St land Glen Martyn, |street, Whitby. ephen, 1437 Byron street south 210 John Killed B | Stephen suffered a minor back y injury and Martyn's right hand} |was é¢ut when the over-turned| truck's windshield crumpled. | MONTREAL (CP. -- Police cornered a gang of armed rob- bers Thursday shortly after a bank holdup in the northeast- ern part of Montreal, killing one and capturing four others. Suspect Police the building. The others were captured and the $20,000 loot re-; covered when police moved into the five -storey building with drawn revolvers and tear-gas guns for a room + by' + 'room by Australia. | Prime Minister Robert Men-| zics of Australia, though said| to be worried about the Indo-} Accidents Caused {by 60 policemen jpartly occupied | The robbers were surrounded|Search. in a new, apartment In Train Collision TREVIGLIO, Italy (AP)--The|!#iued in Java and Sumatra Arrow of the Dolomites express|Stifiered many casualties while throughout the Dutch East In-| nesian move, has. counselled |peace in the area, \dies British and Indian troops By Freezing Rain TORONTO (CP) -- Freezing rain brought a rash of traffic crashed at 62 miles an hour/|@'tcmpting to help authorities early today into the rear of ato restore order. 10-car passenger train that had| After the transfer of sover- been flagged to a stop because|eignty in 1949, a provisional fed- a dead man was on the tracks. accidents; cancelled plane hed into a pole carrying a service and broke the cras 44 pe aN building about a mile from the! at Beaubien E. and Louis He-| mon streets where $20,000 was Royal Bank of Canada branch|F. Occupants of the building re-| mained in their apartments or| jtook shelter in the basement. 'ACED MANY CHARGES Police said Ashton had been sought for four months for fail- ure to face hearings on charges taken in a noon-hour holdup. |,snging from theft to extortion Prepare Attack In Indonesia flights and hydro service inter-|and va é ruptions to Southern Ontario to-/briefly but were later given al- day. ternate service. first affected.| At Sarnia bus services were The dead man, identified as/, Campbell Ashton, 33, was killed by a police bullet in front Of/rested, Windsor was Three persons aboard the ex-| press, crowded with skiers re- turning to Milan from Cortina} d'Ampezzo, were killed. Forty- six were injured, 14 of them critically. Two trainmen and an Italian|the agreement was never rati- passenger on the express were/fied. by the Indonesian parlia-| killed. The body on the tracks was not immediately identified and the manner of his death was a mystery. Katanga Examining Pact ELISABETHVILLE (AP) The Katanga assembly today began closed sessions to study for an end of Katanga's seces.| Sl the pact which President Moise) sion and expulsion of the Ka-|tlement of the dispute over the| was called off as w Tshombe signed pledging to end/ tanga gove the province's secession from itary officers eral constitution was adopted and the new country was named | |NEVER RATIFIED | at Umon with The Netherlands sible attack on West ended Aug. 10, 1954, although|Guine s a with this port town as the springboard. About 250,000 armed troops were reported standing by in Eastern Indsnesia for the or- der to invade the big Dutch- jheld territory 850 miles from Macassar. ment, On Aug. 15, 1950, the United States of Indonesia proclaimed a new constitution re - naming tre territory the Republic of In- Cabinet closed Thursday by President lat a mass rally in Macassar. | Sukarno said Macassar would be the' main invasion base be- | Cause it had the best harbor and best. airfield in Eastern Indo- pledged to respect and help en- mesa. force UN resolutions, which call His speech left the door only ightly ajar for a peaceful set- for than 300 occupied more to move at a snail's pace. More serious trouble was averted with rising tempera- tures. Trans-Canada Air Lines re- ported that flights out of Wind- sor and London were operating about 30 or 40 minutes late today as a result of heavy icing. No The invasion plan was dis-| flights have had to be cancelled|nearby community of Bright' so far but a caution of Sukarno. in a speech to thou-! normal flying conditions" has|ditch E sands of cheering Indonesians|been posted for later today for|aboard was injured. flights originating from Chicago and Windsor. Nordair, which operates in Southern Ontario and Quebec was forced to cancel two flights today. A flight originating in Windsor with stops at Sarnia, Toronto, Kingston and Montre as the coun- rnment's: foreign mil-| territory, which the Dutch have|terpart flighi starting in Mont- | real. Later flights were ex- | MACASSAR, Indonesia (Reut-| There pedestrians tumbled on)siowed and large trucks had to the United States of Indonesia.|ers) -- toflodeda today pe the icy streets, a school was/give 'up using the Blue Water ahead with its general mobiliz-|closed when a bus could not|britge because their tires could ion in preparation for a pos- pickup students because of the/not get' a grip on the long slope} New| icy roads and traffic was forced|down on the span which con-| nects Port Huron, Mich. and Point Edward, Ont. The Sarnia fire department had difficulty answering a call jto a house fire but managed to |preevnt the flames from de- |stroying the building. rural school bus in the s A "'ab-i|Grove ran off the road into a| None of the students ' Princess, Husband \Fly From Gander GANDER, Nfld. (CP) -- An al' airuner carrying. Princess Mar-|meeting of 75 poll captains, "is and her husband, the Earl of Snowdon, to a vacation in The West Indies left this | Pact Party Leaders In Thick Of Vote Campaign | | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | A few hours after nomina-| \tions closed Thursday for Jan. |18 byelections in five provincial ridings Ontario's three party |leaders were all in the thick of ithe campaign. | Liberal Leader John Winter- |meyer, speaking at Renfrew lThursday night, saw the Ren- \frew South byelection as itself | providing a barometer of On-| jtario's political elements. | "This byelection," he told a the foundation and beginning of |the next Liberal government. Mr. Wintermeyer said a Lib- |carrying a sub - machinegun, tomers \f nd armed robberies. They de- jclined to identify the four ar- Police said four men, one |walked into the bank and| herded manager J. M. Fredette, six employees and three cus- into the vault. They | orced Mr. Fredette at gunpoint to open the cash box in the vault, The robbers fled in a car which they abandoned less than two blocks from the bank and resumed their flight in two other cars. Police said all three cars were reported stolen earlier. Shortly after splitting into two groups, some of the robbers were spotted by police heading toward the apartment 'building. Police said Ashton pulled out a revolver and was shot in the chest. violence erupted in Algeria. to- day on the third day of a bloody "eye for an eye" rampage by European extremists and Mos- lem insurgents. French police used tear-gas grenades to break up a demon- stration by Moslem prisoners in Barberousse civil: prison, Al- giers. The prisoners threw burning rags out of the win- dows and tried to set the prison afire with cans of gasoline. (In Paris, sources close to the French government said about 2,000 riot police have been or- dered to Algeria to reinforce security forces.) In other attacks in Algiers, a |Moslem was shot and killed in a baker's shop and five Mos- lems were wounded by a tren- ade thrown into a cafe in cen-| {gun attacks from automobiles. tral Algiers. In Oran, western Algeria, where nine persons were killed and 28 wounded Thursday, a 15- year-old European youth was shot dead today by a Moslem. The total casualty toll throughout Algeria Thursday was given by military officials as at least 13 dead and 46 wounded, In Wednesday's fighting 38 persons died and 61 were in- jured. But Algerian Nationalist insurgent leaders in Tunis claimed that actually 127 Mos- lems were killed. In France two Algerians were reported killed and two seri- ously wounded in three separ- ate attacks by gunmen in the Lille area Thursday night. In Paris an unidentified gun- man machine-gunned the head- quarters of the French Com- munist party wounding a watch- man, The worst Six Charged After Fatal Hunting Trip BARRIE (CP) -- Charges of hunting deer out of season were laid Thursday against the six men who survived a fatal hunt- ing trip into the Minesing west of here Boxing Day. William Parker Priest, 65, of Barrie, was killed by a_ .308- calibre bullet.. His son-in-law, Willy Pino, 33, also of Barrie, was charged the same day with careless hunting. Charged together with Pino with hunting deer out of season are Priest's son, Gordon of Ot- tawa, and Michael Myers, Mor- ris and Robert Eberet and Ern- est Croft, all of Barrie. violence was in French Oran where Moslem insurgents fired on a mid-town cafe, wounding a policeman and a soldier. Passersby panicked as security troops cor- nered the insurgents in a house under a hail of bullets. An ar- mored car rumbled up and fired into the home, killing one insurgent. The other eight then surrendered. USE RIFLE BUTTS Hundreds of young Europeans shouted "kill them, kill them," as police led the prisoners off. Police used their rifle butts fo hold off the screaming mob. Earlier, Europeans: drove through Oran streets shooting at Moslems from speeding cars. Six Moslems were wounded :in and around Algiers in tommy- Police reported a Moslem city councillox in Oran was shot through the head and killed. The latest violence was seen as a show of force by the in- surgent National Liber ation Front before the renewal of negotiations with France to end the Nationalist insurrection and gain Algerian independence. RCMP Claims Two Separate Rings At Work TORONTO (CP)--RCMP said toaay two separate rings sold tainted meat for human con- suinption in Ontario. A total of 14 persons have been arrested and charged with offences under the Food and Drug Act, * Supt. F.B. Woods-Johnson of the RCMP division here said to- day there was "'no connection between the two operations," one in Southern Ontario and one in the Ottawa area. Nine persons were arrested by RCMP in seven Southern On- tario points Thursday and the RCMP Ottawa division arrested three persons shortly aftese -- The Ottawa detachment fol- lowed up with two more arrests today. ; Police believe the Southern Ontario ring sold from 375 to 500 tons of meat unfit for hu- man consumption in that area since the RCMP started the in- vestigation five months ago. 'Lhere was no immediate esti- mate of the amount sold in the Ottawa area. pected to run as usual. The Congo Tshomb y paihe years, ms e, who wants The Pegasus Airlifts which runs chiiy air base at 12:15 a.m.|eral government would offer the The assembly split into for-|Congo to berome a confedera-, Sukarno said he would nego- ST today after a brief refuel-| province a planned economy eign affairs and political com- tion of autonomous provinces, missions for secret discussions said Katanga's constitution pro-| after Tshombe raised objections vides for association with other to two key provisions of the parts of The Congo that respect agreement he signed last month! law and order, but "we always with Congo Premier Cyrille said the (Congo) constitution Adoula at Kitona. was bad and certain points had) A spokesman said the com- t0 be modified before we ac- missions will meet in secret for) cept it." tiate on West New Guinea--|4 helicopter shuttle service to which he calls Irian Barat--| Toronto and Burlingjon from only to arrange a Dutch hand-|Malton airport also cancelled) over. its services. But in the capital of Jakarta)|2LMWOOD LACKS HYDRO government sources Thursday outlined what they described as/wova, a possible concession Indonesia|Owen might make over the territory.'todey after a large ling stop, The royal couple, apparently asleep, didn't venture out of the BUAC Britannia 312 aircraft into the sub-freezing weather. Tie small Community of Elm-|Tney stopped here on a flight pend a three- based on '"'the best use of hy-|! |dro and highways controlled by ithe province," jgiven all to compete "on even \terms without socialism." "Never has ltal changes in the economy for| |the benefit of the province." the next day- or two. Only 35 of the 72 members of the assembly showed up for the first session Thursday, and only HEATH ASSURES CANADIAN CABINET nine of the 25 anti - Tshombe| seat holders from the Baluba| tribe were among them. An| assembly spokesman suggested that the United Nations bring opposition deputies who had taken refuge in Leopoldville to Elisabethville immediately. & chief negotiator at Brussels has OBJECTS TO CLAUSES --_assured Canadian cabinet min- , Without asking the deputies jsters that it is completely in so many words to reject the wrong to think that Britain will Kitona agreement, Tshombe ob-|join the Common Market at any jected to the first and last of its! price, if eight provisions. In the first, he had accented The Congo's pro- jc visional constitution, i makes Katanga a province un- der the control of the central government In the last, OTTAWA (CP) -- Britain's) But the Canadian government not yet convinced that the cost to Canadian trade interests won't be too high. Mr. Heath. accompanied by he British Air Secretary Julian) Amery who was in Canada for }a two-day visit, left by RAF for Privy Seal Edward Heath and} a four-man Canadian committee. cabinet|said Mr. |Britain's efforts in the negotia- UK. To Guard Canada's Trade A conference communique|told reporters he is not less! Heath had stressed|hopeful of the outcome. Asked whether the Canadian Mr. Heath was scheduled to/tions "to safeguard. the essen-| government is reconciled to the fly today to -Washington for|tial trade weekend talks with the United|and other States administration. tries." The main development of the conferences here was a Cana-| jr dian government decision to in-| crease the scope of its trade |, consultations with Britain dur-|, ing the British negotiations atlt Brussels for membership in the} six nation European leming at the same press con-| trade| ally decide to join the Common interests of Canada|loss of some of its. trading P0-jences of views or misunder- Commonwealth coun-/sition in the British market, he/standings, the way to deal with said it would be However, Finance Minister|to say that. "speculation" The two-day talks, held'in the jference declined to say whether) cabinet chamber, were also at- he meetings here had in-|tended by External Affairs Min-| creased his hopes of Britain ob-|ister Green, Trade M ini ster| aining adequate protection for|Hees and Agriculture Minister Yanadian exports, should it fin-|/ Alvin Hamilton. CITY EMERGENCY | Britannia Washington at/group. Market. On the same point, Mr. Heath said "I couldn't have had a |warmer welcome in Ottawa." "If there have been differ- them is by a frank exchange of views, which is what we have {had." | Mr. Fleming replied "yes" |when asked whether the talks had dissipated Canadian fears, expressed in the past, that Brit-| ish entry to the Common Mar- DENY HARD FEELINGS |ket would fundamentally alter with a chance} > the opportunity) } 20 miles southwest of|{o Antigua in The West Indies/been more right for fundamen- Sound was without hydro|where they will s truck} weck vacation. |9:06 a.m. Mr. Heath will hold! At a press conference, Mr.| ;weekend talks with United|Heath told reporters this was|_ States spokesmen and Mr. Am-jone of the main achievements/fied that the British "are doing|} ery will spend 10 days in the of the meetings. everything in their power to United States He also said it is "completely|S@feguard Canadian interests." Mr. Fleming said that press|going in seeking to reconcile| Those views became evident|wrong"' to think that Britain' Mr. Fleming, who has previ-/references to a 'feud' were|\Commonwealth interests with Thursday following two days of|will inevitably join. the Com-|ously expressed doubts of Brit-|"mischievous, . deplorable and|British membership in the Com- (talks between Britain's Lordimon Market "at any price." -'ain's ability 0 achieve this,'lacking in truth." Imon Market." At the end, both sides denied|Commonwealth relationships. at the common market issue) He said Mr. Heath Bi an as produced hard feelings be-|shown ur the extent to which} tween their two governments. 'the British representatives are 1 PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. '725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 ~ ADENAUER'S 86TH BIRTHDAY at Bonn today. From left; ) and Vice Chancellor' Ludwig Adenauer, Ernst Lemmer, All | Erhard. German Affairs Minister; q ' : Heinrich Krone, special minis- | (AP Wirephoto via radio i from Frankfurt) 5 He, said only that he is satis-| Associates join in a cham- pagne toast to West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, left, during 86th birthday * celebration in his honor 9 .ter in Adenauer's cabinet, ) zs

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