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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jan 1962, p. 7

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Women Jo Aldwinckle, Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 5, 1962 7 Warm Reception For New Year Women's Editor hundred members and friends attended a gala New Year's ning, director Bob Brown wel- Eve party in the beautifully comed the members and guests Staged at Grandview Golf Club |" The New Year was ushered|masterful exhibition in earning} : in in grand style as over one the title of 'twist'? champions. | During the course of the eve-| ! * appointed ballroom of the and gave an encouraging re- Grandview Golf Club. port on the progress made to) The party was under the date in enlarging the club to} convenership of the directorate eighteen holes. He also advised) of the club with Jack Walmsley those present of the special) ably conducting the dance pro-/membership offer for the 1962) gram with music provided from Season which would be publish-! his large collection of albums. ¢d shortly. The setting was a festive one as. Among jthe rustic motif of the ballroom were: m\was contrasted by |streamers and three hundred Jones, Mr. \balloons suspended from the Pearn, Mr. and Mrs. ceiling A cheery applewood fire|Zedic, Mr. and Mrs. glowed from the fieldstone fire- Pearn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph) |place and when the lights were Sapinski, Mr. and Mrs. David] lturned down low and the clock Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert lstruck midnight, the merriment|Fogal, Mr. and Mrs. Danny) reached a crescendo as the bal- Gray, Mr. and Mrs. _ Syd loons were released. Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel . . 4 me Gray, Mr. and Mrs. David I cael Mme entra Nicholishen, Mr, and Mrs. Rus- ed until the wee hours of the S¢! Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- : 7 fred Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. J morning. Under Jack Walms- ' fy ley's skilful direction, a wide Beauchamp, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- |range of musical fare was offer- i geetgg§ ooh grid me ees ed. Particularly popular were AW s, ry an Boards : an lthe polkas, and beat music Mason, Miss Marion Horner, \although the occasional ballad a -- i spate Mr. Ms |came as a welcome change of a We Magn at , 'd pace. As part of the dance pro- Mos By aay dt Me rhe an |gram, four spot dances were ie Reduing amc ' ri ps lconducted with Noél Fernandez hey Ae . Mason." mats and and Michael Di Cesaro, Mrs. Mrs. ©. J. Mason, Mr. and [Gordon Curley and Mr. Glenn Mrs. John Alexander, Miss [Salter, Mr. William Hurst and/Sharon Myers, Mr. Terry Cun- Mrs. H. J. Bawks and Mr. and ningham, Miss Noel Fernandez, | Mrs. George Lawrence the|Mr. Michael Di Cesaro, Miss| llucky winners. The elimination|Linda Sanders, Mr. Paul \dance was won by Mr. Paul Edmondson, Miss Donna Myers, | Edmondson and Miss Lynda Mr. Philip Trudelle. |Sanders while Anita Crandall Mr. and Mrs. Roy jand Ross } those seen dancing) Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Mrs. Cecil} Fred) George| MR. AND MRS. W. H. MARTYN --Eaton's Portrait Studio William Henry Martyn Weds Katharine Lehmann in Toronto | Donald H. Taylor A marriage of interest toy'airband 'and Oshawa was solemnized onj'rwin ushered. Wednesday, December 27, in St} A reception was held at the George's United Church, Toron | University Women's Club. Re- Crawford Russell, Mrs. to, uniting William Henry)ceiving, the bride's mother Metcalfe, Mr. Arnold. Godin, Martyn and \atharine Jeanlwore sapphire blue peau de| At Woodgreen Community|Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mullen, Lehmann. The bride is the}.oie and a blue flowered hat.|Centre, Toronto, on Saturday,|Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smales,| daughter of Mrs. Adolf John)~he bridegroom's mother was|December 30, Donald Howard/Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kirkpatrick, Lehmann of Toronto and thelin mink-tone chiffon over beige|/Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs./Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hall, Mr. late Professor Lehmann and the}jace with a beige hat. Howard Taylor of Courtice,and Mrs. Don Davis, Mr. and bridegroom is the son of Mr.} phe honeymoon is being spent|took as his bride, Gloria Dawn|Mrs. and Mrs. R. W. Martyn. of]; pormuda. As the couple| Lenore Eaton, daughter of Mr.|Mrs. Stanley Pilkey, Mr. Wotton and Mrs. Cecil Dodwell, Mr. and Mrs. John Preston, Mr. and| Mr William 4 \Mrs. *k, x et Gloria Eaton liens taker, Wir awa dere |Russ Murphy, Mr. and Mrs Wed In Toronto Howard Cook, Mr. and Oshawa boarded the plane, ars, ene Mrs. Ellwood F., Eaton of|Mrs. J. Milne, Mr. and Mrs.| shaw provided the wedding}¢.14, manager of the airline,|gan officiated. The music was|Kenneth Badour and others. music. : ; Mr. R. N. Bassett, who compli-|played by Mrs. Charles Pen- The bride wore a semi-formal/monted her on being the 100-/nells. LODGES AND sleeves, complemented by long china mink jacket over a brown|tice wore a full-length gown of SOCIETIES gloves. A pearl coronet held her 40) dress with beige hat and|fylon and nylon net trimmed bouffant veil and she carried al cloves. |with simulated pearls and iri-| A turn to reside in Toronto where| E aughters of England, "Em-| sprigs of holly. __'the bridegroom is attending the|@nd she carried a bouquet Of| press of India," Lodge 26, was| She was attended by Mrs. Ontario College of Education,|White feathered carnations and/helq in the Orange Temple on| Guy Groen as matron of honor é : red taffeta with full overskirts z begged ge eit ; me anit oa Se rae eae ee ' capa ; J of white chrysanthemums and of President Sister Edith Tay-| Their headdresses were match. HOUEEROLD HINT pink carnations. lor, Sister Kate Glover acting} ing red circlets with veiling and Milk stains can be removed or" chrysanthemums and 'fayrics if you first rinse the A reception was held atiin the devotional period. A re- Mr David Newman acted as 2¥t cles in cold water, then wash|Woodgreen Community Centre. port on the sick was given by| Io receive, the bride's mother|Sister Jean Fitches, several! in purple. They wore matching) Correspondence was read by| ,jaccessories and corsages of Sister Doris McDonald and the jcarnations, quarterly report given. jwearing a gray wool suit with|Installation of Officers, formal] jharmonizing accessories. The)dress to be worn. Preceding the} jnewly wedded pair will live at!meeting a banquet will be held| Victoria Harbor, Midland,' Col-|16. Members who wish to attend) lingwood, Orillia, St. Cathar-;were asked to contact Sister ines, London, Hamilton and/Annie Mitchel. | and The Reverend John Shortiy.ityn was presented with a|Yoronto. Peter Pearse, Mr. and Mrs.| dress of white lace with @!millionth passenger. The bride who was attended| bouquet of red rosebuds, tiny descent sequins. A matching DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND | ane Ais "Karl Jatlary. Both The bride is a librarian with|"ed roses. Tuesday evening, January 2.) their bouquets. were composed|essny from washable Mr. Alvin Taylor acted as/Vice President assisted. | best man and Mr io Ait a se wore blue silk, The bride-;/members expressed thanks for) As the couple left for the) yt was announced that at the 4 ag |RR 2, Bethany. at Centre St. United Church at Newcastle. : Birthday greetings were sung} Audrey | Yuletide Walmsley, Mr. and Mrs. David} ; we Wo Pictured after their wedding recently at King Street United Church are Mr. and Mrs, John Alfred Newell. The bride, the former Miss Marion Mar- lene Barton, is the only E BRIDAL PAIR daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. Gordon Barton and the bride- groom is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newell, | all of Oshawa. --Aldsworth Photography PERSONALS Mrs, S. A. Willson convener for the forthcoming Night of Cards sponsored by the Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE, held a cludes Mrs. Walter C. Famme, 3. §. T. Hopkins, Mrs. J. C Rutherford, Mrs. J. L. Bird, Mrr. A. R. Garrett and Mrs. R Snow. The General W. Sikorski Po- lish Veterans' extended invitations to a ban- quet and dance on Saturday night celebrating the festive season of Christmas and New Year. The invited guests include the Reverend Felix Kwiatkow- ski, parish priest of St. Hed- wig's Roman Catholic Church; Mayor Christine Thomas and Mr. T. D. Thomas MPP; the Honorable Michael Starr and nica CD and Mrs. Warnica; Capt. A. L. Hebb and Mrs. Hebb; WO2 J. R. Homes CD and Mrs. Homes; Regt. Sgt Major WO1 W. J. Milne CD and Mrs. Milne; Fire Chief Ray Hobbs and Mrs. Hobbs; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krol, president of St. _Hedwig's Ladies' Society; and. presidents or their repre- sentatives of the service clubs and their ladies, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mr. and Mrs Peter Tullock, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Zigmund Karolak, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kaczmarek and Mr. Peter Soltys. The dinner chair- amn is Mr. Steven Klodzik: master of ceremonies, Jan Drygaia MM. and Mr. Edward Zalewski, newly-elected presi- dent will preside. Mr: J. J, Fransen, regional supervisor of assistant Indian for Sisters Nan Kirkbride, Doris McDonald and Ethel Horton. Sister Eva Tipton was pianist for the evening. Refreshments were served by Sister Nan Kirkbride and committee officiated and Mr. Lloyd Brad- gold key ring by the district) The Reverend John H. Mor-|John Konarowski, Mr. and Mrs. double-tiered full skirt and short) m4. bride travelled in ajby Mrs. Stanley Hoy of Cour- white chrysanthemums and Mr. and Mrs. Martyn will re- Hava field hekeibowslengili veil] pas regular meeting of The wore sheath dresses of cherry\the Toronto Public Libraries. Mrs. Hoy was in royal blue|yicee President, Sister Edna| cotton|best man, Chaplain Sister Kay Large led! i groom's mother: assisting was| flowers and cards received. wedding trip the bride WaS/next meeting there will be Guests were -present from 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, January choice of ... 4. REMO TEA KETTLES . Children of Mr. and Mrs. | Pilkey, Brougham, and Mr Earle Pilkey, RR 2, Clare- | and Mrs Keith H. Etcher, mont, are Lenni Grace Edith, | Windsor, formerly of Oshawa, six months old, Larry Russell | and great - grandchildren of Keith, three years, and Terri | Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dalby, Leslie Ann, two. Lenni, Larry | Whitby, Mr. Fred Stire, Osh- and Terri are the grandchil- | awa, and Mr. Evans Ward, dren of Mr. and Mrs, Russell ' Claremont. --SALESLADY With proven ability in selling Ladies' wear. Kresge's Special Price Reg. 1.97 Highest salary if you are qualified, Good. ad- vancement, pleasing personality; good appear- ance, References required Box 728, Oshawa Times DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Housewares Handsome, durable enamelware in smart Turquoise finish with black trim. Your . . PERCOLATORS ... DOUBLE BOILERS... 3-PCE. SAUCEPAN SET... COVERED SAUCEPAN ... or 3/2 QT. POTS. L17 PATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED WE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE UNDERSOLD ON IDENTICAL*ITEMS 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Association has) {Agencies from the Indian Af- | airs Branch of the department of Citizenship and Immigration jwiil address the Uviversity Women's Club and show a McMaster gave aMr. and Mrs. Gordon Curley, committee meeting at her home soundfilm "No Longer Vanish- ----|Dr. and Mrs. Holt Webster, Mr.|recently to complete plans for)!3F ', at the January meeting.- and Mrs. H. R. Trudelle, Mr./the event. The committee in-| Fransen is supervisor of ve Indian Agencies com- prising 24,000 Indians in south- ern Ontario region. | For its first meeting of the new year the Lyceum Club is ant.cipating an interesting talk on 'Early Furniture'? by Mr. Svoti Symons from the Royal |Oniario Museum. The newly. jinstalled president, Mrs. Uriah Jones will preside and Mrs. Frank Brown is convener of the 'socias committee. Mr and Mrs. G. F. Gatto, Bloor street east, and Mr. and |Mrs John Gatto, Brenda and Brian, Fairlawn street, spent |Mrs. Starr; Lt.-Col. J, R. War-|the New Year holiday in Mont- rea! as the guests of Mr. and |Tucsaay evening, GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES CENTRE STREET WA (West Group) The regular meeting of the Vi group of Centre Street ed Church WA _ was _ held January 2. Group Leader Mrs. Leonard Gu. Jsmith presided Mrs. W. D. Dickson led in the devotional period, taking as her iheme, "A New Year." Mrs. Fred Graham -spoke briefly on the new United Church Women's Organization, and urged all members to attend the first UCW meeting on Wednesday, January 17. A rummage sale will be held Fricay January 12 at 1 p.m. Anyone having goods for this sale was asked to contact Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith or Mrs: M. Badgley. The annual Strawberry sup-| per will be held at the church parlors, Wednesday, June 27. A Pot Luck supper meeting will be held Tuesday, February 6 ai 6.30 sharp, followed by the regular business meeting. SURPRISE BOATS Here's a tasty surprise for the little folks. Cut a few frankfurter rolls in half lengthwise. Scoop out the soft centres and toast the rolls lightly. Finely chop two shelled hard cooked eggs and |mix with mayonnaise, Line the jinside of the roll "boats" gen- jerously with egg mixture and in leach place a whole sardine. Lift a crisp inner leaf of romaine at one end of each boat for a sail. And away they go. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEWS IN BRIEF CARRIED AWAY LONDON (CP)--Mistletoe was banned on Trans-World Airlines planes over the. Christmas holi- day. A spokesman said: "'Serv- ice can be carried too far. In past years some passengers have been preventing the air hostesses from doing their nor- mal work" ' | HE'S WELL FED DORKING, England (CP)-- Residents here have discarded their lawn mowers. When their jgrass needs cutting they send \for the communal goat, which is passed from one householder to another and tethered on the lawn for a tew days. ¢ OYSTER PLANT Salsify resembles parsnips, but has a flavor ana 1s often referred to as an oysicr plant. like oysters | | Lake Vista Beauty Salon 1198 WECKER DR. (off Cedar St.) IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Wns. Bethe. Leduc | An experienced hairdresser who has- worked in ex- clusive salons, is looking forward in helping you ia with any hairdressing or coloring problem that you may have. Featuring, for @ limited time only, 20% off on Cold Waves, which will elso be specially priced. For plus our color service | ppointments or VISTA BEAUTY SALON 1198 WECKER DR. { phone 728-0422. 728-0422 OPEN TONIGHT TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA UNTIL 9 P.M. RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS SPECIAL! LAUNDRY HAMPER REG. 10.99 DE LUXE fully-ventilated model; cushion top; gold-colour trims. Lightweight, snag-proof, rust+ resistant. Featured in turquoise, white, pink, yel- low and black,' Buy Price! ASK ABOUT ZELLER'S CONVENIENT "CHARGE-IT" PLAN NO DOWN PAYMENT Now, ot the Special Savings DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. | PHONE 723-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED = SHOPPING CENTRE STEVENSON'S RD. 8. PHONE 723-2209 |Mrs. Benjamin Gatto. RECIPE FOR SUCCESS FOR A BOY ..; Take a boy, any boy, your son or the boy next door . Add an Oshawa Times Route - Fold in Business Training In Buy ing and Selling -- add a heaping measure of salesmanship and experience in handling money.' Encouragé punctual service, develop the ability to keep good financial records, blend in earnings that increase with. efficiency. Let continue for two or three years and behold a self - reliant young man, well equipped education, for a job or higher a credit to himself and his community. IF YOU THINK YOUR SON OR SOME OTHER YOUNG LAD MIGHT PROFIT BY NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE, WHY NOT SUGGEST THEY COME IN AND TALK TO US AT THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Oshawa Times 86 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO

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