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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jan 1962, p. 8

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8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Jenuory 5, 1962 ANN LANDERS women should stick together and help each other as much as possible. Please print this letter for the benefit of all wives-- everywhere. If you suspect your husband is cheating «keep track of his handkerchiefs. For almost a year I wondered what was hap- pening to my husband's white linen hankies. I'd buy a dozen at a time and in two months he'd be down to three. He kept insisting he was los- ing them. Last week I found four under the seat of our car--lip- stick on every one of them. When I presented him with the evidence he admitted he had Dear Ann Landers: We} Lipstick Evidence Makes Wife Suspicious stole she had made out of my! fur coat. My husband was not| home at the time and I said/ nothing except "'it looks lovely." | Believe me I was heartsick. | When I told my husband he said| there was nothing he could do| --: it now. Any suggestions? --H.S. : Dear H.S.: Yes. Forget it. Your big mistake was "lending"' it to your mother-in-law. Appar-| ently there was a. misunder- standing. Look at it this way: You! bought the coat nine years ago) ~--and it was third-hand THEN. | After you agreed to let your| mother-in-law wear it awhile it would have been fifth-hand to) DARES ANYONE... "MATCH THESE PRICES!" Open 'til 9:30 Tonite! Open Sat. 'til 6:30 P.M. 14 CU. FT. REG. $369.0 2 DOOR REFRIGERATORS CHESTERFIELD SUITES All foam cushions. Nylon coverings. ONE-OF-A-KIND lbeen a little foolish and prom-|you. It seems to me you ex- ised to behave himself. I hon-| pected too much from one piece| estly believe he will, too, Ann. of fur. | | Handkerchief - watching could) Dear Ann Landers: I'm a) serve as the mousetrap, Girls.| working girl, 20, in love with 2) I recommend it.--THE COUNT-|fellow 23. We plan to be mar- ESS ried within a couple of years. Dear Count-ess: Sometimes) The problem is I have strong) | when you build a better mouse- feelings about my religion. He} trap nature breeds a smarter|came from a broken home and| | mouse. Catching a husband rar-|has had no religious training. He lely makes him better. It only|had never been inside a church makes him more careful. except for weddings and fu- I suggest a visit to a mar- nerals until he met me. He says riage counselor--together. Find|he is not anti-religious, he just out why somebody else's lipstick doesn't care about it one way is more desirable than the home oF the other. TWIN BEDS Complete Hollywood Style INGLIS DRYERS REG. $259.00 FULLY AUTOMATIC CLOCK CONTROLLED 30" RANGES WRINGER WASHERS REG. TO $139.00 = i t Ns For the past. year he's been pian, attending church with me every} 'BORROWS' COAT Sunday but he says he'll prob-! Sy Dear Ann Landers: Nine\ably never join. ie ' ss years ago I bought a lovely fur) w shall 27--GRET! MR. AND MRS. CHARLES TAYLOR Yeni te pees why Wier! Roe Peete Cae a bake --Oshawa Times Photo |ited it from an aunt. This friend) ter spot than if he had religious |couldn't wear it because it was|ties elsewhere, so cheer up. F il F . d H C 1 too small. I paid wi the Noe out/Keep him worshiping at your of money I earned working. side and chances are that when|§ aml y, niends onor oup e€ The coat was too short for| marriage is imminent, he'll join. ' ' me but I intended to have a)---- -- -- Celebratin 50th Anniversar leape or a siole made from it.| ~ g y jThen I became pregnant and de-| ¥ f cided to put the coat aside for} Mr..and Mrs. Charles Taylor,jed with an anniversary cake|a while. Quebec street, celebrated theirjand gold candles. My husband asked me if I'd| golden wedding anniversary on) he honored pair were the re-let his mother borrow the coat Saturday, December 30, when cipients of many gifts and flow-|temporarily so long as I couldn't they were honored by their fam-' ers, wear it. I agreed, ily at a dinner party at Sandal-) Conoratulatory tele grams| A few days ago my mother-in- wood. Among the guests were wore 'received from the Prime|law came over wearing the the-bridal. attendants of 50 years|\yinicter. the Right Honorabl tal lana ago, Mrs. William Pogue, sister); 1 py; sronhake Bn eg yh pea : a of the bride, and Mr. Pogue of John Diefenbaker, and the Min-|Mrs. Vincent Wringe (Lillian) of } erdoto ' ister of Labor, the Honorable|Marysville, and Mrs. Harry WIFE PRESERVER ' ; Michael Starr. Webber (Charlene) of Scarboro; Following the dinner Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were Ugh; and one son, Mr. Eric Tay-| Add to the life span of your Mrs. Taylor feceived their married in Napanee on Decem-|lor of Oshawa. Also included in) whisk broom by coating ends of friends at the home of their son, ber 29, 1911, and came to Osh-|their family are six grandchild-|bristles with thinned shellac. Mr. Eric Taylor, Hibbert street,)awa to live in 1919. ren and one great-granddaugh-|This hardens bristles without where the tea table was center-'- They have two daughters, ter. |reducing flexibility. ee eon 1961 MARCONI as «(4.V. REG. $329.00 1962 MARCONI ........ STEREQ 38 x2 * REG. $289.00 Soramee 17 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezers REG. $289.00 VACUUM CLEANERS Hoover, Lewty, Eureka, No Extra - Charge for Delivery. All Appliances are Factory-Fresh in Factory-Sealed Crates, Carry Full Manufacturer's Warranty and Service. CHROME SUITES LARGE FAMILY SIZE 36 x 60 TABLE, 6 CHAIRS REG. TO $139.00 FROM Bedroom Suites Rich wood finish. FREE mattress, Spring. REG. $289.00 PUT YOUR MONEY ON ECONOMY. ros ne ve TCA Economy fares mean big savings and you get more than your money's worth in satis- faction when you take that trip you've been putting off solong. Pick the place; TCA Economy fares make the trip possible. Call up and see. For instance, only $94 return TORONTO to WINNIPEG (or $71 if you can travel on Excursion days, good until May 31st). Ask your Travel Agent for further details. TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (&) AIR CANADA DELIVERS @ No payments 'til @ 36 months to pay March : King St. EAST | JUST EAST OF THE CITY LIMITS PHONES: 728-4641 -- 728-4642 ELECTRIC KETTLES --- Complete with FRY PANS -- Electric. Complete with cord. 1-year lid. 1-year 9 guorantee DONALD TRAVEL HOWARD TRAVEL SERVICE BUREAU SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY AJAX SHOPPING ' CENTRE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH. HA MO 8-3304 WH 2-6690 723-9441 vegies ] MEADOWS TRAVEL FOOD MIXERS-- Three-speed DEEP FRYS -- Famous make. .Reg. 34.95 FLOOR POLISHERS-- 2-brush. 1-yr. guarantee . CHORD ORGANS-- Electric Hi-Fi .

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