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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jan 1962, p. 11

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Actually this isn't a sports activity. It's five feet and 40 pounds of cat but not the purr- | Walfer | dog, Pat, right, saw the cat | ing, household type. ~ THIS IS SERIOUS SPORT -- NOT | Yaworski shot this big female lynx only 400 feet from his | farm house near Brandon, His After Nine Years US. Colleges Are To Reverse Rules NEW YORK (AP) -- Nine years ago this month, 66 weary delegates at the National Col- legiate Athletic Association con- vention passed a_ resolution which "ephatically asked" the elimination of platoon substitu- tions in football. The subsequent action of the football rules committee in eliminating unlimited substitu- tions brought applause from sports writers and broadcasters who had been saying for sev- eral years that a real football player should be able to per- form both on offence and de- fence, The expense factor in recruit-} ing and maintaining Coach McPeak | Gets To Watch | Place Kickers WASHINGTON (AP) -- Coach Bill McPeak, plagued all sea- son long with inadequate place/S0al posts a few years ago tO\n. 0 fF acion kicking on his Washington Red-|give field goal kickers an eas-| =i skins, will have two of the best in college ranks going for him Sunday in the U.S. Bowl. McPeak, whose Redskins were season-long cellar occu- pants in the National Football League, gets his first look to- day at the kicking of Greg Ma- ther and Don Jonas. Mather, Navy end, kicked the two field goals that beat Army 13-7, kicked 11 field goals .dur- ing the season and connected on 22 of 23 conversions to estab- lish a National Collegiate Ath- letic Association record of 55 points by kicking Jonas, Penn State -halfback, kicked six field goals and 17 of 22 extra points, some of them after his shoulder was dislo- cated in the Syracuse game and he was unable to see other ac- tion. The game in D. C. Stadium matches draft choices "by the Eastern Division of the Na- tional Football League against players chosen by the Western Division. Coach Red 'Hickey of San Francisco coaches the western team. PLASTIC DOME Largest reinforced plastic structure in Europe, a dome 70 feet in diameter, 50 feet high, covers a radar installation in England squads was another objection frequently cited Now the experts say they want free substitutions and pla- toons back Forty nine of the writers and broadcasters participating in the Associated Press year-end poll--roughly. one - quarter of those casting ballots -- listed this as the one rules change they'd wnake if they had the say. The figure is comparable to the original anti-platoon vot- ing in the polls of a decade RETURN GOAL POSTS -Only one other proposed change drew anywhere near as largejmuch support. There were 32\,Joyd, Civitan votes in favor of returning the goal posts to the goal line from) 10 yards back. It may be significant that) ithese two changes would bring; Glendinning, Houdaille college football rules more in \line with professional football, which never moved the goal |posts back and which allows junlimited substitutions. The college rules-makers wid- ened the distance between the ier target but refused to move the posts up where they might injure a charging back. The No. 3 suggestion--by 19 voters--was "Don't change the jrules,"" Queen Mother Has Two Horses In 'National' LONDON (AP) -- The Queen Mother entered two of the 77 horses named Thursday for the March 31 running of the Grand National Steeplechase--the race she nearly won in 1956. That year the Queen Mother's Devon Loch jumped the last fence clear of- the field and seemed heading for certain vic- tory. But the horse stymbled and E. S. B. went on to win. This year the Queen Mother plans to try her luck with The Rip and Out of Town. The field probably will be cut to about 30 by the day of the race, The race, run over a four mile, 856 - yard course pitted with 30 tough obstacles, will be worth about $56,000 to the win- ner. An Irish hospital sweep- stakes will be based on the re- sults FRENCH GIRL CADDY TO INSTRUCT U.S. GIRLS NEW YORK (AP) -- A pretty girl to tote your golf clubs? Why not? That's the gospel of Fran- coise, the petite girl from France.who has crossed the Atlantic to show ican golfers what missing "Golf is a game played for enjoyment," Francoise Pelle- grino Autiero, 23, a bride of four months, "and a girl caddy can make it much more pleasant." "She is gentler. She has more patience. She has more understanding. She handles the man in the home. Why can't she handle him betier on the golf course?" Francoise has been caddy- ing for seven years at a swank Antibes club and has lugged clubs for such celebri- ties as Joseph Kennedy, the president's father; the Duke they are caddy -; Ameri- | said Thursday, | of Windsor, Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra. She was brought to the United States to instruct a group of girl caddies hired by a club in Miami, Fla. Almost all the caddies in Japan are female. So are more: than half of those in France. Francoise says. Am- erica, where male caddies are a deeply-rooted tradition, is.certain to swing also to the distaff bag-toters "It's a good career for a girl," she said through an in- Jerpreter, "It pays well, It is healthy, outdoors work There's always the chance of meeting a rich husband." At the Miami club, a girl caddy will receive $6 for each 18-hole round. It's pos- sible to do two rounds a day, meaning a young lady might pick up $15 or more daily, counting tips. HOUSE PET | | SPORTS TODAY'S GAMES HOCKEY | CRA Neighborhood Assoc.:) (Pee Wee League) -- Kingside! gent o vs Harman, at 7.00 a.m.; Con-| naught vs Lake Vista, at 7.45) a.m.; Southmead vs Nipigon, at) Alliance, 8.30 a.m.; Storie vs Sunnyside,| plans eter at 9.20 a.m.; Woodview vs Val-|fourth annuai ski instructors' 222, K, Sanders 220, E, leyview, at 10.05 a.m,; Fernhill] school. vs North Oshawa, at 10.50 a.m.; Bathe vs Radio, at 11.40 a.m./new Bay Ski Resort near Owen and Rundle vs Eastview, awa Children's Arena. OHA Little Big Five Junior) "C'* League -- Uxbridge at Al- liston, 8.30 ».m, BASKETBALL vs Jaycee Rockets, at 9.55 a.m.! and Modern Cleaners vs Walt's techniques, Barber Shop, at 10.50 a.m, All games at Central Collegiate. ' Y's Men's Biddy League -- } | in a tree and started barking at it and then Mr, Yaworski bagged it with his .22 rifle --CP Wirephoto Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc. Point Records Listed below are the weekly league standings and top ten scorers in the Oshawa Minor Hockey Association Bantam, Midget and Juvenile leagues, as of this morning, compiled by Jim Shaw, league statistician, BANTAM LEAGUE WLTF A PTS, Can, Tire 6 1 0 29 12 12 Civitan 3.33 Local 205 Scugog's Local 1817 W. Kiwanis Duplate Houdaille Police Local 2784 B'Nai B'Rith Coca Cola 1 TOP TEN SCORERS 10 OWA mworweseo G A PTS. $3 Sutton, Civitan 6 4 Ryan, Loca! 1817 6 Miljour, Scugog's 6 Clark, Scugog's 6 3 Waddell, Local 205 5 |McAvoy, Civitan 1 Hewer, Can. Tire 5 | Anderson, Duplate 1 | MIDGET LEAGUE WLTF A PTS. Loca] 222 7002 74 22 16 11 1 24 18 2 21.19 33 22 2 16 § 30 334 ions Rotary Kiwanis Navy Vets Firefighters Kinsmen TOP TEN SCORERS wewvieu G A PTS, Kitchen, Kiwanis 8 20 Waters, Kiwanis 414 Robinson, Lions 412 Cullen, Kiwanis 8 12 Soloman, Local 222 311 Fair, Legion 3.9 Firefighters vs Mundingers, at 8.30 a.m.; Jaycee Blues vs Bola-) |hoods Sportshaven, at 8.55 a.m, |and Parts and Service vs CKLB, lat 9.20 a.m. All games at Sim- coe Hall. | Y's Men's Minor League -- | Medical Pharmacy vs Firefight-| fers, at 9.50 a.m.; Bolahood's | Sportshaven vs St. . John's} |Cadets at 10:25 a.m, and CKLB | VS Provincial Tile, at 11.00 a.m.| All games at Simcoe Hall. | GAMES FOR SUNDAY HOCKEY Oshawa Major League -- | King's vs Oshawa Juveniles, at {6.30 p.m, and City-Wide An-| wering vs Oshawa A's, at 8,30) p.m.; both games at Bowman-| ville Arena. : UAW League -- Merchants vs Unionaires, at 10.00 a.m. and Baker Vending vs Tony's Re-| freshments, at 11.30 a.m.; both} games at Bowmanville Arena. | OHA Metro Junior 'a League ~--Brampton Seven-Ups) vs St. Michael's College Majors, 'at Maple Leaf Gardens,' 2.00 p.m bd | B STBALL | ixhibition Game -- Oshawa Hawks vs Welland Jantzi Me- teors, at Welland, 2.00 p.m, GAMES FOR MONDAY HOCKEY OHA Lakeshore Intermediate League --Belleville at Napanee, 8.30 p.m, and Port Perry at Uxbridge, 8.30 p.m. Oshawa Minor Assoc, (Ban- tam League) -- Canadian Tire vs B'Nai B'Rith, at 5.00 p.m.; Police Assoc. vs Scugog Clean- ers, at 6.00 p.m.; Duplate vs Westmount Kiwanis, at 7.00 p.m.; Houdaille Industries vs Coca Colas, at 8.00 p.m. and Local 205 vs Local 2784, at 9.00 p.m.; All games at Oshawa Children's Arena. REMEMBER WHEN ... By THE CANADIAN PRESS Tex Rickard, who lifted the fight game from the "ham and eggs" class into the field of big business, died 35 years ago to- day at Miami Beach. The great sports promoter's two biggest money - earners were heavy- weight champions Jack Demp- sey and Gene Tunney Balson, Legion Griffin, Local 222 Bradley, Local 222 Neate, Lions JUVENILE H, Macdonald 4 2 Oshawa Dairy 3 3 2 16 17 Beaton's 3.4 «1:19 21 'Tony's Pao: eee ne ee) ie Hee: TOP TEN SCORERS Jutton, Mac's Solomon, Tony's Kemp, Tony's Macdonald, Mac's T. Peters, Tony's | Wilson, Tony's |Mitchell, Beaton's Supryka, Mac's King, Tony's Nelson, Beaton's ~ ee ee ee er Announce Plans CALENDAR {Ski Instructors | Annual School nthe Canadian at) Sound, which is operated by the (yc., 12.25 p.m. All games at Osh-|Georga's Brothers, jtario ski champions Irwin, Far Hills, Quebec, Chief|two games left in this section Examiner; , i : Ste. ' Y's Men's Major League -- Boer, Montreal; Hans Wieland, cher, teaching the Red Cross |Ontario Steel A's vs Ontario) Georgian Peaks, Ontario, and,system, |Steel B's, at 9.00 a.m.; Kinloch's) jack "Whitebread of Toronto, attend lectures on winter first excellent for aid, te be given by Miss Wendy,is being held from January 6th Ward Price, and Mr. Bob' Bou-|to 13th inclusive SERVICE OPEN THIS SUNDAY STATIONS 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 215 KING 56 BRUC 334 PARK ZOLTAN and NIC R. J. TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ALEX NATHAN'S Sunoco STATION COOPER'S TEXACO STATION T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING and RITSON RD. SOUTH KEMP'S ESSO STATION 288 BLOOR ST. WEST George Brown's SUPERTEST Station SEED'S B-A STATION SIMCOE ST, NORTH and TAUNTON RD. SOUTH END TEXACO STATION 506 RITSON RD. SOUTH 160 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH CLINT'S TEXACO STATION WENTWORTH AND CEDAR McLELLAN TIRE & BATTERY | 38 PRINCE ST. ST. WEST E STREET RD. SOUTH K'S Fina STATION | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenuery 6, 1962 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS ion om MIXED BUSINESS LEAGUE ! : U.S. Chess Champ PARTS AND SERVICE LEAGUE |Oldsmobiles 1: Corvairs 3, Cadillacs 1;| The festivities are all over for an- George Aquilina, SI are : . are determined to take the second sec- The instructors includé: Elton'tion, they are four points up with only Roland' Bellhumeur,| Wednesday's Results le + | ° . . I md G. Mercier 685 (250,|/E9Voys 3, Vauxhalls 1; Maple Leaf 3,/other year and a few of our bowle R laste Re Piper 662, (243, 238), A,|Buicks 1 and GMC's 3, Chevrolets 1, | ae: wlohe trd elayoied| egain 18 it e |B. Walls 642° (255, 209), E. Cornish 638 | started it off with @ nice 613 (281, abel Evans, 29 - New York, recaptured the V. Smith 612 +1. " ' " "1 if , 255); Mar-|(315, 232) and Fred McKee's 612 (257,!; Ski Instructors and F. Bidgood' 600 (226, 208), Isabelle Creamer 651 (229, 255); Mar : it from 1951 to 1954 2 | the McRoberts 230, H. Zosik 230, J. Deli! 200 Scores -- Blanche Norton 276,/nice 715 (271, 235) and Peggie Fayle since |Brown 213, M, Drago | ; 7, B, Mepstead jorie Carswell 236, Marg, Eccles 228, Madeline Morrison's team was out A E Votal Points -- Maple Leafs 38 Olds-|yi7 "Betty MacDonald 216, Lyla Hux-jenjoyment, but each member is ob- ¥ "7 °! En, } Lang 211 and Pru, Whittick 203 former On-|Envoys 30, Vauxhalls 30 and Buicks 28, ,b@9# 2 se the captain down, 60 let's see a better Tulips 10, Robins 9, Blue Bells 9, Gor bowled a nice 623 (270, 185) Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn, 5 Whirley Birds 4, Daisies 4, Sweet Peas : Q Monts: Mare s b ' Holland 206, Marg. Maughan 206, Shir- ' A ; : the championship this year, He aya sat Gan hisy: Ge Kemal) 660 celebrated the New Year by rolling Pegged a , . MOTOR CITY LADIES' LEAGUE NEW YORK (AP) -- Lary \(285, 228), P. Jarvis 636 (223, 208, 205) High Triple -- Evelyn Redpath 678 it's too. bad his team never took ae cee Eachern ,616 (217, 210), 600 Triples -- Donalda Williams 657\His loss is the opposing team's gain, United States' chess champion- { the Ontario Branch of| fae T. Krawehuk 613 (244, 200)|(210, 210, 237); Mary King 656 (281),|due to Lily Rae racking up a lovely 690 5 ; d jorie Vaughn 624 (267) and Ada Tonkin} !80). has announced that ' High Singles -- A, Villa 268, B. Jones | tournament competitor Sweet 218, H,|Marion Thomas 255, Ann Sabo 251,,with # 624 (224, 200). Needless to say, the 1961 title with four victories man 215, F, Fuseo 7 ;C 08 |Blanche Kelth 225, Marg. Logan 222, bowled this week, but only due to for 744 points, based on one for mobiles 35, Pontiacs 34, Cadillacs 33, tanie gig) shirley Sargent. 212, Babe (ligated to their team, By not being draw. It certainly looks like' the Pontiacs| 'Teams Standing -- Champs 13, Knick-\turnout {rom now on. By the wav, placed second in the tournament Getters 8, Peanuts 8, Poodles 8. JOk-! 40g Games (Women) Betty Ann who had won the U.S, title the ley Smart 204, Edria Lee 20) 4 j public explanation \¢4 "f tow 656 4 some rousing scores. Fred Schneider |(261, 254), J, Gow 656 (231, 224, 201),/ AIMEE Te" Mary King 281 yaar Di nalive ae Presi-|1" simpson 634 (223, 214), A, Mc. | (254 277). point after this effort on Fred's part, 231, 203). T ship Friday night. He had held = : 7 a 619 (245, 205), Art Smart takes honors too for a) A 23), D. Crandall 230, F, Brent 230, R, - completed for the age of 13, Evans won atz 213, G Free.|Mary King 250, Vi. Taylor 241,' Mar.|their team took all the points, and seven draws in 11 matches § 8, The school will be held at the|206, C. Taylor 205 and J, Brady 202, he school will i. na Anderson 219, Madeline Morrison|absenteeism, Bowling is a sport for » victory and one-half fora 32, Chevrolets 31, Corvairs 30, present, you are letting your team and) Robert Bygne of Indianapolis Knacks 12, lockets 11, Hopefuls 10,/\adeline (not being too discouraged) With seven points. Pontiacs 3, 1, ¢ ae . ontiacs 3, ers 7, Chipmunks 7, Shamrocks Groat 264, Key Crawlord 237. Sar laat four-youhe: did sak Hela 200 Games (Men) ~ James Norrie Offered no Agathe des LEMON LEAGUE Nan, Bennet, Ethel Hoar, Jean Schoenau, Josie Hur. It is expected that, because|rie, Rhea Mann, Irene Huxtable, Mat { } 7 rphy, Smi learning ski of recent snow falls in the Owen|seweke Sahin Ginat Weeeke the candidates will Sound area, conditions will be! nuby--Jones, Alice Armstrong, Flo the school which Westfall, Mary Wright, June Chese brough, Alice Hayton, Marjorie Cam ayon. Edith McKee, Dorothy Gazley, Pauline Calyn and Gussie Mitton. 279, Gord Nobes 242, Bert Trick 231,/for his absence, BenMaughan 231, Bill Gallant 230, Jim| ----- ~~ ~ "\Zavitsky 217, Danny Gray 217, Jerry) Crawford 216, Harry Fayle 214, Orv,! SIMPLE PRECAUTION Holland 210, Bill Webster 209 Make sure that hands and Lemon League Edith MeKee 84 fs a a "a Janice. Jubenville 82, Margaret. Gray feet are dry when repairing (68, -- See you next week!, (electrical connections. --) In addition to -setter... Laurentian 4-Door Sedan Fonuae "62 Get set-GO/ to your Pontiac dealers today! whitewall tires optional at extra cost What is it about Pontiac that sets it apart from all the rest? Maybe it's Pontiac's refreshingly beauti- ful styling--styling that consistently blazes a hot pace that others can only try to follow. Maybe it's Pontiac's superb, serene ride . . . Pontiac's dra- matically elegant, comfort-loving interiors. Or maybe it's Pontiac's smooth surge of power... Pontiac's masterful handling on every type of road. What is it about Pontiac? Maybe it's simply that Pontiac is everything a car ought to be. Find out for yourself... Be sure and:see "The Tommy Ambrose Show" on the CBC TV Network on Friday evenings and "Singalong with Mitch" on the CTV Network en Thursday evenings, Check local listings Channel and Time THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED 226 King St. West Phone 723-4364 Whitby, Ontario . for Oshawa, Ontario GI SOE PC RET

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