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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jan 1962, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Jenuery 6, 1962 SPORT OUTDOORS -- By Jack Sords When THey TAKE OFF AT THE END OF AFIELD, THEY'LL FLY BACK TO "THE BRUSH, THEN GO-BACK TO THEIR ORIGINAL PLACE IN THE FIELD. THEY'LL BACK TRACK IF THEY. POT YOU ONLY A FEW FEET OFA, HUNTERS GAY THE BEST TE COCK PHEASANT IG SMART, WE GENDS UP A HEN,IF THERE'S GHOOT> ING IN THE AREA, TO SEE WHAT HAPS PENS, BEFORE HELL TAKE OFF « errrtcaTs, be WAS FIRST ONE, TOO! By JACK SULLIVAN Canadian Press Sports Editor It has been said that Babe Dye could score goals with his back turned against the nets, or from any angle. This was an indirect tribute to his mother who flooded the backyard of their Toronto home every win- ter and made Babe practise his shot, But.to the Babe, who died in Chicago on Wednesday, prob- ably his most embarrassing moment came in the 1922 Stan- ley Cup final at the old Mutual Street Arena in Toronto, He couldn't even find the net from point-blank range. Dye, right - winger with Tor- onto St. Pat's, was steaming in on goalie Hugh Lehman of Van- couver Millionaires when he was hauled down from behind by Art Duncan, Referee Cooper ,|Smeaton, later a Cup trustee,| awarded Dye a penalty shot,| \the first In Cup play. SPORTS I N BRIEF |FIRED HIGH | Babe messed it up, He skated in on- Lehman, his drive from SERIES TIED UP CAPE TOWN (Reuters)----New unofficial cricket test here Thursday. New Zealand's vic- tory squared the five-match se- ries at 1-1, Final scores: New Zealand 385 and 212 for nine de-| clared; South Africa 190 and) 5. RIDERS SNAG TWO CLINCHES FIRST PLACE HASTINGS, England (AP) --|eventually won the best-of-five Zealand beat South Africa by) Arthur Bisguier of New York! 72 runs with'27 minutes to spare! bowed to Mikhail Botvinnik otlhero thouen, 'scoring: pine. of on the final day of the third|Russia Thursday night, assuring|Toronto's jabout 35 feet and sailed far} jover the net and St. Pat's, who) series five games to three, lost| He ended as the series real Canadiens' fame. He was a player along the lines of Nels Stewart of the old Montreal Maroons who usually parked around the oppdsition's blue- line waiting for a pass. And both had a flair for scor- ing goals, Stewart, who died in 1957, still ranks fourth in all-time NHL scoring with 324 goals over a brilliant 15-year career with Maroons, Boston Bruins and, finally, New York Americans. And he played in the years-- --1926 - 40--when the schedule called for 36, 44 and 48 games. 200-GOAL MAN The only players ahead of him are the retired Maurice Richard of Canadiens and Ted Lindsay of Detroit Red Wings and Chi- cago, and Gordie Howe, still an active operator with the Red Wings. Dye hit the NHL a few years before Stewart and when the schedule called for 24 and 30 Even Great Babe Dye Missed Penalty Shot games and he is one of 33 play- ers with 200 goals or more. He ended an eight-year stint in the big league with 202. Ted (Toronto Telegram) Reeve, who has been prowling the sports beat for 30 years or more, says that Dye had the "That is," says Ted, "it war got it away so much faster. Big ferearms and wrist and that unaccountable set of reflexes some fellows have; there would be a crack like the report of a starter's gun, sort of a- short chop notion as the scramblirg, skating right-winger let fly. No wind-up such as a slap shot of today. : | "It was almost as if he drove |down at the inside of the puck. |Whatever the cause, that bis- cult would be quivering on its way before a goalie could get Iset for it." best shot he ever saw in hockey. as fast a: any levelled by the! great fire power players, but he) Roger Maris Reveals His Success Bit MILWAUKEE (AP) -- New. York Yankees' mighty slugger Roger Maris credits an eye ex- amination and a front - office impetus for his record-breaking] feat of 1961 when he whacked 61 home runs to shatter Babe Ruth's long-standing mark. "The eye doctor told me that with my eyesight I could fly a jet plane, so I knew that war OK," Maris told the Fraternal Order of Eagles award dfhner Thursday night. "And the front office told me to quit worrying, forget about batting averages and just go conference with proyiding the out there and swing a bat. You might say that was the turning MONDAY, 6:30 P.M., AT MASON former C.B.M.C. chairm soloist of Kitchener. | ' Christian Business Men's Committee & District NEW YEAR'S DINNER MEETING JAN. 8th IC HALL (CENTRE ST.) SPEAKER -- MR, BILL SHUH--Investment broker an of Kitchener, . MUSICAL TALENT -- CECIL LYNESS -- Tenor PLUS -- Testimonies and Lively Singing. Dinner $1.00 Per Person Al] Men Welcome point. I quit pressing and so,) Mrs. Ward, the world's fast- here = am, but I sure was|test woman, holder of the world lucky, and don't forget tt." records ot 6.8 seconds in the Maris and te fomoeing Pee ®yard dash indoors and 11.2 nessee State and Olympic trac star Wilma Rudolph Ward were in the 100 - metres outdoors, here Thursday to receive the|S@ys she has hopes of clipping Frederick C. Miller trophies forjone-tenth of a second off the their selection in the Associatec|$0-yard sprint when she opens Press poll as the athletes of thejher competitive season at Los year for-1961. Angeles later this month. DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JAMIESON DRUGS 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 MITCHELL'S DRUGS LTD. 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-3431 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-8541 Can ate rannnnenenemeatnentenaeentranna 16 goals,. including the Russian of first place in the|four in the final game which international chess congress. Botvinnik, unbeaten in eight of St. Pat's won 5-1. Dye was a slight man, about the nine rounds played, had alfive feet eight inches and 148 7% point score and no player|pounds, and a star among su- was in a position to overtake! per-stars of the era including the him, great Howie Morenz of Mont- COMING January 2/th OTTAWA (CP) -- President Barry O'Brien of the Ottawa Football club said Friday the) Rough Riders have signed aj tackle and offensive end, 'both of whom we wanted very badly." O'Brien gave no names} but said the American players| participated in recent bowl games. | EDDIE DYER STRICKEN | HOUSTON (AP)--Eddie Dyer) manager of the 1946 world! champion St. Louis Cardinal| baseball team, suffered a stroke} Tuesday. -. Hospital attendants; Thursday said Dyer's. condition) is serious but that he is mak: | ing progress | IN THE WORKS? OGDEN, Utah (AP)--A Gene| Fullmer-Archie Moore fight for| the light - heavyweight boxing! championship is in the works for this year, The Standard-Ex- aminer says. Al Warden, The Standard's sports editor and a| close friend of both Fullmer and| his manager, wrote that the/ fight may be held in April at) Los Angeles or New York, MONEY TALKS BATON ROUGE, La, (AP)--A Louisiana State Univer sity board member said Wednesday he feels thé board wants to] have a straightforward talk with! football coach Paul Dietzel and there is still a chance Dietze! will decide to remain at LSU.) Officials of the Army football) PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 52 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Best Wishes, Carl ! As your friend and business partner in the firm of Ristow and Olsen Realtors for the past six years, may | extend my sincere best and happiness in the years to wishes for your success come, Although we have opened our individual real estate offices, | am sure that the same friendly and co-operative spirit which we have enjoyed will continue and that an equally harmoniou s relationship will be © constant reminder of our many pleasant personal and business associations together, Working with you as | have, memories and personal satisfaction that | will'never forget. , has given me a wealth of 728-9474 What is she thinking about, as she watches the flickering candle flame? There is a far away look in her eyes that makes one wonder. Yet, if she May the future hold nothing but the best for you The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship, It is a storehouse of spiritual values, Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization ean survive, There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church, They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily, were offered a penny for her thoughts, she would probably only shrug and say, "Oh, nothing," in that maddening little way children have, team hope that Dietzel, one of; the country's top young coaches, | will sign a contract for five years at $20,000 a year. WILL GET RAISE SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Or-| lando Cepeda of San Francisco} Giants, who led the Nationa! League in homers and runs batted in, will be offered "'a: good raise" this week. Charles Feeney, vice - president of the club, sald '"'he's getting a raise, a good raise." Cepeda's 1961 Yours sincerely, Paul Watching her absorbed in her reverie is like an illustration of how closed one mind is from another. No'one can ever know completely what another person is thinking, A thought expressed out loud all too often leaves something out of the telling. And most thoughts are never expressed at all, Even should we wish to, we cannot entirely share our minds with one another. But we can share them with God. In the Church we can find the Day ech Chapter Verses way to tell Him all our hopes, our fears, our loves, our angers, our pride, salary war reported at $27,500. RECALL LUNDE DETROIT (AP)--Detroit Red) Wings of the National Hockey League Wednesday recalled cen-| tre Len Lunde from Edmonton' Flyers of the Western League.) Lunde will join Detroit for to-/ night's NHL game against Chi-/ cago Black Hawks here. | KENTUCKY COACH OUT LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) Blanton Collier, football coach at fired by the athletics board] Tuesday, The board said fh) bought. the remaining threc) years of Collier's contract. The} coach had compiled a 41-36-7) record with Kentucky in eight) seasons, | SCOT DEFENDS TITLE | FRANKFURT (AP) -- John o McCormack of Scotland _suc-) cessfully defended his Euro-| pean middleweight title Friday night by outpointing Helni Frey atg of Germany in a. 15-round bout. The 26-year-old Glasgow fighter cleariy dominated t he German challenger, who lost for the first time as a pro. | LAW TO BE OKAY | COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A! Columbus orthopedic surgeon Friday told Pittsburgh pitcher} Vernon Law he will be able to play basebal! next season. Dr.) Judson Wilson confirmed the! findings of two Pittsburgh spe-| cialists. The Pirates' ace right-| hander was forced onto the dis abled list last July by a shoul-| der injury } BESMANOFF SET DOWN | MILWAUKEE (AP)--Heavy-| weight Willy Besmanoff* was , Suspended indefinitely Friday by the Wisconsin State Athletic) Commisson which. said the de- cision' would be forwarded to} the National Boxing Associa the University of Kentucky, warif tion. Commission chair.) man Frank Falduto pointed out/ that in his last four bouts Bes-| manoff was knocked out three! times and lost @ one-sided de- cision. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 19 ATHOL ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Good Luck, Paul! Although the partnership o f Ristow & Olsen Realtors has been dissolved through the formation of our separate offices, | am sure that our future association will continue in the same. friendly way which we have' always: enjoyed, Our partnership has been one of the most satisfying experiences for me and althou of working together. gh | will miss seeing you - every morning, we will certainly have many opportunities | would like to offer my continued co-operation. and wish you good luck in the futu re, Yours Sincere Carl 723-1133 ly, 12 5-9 16 1-6 BS 29 Proverbs Proyerbs Tsaiah Jeremiah Psalms Philippians T Peter Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday our pain, Go to church this Sunday--and turn your own thoughts into prayer. 'Saprright 1902, Kelever Advertisers Serviea, Vee, Memlberg, We, THIS FEATURE 1S CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King St. & LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING 725-1044 758 Mary St: TAYLOR SERVICE STATION 728-2622 461 Pork Road South A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 725-1764 1016 King St. €. NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING 725-3715 $2 Wayne Ave. ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE 723-7242 Courtice MA 3-3553 Bowmanville N. H. EDGAR & SON LTD. PAINT AND WALLPAPER 723-7351 34 King West DIXON'S The Robert Dixon Co. Limited FUEL OJL--OIL BURNERS--SERVICE 313 Albert St. Phone 723-4663 A. HEFFERING'S ESSO 725-9892 No, 2 Hwy. & Thiekson's Rd, HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 723-7822 67 King St. W. HARRY A. DICKISON BUILDING CONTRACTOR 238 Edword St. 725-8213 STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby MATT GIMPELY UPHOLSTERY CO. Reupholstering & Remodelling 77 Celina St 728-5342 BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 725-4704 463 Ritson Rd, N. MASTER FEEDS 34 Church St, 723-2229 HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 728-6221 534 Ritson Rd. 8. JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Res. MO 8-5285 . Store: MO 8-3324 124 Dundos W., Whitby WHITBY CLEANERS 150 Colborne St. €., Whitby MO 8-2345 OSHAWA NATURAL STONE Natural Stone Veneer for Home Remodelling 728-1022 163 King West OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL 725-0232 877 King &. E. ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities

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