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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jan 1962, p. 14

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CY Ge pe ag Ne ee Oy rine eee Page eer ee Tee, 3 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== '16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male_ Help Wanted |24--Houses for Rent |25---Apts. & Flats for Rent| 25--Apts. | & Flats for Rent WOMAN who can drive. If you would bernie alt Assistant for 'e\vvigion and Two bedroom bungalow. wih oil har 'IN apartment house, self cantatas TRREE + ROOM apartment, furnished enjoy working three or four hours a Radio Service Wepaxtment, 'elephone nace, one or two children welcome; |large four room apartment, refrigeri unfurnished, day calling regularly each month on a /23:3426._ ____|vieinity of Wilson Roid, Johle im-|jtor and stove, three piece bathroom,| p 4 group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients | mediately. Telavhone 723- closets, Le megge if oe tiadl sot paage' 4 No, 2 Highway. 'Telephone | 725-5937. on a route to be established in and > bun,|foom, parking, reasonable. pply actemerape © -- i } 'APPLE Hill area; modern brick bun- FIVE"ROOM apartment, 5 parking space, : around Oshawa - Whitby, and are will YOUNG MAN galow, furnished five rooms with 'Gibb Street, Apartment 1, at Simcoe} 1S SPace, car) |very central location. Apply 786 Simcoe ing to make light deliveries, ae " Pdr port, on bus line, Telephone 725-7782) pleke se Hevea ra bre sac aoe od ilinad emir jirl Cosmetics, Dept. Cy 840 fler 6 p.m |THREE-, or tour-room apartment 4 ur Avenue, Montreal 22, "Toute --s me apartment building, large stove, refrig-| THREE- "ROOM "basement apartment, yup to $5.00 per hour FOR MAIL BOY TWO bedroom house at 67 William |aPariment bullding, large ove, efi on bus line, modern, reasonable, adults, Accountants [Driving School |Painting and Decorating | CLASSIFIED AD RATES HOUSEKEEPER wanted with experi-| AND GENERAL t Nephone 725-3068. oll heated. parking. 68 Wayne Street, 725-3038. Ginbene Sineet fines outlet, 301 | | PrN A has i # ence. Must like children, good wages. --_--_-- es hee Ren Chattal MONTES. | xm, a TO DRIVE Weucr sublet tr cetdlagr 304 Church 25 words or tess | References. Telephone 728-5416 OFFICE DUTIES | SIX. ROOM brick house with « regan apartment | in Lora THRE 00, artment separate e en- Pro pedye toe Face gg vroclbaah Pd | LEARN |Street, 725-7297. : Cosh Charge | gisPONSIBLE woman wanted to look, Age 17 to 21. Education re- oll heated, centrally sarge mr oe jerator and range, aerial, washer, park- Deel aa tefrigerator and stove. Suit two ad 70800 reet North, ; *' Oshawa Driving School ia TC COnAeT peau" GLA 3 CONSECUTIVE ae after two children while mother works! quired: mininGn Junie a ipieagiier | reasonable rent. Tele ng. Sear Shopping Centre, adults. 212 "month. ras an02 woman, near bus, ped ol LACHES ~| fessional instructors. for artnet a 'active ae NSI ; ; Telephone 723-7207 after 5 p.m Motric or equivalent. Excel- | seis enson Sou es eae ae :, HOPKINS and Compa Certi- paper. banging, wood finishing. 2) @ CONSECUTIVI Sepp rp Teas ong 2 FIVE-ROOM brick, 1'4-storey, fire- : iE -- three-room b fed. Public Accountants, 172 King) controlled cars, standard and wallpaper in stock. Telephone 728-0086 INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 | EXPERIENCED lady to take charge lent opportunity for advance- | place, easily heated, tenants moving to FURSINELD aparimest ag inele, bouse-| ment in exchange for bi Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509, automatic. Day and evening P i S it not peld within? dave the On Coliticer sebadenchae ment, Apply: Montreal. Occupancy January 31, tral, parking. Reasonable. Apply 96 light housework. 1326 Cedar Street. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER [essons Gift certificates ersona ervice og Cherge rate will apply. OLE Ie ee PERSONNEL OFFICE, monthly..728-4810 after 6. IGantra Street elephone 728-2737. and Co., Accountants 'and Auditors.) available for Christmas. | Above rates apply only to origina: |ijight housework and care for kinder-,/ DUNLOP (CANADA) | \atiativersam pte OF sell, ct |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, equipped, RREE-ROGM apartment with bath, Licensed Trustees in pats hae 6 728-0091 | orders for consecutive insertions. |'garten aged boy while mother- works.| ahi bipa gone fd: F tare with stove, refrigerator, and laundry |) phil floors, private entrance, K : . L. Yale, MODERN RILL Subsequent Insertions ordered at © |! Abstainer, 723-7576 or apply 231 Annis LTD speare. Vacs A $108, ports evar pelee on Simcoe North. Telephone "®t Ag if desired. Immediate 8 om po Wood oe eee : WHITBY, ONTARIO. sais future'down payment. See any-| cer 2 19 $ Pi Geaaoe centr eee BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Ac uel on 00 fone ae ga Pagar 7st Eid geile Aah re EXPERIENCED waitress required for. ime. Call collect, HUdson 8-1136. |LARGE * two-bedroom japariment, in aILLSIDE bln Med Private i Service. Complete bookkeeping service. FACTORY hardwood cuttings, Suitable inners, Fish on ips, Mome brag ale deg inaag Yar aplasia IT: work or steady evening work. 8--. MODERN new six-room brick bunga-| ret 1 pela sapee Cat Ons err eclwell heated, $50 monthly. Sui som 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res./for stoves, fireplaces, furnaces. Tele) Mode Pies and Desserts. Hee oer Picbeiny id 3 Vert at Good salary. Apply 5 Bloor Street East 1 'Male or Female Help low, fireplace and garage. Adulte, baby | possession, 'Telephone oe enrol s Apply 249 Hillside Avene. it couple, ach additional tine $1.60 pe Wanted Di p! 723-7605. phone 728-8535. BY sitt rn by t ( \. welcome, North Oshawa district, rea- ------ -------- WE DELIVER , month, bas Si ae saree oi Mca ae ve |sonable rent. CO 3-2628, ONE or two bedroom apartment for, !HREE-ROOM ground floor apartment, WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered|/FIREWOOD, ary, good, for stove, ca 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH '| _ €ach Initial fetter, abbreviation, mn tr WITH $20 for your sample case, you ~jrent, living room, bathroom, kitchen; M€Wly decorated, gas stove, heat and Accountants, 114 King Street East, pee a ah og Free delivery. Tele 725.3887 1] $ and ¢ sign, figure, counts os © Gond wages. Telephone 728-3817 eT/can start in a business of your own;|FOR RENT -- five-room "bungalow, refrigerator and stove, in Marina Apart-|hydro, bath, private entrance, adults Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA;/ phone 27. . word, Box charge 1S¢ additionel. 5 interesting work, exclusive district. 295 | Whitby township, $70 per month. Phone) ments. 281 Simcoe Street South, Janitor,|only, $65 monthly, central. Telephone G. Edmund Burrows, CA, 728-7554. Nursing Hawes a bi ri H hi All Clossified Advertisements " amr wanna ; to pabyeit whi renee necessities you will sell th Mr. Green, MO 8-5680 evenings, | Apartment 1. 38-3757 after 4. um ing an eat 'in must be in by 5 om. the doy be- j|ithree children for five days weekly 40 p.c. commissidn. Incomes from $50 = $65 | MONTH Appraisers [su NYBRAE NURSING HOME. RN| SANG Tere fore publication except Births, ||while mother works. To live in if pre-|to $85 weekly; monthly specials--pre- '18--Male or Female Help [Four an "self-contained aparinient, ment, ONTHLY. | one-bedroet. apart --\in attendance. No, 2 Highway between G and heating supplies.| Memoriams Cords ef Thanks which |iferred. Telephone 28-5968 Sea Pha abner ioe "nh _ Wanted [studing electricity, heat and water, !0r and stove included. Immediate. bos: PATRICK G MeDANIEL,AACI, Real Whitby and Oshawa. Call 725-2330. ibe Re heating AGS enue Roane Sia pe oo i 9 pale TYPIST - CLERK, good position, Tele- Dept. B, 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal 400. session. Telephone 725-5704 n roker E A i r-|] Deadline for Lost end Found and j pi Sia Estate Appraiser a i pir experience could be an asset iy r aaseatna apartment, eae THREE-ROOM furnished apartinents years of appraisal experience, Whitby. ling. _255 5 Simcoe Street South, Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office || Many benefits, modern office. Apply in NE Phone MO 8-2311. Nursing | Services ES agapain Ra aANitrs eRe Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12 | writing to Box 824, Oshawa Times, giv jrooms and bath, heated, hot water, oot Aly legen living room, kitchen, |SENIOR CITIZENS' boarding home. tems BaD ated iki tbe Pttrall REGULATIONS ing education, previous Gabloy nents \isineet see eran" rent. Apply late dewntocen tak nt eee Xo beep . yi ; 7 Auto Parts \Warm, bright rooms in ' picturesque 615 piping and: fittings. Chinn's, corner he Oshawa Times will not be qualifications, personal history and -- Inow. Apply 241 Kendal. 8. we ------~--| village. Reasonable rates, Call Orono responsible for errors in advertise eh number. het Shopping centre, extra ~ jarge - : KENT'S WESTERN TIRE --- Guaran-)1308 tilisae OA aie ORM aero ments submitted otherwise than in |i DaRaaimE free viraining now for droom suite, colored fridge | and THREE - ROOM apartment with pri- teed automotive parts and ac s ALL types a repairs and remodelling, | writing, mor for more than one ved rking, possession Feb- Yate entrance, self-contained. Refrigera- ua par t 145 King Street West, Oshawa. Ingurance new and used materials. Reasonable 'ocr pp cod of pg waver Dre whiten "anc kr dunce ienther er \veary Ist call 725-6544 or 725-8333. tor and stove, Telephone 725-2112. 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve you --------------_--.------- |rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931, J.J tisement, mor beyond the price fio) 14 99 Apply in person. Arthur Mur-| FULLY modern two-bedroom. a |TWO unfurnished ie ) part- rooms, ground floor, ALLSTATE Auto Ansuranos Save ar Foley. Tee bvattaitans Sar sperien sf ray Studios, 11% Simcoe Street South.| |ment in new apartment building, re.|SiNk and cupboards, two minutes trom to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For eE samme age or Marks [frigeralae; stove, washer, dryer, paved|South General Motors, private en- Barristers |personal service at your home, cal}! ALL WELL occurs. And also reserve the right ||* - 3 arking, school and shopping close.|'rance, heated. Telephone 723- 7877. 725-1625. | ey }] to classify advertising according to ]|) RELIABLE woman to mind three-year JAMES "A. "MacDONALD, BA, LLB, its own classification old child while mother works. Tele- 7am FURNISHED bed - sitting room and Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. ° | But if you insist 1 INEWLY dec ivate kiteh 4 ; 3 | in the cose of display advertise | phone 728-4796 (@) OP A MAINTAIN. A COM- NEWLY decorated, five-room, three-|PTivate kitchen, completely equipped, Vic, The Commercial Building, 286 King| Instruction | ; ments The Times will not be helo | BOOKKEEPER . iypist, full time. Re- TO DEVELOP AND T Cc jbedroom apartment, private entrance, 8004 cupboard and closet space, cen- . . all conveniences; also three-room apart-|{¥al, close to transportation, facilities West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking | ----------------___-----_____ on the best... Call HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, 'esponsible for more space or | ply in writing, stating age, qualifica available --|tap, RAD ballet, Highland. Register GUSCOTT PLUMBING thot in which tne actual error |itions, salary expected to Oshawa Golf PLETE PERSONNEL PROGRAM IN A 600 ment, Ideal for working couple. Apply Telephone 25-867 two reliable tenants, RUSSELL J. MURPHY, BA, LLB.!now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122. occupies, The publishers endeavow' Ieinh, post Office Box, 36, Oshawa 592 Drew 'Street. e phone .125-8876. Barrister and Solicitor, 4 King Street to reproduce all advertising matter |! - = ~ $40 MON as st |LOW rental apartments, $87 mon' East, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2971. FRivat spear een ot and Heating Limited correctly but assumes no fiability | EARN $23 WEEKLY plus a free ward BED HOSPITAL WITH 1,000 EMPLOYEES. pradllacindake bib ia ay ee two bedrooms, four - piece bath, nia b r a ime. J MANNING _F, SWARTZ and RONALD 4 054. | 207 Simcoe St, S-725-5132 |[ of ,osvartionnent ere wontained 1Tit on rocse to ériends, No dnvert- close to Shopping Centre. Apply 335/¢Fator and stove, in new apartment erier A formal Elmg' Avenue. building. Telephone 728-3377. = = t ir ay in oi form ' ' L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, hone: Jancing School, there. moernnene my worm | ment, canvassing, experience _ nec Previous experience in personnel work is essential ce No- : BOWMANVILLE heated, modern ? EMA . 4 taries. Money to loan, Henry ; -si . : Y -- ---- se i - "DEA, Ballet, Tap, et School acro- Ru --U holst rvi } nessary. Write: North American Fash-| NE % 26% King Street East, 723-4697, Resi-/DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-Schoo\ acre RUG) P ery Sei ce ion Frocks, Ltd,, 3425 Industrial Blva.,, training and a knowledge of hospitals would be advantageous. ition, three rooms, kitchenette and bathroom, Genes, Wel TO ..| Temple, Centre Street. 723-7253 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- Debt. 42850, 'Montreal, 39. Applications should be addressed to: rar Phage ag X:|ment 4, 69 King West APA CREIGHT: FRASER, DRYNAN " "a covered like new. Get the best for less 5--Farmers Column RELIABLE GIRL or woman to take (ak et weiwranibel iaietnrie: rou * ae nae: ee 7 room apartment in . fiveplex, MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-\Lawnm Mowers at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simcoe care of three school ~ or' Gan man ; ° = ol-age and two small rR ing ltr ert era 'ag, | South, Call 728-6451. Free estimate. /FOR SALE at barn or delivered, 9,000\children while mother 1s in hospital.) WH, A, HOLLAND, ADMI NISTRAT OR | |GROUND FLOOR, two - bedroom mod-|built-in stove and oven, washer, dryer 5 Simcoe Stree 4 |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and bales of hay.*7,000 bales wheat, oat|Live in, Telephone 725-6296 jern apartment, electrically equipped, |facilities, pag bank parking. 195 Cromwell Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K./ WE SHARPEN AND RENT |restyled. F timates. See ou |straw, 20c. per bale and up. WHite.| | | Sh Centre, automatic wash-| Avenue. 725 Dryuan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA' mort | Ve SA THING. [feritvled: Free estimates. See our ma./straw, 20c. | OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL OSHAWA, ONT. ing tacititient Apply' 00 Cromwell Ave: |spAGIOUS.~ medena two ~beareora A 1 terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster- i gages arranged a Skee 4 aD een ante GIVE US A CALL... _ 78 Charles Street, 723-7212 __|DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, OG Mie, AMG Meo as _.|apartment, ground floor, in duplex, DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Barrister) 5 oRFIE aa STEN RAPHER |20--Room and Board |24--Houses for Rent UNFURNISHED 3 room Stove, refrigerator and garage. College s t East.| CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered|Phone collect, Hampton, COlMax 3-272) apartment a ear wale Es Sail Resi,| S TA N S like new. Why pay more? Our rates/Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd, 115 RECEPTION 1 board|/ NORTH END, five - room, three-bed- lprivate bath, downtown location (over Hill district. Telephone 726-4345, - are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed " IST WANTED: Quiet gentleman, to board)' atin , store). $65 monthly. Telephone 723-4712 Jy = dence 728-5373, Pe eset -| CORNER KING AT BURK STS, {Mattresses re-built, pickled vohelatare \TOP MONEY for dead and disabled and room in priv.ve home. Abstainer|'00m bungalow, oil heated, close to|aster 1 p.m. FOUR room heated apartment, newly . arm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, please. Appiy 71 Kitson ond South or schools, churches, quiet street, $95! = lecorated, immediate possession, Tele. F separate en- phone -- 725- 9423 for further Particul. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, |Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311. 2 j ie 4 Solicitor. Money te loen Office 1434 723-3224 | collect, 24-Hour, seven-day service | WITH SHORTHAND telephone 725-1338 {monthly. Telephone 728-8532. ccs |THREE 'rooms. apetairs, ' pet er pa King Street, East, Oshawa, 278-8232. 5 aa enRga MODERN five-room bungalow, also |*T2"ce, heat, light and water, refriger-/NEW three bedroom apartment, kitch- Residence 72 urveyors 11--Articles for Rent | THREE gentlemen, five. or seven-day ltwo.storey home, both are in nice aie ja toe TY aerial, _Availaiie now. 711 Hor-|en, large living room, close to Shopping 71 ar eer ---- me | 4 k, home cooking, parking space,|, t jtop Street. 725-0804 |Centre. $100 monthly, Available i AN. DAVID L., Barrister, Solici-/ Money to Loan H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario | required for busy law \weck: ! : 3 riets with oil furnaces and ha lately. ; . -- BOWMA Simcoe South. 725-9592. Resi. Y Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue! Dishes, Cutlery, . Glassware | +f Y taupaty enueee Close to GM south fenced in yards, Telephone 723-7043. * THREE "ROOM Re pte Og diately. Telephone 725-4008. dence 728-0264. j= rela (all sizes), Silver tea service | VLHGE: | i : $85, SEVEN - large rooms, attached g apache. garage Close Pe hospital. |FOUR* ROOM' apartment, ail convent HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and | WILL | MONIES FOR DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario Ce Pitas ROOMS or room and board, downtown, rage, suitable for two families, con- 'Tel ae 725-2540 ences, hot water heating, free laundry, MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. O.| and Surveyor. Comr 1 blue-print sets, Silver candelabra (single, Good salary, Permanent posi very central, lunches packed, parking |veniences, oil-heating, Harmony Road|A@ts. Telephone 7 parking, bus at door. 165 Verdun Road, Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA; MORTGAGES ing, 11 Ontario Street 5632 double, triple), Bun baskets, tion. All replies confidential, |space. Apply 48 Albert Street. | North. Guide Realty Limited, 723-1121, |VACANT -- three. Daa periment, vet 1723-3096. W. A, Hillman, LLB, 3614 King Street) Monies available on First Bud vases, Ash trays, Autc Apply : 1¢ 305 MONTHLY, brick bungalow, buses|V'¢ Dath and entrance, rer THREE-ROOM (large), upstairs apart- East 'Phones: Otfice 7 - Mortga t 7% per annum Tailors matic percolators (all chrome : ROOM and board for gentlemen, single and all conyeniences, one block to washer, TV outlet, Two Le or ment, unfurnished, kitchen with sinks MO 8-2761; 725-5203. gages 2 © per annui beds, laundr aj /DUSiness ladies preferred. 725-1949 also heat, light and water supplied. 725-4604 or Whitby, } | : Tele. | Schools. 725-1186, W. T. Lamson Re without bonus. | 10-44 cups capacity), Punch | BOX NO. 830 bei ne TOIT. to' downtann: | TS tate Lirnieed, THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment,|Abstainers, adults only, Telephone | Money to loan. | 4 ee ereaw an Mar > Soli. i Is | | bowls, Ice buckets, etc - phone 725: ~~ 723-7342. LOUD 5. AYMAN, QC, Barrier Soil Monies also available en | LEN PULLAN | "SARGEANT RENTALS HA r or THREE-BEDROOM bungalow. rectea-|trence' and bath, close te" all. services, eT citor, Notary, Alger Bldg., 37 King Second Mortgages | EN TAI 2 2) | WA TIMES TWO single rooms, suit : two | gentlemen, tion room and fenced yard, near South rance and bath, close to MODERN four-room ment at 385 Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies) Mortgages and Agreements | (ENGLISH TAILOR) 725-333 close to North "ae Motors and General Motors. No objection to chil.|Teleehone days. 728-6279,_ _.|Mary Street, equipped with refrigera. S 93 |. for all tailorin require- page pier downtown, home cooked meals, lunches | qren, Apply 70 M HREE-ROOM apartment, near Gen- tor, stove, washer, dryer, Adults only, IACKEY, BA, Barrister,| for Sie Durcoreas | 'ments use our cian. | 17--Male Help Wanted packed. Apply 292 King Street East. Pa Se OOH en wee Avenue, ral Motors north plant, private en-| Telephone 723-2511. if Solicitor, ary Public; Mortgage M. F. SWARTZ ervidee: Yor Gath sulk: end: =| SICKROOM EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE man required, prefer-/PONTIAG INN -- Room. and board! 4), eievadenten erator gino Ifrance. No children. Immediate posses-/FOUR-ROOM modern upper duplex, on funds available, He. 38% King Street East-! Short-term and Builders' dics repair and alrarations | FOR RENT OR FOR SALE ably write fourth cis papers. Apply Ne eee Teton Gelesnoat sion. Apply 451 Bloor Street East. jsion. Telephone 723-7584 after 6 p.m. bequtiful Riverside Drive South, paved 5-7 7 ss ions. ard, G cked, 5 , | parki rea. n | . SoNRS Was and emomas n.| Mortoqges st. reasonoble (next to Bus Station) eebinn bis wiveel chairs, eee a tal oe: 0078. THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, large \cunrmaL ae SS Telephone 723.2218, » BA : - lite SIDE representative require r nnn | HiVINg ~ id h . potted Associate Barristers and Soli-| rates. iv TO PRINCE ST. -- 728-5311 invalid walkers, bed sides, large furnishing retail company, Salary,,ROOM a oard for nice, quiet man. was' ta venues, Fee pentnEs| Parking no problem; in qtiet home. tors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. 26% King St East commodes, crutches and liberal commission, car allowance, ex-|Best home cooked meals. Lunchés pack-| ate possession. 'Telephone 725.4008 |One child welcome. Telephone 728-4061. ] d 2, BEDROOM Mortgage ioans available Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 TV-- -Rentals canes, also -roll-away beds cellent company 'benefits, Apply in'ed. Close to everywhere. Ample park: | ". |69RNER SIMCOE-Bloor, four - room| | ON GREER and KELLY, Barrister, Sotict?| | Registered Under Mortgage and $Slenderizing machines. |o¥" handwriting to Box 729, Oshawa ing, 81 Park Road South. Suite wines tec at: ict it tt apartment, located over store, refrigera-| APARTMENTS tor, etc. 114 King Street rt. Brokers' Registered Act : Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals Times ROOM and board for business lady,\screens, oil heated, immediate posses (tor? stove, washing and drying facili- 723-2278. Residence i '| __8 lien Purchase your de-humivitier | 725-1644 * |MAN WANTED -- Are you satisfied in large private home, also comfort-| sion Telephone MO' 8-8379. ties, $75 monthly. «Telephone 725-0748, $85 d $95 ai § 33685 , | $10 down -- $7 per month with your work? Would you like ajable unfurnished peered cP ag TWOBEDROOM house in Whitby. ailreV = ROOM apartment in apartment an elly, P/ a . | P| bu s f r ? ri kin, a Telephone 723-2 . in i) vs i 5 South, vs As 0, Barristers, MORTGAGE ; Remove the dampness from |12---Articles Wanted aig cr Py ae Ft Ole NaS dae ood a i a heated, heavy duty wiring, close to bulding, 202 Ouhawa Boulevard cee, | SIMCOE ST. NORTH -GIBBON B ters, | ' Dept. A-310-GG, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- . : 1 ; Scllcitors, Clients' funds available. for| your Pprymient: Ranta. tele: 7 "yea, |Tea! eee ee 21 --Room & Board Wanted 52h%!s_,and_ Shopping et fenced paved parking. For further informa:| All conveniences, parking, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for | PLAYER piano wanted, for cash, rea yard. $75; garage. 725-805 Sirst mort pace LOANS vision -- only $7 per week | sonable, Telephone 728-2333, 6 p.m. or YOUNG man between 18 and 25, Apply Serr ee ait jHom, telephone 725-4308, adults. 725-3366; Charles C. MeGibbon, from later Cole's -Sporting Goods, Oshawa Shop |AJAX -- four-room bungalow, garage, ra REE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, | PHONE 725-3302 Edgar F. Bastedo, ac. 40 years experience. Resi- | $$ tno Ding Centre, YOUNG BUSINESSMAN [oil heat, electric stove. Close to school,| *lin newer home, close to schoo) and bus, | jand shopping. Telephone WH 2-4754. | conveniences, heat and hydro in-| RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, +} dential, ac bus- 5 King St W 723-3425 | a oe = add : ( aoean Natary" Publ | -- i -- MEAGHER S creat eS | SHAW Tent gdh ior Hight saan' ules ASSISTANT $H--SIXROOM house, 95 Nasaaujcluded, $65 monthly. Vacant now. Tele. Block to Simcoe 1. R | , 6 ip { 728.985 Street, no furnace, vacant, 725-0332,;phone 723- or apply itchel North, ae | Members of Ont. 'Mortgage RE AUTO WRECKING CO. Brush Company, 723-2859 sheet, Be fn vend BEDR » Solicl-| Brokers Assoc Radio Re i Wonts cars for wreckin BOY, mechanically inclined, to work in - 'ete., 13% Simcoe Street North. | SOC. pairs 9. machine shop, and learn trade. Apply G *. Office 723-1101. Residence 725-5342 J. €, Harris, F. G. Harris \ty> RADIO. car radio repairs, all Parts for sale, also scrap iron in person' to. Industrial Tools, Bloor MANA ER 25--Apt s. & Flats for Rent| TWO-BEDROOM RUNDLE, Barrister, Soll-| and R. C. Bint jmakes. Thompson Electronics,, 157, 994 metals, etc., bought Street West. Oshawa, _ of WALKER'S STORE MODERN four room api 'un: | APARTMENTS | $90.00 itor, Fublie, 264% King, SUMMERLAND {Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred) Open Saturday all day, Phone we aca furnished, thgste ho central location, | Street. East. Phone - 1763 | 3 | | requires room and cor 79 monthly includes heat and myer. i REE i ae ee | SECURITIES | T.V. TOWERS _ |223:23!!_89 Book E CAREER oe , Adu couple wit coe chi. Tele-/ A conveniences, in apart. |_720-4218-725-B680 ookkeeping sel LIMITED | (permanently), ment building. $89 and $95. |26--Rooms for Rent : POPS ir All galvanized, n int | FOUR room avar:ment, TV aerial, «0 L. SCHAPELHOUMAN | | PHONE 725/3568 sys | WANTED OPPORTUNITY | tevepHoNe 728-4626 is smc iene rae | Apply: 280 Montrave Ave, /SASEatENT bedioom, wllable for twe é ee eel LEN & LOU S SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Our. Canadian Corporation phone 725.006. "| Apt. 5. 725-9341. gentlemen, single beds, private _wash- ' sic } 2 ms Fast , _ kiteh rivil king. oe ah eevee } ANTENNAS | AND FEATHER TICKS requires an Oshawa repre- 22--Store Space & Garages| TWO - bedroom apartment, equipped} Apaly 187 Wilson Frond South. . SERVICL INCOME TAX } D ; > \ é : : eer Hides cnd Raw Furs sentative 25-40 who is now /s43 -- SPACE for rent, 30° x 12' with| with stove, refrigerator, and laundry O TWO furnished light housekee; RETURNS. | -728- 5804 or 725- 7844 | (collect) engaged in management, basement. Suitable for light repair or facilities, on Simcoe North. Telephone | TW ooms, bedroom and kitchen, sepins storage. Telephone .728-4420. 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. cupboards, sink, refrigerator, near hos- ' sales, or executive duties, ' z a 686 OSLER STREET | | T: V. | 1. TURNER and who has resided in Osh. |MODERN office space, 2.000 square |THREE - Garge) earl APARTMENTS pital and downtown, Suit two girls. 725-9953 | | 723-2043 - 723-3374 | 'awa or e ore. feet, Burns: Building, corner King and Unfurnished partly --_ furnished, | 228. | i 361 GIBBONS ST. to cawratetres aka Orme fe Simcoe Streets. Available May 1, 1962. if rds in kitchen, _ $50 TO SUBLET | er | i ' - a e offer.a terrific opportun- |Apply Burns Shoe Store, 725-4611 ro, heat included, Tele- ATTRACTIVELY Brildina Trades a @ | 728-8180 13--Business Opportunities) j+y {< | 7650. | | ty for personal development " Spaces RISE ERO Cd ---- : : | Terms. Open minds sis ra I ; 23--W: d R FURNISHED ROOMS YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- | pen evening PLUMBING BUSINESS for sale. Net. With wonderful income pos- -- Wanted to Rent ; : Reys built and repaired, gas linings io- OSHAWA T.V profits $12,000 to $16,000 per year for| sibilities pension ond.other \wanamb: Five com bungalow bv ve AVAILABLE NOW-- Two bedrooms, stove, boi stalled, furnaces vacuum ree est "ye last four years. Western Ontari : ioe ba aga : Aye k. ce, large i i mates, 725-2997. ? Free Survey population' 4.060 Owner innving ae benefits available No travel- sponsible family, centred gli ok MODERN APARTMENTS spit eel il " 9 } ae 7 Poy home, INTERIOR , trim work, -- kitchen " cup and Estimates agi eetapliated maney maker, atal ling. We Rata ad interested. Ne awa' Stove, frig., laundry facili- L living room, outlet | Call between 5 an p.m, --_ of fi nimum cash payment in the man who is ambitious a s ~ bgards, recreation rooms, ete. Call $7,000. Contact Industrial Ds ; FOUR: or five-room apartment, or; 'v@5, locker T.V. outlet, low 725-5133 or 725-5410 | 82 PARK ROAD NORTH Dynamics, 728-8671 723-1231 nights only. | IT COSTS ONLY SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT Management Consultants, Waterloo,, °¢P!Y alvina.. spore partic- {small house in Cedardale, by 20th of rental. Call S building repa --DAY OR NIGHT! Ontario ulars and phone no. to: February, reasonable rent. Telephone MO 8-3092 After 6 p.m. ere ae CALL 728-5266 ee... Turret and Centre Lathe Operators > seorcom | WHITBY CLASSIFIED "file, "woodwork | FOR TWO WEEKS OSHAWA jhome together with a business of your i fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. | pce eed eavren ee Gordon 'May. sidewalks, stoops. 7 T.V. and RADIO! MEAT SLICER, 'commercial scales, BOX 823, OSHAWA TIMES 728-287, : iss sala or 101 Craydon Rd., Apt. all floor coverings. ya] esti }own. Only $1,500 down obtains imme Work guaranteed. 728-08 aia ve for a MINI-LOAN ELECTRONICS ldiate possession of this neighborhood | Milling Operators APARTMENTS |FOR RENT seven roomed brick house,|COMPLETELY furnished apartment, ANGER CONSTRUCTION CO. Chim jvariety store in Oshawa with nice liv-| m, centrally located. Tele-jprivate entrance and bath, $80 monthly. Dens theained Gad *eIAd." Brickwork Well Drilling-Diaai ing quarters of five rooms including Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. {phone MO peor Telephone MO 8-9037 or apply 1121 Dun- and concrete, Telephone MA. 3-2273. CRESCENT rilling-Digging |three bedrooms, oil heating, Central lo us das Street East. ; -- --Jeation on lot 300 ft. deep. Sacrificing, \A £5 : Capable of Contact ri lL, AND H ROOFING. Spectalizing in i inimum o years experience. Capable of own FOR RENT: Clean, bachelor apart- ATTRACTIVELY 4d { owing to illness for only $11,300. Oppor t, self contained, nicely furnished, L ecorated wu upstairs t nd vel, asphalt shingles, metal 7 4 ' a | ; ee j ment, apartment, two bedrooms, living room. roo ingatng wang aod ai kines ot = FINANCE Were DARD | itisiee 'Stef Mt"aint"pane| set-up, Congenial working conditions. Company paid Howe & Peters cis: Bsa Cut Me ree baa el contained, el en repairs. All work guaranteed. Free esti-| Hol Realt 204 Ki Str : | . ' Se Tatee . $80 monthly. Telephone 728-2633. mates. Telephone MO 8-8003 or 725-6937 CORPORATION LIMITED MACHINE y | 795 3363. Diinwe ine Street East,| fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Office. 67 KING ST. € | FURNISHED room or room and board ROOM and board available for gentle» ee dea for gentleman, abstainer: centri men at 901 Walnut Street, Whitby. j 10 SIMCOE ST SOUTH SPECIALIZING IN 30" | y ace. : { ZING 0" TILE | . 5 725-4701 Cedar Street, Whitby. Parking spac: fou mater ae aor - Eric E. Moore DIAL 728-7311 | Me Does tg A | A GOOD MAN Dowty Equipment of Canada Ltd. After hours, Mr. Martin Pees aoe ae mea heated, | (tined spore heated eau or ~ eos i } ' a mi le ys be CABINET MAKER Mortgages 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST | IS HARD TO FIND | AJAX, ONTARIO _ 2 728974 _[ ater, supplied. available meer phone | Telephone ater 5 MO Sx is why we are willing S |Brooklin 655-3645, gy My Woman 8 speemt 4 Recreation rooms, kitchen in- lou ENTS' money to loan on first mort-| P.O. BOX 329 |; .. . that stallations, furniture refin- |#8¢, Mortgage and agre of sale to make this unusual offer for N' ~ Ground floor _ "bachelor thing. Workmanship quor- [éstanme gaa, maenee zeage| 1--Women's Column | Sarai, ata. i, D WNT WN kroner Ta couen enum eae' fat ue a ate 1c ig) ton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur- } vacancy | ie Oshowa area. N; Bact, alta 'and water supplied, avail. 10 Sn, . Mrs. zak, onteed doch. COLD WAVES on special. Page Hair-| Frankly, the type of man we able January 1. Telephone MO 8-2503. 725 1737 |PIRST AN AND SECOND 7 mortgages oan ohn 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone pen worth from $8,000 to { FURNISHED 3 ca ter Coat aieh option iReavy uty wii three r room n apartment, - iranged. W. Schatemann, Mortgage Duarte HH in a yeor and he } avy duty wiring, available February Broker," 10) aaa oe rl 'issa,| 2 P deserves every dollar he gets -- REQUIRED FOR LOCATION to board. Suit sera Centrally lo-!). single room for rent, lady only. | ersonal and more. cated. Phone MO 8-8 ._---| Telephone. MO 8-4864. i H FIRST and second mort ages. Sale abel Business Educa! cE |agreements purchased ea Hen-|TAKE NOTICE that from this day,| )@ kind of mon we are looking WHITBY-OSHAWA- BOWMANVILLE | FoR RENT -- large bed: sitting 700m. Lamy wanted to come in and mind twe A NEW Year's Resolution -- Insure|nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King} jJanuary 4, 1962, onward, I will not be| {0% _'8: Over 30 years old, neat, Three-room apartment, [tight kitchen wone. Central. 'Telephone children while parents work during day. your future in the business world. In-|Street East. 723-7232 [responsible for any debts contracted in| SOnscientious;. with at least 5 ee St tee eee Apply Mrs. Petroski, 1513 Dufferia vestigate course at the Oshawal ----*--|my name, by anyone, without my writ.) Yes Selling experience. He owns | DUTIES FOLLOWING TRAINING PERIOD heated, stove, refriger- (Mo#3151.__________ Street, Whitby. ina Shee |REPAIRS, watches, clocks and jewel-| FoR RENT: $60 monthly, 3 and @ Business College. Telephone 725-3375, | Iten consent Signed Jean M. Hi y,, @ car ond can travel for a week | | Z looley | ator, Immediate POSSES- |iery, 24 hour service. 35 years in watch-|room apartments, balcony, residential MORTGAGES 9 Centre Street, Oshawa ot 9 time . | gern mage tps ~| Our hecks led k- Investigation of Claims . : |making business, all work guaranteed.| sea, newly decorated, laundry facile |GAR leaving for Yarmouth. lur pay checks are mailed wee sion, Reasonably priced. on Furniture, Brock Street North; litiee' parking. lose to echoole, chile. Is he i ly and in adv wi ke car : : ; Cartage ' orranged, bought and sold. i io a of all dotiverion cilons Gad Promotion Work With Credit Unions x | Whitby. MO 8-4981. iren's playground. Apply 300 High eet. ie! ceo eeenno mri cent collections, and JOHN'S MOVING and Storage, Oshawa,'- Call Mr. Bolahood-- Lae " serves S : : oa ; : | upervision of Sales Representatives DIAL. 725-5214 | MODERN apartment in Whitby residen- | Str De eee Shae Tn: laoGosd OF 725-b300 | | Write: A, C: Swallow, Pres., South- P P fal. district, $75 monthly, hydro, heat| ADDING MACHINES and typewriters ped and insured. Phone 728-366 i | Western Petrote Co. B 789, neluded, adults, on bis line. Telephone 'go, rent, Hamilton Office E stern Petroleum Co., , i > . quipment, | JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD ELECTROLYSIS | Fort Worth |, Texas. APPLICANT PREFERRED Oshawa's Finest Mo 8.2736 mornings, evenings. 137 Brock §., Whitby, Phone for free Age 30 to 40 Years SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, deliver . i R lof sup 4 pao ., LTD. Mana hi d eae hair, | 14--Employment Wanted 204 Chestnut Street West. Telephone| NE and two bedroom apartment suites OVI N g ; Hh Mh oet hea ALL BL se popar Senior Matriculation or better | MO_8-2563 from $85. Spacious, modn, range, re- ° |Optometrists Chawa, Jan. 9th and 10th. riety mets D tia . b 4 al a frigerator and drapes. Telephone MO fut Soi eeeiaansdbclcelt Pee 1 : rried woman) desires wor Five-| : | CG. B. TUCK, RO, Optomettin. Please -- > vain vio " these |day week, 9-5. References if required. | Mature judgement and high standard of APTS FOR RENT -- Chain Sows, | a accoehar pay accounts at downtown Dominion Or appointment, | Telephone 725-9107 | t | B.C. § ES. Complete bookkeepin; CALL |Bank or 74 Burk Street, Invalids exam- oy vouNG . ; } x personal integrity Power Tools, age ge ts, [service for small businesses, weekly, 23-4641 j NG man, 22 years of age, seeking | FOR SALE -- Use cats, {monthly or as desired. Statements pre- CITY CARTAGE jined at home. Dial 725-4587 : employment, 'second class_maintenance | STARTING SALARY BACHELOR SUITES Canoes, Motors, Trailers, |pared: income tax returns, MO 8} |¥. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom. A cl ts references. Telephone gia 3--Pets & Livestock MO 8-5164. sa rain Tents. SKATE exchange, also new and used 725-2621 [fenses, 196 Simcoe North at Colores: oaEa Saenger a rere tag onan Chie ics iss ie $4500 to $5500 per Annum 1 BEDROOM SUITES WILDE RENTAL kes, tricycles "and skates. Wilson sand Sales |Evenings by neon 723-4191. [watch dog, weit trained. "Will sell _rea-|own home. Telephone 728-0445 Plus Generous Employee Benefits 2 BEDROOM SUITES SERVICE & SALES ) ressmaking 'Painting and | Décorating rreeg ped HEL | ia MA 3-3090 for fur-/ PETER PAN Day Nursery. all or halt + 1415 Dundas St. a Whitby TUDENTS A super value, approxi- ses ----- esloeneichicacal day, 8.30 to 5.30, 581 Simcoe North REPLIES cBlavator: Sewice MO 8-3226 |mately 630 sheets of letter size typing MINOR alterations, children and "| BREEDING stock, meat rabbits, food? 28.2604 - | be servic _ er aper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- Jadies' wear. Reversible skirts a spe- quality, young does, re bl --Private Balcony fee ¥ -, . Cialty. Reasonable, Telephone 723-1730, pA As eos ke Sandford, RR 2, Uxbridge, UL. 2.6452, 16--Female Help Wanted | Treated Confidentially - Béved Parking | BEAUTY SALON Hf Susaps dicase Wome" ieee of all 3 G ND -- F apae : . - . ae" : CONTRACTORS sae fala mete faa Md Plat hand igs (CLERICAL worker for lumber yard! Please Write Stating Full Details To --Controlled Entronces TRA MODERN |QEARTMENE, seeders, seit ovaidined, a Painting, Poperhanging |Wecker Drive, telephone. 725.8855, | pifiee, full OF part time. Reply 'salary | DIVISION :MANAGER ntoct | ULTR llarge living room, kitchen, bath, laun- ; i eee a hem-| Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, BEAUTIFUL baby budgie, ready forjexpected. hours of work, etc., to Box! MR. DON HOWE BLAIR PARK PLAZA, WHITBY | ary dryer, $80 monthly. Telephone int made, etc 725-4168 | Spray Painting oe gre hw gi Apply Mrs./726, Oshawa Times. 795.9732 Sacrifice aes. gi dered) ONE SARE TEST . 107 BYRON ST. S.. WH roan, 1h6 Main Sirect 'Raw LADY, middl are = ; IC -O tT | A tl -77 or | DRESSMAKING, suits, coats, dresses, MENDING SERVICE. Now DAYS MO 8.5231 IT BY RAGRITS -- purdtre. Naw Maaland torres, io take ore or cuane' while O- eld ors nsurance ssocia lion 723-9692 i LE 3-] 161 alterations, slip covers. Gowns and fit. operating from Elna Sewing Machines; 2 . (white), also small rabbits for pets.|mother works, Live in: Telephone 723- 4 evenings tings our specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 165 Simcoe Street South. 728-2391. i NIGHTS 725-7426 | Telephone 723-1080. \235. | 271 George Street, Peterboro Howe & Peters, Realtors TORONTO (8-2378.

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