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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jan 1962, p. 4

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4 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Janucry ©, 170% BOWMANVILLE 1962-64 COUNCIL MEMBERS INAUGURATED night. A Divine Blessing was given Bowmanville's incoming council by Rev. H. Turner of St. Paul's United Church. From the left, in the front Those who pledged to don the mantle of civic responsi- bility in Bowmanville during 1962-64, gathered at the in- augural meeting at Bowman- ville Town Hall Tuesday row, are: Councillors Glen- holme Hughes, Wesley Fice, Annie Oke, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, seated; and Councillors Jack Brough and Roy Nicholls, In the back row are: Councillor Ken Hooper, Reeve S. Little, Deputy - Reeve Ross Stevens and Rev. Turner. --Oshawa Times Photos | Elect Goodwin To Public School Bd. Dr. G. W. Perkin and Mrs, Perkin and son Scott of Maple, \Mr. E. Billings and Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, I. B. Perkin. By MAY E. BROWN | GREENWOOD -- The Sunday School Christmas concert in the church was well attended. Some of the holiday. visitors' yyiss Joan Oxford of Toronto Christmas with relatives at Cale- don East, Mr. and Mrs. Glynn East- wood and Linda visited with the Cliff Redman' family and other members of the George Eastwood family at Scugog on} Saturday. At the annual school meeting lon Wednesday evening, Donald} |Goodwin was elected a_ trustee lin the place of the retiring] trustee, George Moore. | The final meeting of the Aux-| iliary of the Woman's Mission-| Gneced 0 seth ui {visited with her parents, Mr. 4 ahd » MT./and Mrs. R. Oxford. and Mrs. Nash of Markham|""\ " oes ae ian oe with Miss. Edith Omerod and). "tr. and 2 Le Gepree Blak brothers, Howard and William. ee with the George Blake amily. Miss Herbert of Toronto with) yrs. Kate Wilson of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. M. Minaker. (vr, and Mrs. Jeff Capely of Miss Patti Brown of Brooklin|Toron'o were with Misses Mil- with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. A./dred and Gertrude Corbett. Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Graham Crow- jary Society was held at the! jchurch on Tuesday evening.| The Christmas worship service} was followed by studies of great paintings of the Madorma and Child 'vith commentary by Miss \Beatrice McLean. | A short social hour followed,| |bringing years of special fellow- iship and study of Missions and Memorial Park Plans Platform For New Wing By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- The mem- bers of Memorial Park Associ- ation held the December meet- ing in the clubhouse on Tues- day evening with -- vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Margaret Jeffrey, presiding. The erection of a platform in the new wing was left for fur- ther discussion at the January meeting. The bingo booth is to be removed with Howard Brad- ley and other members doing the work. Douglas Rigg, Recre- |Ajax Camera Club Single Rink Location By GRACE MILLS ; AJAX -- The Ajax Horticul- tural Society will hold its an- nual meeting on Monday, Janu- ary 15 at 8 p.m. at the club room of the Community Centre which will be the regular meet- ing place every third Monday of the month. This will be a social evening with a buffet supper, and spe- cial guests from out of town as well as Ajax are expected. The Ajax Camera Club meet- ing place is now in the Rotary Club room, upstairs, in the Siksay Building, Shopping Plaza. The club meets every Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. New members will be welcomed at meetings. An interesting se- ries of print shows are at pres- ent being held, with plans for a salon showing to be held early in the spring. Contact Mrs. Betty Horton, Ajax, or phone WH 2-4966 for information. CHRISTMAS VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ayler, Burcher Road, have Mrs. Ayler, of Worthing, England, as a guest. Mrs. Ayler arrived in Ajax on December 22 to spend 17 days with her son and his wife Alice. She will visit a sis- ter in Toronto, whom she has not seen for seven years, and) also visit several places of in-| terest such as Niagara Falls| before a return flight home on an, 6. Mr. More Revenue 'From Sales Tax TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's new three-per-cent sales tax is likely to bring in revenues ex- ceeding those originally fore- and Mrs. J. Brennan Serves Ajax By GRACE MILLS AJAX --° Some 278 children \under 12 years of age attended the Christmas party at the Le- gion Hall recently sponsored by al members of -- - bl : |their youngsters, Later in the -- boys remained for */afternoon, -- gp ares . with a well-loaded pack from Mr. and Mrs, Jinks Miiki,iwhich each child received a Dawn and Jill, and Mr. E,ligy, resent. The number of ¢ resent on this occa- sion" tes that this branch Kittimura, Toronto, visited Mr,| is growing, with the increasing Changed and baby, Glynn road, Mr. and Mrs. R. Parish and family, Mary street, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hender- son, in Haliburton. Mrs. Parish and Mrs. R. Matsumoto and Nelson, Nelson street. ~~ \ Fashions On View Solina Auxiliary By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- The Christmas mecting of the Solina Women's Insuiute was held in the Com- munity hall.e The president, Mrs Ralph Davis was in the chair for the business meeting. 4 donation of $25 was made to the library. The 4-H Club girls modelled their blouses, skirts and shorts which they made in ine recent club project, Sep- Acnevement Day will be on Saturday, Jan. 6 at the IOOF Hali at Orono. : Mrs. Wes Werry, leader of Group 1 was in charge of the program, Mrs. Cecil Pascoe ve 8 papcr on the motto -- I would houo: Christmas in my heart and try to keep it through the yeal. 'fwo solos were sung by Gail Mr. Brian Cruse, Toronto,! spent the holiday with his par-! ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cruse, Beech street. | Miss Margery Moran, Peter-| borough, visited her niece and population here. The regular employees of the Town of Ajax received turkeys as a Christmas bonus again this year. A different type of lighting arates for Summer. Laura Bowman provided a musical piano as Dianne Tink comment- ed on the outfits. background on the Baker, Mrs. B. Hooey gave a hainerous reading and Mrs. Don Taylor led in singing carols. Tre topic 'Let's Keep Christ- mas" was presented by Mrs. Jchn. Knox. E. and observation. standard is replacing the old cedar poles on Harwood avenue, now that the new bridge over the CNR tracks and the High- \way 401 is finished. These are made of transite material, very. itall and straight, and all wires underground When this phase of the work is finished, the of- ficial opening of the bridge will be held. The whole project will give the approach to the town a vastly improved look. A large number of 'kiddies have enjoyed the limited space family, Mr and Mrs, Cliff Mills, Beech street. Mr, and Mrs, D, Lynch and boys, Nelson street, visited rel- atives in Peterborough on the holidays. Mrs. J. Mackness, Beatty road, has beer a patient in the Ajax Hospital since Christmas. Mr, H. V. Brock, Kings Court, was admitted to the Ajax Hos- pital on December 26 for rest Mrs. Laverne Crawford, Glynn road, underwent surgery In the skit, presented by the girls, Lois Ashton and Jean Hancock made comments, with moacls Brenda Summers, Doris Reauchamp, Jean Baker, Phyl- jis Anne Westlake, Marie Fiett, Svivia Bruinsma and Laura Bowman. The leaders, Mrs. D. Fiett, Mrs. W, Ashton and Mrs. Joe Snowden were presented with a cup and saucer with Phyllis Anne Westlake making the pre- sentation on behalf of the girls. the 4-H Homemaking Club 'he next meeting will be on Jan, 11, 1962 with Group 2 in charye of the program. WEED CONTROL EDMONTON (CP) -- Approxi- mately 18,776,000 acres of cereal crops were sprayed with 4-D and MCP herbicides for 'weed contro, in western Canada in 1961, it was reported at the lith western Canadian Weed control conference. at the only available piece of ice for skating during the holi- days. This is where the former Drew Company stood, and has jbeen used for this purpose ever \since fire destroyed the building |some years ago. in Oshawa General Hospital re- cently, and is improving.' Mr. Barry MacKenzie, Birch Crescent, was able to be home in time for Christmas, after surgery in Oshawa General Hos- pital. : | Mrs, R, Taylor, Exeter road, underwent surgery in Ajax Hos- pital last week, and is reported doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mills and) family, Beech street, visited) Mr. and Mrs, J.'H. Mills, Etobi-| coke recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mills and |family, and Mrs. J. Mills, Glynn jroad, were tea guests with Mr. jand Mrs. C. E. Mills, Nonquon| road, Oshawa, on Sunday. | get-acquainted party at your NORTHERN GATE Davis Strait connecting the north Atlantic with Baffin Sea is about 200 'eet wide at its nar- rowest part: DANCE a FREE dance lesson and a cast, treasury department offi- Celebrating birthdays on) Christmas Day were: Mrs. F.|] locol ARTHUR MURRAY OMING January 27th Right now you're invited for }) jation Director, brought in the jslate of officers for the nomi- |nating committee and the 1961 jslate was retained except for two positions. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mutton wish- ed to resign from the Outside Studio -- so you can see for yourself how quickly you learn | to dance and gain new popu- larity and fun, Consult your phone hook for the nearest ARTHUR MURRAY licensed cials indicated Friday. |Mashinter, Birch Crescent, and| The tax was introduced|Mr. Dave Scollick, Billings-| iSept. 1 and it was then fore-|gate Crescent. | cast that revenues would be| Mr. and Mrs. Roger Conant $60,000,000 during its first six;and Armand, Forest road, Mrs. months and $150,000,000 during|G. D. Conant, Oshawa, and Mrs. its first full year of operation|/Frances Allan, Ajax, flew to Mr. and Mrs. McPhail, Mr. hurst attended the wedding of|world conditions to a close. and Mrs. Robert Cruikshank/the latter's brother in Montreal; The group now becomes a and family of Toronto with the|on Saturday. jmember of the new organiza- E. C. Pegg family. ' Rev, T. H. Fieetham spent! tion, the United Church Women. YWCA the | | AJAX MAYOR TAKES OATH Town of Ajax Clerk, B. C. Falby hears the oath of office being delivered by Mayor Wil- liam A. Parish at the Council inauguration ceremony recent- ly. Mayor Parish, in his in- augural address to Council, urged the setting up of a Town Cemetery, a capital levy OF OFFICE on the mill rate and the | widening of Harwcod avenue | into four. lanes. --Osnawa Times Photo Pontypool School Feted With Party By MRS. H. M. RICHARDSON)|ter (Betty), Mrs. William Mor- PONTYPOOL -- The Sunday,?S0n. School children and their teach-| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steele, ers held a candlelight service Cobourg, were Sunday evening, on Friday evening with a short'visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H.| program. Richardson. | Morris Pollard, Victoria Har-| Doris Manetta, Carleton Uni- bor, visited with his sister|versity, Ottawa, is spending the) Zetta. and brother Ambrose/Christmas holidays at her home| one dlay last week, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manetta) Kenneth Fallis returned home 'and family spent Christmas on Wednesday afternoon after;with relatives in New York! seven weeks in the hospital in| City. Peterborough. On. Thursday' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White) afternoon, Donald had to bejand family were with relatives] rushed to the same hospital for|:n Toronto on Christmas. | an appendix cperation. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nimigon} Frank Highland came home visited their son, Morris, and from Ross Memorial Hospital, family, Peterborough, on Satur- Lindsay, on Friday afternoon. day. He Js staying with his daugh-' Service on Sunday afternoon OUT _ « + » Women preter the non-breakable, easy-pour- ing, Pure-Pek container over old fashioned bottles. "AT THE STORE or AT YOUR DOOR". | DIAL 728-6241 deal Dainy Limited QUALITY DAIRY ODUCTS was well attended. Jim Somer- ville was the speaker. He had} the Sunday School children; come upstairs and he told them the Christmas story with sym-| bols of the manger. | TOUGH WOOD Wood of the hickory tree, strong, tough and resilient, has long been used for golf clubs, | parents, Property Committee and following will take their place: Mr. Murray Bate, Mr. John Taylor and Mr. Dennis Tierney. Mrs. Frank Cook is to be the Cub representative, replacing Mrs. Yvonne Edmondston. Bingo convener will be Mrs. Margaret Jeffrey. PERSONALS Holiday guests with Mr. Mrs, L. C. Mason were Mr. Mrs. E. Mason, David Brian, Toronto, and Mr. Mrs. E. Marden, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. James Graham and family have taken up resi- dence in London, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Dilling are enjoying a vacation in Flor- ida and Bermuda, Visitors with Mrs. T. Buttery for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamer and children, Washington. Mr. John Thompson and Mr. David Murray, teachers on the and and and and School for Boys, spent the holi- days at their homes in Wood- ville. Miss Margaret Vanstone, stu- dent at Queen's University, is spending the vacation with her Mr. and Mrs. Byron Vanstone. Fred Vanstone, Jr., Queen's University, is with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley || Vanstone. Mrs. B. A. Green, Barrie, Mr. *!and Mrs. Wayne Hooey, Toron- to, were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey and family. _ aac encntNai., DANCE TONIGHT RED BARN ADMISSION--$1.00 tool handles and wheel spokes. staff of the Ontario Training) Old Time--Modern \beginning next April 1. | Although the six-month figure |will not be definitely known un- til the end of March, returns to |the end of November have been well up to expectations and De- cember's revenues are expectd to exceed government forecasts. It is believed revenue from th first half-year will be ap- proximately $75,000,000, or half the amount estimated for the first full fiscal year. No actual figures have been . released, however, | NEW ROADS KETTLE POINT, Ont. (CP); |Completion this winter of two roads on the Kettle Point Indian) Reserve in southwestern On-| tart will open a large area 0° the reserve never before reached without going through bush CRITICS AGREE ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST Dy A movie that etches unforgettably the story of an innocent hope to love and be loved HAYLEY MILLS Nassau, Bahamas, for Christ- |mas. studio, WINTER PROGRAM 2 SENSATIONAL HITS! In COLOR! The Bramble Bush | fag? wkghabiplietins bees « WARNER BROS. protun & TECHNICOLOR®* ae ban,.Tet Gocere,.Tht Semana of Tot Gear Bese Suse Richard Burtor Barbara Rusia Angie Dickinspn nies x wuson seemume STARTS MONDAY ! BOTH BILTMORE TODAY and SUNDAY ,, REPRINTS ELSE EE rrom WARNER BROS. recrmcovon' Feat McGuine: DEE' Keitney- Doviive 4 DOORS OPEN Register now for @ MOTHER'S DAY OUT @ PAINTING AND DRAWING @ KEEP FIT @ MOSAIC TILING --- @ BALLROOM @ BADMINTON DANCING @ ENGLISH CONVERSATION FOR NEWCOMERS For Information Call 723-7625 199 CENTRE STREET = (harlio Drake s\ f.--- ands of the Daser. Reloseed through WARNER PATHE DISTRIBUTORS td. ADDED ATTRACTIO The Love 'em and Leave 'em Laffin' in Bagdad! ond 14 BOWERY BOYS "Bowery to Bagdad" LTMORE 19 BIG LAUGH SHOW! BRING THE FAMILY! 3 FEATURE TIMES: 1:45 3:45 - 5:45 - 7:45 - 9:25 10,00 This carefully pl provides unusually age and increases to $15,000.00 ove complete details. No One Should Be Without Thi s Protection! NOW You Can Buy ().00 Accident Insurance For Less Than 3c A Week! lanned insurance extensive cover- your protection ra five year per- iod--at NO increase in premium. Use the coupon which appears in our paper at regular intervals to obtain She Oshawa Times It's True Down To It's Last Jolt "Hoodlum Priest" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- STARRING DON LARRY > MURPHY GATES AR Lavi "POLICE DOG "OREGON "BOWERY ms hey STORY" TRAIL" BOYS" SPECIAL GERMAN 4 ENGAGEMENT ¥ SUNDAY ONLY ..i.:° and 7:30 P:M. A GAY COMEDY IN AGFA COLOR "Die Zuercher Verlobung" WITH LILO PULVER, BERNHARD WICKI 8 GREAT SONG HITS! "The Second Greatest Sex" IN TECHNICOLOR <-STARRING-- GEORGE NADER > > > > 4 ' JEANNIE CRAIN 4 | ' iii & a Heimatglocken ARMIN. DAHLEN, HANSI KNOTEK NEUE DEUTSCHE WOCHENSCHAU MARK YOU... SATURDAY NIGHT 8:30 AT me GET-TOGETHER CLUB SPOT PRIZES -- DANCING -- REFRESHMENTS 0.C.V.I. Auditorium--Dress, Hard Time ADMISSION:-- Members 40c Non-Members 60¢ va AGES 15 - 21 Tickets on Sale for "GET" Formal Jan. 27th Susan Slade was excited, Susan Slade was scared. Susan Slade could never trust another boy again, Susan Slade trusted Frou WARNER BROS, A TROY BONAHUE..CONNIE @TEVENS DOROTHY Mc OUIRE..LLOYD NOLAN A DELMER DAVES PRODUCTION ' STARTS SUNDAY AUDREY HEPBURN TODAY "Breakfast At Tiffany's" r:cunicoror ONLY,

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