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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1962, p. 11

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Oshawa Hawks Pass This One /Simcoe Hall Puts out with good intentions, had to call off their game in Welland ageinst the Metedrs yesterday, [ i t Wh when the bad storm made them se amm peuuevinte cvs |tun back the other. side of 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, January 8, 1962 7] i DOWNSVIEW Markham District Highjeked out a 7-6 victory over on shh Sane Forester, |Toronto. _ Ai & School's entry in the District)pownsview on a rather fortu-|Gary Titus, Jim White . Ontario Schoolboys' pr h id seed Bi a , Scheduled to play at 2 p.m., rake sonata. capers nt ek: the last end, to'Rick' Allan," Gord Pde the Oshawa club had only made n ax a ers the right to compete at Mid- reach the finals. k 9; skip 3./it to Toronto by 12.30 p.m. and Frid s ined' ia the. provincial play-| "Ab" Robins, chairman of the|, BRAMPTON OSH. CENTRAL |the roads were treacherous. lay evening Simcoe Halljand Ed. Bibeau replied for the downs on January 20th, whenjdistrict committee in charge of irs. mand yah Cineeoy, Sooner than arrive . several ir yee ee ee rae ae they swept their way through|saturday's event h iced John Bartlett, john Lindsey hours late and have to face bad|tangle with the first-place Ajax|ing 53-32 at the end of three- ai opposition in the district y ere, voiced Roger Bircham, | George Thompson, weather again coming home,|Cagers in an Oshawa Industrial] quarters of play. playoffs, here at 'The Oshawa the opinion that the winner a ; ski 3./the Oshawa club cancelled the| Basketball League contest and} Ajax finally came out on top forane" cub on Saturday. the 16-rink district playoff round), AGINCOURT SCARBOROUGH |game. They will replay it prob-|the Keystoners playing fine ball,|in the scoring column in the final Wayne Lawrie was the winning could be highly regarded Ce eae PG feta ita ably next Sunday in the Niagara handed the Cagers their first de-| period outscoring the victors 16- dep. re for = Bap ctr! ~ Phillip Lanton, Ted O'Higgins, |District town. feat in eight outings, drubbing}15. Gord. Cardwell, Piotrowski ; vincial honors, to be decided at Bil! O'Brien, eb Smith, Meanwhile the Hawks will be| the front-runners 68-48, to move|and Newitt each netted four Markham boys broke in frontimiqiand two weeks hence. |) eer 'lat home Thursday night to the|Within four points of first place.|points to lead the Cagers while 5-4 lead with a big three . Z ee te ae a hig Mided| West Hill, 1961 district win- pecs' cntnn JIMISTLETOWN | nowerful Hamilton Quigleys,|KEYSTONERS ROLL Brady hit for seven more points singletons in the next two ends| "eS, bowed out in the second Bill Moffatt, Henry Korn, last year's All-Ontario Inter A| Simcoe Hall practically ranjalong with Jepma and Clarke tg then faced an|Tound to the strong Downsview Ron Lovett, Allan Calverley, | chaimpions.- the Cagers out of the gym in|who divided eight points to pace Med yh age ng -- the final|@ntry round. were EO my, Margolis, | the opening quarter, rolling in|the Keystoners. 15 points to the losers two. Bill|/HIGH SCORERS 1 cl 9. end against the Weston Collegi-| Oshawa Donevan Collegiate's| MAarKHAM Os. o'NEL | Rs : ate entry, but the Markham|entry won the Consolation Event clair Rowland, Tom Reed, Bill Hanley Has Jepma and Bob Winter got the) Keystoners were led to their boys came up with a well-play- top prizes, finishing with a one-|Bob_ Toogood, William Lloyd, victors off to a flying start,|first victory of the season over d finish to count two and take/Point margin better than the ; Allon Patte, i hooping nine points between|Ajax by playing-coach Jim ite deciding game 9-8. Oshawa Central curlers in Wena ver paey 4 Mild Heart Attack them while holding the losers|Brady, who topped all scorers Entries from the three Osh-|'heir special elimination. Round | TORONTO (CP) -- Bill Han.|*!most completly off the score-jon the night's play, netting a awa secondary collegiates,| Following are the complete F- Uppay, a Se alee 7. ley, business manager of the sheet. tremendous 20 points followed : inks from Belle.|Tesults: lian, iD. Henson, 6\Ontario H % ; Ajax fought back gamely in|by Bob Winter and Bill Jepma along with rinks fro e: |R. Bircham, 10; B. O'Brien, --8,|ntarlo XO ¢ key Association,| 10 second stanza but they were|with 13 apiece, For Ajax Reg. ile. C , Don Mills, West |W. Lowrie, 9; W. Wilkinson, 2.\suffered a slight heart attack) ~ ville, Cobourg i shi daa ° arrack' still on the short end of the|Daze, Gary Newitt and Ted Pio- Hill, Downsview, Brampton, FIRST ROUND | Semi-Finol |during a subcommittee meetin Hi Ww p WESTON OSHO. DONEVAN & tinpay, 7; R Alin, 6.\here Deturdiy. 8) score, as the Halk outnetted|trowski were best with 13, 12 them 15-13. Playing-coach Jim) and 12 points respectively. iter gd -- obohy Don Scrase, David Leffen, W. Lowrle oR. Birches é istletown were also compet- Graeme Thompson, John Orton, ee . FINAL d '| He has been ordered by his f ing in the district playdowns Tom Slater, Wayne Rogers, lw. Lowrie, eC kin, 8.\doctors to take a complete rest Brady, Bob Winter and Roy| KEYSTONERS -- Dejong, 8; sateen Talk PRIETO SbNSOLATION EVENT for six weeks Clarke paced the winners scor-|Etchells, 4; Clarke, 9; Jepma, x Z ing while Reg. Daze and Gary|13; Roivin, 3; Winter, 13; Brady, P Q imi % ae ' : Ss ce. oad A ; Newi 7a s" ise. A Hy A 4 -Of- Markham eliminated the Osh- steve Wilson, Robert Karr, - tonal a $. fromunier, & time officer in the OHA. Newitt helped the Cagers' cause.|20. Total: 68. Fouls, 22-out-of their first round and then took price p ' care of Belleville Molea" Gall ee. tae eae BE Muka TT Pinder ': , ing out to outhustle the losers|12; Piotrowski, 12; Bibeau, 5; * "8: J. Waugh, {| Joe Louis, former world|23-17. Brady and Winter with) Daze, 13; Claringbold, 1; Cor- ousted . Oshawa Donevan in Doug Woodley, Paul Savage, |D. Henson, sar ig Mlb 2./ was the backstage tutor for/Dejong. and Al. Etchells ac-} Fouls, 10-out-of-27. Lorne Atkinson, Paul Foster, 6. Porter, 0; S. Procunier, 2/Coley Wallace, starring in the|counted for Simcoe Hall's total] Officials -- Jack Lyons and here on Saturday. ' | hI v5 cs , The district champions from| LEASIDE COBOURG E, Mitchinson, 13; K, Taylor, 5.' Hanley, 42, is the only full- awa O'Neill Collegiate entry in Bruce Hamphill, William Dodge, | 4 A The Keystoners increased their) 32. Terry Brown, Peter Moshaluk, |2- Waugh, 9(W); H. Margolis, 9(L). , margin in the third quarter com-| AJAX -- Cardwell, 5; Newitt, Semi-Finals EXPERT TUTOR Brampton, in their march to] wesr mie DON MILLS {3 Thompson, 4 the final round. Weston boys Jim Beavau, Peter Broaten, | Third Event heavyweight boxing champion,|seven and six along with Tom|rigan, McGivern. Total: 48. their first game, whipped Lea-'5 Hove Steve Pi ier, iW. Wilkinson, 9; B. Smith side in the second round and| skp ....'. 17; io nt' 3. Margolis, 10; 6. O'Brien, 6.|Joe Palooka movie. while Daze, Pitrowski, Newitt) Tim Nelson. MARKHAM District High | the Meisterchaft Trophy. The School's entry copped the | winning rink is shown above, District No. 4 honors and left-to-right, Clair Rowland, right to compete in the pro- : - vincial playdowns at Mid- | 18, lead; Bob Toogood, 16, land on January 20, when 16, second and Bob Ward, they emerged top winners over a total list of 16 entries, here at the Oshawa Curling Club on Saturday, to capture 17, vice-skip, with skip Wayne Lawrie, 18, seated in the mid- dle. --Oshawa Times Photo Acadian Cleaners Take Clobbering The roughest day yet, would| gainst 5630 for the Acadian describe the bowling at Knob| club but it was a well-fought Hill when Acadian Cleaners| series all the way. suffered their worst defeat of Ozzie Keeler led Acadians the season, losing all five games with 1152 for his five game set, to the leaders, L. J. McGuin-/Hank Sarnovsky was next with ness. 1136 for his five, Bob Gallagher The series was much closerjhad 1073 for 44 frames, Lloyd than the results would indicate|Sabins 866 for 37; Dutch Lug- as the McGuinness club won| tenberg 627 for 29; Dick Adams the first game by a mere 9-|448 for 23 and John Hrico 328 pin margin, 1198 for Acadian| and 1207 for the victors. | The second game was more) decisive when McGuinness rol- led 1188 to 1049 for Acadians| and there was absolutely no doubt about this one. | The Toronto club took the) third game, which was another squeaker, 1108 to 1094 for the Oshawa squad and it just seem- ed to be that there were no breaks for Acadians. Acadian Cleaners appeared to have the fourth game under wraps but the final frame pro- duced a few head pins, which gave McGuinness a chance to move in and they snapped it up with 1127 to 1104. It was a desperate effort by Acadians in the fifth and final game to avert a shut-out but it was not in the book and Mé- Guinness completed the series by taking this game 1194 to 1175. There were no stars on the day's play when the team totals for 17. Bert Sheehan topped the Mc- Guinness club with 1225 for five games; Holly Leet was next with 1178 which included a very im- portant 319 last game when most needed. Terry Doherty also helped the victors with 1167 in- cluding a 292 game. Earl Jones 1048 for 45 frames, John Kur- mey 899 for 40 Ron Garrell 210 for 10 and Ed Marlett 97 for his 5 frames, were the other shoot- ers. McGuinness now lead with 28 points; Sterlings 22; Stan Jarvis 21- O'Connor Bowl 19; Peoples Credit Jewellers 19; Peoples Clothing 17; Acadian Cleaners 16; Knob Hill 14; Seagrams 13; Bowlodrome 6. With only two more weeks re- maining in the second series of the schedule the Acadian Clean- ers will be preparing for the third and final series in order to make a final effort for a play- off berth. Their next oppon- ent will be Bowlodrome at were 5824 for McGuinness a- Aprile Lanes on Saturday. York Bowl Whips Carway Trundlers Saturday afternoon, Carway Imperials went to York Bowl to play York Bowl in their own establishment, and they fig- ured they would have to come up with a big one to beat them. The boys didn't bow! well and | Individudl scores were: Cas-| sells 244, 246, 333, 254, 182 for |1,259; McMaster 252, 95, 274, | 260, 272 for 1,153 for 46 frames; Hickey 242, 262, 215, 259, 90 for |1,088 for 46 frames; Olliffe 176, 1111, 224, 313, 200 for 1,024 for| ilarce Fog You're free! Galaxie sets you free from many of the time-consuming, money- consuming service stops that are considered normal for most other cars. (NSTC MORE SERVICE-FREE FROM THE VERY START...'62 GALAXIE they didn't bowl bad, but York|46 frames; Brown 193, 231, 100, boys were really hot. Every)82 for 606 for 30 frames; Mur- man bowled over 1,200 and they|phy 83, 95, 207, 197 for 582 for came up with a 6,394 total and|28 frames; Reynolds 110 for 4 four points out of five. iframes, for a total of 5,822 and In the first game, it was York/1 point. Bowl having the edge all the) For York Bowl--it was Chain way. Two or three of their) 260, 239, 239, 258, 403 for 1,399; players started away on three|Clark 264, 220, 297, 243, 254 for or four in-a-row and they held|1,278; Neil 234, 274, 286, 258, 233 omo their lead to take, it 1,236/for 1,258; Evans 221, 245, 252, to 1,107. 224, 289 for 1,231; Richardson The second game was fairly|257, 258, 236, 187, 261 for 1,201 even up to the seventh frame|and a grand total of 6,394 for and York had two men go all/four points. Incidentally this the way with four in-a-row so|team had no relief. they took that one again 1,236 to) 1,158. Reg Hickey 262, J. Cas-/ -Muske sells 246 and J. Brown 231 tried hard 'but the load was too heavy.) gon Zephyrs In the third, both teams were Md hitting well and it was a ding-| Surprise Maroons dong battle till the tenth, but) ¢ M (CP) -- f Carway fell off to lose 1,241 rt hl ica ang folmanteaat 1,310, with J. Cassells 333 and F E. McMaster 274 trying hard for Hockey League rallied for three Carway Log? A = sage -- .. : e enior Chatham Mar- a a -- Pooviedlew ter 5-5 in an exhibition game and they led all the way to win| "ere Saturday. 1,293 to 1,172. Joe Olliffe was| Ken Hayden's goal at 19:36 of the big gun with 313. |the final period tied the game} The last game was a replica|after Muskegon goalie Jim Mc-) of the first three and Carway|Leod had been removed. Other | came up with their worst game) Muskegon scorers were Lyle of the afternoon 1,023 while/Porter, Ron Stephenson, Stan York had their best game 1,440./Konrad and Joe Kiss. Joe Chain was the big man| Jim Connelly fired two goals starting with eight in a row and for thg Maroons, with Dave Lu- finishing with 403, a beautiful|citiuk, Joe Malo and Ted Power DEALER game anytime. ladd.ng singles. | With Galaxie, you go up to 6,000 miles between oil changes and minor lubrications. You go up to 30,000 miles between chassis lubrications. You go for the life of the brake linings without ever having the brakes adjusted (they adjust themselves, auto- matically). You go for the life of the car without ever having to wax its Diamond- ~A Lustre finish. And in addition, vital underbody parts are specially treated to resist rust and corrosion; muffler is aluminized and.double-wrapped for triple life. 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