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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1962, p. 13

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s THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jenuary 8, 1962 13° "Does This Sound Too Good To Be True?" +} ' FLYING PHIL' GROUNDED Highways minister Gaglardi , templates three months with- suspension after his sixth traf- of British Columbia studies a | out driving privileges. "Flying | fic conviction in five years, bus schedule pensively through | Phil," as he's known in Vic- | for speeding outside Kamp- a steering wheel as he con- | toria, received the three-month | loops, B.C. (CP Wirephoto) Two Guards Fired Riches Claimed : No Impediment One Reprimanded At Heaven Gate iw' 4 she , . ' ' LONDON (Reuters) -- Roy of the Civil Service Association|wer questions or give his opin-|qyomson, 67-year-old Canadian of Ontario said Sunday that ajions on the hair-dying incident.) wuiti-millionaire piiblsher, 'seid row over a Don Jail guard dy-|Mr. Simonson was told he was) ; ' asl $ 00 ing his hair has resulted in two|dismissed for giving Mirtle otter ae te iat '. that grows up to 15,000 guards being fired and another|tion to the press. : |poor' man' could enter thie king- given a severe reprimand. Mr. Jones said a meeting of oni of heaven more enstly than Grenville Jones, organizer ae ea ae be reve a! a tich man : the association, said those dis-jto discuss the dismissals an Or ed : a missed are Jim Keatings, presi-|the men's loss of pay. The dis- Thomson, who owns 93 news- dent of Don Jail branch of the/missals were made retroactive PaPers and 72 magazines ; eee ¥ ' d the -world, was_ inter- nd guard Tony|to Dec. 19, when they were sus-|4roun id, association, a 8 . |viewed on television by an Ang- Simonson. pected. : A : x Pipe T. Brennan Keatinge, the "The association is going tojlican Franciscan friar. FOR i ESS HA guard who dyed his hair, wasjbattle for these boys all the The' friar, Father Michael, suspended 10 days and given a say." Mr. Jones said. jasked the publisher what he severe reprimand, said Mr. _ The row blew up when Mr.|thought about the saying of Jones. Keatinge dyed his hair, which) 5 hat ow far-for The association official saidjturned white following an acci-|/esus that it was easier for aj Mr. Keatinge refused to accept|dent when he was a London|camel to pass through a the suspension or reprimand,|bobby. He was ordered by jailjneedle's eye than for someone and was then told to telephone governor David Dougall to rinse|who trusts in riches to enter the the jail governor Monday to findjout the dye, but refused. |kingdom of heaven. out whether he could go to) Mr. Simonson later told re-| wel], I tremble to disagree work. porters he had recommended/with that saying but I really ; . The orders in respect to alljMr. Keatinge to the hairdres-\qg* Thomson said. : BS 1, ' ai . three employees were read to,ser from whom he was receiv- ; ' | y Ti N gE d B them Friday by the jail gover-jing treatment for his own thin- RiP eid oe does all the % 7 ou ever in er nor from a letter signed by J.\ning hair. \portivwhile job re te ane'T can : "ae ' A. Graham, deputy minister of} The Civil Service Association) Oo ys as pe af F i] ) reform institutions, Mr. Jones/claimed Mr. Simonson was sus-|Pe¢t him greatly,"' he said, but ami y rotection said pected because he refused to\te rich man "by the very fact ; He said they resulted from an wear his jail uniform to and that he Die in Ac these resour- 5 : inquiry conducted by Gerard/from work. ces, is able to do more for hu- Wright, chief inspector of pris- es manity than {is possible for that a [otk arb ve to Nook uth vides unusually extensi di by Mr. Graham. F t§ d All we have to look at is the ie ' } 1rs un ay foundations, Ford and Rocke- _ ensive coverage an s Reason given for Mr. Keat- ings' dismissal, said Mr. ome Town Council Hons ggg hin ne ' the finest low-cost insurance you can buy. MacDonald Hits Meeting Held heresy." by spending | PER WEEK lions of pounds, have rescued Does it sound too good to be true? Well 2 e \whole peoples from poverty and Ps e Provincial 2mm ocr ait Neo VEARIY let us along with the Scottish and York In- hain Sees ee . surance Company Ltd. PROVE that it is |meeting of the town council. | ; <j +4 . . RED LAKE, Ont. (CP)--Don- j that it is any easier for this ! ald MacDonald, provincial lea- ware page cart gap Hatred man to enter the kingdom true . Send in your application today. der of the New Democratic who li 8 iof heaven--but I certainly think Party in a speech here Sunday| heard ha op mgpneene ert that it is very unfair to say that night, assailed the Ontario sales! a Milton. ae ~ Underwritten by Scottish & York Insurance Company Ltd. tax. ' ; Mr. Thili alleges that some °"\°': se R BE EFITS TOO! Speaking in this far north-\yoters received one ballot in Merert of mile Blouin, NDP|(2eir business ward and another! Labor Income Up Take advantage of this offer NOW! @ POLIO -- Hospital Indemnity for Poliomyelitis up to candidate in a byelection Jan.| He al h ; * . 18 in Kenora riding, Mr. Mac- bite na we orescett For This October Give yourself and your family 24-hour $2,500.00. Donald said his party has al-| screened for secrecy and that.a : ' 4 . He Ge ens ee ee ee ee ane en etait (GAA. Labae to protection against accidents, plus hospital CUMULATIVE POLICY VA it feels the money which the! was not passed in time. come in Canada during October : d it rt t '7? 500 f ) li liti . Cc VALUE INCREASE -- At no province needs can be raised) Two municipal officials and was 5.1 per cent higher. than| indemni y up 1e) 1 or FO lomye ItT1S t S ish & York li aT "by more equitable means." {nine members. of the newly-|during the same month a year} : h li h ° . cost to you, your cottis ork policy wi increase His party believed the rev-jejected 12 - man council heldjearlier, the bureau of statistics) witha policy that increases tn value up to in value by 10% each year for the first five years. At enue could be raised from vari-|a special meeting Sunday.|reported today. | . : : y y' y ous sourées of corporate in- Mayor - elect Owen Mullin seid Salaries, wages -and supple- $15,000 during the first 5 years you hold the end of five years its maximum coverage reaches é that although only his election Saas nels . . : Mr. MacDonald cited the case) has b shallenged he felt| ™emtary income paid to work- me of International Nickel Com-| other plage Should ers reached an estimated $1,- It. This carefully planned Insurance pro up to $1 5,000.00 pany which last year "'had prof-| know what was going on. 681,000,000 compared with $,600,- i rage ti eh ae. Mr. Mullin polled 3,075 votes! 000,000 in October, 1960. How- ye , & royalties, along|in the Dec. 4 election, 99 more! ,y ' Din with all other mining companies|than the closest of four rivals, (over: seus ves 0.7 per cent} SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS FOR FIRST YEAR Rad province, were only $13,-/ Town solicitor William Ken-below the September total ie 000,000." nedy recommended that coun-|$1,693,000,000 | | aa | "Here is one company," said|cil go ahead with tonight's in-, Labor income in the January-| enn oy | creme | Astamebiie Seeteeee one Mr. MacDonald, "with profits /augural meeting. Only one of|October period totalled $5,988,- FOR LOSS OF " on gp | automobile. cry AEineasio' : after taxes which represent two-|the alleged irregularities , the|000,000 -- 3.7 per cent more Accidents | Passenger | garthquake Ferry thirds of the revenue which the|charge that some people had/than the $15,411,000,000 recorded Accident government expects to raise voted twice, could invalidate the in the corresponding 10-month Ei "$10,000 $3,000 | | from the sales tax." |mayoralty election, he said. period of 1960 | Hid Hands *10/000 ' | ' ws RTIER: a oe pene ' | ; , Both Feet 10,000, 3,000 | 1, | Sight of Both Eyes 10,000; 3,000 : ' Attention All Shoppers! ! | One hard end sight of ene eye | 10/000) 3,000 | 1, 000 | $1,000 | 0 | 1,000 «| ee ee) i Disabitity Op te $108. First Aid Indemnity, ss 333 Death and Diememberm benefits under policy crease by 10% per year for 5 years. 1 1 1 1 1 3338883 One foot and sight of one eye 10,000 3,000 iH Either hand 3,750 1,000 5 Either foot 3,750 1,000 5 500 FELT BROS J ll Sight of either eye 3,750| 1,000 500 500 . JOWELICrS | : WILL RE-OPEN THIS WEEK ONLY | ' alae anp>oecerationthehenttionteria . To: SCOTTISH & YORK Insurance Compeny Ltd. For The Sale of Odds and Ends Of... Costs Only 1.50 425 Unienity Avanwe, TORONTO, Ontarie. FOR ALL AGES @ CHINA @ CRYSTAL @ SILVER Bete... .2essnee @ SILVER FLATWARE @ WATCHES | prheenat soLies _. and Petesriat Peahinck seine chee pie, ond: taareott FAMILY PLAN -- $4.50 for Poliomyelitis issued by the Scottish & York Insurance Com- @ WATCH BRACELETS @ CUFF LINKS, etc. _ for any individual subscriber to The Standard-Free-holder pap nag Peg Been tiie cares tha Mis ot a baley from the age of 1-79 -- costs less than 3c a week, when issued and will pay the regular subscription price. THESE MUST BE CLEARED! FAMILY PLAN -- Nome ... nme cies sesee. BIRTH DATE. « cwrenree for coverage of both husband and wife, or husband or wife, and all unmarried children under the age of 19 itis NOTICE | All REPAIRS and LAY-AWAYS MUST be picked years, living at home--costs less than 9c a week. BENEFICIARY: ooaiccc cose dawecsasanmmniies 5 up by SATURDAY NOON, Jan. 13th, 1962 The insurance coverage for both Persona] and Family policies j RELATIONSHIP (TO: YOU. °i< cesses <5 «0c omrmsmies-cte is identical, The coverage outlined in this advertisement is subject to the terms and conditions contained in the actual policies. 1} subscribe to The | "Please read all details before completing application ( ) Start Now ( }} FELT BROS. Jewellers Bye Ost " Times I enclose $. 2... snmess+eemn «Annual Fee a SIGNATURE . ives serene cmreresimes seme eeceuresee 12 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA a 0 0 areregme 0 0 0s sremeyereinre 6 00 00 8 oo bemmperere

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