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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1962, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Jenuery 8, 1962 RURAL SCHOOL MADE INTO ATTRACTIVE HOME VEE ) publi » in mipd a al ' one - room 50-year-old frame- * buin Kendal Public School, and . are busy remodelling the struc-| expensive. © ture into a five-room home. | Kendal 3-R's Cost|Cut Urged In Township Debt $1150 For Family KENDALL (Staff) -- When;be made to the property, sitting 26-ycar-oid GM employee Rob- on an acre of land: ert Youngman decided he and; iow being heated by an oil his wife, Dora, should return to|heater, a iurnace is scheduled school, revision of the/for next year -- after a base- Thrce{R's was not what he had/ment is dug. It. architecture ; jmakes the exposed structure Aité& a successful $1,150 bid to;expensive and hard to heat. the Kéndal Public School Board,' it. gular plumbing will be in- the Youngmans, along with their|stalied to replace chemical two children, moved into the|toilets. HAMPTON (Staff) -- After aj blessing by Rev. H. Page of Hampton United Church, Reeve Garnet B. Rickard and mem- bers of Darlington Township Council outlined their views of 1962-64 policy at the inaugural meeting held at the Townehir offices here Thursday after- Remodelling of the four -|700". Councillors H. C. Muir and squate exterior will also be §. Cornish were appointed to the striking committee heade¢ The interior of the home has un by Reeve Rickard. agreement with the Province-- the Department of Highways -- for the development road to run parallel with Highway '401. 4| service road for the north side, to run between the 401's inter- changes," said the Reeve. advocating a road intersection study: properly signed," he said. BOMB APARTMENT PARIS (AP)--The apartment of writer Jean-Paul Sartre was shattered Sunday night by a plastic bomb, favorite weapon of French right-wing te i, Sartre was not at home and no one. was hurt. DIES FROM WOUNDS SAIGON, South Viet Nam (Reuters) -- A United States civilian died Sunday from wounds received in a Commu- nist ambush northeast of Saigon the previous day, a U.S. em- bassy spokesman announced. Clyde F. Summers, 45, a con- struction superintendent, was driving to a rock quarry when guerrillas opened fire from am- bysh, wounding him in the head, shoulders and leg. "It is also time to request an Reeve Rickard concluded bv "Many intersections are not Tie Youngmans are notibeen improved handsomely. No salary increases were a'oue! Upon the recent comple- Two of the rooms have been announced, + tion of a new public school in|panelied in cherry and one in pS REVELLING IN THE com- fort and economy of their new Youngmans, of Kendal. Built in an area in this country ' Kendal, two other schools) -- - the Sixth line and Maclean's-- have been sold for $800 apiece ' and their pupils directed to the : hew two-room school. The young couple moved into t the schoolhouse Dec. 23 -- just in time for Christmas. CHAOTIC BEGINNING "And things were pretty) chaotic," Mrs. Youngman told) the Times Friday afternoon. What are the pro's and cons of the move? Saal th wie e plan to change things around here when "ou, ¥ | ..«.. doi'ars ahead of buying even an jold home."' Farm Taxes ter Gale, 3, romped by. "Think how handy the Mrs. Youngman the road.) : There 'are many changes to| gradually |4 {1 sab,ewood. The panelled decor of the living room is ranch pine. The original hardwood flooi has been extensively sand- ed down and varnished with ligat stain, Dramatists Plan 3 Spring Plays BOWMANVILLE -- A meet- e jing of the Bowmanville Drama} POPULATION RISES "Well, cheapness for one|Workshop was held at the! People are not leaving this ing," said the young house-|Lions Centre on Thursday, Jan.|Township, said the Reeve. "We jhave recorded the greatest in- a I |crease we can afford it. But in the end/nounced the production of two|more than any township in the we will be many thousands of/or possibly three, one-act plays|United Counties," he said, Mrs. Edward Samuel an- in the spring under the direction of Mrs. Winifred Wonnacott and Debbie Youngman, 5, and sis-|S, Frenchman. ng. The membership participated in the continuation of Mr. In telling the thrice-elcted council that future planning should be, projected "well into the future," Reeve Rickard nushed for the reduction of the Township's debenture debt (close to $1,000,000). The reeve said that although Darlington's financial structure "has been strengthened," need- ed are: Progressive planning, counled with sound economy and effici- ent management. ja constant study of "various jboards we have to deal with." A theatre trip to Toronto by; Also, in terms of communica- new public|the group was discussed. It was|tions and facilities, Reeve Rick- school will be for the kids,"/decided to find what produc-|ard made mention of Highway said grate-|tions were there and make a/401 and the "fast growing Mos- fully. (The new school is across| final selection at the next meet-|port Park racing circuit. "We if thave much to offer for future |development. in population in 1961; Called for by the Reeve was Science Now Without Pain Shrinks Piles Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont. (Special)--For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pais and itching, Thousands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without any ort or eonvenience, In one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improve- ment' was reported and verified by doctors' observations, Pain was promptly relieved, And 'while gently relieving pain, actual --T or retraction (shrinking) place. And most amazing of all--this improvement was maintained in cases -- age ml re were continued over a period many months! In fact, results were so thorough that-sufferers were able to make such statements as "Piles have ceased to be a problem!' And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid con- citioas, some of oven 10 to 20 yeary' standing. All this, without the use of nare Cotics, anesthetics or any kind, The secret is a new heal ing substance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery of a famous scientific in- stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in wide use for healing injured tissue on all parte of the boas, This new healing substance is offered in pupposiery or ointment form called Preparation H. Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H ointment wit Bp applicator, ie eeic at all drug stores, faction guaran money refunded. wd | ORONO -- The assessment and taxation meeting in Dur- |ham county will be Monday, 3|\Jan. 15 at 8 p.m. in Orono Town Hall. {| Clarence Allin, secretary of ijthe county Federation, reports '|invitations have been sent to }|the municipal- council and to the j\public generally to attend this j|meeting at which the speaker _4|will be Don Middleton, super- "ilvisor of the property depart- |ment of OFA. | Grant Wallace, OFA field services, arranged for the se- ries of meetings in Vic- toria, Northumberland, Peter- }of the 2,811 - John Schoenmaker's compre-| hensive course on the theatre. This particular session was} Tense Probing . . concerned with stage move-| As Ship Sinks ment and consisted of instruc- | Of Soviet Bus DUNKERQUE, France (Reut-|used tion in the correct techniques | when walking, Pein a crs) -- Twenty-seven Yugoslav|kneeling, squatting an stumb-| T W B | seamen were drowned or miss- (ling in the profession. | n > er In ing today after their freighter]. The course continues at the) BERLIN (AP) -- American) sank in the fog-shrouded Eng-|next meeting which will be on| military policemen Sunday held lish Channel following a- mid-|Thursday, January 18 at the|up a busload of Soviet Army night collision with a British| Lions Centre. officers for 75 minutes at. the freighter. | New members are always|West Berlin border in a tense Reports said there were six|Welcome. Those interested in| test of screening. survivors from the 33-man crew| any aspect of the theatre should) Clearance for the bus was ton Sabac. Nine|sit in on one of the meetings) given only after the Russians bodics were recovered from the|0r write or telephone Mrs. Ed-| gave assurances that the Soviet sea and 18 men were still miss-|Ward Samuel at Orono 227 for commandant and his top polit-| ing as a search continued. detailed information. jical adviser, who are barred| fhe Sabac sank in the Straits| from the U.S. sector, were not 27 Men Drown S\borough and Durham, as a means of informing rural. citi- zens of changes affecting farm M\properties especially in assess- ment affairs. Garnet Shields, county asses- sor, is expected to be present at Orono. This is an informal meeting, jand everyone attending will |have an opportunity of asking -- Board for $1,150. Seen in the SCHOOL FITNESS botiom picture enjoying their Gymnasiums were established) , cf Dover shortly after a colli-/badly hurt, were picked up by| aboard. | ;sion with the 6,233-ton Doring-|the Dorington Court, making) Col. Andrei Solovyev, the Sov-| jtun Court, for Dover. iet commandant, and his chief | Britain's Hampton ferry} Rescue operations were ham-)aide, Lt. Col. Georgi Alekseev, | \puued into Dunkerque with the pcred by dense fog but ships|are banned in retaliation for| |Sabac's captain and two other|lorated the seamen in the water|East German harassment of| |furvivors, plucked out of the|by their cries for help. An RAF|U.S. officials crossing into East) ey water after more than two|plane dropped flares. | Berlin. | jhours. The ferry, which altered) Searchlights were turned on) Halting of the bus, carrying jits course to take part in the|)when the Hampton ferry|18 officers, marked the third 'search, also picked up fourjiaunched two lifeboats into' time in a week that Soviet mil- bodies. heavy seas to pick up the sur-|itary personnel have run into | Three other survivors, one|vivors and bodies. |U.S. roadblocks for scrutinizing. | es a COMING January 27th five-room home, once the ven- erable Kendal Public School building (shown in the top picture), are the Robert when one-room public schools were probably adequate, the school house was acquired from the Kendal Public School first Christmas in their school- nome are, from the left, Gale, 3; sister Debbie, 5; and Mrs. Dova Youngman. centres for educational and cul-| ' tural trainiug. of youths in Greece in the 4th century BC. --Oshawa Times Photo Librarian Finds Time To Travel By Therese Vaillancourt jhad entirely different points of Canadian Press Correspondent! view. ROME (CP)--There's an old! "But as well as shedding joke about librarians who use|light on the .problems of cata- their holidays to catch up on/loguing under study, the con- their reading, but it doesn't ap-\ference was an exercise in in- ply to Juliette Chabot, assist-|ternational understanding." ant librarian of Montreal's mun-) wiss Chabot, Canada's official icipal library. , |representative -at Miss Chabot likes to travei,|ance was not unknown to the and finds that her profession S| other delegates, | sometimes an asset in getting) A collection of English and tie chance to visit other' coun French technical terms she pub- tries. lished five years ago has been Bane eet pg A chosen by UNESCO to be used made possible by a 10-day bus-!25 part of a planned five-lan- iness trip to Paris. guage technical dictionary. Miss Chabot, accompanied by) 'i Marguerite Brosseau of the mu-| PASSENGERS TRAPPED nicipal library and Claire Au-| CHICAGO (AP) Fifteen det of the University of Mont-/persons were reported injured Pattee ee eq. Saturday night when several} ety i jana' a "|ears of a Chicago, Milwaukee, eb of Ubrerians' Associa |St. Paul and Pacific Railroad ¢ ' mail train were derailed on Chi- After the Paris conference cago's northwest side. A mail Miss Chabot branched out on| oor attached to the 17 - car her own. jtrain overturned, and several She was much impressed, she| other cars were derailed. Fire-|¢ said in a Rome interview, with) mon used jacks and gas torches the modern Jewish city of Tel-\to free several persons trapped Aviv and with the work of Cana-\inside the overturned cars. dian missionaries in Cairo and) ----_ -- iiciet cilia Israel. STRIKING CONTRAST "Perhaps the most striking) thing was the contrast between! the Jews and the Arabs. "The Jews of Israel are an open, hospitable and hard-work- ing people. The love of reclaim-| ing the soil illuminates their| whole lives. "The Arabs, with their secu- lar fatalism, seem to be think-/ ing: Why should we do today what we can put off until to- morrow--or forever?" Miss Chabot described the 1961 Paris conference as an ex- haustive study of various meth- ods of cataloguing books. | "It was an arduous task be-/ cause the specialists from North America, Russia, India and the Scandinavian countries often CRITICS AGREE ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST A movie that etches unforgettably the story of an innocent hope. XI HAYLEY love and be loved ILLS BERNARD LEE ALAN DIFFER ON INCOME ROME (AP)--Giovanni Ag-| nelli, whose family owns the) big Fiat: auto works in Turin,} declared a 1961 income of 294,- 000,000 lire ($470,400). Public cated Agnelli reported Italy's biggest individual income, but the Turin district tax collectors say Agnelli's income was 900,- 000,000 lire ($1,400,000). Agnelli is cor this claim, | FEATURE TIMES: 1:45 3:45 - 5:45 - 7:45.- 9:28 the confer-|§ 4 BALLET, TAP, BATON TWIRLING WINTER TERM Register Now IRENE HARVEY 424 KING ST. WEST 725-6122 JFK 'MARKED MAN' NEW YORK (AP)--President Kennedy has '"'bent over back- wards" to avoid favoring Ro- man Catholic Americans says the national Catholic weekly America. In an editorial, the} magazine said: "U.S. Catholics, | we believe, realize. the unique} position in which Mr. Kennedy} finds himself. As the _ first} American president: to profess) the Catholic faith, he was, is| and will remain a marked ' man. It's True Down To It's Last Jolt "Hoodlum Priest" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT STARRING -- LARRY GATES 8 GREAT SONG HITS! "The Second } Greatest Sex" IN TECHNICOLOR --STARRING-- GEORGE JEANNIE NADER CRAIN DON MURPHY ie GotaCold? | Get 4-day treatment $135 | One ORNF|a!L. capsule brings you 12 hours of continuous relief 2 ---SIZZLERS on one mighty program ! ! that makes Peyton Piace read like a book of nursery rhymes' THE INN... from stuffy nose, | weepy eyes, and sinus pressure. THE GUESTS... THE SENSATIONS OF THE GREAT \ GEST-SELLER y BY THE AUTHOR OF THE MAN IN. THE GRAY LANNEL SurT' BOTH FEATURES ADMITTANCE Q 10 PeRsones, , 4 19 eas © act cn Ove --_ FROM 'ome WARNER BROS. TECHNICOLOR® ERAN: OROTHY GAN-Mocuike- Dee» KENNEDY: DONAHUE " ; SMOKING in the LOGES! ~ "nt STARRING ever wanted was one boy. All she ever really wanted was one boy's love. f 3 ) TROY DONAHUE .CONNIE GTEVENS a HOROTHY McOUIRE.LLOYD RIOLAN Row WARNER BROS. svewer owes ooucron Speeserre SHCAME. 2:10 - 4:25 BUGS BUNNY CARTOON 6:45 - 9:00 "COMPRESSED HARE" * > Ag | : 4s FEATURE TODAY: -- Served -- TOMORROW and Every Tuesday at the FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR MOTEL and RESTAURANT "18 Minutes From Oshawa on Highwey 401" Dinner Menu Minestroni Soup or Chilled Juice Caesar Sulad, Lemon Dressing SELECTIONS Gallina alla Cacciatorie ......... $2.28 (Chicken Hunter Style) Spachetti E Polpetti Di Carne ..... $1.80 (Spaghetti & Meat Balls) : Vetello alla Pizza .............. $2.20 (Veo! Cutlet the Pizze Way) Lasagna Inbottite .............. $1,85 (Stuffed Spaghetti Leaves) Side Dishes: Risotto Verdi Brown Potato Cauliflower Lima Beans Desserts: Spumoni tice Cream and Coke Fruit Compote Rice Pudding Frozen 'Chocolate Putf Choice of Pie Cheese & Crackers Tea Coffee Milk A BIT OF LITTLE ITALY DINNERS with a taste of any three main course selections being served DINNER FOR TWO 4.25 DINNER FOR FOUR ...........-000-- DINNER FOR SIX ....... MOTOR HOTELS * HIGHWAY 401 BOWMANVILLE CLOVERLEAF PHONE Bowmanville MA 3-3373

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